Hex (2004) s02e11 Episode Script


Ella? - What's going on? - She's been neutralised.
Her soul is dead.
After I kill Malachi, everything is going go back to normal.
The drink is liced in Saint John’s wort and he has the knife of Orokiah striped to his back.
You're kidding.
I think we've hummed him too long.
It's time for a different course of action.
That's more like it.
Put your armour on Malachi.
It's time to go to war.
Jo! Welcome.
Well, welcome back here.
Well, you look well I must say.
Well, you haven't be gone that long.
What'd you expect? A long white beard? No.
But maybe a cane or something.
Should I take that? So, anything to report? Any changes I should know about? Certainly not.
Same old Medenhan, I'm afraid.
Should I take this upstairs? Thanks, but don't worry, I can manage.
If you need anything, you know where I am.
You're late.
More? Oh, definitely.
A repose.
How could Thelma betray us like that? Both of us? It doesn't matter why she did it.
She did it.
The end.
Put a focus Ella.
You’ve to finish this think with Malachi.
You're right, I know.
- I've got go kill her.
- Ella! Well, I hope she's happy, I hope she's pleased with this stuff.
So, let me know what you think.
Is it a loaded potential soul clap trap or does it reach into your very soul? Be free, be honest.
On two sides of A4.
And then before you go I'd just like to say that is nice to be back among all your familiar faces.
Have a good weekend.
She seems alright, doesn't she? Why wouldn't she? Eh, she had sex with Azazeal? Guess time heals all wounds.
Most of the kids here are just sheep.
They are told what to do and then just do it.
Is like they're brain dead or something.
But you don't have to be like that.
You can be special if you know what I mean.
Deep down inside you there is a secret desire.
Find it, release it and be free.
Be your own master like me.
Travis? Tchaikovsky, actually.
I'm sorry Malachi, is there something I can help you with? I've been watching you, Roxanne and I like what I see.
Why I do have the feeling you've used that line before? Don’t be cynical, it doesn't suit you.
And it's just sincerity I admire above all.
- I'm surprised.
- It's surprising.
I think we can learn a lot from each other.
We should get out some time.
I don't think so.
Sounds awfully like Travis to me.
Alex, I got a job for you.
- You know what? - What? We need to find Thelma.
We'll find Thelma after we’ve killed Malachi.
Oh, genius, apart from the fact that when we kill Malachi Thelma is out too.
- So? - Hey, Leon, I've got this really cool game! - Tell me later Tom.
There must be some reason Thelma did what she did.
Something we don't know about.
I need to know what that is.
Are you sure you aren't just trying to avoid killing him? Malachi is an evil piece of shit.
I'll kill him with pleasure and I'll kill him soon.
But I owe to Thelma to let her die with a clear conscience.
If she's got something to say, I'm going to let her say it.
- Let us find Thelma then.
- Yeah, genius! Hi, Tom.
- Hi, Malachi.
- Good game.
Not bad, I suppose.
Who are you killing? The armies of Satan.
I see.
- Is a two player game, isn't it? - Yeah, it's meant to be.
- Do you want to join in? - No.
Hardly my thing.
You used to do this stuff with Leon, didn't you? I guess.
You were close, weren't you? Weren't you? Well, until Ella came along.
I guess now he just got better things to do.
He just seems like he kind of picks you up and then drops you, whenever he feels like it.
He isn't much of a friend, really, is he? You're dead, by the way.
Thelma! Thelma? Thelma? Alex.
There on her neck, plain as day.
So, I suppose that means she is you know, sleeping with him.
Mm, probably, I think there's more to it than that.
I think the mark is a sign of corruption.
You think she belongs to Malachi like you did.
Yeah I do.
So, she is his slave his plaything, his Alright, Leon.
Here the word is succubus.
Suc cu bus.
- One word.
- OK.
Is how he turns you.
He corrupts you.
He works on your deepest desires the things you want, but you didn't know you wanted until he guides you to-- - Do I really want to hear this? Look at Alex.
Before she was just one of the gang, now she's miss Queen B, cause that's what she wanted all along.
You're Thelma, right? Are you talking to me? Are there any other Thelmas nearby? What do you want? Don't you want to know how I can see? Not really.
Malachi said you're amusing.
You're a bit of a disappointment.
Tell me something I don't know.
I have a message from Malachi.
He has a job for you.
Yeah? What is it? You know, Roxanne? There was a time when I used to enjoy this.
What did you get? I got interrupted.
And before you got interrupted? I've got a surprise.
What the hell is Alex doing talking to Thelma? What the hell is Thelma doing talking to Alex? You are going to run into Alex for me, would you? - Are you going to talk to Thelma? - No.
Thelma is going to talk to me.
Hey, Thelma! Wake up and smell the coffee.
Sorry, I was miles away.
You know what? I'm really beginning to enjoy this whole dead thing.
We can go where we want, do what we want, when we want to do it.
We don't have to answer to anybody, cool or what? Yeah.
Two women knock in public, no one even notices it.
- Where? - Here.
Ah! Give us a kiss.
What! Now? No, in ten years time.
- Double espresso, please.
- Oh, no manners! Can't you see this table is occupied? Eh, cheer up, I'll steal you a muffin.
- I'm fine, thanks.
- Come on, you know you want to.
You're a muffin diver, right? Muffing diver.
Not now, Ella, not now, please.
When? Half an hour, at your room.
Be there! Scared her off, did you? You risked our lives for a shag! - It wasn't like that.
- It wasn't like what? It wasn't that you let Malachi pimp you a girl? That he used you like a puppet.
That you let yourself be blackmailed into betraying your friends Well, tell me Thelma, what wasn't it like? Alright, miss high and bloody mighty, so it was like that! I'm not proud of it! I made a mistake! - We all make mistakes! - Not like that, we don't.
Ah, so you weren't running after Malachi like some star struck zombie then? - That was different.
- Yeah, you're right.
He had to go to the bother of blackmailing me, all he had to do was fuck you! That will never happen again! I thought I saw good in Malachi, I was wrong! He means nothing to me now.
Yeah, because I saved you, Ella.
We both fell under Malachi's spell.
And unless you do something about it, we won't be the last.
There is only one way to end this, you know? - I know.
- You have to kill Malachi.
I know.
How long have I got? Not long.
Well, I died once, I suppose I can do it again.
Are you ok with this? Do I have any choice? I feel bad about Maya, you know? She knows nothing about any of this.
I think we have something really special.
It doesn't seem right to leave her all alone.
You won't have to.
Don't tell me you fancy her.
Maya is a creature of Malachi's.
When he dies she dies.
Well, that's good to know.
What a mess! - Well, it will be over soon.
- Yeah.
So, I guess this is good bye, then.
I guess so.
Cares a cigarette, would you? Do it yourself.
I'm not one of your succubi.
So, how was the holiday? That's more like it.
Well, how was that? I went to hell and back.
Thank you.
It was great.
I saw Azazeal.
Oh yeah? How is he doing? Good.
He's a little worried about you.
Oh, that's fathers for you.
He thinks you're wavering.
He's concerned that you're not exerting the power that should have at Medenham.
Screw him! Medenham would be mine already if it wasn't for that old prick Mephistopheles.
He is getting his just desert, you would pleased to know.
Whatever it is, it's not enough.
What do you think? - I think-- - About me! Not if you will get old daddy on this one.
He thinks I'm a failure.
He, he thinks that I'm not the messiah and he think that I can't-- You know what? I think your father needn't be too concerned.
I think you're turning into the right little bastard.
Medium coven random, please.
The small, grey one.
Do you thing that will be enough? Since when are you an expert on whack stones? - I meant the knife.
- This, my friend, is the knife of Orokiah.
Yes, it will be enough.
That is all we need.
One stab of this and our little bastard will be sent screaming back to hell.
You really think you can do this? I've 500 years of training.
I think I can manage.
He is your ex-boyfriend.
- Ex being the crucial word.
- I know but-- Look, Leon I'm sorry, I'm a bit hide tough, I guess.
It's Ok.
I can do this.
I have to do this.
His influence is spreading like a virus.
He's is out of control.
Yes? I have a problem and I think you can help me with it.
Oh yeah? What's the problem? I'm a sex addict.
Try Alex.
I'm sure she can provide the necessary treatment.
It's like a drug that never satisfies.
I know is because I'm weak, and I'm vain and I'm insecure but I can't seem to stop myself.
And I'm in pain, Roxanne.
How can I help? There's is something about you.
You're not like the others.
There is a purity, a spirituality.
Well, help me.
Guide me, Help me to see the light.
I'm serious.
I'm out of control.
Why the beautiful thinks make you sad? Because deep down you know you might never see them again.
- Ella? - It's time.
He could kill you, couldn't he? Well, he could but he won't.
- How do you know? Well, because he'll be dead.
Good luck.
Thank you.
Now, let's hope I don't need it.
That's one hell of a grip you've got there! Sorry.
No need to worry.
You're not going anywhere.
I'm cold.
Cold? What kind of cold? How does it feel? You know, cold, Thelma? As in is getting cold out here, let's go somewhere warm? Stay with me, Maya.
Just a while longer.
Ready when you are.
Come on, Thelma.
This is getting weird.
What's wrong with you? It's like you're waiting for something.
It's nothing.
I just You get going ahead.
I'll catch you up.
Suit yourself.
- What's going on? - I don't know.
- Well, there must be a problem! - You don't know that.
I'm still bloody right here, ain't I? I didn't work.
- It shattered!? - Like a cheap toy.
But that's not possible, is the knife or Orokiah and everything.
It was the knife of Orokiah.
Hello! Note of sympathy! I'm having a very bad day here.
I'm meant to be dead! I'm not dead! I'm going insane! Look, Thelma, I'm sorry but it's not like I didn't try! Well, maybe you didn't try hard enough.
- Why do you think it didn't work? - I don't know.
- Is there something wrong with the knife? - No, there was nothing wrong with the knife! It's Malachi.
He's become stronger.
I'm going to kill her.
I am going to kill her.
I'm going to hunt that bitch down and destroy her! Be my guest.
She stabbed me! Right here, with that sacred blade! I'm lucky to be alive! No, you're not.
You're growing stronger, Malachi.
More powerful than they ever could have been anticipated.
As you ill feelings grows you grow with it.
Ella can't touch you now.
I still want to kill Ella.
But you can if you want to.
Why don't have some fun instead? Why not corrupt everything, everyone she cares about? That would be a fate worst than death.
- Hello Alex.
- Hello Ella.
Haven't see much of you lately.
Oh, you know, busy.
With Malachi? Yes, with Malachi.
Don't you see what's happening to you? What he's doing? Jealous, are we? - Actually, trying to help.
- Yeah, right! So bitter, Ella.
Just because Malachi got bored of you.
Alex, listen to me.
He'll got bored of you too.
You mean nothing to him.
I'm important to him.
He needs me.
I make him feel good.
Something you never managed to do.
You're doomed.
Look! I found a new ghost! And he has the same mark I had and everything! And you mn, can introduce us? Sorry.
Malachi, this is Thelma.
Hi, Thelma.
Gez, she isn't very friendly, is she? Oh, she is when warms up, don't you Thelma? - Ella? - One moment.
It was one moment an hour ago.
Yeah, but there's something about what Alex said.
Something about her, making him feel good.
It's a chap kinder on cat fighting, is there? Listen.
And they will worship him like parasites.
And he shall feed upon them, thus nourished he becometh almighty.
That's it, Leon! That's why Malachi is got stronger.
He is feeding of his succubi.
So, now we know he's too strong to kill, where that leaves us exactly? Don't you see? We can get at Malachi, by getting at his succubi.
By getting at Alex.
By destroying her, we can destroy him.
- Destroying Alex? - Yeah, that's right.
You mean killing her.
Killing her and anyone else who's fallen under his spell.
It's the only way.
Malachi has been telling me about the mark, apparently, only special ghosts get one.
I wonder why mine went away.
I just think I'm not special anymore.
I think you're more special without it.
But, it hasn't gone.
Look, it still is right there.
It's back! Oh my God, look, it's back! Oh, don't be a surplus, Thelma.
I'm sure you'll get one too.
Cannot reveal any of this to Thelma.
- Ok.
- I don't like saying that but that's the way it is.
Is this Maya thing.
Malachi's really got her over a barrel.
And I can't help her or she'll do anything to protect Maya.
We tell her what we are doing and I'll go straight back to him.
Hello, freedom fighters! I'll see you guys later.
Hello, Thelma.
You don't trust me, do you? - Sorry? - You don't trust me.
It's Ok, I don't blame you.
If I were you I wouldn't trust me either.
Right now, I don't know what I'm going to do.
- And neither do you.
- I guess not.
Malachi is being a real asshole! The way he just turned up with Maya! Just to rub my face in it! Just to remind me who is in charge! - I know.
- He even put the mark back.
- I noticed.
- Told her it made her special.
Can you believe that! Why don't you let me help you? - Help me how? - Well, there is two socubuses.
Ok, there's two succubi, but there's is only one of you.
Are you suggesting what I think you're suggesting? I'm suggesting you could do with some help.
Leon, there's is a difference between working out in the gym and killing people.
Yeah, but they're not people.
They're creatures of Malachi.
Ella, I want to.
Maybe another time.
Ella, I can do this.
I got you out of the funny farm, didn't I? - You did.
- And I killed you, remember? Actually, you brought me back to life.
So, come on, how do you kill the sucubus, then? Well, it's not that simple.
Different succubi, different strategy.
Maya is a ghost, so we have to get her a corpse and one should dig her up.
- You know what? - I think I'll take Alex.
- Good call.
Alex is easy.
All you've got to do is chop off her head.
Cheer up.
It may never happen.
What? Sit down, would you, a minute in the grass.
So, why that long face, Tom? Feeling all alone in the big, bad world? You're an attractive guy, Tom.
Intelligent, honest, sensitive but you know what I think your problem is? - I have a problem? - You're not in touch with your feelings your inner self.
Do you think? You haven't unlocked the real you There is a feeling deep down inside, isn't there? Exciting, maybe a little bit scary Your heart's desire for something or someone? Eh, maybe, I don't know.
Think about it.
Malachi? Hi, Roxanne.
You're alright? Yeah, yeah I guess I don't know.
I mean, I I just don't know what to do anymore.
Listen, uhm why don't I come to your room later and we can talk about it, yeah? Really? You mean that? Yeah, I mean it.
A penny for your thoughts.
Alright, make it a pound.
It's none of your business.
It's a nice girl, Maya.
I can see why you like her.
But do you love her? Why can't you just leave us alone, Malachi? Do you even care of what this is doing to me, or is it just your idea of fun? I need you Thelma.
I have enemies.
Hard to imagine why.
I need to know what Ella is planning.
I want you to find out.
She won't tell me, she doesn't trust me anymore.
Not my problem.
Give me a pound.
Excuse me? I said give me a pound.
You wanted to know what I was thinking.
I was thinking the next time I saw you I was going to tell you to go screw yourself.
So, go screw yourself.
Thelma! I want that information! Yes? I like you to knock Thelma.
I know.
I thought is kind of weird, actually.
Oh, I appreciate it anyway.
Oh, I didn't want to bust in or anything.
No problem.
I wanted to ask your advice about something.
Remind me what we're doing again.
Cleansing the mind and soul.
Centring the self.
I've lost too all feeling in my buttock.
Oh, that's a good start.
Breath in deeply.
You know, I understand you Malachi.
I know where you're coming from because I've been there myself.
From hell? Well, that's one word for it.
I used to be a very bad girl, you know? You surprise me.
I'm surprising.
The thing is and no offence but it kind of looks like you can't kill Malachi, doesn't it? I mean, I'm not saying you won't work out a way of killing him at some point but right now, he is here to stay, right? You wanted my advice? I was thinking I was thinking why not tell Maya everything? Throw all the skeletons out the closet.
That way Malachi will loose all power over me.
And we can all be friends again.
Good plan? - Sure.
- You don't seem very sure.
No! It's it's a good plan.
You should go for it.
Great, I will.
So, hum so when are you thinking on doing this? Unless you can think of a good reason, I'm going to do it right now.
- Thelma! - Yeah? Nothing.
There used to be a teacher here.
A priest.
It was father Jez Heriot.
I seduced him.
I shared his bed.
You seduced a priest? I'm impressed.
Yeah, I was impressed too, until he killed himself.
I'm sorry.
People would blame me and I was really ashamed.
It was a bad time.
It was a It was a dark time.
Sometimes you need the darkness to see the light and in many ways Jez's death saved me from myself.
I need to be saved Roxanne.
Long is the way and hard.
But out of hell leads up to the light.
I don't think I can make, Roxanne.
I don't think I can be saved.
It will happen in good time, Malachi, we've made good progress today, have we not? Right now, I want to rip your clothes off and make love to you.
I know you do.
Well? Well, we'll talk about it next time.
About making love? About the pleasure of denial.
- Nice outfit.
- Cheers.
You look like a killer.
I feel like a killer.
Ready? Ready.
First things first.
Get to Alex's room without being spotted.
I hope she is not there.
You know what to do next.
You must wait until she is sleep.
Believe me.
It'll be easier that way.
Why you bring me here Thelma? Don't tell me there's a size ten that's different, nothing that I can spew.
Maya, we need to talk.
Eh, it's you who keep bringing me here.
That's what I want to talk to you about.
You see, the thing is if it wasn't for me you'd never have come here in the first place.
Tell me about it.
Pizza Hut was about as weird as it got in my previous life.
No, what I mean is if it wasn't for me you wouldn't be dead.
When you're sure she's sleep do this simultaneously.
Once we've got Malachi down to size, I can take him out.
I never in a million years guessed what Malachi would do.
I never imagined a situation like this.
You must believe me.
Please, believe.
You're a murderer, Thelma.
A murderer.
Can you ever forgive me? I don't know.
I know this sounds crazy and there's part of me that wishes this had never happened but there's part of me that's glad it did.
If this had never happened we would never had met.
If this had never happened we never would've fallen in love.
You're the best thing that's ever happened to me.
I'm just sorry that's happened like this.
Me too.
Even if I am a murderer? Even if you are a murderer.
Are you OK? I'm cold.
Me too.
- Let's get out of here.
- No.
I'm freezing.
Maya? ¡Maya! ¡Maya! ¡Maya! Where's Ella? Where the hell is Ella? Well, well.
Look who's here.
I could have handed it to you Ella.
Smart girl Worked out how to get to me, haven't you? But your little co-worker wasn't quite up to the job.
I will kill you, Malachi.
Really? Well, You'll have to kill the whole school first.
Coming up on Hex.
Mice can't resist a bit of cheese Once they've taken it, off with their heads.
You don't take too kindly to Saint John's wort, do you? Leon, come on, this isn't you.
Transcript and synch by blade2 & Aimee.
and subxpacio.
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