Fog and Crimes (2005) s03e02 Episode Script

Vite difficili

I can't wait to be home.
But let's try to get there alive.
FOG AND CRIMES 3 - You're going too fast, Giacomo.
- It's not even 30 miles an hour.
Exactly, it's too fast.
These roads are bad.
Anything can happen.
- Do you want to drive? - No.
I don't drive, you know that.
Giacomo, please.
Slow down! Enough! No more visits to your sister.
All right.
I want to stay alive.
- OK, I'll pull over.
Happy, now? - Oh, my God.
This could be your office, if you decide to stay.
I don't want to go back to Rome or to Ferrara.
Well, it's nice.
It doesn't look like an office.
What did Angela decide? She wanted to leave Torino.
She probably she probably left today.
It must be hard for you.
I've survived this before.
I'll survive again.
I accept.
Welcome aboard.
Inspector, I'd like to thank you for choosing me as your assistant.
All right.
Put it here.
Be careful, it's glass.
Let's avoid breaking it.
It's made of glass! All right.
- Soneri? - Go! Yes.
A new case for you already.
The traffic police called.
A strange accident.
Let's get to work.
Todisco, I'm in your hands, unfortunately.
Your gift to me, I suppose? HARD LIVES - Easy, easy.
- It's a girl.
- There you go.
This way.
- What happened? When there's ice on the road - Was it up there? - Yes, it all happened so fast.
I don't know.
I've already seen this face, but I don't know where.
It's hard to forget such a face.
What a fall, poor girl.
This woman was strangled.
- Why fake an accident, then? - I have no idea.
Maybe the accident wasn't faked.
Maybe the one who killed her simply lost his mind.
Many men could lose their minds for a face like this.
Let's go up there and see.
All right.
So, Assad? The car slowly reached the road and then went down.
- What a fall.
- We just found this.
Look for her documents.
We may begin to understand something about this woman.
- Here you go.
- What's her name? - Does it ring a bell for you? - Miranda Martinengo, née Monti.
She lived in Torino.
- Here's why she looked familiar to me.
- Did you know her? Yes.
They used to call her the Cinderella of Milan's Barriera.
Really? Who was the prince? Eduardo Martinengo, Count of Bagnolo, owner of many acres of land in the Langhe and producer of fine wines.
I realise it's a difficult time.
It's terrible.
But those are the rules.
She's my Miranda.
Find who killed her.
I promise.
Why was your wife out of town on a road up in the mountains? I have some properties nearby.
A house, too.
I just bought it.
Miranda saw it and fell in love with it.
She even went there alone when I was busy.
Like last night.
I was out of town, but it was too late to go see her.
Cover her.
Did you notice anything? Anything suspicious? Mood swings or something wrong, maybe? Yes, sir.
She was different.
She spent the afternoon on this couch listening to music.
She was always listening to the same music, lately.
And yesterday the whole day.
- What kind of music? - I don't know.
I'm not an expert.
A singer.
- This one? - Yes, it's possible.
- Did she know him? - What? I don't know.
I mind my business, but It's a homicide.
It concerns everyone.
Yes, I've seen him with her here.
- When did you see him? - About ten days ago.
When I arrived in the morning, they were leaving.
- They slept together, then.
- I don't know.
- She was so in love.
- With whom? With her husband! Who else? All right, thank you.
Can you come and see this, Soneri? - What? - Look.
Either she had a cold, or she cried a lot.
Based on how she spent the afternoon, I would opt for the second hypothesis.
No? Did she sleep with someone? We can't tell.
The bed was stripped down.
Either she wasn't alone, or she tossed and turned all night.
I found this CD cover.
If you find the CD, I think it's important.
All right.
I'll take care of it.
- Anything else? - Nothing in particular.
She spent the night at home.
She didn't eat.
We found two dirty coffee cups.
She wasn't alone, then.
Actually, we found something interesting.
- Outside.
Let me show it to you.
- Let's go.
Follow me.
There's something interesting here.
These footprints belong to a man and to a woman, right? Yes, both.
Here, look.
It snowed a lot and there are many footprints.
The woman's shoe prints may belong to the victim.
They come and go from the car to the backyard.
- These belong to a man, right? - Yes, and they go in one direction only.
From the backyard to the car.
We can't tell if he was alone or with the victim.
But we do know he was a big, heavy man.
Collect all data and send it to my office.
You'll have everything tomorrow morning.
- If you are tired, I can drive.
- No, no.
I'm just hungry.
- There's a restaurant.
Let's stop.
- Yes, all right.
- Food should be good around here.
- I suppose so.
Of course I knew Mrs.
She used to come here with her husband.
We've known the count a long time, even before he bought the villa.
The lands around here were Martinengo's, just like the wine you're drinking.
Very good.
Yes, it is.
He must be distraught, poor man.
They were really in love.
A very nice couple.
Yes, a wonderful couple.
That's what they say.
Thank you.
Careful, it's hot.
- Have you heard, Antonio? - Yes.
- You knew her? - Well, I served her many times.
It's terrible.
Excuse me.
- All right.
Enjoy your food.
- Thank you.
You see how it worked? Mrs.
Martinengo had a lover.
Take it.
The one from the CD, Adrian Kuti.
A musician.
A Romani.
- A Romani? - A gipsy.
Yes, yes, I know what it means.
Then why are you asking? A Romani is a gipsy.
You got it? A musician.
The day before she was killed, she spent all afternoon on the couch listening to Kuti's music, weeping.
Then, it seems he came to visit her.
They made peace, spent the night together, then argued again.
Then he killed her.
I'm impressed.
How did you do that? What? Solve the case in the twinkling of an eye.
I haven't solved anything.
I'm just saying that this is the information I have, my first instincts, which are usually wrong.
- Who is it? - I'm in Torino.
I came to pick something up, but I'm leaving soon.
I'm going home.
I'm going to Kiev.
Forever? I've been offered a job at the first firm I worked with.
It's a good job.
It's like closing a circle.
My plane leaves at noon.
I'm a little early, so I'm going to our cafe.
I'll be there, if you want to stop by.
So we can close our circle too.
Watch out! Oh, my God! - Are you crazy? It was red! - Are you blind? Where does it hurt? Easy.
Tell me where.
- My leg.
- Easy.
Come here.
- I'll take you to the hospital.
- Not the hospital.
- I don't want to go to the hospital.
- Be good.
Calm down.
You're hurting me.
- Don't touch me.
Leave me! - Stay there, all right? Alert emergency, I'm arriving with an injured girl.
He must be the inspector, Guido.
- Here we are.
- Thank you.
Don't worry.
Here you go.
- Easy.
I think it's her ankle.
- I'll take care of that.
Leave it, leave it.
What's your name? - Where does it hurt you? - My ankle.
- Let's go.
- Yes.
- I don't want to stay here.
- She suddenly crossed the street.
I couldn't stop in time.
It's nothing serious, I guess.
I did hit her, though.
- Wait outside, please.
- Yes.
Leave me alone.
- You can go in now.
- Thank you.
- Come in.
- Good morning.
- How is she? - Fracture to her ankle.
A little operation might be necessary.
Your daughter was lucky.
- It could have been worse.
- No.
She's not my daughter.
He's the one who hit me with his car.
You're the hero who drives drunk at 8:00 am hitting people with his car.
- You didn't even want to take her here.
- What are you saying, sorry? And you're asking me how she feels? - What did you tell her? - You hit me, didn't you? - Only a drunk man wouldn't have seen me.
- You crossed when it was red! And you didn't want to come to the hospital.
Look, I'm a police inspector.
I don't have the time to listen to a child's fibs.
- Are you a police inspector? - Yes.
I'm sorry, Inspector, but - Why did you tell those lies? - They are not lies.
It's just my point of view.
Is it forbidden? - Where are your parents? - I don't have any.
I have nobody.
It's not possible.
You must have some relatives.
- No.
They all died.
- We'd better talk, right? This way.
You're not used to dealing with kids.
When I have to interrogate them, I prefer to be replaced by someone more patient.
- Kids are good at making you feel guilty.
- I've realised that.
Look, Inspector.
We need her parents' consent for the operation.
If we don't find them, we must inform the juvenile court.
I can ask my office to search our database and see what we find.
- She probably ran away from home.
- Yes.
She looks more like she never had a home.
I'll contact you, just in case.
- Thanks.
- Thanks.
Yes, Eliana, I'm arriving at Martinengo's place now.
You have no idea.
It's not a house.
It's a castle.
I'm still in shock.
It seems a nightmare, but it's all true.
Did you find anything? No, for now we only we have some ideas, very vague.
Don't you suspect anything? Is there anything you want to tell me? - Are you sure? - I've been thinking about it a lot.
If I had any suspicions, I would tell you.
No? Of course.
Of course.
The fact is that your wife was a beautiful woman.
- Are you sure she was alone that night? - What are you insinuating? Look, this is the most delicate part of my job, to fish in troubled waters, to investigate in the mud.
Truth often lies in the mud.
It's cold here.
Let's go to my studio.
Did you know him? No.
Why? You see, your wife spent the afternoon before she was killed on a couch, weeping, and listening to this music.
- Did she often do that? - Never.
Miranda was a strong woman.
She was very active, she always had something to do.
I've never seen her weep.
She wasn't interested in music.
She didn't know anything about it.
Don't you see that there's something about her that you didn't know? I'm not a jealous person, Inspector Soneri.
I used to be jealous.
I'm 43.
I've had many women and I've understood that jealousy is bad.
It's a destructive and useless feeling.
I've always tried to keep free of it.
You succeeded.
Hi, Assad.
Any news? I was looking for you.
You were right.
The CD was in the car.
Look! - That's him, right? - Yes.
The fingerprints? I left copies on your desk.
The female footprints do belong to the victim.
Perfect, thanks.
- Good morning.
- Good morning.
What happened to the maintenance for the elevator? - They're coming this week.
- It's long climb.
I know.
I know.
- You call them? Good.
- Yes, of course.
The elevator doesn't work and we're freezing here.
- Any news about Adrian? - Yes, sir.
- Todisco, please.
- Yes.
Yes, Inspector.
His name is Kuti, Adrian Kuti.
- It's all here.
- Good.
Well done.
How did you find him? He's a singer.
He's on the internet.
You discovered the internet? Well done, Todisco.
We can get rid of that dusty archive over there, then.
- You are on the internet too.
- Yes.
- Lots of rumours, lots of pictures.
- Soneri and the Seagulls.
A music group from the '70s.
Come on.
Find me something on this Kuti.
It's important, please.
- Address and everything.
- We only have his e-mail.
If you want, we can send him an e-mail.
Let's send an e-mail, he replies, we chat.
We may also find each other on Facebook.
I need to talk to him, Todisco.
Think of something.
Maybe this CD will help you.
Try to see who printed it.
It's a self-made CD.
It's a demo disk.
Think up something.
Check the criminal records, research.
You know the internet already.
While doing this research, check if anyone reported a missing minor.
I'm looking for a thin little girl, with short hair.
She might be twelve.
Is she involved with Adrian Kuti? No, she's not.
But I need it anyway.
Also, if someone could turn the heat on, maybe we'll survive the winter.
Do you want to waste the entire afternoon? Go, Todisco.
She died of suffocation from having been strangled.
Maybe they fought.
We found traces of that.
Before the murder.
Scratches and bruises all over her body were caused when she was alive.
We also found signs of post-mortem hypostasis here and there.
It means that the body was moved after the death.
So she was killed, and then put in the car.
Yes, I think so.
There were two of them.
- What do you mean? - We found some footprints on the road belonging to a big man, or maybe they belonged to a normal person who was carrying something heavy, maybe a body.
Did you find signs of sexual intercourse? No, that's what I checked first.
There isn't any sign of sex - or violence.
- Congratulations.
Finally some results.
Well done.
Eternal rest, grant unto her, O Lord.
And let perpetual light shine upon her.
Maybe your daughter wouldn't have appreciated such a funeral.
She had nothing to do with these people.
- Who are you? - I'm Inspector Soneri.
I'm investigating your daughter's death.
When rich people are involved, you never find anything.
I rarely saw her after she married.
It was not her fault, of course.
Her husband didn't approve.
He used to say, "You have to forget the past.
" I think he was afraid that I could show up anyway, to cause trouble, maybe, or to stir things up.
He didn't understand anything about me.
Thank you.
I need to talk to you, Adrian.
Not here, obviously.
Adrian! - Who are you? How do you know my name? - I'm a policeman.
My name's Soneri.
This also answers your second question, right? What do you want? What was the nature of your relationship - with Miranda.
- I don't have to answer.
- I would answer, if I were you.
- We were friends.
- What kind of friends? - We didn't have an affair.
Is that what you think? That we were lovers? Listen, little boy, I'm not deaf.
Now leave me alone.
No one reported her missing.
We have nothing about her.
I asked the social services too, but they don't know anything.
I'll have to call the juvenile court.
- The surgeon wants to operate today.
- How is she? She wants to leave as soon as possible.
She said her name is Immacolata.
Good morning.
If you came to give me a lecture, you'd better leave.
That's the last issue.
I haven't read it yet.
Could you tell us your name, something about you, where are you from? It's none of your business.
The foot is also mine.
I want to keep it broken.
I don't want to be operated.
I want to leave with my own legs.
With your legs, you won't even reach the bus stop.
I leave whenever I want.
I'm over 18.
You are over 18? Do you have any ID? Come on.
Where's your ID? Careful.
I'm a policeman.
You know what policemen do in comics, don't you? Of all the people in Torino, I had to be hit by you.
It will be a long fight, right? - Bravo! - Bravo! - Bravo! - Bravissimo! Nice day, isn't it? Your equipment seems very expensive.
It's the only way to become known, at least at the beginning.
All this equipment must cost a lot of money.
What else do you want? Nothing.
I wanted to see where you lived, your place.
Here it is.
Are you satisfied? Of course.
Did she visit you? From time to time.
- She did.
- And you visited her.
In the mountains.
Maybe you think that, being a policeman, I'm stupid.
But we work well.
Someone saw you.
I only went there once.
She wanted to show me the house.
Nothing ever happened between Miranda and me, I told you.
- You were madly in love with her.
- So what? We were fond of each other.
We never had sex.
Incredible as it may seem.
You're right, sorry.
I was mistaken.
You loved her madly, she did not.
It wasn't like that.
We were friends.
Doesn't friendship between a man and woman exist? - Maybe.
- I am a Romani.
And I have my values.
When a woman says no, I don't touch her, even if I am crazy about her.
I am not a Romani, - and you were crazy about her.
- Not the way you're thinking.
Do you know how we met? We were six, more than 20 years ago.
Do you understand? My family camped right here.
At the time, those buildings were not there.
Only grass.
My parents sent me to school near here and Miranda was the only girl who spoke to me.
The next year, they took us out of school to build that building there.
Miranda and I never saw each other again, until six months ago.
We met by chance.
She saw me playing in the street.
She didn't even recognise me at first.
Later she said that that music had called her.
- A nice way to meet again, no? - Yeah.
It was as if the both of us had found a part of ourselves.
You could have started a wonderful relationship.
But she was already married and to a wealthy man.
- What's your point? - Adrian, Miranda was killed.
- Maybe you've already forgotten that.
- You don't think I killed her, do you? - It's you.
Good morning.
- May I? I was expecting you.
Good morning.
Really? Why were you expecting me? You're investigating my daughter's death.
It is your duty.
Please, come in.
I'm repairing this watch.
I want to keep my brain busy.
I don't want to think about my daughter, or I'll become mad.
Please ask me everything you deem useful, Inspector.
- I want you to find Miranda's murderer.
- Of course.
We all do, right? Your daughter hung out with a Romani guy when she was little.
- Do you remember that? - Yes, yes, I do.
He moved and came to live near here.
I think that Miranda visited him sometimes.
And she didn't come to see me.
Why, in your opinion? I told you.
Her husband didn't want her to.
I don't think her husband knew anything about this guy, either.
Yes, he didn't know, he didn't know.
Then one day he found out and killed her.
If that's what happened, I'll kill him myself, Inspector.
- I'll kill him myself! - Easy, easy.
You don't want to take my place, do you? People always kill for the same reasons.
Jealousy, money Out of curiosity, why did Miranda's husband have it in for you? The rich and poor never get along.
Miranda also had it out for me.
Her mother died when she was 16.
She always said it was my fault.
And it wasn't.
My wife died of pancreatic cancer in the space of three months.
It is true that I cheated on her sometimes.
But that has never provoked a pancreatic cancer.
- Never.
- No.
But it still hurts.
The operation went well.
But what an effort! - She bit the anaesthetist - She was lucky to have you as a doctor.
My head's spinning.
I can't move.
You shouldn't move.
- You only have to rest.
- I don't know how.
- You'll learn.
- I've got things to do.
I must leave.
Everything will be over at midnight.
- The rabbits are there too.
- What did she say? The rabbits? She's under the anaesthesia She's still in a stupor.
Maybe this is the best moment, then.
No? An opportunity.
Will you tell me your name? Who are you? What do you do? Where do you want to go? I'm not stupid.
I will never tell you.
She's a devil, she's not normal.
You'll see when you wake up.
Immacolata is so stubborn.
She's not easy.
Oh, no.
I have to go to the ground floor.
Miranda died at about 10:00 am.
Kuti says he spent the morning at his place sleeping, and that he woke up after noon.
But he was alone, so nobody can confirm this.
We have a rejected lover with no alibi.
Actually, he claims they didn't have a relationship.
Of course.
What would you expect? But everything indicates a crime of passion.
And then, he's a Romani.
- We know what that means.
- Actually, we don't, Ms.
- Will you explain it to us? - Come on, Soneri.
Antonia is just saying that I'm only saying that the Roma are very passionate people, based on their nature and culture.
So they are potential murderers.
Come in.
Inspector Soneri asked to be called when Come, come in.
Come in.
Inspector, I found Kuti in the criminal records.
- A previous offender? - It's not him.
Kuti, Valentin.
From what I could understand, that's his brother.
He was condemned to three years for robbery.
He's currently wanted because he's suspected of another robbery.
What a nice family.
Inspector Soneri, shall we consider this good boy a suspect, at least? Can you tell me something about this Adrian Kuti? What can I tell you? It seems that your wife spent time with him quite often.
I understand that you're not a jealous person, but Miranda was free to do whatever she wanted.
She was free to go too, if she wanted to.
Maybe she wanted to stay with you and also have an affair with Adrian.
That's what all married women do.
It's called adultery, but Miranda didn't want to deal with her past.
Actually, she always tried to forget it.
I don't think that this Adrian - How do you know he was her past? - I know.
I can picture it.
Miranda didn't hang out with Romani singers when she was with me.
Life is quite surprising.
This is a fantastic dolcetto.
Let's start with this to warm the atmosphere.
Then we'll move to the barolo, to more important things.
Eating and drinking are important things.
The only ones that count, no? - It's true.
I like eating and drinking.
- Now you're talking.
I eat everything, I like everything and I'm always hungry.
- But I can't cook.
- It doesn't matter.
I'll take care of food.
I'll choose the restaurants.
You don't have the time because you spend your days in the hospital, 24 hours a day, so Yes, there's a lot to do and I don't shy away from it.
I can tell.
I mean, you're - very generous.
- No, I'm very neurotic, actually.
Strange, I wouldn't have said that.
Anyhow, after the second bottle of this wine, neurosis disappears.
Are you a real policeman? You should know that things are never what they seem.
I'll have to do a background check on you, then.
Do you miss Ferrara? No.
I'm out of practice.
If love is madness take me to the hospital 'cause I LOVE YOU! FOREVER!! And that's just the beginning - What's up? - Good morning, Inspector.
We have her cell phone records.
Her last call was to Kuti around 7:00 pm the previous night.
No matter where we turn, Kuti is always there.
Are there some repeated numbers, phone calls that match? Yes, I checked almost all of them.
She received many calls from Kuti, one from her father and several from her husband, of course.
- Did you check his bank accounts? - Yes.
Well You can't imagine how much money he spends.
It's outrageous.
Todisco, save the comments.
I want information.
Only this month this is his personal account.
He spent most of his money on clothing.
Shirts, pants, shoes - it's a fortune.
- I'm looking for any strange payments, any transactions or checks to somebody Yes, yes.
Some checks made out to a Gianni Perugini are strange.
They added up to 18,625 euro.
Gianni Perugini.
Have you looked into him? I was checking that when you came in.
- Good.
Now you can go on then.
Got it? - Yes.
Is he on the internet? Yes, I found three people with this name.
An accountant, a magician and a private detective.
He must be one of the last two.
If she was your wife Are you married? - No.
- It will happen sooner or later.
If you had suspicions about your wife, who would you contact? Well, a magician, I guess.
Darling, Martinengo would call a detective.
- You've been very useful.
- Thanks, Inspector.
- And I am stuck with you, so - Another thing.
Martinengo's banking.
She held a joint account with her husband.
Why are you giving me this piecemeal? Come on, tell me everything at once.
It looks like she spent a lot of money, too.
On electronic equipment.
Of course.
Electronic equipment, CD writers.
Music stuff.
It all comes back to Adrian Kuti.
I guess your first impression was good.
Sit down.
Go on.
May I? Professional confidentiality doesn't let me reveal the object of my investigation.
So This is the file.
- Do you mind if I smoke? - No.
Thank you.
Thank you.
So, Mr.
Perugini We're talking about a homicide.
I guess you did an in-depth investigation in this case.
Well, yes.
Our work is very thorough.
We can videotape anybody, anywhere without them noticing.
I guess you realise that, for us, the results of this investigation - are important, vital even.
- No, no I totally understand.
But you have to ask my client.
Once the investigation is over, we give all videos to the client.
So When was the investigation over? More or less, few days before the death of the person in question, I mean the poor Mrs.
I've been stupid.
I should have told you.
But those images made me crazy.
Perugini told me that he showed them to you few days before the death of your wife.
That's why I didn't tell you anything.
I was afraid that you would imagine the classic love triangle.
A jealous husband has his wife followed, discovers that she has a lover, and kills her.
Actually, that didn't matter too much.
- There was something else? - The shame, Inspector Soneri.
I feared that my life, my personal memories could end up in the tabloids or on some talk show.
- I'm terrified by that.
- I understand.
- Believe me.
I really do.
- I had a feeling you might.
I've always thought that something bad could happen to Miranda.
That night, the night before Miranda was killed, I wasn't late.
I was early, actually, and I went to the villa.
To surprise her.
When I saw them in each other's arms, my world fell apart.
I didn't do anything.
I'm not a violent person.
I'm a coward, maybe.
Do you think Adrian Kuti killed her? I don't know.
He was with her that night.
And Miranda never came home.
Do you know how I met my wife, Inspector Soneri? At night, in one of those bars where casual encounters happen.
She was at the bar, she sat on a bar stool.
I offered her a drink and within half an hour we were making love.
Once we finished, she wanted to slap me when I took out my wallet.
I married her six months later.
It was the only time that I really made love to my wife.
Miranda had a distaste for sex.
- And you? - I kept loving her.
Miranda was an enigma.
A wonderful mystery.
Come on.
- Hey! - Come on! - Hi.
How are you? - Hi.
I'm in a hurry.
I have an appointment.
- How is Immacolata? - Driving the nurses mad.
The social worker is coming tomorrow.
Let's see what happens.
If you are not busy later, we could eat Excuse me.
I have to go.
- What's up? What's wrong? - Why? What do you mean? You're acting like a stranger.
We made love yesterday, didn't we? Yes, it's true.
Yesterday we made love.
- And I liked it, by the way.
- Oh, good.
That's why it's better to end it here.
It's better to end it because you liked it? Yes.
What if you didn't like it? We would have gotten married? We'll never know.
Why do you act like that? What's up? Soneri, I don't want to start a relationship.
No commitment, no dates, no bonds.
I haven't asked you to live with me and spend the rest of your life - knitting on a rocking chair.
- What did you ask me, then? Nothing.
We're in agreement.
I'll call you to tell you about Immacolata.
Who saw me? You have no evidence.
Nobody saw me.
So That night her husband wanted to surprise her at the villa.
- He went to visit her.
- I don't believe it.
He came, came in, opened the bedroom door - and found you two together.
- He's the killer, then.
Why not you? You spent the night with her, no? She refused to leave her husband, or perhaps to give you more money.
Money? What money? Look.
We know she gave you at least 5,000 euro.
The price of your recording equipment.
I didn't kill her.
You didn't want to, but you lost your mind.
All right.
I spent the night with her.
Miranda? Actually, we met in the afternoon.
I called her at about 3:00 pm.
Her voice was strange, as if she had been crying.
I asked her where she was.
She was at piazza Abba, so I went there.
I thought she was feeling bad, her voice was different.
Miranda? - What's wrong? - Nothing.
- Nothing's wrong.
- What are you doing here? I was walking around.
Why are you here? I need to be alone.
- What happened next? - Later, about 7:00 pm, she called me.
She was crying, so I went to the villa.
- Is that everything? - She only wanted me to stay with her, - to hug her, to hold her hand.
- How romantic.
You want us to believe that you spent all night, in bed, with that beautiful woman crying in your arms - and that nothing happened? - No! Nothing happened.
That night or ever.
That night Miranda looked like a child.
She cried till she fell asleep, at 3:00 am.
I stayed a bit with her.
Then I left at dawn.
- What did you have to do at that time? - Does it matter? Yes, it matters a lot.
Why did you have to leave at dawn? She was feeling bad and you left her to go to sleep in your own bed till noon? It does not make any sense.
Adrian, I often disagree with Ms.
Ferri, but in this case I think she's right.
I had no appointment.
I went home alone.
And I slept in late.
- Where was that café? - In piazza Abba.
Not far from my place.
And from where she lived as a child.
What do you think she was doing there? Why was she so desperate? I don't know.
I had never seen her in that condition.
I guess she had found out something bad, terrible.
He tried to escape after having caused the accident, but some people blocked him and turned him over to the police.
Adrian Kuti has been arrested, the young Romani accused of having killed Miranda Martinengo.
He spent the night with the victim and doesn't have an alibi.
This is the latest crime news.
Let's move to traffic.
What are you doing there, sir? I took your place.
- Did you find anything interesting? - The life of a woman is always interesting, isn't it? Especially when you don't understand her actions.
Come here, Todisco.
What are you doing there? Come here.
Look carefully.
Tell me what you see.
I see her again, Mrs.
No, no.
In the background.
Still her.
What else should I see? Here.
A man with a hat.
- See? - He's always there.
Maybe he lives there.
Or he's shadowing her.
I think I have an assignment for you.
- But the investigation is over, right? - No, it's not over at all.
I want you to investigate Mrs.
Martinengo's love and sex life.
Before she married, of course.
We know that she worked as a shop assistant, then as a maid in a couple of hotels.
She never had long-term relationships.
I'm interested in the short-term relationships.
I want to know everything.
Sexual relations, their frequency, with whom.
Is that clear, Todisco? But even their frequency? It's a job you can get your teeth into.
One moment.
- I need to talk to you.
It's not right.
- What? My last relationship was very complex, so it's hard for me to start a new one, but - I'm glad we agree on this.
- We don't agree on this.
I actually think we disagree.
- Could you please lower your voice? - Yes.
I think that when two people meet and find an emotional connection, they should not end everything because they fear feeling old emotions.
Soneri, having sex with you is complicated.
Is it? I'm speaking in general.
It wouldn't be just sex.
Sooner or later Hello? Perfect.
We're coming.
- The social worker is with Immacolata.
- Since you were talking nonsense, can we talk again later? Hi, Chiara.
- Good morning.
- Good morning.
Where's Immacolata? She's in the bathroom.
Did she go alone? - Have you met her already? - Yes, she's a rebel, but I know my job.
Immacolata? - She's a hard case.
- Yes.
- She's not in the bathroom.
- What? - When did she go? - I don't know.
Ten minutes ago, maybe.
No, I think it's more than that.
- How can a little girl go alone - I asked the charge nurse to be careful.
The charge nurse can do whatever she wants here Excuse me, did you see a little girl walking on crutches? No, I've just arrived.
- A little girl walking on crutches - No, no.
Immacolata! Immacolata! - Where are you going? - Help! Let me go! No, you're coming with me.
- I'm a policeman.
- Help! - A policeman? - I'm a policeman.
- Leave me! - I'm a policeman, don't worry.
Leave me, no! You're hurting me.
Don't move.
You're quite something.
Let me go! No! - Get in there.
- You're hurting me! Get in! I'm a policeman, don't worry.
He said he's a policeman.
Move! Come on, Immacolata, calm down.
Nothing will happen to you.
Don't worry.
I have to be free.
I have things to do.
- Let's go, Immacolata.
- You have to go with the lady.
I'll stop by tomorrow, I promise.
Come on.
Come on.
- Call me if you decide to speak.
- Let's go.
Are you able to show me a clear picture? - This is the clearest image we have.
- I need a face, Assad.
And you're the man who can help me.
I'm trying.
It's not easy.
He's clearly shadowing Miranda.
We saw him four times in two days.
The detective didn't notice him.
No, no.
The one before, go back.
- Like this? - Yes.
I think I know him.
- Good morning.
- Good morning, Inspector.
- How are you? - Fine, thanks.
And you? Nice to see you again.
- Can I talk to your waiter? - Who? Antonio? - Is this him? - Yes, but - He quit.
- Do you know where I can find him? I don't know, he didn't give me any explanation.
I'm a bit surprised, too.
He was so desperate to work here.
He told me that his old mother lived around here, so he needed to work in this area.
Do you know where I can find him? Yes, I think I have his cell phone number.
I often called him, so I should have it.
Antonio Sanfilippo.
His cell phone is turned off.
- Did you check the address? - Yes, sir.
It's the address of a small hotel near here.
He took a room there, but he checked out three days ago.
Nobody has seen him since.
- Did he use his real name? - Yes, he didn't use a fake name.
Also the cell phone is registered in his name.
Did you check the registry of births to see how many Antonio Sanfilippos exist? There are not too many.
It's a Sicilian last name.
I've found five here in Torino.
Two elderly people, one is a priest, one answered my call and runs a jeweller's shop.
The last one is this one.
It must be him.
Antonio Sanfilippo.
Born on June 16, 1956 in Siracusa, divorced, no criminal record found.
- Do you also have his address? - Yes, 22, San Benigno Street.
Near piazza Abba.
It's the same address where Miranda lived - when she was little.
Didn't you notice? - No.
- Excuse me? - Yes? I'm looking for a man named Antonio Sanfilippo.
- Who? - Yes, Sanfilippo.
He used to live here more than 20 years ago.
- Do you know where I could find him? - Look, I have no idea.
- Who are you, sorry? - Police.
- Oh.
- Here you go.
There's a school around the corner.
I remember he used to teach there.
Maybe they have his address or phone number.
- All right, thank you.
- Bye.
- Yes, I got it.
I heard about the school.
- He used to teach there, it seems.
It would be oh, look who's there.
- Hi.
- Good morning, Inspector.
Looking for me? Yes.
Do you remember a man named Sanfilippo? I think he lived in this building.
- About 20 years ago.
- I don't.
I moved here 20 years ago.
Your daughter attended the school near here, didn't she? Yes, it was the closest school.
- Thank you.
Excuse me.
- Bye.
I know where the school is.
I saw it last time I came.
Let's go.
- You said Sanfilippo? - Yes, Antonio Sanfilippo.
From Sicily.
I wanted to know something about him.
I know he taught here about 20 years ago.
What would you like to know? An address or a phone number where I could find him.
Look, Inspector.
It's something that happened 20 years ago, but it could still harm the school.
- I'm investigating a murder.
- Is Sanfilippo involved? The victim is Miranda Martinengo.
She attended this school when she was little, so Yes, not in the same class, though.
But she was linked to Sanfilippo in a way.
Come, I'll show you.
They are quite meaningful.
Yes, when Miranda drew them, her teacher became very worried.
We called her parents, they talked to the girl, and she accused - Sanfilippo.
- Yes.
Miranda claimed that Sanfilippo had abused her.
He always denied it.
Later Miranda changed her version, she said she wasn't sure it was him.
- Charges were never pressed.
- No, her parents preferred not to.
And the principal asked Sanfilippo to leave.
I heard that his wife abandoned him later on.
And she took her child with her.
Wait here, I'll go.
Come in, Inspector.
Sorry for the mess, a watch is driving me crazy.
I've been trying to fix it for two days.
But it doesn't work.
It must be hard to fix it, no? How do you do it? As long as you know how it works.
Like I do.
I try to put all pieces together.
Then I identify myself with the killer and sometimes I find the answer.
Did you put the pieces of my daughter's death together? Well, almost.
What's missing, then? - Do you mind if I take a seat? - Please.
I know that your daughter was the victim of abuse when she was little.
Why didn't you tell me? It happened many years ago.
And we never figured out if she really had been subjected to it or if she made everything up.
The psychologist said that - children do that sometimes.
- Psychologists say many things.
Tell me everything you know, please.
It all started with a drawing.
Miranda drew strange things at school, so the teacher called us and showed them to us.
And she said that they could indicate that thing.
That that thing had happened.
Later Miranda said that a school teacher had touched her and had done dirty things with her.
Was the teacher's name Sanfilippo, maybe? He used to live in your building? Yes.
The one you mentioned before.
But I had completely forgotten his name.
- Why didn't you press charges? - What were we supposed to do? The trial, the interrogations, everything no, no.
We didn't want that.
And we did it for her, too.
- She was abused, wasn't she? - Why are you asking all these questions? What do they have to do with my daughter's death? Maybe they are not directly related, but they are pieces of the whole picture.
We may find the whole picture by putting them together.
I think this incident deeply influenced your daughter's life, in a negative way.
Excuse me.
Who's this? He came in the afternoon, there were only Ms.
Musso and few students.
I didn't even recognise him.
He said he was the father of a student, but he took a little girl and He sent us away.
Me and the other children.
He held Annina by the hand.
She was crying.
- Is there another entrance? - No.
Oh, yes, the fire escape.
There it is.
Think up something to enter through the windows, Todisco.
Right away, Inspector.
- This one? - Yes.
Sanfilippo? It's Inspector Soneri.
I'd like to talk to you.
I'm unarmed and I'm coming in.
All right, come in! Easy! You're scaring the girl.
Please close the door.
And put the teacher's desk back where it was.
Don't come any closer.
I don't want the girl to get hurt.
I'm a good teacher, you know? A good teacher.
Yes, I learned to serve, to be a waiter.
But I was a better teacher.
I'm sitting.
Just sitting.
Give me the girl, come on.
Oh, give me the girl.
Why should I? She's having a good time with me, no? I've always got along with children.
All children.
Including Miranda.
I don't know why she wanted to ruin my life.
I've been asking myself for 20 years.
You ruined Miranda.
I never did anything to her.
To her, or to any other child.
I simply couldn't.
I'm a teacher.
Miranda could not make it up.
But it wasn't me! Don't worry, darling.
This gentleman is making me mad.
- I believe you, Antonio.
I do.
- Antonio, Antonio.
Listen to me.
You give me the girl and we let her go.
Please leave her in peace.
Don't you see she's just fine? She's drawing.
Good, darling, keep drawing.
Listen to me.
If you didn't kill anybody, if you didn't abuse Miranda, I'll help you get out of this mess.
Why would you have to believe me? - You know nothing about me.
- I know when someone speaks the truth.
Give me the girl.
Take her away.
Don't move! Let me go! - My life is ruined.
- Easy, easy, easy.
Stop! Stop! You ruined my life.
It's all over.
Take him.
I never touched her.
I never laid a finger on Miranda.
Now or back then.
I would want to now, that's true.
When I read about her marriage with that guy in the newspapers it wasn't right.
I couldn't accept it.
Her happiness became my obsession.
One day I saw them.
I saw them.
Both of them, young, beautiful, happy and rich.
They were laughing.
So I decided to follow her and to spy on her.
- And then? - Then they bought their nice cottage in the mountains, so I decided I had to intervene.
Even if I've never taken any action in my whole life.
What did you do, then? I went to that restaurant to work as a waiter.
I had no idea of what I could do or tell her.
I only knew I should have faced her sooner or later.
So on Sunday, I finally made my mind.
Good morning, Antonio.
What are you doing here? What happened? This.
- You ruined my life, Miranda.
- What are you talking about? I've been living like a ghost for 20 years - because of you.
- Who are you? Antonio Sanfilippo.
Primary school teacher.
With a son, Michele.
At least, I was.
I'm nobody now.
Twenty years ago, you accused me of sexual abuse.
It wasn't true.
How could you forget me? My face? Look at me.
It's been a long time, I don't remember you.
For me it's like yesterday.
I see your eyes, your face, that finger pointed at me.
Why Miranda? I died too in that moment.
I have never lived since then.
But it wasn't me.
It wasn't me! We both know it, Miranda! - I've forgotten everything.
- Now you'll have to remember.
Everything, please.
I'm begging you.
Try to remember, you have to tell the truth.
I'll be free again, if you do.
I'll be able to see my son again.
With no shame.
Do you remember it? I've been taking it with me for 20 years.
It has become my obsession.
I wanted to understand, find a detail, to prove my innocence.
All in all it's only the drawing of a little girl with black flowers in it.
Go away.
I need to be alone.
Go away.
The next morning, Miranda was killed.
This is the truth.
But what is the truth? You didn't believe me back then, and you won't believe me now.
Do you still have that drawing? Yes.
Can I help you? - Good afternoon.
- Good afternoon.
I'd like to know something about this place.
- Can I ask you why? - Of course.
Sorry, I'm Inspector Soneri.
- From when does this place date back? - It was founded in 1961.
Twelve people founded it, including my father.
- It's a private club.
- Interesting.
What do you do? Do you fix planes? Do you build them? We don't make profit, though.
Many members are retired people.
Others work and spend their free time here.
- It's a wonderful initiative.
- A hobby.
What are you looking for? I'm investigating something and wanted to look around, if you don't mind.
All our members are pictured there.
Oh, my God.
That's him! - Hi.
- Hi.
Immacolata went with the social worker with no problems.
- I don't know more.
- Yes, I imagine.
- I didn't come here for that.
- What's wrong? Can I sleep here? - Soneri.
- Just to sleep.
Nothing else.
Nothing serious, I hope.
I'm tired.
And I'm also fed up.
It's hard work.
Too much pain, malice, every day.
- I want to run away.
- It happens with my job too, sometimes.
Then call me and we'll run away together.
You can sleep there.
I'll get you a blanket.
- Good morning.
- Good morning.
Can you tell me why you wanted to see at this hour? - Come with me.
- Where are we going? To a place where I saw a picture of you.
You were a bit younger.
Now we'll have a nice talk.
I spent many years here.
It was my hobby.
Like watches, now.
The engine of a plane requires the same precision.
I haven't been here in 20 years.
- Last time you came with Miranda.
- Yes, it was her idea.
She always wanted to stay with her dad.
Her dad loved her.
More than anything else.
She was a child, a little girl.
She was her daddy's girl.
"When I grow up, I'll marry you," she used to say.
She wanted to belong to her daddy only.
Of course.
She did everything her dad said.
Of course.
He was the only one she obeyed.
To the point of ruining that poor man.
His only fault was being a teacher and living in the same building.
Even that wasn't enough.
We had to forget everything, erase everything.
That's what she did.
Miranda erased everything for 20 years.
She ruined her life too.
She couldn't love anybody.
She wasn't supposed to love anybody.
Till someone showed her the drawing and decided to tell her everything.
Then Miranda understood.
Was it you? You you ruined my life.
You made me accuse that poor man! Why did you do it? Why? I've been trying to remember for years.
I've been feeling bad for years.
But I saw that place again today.
The engines.
The propellers.
And I remembered.
I remembered everything.
No! No.
It's not true.
You made it up.
He's a criminal.
He only told lies.
- You're my little girl.
- Don't touch me.
It's all true.
And now I know it.
I'll turn you in.
You'll have to pay.
You'll have to pay for having ruined my life, my mother's, and the one of the man I accused.
You'll have to pay.
You'll have to pay everything.
You couldn't resist.
And you killed her.
Open, Miranda, please.
What do you want? I need to talk to you.
Just for a minute.
We can go to the police together afterwards.
- All right.
- Thank you.
It had to be a secret.
Our secret.
I didn't want someone like you to go digging into our lives.
I didn't want that.
So I took her in my arms, like when she was a little girl.
She's mine.
Just mine.
Well My colleagues are here.
I think it's the end of our talk.
You should seek help.
Let's go.
Take him away.
Let's go.
Well done, Soneri.
Not really.
I didn't get it at first.
We got it, though.
- Let's go.
- Before going to headquarters, Ms.
Ferri wants us to report immediately.
No, I'll come later.
- I feel like walking.
- I'll see you at the office.
Keep the keys.
Send someone for the car.
I'll walk.
What are you doing here? Immacolata? Can you tell me what you are doing here? Look, Soneri.
What about a peace for half an hour? A peace? - It's called truce.
- I'll have to say you're right for once.
Very kind of you.
Thank you.
I have a proposal.
A proposal? Hey, look at me, little girl! Now you tell me how you got in this place.
I told the porter I was your niece and that I was too tired to wait outside.
I am too tired to get mad again.
What did you do this time? You escaped from the social worker again? - Did you see her? - Hey! You wouldn't want to stay with her.
I'm a policeman.
I've never been put in the care of a social worker.
Why me, then? Am I different? Sorry, I shouldn't get mad.
Do you want to hear my proposal or not? Do I have a choice? Let's go over there.
It smells like onion here.
I'm making a sauce with what I found.
Even if the fridge was practically empty.
So, if you let me stay here, I'll tell you why I came to Torino.
Then you'll decide whether to send me back to that social worker.
Sit down.
You look tired.
When I finish cooking, when we eat, you'll tell me your decision.
Does this plan suit you?
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