Hercules: The Legendary Journeys s02e22 Episode Script

The Power

I just wanna do something with my life something different.
- I just don't know what, yet.
- What's wrong with being a fisherman? Come on, Cyrene? How many songs or poems do you know are written about fishermen? They're written about warriors and heroes.
- Like your Uncle Karis.
- Yeah, he's been around.
He's seen the world.
I haven't been outside this province.
Well, I'll let you see as much of the world as you want - as long as you take me with you.
- Now, why would I do that? Just because I love you, or because you love me? Love a fisherman? No way! Look at that.
Young blood easy pickings, huh? - Come on.
- Run.
Run! Wait a second.
Someone else is comin'.
He don't look so easy.
Who's that? Gimme a look.
No, no, no.
No big deal.
He's alone.
He's alone.
You two go after the kids.
The rest of us will deal with the big guy.
Go, go, go.
Are you trying to make me dizzy? - Ah, that's a nice ride.
- Thank you! Uh, is there something I can do for you? Um, you could give us all your money! Uh, sorry.
I don't carry any money! Ah, what no money? We'll kill ya anyway! Kill him! Ah, what a pleasant world we live in.
Come on! Come on, pretty boy! - They're coming after us! - Faster! Come on! You're not goin' anywhere! You see that? We got him! We got him! OK! Where's he gone? Hey! That wasn't very nice.
Oh, there you are! Oh, you got some money after all! Oh, you're a fiery one, all right! Run, Cyrene! Get help! Come on! I'd, uh, hold onto something if I was you.
Oh, gods.
Oh gods! Oh, gods! You idiot! How we gonna fix this? There's nothing left in there but junk! Ah, there you are! I didn't like being run over.
Help! Don't go anywhere.
Help me, please! Bandits are attacking my boyfriend! You stay here.
Look, I don't have any money.
Look, there's no reason to hurt me! I hope savin' the girl was worth dying for.
No, don't kill me! Stop! Let go of me! Go! Get outta here! Go! Is he all right? What happened? He just told them to go and they did.
This is the story of a time long ago.
A time of myth and legend, when the ancient gods were petty and cruel, and they plagued mankind with suffering.
Only one man dared to challenge their power-Hercules.
Hercules possessed a strength the world had never seen, a strength surpassed only by the power of his heart.
He journeyed the earth, battling the minions of wicked stepmother, Hera, the all-powerful queen of the gods.
But wherever there was evil, wherever an innocent would suffer, there would be Hercules.
Jacobus asked me for help.
Tomorrow, take another man, and escort my brother's catch to the marketplace.
- No charge, Jacobus, not for kin.
- Thanks, Karis.
Lask week, a friend of mind lost all his supplies to bandits.
Couldn't afford your escorts.
Well, I can't afford to help everyone for free.
- Armed guards cost money.
- Father! Uncle Karis! Bandits just tried to attack us! - Bandits attacked you? - Did anyone get hurt? - No, they're fine.
- You helped my son? I was too far away.
It looked like he was about to be killed when-- Yeah, I just ordered them to drop their swords and run, - and they did.
- They just ran away? They ran from Deon? Maybe he can stop the robbers! We live in wonderful times when bandits fear simple fishermen! - Hey, that's what happened.
- He's not lying.
I saw it all.
Deon, bandits don't run like chickens from boys like you.
You say you did this? Do it again.
Make me believe I'm a chicken.
OK, Chicken-Man dance.
Dance like a chicken! Salmoneus? Hey! Let go of my wings! - Hercules! - Hi.
- I'm wet.
- Yeah.
- Maybe, they'll believe me now, huh? - That was quite an exhibition.
Deon, where'd you get these powers? I don't like to see a man turned into a laughingstock - but how did you do that? - I don't know.
We know he didn't inherit it from you.
Deon, why don't you take Cyrene home? I'll meet you back at the house later.
So, Jaco, what you told me years ago? It's true? - And Deon doesn't know? - No.
- Here you go, have some water.
- Thanks.
Any idea why that boy made us act like chickens? Well, I guess, Deon got tired of the villagers egging him on.
Zeus, that's witty.
Ah, what brings you to this village, anyway? Would you believe it? I was paid to come here.
- You're right, I don't believe it.
- These Titus brothers supposed to be the richest farmers in the district, I mean, you heard of them? Can't say that I have.
Well, they heard of Salmoneus the 'marketing genius'.
Yes, the man who introduced Greece to sports togas? I'd appreciate ya not mentioning that.
Excuse me.
This man called you Hercules.
Is that true? - Ah, yes, I am.
- I'm Jacobus, Deon's father.
Will you be staying in these parts long? I may stick around for a while.
Why don't you stay with us? No one can touch my fish soup and, uh, this place is a breeding ground for lice.
- Thanks, I appreciate the offer, but, I-- - I insist.
Thank you.
Ya got any extra room? You know, he idolizes his uncle worships the ground he walks on.
- I could tell.
- I guess it's to be expected.
The man's a warrior, a soldier he's fought all over the world brought back a souvenir or a story of almost every battle.
I've barely been out of my village in twenty years.
- Jacobus, are you proud of your life? - Yes, I am.
- Well, then there's honor in that.
- Honor maybe, but not much glory.
Yeah, it depends on how you look at it.
Maybe guidance is what Deon needs right now.
Well, what kind of guidance can a mortal give a boy like that? - A boy like what? - Ah, no, nothing, I just meant-- Jacobus, what is this about? I never told Deon the truth about his mother.
I know exactly where his power comes from.
That's why I need your help.
What are you trying to say, Jacobus? Stylish, yet sporty first impressions are always important especially for new employers.
So tell me about these Titus brothers.
Titus brothers? They're comin' here? What is it? Why's everybody going? What? What is it? Look, I'm trying to run a nice place, here.
Hey! Let go of the tunic! It's a new gar-- what? - What's that smell? - Are you Salmoneus? Are those the Titus brothers? Tell them I've gone.
- Here's you man! - I'm Big Titus and this is my brother, Little Titus.
And we've got a job offer for you that's gonna make us all filthy rich.
- Well, I can believe half of that.
- Oh, who's got time to wash? We're too busy.
Salmoneus, listen.
We want you to be the exclusive distributor of Titus family manure.
- Manure? - Best in Greece.
Made from a secret family recipe, of dung and straw and fish guts all mixed lovingly by hand.
That's why you brought me here? To sell manure? That's my chance at the big time, huh? We heard you were perfect for the job.
I don't know what the boy did to us.
We were ready to slit his throat.
Next thing I know, we were running away.
Oh, you liar.
You'll pay for your cowardice.
They're the ones who attacked the boy? - Yes, sir.
- Then, who ordered that attack? I did, sir.
But Karis, they were the ones that ran.
That was my nephew you attacked.
Are you blind as well as stupid? Being new here is no excuse for attacking my kin.
You got that? Yes, sir.
Sir, the boy, uh, uh, I mean, your nephew - he has the power ta cast spells.
- I know.
I saw it myself.
And imagine if I could get Deon to use his power to help us.
- Deon, can you come in here? - Coming.
- Hope I'm doing the right thing.
- You are.
He deserves to know.
- Hey.
- Hi.
Is something wrong? Your father needs to tell you something.
You know that story I told you about the girl from a distant village who died giving birth to you? - It's a lie.
- What? I met your real mother about She was the most beautiful woman I'd ever seen.
We spent one wonderful night together and then I never saw her again, until she came back with a baby you, Deon, and then she left again.
My mother abandoned me? She's not exactly the maternal type.
- You know my mother? - Uh, yes, I do.
- She's not dead? - She can't die, Deon.
- That's crazy, everybody dies.
- She's not mortal.
She's the goddess, Aphrodite.
Your power is from the gods.
- It's a little overwhelming, isn't it? - I'll say.
Within twenty-four hours, I find out that I have powers to make people do what I want my mother is a goddess and my father is a liar.
Deon, one lie doesn't make a man a liar.
I mean, I'm not saying I agree with your father's choice, but he did what he thought was best for you.
It's just this is all so confusing.
I mean, why do I have these powers now? The gods move in mysterious ways.
Just remember, that with this new power comes responsibility.
No more turning people into chickens when I lose my temper? That's not a bad place to start.
Oh, by the way, Aphrodite is my half-sister.
So, uncle? What's my mother like? Besides being beautiful, I mean.
Well, Aphrodite has some good qualities.
I mean, she, uh, enjoys the outdoors and loves the sun the beach, and, uh, a good wave.
Yeah, like having a baby she didn't wanna raise.
Ah, that's not your fault.
If you remember the pain you're feeling now then you won't be tempted to use your power foolishly.
Here's ten dinars for the whole load.
Good luck, and remember us next season.
- What a salesman.
- Bye-bye.
You sold him a whole cartful.
What's your secret? Self-preservation the more I sell, the less I smell.
Uh, Salmoneus, sometimes it sounds like you don't even like manure.
You should love your job.
Don't be afraid to embrace it.
Embrace manure.
With due respect, do you think these fumes are maybe getting to your brain? You know? When a child's afraid of the water sometimes, the only way to teach him to swim is just to throw him in.
Well, yeah, I mean-- Hey! Hey! Hey! What? Help! Help! Help! Help! Sounds like a woman in trouble.
That's not a woman, but you're not far off.
Stop this! I'm not a child, and that's not water! Three.
All right, uh, put him down.
You know, I'd really rather not come over there.
Lemme handle this.
I know the Titus brothers.
Be my guest.
Big T? Little T? Listen to me.
Now, you guys should just all be friends.
So, put him down.
OK, if you say so.
Now, Salmoneus will come with us.
But don't worry, you guys will all be together again tomorrow.
We're gonna miss you, Salmoneus.
I love you guys.
Maybe you overdid it.
I know but it feels really good helping people.
Yeah, but it doesn't smell so good.
- Here you are, Cyrene.
- Thanks.
- Guess who? - Why, the love of my life.
But, you're back from the war so early, Attilicus.
You'll stop teasing when you realize how lucky you are to be with me.
I am not just the son of a fisherman, anymore.
I know.
Everyone's calling you the boy with the power.
- It is.
- It's him.
- He's powerful.
- They're talking about me? - Don't cross him.
- You're the village celebrity.
- Now, we'll never get any privacy.
- It's only gonna get worse.
Wait till they find who my real mother is.
I thought you'd be happy to find out that I was the son of a god.
Well, I am, sort of.
But, what about us? - Um, I'm just a mortal, but you-- - No, no, don't talk like that.
Nothing will ever change the way I feel about you.
Deon! Mother needs these for dinner.
Problems? Well, Cyrene's worried that now she's not good enough for me.
Who can understand 'em? Believe me, there's more good than bad in being the son of a god.
- Then you know.
- I have for a long time.
I'm surprised your father never told you earlier.
But I guess he had his reasons.
Think something like this would make your girl smile, again? I'll say.
Getting supplies past those bandits pays better than I thought.
No, no, keep it.
There's plenty more where that came from.
Oh, Delia.
Find the earrings that go with this necklace, and bring them to my nephew.
So, this is the Deon everyone's talking about.
He's cute.
Women are attracted to power.
And with a power like yours, you could have anyone you wanted.
Anyone? - No, no, I just want Cyrene.
- Of course.
But don't you want her to have fine jewelry? - Beautiful clothes? - Well, yeah, she deserves the best.
Then you're gonna have to work at how you're gonna get her those things.
The man has to provide for his family.
How would you like to come and work for me? Really? I'm gonna tell the Titus brothers to take their job and ya mind coming with me for moral support? What? What is it? It's just someone who gave me a ride at the beach yesterday.
Picked up any hitchhikers, lately? You know? I don't know what you're talkin' about.
You know, I, uh, I believe you.
See, a good memory's a sign of intelligence and you, yeah.
Anyway, I bet you can remember who you work for.
Thanks, but I'm not thirsty.
Boys? We got ourselves a 'troublemaker'.
Ahhh, it's nice to see you, again but wasn't it three of you? Good.
Now, we're all here.
You start.
Punch? Duck! I told you to duck.
This is great.
Uh, how about a right? Ready? Left! Right! Left! Right! Left! Right! Uh, duck! Duck again! Uh, sorry, I should a told you about that one.
Jump! That would be a head-butt.
I didn't say you could throw anything.
Now, let's try this one more time.
Who is it that you take orders from? Sorry about that.
Excuse me, Ma'am.
These men are bandits and they say they work for you.
- Hercules, that can't be true.
- Ask your uncle.
Yeah, they do work for me, but they're not bandits.
- Then, why would they admit it? - Well? I lied.
He was killing us, so I said that we were bandits.
He was hitting and punching and there was blood and he was he wouldn't stop, and it was like he was in a trance or something.
Look at these men the beating they've taken.
If I were them, I'd say anything to get out of that kind of punishment.
You're not solving any problems, beating up innocent men, Hercules.
You should be more careful of the company you keep, Deon.
This is just a misunderstanding.
We'll get it worked out.
Slippery people eventually slip up.
And I'll be there when you do.
It's over.
The robberies end now.
Good day, Ma'am.
Looks like we're out of business like the good guy says, huh? - I don't wanna tangle with him again.
- Why not? It won't be long before we have our very own - son of a god on our side.
- Who? Deon? You'd pit your own nephew against Hercules? Deon is very impressionable.
It won't take much for him to do whatever I want even killing Hercules, oh, if it comes to that.
Why are you both so quick to believe that Karis is a bandit? I know my brother.
And he's the only one who never lost any of his own supplies to bandits.
And that never kept you from using his men to guard your catches.
I know you're impressed with your uncle, but there is a side of him you've never seen.
Uncle Karis is family.
We have to stand by him.
If he's a thief, then blood makes no difference.
I'm gonna go get some more tar.
How can you just turn your back on him like that? When those mercenaries came to our coast, he saved our lives! And I'll always be indebted to him for that but that doesn't mean I have to condone thievery! Oh, yeah, right.
Yeah, you're so honest and upright.
You couldn't even tell me the truth about my own mother.
I'm sorry about that, Deon.
I made a bad choice.
I wish I could undo it! Come on.
- I want this ready for high tide.
- You're treating me like a slave! - I am not! I'm-- - You're what? You're my son, that's what.
Now, help me with this caulking.
Only half of me is your son, the weaker half.
He's the only thing that really matters in my life, - and I'm losin' him.
- No not necessarily, I remember when I was his age.
Sometimes you just have to be by yourself.
I shouldn't have treated my father that way.
- You should talk to him.
- I don't know what to say.
It's just like everything's just been turned upside down overnight.
- I'm sorry this is hurting you.
- I am so confused.
Let me help.
You don't have to deal with this alone.
I just feel like you're the only person left I can count on.
- Out of our way, woman! - Karis is waiting! You sure this is fresh? This doesn't smell fresh.
- In fact it smells like-- - Hey! You were supposed to meet us at dawn! Fellas! I can't sell your manure, anymore.
Uh, uh, uh, it's not just the odor.
Keep that haircut! Uh, uh, see, it's an image thing.
I've spent years building up my reputation, see? And if word gets out that I've sold cow flop my reputation won't be worth, well, ha-ha! Cow flop.
Manure is what made our family great! You insult it and you're insulting our ancestors.
- Are you insulting manure? - Perish the thought! Look, let's sit down and talk about this, huh? Here, let me make a nice thing for ya.
Now, let's just calm down take a deep breath and talk about this.
Now Hey! Get the silver! Stop! Put your weapons down! You, too! Drop them! Thank you, Deon.
Now, there won't be a need for any more bloodshed.
Hercules was right.
You're nothing more than a bandit.
Uh, maybe we should talk about this? Let 'em pass! Now, leave us! That silver shipment you just let pass is a product of slave labor in the Litherium mines.
Why are you telling me this? To show you it's not a black-and-white world.
The king the silver is going to I fought for him in the Thracian campaign.
I fought against him in the Macedonian War.
It doesn't give you the right to be a thief.
Do you think I wanted to be a bandit? I was a war hero decorated metals up one arm and down the other.
And now how quickly they forget.
You could have been a fisherman, like my father.
Is it so wrong to want more? Isn't that what you want, Deon? More? - Maybe.
- You deserve more.
Deon, you have the power to make a mark in this world a real mark.
I mean, before long, they should be building - statues in your honor.
- Oh, right, like Hercules? Why not? You put your pants on the same way as he does.
You have the blood of the gods coursing through your veins, just like he does.
And anyway how great is Hercules? Oh, sure, he's strong, but you have the power to influence people to make a change for the better in the world.
- I wanna be part of that.
- I don't need a thief by my side.
I could change, Deon, I All I'm asking for is another chance.
Isn't that the least you could do for family? - Salmoneus.
- Where? I thought you were one of the Titus Brothers! Maybe I lost 'em! I can't smell 'em.
Listen, I need your help! Nah, you'll be fine.
Have you seen Deon? He'll be fine! He just got into town with his uncle.
- They're at the tavern.
- All right.
Let's go.
Wait for me! Let me go in alone please.
This is between brothers.
All right.
I'll be out here if you need me.
Let's go, Deon.
You're comin' go home.
I think Deon is man enough to make his own decisions.
Father, I'm tired of taking orders from you.
- Let me talk to your uncle alone.
- Talk all you want.
But from now on, I make my own decisions.
- You'll pay for this.
- You sound just like our father.
- He'd hate what you've become.
- I know.
I should have become a fisherman like him.
Like you, Jaco.
- Like Deon.
- There are worse things.
Are there? With his power? His potential? And you'd waste it all by having him become the greatest - fisherman in all of Greece? - And what would you have him be? The greatest thief? I won't allow that, Karis! You forget where that sword came from.
The last man who drew it on me was a Macedonian general.
- I dug his grave with it.
- You're not taking my son! Deon would never forgive me if I killed you.
But that's the only reason you're alive.
You know this is wrong.
I can see it in your eyes.
Ready, Deon? - Where's Jacobus? - He's finishing his ale.
Is he, really? Don't worry.
He's all right.
Don't you wanna go see for yourself, Deon? Uh, I think Deon can take my word for it.
Look, I'm not about to kill my own brother.
- I'm leaving.
- Not until you come to your senses unless you wanted to try your power out on me.
I'll do better than that.
Salmoneus, listen to me.
Make Hercules get out of the way.
Do whatever it takes.
Why are you doing this? Salmoneus Here, try this.
Come on.
Let's get outta here.
Come on! Hercules, you're not going anywhere.
- Salmoneus, put the sword down.
- Don't make me hurt you.
Now, stop it, before you hurt yourself.
Did Deon do this to him? What do you think? He'll wear himself out in a minute.
Come on.
Let's go get Deon.
Salmoneus? Hercules! You tried to drown me? Tri? You know? I liked you better as a chicken.
Look, we've gotta go find Deon.
So try not to hurt anybody while we're gone.
We're never gonna find him.
Let's go back to the farm.
- That way.
- Oh, yeah.
Cyrene, I'm joining my uncle - and I want you to come with me.
- But Hercules said he's a bandit.
Karis promised me that's gonna stop.
- And you believe him? - Cyrene, he's my uncle.
He's family.
I think you wanna believe him so bad, you're not thinking straight.
People don't change overnight.
Look, I know what I'm doing and I want you with you.
And I wanna be with you but this is wrong, Deon.
- I've made my decision.
- Well, you haven't made mine! - Hercules said-- - Forget Hercules! Cyrene, listen to me! You have to come with me! You love me, and you're gonna do what-- I can't do this to you.
I'm sorry, Cyrene.
Hercules, what will happen if Deon does use his power on you? I don't know.
Hercules! - Deon's run off Karis! - I know, we're looking for them, now.
He's just so mixed up.
He doesn't know what he's doing! - Don't worry, we'll find them.
- I'm so scared for him.
I know.
- That's all yours? - Ours.
With this, we can get all the men and supplies.
You'll change the course of history.
What's she doin' with Hercules? She wouldn't come with you but she runs to Hercules.
- Put it together.
- No.
- No, Cyrene wouldn't do that.
- No? What girl wouldn't? - But Hercules-- - Don't you believe your own eyes? He's been making a fool of you telling you to be good, while he takes whatever he wants.
- I can make her come with us.
- Yes, you can but only if you're strong enough to take her from Hercules.
Go home where you'll be safe, until we can on second thought, maybe you should stay here.
Uh, Jacobus, I'll handle them.
You protect Cyrene.
Deon! You're wasting your time, Hercules.
Deon's not about to change his mind not after what he's just seen.
I don't know what you saw but you're gonna ruin your life - if you go with him.
- I'm through listening to you.
- We're leaving.
- You're not going anywhere.
Go on, Deon, he's asking for it.
You have the blood of the gods in you.
- You're stronger than he is.
- I'm not so sure about that.
Stop, Hercules! - Don't use your powers this way.
- Shut up and listen to me.
I'm leaving, and I'm taking Cyrene with me and you're not gonna try and stop me.
Now's your chance, Deon.
Kill him.
Be done with him once and for all! You forget, I have the blood of the gods in me, too.
Is this really who you wanna be? Get Hercules! Kill him! You are in no position to give such an order.
- You were gonna kill Hercules.
- Because you couldn't.
Kill them! - Kill them all! - No, listen to me! It's just like when we were young! Huh, Jaco? Only much better! No use postponing this any longer.
No! Goodbye, little brother.
So, you'd attack me! Your own uncle! Family.
Deon! I'm sorry.
It was the only way I could save your life.
Don't you ever learn? I can't thank you enough.
I don't know how I'm gonna use my power, but I know it's gonna be to help people.
I know I can count on that.
- Thank you for helping my son.
- It's my pleasure.
Are you coming back for the wedding? Wedding? Well, I, uh, I wouldn't miss it.
Deon, um, if you ever need me for help - or someone to talk to, you - I know where to find you Uncle.
Be safe.
Wedding? Captioned by Grantman Brown
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