Smash s02e11 Episode Script

The Dress Rehearsal

She wants, she wants Previously on Smash Director and ingenue leave the bright lights of Broadway for off-Broadway, arm in arm? That's a lovely headline, isn't it? Remind me why we're hiding in here again.
And when I direct, I tend to get focused on something or someone.
What'll Jimmy and Karen think about that? I don't care what they think.
You told Jimmy to stay away from me? I am not your property.
You got balls, Jimmy.
I mean, how much do you really know about this guy? How would you fix it? I thought you just wanted my thoughts.
So did you guys used to date? No.
You want to direct this show so much? Well, now's your chance.
When are we moving on past Public Relations? So I cast her mother.
Is that really so unforgivable? - It's her birthday.
- My God.
A love letter from the time We need all the good press we can get.
Good luck with that, honey.
- Do you want another drink? - Absolutely.
Hello? Hello? Where is everybody? We go on in half an hour.
Eileen? Julia? Tom? Tom! Jeez, why are you screaming? I had a horrible dream.
It was opening night.
Don't be silly.
That's weeks away.
Thank God.
Today's the invited dress.
What? Hey.
I must have fallen asleep.
I know you don't like me staying over.
It's okay, you just seriously have to go.
I have to get ready.
It's dress rehearsal today, right? Whoever thought it was a good idea to have your first performance be in front of your friends and family was obviously not an actor.
Tom wants me to sit this one out.
In fact, I think the phrase he used was, "I will hurt you if you come.
" He wants it to be perfect.
Yeah, there's a lot of that going around.
Your show too? Let me guess: You don't see it anymore.
Don't worry.
You'll see it again, I'm sure.
Do you know, the last time you told me that, I ended up quitting Bombshell.
Thanks for that.
I'll call you.
Look, I'm nervous too.
You're not the only one who has a lot to lose here.
Remember my reviews in Boston? Please, don't mention Boston.
It just reminds me of what I'm up against The ghost of the great Derek Wills.
Your work will stand on its own.
It better.
As a first-time director, if there's anything wrong with the show, it's on me.
I won't get another shot.
Hi! Today is the day.
Tomorrow is the real day.
He's freaking out a little.
We're in great shape.
You ready? How's it going stranger? Well I've written nine songs, and nine of them might suck.
Nine songs in three days? You must be exhausted.
No, actually, I'm good.
Are you on something? Just Adderall and Red Bull.
- That's all? - Yeah, I needed to stay up.
Derek is on me about this.
If I can't get him something good, he is gonna start taking some of your songs - and giving them to Ana.
- He wouldn't do that.
His making the diva's part bigger means our parts have to get smaller.
You think this has nothing to do with us being together? He wouldn't screw up the show two weeks before previews out of spite.
You sure about that? Because I wouldn't be surprised if Ana was the lead after this.
Is, Jimmy okay with all the changes? He was worried that they might shift the focus away from Amanda, but we made sure she's still the first thing you see, and that's not changing.
Can you come to the run-through tomorrow? Of course, as long as Tonight goes well.
- Hi.
- Hi.
Do you think we got the transition from Public Relations to Dig deep down? I'm worried that we only got to run it twi - Kyle.
- Hello.
You two know each other, right? Of course.
I didn't know you did.
Congratulations, by the way.
This is so exciting.
I saw the show in Boston.
I can't wait to see what you've done with it.
Can't wait to see what I've Is it hot in here? Should we have them turn on the A.
? In the middle of winter? No, just relax.
Just calm down.
Okay, here we go.
The doors aren't opening.
- Fade in - Why aren't the doors opening? On a girl With a hunger for fame See? We got our screw-up out of the way.
Now you can just enjoy the rest.
Remember Outside of this room there is a cold war but you'd never know it in here there's just no defense, the heat's too intense and, oh, how it rises whenever you're near You want what everyone else wants.
I thought you'd be different, Mr.
Give me a chance.
So let's do it now for our country and raise What happened now? JFK's ring just got caught on Ivy's dress, that's all.
Just us two So how many mistakes this act? Four Just us two Teen.
Just us two Okay! That wasn't supposed to happen.
My God! Lights! Lights! Hit it.
I'm sure half of audience they didn't noticed.
I mean, I'm sure they noticed.
It's just there were so many other issues too.
I mean, look at poor Brian.
I hope that was just a pulled muscle.
Do you think that means you could go on tonight? I'm trying not to think about it.
But Tom has to put you in.
And it would get rid of any lingering thoughts of last night's disaster.
Actually, can we please just never mention it again? - Yes.
- Broadway World.
Not one word.
"Some like it hotter.
Marilyn's Monroe hit Broadway last night.
" "Buy your tickets now and find out if Marilyn's a natural blonde.
" - It was a mistake.
- No one knows that.
Well, it's never gonna happen again.
Marilyn's been clothed this entire time.
She's not gonna get naked now.
Well, she might, once word spreads that "the stupendous Ivy Lynn is Marilyn Monroe "in the flesh, "also, literally, in act two.
So buy your front-row tickets while you can.
" - Let me see that.
- It says that.
- It says that.
- Holy shoot.
So the scrim didn't open in Star.
Eight-year-old Norma Jeane went up on her lines in At your feet, the fog overwhelmed everyone in Don't say yes.
The house did not come in for Mr.
and Mrs.
Brian's out of commission, so we need to put in a swing.
Intermission was 45 minutes long.
But the show itself was great.
Thank you, Mrs.
However, given the technical work we still have to do, I think we have to cancel tonight's preview.
What? No.
Absolutely not.
Julia, tell Eileen we can't do that.
Productions cancel first previews all the time.
Only troubled ones.
It's basically an invitation to the press to say, "the show's a disaster.
Sharpen your knives.
" Bombshell is a troubled production.
This is our last chance to get it right.
If we cancel the first preview, everybody will know we're having problems.
And Everybody will know I can't hack it as a director.
Tom, I'm sorry, but we can't show something to an audience that isn't ready.
It will be.
I've got all day to fix it.
I've had seven cups of coffee.
Okay, I'll make you a deal.
If you can fix all the problems by 3:00 today, it's a go.
Otherwise, we have to cancel.
Thank you.
Do your thing.
By the way.
About that other little mishap.
I talked to the lighting team.
Won't happen again.
I rather liked it myself.
- You did? - So did I.
JFK was the man in Marilyn's life who treated her the most like an object.
Seeing her so vulnerable in that moment, I felt it.
We sold more tickets this morning than we have the whole of last week.
We can't make Ivy do something she's not comfortable with just to sell tickets.
I'll talk to her.
I know what you're gonna say.
- You're gonna say - We should cancel.
And you would be wrong because The director's delusional? You really think that you're going to be able to fix all of that in six hours? Yes.
I believe in miracles.
And you should too.
How can I help? It's under control.
I have my list.
I have my coffee.
I have everything I need.
Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to go talk to the fog guy and run lines with an eight-year-old.
- Tom - I promise you, if we're not ready by 3:00, I'll cancel.
Where is Jimmy? Is he not here? No.
I'm a little worried about him.
When I saw him yesterday, he seemed a little Strung out.
Look, we talked about this when you found the coke in his pocket last week.
- Well - He gets high.
You know that.
This is different.
He's been so hyped about the show, he hasn't slept in three days.
And he said he's afraid if everything wasn't perfect, that Derek would start giving you more of my songs.
I'm not gonna let that happen.
I'm not worried about you.
I'm worried about d - Hello.
- Hi.
Are we okay? Why wouldn't we be? Well, the last time we spoke, you seemed Pretty upset.
Not in the slightest.
All right, everyone.
We've already lost three days, so let's get started.
Although it might be a bit difficult to talk about new songs without our composer.
Here he is.
That's sweet of you to turn up, Mr.
No problem, Mr.
Okay, Richard Francis is gonna be at our stumble-through at 6:00.
So I want as much of this new material in the run as possible.
Ana, do you want to get over there so we can hear the new songs, please? Have fun.
- Hi.
- Hi.
Really? You liked it that much? Not just us.
Everybody did.
But there's no pressure on you at all.
If you're not comfortable, this conversation can end right now.
I mean, it's not like I haven't been naked on stage before.
I did do Hair, after all.
But then, everyone was naked.
I was just one in a crowd.
Well, nudity was authentic to who Marilyn was.
Of course, but I wouldn't want it to overshadow the work that I'm doing.
Did you think it made the scene better? I'm not gonna lie.
I was too mortified for you to even process it.
I wasn't.
I thought it emphasized Marilyn's vulnerability.
It was shocking and real.
Can I think about it and get back to you later? Sure.
If there's a performance tonight There will be.
There will be.
Linda! Linda! Lin Broadway! Linda! Great.
Really? So you want me to teach everybody the music? Yep.
See? I told you.
He loved it.
He wouldn't change the show just to punish us.
He doesn't like it.
How do you know? He doesn't usually like to make a snap decision.
He sits with it, closes his eyes, draws it out for as many painful seconds as possible.
Sort of like this.
Well, I'm glad someone's having a good time.
Shouldn't you be uptown? I heard whispers from friends.
Tom's handling it.
He's the director.
How are you handling everything? I'm fine.
What do you mean? You just don't seem like yourself.
Ahem, yeah.
Well I'm feeling a bit lost at the moment.
Don't have the connection to the show that I had before.
Look, I don't know what happened between you and Karen, but I do know That when Michael Swift and I ended things, I saw the show more clearly than I ever had, free of whatever Distractions had come before.
And you know what happened then.
Why don't you run it? We've got a performance for the times this afternoon.
So? Run it now, before they get here.
Maybe it'll be good for you.
Maybe you'll see something new.
Yeah? We're gonna run the show.
Right now? Yeah.
Start to finish.
Well, that Hey, was brilliant.
All of you, it's in great shape.
All the new diva stuff really works.
Kyle, Jimmy, I've got a couple of thoughts, though.
Okay, so I think Amanda should take "E" for the first time before the video for I'm not sorry instead of after.
I think that will add to the lachapelle, no-holds-barred thing we're going for, yeah? - I like that a lot.
- And, Jimmy, can you reprise Voice in a dream at the end of act one? Yeah, we can do that easy.
Okay, great.
All right, I've got an idea for the beginning as well.
All right.
I want to try and tell the story in flashback, all right? A bit like Sunset boulevard or All about Eve.
What do you mean? Well, you know, it's like classic murder mystery, where you begin with the ending.
So, the diva's in disgrace.
Amanda's dropped her alter ego.
She's already succeeded just as herself.
Won't that spoil the ending? No, it doesn't spoil it.
It sets it up.
What are you talking about? Okay.
You, come with me.
No, no.
Come on, let's go.
All right, the diva Just here.
Goes to Amanda's concert.
All right? She's just a face in the crowd.
She moves forward Among the throng.
Come on, throng.
Join us.
All right.
She comes down to the front, all right? Okay, wait there.
She raises the gun.
But who did she kill? Jesse? Amanda? Someone else? That question would give away everything.
Yeah, we don't see you.
Diva's the only person on stage.
She's the only voice that we hear.
Ana, you still got the gun from the end of the last scene, right? - Yeah.
- All right, Blake, bring up the cue for the end of act 2, scene 11, please.
Got it.
Okay sing the first few lines, please.
No, a cappella, please.
A cappella.
I'm high above the city I'm standin' on the ledge the view from here is pretty - Okay, raise the gun.
- And I step off the edge and now I'm fallin', baby through the sky now point it at the audience.
Through the sky I'm falling, baby through the sky Okay, pick your target.
That's my song.
Yeah, we'll hear you sing it in a few scenes' time.
If the diva's already sung it, it's not gonna feel like it's her song.
Damn it, Derek I worked my ass off for 72 hours so that you wouldn't do this.
- I didn't sleep! - Yeah, obviously.
And when you come down off whatever it is you're on, you'll see this really works.
Derek, that's my favorite song.
It's my character's anthem.
Don't give it to Ana.
I just did.
Little Norma Jeane is off book, finally.
Never again.
We fixed the fog.
Never again.
That's everything except intermission, right? They're saying they're ready.
Go! - Where's the plane? - I'm finding out.
How long still? It's twice as long as it should be.
Why couldn't Marilyn have taken a bus? You dreamt this one up all on your own.
It's 3:00.
We need to make the call.
What's the word? It's not gonna happen.
She means postponing isn't gonna happen, 'cause we're ready.
We ran everything.
It's all working.
All of it.
See? The plane.
Da plane.
Is the intermission down? as advertised.
Well, I'll call the box office and tell them that the preview is on for tonight.
Good work, everybody.
I have to say, I didn't think it was possible.
Run it again.
I see you.
I see you.
Let's reset from the top of intermission.
Richard's already written the article.
He just wants to see a stumble-through before he sends it out.
You sure now is the time to make a structural change? Yeah, well, if it takes the show from just being another Romeo and Juliet clone into something more iconic, then yes.
We made a deal.
We agreed to give the diva more songs.
That is it.
And that's what we did.
Okay, this is how development works, Jimmy.
You keep making changes until you get it right.
To make the show better, fine.
Because the director's mad at his star for turning him down? Not fine.
- Jimmy.
- Tell Scott the truth.
You're blowing this up because of me and Karen.
You are punishing us! I left Broadway for your little show, all right? I should be at my first preview right now.
Instead, I'm back in High School with you.
If I punished anyone, it's myself.
This is my first show as artistic director of Manhattan theatre workshop.
I took the biggest risk here on all three of you.
- Come on.
- All three of you! So, please, pull yourselves together and do the run-through for the New York Times.
After that, you can fight all you want.
Just do it far from here.
We're not gonna do the new beginning.
- Yeah, we are.
- Hey.
Kyle What do you think? Derek's right.
I'm sorry.
It's better.
Have a good run-through, gentlemen.
I'll see you on the other side.
Dude, what the hell was that before, man? We're supposed to be a team.
Yeah, we're a team.
Except you don't listen to anything I say.
You just shoot it down, and that's it.
When the idea's wrong, yes, then I do.
You know something? Maybe Derek's right.
Maybe it's you who can't see the show anymore.
Hey, I see the show perfectly.
I see Derek changing it because he is jealous of me and Karen.
Which, if we're gonna be really honest here, so are you.
I know this might be really hard for you to believe, but I'm good at this now.
It's the right idea.
So you can bitch all you want.
I don't care anymore.
I just don't get it.
You have to go on tonight.
It's not necessarily me.
It could be any of the other swings.
Tristan, Dexter, Jordon Yeah, but none of them can sing or dance as well as you.
Please, we don't even know if there's gonna be a show tonight.
Or what I'll be wearing if there is one.
Hey, hey! You promise me you're not actually considering that.
My mom said I should go for it "while I'm still young enough.
" You are giving an amazing performance.
If you take your clothes off, that's all people are gonna remember.
Trust me.
I was in take me out.
Do you remember the plot? I remember penis.
I see your point.
Everyone saw my point.
And that is all anyone talked about.
I mean, to this day, you Google "Sam Strickland," you know the first thing that comes up? Yeah, but this is just a small moment, not a 15-minute shower scene.
It's just to show how vulnerable Marilyn was.
They do not need to see you naked to feel you naked.
You're a great actress.
You could play vulnerable with a bag over your head.
This is my agent.
I might actually be going on tonight.
Promise me you're gonna tell Tom you're not doing it.
Hello? Okay, Richard, we're very much in a state of flux here, and we only changed the beginning about half an hour ago, but I think you'll like what you see.
Is everyone ready? Yeah! - Yeah! - Okay, places.
I'm sorry.
I didn't mean to take another one of your songs.
It's fine.
It was all Derek anyway, not you.
Once he calms down, it'll go back.
What do you mean? I think he only gave you that song 'cause he was pissed at me.
Are you kidding? Thanks for believing in me.
We done with her? Hey.
Where's Sam? I need to talk to him.
I don't think he wants to talk to you.
He knows.
- Scale of one to ten? - Pissed.
This has nothing to do with us.
Jordon's been in the company longer.
I had to put him on first.
Ivy, they need you in here.
You're gonna be great tonight.
What did you decide? I'm still thinking.
That's okay, right? Of course.
Tell Linda when you know.
We got the intermission down, but it's still running long.
Well, maybe I could quickly write a really long entr'acte? And orchestrate it, give it to the musicians, and have them learn it? Did I say that out loud? My God.
You were so right.
As much as I never tire of hearing that, at the moment, I don't care.
I just want this to be good, for both of us.
It's just I've never done this before.
As a composer, I know I'm good.
But as a director I don't have that yet.
Shut up a second.
I think I have an idea To shorten the intermission.
If it works.
I'll do anything.
Can I break them? Ten more minutes.
House lights up, and then You guys come with me, all the way up here.
And then you're gonna come crawling.
You're gonna do your crawling thing.
And then the crawling comes down.
That's good, that's good.
"Whaaat?" Sunglasses.
Hello, Marlon Brando.
And you're gonna start singing.
We'll see them coming out of the pit.
Julia Houston Your idea.
So that's it.
Stand by, lights and sound.
You better get some special.
Listen, I'm gonna try to get this out tonight.
I'm gonna head uptown with you.
- I got a date I'm late for.
- Tell her I said hi.
Thank her for her help.
Hey, you said you wouldn't let it happen.
- What? - Today.
I worried Derek would take my songs away because he's mad at me.
You said you wouldn't let it happen.
What changed? You know, this whole time, I have been telling myself that it's okay to just hang around and accept whatever I got, 'cause you're the star and I'm your friend.
I just never thought you felt that way too.
That's the thing.
I'm not the star anymore, am I? It's not my fault that Derek thinks I'm talented and wants to use me in more things.
This isn't about talent.
Maybe not for you.
Guess you should have slept with Derek when you had the chance.
Hey, sorry I'm late.
You got here just in time to see the brand-new beginning to act two, courtesy of your old friend, Julia Houston.
Transition troubles? Couldn't get a plane on stage.
That's the best part about downtown theatre.
There are no planes.
Except for ones made by dancers.
God, that is so Derek.
God, I hope this works.
Here we go.
The challenge for the actor is to use sense memory of childhood trauma.
Ahh The actor must deploy the conscious and dig into use your past The unconscious.
Use your pain The challenge for the actor never, ever try to entertain let Stanislavski be your umbrella mumble your words unless they're Stella! Use justification, improvisation plus some emotional masturbation visitor from the Western coast can you dig it? I dig it the most I am through with Hollywood.
It's New York and the actors studio for me.
And if any of those boys from Hollywood You are a genius.
Tell 'em I said this.
In history, there's this doctrine called Monroe which basically told the enemy where to go it was created to nurture and protect but now a new Monroe doctrine is in effect so go tell Mr.
Zanuck to read it and weep 'cause I'm not just here to dig I'm here to dig deep Only six scenes to JFK.
What's it gonna be? Nude or prude? Haven't decided yet.
I figured I'd know in the moment.
A cliffhanger.
There's nothing quite like live theatre.
What did you think? You want to know what I think? I think you're angry at me and Jimmy, and you're taking it out on the show.
Did you give me Marilyn because of my talent or because you wanted to sleep with me? Your talent.
Too fast.
After this show is over, I don't think we should work together again.
Yeah, there's something you should know about Jimmy.
Not from you, I don't.
Scott pays him in cash 'cause he hasn't got a social security number.
And the New York Times fact checker said that Jimmy Collins isn't even his real name.
So he changed his name.
Actors do it all the time.
Yeah, but they don't do it 'cause they've got something to hide, do they? I lent him money last week A lot of it For a drug debt.
This is childish, even from you.
Well, be careful.
You don't know what you're dealing with.
Yes, I do.
A jealous old man.
So let's do it now for our country and raise the old red, white, and blue it's our little secret just us two just us two just us two She didn't do it.
Doesn't matter.
She nailed it.
Where are you going? I, Have to get on a plane.
When will I see you again? I don't know.
I could go with you.
You can't.
Jackie's waiting.
Last night was fun.
Is that all? What else was it supposed to be? You're gonna go back to her when you have this waiting for you right here? Well, let's face it.
You're not exactly First Lady material.
You're wrong.
I'll call your wife.
- No, you won't.
- I will.
I'll call her, and I promise, she won't like it one bit.
Because I'm not like one of your other girls, and she knows it.
I'm Marilyn Monroe.
And if you leave now, you're gonna regret it.
Or you could come back to bed.
Come back to bed, Jack.
That was just wonderful, wasn't it? Yes, it was.
You okay? Yeah.
This is your night, you know? We'll talk about stuff tomorrow.
No, we should talk about it now.
I know it must have been tough for you tonight.
Well, you should.
You're the reason it was.
I'm I'm sorry.
It's not just about you.
It's my career, you know? I have been in seven Broadway shows and just had a featured role on a national tour, and now I'm a swing.
I'm going in the wrong direction, man.
What are you saying? I don't want to do the show anymore.
Don't do that.
Don't leave because of this.
We'll figure it out.
That's the thing I don't want to.
I'd rather be unemployed than work for you anymore.
You take care, Tom.
Eileen and Julia are looking for you.
They said you're going for drinks.
Can you tell them that I'll meet them there? There's just one thing I need to see first.
What's up? What did Derek give you all that money for? And how did you really stay up for three days? Did you take the stuff I found in your pocket? Did you lie the New York Times? I am not doing this right now.
You can tell me.
I care about you.
And I-I need to know.
I know there's something going on.
Something you're not telling me.
Look, my past is my past, and all that matters is where I am right now, and that is right here with you, okay? - Please.
- My God.
The article's out.
You guys should check it out.
And to Ivy.
Girl's got balls.
Don't do it.
It was a great night.
Don't go down the rabbit hole.
I just need to see what people are saying about the preview, and then I will be able to enjoy the rest of the night.
I'm not proud of it.
"Broadway Bombshell.
" That's weird.
First thing that came up is a New York Times article.
Is that the one about Ivy and Leigh? "Icono-clash.
"Marilyn's past meets Marilyn's present.
"Marilyn Monroe might be on Broadway right now, "but her influence is even more keenly felt at Manhattan theatre workshop" "Downtown, where first-time writers "Jimmy Collins and Kyle Bishop have collaborated on Hit list, "an edgy, occasionally brilliant and topical new rock musical "bound to take this theatre season by storm when it opens in three weeks.
" Plot description, plot description.
"What struck me most about the production, "which I was granted an early look at, "is how much the female pop stars of Hit list owe to Ms.
" "Marilyn, as we all know, was plain old Norma Jeane before she reinvented herself as a star.
" "Hit list, which has been helmed, "surely by no coincidence, by erstwhile Bombshell director "Derek Wills, and starring his former Marilyn, the luminous Karen Cartwright" "Tells the story of a post-Marilyn world "where the only way to achieve fame "is to become someone else.
"Both shows explore the power and price of transformation.
" "The difference is that while Bombshell "rakes over the past, "Hit list opens our eyes to the present and the inevitable future.
" "Speaking of the future, composer Jimmy Collins "and book writer Kyle Bishop certainly have one ahead of them" "Which is even more assured by the presence" "of Broadway veteran Julia Houston" "Hit list's informal dramaturge.
" "Houston, who is and you must detect a theme here "Also the writer Bombshell, "spent the days leading up to her first Broadway preview "not at the Lily Hayes on 45th street, "but downtown In the basement of MTW, "lending her expert hand to Hit list.
"She won't be the least surprised then "if Hit list sneaks up on Bombshell "as the musical of the season, with Broadway firmly in its sights.
" What the hell, Julia? It was a total exaggeration.
No, no.
What the hell? It wasn't several days.
It was just Two or three.
And you were in tech.
Is that where you were today? You said you didn't need me.
So you ran off to help Derek?! Where are you going? You should probably stay with your boyfriend tonight.
Bombshell is on the cover of the arts and leisure section, exactly what you wanted.
No producer in their right mind would want that! I said that Bombshell and Hit list were the theatrical events of the season! No! You said Hit list was the theatrical event of the season.
You said Bombshell was the past.
Would you rather I didn't write about Bombshell at all? I have spent a long time getting this thing where it needed to be, and now you do this? - Eileen - Richard, I don't want to talk to you anymore.
Would you just leave? I'm sorry.
I am a dick.
Yeah, you are.
Dude, I'm really sorry, okay? Look, I know I can be a jerk sometimes, but I mean, everything, all this It's 'cause of you.
You got us here.
Dude, I can't do this without you.
You know that.
Besides, we're edgy and occasionally brilliant.
I'm brilliant all the time.
You're the occasional half.
Go have some fun, man.
You earned it.
About before This isn't just right now for me.
What I feel with you I-I want to be with you for a long time.
You have to open up to me.
I I can't do this, otherwise.
You have to let me know who you are.
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry too.
Excuse me.
Do you know Jimmy Collins? Yeah.
He just left.
I heard about the show.
I wanted to come congratulate him.
How do you know Jimmy? My name's Adam.
I'm an old friend of his.
Nice to meet you, old friend.
God, I came all the way up here for nothin'? Well, maybe I'll see you around.
What are you doing here? You didn't call last night.
I didn't call tonight, either, and here you are.
Well, I wanted to congratulate you in person.
How'd you know it went well? You wouldn't have let it be otherwise.
This thing between us It's just casual, right? Yeah.
Here, check this out.
Set my alarm.
Come inside.
Thank you.

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