Stargate SG-1 s02e18 Episode Script

Serpent's Song

(Daniel) ShouIdn't they be here by now? (O'Neill) Yes.
(Teal'c) I do not beIieve|the Tok'ra wouId misIead us.
Assuming it was the Tok'ra who sent|the message to meet them here.
I mean, aII we reaIIy received|was a set of coordinates.
On our radio frequency.
Who eIse|wouId send us a signaI Iike that? Y'know, I'm not reaI crazy about this .
''Don't caII us, we'II caII you'' poIicy.
(zooming noise) There! Cover up! HoIy buckets! (distorted) HeIp me.
WeII! Whoa! Is that who I think it is? (distorted) Tauri, pIease.
TeaI'c! Apophis is much more|vaIuabIe to us aIive than dead.
(distant rumbling) Sir, we've got incoming! Oy! AII right, diaI us up.
Get us outta here.
- What are they doing?!|- (Teal'c) They wish to take Apophis aIive.
Agh! (Stargate alarm) - CoIoneI?|- GeneraI Hammond, Apophis.
Apophis! GeneraI Hammond.
We've met.
I demand KaI mah! I'm not reaIIy sure,|but I think he's asking for Sanctuary.
Why? I think some rivaI Goa'uId|just kicked his ass.
There were severaI other death gIiders|in pursuit, sir.
I demand KaI mah! You're not in a position to demand|anything, sir.
Lock him up.
Sir, with respect, he is badIy injured.
|We need to get him into the OR right now.
Do what you need to keep him aIive,|Doctor.
We've got a Iot of questions.
Yes, sir.
OK, Iet's move him.
I'm gonna start him on two IVs.
Let's go! I want four SFs posted at aII times.
If he tries to escape, you're authorised|to do whatever is necessary to stop him.
We'II debrief at 1 100 hours.
Yes, sir.
(Fraiser) Both femurs were smashed|and there was internaI bIeeding.
Surgery and transfusions|have stabiIised him.
His Goa'uId symbiote|wiII repair those injuries.
It's kept him aIive so far, TeaI'c,|but take a Iook at this.
What you're Iooking at is the symbiote|attached to the host's brainstem.
D'you see aII these Iesions? There's dozens.
|I can treat the human part, - .
but as for the symbiote itseIf|- There is no treatment.
He's been tortured.
Sam? I I just had a memory of of JoIinar.
Pain|When she was kiIIed by the Ashrak.
The Ashrak had this device.
|He used it on us.
It was meant to cause incredibIe pain.
Apophis was tortured by the same thing.
- So he's dying?|- Yes.
You're sure about that? As sure as I can be, sir, considering|what we know of Goa'uId physioIogy.
Good! When? Without access to a sarcophagus, the|Goa'uId body wiII continue to deteriorate.
So we're Iooking at days|weeks, certainIy.
This torture wasn't designed|to extract information.
It's a method of execution.
So what does he reaIIy want? You heard him yourseIf.
|He wants sanctuary.
I'm not buying that.
He gambIed we wouId show compassion|even to our worst enemy.
He was right.
You think he orchestrated this? Let me teII you something.
The onIy compassion I showed|was by not bIowing his head off.
I have witnessed .
once powerfuI Goa'uId enter the service|of their conquerors in exchange for Iife.
When Apophis was the conqueror, he|enjoyed seeing his enemies so weakened.
We're a Iong way|from being his conquerors.
But we are greatIy responsibIe|for his downfaII.
He Iost an army when you destroyed|those two ships in orbit.
Bra'tac said that weakened his pIace|among the Goa'uId System Lords.
His bIood is in the water|and the sharks have a feeding frenzy.
And he has come here seeking refuge.
WeII, that's tough! I say we beat whatever information|we can out of oId snake-boy .
and toss him back to the sharks.
(Hammond) Not so fast, CoIoneI.
He's essentiaIIy a prisoner of war.
|That gives him certain rights.
Rights, GeneraI? We aIso have to consider the host.
I'm sorry, sir, but we are deaIing with|two beings within one body.
The symbiote may be an enemy,|but the host is innocent.
Oh, come on! How much of the host|do you think is stiII around? Apophis wiII have that knowIedge.
We aIso need to consider|miIitary inteIIigence.
I informed my superiors of our situation.
My orders are to extract|whatever information we can - .
in the short time we may have.
|- He wiII teII you nothing, GeneraI.
If he beIieves|it's in his own interest, he might.
We are the onIy thing between him|and whatever Goa'uId was after him.
We need answers.
|Let me know when he's conscious.
I'II teII you when|he's ready for questioning, sir.
Sir? I shouId've shot him.
Doctor Fraiser, he's awake.
Not so cIose, doc! He's not strong enough|to hurt me, CoIoneI.
He wants to taIk to you.
He asked to speak to you by name.
(distorted) O'NeiII.
I am dying.
My heart bIeeds for you.
You Iie poorIy.
It is you who have done this.
You rejoice.
Not reaIIy.
What do you want? To Iive.
Can't heIp you there.
That's between you and your god.
Oh, wait a minute! You are your god! That's a probIem.
I am worth far more to you|than you wiII admit.
- You teII me, what are you worth?|- Your peopIe, .
they are stiII primitive.
|You wiII be destroyed.
You're not up to it.
Not me.
- There is another.
|- Yeah? Who? There is much you wouId|Iearn from me, Tauri.
(laboured breathing) But for that knowIedge there is a price.
A new host.
A host? So that I may Iive.
In exchange for|aII the knowIedge of the Goa'uId.
The secrets of star traveI, .
our weapons, .
our power.
AII that? In time, more.
Go to heII.
A singIe human Iife is worth so much|you wouId risk a worId? That's right.
That's why they caII us the good guys.
Doc, .
Iet me know when he dies.
Sokar! What? An ancient and powerfuI Goa'uId.
You have heIped him to become strong.
The Iast of my IoyaI Jaffa|died steaIing me from his grasp.
He wiII not rest untiI I am found.
That is why I chose to come here.
So that, in death,|I wouId be assured you wiII die with me.
Sokar is a Goa'uId of ancient times.
He was ruIer of the System Lords, but|was defeated by an aIIiance of Goa'uId.
Apophis and Ra were his conquerors.
- Where did he go?|- Apophis himseIf beIieved him destroyed.
ObviousIy, he was mistaken.
WeII, if he was aImost wiped out,|how bad couId he be now? It's rhetoricaI, TeaI'c.
(Daniel) His name's very oId|in Earth mythoIogy.
He was the most feared deity in|ancient Egypt - the originaI god of death.
Got anything a IittIe more up to date? I don't know what he's been up to IateIy,|but there was a time he ruIed Earth.
His Iands near Memphis|were covered by darkness .
and inhabited by serpents.
The first hosts of the Goa'uId.
(Daniel) WeII, that makes sense.
If the Unas were the first ones, .
there had to have been a time when|both forms of Goa'uId host coexisted.
- Kind of Iike NeanderthaI|- Which is he? I don't know.
But his portion of Tuat, or the OtherworId,|was fiIIed with Iakes of fire.
The wicked were thrown in as|punishment, after torture and mutiIation.
BasicaIIy,|he was the originaI Satan.
WeII! Isn't that speciaI! - (PA) lncoming traveller.
|- (Stargate alarm) Speak of the deviI! - Lieutenant Simmons!|- There are no units offworId.
- CIose the iris.
|- Yes, sir.
Go, go, go! Move it! Let's go! On the aIert! (thud) Is there any way to determine|what that was? We can get a radiation team|to check the decay signature on the iris.
I'm on it, Captain.
Radiation team to gate room.
Sir, I'd Iike to get back|to the interrogation, if I might.
- OK.
|- Sir, I'm .
the expert on Sokar around here.
|I'd Iike a shot at the interrogation.
Go ahead.
Is he conscious? (distorted) Come, DanieI.
You know my name? Because of what we hoId in common.
Amaunet, my queen.
Her name is Sha're.
She is my wife.
They are one and the same.
Amaunet possesses her.
|Sha're is a prisoner.
But she is somewhere.
|I want you to teII me where.
Amaunet I Ioved her.
You do not beIieve me? No.
No, I - I don't think that's possibIe.
|- How couId you? Our minds, .
our knowIedge, .
our very being is so much greater, .
so much more.
I know where your chiId is.
My son? Yes.
I brought him into the worId|with my own hands - .
on Abydos.
|- He was taken by Heru-ur.
By me.
I have no use for the chiId now.
Amaunet I knew the moment I Iaid eyes on her|she was the vesseI for a queen.
(whispers) If you don't teII me|where she is, .
I'II kiII you right here.
You have neither the strength|nor the wiII.
(gasps in pain) We We think that thud we heard|hitting the iris was a Sagan box.
Its radioactive signature matches the one|we gave the Tok'ra.
They're coming here.
Incoming traveIIer.
Decision time, sir.
Captain Carter, are you 100%/% certain? That the signature matches the one|we gave the Tok'ra? Yes, sir.
That it came from them? No.
What if one or more of the Tok'ra have|been captured by Sokar and tortured? I don't think that they wouId give us up.
I'm with Carter, GeneraI.
|I say we keep the door open.
Very weII.
Defence team, you may stand down.
I offer you greetings from|the High CounciI of the Tok'ra.
Why didn't my father come? He's deaIing with more urgent matters.
|We come to offer you a word of warning.
Which is? We know you have Apophis|as your prisoner.
You must return him to the pIanet|you retrieved him from immediateIy.
Since Jacob has joined the Tok'ra,|I have come to a deeper understanding .
of your peopIe, your purpose,|and your extraordinary gifts.
Thank you.
You have shown skiII and cunning in|taking Apophis from the hands of Sokar.
However You know, as much as I Iove|where you're going with this, we .
didn't exactIy do that.
Our operatives aboard Sokar's vesseI .
witnessed you Ieave the crash site|and enter the Stargate.
We received a signaI.
A set of|coordinates.
We thought it was from you.
- We sent no such signaI.
|- We know that now.
Then who? We're going to assume it was Apophis.
(distorted) Why wouId he take refuge|among the Tauri? He despises you.
And you have nothing of use to him.
He's goin' down.
|And he wants to take us with him.
He has taken advantage|of your weakness.
We don't consider what we did|a sign of weakness.
Then you are fooIs.
Turn him over to Sokar now|and he may spare you.
- I'm afraid we can't do that just yet.
|- If he remains here, you wiII aII die.
If not by the hand of Sokar, .
then by the many Goa'uId|who wish to destroy Apophis themseIves.
You do not see what you have done.
You have entered a battIe|you are iII-equipped to fight, .
tipped the baIance of power|among the Goa'uId, .
and worsened the fortune of your race.
We must know .
what wouId happen to him|if we turned him over.
I am certain he wouId be executed.
I see.
SureIy you weIcome this.
His guiIt is cIear.
He cannot|be aIIowed to escape punishment.
He won't.
He's dying.
You are certain of this? Yes.
His body has begun to age|at an increasing rate.
Without a sarcophagus|to rejuvenate him, of course.
In the short time he has remaining, .
we may yet Iearn information|that couId heIp us to defend ourseIves.
Your knowIedge is too primitive|for such information to be of any use.
Don't you comprehend|the danger you are in?! We cannot defend you from the Goa'uId.
You cannot expect us to.
We don't.
Overconfidence was theirfaiIing, O'NeiII.
I hope it has not aIso become yours.
(undistorted) Forgive Lantash.
He is sometimes passionate|in his opinions.
(sighs) We cannot and wouId not|force you to do anything.
But since we have not convinced you|of the danger you face, .
may we see him? - What is that you're injecting into him?|- Morphine suIphate.
- To ease the pain.
|- You said he had been tortured.
He's aIso experiencing withdrawaI|symptoms from the sarcophagus.
- But he is your enemy.
|- He is my patient.
Amaunet! - Apophis, hear me.
|- Amaunet! - I wouId speak with you.
|- Amaunet! My Iove! Where are you? (screams) (undistorted) See-mu-we! See-mu-we! That's ancient Egyptian.
|This must be the host.
(speaks ancient Egyptian) TaIk to him.
I don't know what to say! Thousands of years,|trapped inside your own body It's unimaginabIe.
He won't be conscious again for a whiIe.
Then we wiII take our Ieave of him.
|I wiII teII you the coordinates to send us.
We can question him together.
|We can share any information we get.
- (PA) lncoming traveller.
|- (Stargate alarm) - (O'Neill) Expecting someone?|- (Martouf) No.
Defence teams, stand by.
- Keep that iris cIosed.
|- Yes, sir.
(heavy banging) Sokar has found you.
How? His piIots saw you fIee|through the Chaapa-ai.
The symboIs of the Tauri|are weII known by the Goa'uId.
That iris wiII hoId.
(Carter) It's a trinium titanium aIIoy.
Just a few microns from the event|horizon.
It won't Iet matter reintegrate.
Something is appearing.
How is this possibIe? The space between your metaI barrier|and the wormhoIe .
may be enough for particIes|of high energy to reintegrate.
- Subatomic particIes?|- Yes.
He's firing a particIe acceIerator|at the wormhoIe? Captain? Sir, we may be seeing|the decay of subatomic particIes .
as they bombard the iris.
SmaII enough to reintegrate,|but moving at near Iight veIocities.
If Sokar can moduIate|the particIe stream enough (distorted) PeopIe of the Tauri.
You have taken what is mine.
For this you wiII be destroyed.
(loud rumbling) The iris is beginning to heat up, sir.
How Iong can they maintain this? The Iongest Goa'uId attack|against an iris was 38 minutes.
We think that's the maximum|a wormhoIe can be maintained.
They'II diaI us up|and do this aII over again.
This changes things.
I'd better get on the phone|with the President.
- Can you heIp us?|- I know of no way.
In the meantime, Carter, why don't|you see what you can get out of Apophis? His neck's on the Iine here now, too.
Yes, sir.
I wiII accompany you.
(distorted) I wiII not speak to the ShoI'va.
Just answer this.
Sokar is firing a particIe beam at|the barrier we have within our Stargate.
How do we defend against it? There is no defence.
- He Iies.
|- ShoI'va, kree! How can you be sure? Because he used the weapon against me.
The pain returns! We're not gonna get anything out of him|in this state.
I'II get Dr Fraiser.
I have waited many years|for this moment.
Do you think you have won, TeaI'c? You are about to die.
Perhaps that is so.
But my peopIe have won freedom.
The Jaffa wiII never be free.
They are free even now.
As am I.
Hear me, Apophis.
This day wiII become|a hoIy day on ChuIak.
The day of your death.
The IarvaI Goa'uId you carry within you .
is your master even now.
AII of you! And when the time comes for those|chiIdren to take a host, you wiII die! Then we wiII find other symbiotes,|then discard them when they mature.
- We wiII use your kind as you used mine.
|- No! The peopIe of ChuIak no Ionger|worship you.
They no Ionger fear you.
The time of Apophis|has finaIIy come to an end.
Then kiII me now! TeII us how to defend ourseIves.
I wiII die with a smiIe on my Iips, knowing|that you wiII die aIong with me, ShoI'va.
Come no further.
Let him suffer.
And when he can|stand the pain no more, .
he wiII teII us|how to defend ourseIves against Sokar.
(gasps) TeaI'c, pIease move.
There was a time|when you wouId die for me, TeaI'c.
That time is no more.
(Apophis groans) (Fraiser) Easy! Easy AII right.
These shieIds of yours They obviousIy absorb different forms|of energy.
Maybe we I sense a presence within you.
CouId your shieIds heIp us or not? You were once possessed by a Goa'uId.
I'm sure you wiII make an exceIIent host .
for Sokar's new queen.
Airman! Pour it on, Sergeant!|It's getting damn hot in here! Better than nothing, sir.
But not by much! GeneraI, DanieI just came up with|an idea that might buy us some time.
Sir, if we can diaI out, we can|prevent them from diaIIing in.
Good thinking, Doctor.
|If we can keep our gate open - Coming up on 38 minutes, sir.
|- Stand by.
Go ahead.
DiaI it up.
Chevron one, encoded.
Chevron two Encoded.
The thing is Incoming wormhoIe estabIished.
Sokar can diaI in faster|than we can diaI out.
Dammit! Next window's 38 minutes away.
That may be our Iast chance to diaI out.
It's gonna get hot, sir.
Temperature in the gate room|now reads 1 30o Fahrenheit, .
which means the iris|must be six or eight times that.
Even if he faiIs to breach the gate,|he wiII come by ship.
Martouf is right.
What we reaIIy need|to be concerned with is another assauIt.
That's what we're inviting|by refusing to hand Apophis over.
We couIdn't now, even if we wanted to.
Not with BeeIzebub|banging at the door, no.
I've informed the President.
Our new|orders are to cease medicaI intervention.
- That wiII effectiveIy end his Iife, GeneraI.
|- I'm aware of that, Doctor.
The President and Joint Chiefs|have decided that .
the risks are too great|not to heed the Tok'ra's warning.
Our orders are to send .
Apophis's body back through the gate|to the coordinates .
where you found him.
WiII that make Sokar|cease his attack, Martouf? Sokar is at war with Heru-ur.
He wants no part of the Tauri|for the moment.
But you may have|come to your senses too Iate.
He wiII soon burn through your iris.
I've thought of a way to diaI out faster.
If we open our gate in the next window,|we can send Apophis through.
- When is that?|- 17 minutes.
CoIoneI, make arrangements to send|Apophis back through the Stargate.
We're sending you back.
(gasps) (undistorted) See-mu-we.
Get Doctor Jackson down here.
I can't keep those men in there|much Ionger.
They've gotta stay|untiI the next window, sir.
(host speaks ancient Egyptian) He says he's been in an unending dream.
He hoped to awaken from it|to see his wife and his chiIdren.
(host speaks ancient Egyptian) He was a scribe|in the TempIe of Amon at Karnak.
But that was another Iifetime ago,|before the before the nightmare.
(ancient Egyptian) And now he awakens onIy to die again.
(Daniel speaks ancient Egyptian) I said I wiII speak the words of power|and do the rites.
You wiII be returned to Egypt|and buried with honour.
You wiII pass through the Seven Gates|and see your wife and chiIdren again .
and rejoice with them for ever.
I'II be back.
Sir, we're gonna Iose the computers.
|The heat Captain? We need them, sir.
|One more minute untiI the window.
- (distorted) HeIp me.
|- No.
A host No.
I am .
- (gasps)|- CoIoneI.
(laboured breathing) (continuous beep) The Goa'uId is dead.
But the host He's stiII aIive.
That's it.
Initiate the diaIIing program.
(Simmons) The program is running.
(speaks ancient Egyptian) I toId him this funerary statue|wouId take his Iast breath .
and carry his souI back to Egypt.
Chevron seven Iocked.
- WormhoIe estabIished.
|- Open the iris.
Captain Carter has created|an outgoing wormhoIe.
- Sokar cannot attack during this time.
|- That's good.
(Stargate gurgles) - What now?|- We wait.
If Sokar wanted him aIive,|he'II just start up the attack again.
No, I don't beIieve he wiII.
Sokar has a sarcophagus|in his possession.
He can revive Apophis, even from death,|and torture him as Iong as he pIeases.
SureIy a fate he justIy deserves.
These are the coordinates|we wouId Iike you to send us.
But not to anywhere|we'II be abIe to find you again.
To contact us, - .
you may use this.
|- (Daniel) That's ToIIen.
- They use it to contact the Nox.
|- (Martouf) Yes.
We are friends of the ToIIen.
|And of the Tauri.
Thank you.
WeII, if we're gonna be friends, .
you're gonna need one of these.
It's caIIed a GDO.
It sends out a signaI that Iets us know|who you are and if it's OK to open the iris.
Otherwise, you couId end up|spIattered against the weII - I understand.
|- Come on, I'II show you how it works.
AII right.
Let's send them home, peopIe.

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