Robin of Sherwood (1984) s03e01 Episode Script

Herne's Son (1)

I am Herne the hunter and you are a leaf which is carried by the wind.
There was a vote.
He said: Nothing is forgotten.
Nothing is ever forgotten.
Now he's Friday Hurry.
Your dear leader is dead.
Slain by the men of the sheriff.
What say you now? I think it is true.
I think he is dead.
I do not.
He wants us to die while we think that Robin is dead.
He is dead.
Dead? After all we have for each other served, the care you can.
Because then everything you do in life which we believed.
And then I can not die? Come to the forest.
Word son of Herne and pointed him serve.
You said he was dead.
- Kill that man.
Kill him.
Just when I began to believe that it was over.
It is not over.
It will never be over.
- Come back.
Who are you? You are the son of Herne.
You should meet them.
Herne's son is dead.
- Robin of Locksley is dead.
The son of Herne lives on in you.
- No.
It is finished.
You are chosen.
- You cried and I replied.
His followers are secure.
This is enough.
You are the man with the cap.
Goodbye, Herne.
You'll come back.
You must.
The fighter of Clun.
100 marks there.
Ga you still fighting? I, Owen of Clun, urge you to my champion.
This we had a year ago not done, huh? By Sherwood drive.
- There are still outlaw.
But not Robin Hood.
No leader.
- Say that once again against the people.
The abbot is right.
They do not believe that he is dead.
If you had brought the body - He was no longer recognizable.
I wonder what with others is done.
With Scatlock, Scarlet, or how he is.
And the big guy.
- Little John.
Right, Little John.
And those dirty Saracen.
- They have fled.
You had all of them should finish.
- Yes.
Or sometimes not, Gisburne? It was not my fault.
- Did I say that? You insinuated it.
- Quick peeved at you today? I will identify them.
How long it lasts.
And the man who liberated them.
- The man with the cap.
Of course, Gisburne.
I very much confidence in you.
Who is this peacock? Lord, I'm your escort to the castle.
Who are you, boy? - I am Huntington.
Robert of Huntington, the count is my father.
Lord, Sir Richard or Leaford and Lady Marion.
This is Marion.
- That they should go.
Why did they not? - She was grace.
Was she not grateful? - Why would they do? My daughter, Marion.
You look like your mother.
But koppiger or not? - I fear so.
We need the past to rest.
Some things you forget.
Some things, my lord.
I'm glad you came.
I have always appreciated your faith.
No, I flatter you.
That is not my nature.
Therefore, I very of that I come to the chalk by a madman as Owen or Clun.
Only because his castle on the border with Wales is.
There it is.
Come on.
The sheriff of Nottingham, Robert de Rainault.
The Abbot Hugo de Rainault and Sir Guy of Gisburne.
Welcome, gentlemen.
You know Sir Richard or Leaford and his daughter Marion.
Very good indeed.
- My son, Robert.
We are no longer seen since the pardon, huh? That was a surprise for many.
- For you surely.
But the king is sometimes a bit unpredictable.
Not true, my lord? Oh, yeah? - You could almost say capricious.
You do.
Behind his back.
Yes, many things happened behind his back, Sir Richard.
The king was very gracious.
- For a traitor.
- He is a traitor.
And she was the wife that outlaw.
Be quiet.
I let my guests do not insult.
The king will not be happy with your words.
You have misunderstood me.
I am delighted that Sir Richard Leaford and his country has received.
And the repentance of Marion moved me to tears.
It hit us both.
Not true, Hugo? The very honorable Mr.
Owen or Clun.
You danced in Sherwood? What is it? Are you not? Lady outlawed.
Do you see how they move.
Lord Owen is looking to you.
I would stay away from his.
I am planning.
I think I'm in love.
Offer your apologies to Mr.
What did you say? - You have heard me.
You impertinent boy.
I cut in pieces.
How many? Robert, are you crazy? Stop it.
Stop them, damn it.
I want him to be punished.
I want him to be punished.
Let him whack.
Treat you as your guests? On your knees, boy.
Robert, I commend you.
I commend you, son.
I commend you.
I'm insulted.
Give me her as a sign of friendship.
He will beg your forgiveness, I swear.
Make it.
Or no soldier of the king will have on my country road.
Have you lost your mind? The King would have him on our side.
Should I crawl to him? - What inspired you? He insulting her.
- That girl is notorious.
He insulting her? What do you call me? Where is your respect and your sense of duty? My son the heir: An empty head only themselves to think.
If he is sober tomorrow, then you beg him for forgiveness.
Should you go again? - That seemed to me better.
An early start.
- You were always thoughtful.
Thank you, sir.
- I could not do anything last night.
You understand that? - Yes.
Of course, sir.
Robert with his foolishness.
But that is my concern.
Did you Owen asked for forgiveness? No, not yet.
Do it now.
- He sleeps still.
Make him wake up.
I want no more excuses.
My apologies.
I'll stay here a moment longer.
I told the girl the way Leaford to it.
Let us rest here.
This is Marion.
- That should have been hanged.
Traitor and women that outlaw.
Some things you forget.
I think I'm in love.
If I want something, then I take it.
You got him.
Good shot.
It is also worth something.
gives us six pence for his head.
Six for a penny wolvenkop? Yes, for a wolvenkop.
Those of us were much more valuable.
More embroidery around the neck.
Are you sure that Owen was? - That I am blind? By ga.
I am looking for soldiers.
- Why you here? Why not go to Huntington? - The king keeps him short.
Me and for the same reason.
The king wants Owen to keep friend.
If he hears that I gave you soldiers, then cost me the head.
How much do you pay for it? 500 mark? That is extortion.
- Then I can not help.
I will the money together.
But I have the men now needed.
- When do I get the money? The last day of this Monday What is the deposit? - His land and Leaford Grange.
Well? Agreement.
A precautionary measure.
Nothing more.
What good will to show Gisburne gets you nothing for me.
Lord - Do not resist.
You can still use some exercise.
And no shields for the men.
Owen can not find where they came from.
Until tomorrow then.
- See you tomorrow.
Lord, I protest.
- You go it.
Send immediately a messenger to Owen or Clun.
Well done, brother.
We must warn him.
- Then there 's ambush.
That's right.
- We will be laughing.
Of course not.
You run away.
- And you Sir Richard leaves behind.
He has his testament Finally all done.
Why do you say no? You'll be my wife.
My wife.
The wife of Owen of the house Clun.
You will my kids bars and give me sons.
You behave like caught a hind.
Look at me.
The castle is located behind the hill.
Warn your men.
Left and right.
Think of your orders.
Pull back.
- Hold mode.
That is our target: Richard or Leaford.
Lord Owen wants his head.
Go that way.
Let him.
We want him alive.
Kill him.
200 marks, Lord Owen.
Bring her to her room.
Where is Richard or Leaford? - He has fled.
You take his place in tomorrow in 't combat.
Who is this? - A wild wolf, my lord.
He has rescued Sir Richard.
A killer.
Come up.
What is your name? - Nasir.
You should Leaford.
- I am nobody.
How many men have you slain? You can breathe again, Grendel.
I have my next Champion found.
I return to Leaford, sick of body and mind.
I don 't care if I live or die.
Marion and I have lost it nothing to save her.
Signed, Sir Richard or Leaford.
How could he do now? Why was he not to me? - Did you help him? Not by his soldiers to give.
What did you do it given? Pity? You let Owen or Clun in anger ignited.
And this is his revenge.
Marion and I have lost it nothing to save her.
The man with the cap.
He will come to the forest.
There he will meet with Herne the hunter.
He is his son and will serve him.
Why did you come? - I need your help.
Why should I help you? - Because I am the son of Herne.
Really? You said he was dead.
You turned you off of your fate and left those who wanted to follow you.
But Marion is in danger and so you returned.
What should I do? The forces of light and darkness will lead you.
What has to happen Situated in the past.
Good morning.
Welcome to Wickham.
It allows for little, as you see.
I am driven by Herne.
Herne is a ghost, my lord.
- And his son? His son? - The man with the cap.
Is he a ghost? I love best of a joke, but Herne and men with caps that I am honest above the cap.
Is that so? A year ago.
Do you remember? Scarlet sat there and Little John sat next to him.
Nasir was in the door.
Tuck And sat there.
- They said you were dead.
They will kill my son, you said.
The man with the cap.
Where are they now? - Disappeared.
They lost the courage.
Maybe they were arguing.
Only Tuck in Sherwood remained.
- All out.
Edward of Wickham.
- Make it go away.
Whose horse is that? - No idea.
He was without a rider.
We find him now.
- It 's noble.
A nobleman with a longbow.
- Yes, sir.
Yes, that's weird.
It is not the weapon of a knight.
I did that horse ever 've seen, but where? That we look for you.
- Find him fast.
If you do not find bring 't horse to me.
Good luck, Robert Huntington.
That life is over.
- From Sherwood then.
May Herne protect us.
Give hope to those which did not.
Freedom for them in chains.
Justice for them that injustice is served.
Find them and bring them together.
Lead them.
Take your weapons.
Two swords.
The small to block and disarm.
And as a surprise.
And the sword.
Keep your arms up.
Try touching my cheek.
I lock.
And disarming you.
Pick him up.
And now, slowly.
Touch me here.
I lock.
And here.
I lock.
Now my head.
I step aside and get on your back.
Remember: No rules.
Right side.
Judge Wang.
Head, cheek, side.
Your right cheek.
Your head.
Right side.
Side, cheek, head.
Val me.
No rules.
It is not good enough.
Forgive me, my friend.
I thought a thief was and wanted to steal my fish.
Help just a handful.
Tuck, listen.
Listen to me, Tuck.
I have Listen.
Who are you? - Robert of Huntington.
Robin of Huntington? - Robert.
The son of Herne.
And I am the Archbishop of Canterbury.
No, listen.
Marion is at risk.
Heather Sage, there is Little John.
I know for sure.
And Much to him.
But where the others are Go with me, Brother Tuck? I do not have much choice, huh? Have you seen his face? - No.
He wore a cap.
Anything else? - No.
She went to the north.
To Heather Sage.
- He rode next to Tuck on a gray horse.
It was Robin Hood.
I swear.
- A gray horse? Keep your eyes and ears open, you can still earn more.
Who was the man at Tuck? - You will not believe me.
That is very likely.
There was yesterday a noble, gray horse in Wickham.
The villagers thought that the rider was off.
At least, that they said.
I remember now where I had seen.
I remember a horse.
Since I have no doubt, Gisburne.
Back to the kitchens.
Well? - It was in Huntington.
The horse was the son of the count.
But tell me Why would Robert, the heir of many lands and castles dealing to outlaw? Marion or Leaford.

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