Shark s02e14 Episode Script

Leaving Las Vegas

Previously on Shark: Jordan Westlake, State Attorney General's office.
I have a warrant for your arrest.
I made a mistake.
I got to pay for it.
You build me a slam-dunk case against Riddick, we drop all the criminal charges against you andyou get your license back.
Compliments of the attorney general.
See you in court.
The attorney general supports the reinstatement of Mr.
That's odd.
Because I have a letter from the attorney general in support of Mr.
Stark's disbarment.
It is the opinion of this panel that your conduct demands your immediate and permanent removal from the California State Bar.
Yes! Mindy is my good luck charm.
I'm Mandy.
That's Mindy.
Well Tell you what.
Why don't you guys go buy yourselves a vowel.
Nice! Well, hey, you know what? Easy come, easy go.
And $50,000.
Be good to me, baby.
Good luck, sir.
Thank you.
I appreciate it.
Wow, look at this, huh? Oh, a five for the dealer.
Not so good for you.
This is my lucky day, I hope.
I can double that.
An 11.
Yes! Yes! Yes! Very good, sir.
You know this is just amazing luck.
I don't know how it happened.
Uh, Mr.
Stark, Mr.
Ballantine would like to see you.
Geez, you know, I'd love to See Duke, but I-I got tickets to the Cirque du Soleil.
I'm afraid it's not a request.
You guys should lay off the HGH.
You know, that stuff can kill you.
Mandy, Candy, you'll tell them I'll be right back, okay? And you'll, uh, watch my chips for me? I'll probably never see them again.
I loved you guys.
So, you know, the funny thing about card counting, technically, it is not illegal.
I know because I'm an attorney, lawyer.
Prosecutor, actually.
Lots of friends in law enforcement.
Your boss and I go way back.
I used to be his lawyer.
So if we're going out to the desert maybe we should stop and pick up some sunscreen.
Hey, Duke.
How are you, pal? Geez, it's been what? Uh, eight years, huh? By the way, you look great.
That's a killer suit.
Okay, so, this, uh, this whole thing is a big misunderstanding.
I you know, blackjack is for tourists.
I was just showing off for the girls.
Seeing if I had the old chops.
I will pay back every penny.
With interest, Shark.
People actually don't call me that anymore.
Except old friends, of course.
That's-that's that would be cool.
Like you.
Of course.
Follow me.
Must've been one hell of a party.
Yeah, well, the party's over for him.
Brad Swift.
My former head of casino operations.
This is his place.
What the hell happened, Duke? Well, we found out he was skimming millions.
We discussed it.
Didn't go well.
So I gather.
Well, look, you, uh, you need to call a lawyer.
I already did.
Hold on.
I'm just here on vacation.
Not anymore.
I- I also happen to be retired-- not to mention, you know, disbarred.
Not in Nevada.
Look, Duke, you don't want me.
I've been a prosecutor for the last two years.
I don't care if you've been Attorney General.
You're the best, and that's what I need.
Look, I'd happy to consult.
I'll help you any way I can.
Really, but I am out of the game.
I'll give you a $3 million retainer cash, plus expenses.
How's that sound? $5 million sounds better.
Don't drop the ball.
You own a unit here? A condo? Please.
I don't li You own a unit here? Please.
I don't live with the help.
Tell me what happened.
Well, we were having a business meeting and Brad had an accident.
Yeah, well, try this.
You came by for the meeting and you found the body.
No defensive wounds.
All right.
You think anybody heard anything? You kidding? ere, the neighbors would sleep right through it.
That's good news.
Here's the bad.
There are no alibi witnesses.
You knew the victim.
And you are Duke Ballantine.
The DA's gonna smell headlines.
Like a platinum card.
All right, get a cloth, go up, wipe your fingerprints off the upstairs landing.
And buckle up.
This one's gonna get rough.
Yes, my name is Sebastian Stark.
I'd like to report a dead body.
Duke Ballantine is a pillar of the Las Vegas community.
He's not only an influential businessman, but one of the city's leading philanthropists.
You were disbarred in California.
Is that why you came to Las Vegas? I came to Las Vegas to gamble.
And to see Barry Manilow-- awesome show.
Ballantine looks forward to proving his innocence in court.
Didn't take him long to return to the dark side.
Yeah, Ballantine's a serious badass.
Seriously deep pockets.
Hard at work, I see.
Just waiting for marching orders.
Don't hold your breath.
You're shutting us down? Undetermined.
HPCU's been funded through the end of the month, at which point you'll either have a new boss or find yourselves reassigned.
Until then, all of your cases have been suspended or transferred.
So what are we supposed to do? Write your memoirs.
Learn a foreign language.
I don't really care.
Just stay out of trouble.
Oh, and as for you, this unit no longer has anything to investigate.
So terminated.
I can't believe this.
At least you have a job.
This is all Stark's fault.
Oh, please.
You knew what you were getting into when you signed on.
She's right.
You swim with sharks.
Speak of the devil.
Returning to the scene of the crime? Greetings from poolside! Cutler suspend the Unit? Yeah, and then some.
So who would like a major all-expense-paid trip to lovely Las Vegas to work for the country's top criminal defense attorney? You offering us jobs? And a major payday.
Unless, of course, you prefer to sit around on your asses listening to Raina whine about me.
Defend Duke Ballantine? Not in this lifetime.
Front page murder case, suite at the Olympia? I'm in.
That's my girl.
Big surprise.
Ballantine's got a lot of big bodies on him.
From what I hear, they keep dropping.
And? And I got a mortgage to pay.
Okay, that's two.
Danny? I do love Vegas.
But I can't keep a scumbag like Ballantine back on the street.
Suit yourself.
All right, Madeleine, Isaac, I need you guys to hop on the next plane out here.
And Raina? Whether you believe this or not, I'm truly sorry.
Oh, so you found me.
Oh, wasn't tough.
I just asked for the biggest jerk in the biggest cabana.
You sound stressed.
You know, the spa over here does a hot oil massage that'll change your life.
Speaking of which, you seem to have mutated from prosecutor back to cutthroat hired gun overnight? Well, you know, I spent two years of my life doing the people's business for peanuts.
Nailing defendants that they couldn't even touch before.
And at the end of the day, they treated me like cancer.
I can't outrun my past, so, who says you can't go home again? Well, that's fine for you.
But I don't destroy people for a living.
Well, you did a pretty nice job on me.
All right, look.
I promised I'd keep you from getting disbarred and I couldn't.
So I owe you one.
But I'm not a defense attorney.
You spent years ringing up guys like Ballantine.
You're here to help me with the DA's case, to get into his noggin, keep me one step ahead.
After this, we're even.
I'm taking your drink.
Oh, look at this.
I love Vegas.
In addition to his casino, Ballantine owns two shopping malls, an apartment complex, and a chain of movie theaters across Nevada.
That's quite an empire.
Yeah, built the old- fashioned way.
Murder, grand larceny, extortion.
I wonder how he got away with all that.
Okay, so let's just get this out of the way up front.
Shall we? We are not in Kansas anymore.
This is a high-profile criminal defense.
Your job is not to judge your client, but to defend him by any means necessary.
Got it? Loud and clear.
But for the record? This guy makes me sick.
Well, take two aspirin and call me when we win.
What have you got? List of folks who had access to the victim's floor the night he was killed.
Oh, lots of names.
Place is run like a high-end hotel.
Tons of staff in addition to residents.
Talk to everybody.
See if anyone saw anything or heard anything.
So we can find someone to take the fall for this murder.
See? A girl after my own black heart.
Okay, Swift worked for Ballantine for five years, had to make some enemies along the way.
Find them.
And, Jordan, Got it.
you got to work the media.
What's the angle? Victim's a sinner.
Ballantine's a saint.
And thus we contaminate the potential jury pool.
Wear your hazmat suit.
Isaac, I need you to find dirt on the cop who secured the crime scene.
You gotta be kidding me.
I'll probably argue Oh, I feel so much better.
Okay, let's move.
Prelim's in 48 hours.
Every minute counts.
You're a tough girl to track down, Rosa.
Sorry, I have a lot of apartments.
Three floors.
This won't take long.
According to the building manager, you cleaned Mr.
Swift's apartment several hours before he died.
Yes, but I didn't see anything.
Did you see Mr.
Ballantine in the building that day? No.
Rosa, we just have a Look, if you saw something, we really need to know.
And we need to be able to tell Mr.
Ballantine that you were cooperative.
My cousin Alexa filled in for me that day.
Her green card's not exactly in order.
Well, we're defense attorneys, not immigration agents.
We just need to talk to her.
She doesn't know anything.
Then it'll be a short conversation.
I'll tell her.
16 interviews and nobody knows a damn thing.
That they'll admit to, anyway-- the result of having a client that scares the crap out of everyone.
There was no sign of forced entry, which is indicative of what, Officer Carpenter? The victim probably knew the killer and let him in.
And the only person at the condominium was Mr.
Ballantine? And his lawyer.
And did Mr.
Ballantine say anything? Mr.
Stark said when Ballantine Nothing further.
Officer, you were alone at the location before Forensics arrived, is that right? For about 30 minutes, yes.
You touch anything? Of course not.
In 1999, were you disciplined for tampering with evidence? Objection.
I- I moved a sweatshirt.
I thought the scene had been secured.
In 2004, were you brought up on departmental charges for lying to a superior officer? Judge, Officer Carpenter is not on trial here.
The witness will answer the question.
My partner took two days off for the birth of his daughter.
I- I covered for him; I told the desk sergeant he was sick.
I'm sorry.
In other words, you lied.
Okay, good, so one last question, Officer.
In 2006, were you turned down for an after-hours security job at Duke Ballantine's Olympia Casino? Every guy in the force interviewed for that I'm sorry.
Would that be a "yes"? Yes.
You must be the pride of the Las Vegas Police Department.
Objection! Withdrawn.
You may step down, Officer.
This one's an easy one, Judge.
Officer Carpenter here is a, uh, poster boy for police malfeasance.
And there is zero evidence that my client is guilty of anything other than being in the wrong place at the wrong time.
It is a thin case, Mr.
Stark, but there is enough to proceed to trial.
Thank you, Judge.
Play your cards right, maybe you can get disbarred here, too.
When there's money on the table, I always play my cards right.
What the hell was that? Calm down, baby.
Take it easy.
I wasn't talking to you.
We always knew that this was gonna be held over for trial, always.
I think we're in good shape.
We trashed the cops; judge granted bail.
Yeah, which is lucky, considering the charges.
I don't believe in luck.
I'm a businessman.
My investors don't want to read my name in the papers.
I want this over fast.
My alarm didn't go off.
Did I miss it? Yeah, Monte, you missed it.
Kid would lose his ass if it wasn't attached.
I'm really sorry, Dad.
Yeah, you really are.
Don't take it out on him.
Shut your mouth.
Son, your dad's going to do just fine.
Get him out of here.
Come on, Monte.
Oh, that's nice, huh? Your boy's all grown up.
And not worth a damn.
But what are you gonna do, huh? Can't cut him loose.
I'd love to kick this guy's ass.
Let's win the case first, and then I'll help you.
I come in and there's no one to yell at.
Almost makes me nostalgic for the old days.
Maybe you shouldn't shut us down.
Where are your colleagues? Madeleine's on vacation, and Danny stepped out.
Hmm, just as well.
It was you I was looking for.
Yeah, why's that? You're the only one around here I feel bad for, Raina.
You had such a bright future at this office.
Had? I won't lie to you.
This is a bad situation.
I'd just hate to see your career cut short because of your association with the HPCU.
I'm not the one who got disbarred.
But your boss was.
That taints every conviction this unit secured.
The appeals will start rolling in.
Everyone claiming they were "Starked" in one or more orifices.
Anyone associated with wrongdoing will take a bullet.
I did what I was told to do.
Yeah, the old Nuremberg gambit never really works.
And the sad part is I know you were never on board with the way Stark ran things.
What do you want? I want a full list of Stark's transgressions.
Every perjured affidavit, every piece of concealed evidence, all of it.
That would take weeks.
You've got something better to do besides save your career? And if I play ball? You move up to supervisor in the unit of your choice.
If I don't? Public service isn't for everyone.
But while you're noodling on it, perhaps you could cozy up to Stark so he doesn't suspect anything.
Hell, you can cash in on that junket to Vegas.
I know everything.
C'mon, Lester.
Your case should come with a rim shot.
My client's willing to deal.
Let's make this thing go away and grab some lunch.
What's his proffer? He went over to see the victim.
A business argument ensued, whereupon, Mr.
Swift pushed our client.
Our client pushed back.
Mutual combat? Tragic accident.
Involuntary manslaughter, second degree, suspended sentence.
What do you say? The filet of sole at Drai's? You're dreaming.
Face it.
You're never gonna find 12 citizens in this town willing to convict Duke Ballantine.
Not to mention the fact that you have no eyewitness, no motive.
Well, you might find this interesting.
This was posted today on scandalseeker.
It was taken two weeks ago in Hawaii.
That's your client's wife with the murder victim.
Or as I like to call it: motive.
Second-degree murder.
25 years to life.
Or I'll see you in court.
You know, for a guy who owns a casino.
you're not real good at playing the game, Duke.
What game is that? The one where you get to do whatever you want and I make sure you get away with it.
You know, I can't win if you're not straight with me.
I didn't know about Brad and Karla.
You knew I was in Vegas before I hit the baggage claim at McCarran.
And yet, your lieutenant's banging your wife right under your nose and you're shocked? You calling me a liar? Uh, no, Duke, I'm not calling you a liar.
I'm just saying that I can't win if I don't have the whole shot.
Listen, this is a tough town.
My competitors smell weakness, I have a problem.
But it makes you sympathetic to the jury.
Did you not hear what I just said? I'm hearing you.
But unfortunately-- and this isn't under our control-- Karla is now the state's star witness.
Let me tell you something.
Karla will say what I tell her to say.
The victim had a lot of enemies.
We should be able to find a fall guy.
I spoke to a Mickey Rafferty in Orange County.
I guess Swift screwed him over big-time on a business deal.
So, Rafferty's still pissed.
You get a sworn statement? Raina's bringing him in.
Raina? I thought she didn't want to get her hands dirty.
Well, I guess she had a change of heart.
I checked on the workers we spoke to at Swift's building.
It turns out the maid, Rosa Diaz, did work that day.
She said her cousin Alexa filled in.
There is no Alexa.
And get this.
Rosa hasn't been back to work since we spoke to her.
Track her down.
And as far as our client goes, if he lied to us about his wife's affair Got it.
I'll vet the notes of our interviews with him.
It's unbelievable.
The DA won't let us cop a plea, and we're going to trial with a client we can't trust.
Well, now I know why we're being paid so much.
As my colleague told you on the phone, Mr.
Rafferty, our office is running a probe into a possible gaming conspiracy.
Good for you.
Why am I here? I understand that you wanted to bring charges of fraud against Brad Swift for a casino deal that went south? Yeah, but you're a little late.
Swift's dead or don't you watch TV? We're looking into all of Mr.
Swift's business dealings.
Why should I help you? Well, it's either talk to me or talk to a grand jury.
How do the next few months look for you? Two years ago, Swift and I bankrolled the Nimpoki Tribe in a play for the casino rights, in exchange for a half-ownership.
How'd that work out? It didn't.
Turns out Swift went behind my back to Ballantine.
They cut me out of the loop.
They cost me millions.
Says here you went after Swift.
Angry phone calls, threats.
He got a restraining order against you.
Swift ripped me off.
No one said you did.
I like to get kissed first.
I haven't been to Vegas in months.
I have nothing else to say.
You got more questions, call my lawyer.
It wasn't an affair.
Well, the video says different.
No, I was drunk.
Brad forced himself on me.
Karla, we need your story, all right? Not your husband's.
Is he ever violent toward you? I bet Brad was different, huh? Brad worried about me treated me with respect.
He was my friend.
More than a friend, from what we saw.
How long were you and Brad seeing each other? A few months.
Duke treated Brad worse than he treated me.
We both wanted to get out.
We even talked about running away.
How'd your husband find out? He had me followed.
Did he confront you? The night Brad was killed he hit me threw me up against a wall.
I thought he was gonna kill me, too He said it was my fault.
Said that Brad was dead because of me.
Hey, that's not true.
Yes, it is.
Gas company, Ms.
She's headed out the back.
Open it.
We're not with the DA's office anymore.
We're private citizens.
All right, but if I get busted I'll represent you.
Oh, my God.
Hold on.
Hold on! Hey, hey! Rosa.
No! It's okay, okay, okay.
Please, let me go.
Look at me.
Rosa, listen to me.
Come on.
I don't know anything.
All right, right, we're not going to hurt you.
I promise, okay? No.
My name is Sebastian Stark.
I represent Duke Ballantine.
N- No, listen, you talked to my associates and you lied to them.
No, I swear I didn't tell the police anything.
You tell Mr.
I believe you and I'll make sure that Mr.
Ballantine believes you after you tell me what you know.
I was cleaning the bathroom on the second floor.
I heard people yelling.
Did you see anything? I saw Mr.
Ballantine grab Mr.
Swift by his shirt.
He threw him over the balcony.
What'd you do then? There's a maid's entrance on the second floor.
I snuck out, went home.
I didn't tell anyone; you have to believe me.
I do.
You know what? Just to be safe, I'm gonna get you a really nice room where you can stay, all right? No one will know you're there.
I'll pay for everything.
What do you say? For how long? Just till the trial's over.
Then you can get back to your life like none of this ever happened.
Okay? Come on.
Let's pack a few things, okay, and we'll come back.
We'll pick you up in the morning.
All right? Please tell me we are not hiding a witness.
The DA hasn't put her on a witness list andhe hasn't subpoenaed her.
Therefore, she's not a witness.
We're going to hell.
All right, 30 each on six and eight.
You can back up my bets if you want.
Yeah, I'm backing up all the way to the nickel slots.
Seven, craps.
That's just wrong.
You're a barrel of laughs tonight.
You need to lighten up.
We're in Vegas.
Yeah, representing the Prince of Darkness.
You need to let that go.
At least when we crossed the line in L.
, we were putting away bad guys.
Yeah, but we weren't paid like this.
Smearing cops, B and E, hiding witnesses.
I don't know if I can do this.
It's the same system, Isaac, and the rules say even a creep like Ballantine gets his day in court.
So it's just a job, huh? You got it.
Hey, isn't that Ballantine's son? Yeah, it looks like junior's a player.
How you doing, Monte? Hey, guys.
Not so great.
All on 16.
You just lost 20 grand.
I can get it back.
Not on my dime.
Get up.
I was on a hot streak, Dad Get out.
I don't want to see you here again.
Get up.
Dad Shut up.
Get up.
Get out.
It's just a job, huh? So where are we taking this girl? My bookie's got a condo downtown.
He only uses it during football season.
Nice of him to loan it to you.
Trust me.
I paid for that place many times over.
What the hell did you do? I don't know what you mean.
Rosa Diaz, BradSwift's cleaning girl.
Someone drowned her in a bathtub.
Ringing any bells, Duke? No, but I'll send flowers.
That's it.
Get yourself a new lawyer.
Come on.
You didn't tell me anything about any witnesses.
I was giving you plausible deniability in case the DA found out we were hiding her.
Ah, see, that's why you're the best.
Come on.
This is Vegas.
It's a dangerous town.
People get killed every day.
She was just a kid.
She wouldn't have said anything.
You know what? You've been working too hard.
Why don't you take the night off? Go upstairs, I'll send some girls to your room; it'll be nice.
You've been having me followed, been going behind my back.
We're done.
Hang on.
You know what? You're done when I say you're done.
Okay? You took the cash.
Man up, do the job, or they're going to findyouin a bathtub.
You understand that? There it is.
Tore my place apart looking for this thing.
See you.
Have a good night.
Hey, what are you doing here so late, huh? I'm just going through some old files.
Why? Making sure everything's covered.
You know, you're a lousy liar.
Look, Cutler says that all of our cases are going to be appealed.
When they are You're selling Stark out.
Look, I worked too hard to wind up running cases in traffic court.
Stark gave us all jobs, Raina.
Don't you think he deserves better than that? Don't we? We bled for him, did things that we knew were wrong.
Come on.
why aren't you in Vegas? Because I put criminals away.
I don't defend them.
But I still appreciate what Stark did for me-- hell, for all of us.
There's a reason why he got disbarred.
He made a mistake, Raina, 12 years ago.
And now we're all paying for it.
It's a little late for loyalty.
Well, if you believe that, then you're throwing in with the right guy.
Cutler stabbed Jessica in the back to get elected.
He screwed the HPCU whenever he could.
What the hell do you think he's going to do to you? I hope you find what you're looking for.
You want some company? With someone.
What happened to Rosa Diaz wasn't your fault.
Yes, it was.
You couldn't have known Ballantine would kill her.
I knew what this guy was capable of.
I have known all along.
Come on, Sebastian.
No, I thought I could jump right back into the pool, defending these monsters, helping them get away with murder and God knows what else but I can't do it.
I'm not that guy anymore.
Being a DA changes your outlook.
So does being a father.
I've let my daughter down a thousand times.
I just can't do it anymore.
I never should have taken this case.
Ship's kind of sailed on that one.
Your opening was strong.
You laid out the cops.
Ballantine's got a good shot at getting off.
Maybe maybe not.
To your knowledge, was your husband aware of your relationship with Mr.
Swift? No.
Nothing further.
Ballantine, you, of course, are aware that the prosecutor is accusing your husband of killing Brad Swift? Yes.
In your experience, your husband wasn't ever violent, was he? Should he have asked that? Not unless he had an aneurysm.
No further questions.
Uh redirect, Your Honor.
So did your husband ever beat you? Objection.
Uh, uh, counsel opened the door; I'm entitled to inquire.
I'll allow it.
My husband never hurt me.
So when you were admitted to the hospital on June 2, 2003 with two broken ribs? I fell.
You fell.
And on April 19, 2007, with a concussion that required a three-day hospital stay? That was an accident.
An accident, Well, you should try to be more careful, Mrs.
Ballantine, before you really get hurt.
Uh, nothing further.
We are adjourned until closing arguments.
What the hell was that? Your history of violence is public knowledge.
Karla's supporting you contradicts that history.
Then why'd this guy make me look like a wife-beater? Duke, would you leave the law to me? Have I ever let you down? Better not be the first time.
You're tanking the case? Ballantine murdered Brad Swift.
He murdered Rosa Diaz.
Who knows what he's going to do for an encore? Well, he might do you.
Not if we put him away first.
I thought you were out.
The boss called me.
I heard there's a new plan.
Duke Ballantine killed Rosa Diaz.
Her blood is on my hands.
I'm taking Ballantine down.
Anyone who can't live with that, now's the time to walk out of here.
Yeah, what? Channel 8? You've got to be kidding me.
I cannot allow my father to protect me.
It's time for me to stand up and admit what I did.
I killed Brad Swift and I'm ready to pay for it.
God hates me.
You don't have to do this, Monte.
We both know you didn't kill Brad Swift.
Your father did.
You don't owe your dad anything.
He's using you.
My whole life I've been a disappointment to him.
Now I can finally do something to make him proud of me.
Taking the rap for his crime isn't going to make him proud.
Your dad's a bad guy, Monte.
Don't ruin your life for him.
He's not worth it.
And on February 6, 2008, did you have occasion to see Brad Swift? Uh, yes, I visited him at his condo.
Why? I thought he was stealing from my dad.
Did you confront him? Yes.
Brad got really mad.
What happened next? Mr.
Ballantine, what happened in Mr.
Swift's condo that night? I, um It's complicated.
It's actually a very simple question, son.
Did you kill Brad Swift? No.
I'm sorry.
I love you, Dad, but I-I can't do this.
What'd you say to my son? Nothing.
An hour ago he's ready to go down and all of a sudden he backs off? He got cold feet; it happens all the time.
Monte does what I say unless somebody jerks him around.
Yeah, staring at a death sentence, people can be unpredictable.
Don't jerk me around.
Don't play me, Shark.
You're blowing this.
You killed a witness, framed your kid.
It's not like you're making my job easy.
Look, we still have a solid shot.
The state's case is weak.
No eyewitness, cop with a past.
I made Mickey Rafferty a suspect, so we've got a fall guy.
We've got more than that.
What are you talking about? You just worry about making your pretty, little speech tomorrow.
All right? I'll take care of everything else.
Listen to me.
I killed Swift because he messed around with my family.
If I find out you turned him against me, you're next.
Then you get back to your life like none of this ever happened.
It's a 50-50 call.
Evidence could go either way.
Forget the evidence.
Okay, Ballantine said he's got this case handled.
He's full of it.
He thinks he's untouchable.
Well, maybe, but when his ass is on the line, Duke does not take any chances, okay? This one's in the bag somehow.
How? I don't know.
When Raina interviewed Rafferty, he said his case against Brad Swift and Ballantine was a lay-up.
Six contract claims, interference, fraud; he had documentation, multiple witnesses-- it didn't matter.
Jury found for Duke across the board.
Must've had one hell of a legal team.
He had more than that.
What are you saying? Ballantine rigged the jury? That is exactly what I'm saying.
He killed a witness.
He threw his own son under the bus.
Ballantine's been covering his bets the whole time.
The house always wins.
Okay, even if you're right, how do we find out who Ballantine bribed? Well, if you want to rig a jury, you identify one person, someone smart An authority figure, someone who could sway their peers.
Someone with dependents, maybe small children.
Someone who needs money.
So jury gets the case tomorrow.
You've got to break down the questionnaires, voir dire transcripts, everything.
I want to find out who on that jury is on the take.
You can't get a juror removed without actual evidence.
Even if you do, Ballantine will kill you if you blow the whistle.
Find me that juror.
I'll take it from there.
He wants me to do what? We've identified the juror that Ballantine bribed.
In order to approach him we need someone from the outside and the only person Stark trusts is you.
No way.
Look, I know you're busy burying the guy, but he's risking his life to put a murderer in jail; the point is he's putting himself on the line to do the right thing.
The whole team's here backing him.
We need you.
So did you think about my offer? I did.
And I've done a lot of very careful research.
And what did you come up with? I figured out that I can't screw over my friends.
Trust me.
You get used to it.
Sorry, that's just not how I roll.
Just so you know, if you choose Stark and he goes down, then you'll go down with him.
You know, 'cause that's how I roll.
Fair enough.
I had such high hopes for you.
Yeah, me, too.
Arnold Weston? Michelle Endicott.
I'm a field agent with the Justice Department.
Yes? I'm running a federal investigation into jury tampering in this county.
What does that have to do with me? Well, we have reason to believe that jurors at this courthouse have been approached.
You're on the Ballantine jury, right? Have you been approached by anyone, Mr.
Weston? Uh, no.
Of course not.
I'm sure you would have come forward if you had.
We need everyone's help to try and lock these guys up.
They're looking at 25 to life.
Looks like you could use a new car.
I teach at a community college.
Three kids Hmm, money must be tight, huh? Yeah.
Yeah, but trust me, driving this thing around beats the hell out of federal prison.
Has the jury reached a verdict? We have, Your Honor.
What say you? On the sole count of the indictment, murder in the second degree, we find the defendant guilty.
We are adjourned.
Oh, this was you.
You did this, huh?! You should try decaf, Duke.
You're a dead man, Stark.
You know that? You're a dead man.
Here's the thing: you're looking at ten to 20.
Unless the DA hangs something new on you, like, something I give him from the good old days.
Oh, you're making a big mistake, Stark.
Well, I know where all your bodies are buried, pal.
Anything ever happens to me the executor of my estate sends a very detailed letter to a very happy prosecutor, and you rot in prison till you die.
Got it? But you're my damn lawyer.
Not anymore, you son of a bitch.
Not anymore.
So what's next for you? Well, let's see.
I can never be a defense attorney again, and I am disbarred in the only state where I was ever a prosecutor, so, hmm, I always wanted to direct.
I wouldn't give up on the California Bar just yet.
Yeah, why is that? Well, I've got a contact to the US Attorney's Office in LA.
They've been going after Ballantine for years.
And with our statement from the juror Ballantine bribed, they can build a case against Ballantine in California.
For wiring the jury in Rafferty's lawsuit? Should be more than enough to get your license back.
That's a pretty big chit to call in for me.
Why not use it to get your own career back on track? Because I made you a promise.
Better late than never.
You've paid me back already.
In spades.
Even better.
Now you owe me.
Normally we don't reconsider disbarment rulings until three years have elapsed.
I appreciate the Committee's indulgence Save it.
The US Attorney himself has written to urge your readmission to the bar.
And I am humbled by his support.
I do want to assure the Committee that I've learned the error of my ways I highly doubt that.
Just know if you ever find yourself back here, a letter from the Chief Justice himself won't save you.
I understand.
The order of disbarment is hereby rescinded, effective immediately.
Stark, you are once again free to practice law in the state of California.
God help us all.

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