Leverage: Redemption (2021) s02e12 Episode Script

The Museum Makeover Job

[ASTRID] Suspects ran out
of the restoration room.
Cover all exits.
[POLICE OFFICER] Roger that.
[ASTRID] Go! Go!
Oi, keep us moving but
stay off the main routes.
We followed the plan exactly.
- How did they know?
- I don't know. I'll call her.
Liam, Mirabelle?
What happened?
[LIAM] Parker, we did everything
right, but the job went bad.
Astrid Pickford messing
with my plans. Bollocks!
[PHINEAS] Did they take anything?
No, Mr. Dunbar.
Everything here and in the
restoration room is intact.
Well, it's Doctor, and thank
you, Inspector Pickford.
Your tip clearly paid off.
I don't assume we'll
have any more problems?
Doctor, I practically grew up in
this museum and if you think I'm done
investigating a threat against
it, then you are sorely mistaken.
Now if you'll excuse me.
Eliot! My stuff!
That is very funny coming from you.
What is my travel bag doing here?
I just grabbed the essentials.
Therein lies the problem,
Parker. The grabbing.
What is up with Parker?
She's just mad the London
team got blown and wants us
to find out what happened.
Mirabelle said the plan was
flawless, so was the execution.
Now our guys are underground.
Well, something went wrong.
No, they weren't chased out
of the museum by rent-a-cops,
it was Interpol.
I've been on the phone all day
with the international teams
and now they wanna come
to London and punch next.
So you broke into my place?
No, she broke into all our places.
But I didn't steal anything this time.
I just packed your stuff.
[ELIOT] That is not wait. This time?
[BREANNA] Have you broken
into my apartment before?
Once when you stopped answering texts.
Was I asleep?
Yes. For hours.
What was the job?
The Rhodesian scepter was
taken from the royal family
of modern-day Zambia when
the British colonized them.
[ELIOT] Let me guess, the museum
doesn't wanna give it back?
Well, here's the thing. The
team was hired by a proxy
for the Zambian royal family.
They vetted him, everything checked out,
but the proxy has since disappeared
and the Zambian royal family
knows nothing about it.
[PARKER] Which means anyone
could have hired them to break
into the Monarch Museum.
Did you say the Monarch Museum?
Okay. We're going to London.
- Dammit.
- We just have to make a pit stop first.
[MAN] Mm-hmm.
You got a terrific case here.
You're one witness' false testimony away
from a major path for your client.
There's plenty of ways
around a witness
I mean, a witness' testimony.
Well, we have dozens of cases more
just as worthy of your expertise.
Well, what can I say other
than I'm very flattered
and I'm very interested in your offer.
Looking forward to hearing from you.
- [HARRY] All right then.
- All right.
[HARRY] You take care.
Why do I even bother trying
to keep a secret from you?
I haven't the foggiest.
[HARRY] I wasn't sure if
that was a real offer or not.
- But it's real?
- It's real.
You were the one who told
me I'd always go back to it.
And they need me.
I understand.
I need you too. One last job.
Remember that conversation we
had about collateral damage?
I'm about to go swimming
through a ton of mine.
- Mm-hmm.
- I'll fill you in on the way to London.
[HARRY] London? Okay. I guess
I better go home and pack a bag.
Mm-mm. That won't be necessary.
[BREANNA] After the London
team's failed heist,
Interpol shut down the museum's
Wi-Fi out of precaution.
Smart, I guess. This
place is an absolute maze.
Whoa! It survived the London Blitz?
[SOPHIE] Parts of it. The Monarch
Museum was built on the remains.
There were tons of walled-off back
passages and ancient boiler rooms
littered beneath us.
[ELIOT] Whoever is in charge of
Interpol is not messing around.
Not only did they cut the Wi-Fi,
they got plain clothed
agents on every floor
and you wouldn't even be able to tell.
Parker, focus.
There's a dozen things
within arms' reach
as valuable and easier to
steal than that scepter.
[HARRY] Not counting the
jewels of India exhibit
which hasn't even opened yet.
Are you okay?
I'm fine. It's just this
place, it's full of ghosts.
[HARRY] Yeah, I can imagine.
The Hanover Gallery, as in
[SOPHIE] I suggested that he
donate the gallery to house
his family collection
and also, a state of the
art restoration facility.
Which appears to be
the scene of the crime.
Who's the suit?
I don't have all day.
Step away from the art!
Given the tweedy impertinence,
I'd say he's the museum curator.
The restoration room was
the London team's target.
We need to get inside.
Right. Breanna, can you
get me and Parker in?
With the Wi-Fi down, I'm
gonna need physical access
to the building's wiring.
[ELIOT] Physical access, huh?
Sounds like a me problem.
Breanna, turn on your flash.
- [BREANNA] Copy that.
[GUARD] Miss, there's no flash
photography in the museum.
Man, it's like mad dim in here.
How am I supposed to
post it online, you feel?
Do you have any idea what
you're doing to that painting?
Every time your flash goes off,
you are stabbing the paint molecules
with tiny, tiny daggers, okay?
Sir, there's no use for
that kind of behavior.
[ELIOT] She's offending
the painting, okay?
Sir, sir, there's no need
for that kind of behavior.
I go back to your
digital world, okay?
And leave the real world to us.
Sure. Man is a mad thing, you know.
Dammit, Breanna.
If I take a guy's badge, you
don't start messing around
with his chest area,
it makes him look down.
He was cute.
[ELIOT] This plumbing looks
like it hadn't been updated
since the Blitz either.
[BREANNA] Dang it.
They have some sort of pin
lock on the security system.
You know, I'm gonna have a word
with this Interpol agent in charge.
What's the bottom line?
[BREANNA] Okay. Cameras, I can
hijack, they're on a separate feed.
But alarms and security
[LAUGHS] maybe if I had a week.
No, careful if that
trips, that is gonna
Yep. Yeah, that
that's one way to do that.
It's in the Impressionist exhibit.
Second floor, east wing. Come on.
We're on it. They won't get far.
All right.
How much time will this buy us?
Uh, about five to ten minutes.
You should stay here
in case they come back.
Thank you, kind guard.
They're just giving these away.
Huh. Well, it's pretty but I
don't know why someone would go
to the trouble to have us steal it.
I don't think they did.
This isn't about the scepter.
This is about these.
[PARKER] Marble masks, hand-carved.
[SOPHIE] Greek death masks.
[PARKER] Why these over the scepter?
[SOPHIE] Parker, the London
team were just being used
for a practice run for the real heist.
Someone who wanted to
test the museum's defenses.
[SOPHIE] And I know who.
Wait, Ramsey? You mean
[SOPHIE] My first mentor.
Brilliant but terrifying, remember?
He forged one of these
masks, 30 years ago.
Hmm. Which one?
So he wants it back now?
That doesn't make any sense.
No, I don't like it. Let's blow.
Small problem. The
curator's coming back.
[SOPHIE] Stall them.
You took them off their post?
Yes, it was an actual alarm.
You know, this tape
and the police it, uh
well, it just scares the paying guests.
Excuse me. Lawrence
Gesterton, IYS Insurance.
Maybe I can be of little assistance.
Harry. No, no, no, no.
You need to be dismissive,
uh, unapproachable, mean even.
You're telling him to be Nate?
I'm telling him to be about the money.
I mean, I assume that
this display of manpower
won't have any effect on the
upcoming Jewels of India exhibit
that my firm insures, we'd
hate to have to pull the show.
Dr. Phineas Dunbar, curator
of the Monarch Museum.
I can assure you, everything is fine.
- So these officers
- [PHINEAS] Yes.
The presence of police
is simply overkill
on part of one Interpol inspector.
- There was a robbery.
- Attempted. Nothing was taken.
Criminals who operate at this
level don't take failure in stride,
they'll try again.
Perhaps then you could walk me
through some of the security upgrades
that you've implemented.
[SCOFFS] Right.
The next time IYS send an errand boy,
tell them Inspector Astrid Pickford
knows all their tricks.
Astrid Pickford?
We need to go, now.
Sophie. Come on. Get
your head in the game.
Parker. No. No.
This is my friend's joint.
It's under renovation.
All the exits are secured. Now,
who is Inspector Astrid Pickford?
Astrid Pickford, Interpol,
she once chased me
and Hardison across Europe.
Do you know how long Europe is?
Anyways, she considers me a
nemesis, which I understand.
I have a lot of nemesiseses.
I just don't have time
to nemesis them all back.
No. Sophie, who is
Astrid Pickford to you?
She's the Duke of Hanover's
daughter and my stepdaughter.
Wait. Astrid Pickford, Interpol agent,
- is your stepdaughter?
- Yup.
It turns out having your
father robbed blind by grifters
and then watching him drink himself
to death is a formative experience.
Uh, have you known this whole
time that she was my nemesis?
Has she known this whole time?
Is that why we're drawn to each
other, battling across continents?
Hey, I thought you were her
nemesis, not the other way?
- Shush.
- [ELIOT] The point is,
can she recognize you?
I don't know.
It's been 20 years. Though
I have kept tabs on her.
She's really quite brilliant at her job,
tenacious, always was. Though,
I have dropped her the odd clue
and might have nudged a deserving
criminal in her path now and then.
What? You have helped my
nemesis, my not-nemesis?
This goes against every oath
you've ever taken as a criminal.
Parker. What about Ramsey?
[SOPHIE] Not much to tell.
He discovered my talents
early on, he molded me,
and that made him think he owned me.
I burned every bridge I
had getting away from him,
leaving behind a marriage
and a stepdaughter.
See? You say there's not much to
tell, but that was kind of a lot.
[PARKER] So hiring a Leverage
crew was not a coincidence.
And Astrid being on the case
isn't a coincidence either.
No, that was Ramsey setting a
trap and I walked straight into it.
Okay. Do you want to walk out of it?
[HARRY] No, she can't.
Because Ramsey will just
keep coming after her,
trying to get her attention.
And with Astrid still there
Collateral damage.
Ramsey is a loose end I can't
afford to have out there.
Not anymore.
We need to stop him before
he hurts anyone else.
Sophie, what's the play?
We know that Ramsey wants
his forged mask back,
we just have to find out why.
Well, we can't just waltz into
the museum and ask questions.
No, but we can recruit from the outside.
[SCOFFS] I've never been early before.
You're not, Billy.
I can't help you.
Billy, I thought we were friends.
I don't have any friends.
[ELIOT] Yeah, how about enemies?
The heist at the museum.
Well, I don't know anything about that.
You haven't heard anything about it?
Okay. I've heard everything about it.
Ramsey. It was why I
pulled out when it failed.
[SOPHIE] Why does Ramsey want
his forged mask back so badly?
Because the museum is
selling the whole lot back
to the Greek government.
[SOPHIE] So to land on a price, the
mask have to be re-authenticated.
[ELIOT] And I'm guessing that
30-year-old forge is not gonna
stand up to authentication
technology at this day and age.
So one forgery gets
outed, what's the big deal?
You don't understand.
Ramsey moved his mask
into the legitimate market
by the same methods he
moved all of his work.
So if one person gets exposed,
everybody falls like dominoes.
[PARKER] And a bunch of art
people across Europe will realize
they have fakes in their collection.
Not art people, rich people.
Kind of money they don't care if
Ramsey gets prosecuted or executed.
For that matter.
[SOPHIE] The stakes are
life and death for Ramsey.
- I can work with that.
- What do you mean?
Arthur told you what my
team and I are capable of.
I am taking Ramsey down and
you are going to help me.
Why would I do that?
Ramsey's been my meal
ticket for decades.
And did you ever enjoy a full
meal, or did he just toss you
the odd table scrap?
I did you a good time with your daughter
and I didn't even get upset
when I learned your real motives.
You owe me.
I am going after Ramsey.
And I'm gonna win.
Whose side do you wanna be
on when the dust settles?
Okay. Okay, okay, okay.
I'm in.
What's the plan?
We have to lure Ramsey out of hiding.
But first things first
We got to clear Astrid out.
She's too good at what she does
and that's a complication we don't need.
You mean your little girl? Oh, that
is so nice when families reunite.
Parker, what did you steal that
made Astrid chase you across Europe?
One of my favorite
Rembrandt self-portraits.
Funny little hat.
[PHINEAS] Every day, you
and your people are here,
you're making my customers nervous.
Did you know? The Indian Jewels
exhibit pre-sales plummeted.
Excuse me. I'm so sorry to interrupt.
Inspector, I just got a ping.
Apparently, a stolen Rembrandt
has surfaced in Berlin.
A note was left at the scene
addressed to you from the thief.
[PHINEAS] Parker?
The Parker?
[HARRY] Apparently,
she's calling you out.
Perhaps, she considers
you some sort of nemesis.
Imagine if you were to catch her.
Get the team together.
Red Bull, new priority.
that. Right away, ma'am.
Excuse me. No liquids in my museum.
She took the bait. She'll
be wheels up in half an hour.
- Okay. Faked your credentials.
- Oh.
And here's your stolen
badge from yesterday.
Good. All right. We'll get
into the restoration room.
You're on guard, schedules,
and exit routes, all right?
What the
- [ASTRID] Excuse me?
- [PARKER] I thought Harry said
she took the bait? How
could she not take the bait?
[ASTRID] Excuse me?
Haven't I seen you
before here at the museum?
What kind of nemesis
is she trying to be
It is possible. I, I am here often.
Amina Farid. I am
restoration expert from Dubai.
Astrid Pickford.
You of course know we're
trying to keep traffic
in the gallery to a minimum for now?
Apologies. Uh, the robbery
attempt, it disrupted my work.
Uh, a set of Greek death masks.
Please, may I enter the
restoration room just for a minute?
I, I have the paperwork.
Dr. Dunbar, I was just upstairs
and I saw that the
inspector is still here.
Noticed that too, huh?
Doctor, out of curiosity,
and for my file,
how was Interpol able to
thwart the attempted heist?
[PHINEAS] Hmm, an anonymous
tip, as I understand,
telling her that some
thief by the name of Ramsey
was gonna come and rob the museum.
Now we can't seem to get
our inspector to leave.
You're very dedicated to your work.
Just trying to protect what I love.
The art, that is.
- Right.
- You also are dedicated.
Well, you protect what you love
your way and I protect it mine.
And how is that, may I ask?
By taking down those
who would destroy it.
I've been called overzealous,
hunting and studying criminals.
I guess I wanted to
know how they thought.
If they feel.
You are very strong.
I've had to be. One of these
people destroyed my life.
I am sorry for you.
Don't be. I'm going to remind them of it
just before I return the favor.
I am sorry. I I won't
be able to let you in.
I hope you understand.
But don't worry, your
masks will be safe with me.
[HARRY] You know, even if we
clear out that whole museum,
there's no way Astrid's
gonna leave the floor.
She wants Ramsey bad.
Can I pitch kidnapping now?
Kidnapping is a good idea.
Oh, you just wanna kidnap your nemesis.
And Sophie's not gonna like this
but it might be the best way.
She's a danger to you.
No, for my plan to work, Astrid
has to remain un-kidnapped.
We have a plan?
Yes. We need to get Ramsey
into the restoration room.
And how are we gonna do that with
Astrid guarding all the angles?
Well, she won't move away
from the restoration room,
then we have to move the
restoration room away from her.
Let's go steal a museum gallery.
- Cheers.
- [HARRY] Cheers.
[SOPHIE] Here's the
mountain in front of us.
We need to get Ramsey into the museum
and up to the restoration room unseen.
Meanwhile, Astrid and her team,
they have the Hanover Gallery and
the restoration room fully covered,
so we can't run a con from up there.
However, the layout of the third floor
is exactly the same as the floor
above it, minus a wall or two,
including an unused storage room
directly below the restoration room.
And Astrid does not have eyes on that.
Foolish mortal.
All right. All we gotta do
basically is clear out the museum,
hide some masterworks,
do a little masonry,
basically build an entire
gallery and restoration room.
Uh, and quick question.
How are we gonna get
Ramsey into the museum?
Doesn't he live off the
grid, hidden in the shadow?
Just gonna call him up and say,
"Hey, we found your forged mask."
Well, not me.
[BILLY] No, no. I don't like it.
- It doesn't make any sense.
- Of course it does, Billy.
And the whole thing depends on you.
That's the part that doesn't make sense.
And, you know, you ruined
my poker game again.
I can't go getting in
touch with Ramsey, can I?
But you can.
All you have to do is tell him
you can get him into the museum
With the roses all over him?
The man's never gonna believe it.
But you don't know which
mask is his forgery.
And I don't, do I? I mean, at
least that much is the truth.
Yes. So he has to
show up to identify it.
And when he shows up to the museum,
we'll have him in a locked room
with Interpol just a few steps away.
All you have to do is escort
him in, we'll do the rest.
There's only a thousand things
that can go wrong with your plan.
And I'm 999 of them.
Ramsey's not gonna set foot
in a place if he sees a soul.
How are you gonna clear
out the entire museum?
[SIGHS] I don't know.
The office said someone called
about the pipes down here again.
And they're really old and
Susan, I'll call you
back. I just found a bomb.
[GUARD] Everyone, please remain calm.
We have the situation under control.
[CAPTAIN] It's an unexploded
German ordnance from the Blitz.
We sent the robot down
and it took a reading.
Fifty kilograms, fuse intact.
It's called a blast bomb.
[BREANNA] Dude, you having a
World War II German ordnance guy,
so on brand, but wow.
We should evacuate the
museum. Yes, Captain?
No. Not the entire building.
Uh, only for an hour,
so we can safely remove the
device from the premises.
It's yield will likely be very
low, if it explodes at all.
I'll take my chances.
No, careful with that.
We've got one hour.
That's not nearly enough time.
We can't recreate the restoration room
and the entire Hanover
Gallery in one hour.
Yeah, Eliot.
What do you mean, "Yeah, Eliot?"
[HARRY] Don't forget
about his ordnance guy.
Who all's hand went
up when we needed a guy
with an active 80-year-old
device on short notice, huh?
That would come in and ask no questions?
Who, who? Me. I'm the only one.
Where's my EOD tech? Suit up!
Listen, he's asking for an
explosive ordnance disposal,
a Hurt Locker guy.
Does anybody have any ideas? Huh? No?
No hands go up again?
Captain, there's a second
payload on the bomb.
It's potentially a massive yield.
No. That sounds more South African.
It's it's massive.
Not massive. It's tremor.
- Huh?
- [SOPHIE] Tremor.
Captain, there's a second payload
on the bomb and it's potentially
[BREANNA] Now you just sound
like Scotty talking to Kirk.
[SCOTTISH ACCENT] "I can't change
the laws of physics, Captain."
Stop. I let me get
through the whole thing be
wrong dummy explosion
Shh. Quiet.
Second payload.
Potentially a massive yield.
The slightest tremor could set it off.
Captain, this won't be quick.
Everyone needs to clear
the building cool and quiet.
EOD will stay with the bomb.
Thinks he can bypass the second fuse,
but it may take several
hours if not days.
And Captain, tell the lads to
say a prayer for me, would you?
[CAPTAIN] Yeah. You've got it, old boy.
[SOPHIE] Cover everything.
And if they question it,
it's protection from the bomb.
Do you think they'll buy it?
We don't have a plan M.
It's a massive payload.
You might want to clear the
whole block for this one.
And Captain, tell Carla I loved her.
She deserved better.
[BILLY] So the bomb clearing
out in the lobby, that was us.
Nothing I didn't figure out
for myself, but well done.
You always was good at
bringing in talent, my old son,
even though you never have
much yourself, to be honest.
I'm shocked I'm this close
with you at the wheel.
Keep cool, Billy.
Stay focused.
I don't know.
This feels off. It's
smaller than I remember.
Uh, you've grown bigger,
uh, is, uh, your influence has grown.
Don't let him get under your skin.
He's too suspicious.
[RAMSEY] There's still something
nipping at my arse about this place.
Maybe we should, uh,
be a bit quick about it?
You watch who you're talking to.
There's something off here.
And you're walking me down a path.
What's waiting for me
down there, you mug?
There's nothing.
I I swear.
He's gonna blow the whole thing.
[RAMSEY] Billy, mate,
it's not a good idea to lie to me.
Nah. Screw it. I'm done.
My, my.
Hello, Ramsey.
Not quite what you were expecting.
I'd expect nothing less
from my favorite protégé.
Didn't think I'd be
pleased to see you, did you?
I was never your protégé.
You were never handing me the reins.
In fact, you taught me
all the wrong things.
I taught you how to survive.
How to survive you.
Obviously it worked, because
here you are, standing there.
Not for a reunion, for a job,
which I swooped in to pull
off just like you wanted.
But make no mistake.
I'm here for one
reason, self-protection.
Those masks get uncovered,
it's bad for the whole
crew, not just you.
Well, why didn't you tell
me you was back in the game?
We could have been doing
business all this time.
[SOPHIE] The masks are
just straight ahead.
[RAMSEY] I heard Lady
Astrid was on the case.
I hope you didn't do anything
too drastic to remove her.
I just put her onto a warmer trail.
And despite any fancy you may have,
you're hardly on the top
of her most wanted list.
Hang on.
Why is he suddenly sweating? Eh, Billy?
What are you hiding, princess?
You know Billy, he's always been clammy.
And isn't there a portrait of you
somewhere in this
gallery, right up here?
What portrait?
[SOPHIE] Look, we
should really get moving.
[BILLY] Yeah. Please, Ramsey. This
there is not there's nothing there.
[PARKER] Hardison loves
this printer so much.
He made one for all
the international crews.
[BREANNA] My big brother's
version of arts and crafts.
So within the realm of cool.
So paranoid.
Can we move on now?
[BREANNA] Got to hand it to you, Sophie.
You knew exactly which
painting he'd go for.
I swear I heard something.
False alarm.
I studied these for so long.
I started dreaming about them,
obsessed with making the perfect copy.
And there he is, greatest ever forgery.
Next to you of course.
I was never one of your charades.
You only see what you wanna see.
The fabrication, not the facts.
You tried to train all
of the feelings out of me,
make me as cold as one
of these marble masks.
But I was never like
that. I was never like you.
Hey, guys, we have some movement
in the third floor hallway.
Yeah. No, no. Sir, you
can assure the board
that the exhibit will definitely
open, uh, just a slight bomb problem.
Ah-ha, Dr. Dunbar. Thank
goodness you're here.
Isn't the museum supposed to be empty?
What is all of this?
What's going on over there?
[HARRY] Just a little precaution
to protect the paintings
in case the bomb goes
off. We should probably go.
There's nothing to worry about.
I wouldn't I wouldn't
I wouldn't I wouldn't
Where are all these works?
Justin, we're being robbed.
We're in the middle
of a robbery right now.
Inspector? Inspector, where are you?
I'm right outside the restoration room.
Restoration room?
Well, no I mean, no.
Obviously you're not, are you?
Because I am outside
the restoration room.
[HARRY] Oh, my goodness!
How did that happen?
- I got you.
- Inspector!
- Inspector!
- Sorry if I have to lose those
drop cloths, I got you.
Sophie, we have a little problem.
[PHINEAS] Help me!
Inspector Pickford!
[RAMSEY] Pickford's here?
Inspector Pickford!
[RAMSEY] Trying to pull
a fast one, are you?
You're more like me than you think.
- Oops.
No more forgery you can pin on me.
You old tosser.
Time your girl gets here, I'll be gone.
The only one getting caught here is you.
[PHINEAS] This bloody cloth!
Why is nobody helping me? Ow!
[SOPHIE] All right, Billy. All right.
Ramsey's on the move,
Parker. You know what to do.
[PARKER] On it.
They're gonna catch us.
I'm never gonna see my daughter again.
Billy, we built this room.
That door never locked
in the first place.
Look, that was really
it was chivalrous of you.
We're square. Now go on.
- Don't get caught on the way out.
- Okay.
You know
I've never been gladder
to leave you, darling.
It's been fun.
Have them search every
floor. Dunbar sounded weird.
Just find him, wherever the hell he is.
[POLICE OFFICER] Right away, ma'am.
- Parker.
- Astrid.
[ASTRID] A Greek death mask.
Stop right there.
That's my forgery.
I've been stitched up
good and proper, haven't I?
So continuing Breanna's
art forgery hour.
Does anyone besides Ramsey actually
know which death mask is fake?
[SOPHIE] You only see
what you wanna see.
The fabrication, not the facts.
I've been looking for you
ever since you destroyed my father.
Something tells me I'll know exactly
where to find you from now on, Ramsey.
You're under arrest.
- [MAN] Here comes the hero. Great work!
It's done. Bring in the crane.
You heard him, gents.
defusing the bomb, old boy.
[PARKER] So I've decided to
forgive Astrid for nemesising me.
She took down the bad guy. That's
what we do, so. She's family now.
Not a bad one to go out
on, being my last job.
[PARKER] Last job? Be serious.
What is it?
There's still a loose end.
The initial heist failed,
but only because it was
tipped off to Interpol.
It had to be someone who knew
that dropping the name Ramsey
was going to bring Inspector
Astrid Pickford running.
[ELIOT] Sophie, there's
a lot more police here.
This doesn't feel right.
[BREANNA] Oh no.
Hey, guys?
Cops are swarming. I'd say
it's time to make like a tree.
Breanna, find out where in the
world this call is coming from
and if we have people there.
Who is it?
I know exactly what happened.
The person who took down the London crew
knew that we were gonna
jump in and finish the job.
It had to be someone who
wanted to hurt Ramsey,
knew my connection to Astrid,
a carrot I couldn't resist,
and that I might be the
only person talented enough
and motivated enough to
bring Ramsey down for good.
How did I do, Arthur?
I'm so pleased you figured it out.
This would have been far
less satisfying if you hadn't.
I assume all your people
can hear me by now.
A tip of the hat on a
job, very well-done team.
I can only imagine how it
must feel, Sophie Devereaux,
being used for your many talents
once again after all these years.
Though you have to agree, Ramsey
did deserve to be taken down.
Breanna, where?
[BREANNA] He's here. He's
right outside the museum.
I can just picture Eliot right now.
[ARTHUR] Thinking of all the
ways he can quietly take me out.
Oh, no, no. No, that's Parker.
I'm thinking about how
I can do it very loudly.
[BREANNA] Sophie, he's right
down the street. I can take him.
[SOPHIE] No. Whatever this
is, he'd have thought of that.
All right, Arthur, out with it.
What's this about?
Well, they say, when you go
for revenge, dig two graves.
And I did, one for you
and one for Ramsey.
While you and your team were
busy forging the Hanover Gallery,
I was stealing a
certain bejeweled crown,
just arrived today from India.
[SIGHS] Sounds familiar.
[ARTHUR] Mm-hmm. Gems from the gold
Congo set by Cartier in the 1930s,
the Maharaja's crown.
I can't believe you've never
put the pieces together.
Of course, the last time we tried
to acquire it, I went to prison.
And you didn't.
Things are gonna be quite
the opposite this time,
as all the evidence points to you.
You've outdone yourself, Arthur.
[ARTHUR] Well, it was
a stroke of luck really
our paths crossing like
that in the States.
You trying so desperately
hard to pretend you've changed,
that you forgot who you really are.
And now, just months later,
I used that to con you into
nailing yourself to the cross.
Revenge is sweet, Your Grace.
Anywho, I must go, best, always.
They're gonna love you in prison.
Time for phase two.
So Arthur Wilde stole the
Maharaja's crown, when?
When we were pulling off the Ramsey job.
[SOPHIE] I've been so
stupid. I should have seen
[ELIOT] Well, you shouldn't
have seen this coming,
he didn't want you to see this coming.
This is classic misdirection.
We're looking one way.
[PARKER] While he steals another.
How did he override the
internal pressure sensors?
- We didn't turn them off.
- [BREANNA] We didn't.
Our shenanigans were
confined to the third floor,
but the museum's other
security measures are still on.
I knew he was gonna try something.
- This
[PARKER] We should move now.
[HARRY] Sophie, Let's go.
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