Stargate SG-1 s02e11 Episode Script

The Tok'ra

(O'Neill) Let's go, Captain!|Those gliders are comin' back! - This man's alive!|- We cannot wait! (distorted) Not all Goa'uld are the same.
I am Jolinar of Malk-shur.
Jolinar is wanted in Goa'uld town.
(Teal'c) He claims to be part of the Tok'ra.
The Tok'ra is an alliance of Goa'uld|who oppose the System Lords.
I will never, nevertrust a Goa'uld! (distorted) Kree shac.
By decree of the Goa'uld System Lords,|you will die with dishonour.
My death feeds the fire|that burns strong in the Tok'ra.
Sam! Sam! The Goa'uld gave its life for me.
It saved me.
- Jacob Carter.
|- Carter? As in my father, sir, yes.
George said you were up|for the Air Medal for your work in What the hell was that again? - Deep space radar telemetry.
|- Right! - I have cancer, Sam.
|- What? - Lymphoma.
|- Oh, God Dad! This is gonna go on for months, so you|don't have to check up on me tomorrow.
Dad, please don't go like this.
Dad! (shouting) We have to activate the Chaapa-ai.
|Quickly, Jolinar! Argh! Jolinar, hurry! I think I might have found something.
You don't think it was just a dream? No, sir.
It was real.
I could tell.
- You could tell?|- Yes, sir.
I don't know how exactly, but I could tell.
So we're supposed to buy into this ESP,|or whatever it is? O'Neill, when a Goa'uld infests its host, .
their minds intermingle, become as one.
Portions of Jolinar of Malk-shur|may remain in Captain Carter's mind.
(Carter) These Tok'ra were on the run.
They may be in trouble.
We should find them before they move on.
They may still be at these coordinates.
You said their eyes glowed.
Are you sure that these Tok'ra|are what Jolinar said they were? - Good guys, for lack of a better word.
|- Yes.
Yes? Just yes? Could you elaborate a little? I'm sorry, Colonel.
|I know it's hard to understand.
I don't really understand it myself,|but I am sure.
I I just know.
According to Jaffa legend,|the Tok'ra are the Goa'uld resistance.
Their goal is to destroy the System Lords|and change the ways of the empire.
They are despised by the Goa'uld.
Yes! My kind of guys.
General Hammond, if I may.
My vision is our only lead.
Shouldn't we|at least check it out before they move on? Colonel? General? I'm prepared to send SG-1 to the|coordinates in Captain Carter's vision.
- If you agree.
|- (Carter) Colonel I know you're sceptical, but I am|confident that I'm right on this one.
Let's check it out.
Colonel, is it all right|if I catch up with you? - We leave in ten.
|- Only need five.
Hi, it's me - Sam.
What do you mean,|why am I calling, Dad? You just told me|you have cancer.
You can't Right.
OK, never mind.
Listen, uh I'm about to go on a little trip.
Yes, it's for the Air Force.
It's not important where I'm going, Dad.
But I may be gone a while, and I just|wanted to call and see how you're doin'.
You're sure? Your father? Yes, sir.
- How is Jake?|- He claims he's OK.
Not that he'd tell me if he weren't.
Did you know he got an apartment|here in town? He wanted to be closer|to his daughter during During his last days.
Sir, this is the first time|I've left on a mission where .
I've felt like I might be|leaving something behind.
Like I might miss something important.
I'll put a temporary replacement on SG-1 .
|You can stay here.
I wish I could, sir.
But I don't think|I'm replaceable on this one.
The memories Jolinar left in my mind|could be invaluable.
No one else has them.
But your father Sir, it's OK.
|He doesn't want me around anyway.
Sam, I've known Jacob a long time.
That's not true.
Sir, he's always too concerned about|appearing the strong soldier.
The last thing he would want is for me to|see him in a hospital bed losing a battle.
I should get going, sir.
|I don't want to hold things up.
Captain! You're more like your father|than you'd like to admit.
(iris locks) There is no evidence|of footprints or tracks.
If the Tok'ra were here, they have not|been near the gate in many days.
Where's that yellow brick road|when you need it, Dorothy? Some sort of dunes over there.
Dunes it is.
No one's tread here in a while.
(Teal'c) The Tok'ra are known|for their ability to mask their trails.
They are, as you say,|stealthy in their actions.
Yeah, stealthy would be|a good word, Teal'c.
Good guys or bad guys? We mean you no harm, but I warn you.
If you make any aggressive moves,|we will fire upon you.
Same here.
But we will have the advantage.
|There are more of us.
This is true.
This one is a Jaffa.
Apophis sect.
- I am no longer in the service of Apophis.
|- Who, then, are you in service to? I am allied with these, the Tauri, - .
in battle against Apophis.
|- And all other Goa'uld.
- Be careful, Daniel.
|- Why? - Because they are Goa'uld.
|- Do not call us that.
(distorted) We are not Goa'uld! (phone rings) Hammond.
Put him through.
Jacob? Are you OK? Oh, no.
I'll be right there.
You know, in some galaxies,|this is called "loitering".
How long do you think we can keep it up? Martouf.
I do not know this woman.
But I'm right, aren't I?|Your name is Martouf.
It is.
- How do you know me?|- I don't.
But I knew someone who did.
|His name was Jolinar of Malk-shur.
Where is Jolinar? He died saving my life.
That's why we're here.
|To seek out the Tok'ra.
Assuming, of course, you are the Tok'ra.
And if we're not? Well, I guess we all start shooting.
There's blood, death, hard feelings.
|It'd suck.
And if we are this thing you call Tok'ra? If you are the Tok'ra of Jaffa legend,|we should form an alliance.
I learned a lot from Jolinar.
Enough|to know that we could be good friends.
And enough to know|that you are the Tok'ra.
I believe this one speaks the truth.
Perhaps we should .
just listen to what they have to say.
Well, that's better, isn't it? So, .
take me to your leader.
I will take you to whom you seek.
But on one condition.
|You must leave your weapons with us.
Ah, no.
- They won't hurt us, Colonel.
|- They're Goa'ulds, Carter.
- They won't hurt us.
|- And you, what feel this? No.
I can remember it.
O'Neill, if they are the Tok'ra, .
we are in no danger.
I vote we take the chance.
But I want it understood .
that we're doing this|in the spirit of future relations.
I expect us to be treated as such.
Please, come closer together.
- Why?|- Jack - It's OK, Colonel.
|- Oh, it is? This way.
This looks just like the place in my dream.
But that was on the planet|that we - they - were fleeing.
Legend says that when the Tok'ra arrive|on a planet, they go deep underground.
That they possess|the technology to grow tunnels.
This is some crystal material.
|Theoretically it could be grown.
(Teal'c) Apophis had me search for such|tunnels for years.
We never found them.
When the Tok'ra move on,|the tunnels are destroyed.
- What's the story with this Martouf?|- I'm not sure.
I get the feeling I know|almost all of these people, .
but my memories of Martouf|are the strongest.
It's like I have some weird bond with him.
Please, come this way.
George! Jacob.
Are you all right? I've been better.
I was under the impression that|the cancer hadn't gone this far.
So was I.
They cleaned out all the lymph nodes.
The problem is, apparently,|one squadron of those little buggers .
got themselves reassigned in my liver.
Let me make a call.
|Get Captain Carter recalled.
There's no need.
- Jacob, she should be here.
|- Why? Let me tell you something, George.
My little girl grew up|seeing Daddy go off .
to God knows where|to fight God knows who.
And I always came home alive and well.
Now I'm gonna let her sit here|and watch me lose a war? To some little runt so small|I can't even see him? That's exactly|what she thought you'd say.
How about doing us all a favour, Jake? What? Cut the brave soldier routine.
She's your daughter.
She should have a|chance to be here to see you through this.
I've got a feeling she's on a pretty|important mission right now.
Am I right? Well, yes, but there are others Then do me a favour|and honour my wishes.
Leave her there.
This is ridiculous.
- There is one thing you could do for me.
|- Anything.
Tell me what my little girl's doing.
Except that.
You know it's classified.
George, they're tellin' me|I don't have much time left.
Who am I gonna tell? God? (sighs) I'm sorry, Jake.
People of the Tauri, .
let me introduce|Grand Council Garshaw of Belote.
(distorted) Greetings.
Hi! You are Garshaw of Belote? I am.
She is the most hunted Goa'uld|of all time.
We prefer you to|not refer to us as Goa'uld.
Yeah, we got that earlier.
What should we call you? I assume you are from the first world.
The Tauri.
Is that correct? Yeah.
Were you among those who rid the galaxy|of the Supreme System Lord, .
Ra? Yup.
That's us.
That Yeah, we're those.
- Then, in a sense, you are Tok'ra.
|- (Daniel) Of course! Tok'ra! Tok Tok Ra - against Ra.
|Thank you for sharing that.
We still don't know what to call her.
We, too, are Tok'ra.
Finally! It's a pleasure to meet you.
I understand you were sent to us|by Jolinar of Malk-shur.
Please, tell us how that came to be.
Well, it uh It's a long story.
We were on this planet - Nasya.
The Goa'uld were attacking.
|Jolinar's host was killed.
So he jumped into me|while I was trying to save his host.
Please, excuse me.
- Did you say Jolinar's host was killed?|- Yes.
I'm sorry.
But Jolinar lived on? Uh, yeah.
For a while, at least.
|Inside of me.
Should I continue? Please.
He's in V-tach.
|We'll shock him at uh 200.
OK, clear! (continuous bleep) Again at 300.
Clear! Normal sinus.
Hey, General, how are you doing? All right.
He's in aplastic crisis.
Let's give him a unit of packed cells.
|Check his vitals every 15 minutes.
Let me know if anything changes.
Doctor He's uh stable, for now.
May I ask how long does he have? Can't say with a cancer like this.
|Could be five days or five minutes.
If there's any family to contact,|I'd get them here a.
So am I to understand you did not|invite Jolinar to use you as a host? That is correct.
He did it in an emergency,|to escape an assassin.
Then if you are not a voluntary host, .
how do we know that you|did not kill Jolinar yourself? Uh Well, because I didn't.
I guess you'll just have to trust us on that.
And why should we trust you? You know somethin'? I've been|asking myself the same damn question.
Why should we trust you? You are, after all, Goa'ulds.
- Jack|- Ah - don't! We've done nothing but|get interrogated here.
Now, are we prisoners,|and are you Goa'ulds? You are not.
|And I have told you, we are not Goa'uld! I didn't Why do you talk like that? And what's with the glowing eyes, huh? Might it have something to do with|a little reptilian activity in your heads? We have symbiotic creatures|within us, yes.
Well, then? Well, then, you can see how we might|think you would be a danger to humans.
- You take humans as hosts.
|- Goa'uld take hosts.
Tok'ra do not.
Ours wish to be so.
We have a truly symbiotic relationship.
No offence, but why would any human|volunteer to be a host for a Goa'uld? (undistorted) Uh, perhaps|I can I can help you? I am Yosuuf.
I am Garshaw's host.
I speak freely without restraint or censor.
All of us who serve as hosts|volunteer to do so freely.
Maybe you can answer my question, then.
Why would any human|volunteer for for that? Well, with the blending, I gain|all of Garshaw's knowledge, her wisdom.
More than any human could ever attain.
And my life span is twice|what it would be without the blending.
And for all this, all I have to do is .
share my physical body.
So you've got a little|Faustian deal going here.
Selling your soul for immortality.
Well, what you understand as "soul"|remains intact.
So this symbiotic relationship is what|makes the Tok'ra differ from the Goa'uld? Yes.
This has supported the Tok'ra's efforts|against the Goa'uld.
Your Jaffa friend is correct.
If you'd like to come with me,|I will show you what he means.
Allow me to introduce .
(Martouf) Her host's name is Saroosh.
She is one of the oldest and wisest among|us.
An important leader for our cause.
However, she is unfortunately very ill,|and will soon die.
How old is she? She will be 203 of your years|in a few of your days.
I was under the impression that Goa'uld|lived much longer than 200 years.
The Goa'uld do.
The Tok'ra don't.
- Because you don't use the sarcophagus.
|- Correct.
We believe to do so would - .
drain the good from our hearts.
|- I can vouch for that.
That's why our numbers|don't grow large enough .
to defeat the massive forces|aligned with the System Lords.
Zero population growth.
Since you won't take new hosts by force,|mostly the Goa'uld dies with the host.
And this is about to happen to Selmak.
Unless .
one of you wishes to volunteer|to serve as a host.
I'm gonna pass on that.
Although it does sound fascinating,|it's a little too long-term for me.
I'm sorry.
I've already been through that.
- (Carter gasps)|- Sorry.
I didn't mean to startle you.
You shouldn't sneak up|on a person like that.
We didn't mean to upset you|with the suggestion of becoming a host.
Well, as long as|you take no for an answer.
We have never forced a human to become|a host.
It goes against all we believe in.
You know, Captain Carter|didn't exactly invite Jolinar in.
But he was sincere in wanting to leave me|once he found another host.
If he found one.
I'm curious.
If you're not interested|in becoming a host, why seek us out? To form an alliance.
So you said.
But it's apparent that|the thought of an alliance disgusts you.
You think by "form an alliance",|we mean we want to be hosts? What other sort of alliance would a|non-blended human and the Tok'ra want? Well, we do have a common enemy.
|How about a friendship? - We could share information.
|- Engage in battle side by side.
(distorted) I do not believe|you can be of any service to us.
You are neither strong enough .
nor advanced enough.
- We're not?|- (Teal'c) Incorrect.
It was these who destroyed|two Goa'uld mother ships.
That was you? We had operatives who died|on board those vessels! - Oh, boy.
|- We were only defending our planet.
(undistorted) We didn't know|they had travelled to the Tauri.
This information explains a lot.
At least now we know|how and why our operatives died.
For that, we are truly grateful.
So maybe we can be of service.
Perhaps you're correct.
I'll try to convince|the Council of Tok'ra to meet with you.
(O'Neill) Uh Excuse me.
Are we prisoners here? Well Until we decide what level|of information to entrust to you, .
um we cannot allow you|to roam this facility freely.
I'm sorry.
Would you like to take a walk|on the surface? What? Why? I would like to hear more|of Jolinar of Malk-shur.
- OK.
|- Well, yeah, sure! I'm only inviting Captain Carter.
|What we have to discuss is private.
- I hope you understand.
|- Actually, no, I don't.
Colonel, I I think I should go with him.
I need to go with him.
There's a lot of|questions he could answer about Jolinar.
I assure you, sir,|she'll be very safe with me.
Colonel I need to do this.
OK, son.
But I want you to have her back|by 11 o'clock.
You understand? - (Martouf) Feeling any better?|- (Carter) Yeah, thanks.
(Martouf) Please, tell me of Jolinar.
(Carter) I get the feeling|you knew him way better than I ever did.
Of that I am sure.
For one, he was a she.
What? You're kidding! Well, actually, that is inaccurate.
The symbiote does not have a gender.
However, Jolinar has always|been in female hosts.
Well, actually, the host I found him in|- her in - was a male.
Really? Must have been another method|of hiding from the Ashrak.
- Tell me of Jolinar's last days.
|- Well, it's kind of weird.
Like I'm left with these intuitions, feelings.
I know this:|she sacrificed herself to save me.
That speaks a ton about her character|as far as I'm concerned.
I'm sorry.
Are you OK? (distorted) I'm sorry.
Martouf is having a more difficult time|handling this than I am.
- So you're his symbiote.
Right?|- Yes.
Martouf is the name of my host.
Yeah, I knew that.
I seem to know everything about you.
When I'm with you,|I feel a different sort of .
I don't know recognition|than I do with the other Tok'ra.
Is something different|about your relationship to Jolinar? Jolinar and I were together for nearly|one hundred of your years.
She was my mate.
How does that work?|She was whose mate? - Martouf or Lantash?|- Both.
Now let me attempt an explanation.
As I said before, ours is|a truly symbiotic relationship.
So what I feel, .
Lantash feels.
And what Lantash feels, I feel.
So when one of you is in love,|you both feel it.
We love as one, and .
and we mourn as one.
- I'm sorry.
|- Don't be sorry.
We want you to truly comprehend this .
so that you'll better understand us.
Well, I am curious.
What was Jolinar's host like? Jolinar's host Rosha was very beautiful.
She had eyes like the oceans of Marloon.
Hair was the colour of sand of Abydos.
|And her smile was .
was as infectious as laughter.
In fact, Rosha looked|very much like you, Captain Carter.
You are very beautiful.
You'd make a lovely new host for Selmak.
I'm sorry.
I|I've said something to offend you.
Yes! It's difficult enough with|just the remnants of Jolinar in here.
The last thing I need is|another person - symbiote - whatever.
I didn't mean to upset you so.
It's just the thought of|going through that again.
Don't give it another moment's thought.
It was an inappropriate suggestion.
Please, understand that it came from .
an honest, deep desire to have Jolinar|back in my life in some form.
This must be what it feels like|to be schizophrenic.
What is .
schizophrenic? It's a mental illness humans have.
It's like a split personality.
Two people in in one brain.
I mean, there's me, .
Samantha Carter.
And then there's this leftover part|of Jolinar that feels things like Like? Like some pretty deep feelings for you.
Jolinar's left this imprint on your mind? Yes.
I'm sorry if it makes you uncomfortable No.
It's just What you had you and Jolinar You were in love|longer than I've been alive.
Hell, longer than I will be alive! She left this feeling with you? You can feel how she felt for me? Yes.
- And it's confusing the hell out of me.
|- Why? Because it's not just in my mind,|like a memory.
I feel it.
Like I've had this relationship|with you for a hundred years.
I don't know if I can describe it|with words.
What Jolinar felt for you I .
I don't even think|I'm capable of comprehending.
Maybe there's another way you can|communicate it.
Perhaps in a way .
other than words.
Sam! Daniel.
Learning a lot about Jolinar? Yeah.
You'd be surprised how much.
Um The Tok'ra Council's|agreed to meet with us.
Jack thought you might wanna be there.
Quite the place you've got here.
(Teal'c) Is it true|these facilities are grown? It is.
When we arrive at the new place,|we plant certain crystals .
and they grow into all that you see.
Wow! (distorted) May I help you? Uh No, thanks.
I was just lookin' around.
This is not the way|to the new Council chambers.
Oh! Oh, I'm sorry.
But I would be happy to answer|any questions you have.
These are my private quarters.
Not very private.
The Tok'ra hold no secrets|from each other.
There is no need for doors or partitions.
Can I show you back to your group? Uh, no.
No, thanks.
I I can find my way back.
How fast can you grow a facility like this? Quite rapidly.
We build only as we need.
That is why we are only now adding|the corridor, and the Council chambers.
See for yourselves.
What the hell? This chamber is newly grown.
Until now, we had no reason|to convene the Council of Tok'ra.
- It's a sort of accelerated crystal growth.
|- That is correct.
We have learned to pattern|the natural tendencies of the crystal.
Like a geode.
People of the Tauri,|allow me to introduce .
the Grand Council of the Tok'ra.
Hiya, folks.
Nice to meet ya.
Uh We're very grateful.
We're|representatives of a planet called Earth.
It is an honour.
The Council has reviewed your proposal|of an alliance between our peoples.
And? (woman) We would like you|to understand our situation.
We are an illegal resistance group|within the Goa'uld.
We are the most hunted, most hated|enemies of the System Lords.
Hey, we haven't made too many friends|along the way either.
The secrets of the Tok'ra would never be|revealed.
It is not the way of the Tauri.
Not intentionally.
|But you might be followed to us.
You might be tortured to reveal where we|are, or a spy might appear in your midst.
We would like to know|what you can offer us .
that is of sufficient value|to justify our exposure.
- Well, I think we've got a lot of things.
|- The Tauri have become quite advanced.
I'm sure we have something|you could use.
Please, give us an example.
Daniel? Uh Well, I mean, after all, .
we have the same goals in mind.
Perhaps some technology|could be of use.
Technology other than our own|is useless to us.
We are infiltrators.
|We work from within the Goa'uld.
Therefore it's important|that we appear to be Goa'uld.
(whispers) Bring them in! What are you people planning? Beg your pardon? The Chaapa-ai just activated|and brought forth these! SG-3.
Colonel Makepeace? What are you doing here? General Hammond sent us|to extract Captain Carter.
Why? I'm afraid it's your father, Captain.
He's in the hospital in a serious condition.
You have to let her go home.
I'm sorry, I cannot do that.
- Why not?|- I'm afraid we have made our decision.
We have decided not to accept|your request for an alliance.
You shall be our guests until such time|as we decide to move to another planet.
- What?|- (Garshaw) I'm sure you understand.
Your knowledge of this planet|makes you a security risk.
We cannot allow you to leave until we|move somewhere you do not know about.
Surely, as Tok'ra,|you're more compassionate than that.
Captain Carter's father is dying.
|At least let her go.
She is the highest risk of all.
She contains|the memory of Jolinar of Malk-shur.
(Teal'c) We are not the only ones|who know of this planet.
Those we left behind on the Tauri|also possess this knowledge.
As evidenced by our friends here.
It is our wish that your lack of return .
will convince them|that we are Goa'uld and not Tok'ra.
- You want them to think that we're dead.
|- Well, that kinda sucks.
I'm sorry.
We will try to make you|as comfortable as possible.

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