Hex (2004) s02e12 Episode Script

Seven Deadly Sins

Previously on Hex It didn't work.
I'm meant to be dead.
I'm not dead.
I'm going insane.
That's why Malachi's got stronger: he's feeding off his succubi.
I'm cold.
Maya! Alex is easy.
All you've got to do is chop off her head.
Your little co-worker wasn't quite up to the job.
I will kill you, Malachi.
You'll have to kill the whole school first.
See? I promised you the world at your feet.
It's a start.
Although I could do with a couple more.
Somebody to feed me canapés, somebody to do my hair, oh, and a nice strong bodyguard won't go amiss, just in case she tries to kill me again.
Oh, I wouldn't worry about that.
I'm pretty sure you'll be the last thing on her mind.
Hello, Imogen.
A night snack? Ella! Well, it's the last time she'll be eating between meals.
You have to stop thinking of the most people.
I know.
You don't kill them, they'll kill you.
I know! I'm sorry.
I'm just not very good at this.
I mean, I've known Imogen for ages.
You pass me a towel, please? I'll get better, though.
I have to get better.
No, you don't, Leon.
It's not in your nature and it never will be.
- I want to help you.
- You do help me.
Maybe you should go and get some rest.
I'll see you in the morning, yeah? Can I help you? Ella.
I'm really so sorry.
We have a problem with mice.
Mice? Yes, it happens every now and again.
- Old house, you know.
- I see.
David likes me to deal with it without telling anyone.
Why? Well, he doesn't want to cause alarm.
Keep the little monsters a secret.
So, am I safe? Absolutely.
Nothing to worry about.
But, if you do hear anything, you know where to find me.
So, what's the plan? Some afternoon tea, quick journey around the shops, maybe.
Alex? Perhaps.
How many more of them do you think there are? That is the million dollar question.
Do you want me to try to find out? No.
For now on you do nothing.
Don't you hate the way she does that? At least, you know, how with your conversation.
She used to do it with me.
Drive me crazy.
I think she likes to have the last word.
Although with you I guess that's not that difficult.
Thelma? I know you probably don't want to see me right now, but well, I need to talk to you.
Please? Thelma? OK.
I don't have anything left for you to take.
Unless you've come for my memories.
What was she? Just another casualty of war? I'm sorry.
I'm so sorry and you have every right to be angry with me.
Thank you.
Look, I didn't mean it like that.
I guess it's just one of those stock phrases they teach you.
I presume the book of Orokiah has a section on how to deal with grieving ghosts.
Particularly those you want something from.
I don't want anything from you.
Please, Ella.
You don't have relationships with people unless they are of some use to you.
I think that's slightly unfair.
Really? Who do you count as your true friends? I don't know what you mean.
I'm sorry I killed Maya, but there was no other way.
Let me guess.
no other way to get to Malachi.
So he's dead, isn't he? Don't tell me you killed Maya and then failed to kill him.
How many more people, Ella? Or have you totally lost count? It's out of my control.
You make your own choices.
I've learned to live with mine.
Can you say the same? Not exactly the man of the match today, were you? I've got other things on my mind.
Don't get me wrong.
It's very comforting having you on the other side.
At least then I know I'm sure to win.
Leave him alone.
He's just having an off day.
Yeah? Well, that's what it takes to lose the game.
Malachi, - you're friends with Imogen, yes? - Eh, yes.
- Have you seen her today? - No.
She's just missed a few classes and I'm afraid hasn't even slept in.
I'm not asking you to grass her up, I just need to know that she's safe.
She's going out with a bowman from the village.
Sometimes she likes to stay over.
I see.
Just because it's late and, you know, it wouldn't be safe to try and get back.
I was young once, you know? Sure.
Get her to come and see me when she returns, OK? OK.
This is a pleasant surprise.
What do you want? Look, I better come in.
Why do you hang around with Malachi? I don't.
Well, it seems that way.
Are you jealous? Well, you're always with Ella.
You've never liked her, haven't you? I just don't think she's very well, that's all.
She seems to make you miserable most of the time.
No, she doesn't.
- She cheated on you, Leon.
- That's on the past.
She even flirted with me.
She wasn't herself then.
Yeah, right.
You don't know anything about it.
I know I don't trust her.
Yeah, well, I decided to forgive her I think you should respect that.
Sorry, I can't.
- This is ridiculous.
- No, what is ridiculous is that you keep going back to her.
That's my choice.
She's making a mock of you, Leon.
It was bad enough when she killed Cassie.
But I guess you could say that was an accident.
I can't forgive her for Maya.
She'll stop at nothing to defeat you.
She'd even kill me.
And that's no basis for a friendship.
I don't trust her anymore.
Which is not to say I entirely trust you.
But there must be something of your mother in there somewhere.
Is there? I wouldn't have killed Maya, if that's what you're asking.
Well, not twice anyway.
That's exactly what I'm asking.
So, you can find a use for me? Oh, I should think so.
What? I know you can get more humane versions these days, but the old ones never fail.
You put the cheese just here.
Mice can't resist a bit of cheese.
You could say it was their deepest desire.
Once they've taken it, off with their heads.
Works every time.
I've got more, if you need them.
No, thank you.
I can't get a handle on Tom's deepest desires.
I thought it would be simple, but I've tried the obvious things, and nothing works.
Maybe he wants to be a bus conductor, or a train driver.
Something very boring.
Thelma, I'm not Jumbo fix it.
I don't have the time to try everything.
So, you want me to go into his dream? Exactly.
Look around, find whatever he lust after and then leave the rest to me.
We'll make a succubus of the boy yet.
What? Succubi are girls.
Hey, mate.
Ella, how did it feel the first time you killed? Pretty shitty.
But, you got used to it.
I didn't have a choice.
- I think I could get used to it.
- I don't think so.
It's stupid to pretend that we are the same.
I've been doing this for years.
So, you can teach me.
- Ella, I can get there.
- Why would you want to? So I can help you.
So we can work together.
I've managed on my own for a very long time.
Which isn't to say that isn't nice to have you around.
Is it? Nice to have me around? I need to know, Ella.
Do you think we'll ever get back together? I don't know.
You can be honest with me.
Right now? No.
Come on, Tom, it's time for bed.
Good boy.
Blimey! This is doing you no good when you mates are ingesting a shake of lard You can have all my protein shakes, if you want.
It will help build up your strength.
Is this going somewhere? I'm just worried about you.
I mean, I know you're playing the whole sensitivity card, but in the end what she really wants is a proper man.
It has to do with sex, but not normal sex.
I thought as much.
I actually felt quite sordid watching it.
I used to think Tom was such a nice boy.
Go on.
Shock me.
What's it called when you wear one of those masks? He wants to be a surgeon? No, one of those PVC masks you wear all over your head.
I sensory deprivation.
That's it, one of them on.
And this little tail like he wants to be a horse or something.
And Alex is there.
Oh, good.
What is she doing? Well, let's put it this way: I think Tom must have been a very bad boy.
Thanks, Thelma.
You won't regret it.
David? What's going on? Oh, it's nothing to worry about.
There's been some confusion over the school' funds and certain irregularities.
Something I'm sure we can sort out.
Will you do something for me? - Of course.
- Tell Jo I've gone to the station.
Ask her to get the school solicitors to meet me there, and tell her she is in charge.
So I reckon it's a bad time to make a few changes to the curriculum.
Excuse me.
I'm head.
Poor David.
I think he had a soft spot for you.
Yeah, well.
I guess we'll never know.
You're just like your father.
What? Wise, witty and ridiculously good looking? No, macho, arrogant and very possessive.
So, who's the weakest? We for having the flaws, or you for coming back to them all? So, if the gingerbread men represent the people, then the next on the hit list is definitely Tom.
Do you need visual aids? Yes, I'm hungry.
I never though he was gay.
I must say, it didn't make my radar.
Well, it kind of make sense.
Tom and little Leon.
What did you tell Malachi? Something suitably twisted.
And he didn't suspect you? I do have very good reason to be pissed off with you.
I know.
How is Leon? Well, I have decided to keep him out of it.
He's tried really hard, but he's not a fighter, Thelma.
I think it's best if we keep him in the dark.
He's still in love with you, isn't he? And how do you feel? I don't know.
It's complicated.
Do you think we should tell Leon about Tom? No.
Tell me what about Tom? Nothing.
Yeah, right.
What did you say? Just how people surprise you sometimes.
Yeah, like you.
So were you talking to Malachi.
But you haven't told him anything, have you? Leon.
I know, you're pissed off about Maya, but I never thought you'd go this far.
Leon! She's just pretending.
She's not on Malachi's side.
And when were you going to tell me? It's just nice to be on board.
Leon! Hey! - Are you OK? - I'm fine.
I want to say sorry about before.
Did you change your mind about Ella? - No.
- Then what do you want? I'm worried about you.
Do you want me to believe that? Yes.
You are not fooling anybody, Tom.
It's true, you know.
Sometimes people really do surprise you.
Hey! I though you were supposed to be doing Tai chi.
What are you drinking? Herbal tea.
It looks like tequila to me.
Lowers cholesterol, boost the immune system, and may even help to prevent cancer.
Really? I'm a sex addict, Rox, not an alcoholic.
How are you? It's hard.
I'm used to give in to my desires.
Don't you feel better? Every time you resist, don't you feel stronger? No, just hornier.
I think I need a proper relationship.
Yeah, you should have saved yourself for marriage.
I wish I'd done that.
But you know, there is room, even for sinners in Heaven, if you're prepared to change your ways.
But right now, we're here to do Tai chi, and that's exactly what we're going to do.
Tai chi is a form of meditation, is also a martial art.
The direct translation is "supreme ultimate fist".
Sounds interesting.
Pleasure of denial, Malachi.
Pleasure of denial.
How was Tai chi? It's given me a very quite mind.
You mean it bored you to death.
How could anyone be bored with Roxanne around? Alex, you know you're my one and only.
I'm sorry.
I've decided I prefer Tom.
Don't get me involved in this.
Come on now, Tom.
You're protesting too much.
Malachi, call her off, please.
I'm not his dog.
Are you sure? Do you think Ella and Leon will get back together? Who knows.
But I wouldn't mind that she treated him properly.
- Really? - Yeah.
It was half your fault that she cheated.
Oh, touchy subject.
- Hey, I was single.
- True.
But he's still into her? Oh, yeah.
He'd do anything for her.
I'm all for him.
What are you doing? I'm sorry.
I know I shouldn't be here without you.
No, it's alright.
I'm surprised Thelma forgave you for the whole Maya thing.
No, she hasn't.
Not completely.
She just wants to get rid of Malachi.
Hard to leave me talk, do you? - You're not about to deny it.
- Leon How do you think this makes me feel? It's not your fight.
I know.
You made that perfectly clear.
Oh, really? Oh, absolutely.
My life saver.
Come on.
Hey, let me help you.
You're not trying to seduce me, are you? Not a chance.
You haven't told anyone about Ella, have you? Of course not.
Poor question.
How tight are your socks! I mean, I wouldn't want Leon finding out.
Don't worry, mate.
Your secret is safe with me.
Thanks, mate.
You're a good friend.
Don't mention it.
Sometimes I think it's all too easy.
Now, don't get too cocky.
What? Leon's crazy about her.
Tom said Leon would do anything for her.
I don't think anyone has ever felt that way about me.
Really? You don't want them to, because it only ends in tears.
Do you think she suspects? I think she's right about you.
I think 'cause of Thelma she's right about Tom, but I certainly don't think she's worried about Leon.
You were definitely worth waiting for.
Is that so? Hey, I don't want any funny business between you two.
What, so you can flirt with Roxanne, but I can only flirt with you? Yeah.
You've got a problem with that? I'm going to take a shower.
It's good to have you on board.
Don't even go there, mate.
She's really not worth it.
Don't worry.
She's not the one I'm interested in.
So, speaking of Ella, I've got a special assignment for you.
Peace offering.
And that's peace offering, not trying-to-get-in-your-pants offering.
I'm sorry.
What for? I've been an idiot.
I know you were only looking out for me.
No, I just don't want you to get hurt.
I couldn't stand it if anything happened to you.
I know.
So from now on, I'm going to do exactly what you tell me.
I think that's a promise you're going to life to regret.
And have some breakfast, before it gets cold.
Looking good, lovely lady.
Looking like a sweaty bitch.
- I though you could use this.
- Thanks.
You're a complete different person to yesterday.
I know.
I've seen the error of my ways.
Thanks for being so supportive, Leon.
Don't mention it.
So, I still haven't worked out how I should get to Jo.
I don't think you need to worry about that anymore.
Yeah, but she's the most important to him.
By getting rid of her, it would definitely help us get rid of him.
You might have a bit of a problem there.
You don't take too kindly to Saint John's wort, do you? The thing is, Ella, you've treated me too badly for too long.
So now you're getting your revenge.
Leon, come on, this isn't you.
Well, there's no one else here.
Besides, I thought this is what you wanted to fell over react to fuck with.
I thought you felt sorry or it was just your adult's body? No, you were not like that.
- So, it was really love? - Yes.
You know? It's strange because it didn't feel like love in Berlin.
Do you remember, hm? Let's recap.
Beaten by a demonic fairy and then forced to watch you in bed with another man.
That That didn't feel like love at all.
It's Malachi making you do this, Leon.
No, sorry.
This one's all my idea.
Now, how do we go about this? - What the f- - Do you want something? I came to tell you that Tom is dead.
Fine, now leave.
Or I'll do the same to you.
You don't mean that.
Are you sure? Leon, please, tell me you're not doing this for real.
Killing his friend has made him my equal.
His deepest desire.
What's yours, Thelma? - The Volta.
- To live again or to die properly? - I can probably arrange that.
- Neither, really.
- Fine, then leave us alone.
- Ok.
The bloody cleaner found him.
She wanted to call the police.
I assume she no longer wants to do that.
She'd have a job.
I think we can start planning our end of term party.
It'd be nice to celebrate everyone's achievements before they leave.
They haven't all got there yet.
They will.
We've learned a lot from the book of Orokiah, haven't we? How to kill a succubus, and How to bring people back from the realm of the dead.
So I'm thinking there must be something in here about pumping off an anointed one.
It's written for me, Leon, not my enemies.
You won't find what you're looking for.
You're a terrible liar, Ella.
Volta, Volta, Volta.
See you later.
Kimberley, see you later.
You see, I'm assuming I can't put a gun to your head.
If it were that easy, you wouldn't have lasted 500 years.
You know I can't be killed by human hands.
Don't worry, I'm not human anymore.
Look, Leon.
I know it might seem like I treat you badly and that I boss you around and I don't listen to you enough, but you have no idea how much you mean to me, how you've changed my life.
It's been so long since I've had anything like a family, even a friend, that I'd forgotten what it was like to have someone there.
So if I behave strangely towards you, it's only because of how much I feel for you, not how little.
And here it is.
Touch not the wort of Saint John, for it is an abomination for an anointed one, yara, yara, yara.
And thou shall not extinguish the last breath of life whilst the last drop of blood remains.
That sounds pretty clear to me.
I'm going to have to bleed you to death.
Alex? Ubercow? Sorry.
I think the pain is a necessary part of the process.
Where's your friend? I'm afraid this may take a while.
Still, we've got all eternity.
Oh, I wouldn't do that if I were you.
Strangely enough, I don't give a shit what you want me to do.
Bitch! Oh, my God! What happened? Are you OK? I could use a drink.
Oh, Leon.
I know.
He's been turned.
Just like the rest of them.
It's what Malachi wanted.
Take away the people I care about.
Well, I'm going nowhere.
So it looks like we are the only ones left.
Coming up on Hex There is only one person we still need to be worried about.
Come on, Ella.
Let me out! You killed Tom.
I don't see a way of winning this battle.
I have a very cunning plan.
There is only one thing worth fighting for.
And that is love.
Transcript and synch by Aimee and blade2 and subxpacio.
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