See Dad Run (2012) s02e14 Episode Script

See Dad Run Until He Drops

I don't know, David.
My wife is big boned with a big-boned appetite.
After a 12-hour flight, I don't know if one pizza's gonna be enough.
Don't worry, Marcus.
I had Kevin get a little dessert too.
The folks at the pie barn were so excited Aunt Alicia's coming back.
Yeah, and at this point, she's got so many frequent pie-er miles, they just threw in the cart for free.
See that? This is the perfect welcome home.
Look, David, three months away is a long time.
Before she went to Europe, she was talking about she needed to go find herself.
Now she says she has a big surprise.
What if that surprise is that she found herself a sexy French Baker? Oh, she loves you, and you know that.
They smell like bread, David! I can't compete with that! - Daddy, are we gonna eat soon? - Yes, we are.
Chuck and fire Rose are starving.
- Okay.
- Who are Chuck and fire Rose? That's her imaginary friends.
You guys like cheese or pepperoni? Remember your imaginary friend Stu? Dad, Stu was real.
He had blazing pink hair and eight ears.
Oh, my gosh! Stu was not real! - Guys, we're home! - Ooh, Marcus! Oh, oh.
Voila! Did someone order something in a size petite? - Alicia? - Wow.
Wow! What? Where.
Where is the rest of you? I left it in Europe.
So what do you think, baby? You look amazing! Wow! Come here! Oh, lookit that! Ooh! My arms can go all the way around you! Look at you! How did you go from ba-ba-ba boom to ka-ka-ka? Baby, before I left, I took a long hard look at myself, and I just didn't like what I saw.
Baby, I was happy with you the way you were.
Oh, but I wasn't.
You've had a long flight.
You must be hungry.
We got plenty of food.
Come on.
Oh, no, no, no.
I'm stuffed.
I had a salad on the plane.
But I'll tell you what I am hungry for.
This one right here.
Oh, well, I like that you came back feisty! Woo! Woo! You know, we're gonna skip lunch, and we're gonna go straight to dessert.
Up here.
Come on! - I can do it! Look! - Woo! I'm picking my wife up for the first time! Woo! I'm carrying you home! More tea, fire Rose? I'm sorry, Chuck.
Daddy won't share his pie.
You lose, brother.
Hey, guys.
- Hey! - Hey, you.
Hey, baby girl.
Hi, Aunt Alicia.
I haven't seen you in two days.
What are you guys doing? Living life, David.
Starting with the sunrise boot camp.
You know, before I went to Europe, I could do maybe, what, five sit-ups? Guess how many we did this morning? Yeah! And then we hiked all through the Santa Monica mountains, topped it off with a hot yoga class.
- So hot.
Am I just.
- Ooh! That trip to Europe, it not only changed my life, but it changed our lives, didn't it, baby? Yes.
I need more water.
I can't seem.
Should I refill that? - I can refill that.
- Oh, yeah.
- Okay.
- Thank you.
We'll be right back, pudding pop.
Okay, hey.
Little thirsty there, pudding pop? You can laugh all you want.
That woman is relentless.
I can't keep up with her.
Come on, Marcus.
Man up.
Your beautiful wife is back.
She's crazy about you.
What's the problem? Sitting, standing, breathing, bending.
- David.
- Yeah? Alicia and Marcus are going for a bike ride along the coast.
We should come.
Emily can stay and watch the kids.
Yeah, today is pie and pizza day, honey, and I think I might have pulled a hammy getting the pizza out of the oven, - so I don't know if I'm.
- Come on, honey! Look at them.
All the time they're spending together.
It's really rekindled their romance.
They're so cute.
Come on, David.
Man up, man up.
Yeah, come on.
- Yeah.
- It'll be fun.
Absolutely, Sweetie.
There's a pair of bike shorts with your name on it upstairs.
Oh, yeah, that sells it, honey.
Guys, the competition's coming up, and your running man looks like my little sister's pee-pee dance.
I do have to go.
I went a little when we collided.
Oh, come on, Joe.
We're just having fun.
Plus we don't stand a chance against high-def.
Hey, we're lowest common denominator.
We can be that good too.
We just have to work hard.
Same time tomorrow? Can't.
My sister just got her braces off.
To celebrate, we're all going out for gum.
Hey, Joe.
Saw you throwing down some pretty nice dance moves.
Really? Thanks.
Yeah, so what do you say you join up with high-def? Wow.
I don't know.
I'm already part of a crew.
Hey, come on.
Remember what it feels like to be a winner? A winner? Can't say that I do.
Can I get back to you? You do that.
In the meantime.
We're high-def! - Well, that was fun.
- Mm hmm.
It feels good to get a little exercise.
David, you ought to join us tomorrow for karate.
Oh, we're in.
- I already got David a Gi.
- Yes! Oh, "Gi," thanks.
Woo! What ya doing, sweetheart? Dad reminded me about imaginary Stu.
I was feeling sentimental, so I took out the letters "Stu" wrote me.
"Dear Em, you're my best friend.
"I promise I'll visit soon.
Heart, heart, heart.
" How cute is that? Oh, so cute.
Honey, why don't we pack this up for safekeeping.
"Dear Em, I miss you so much.
"Don't forget I can't visit unless you massage your Mom's feet every day.
" Mom, I massaged your feet every day for weeks, waiting for Stu to come.
"Dear Em, " butterflies and pink stuff, and never kiss a boy until you're married.
" That was your Dad.
"Dear Stu, too late for that.
" We're high-def! Joe, what's going on? What do you mean? I told you guys last night that they asked me to dance with 'em.
We didn't think you were serious.
That's the problem.
You guys weren't taking it seriously.
This is my chance to win.
You guys know what it feels like to be winners, right? I got nothing.
Me neither.
Come on, Elliot.
Let's storm out lcd style.
Five, six, seven, eight.
Why didn't you follow? I didn't know what you were doing.
Woo! Baby, that was the most fun we've had together in years! "Yehears"! You know, it's so invigorating.
I'm not even tired.
- Let's make sangria! - Yes! - Oh, yes! - Yes, sangria! Yes, sangria! Lots of sangria.
Oh, sangria! Sangria! Ah! Woo! I am so exhausted.
Oh, my God.
Keeping up with these women is a full-time job.
Our full-time job on the television show was easier than this.
- I am done.
- No, no, no, wait.
Hold on, hold on, hold on, David.
Look, hang in there with me.
I can't disappoint Alicia.
Things are going well for us.
For her, not for you! I saw that little seizure you had on the dance floor.
- I was trying a new dance move.
- It was a seizure.
It was a small seizure.
I had a small one.
Just tell your wife the truth.
Please tell the truth! She'll understand.
- Alicia just had a great idea.
- Oh, God, no.
We're all gonna train for a mini triathlon together.
Swimming, running, and biking.
Which one do I have to do? All of 'em.
Yeah, look, ladies, Marcus and I have been talking, and.
The truth is that.
The truth is.
We're going back to work.
We're gonna do another show.
What? Really? You heard the man.
Oh, yes, I did hear the man! And will I come back to work for you? The answer is yes, David.
A thousand times yes! So what's the new show about? Okay, um, it's about two best friends.
That's it? Who'll do anything for each other.
Even when one best friend comes up with a hair-brained scheme and forces the other best friend to go along with it.
Well, then the other best friend keeps his mouth shut because he's his best friend! Oh.
And then maybe they have a third best friend who.
Let's not muddy it up, Kevin.
What about the kids? You're really gonna star in a show? Oh, honey, this is way down the line.
Oh, then you guys can do the triathlon.
Not that far down the line.
Well, I'm really happy for you.
I mean, I know how much you two love to work together.
Yeah, we love it.
Did it for 10 years.
We have a shorthand, me and this guy.
It's almost like we finish each other's.
I was gonna say sentences, but you're the writer.
You're the writer.
Come on, we're cooking already! Lunches.
What are you doing? Before Amy comes down, I want to make it look like we're really busy.
So I'm crumpling up all your bad ideas.
Okay, I'm gonna crumple up your bad ideas.
Hey, guys.
Amy ready? Hold on one second, Sweetie.
Fade in, coffee shop, daytime.
- Two best friends having coffee.
- Yeah.
Oh, and their faithful assistant brings them scones.
Don't muddy it up, Kevin.
Don't muddy it up.
Look at you guys hard at work.
Ooh, okay.
We're off to train for the triathlon.
- We should be home for 4:00.
- Yeah.
So you'll pick up Janie from Charlotte's? Got it.
Work hard, baby.
Miss you.
- And we're clear.
- Let's get out of here.
Go, go, go, go.
Hey, Janie.
So Daddy just told me that Charlotte made fun of you for talking to Chuck and fire Rose.
Yeah, it hurt their feelings, so they flew away.
Well, that's not very nice of Charlotte.
But, hey! What's this? It's addressed to you.
And it's from Chuck and fire Rose.
Yay! Open it! Open it! Ooh! Magic glitter! It must be from them! "Dear Janie, " sorry we had to rush off.
"You're our favorite friend in the whole wide world," "and we're going to visit again very soon.
Heart, heart, heart, Chuck and fire Rose.
" Yay! They're gonna come back! Oh, wait! There's more! "P.
we could come back even sooner if you massage your sister's feet.
" That's okay.
I'll wait.
Hey, this is Fitzy! Leave a message.
Unless you're Joe.
Take a hint, dude.
Still having trouble with Fitzy and Elliot? Now they won't even return my calls.
I'm starting to think leaving them for high-def was a bad idea.
Well, Joe, a true friend will stick by you, even.
When you've had your worst idea.
Like a TV show about two best friends.
Sitting in a coffee shop.
Gel up, dude.
Oh, I'm good.
I pre-gelled.
More for us.
Hey, Joe.
We just came by to wish you luck.
Really? So you guys are cool with me dancing with high-def? Yeah, we couldn't stay mad at you.
It is all good, Joe.
We just want you to do what makes you happy.
Thanks, guys.
Come on, Elliot.
We got to go warm up.
Five, six, seven, eight.
Okay, when did this become our thing? Hey, Joe.
What did fart-sy and smell-iot want? Fitzy and Elliot.
Look, guys.
I'm sorry, but I think I want to dance with my friends.
Thought you wanted to win.
I do, but.
I just realized there's something that's gonna make me happier.
Dancing with fart-sy and smell-iot? I'm out! Thank you, prance prance revolution! And now our reigning champions two years in a row, high-def! They're doing good.
I'm glad you're back with us.
I don't believe it! They're actually gonna try the "triple twist off.
" No one's ever pulled that off! Not without twisting something off.
Oh, no! We over-gelled! Wow! Shocking turn of events! Looks like this dance crown is still up for grabs! Guys, this is our chance! We can take this.
And now our final contestants "lowest common denominator"! Guys, we're gonna win! We're gonna.
Aah! We're not gonna win.
I'm sorry, guys.
Doesn't matter, Joe.
That was great.
We'll remember this forever.
Remember that time when you fell off the stage? I don't remember what I had for breakfast.
I do.
You stole my flapjacks! - Oh.
- Take your time.
You can lean on me.
I am so sorry.
You're gonna have to do this triathlon alone.
- Oh.
- Oh, curse my birdlike bones.
You just keep on training, Sweetie.
- Okay.
- Okay? All right.
Now you get some rest, all right? And keep this propped up.
Okay? And I.
- I'll check on you later, Amy.
- Ooh! All right? Okay.
I just got my life back.
I just got my life back.
I'm gonna eat this whole pie.
I'm gonna eat this whole pie I just got my life back I just got.
The game was amazing.
Kobe was unreal! Much better than writing a fake script.
What we have to do now is crumple up some more of your bad ideas, throw 'em on the floor, and the girls will never be the wiser.
There you go.
Oh! Shouldn't we at least write something down? How about.
Fade in? Hmm? Two best friends.
Busted! I thought you were training.
I thought you were at work.
How could you two? Lying to Alicia just to get out of the triathlon? You two should be ashamed of yourselves.
Would somebody like to explain to me what's going on here? Well, for starters, Amy is clearly lying about her ankle.
I got that.
Well, they're not writing a script.
I got that too.
Look, the truth is.
No, hang on.
This is my fault.
The truth is that.
I couldn't keep up with you ladies.
So I convinced Marcus to go along with this hair-brained scheme of mine where we pretend to write a script.
Look, David, you don't have to say all that.
- It was my idea, Alicia.
- All him, it was all him.
Look, after all the hard work you put into getting into shape, I didn't want to be the one to disappoint you.
Marcus, honey, we've been together for all these years.
The only way you can disappoint me is by thinking you had to lie to me.
Well, here's the truth, Alicia.
I love all the things we're doing, but can we do a little less of it at a slower pace? I can do slow.
Slow and feisty.
I like that too.
Mm-hmm! I love you, Alicia.
- Oh, I love you too, baby.
- Mwah! Come on.
Whup! Oh! Excuse us, but we're going out for some slow and feisty.
Ooh! You thinking what I'm thinking? Oh, yeah.
We're gonna eat this whole pie We're gonna eat this whole pie We're gonna.
Oh, hey, wait, wait! Slow and feisty.
We're gonna eat this whole pie We're gonna eat this whole pie
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