House of Lies s03e02 Episode Script


Previously on House of Lies: Jeannie? Who's Jeannie? I was thinking that it was time for you to run your own pod.
Are you ready to step up? Let's get married.
In Vegas.
You and Marty? God, remember that? How confused and tortured and out of control that whole thing was? Probably not so fun for you.
Jeannie's not by my side, and she's not gonna be by my side.
If you could just use the tits and ass that God gave you and blow the occasional CEO, just maybe we wouldn't be in the fuckhole that we are in right now! What do you do if you like a girl and you like a boy? I'm open to whatever.
Colossal Foods.
Go on.
I'll give you everything you need to close 'em.
Mister Oh, all right.
And I could see the last cliff ahead of me.
And I'm carrying my pack, you know, just those few belongings that I have, and the sun is just this beautiful orange that is just burning on me.
And as I looked out over that vast Outback, standing next to my Aboriginal brothers and sisters, I realized one thing, and one thing only.
I didn't survive because of that ostrich egg.
I did not survive because of the trapped rainwater.
I survived because of the power.
It was the power in you, in me, the power in the ostrich, in the water, in the Nantuwaru.
It's all the same power.
It's all one power.
Where was the power? In you.
The power was in me all along.
And where's your power? In me.
The power, the life, the godhead is in me.
The power - is in me.
- Is in me.
The power is in me.
The power is in me.
The power is in me.
The power is in me! The power is in me! The power is in me! The power is in me! The power is in me.
The power is in me! The pow The power is in me! Wow.
The power is in me! The power is in me! The power Yes! Yes! Yeah, yeah! Ah, ah! Ah Yes, ah Ah! Ah Mmm.
Hey look I gotta tell you, um I loved your rap.
I thought it was it was really inspiring.
Seriously? Yeah.
It was powerful.
What? Those poor little people in that beige room.
They all want to believe that they can have just one shred of power in their life, and they can't.
Well, I mean It's all bunch of horseshit anyway.
What is? Just fucking all of it.
None of us have any power.
We're all just passengers on God's kamikaze rocket ship, powerless to our relationships, to our drugs of choice, to our families.
We're just careening at warp seven into a barren asteroid called We're All Fucked.
I haven't heard of that one.
Must be one they just discovered, swirling around Mars or some shit.
Orgasms fill me with existential dread.
So the walkabout, the Outback, that's just I mean, I did wait tables at a Outback Steakhouse.
I mean, I-I figured you were making some of it up, I mean I'm sorry.
I have taken you to Sandra Joy's Isle of Ennui.
But I think I know how we could find our way back to the mainland.
Maybe we could just be a little more gentle Shut up! Hey, Marty, watch this.
Roscoe, take it easy.
Roscoe! Roscoe! Hey, Marty.
Look what I've got.
J Jeannie, look behind you! Jeannie, look behind you! Jeannie, turn around! What you got, Grandpa? You don't want none of this.
Good job, Grandpa.
Ha! In his face.
Your ball.
It's your ball.
Come on.
What you got? I got it, I got it.
I got it, huh? What you got? Here we is! Goal! Oh! Wow, wow, wow, wow, wow.
Sky hook, baby.
Hey, Dad.
Come watch this.
I'm posterizing Grandpa.
What does that even mean? I don't even know! You're outoh! Uh, what's the breakfast situation, Pop? Uh, granola.
Grandpa, focus.
I'm focused.
Well, aren't you gonna ask, Dad? Ask what? Whether or not it happened? Uh did it happen? I made point guard on the basketball team.
Oh, wait a minute! That is great.
All right, that's awesome! And And No, no.
There cannot possibly be more.
And I met someone kind of cool.
On the team? Yeah.
That's great! Uh this person have a name? Lex.
Lex? Lex.
- Just Lex.
- Yep.
And you like this Lex? Oh, yeah.
And, uh does Lex have game? Lex got game.
Does Lex have Marty Kaan-level game? Lex has enough game to beat Marty Kaan.
With a little help from Roscoe Kaan.
Oh, wait a minute.
Are you throwing down? You should pick me up after school.
Bring your Victorian lace-up leather athletic boots and we'll see.
We need to get on that account.
Are you serious? Um I don't know, Jeannie.
You know, I was pooping next to him once, and I saw under the stall that he had an ankle holster.
It's not easy to go when you're in fear for your life.
I'm going in.
Jeannie Then the horse says, "Well, fuck you, pal.
I've got full-blown AIDS!" Full-blown AIDS.
That's super funny.
Ah Jeannie, right? Uh-huh.
I'm just keeping the morale up with the troops.
Um, Gil Colonel Selby I had a look at the accounting road map Mm-hmm.
on your DOD project, and I I found a couple ways that we could restructure.
Hon we've been data mining for my fellow patriots at the Department of Defense for a very long time, and this is the longest-running contract at Galweather, bar none, so Right.
No argument there.
I just thought maybe I could help you run it more efficiently and increase profit margins.
Well, if it ain't broke But it is.
You know what? No worries.
Never mind.
I-I thought I could help, but, um I will move on.
Takes a tough little lady to admit she's wrong.
We should be in goddamn Phoenix, billing a shitload to Colossal Foods right now.
But we're not.
- Are we? - You're right, Monica.
We'll get 'em next time.
That sounds hollow.
So my babies, I hope you'll listen to the woman that makes seven figures, instead of to your questionable colleagues.
We're gonna make a deck to end all decks for Colossal Foods.
One of you will take the blame for that PowerPoint SNAFU.
You can draw straws, figure out who takes it up the ass.
Uh, I wasn't even working here then.
Me, either.
Doesn't matter.
Good luck.
She's fucking nuts.
Oh, I think she's hot.
In a dominatrix-y way.
At least she's not a rapist.
I'm not Listen.
She saw that we had a nice rapport, and she was trying to stop it, okay? She did the same exact thing with the PowerPoint.
Who would make something like that up? Are you serious? Look at her-- she's a fucking monster! Big shocker, the-the rapist-- oh, I'm sorry, alleged rapist-- doesn't respect his female boss.
Don't, Christy.
Don't, don't, don't, don't, don't don't, don't, don't Hey, hey! Please, okay? I'm not a rapist.
I'm not perfect, but I am not a rapist.
Christy? Do you need a safety buddy? All right, fuck it.
I'm a rapist.
I really want to thank you, Julianne.
I am learning a tremendous amount from you.
Yes, well, I enjoy mentoring.
I mean, I would not have the self-confidence that you do in the face of How so? Just you know, keeping people on the payroll from the old regime who are clearly adversarial To me.
Yes, well, you know, I think it's important to embrace Who doesn't like me? That's not what I I wouldn't even have mentioned it if it were just that.
I'm just thinking that we really have to make it rain and Listen, Jeannie.
The only way that women are going to move forward in a boy's club like this one is if they band together and share information.
Now, who the fuck hates me? I really wouldn't feel right.
Who? Gil Selby.
The Department of Defense data mining account.
He's been doing the same shit forever.
I just I try to let him do his thing.
That's what I'm saying.
His thing is over.
He's leaving a significant amount of money on the table every day.
Money that we could use to hang on to our jobs.
Really? I've been studying the account.
Look, I know it backwards and forwards.
These first figures are what we're pulling in now.
And a lot of people just do the same things in self-defense.
Kick him in the crotch, kick him in the crotch.
And I said to the teacher, why don't you grab, grab for both, you know, Right.
the thingy and the stuff? Mm-hmm.
Honey, are you listening to what I'm saying? Yeah.
Of course, no, I-I-I can grab some stuff if you want to Oh, my God, forget it.
I'm sorry.
I was My mind was No, you know what, babe? It's me, it's me.
Tell me again, please? I'm just blabbing and blabbing because I'm nervous.
No, no, no, no.
'Cause I don't know how to say it.
Um Say what? I pulled the goalie.
What, what? What does that mean? You know how in sports there's the goalie, like in hockey, soccer, there's the goalie? Uh-huh.
And when the goalie is not on the field? Not enough players on the field or? That's true, um, and? No one to stop the players shooting at the goal? Or maybe to shoot 60 million shots into the goal, Doug? Wait, you stopped using birth control? I did! What? Why-why-why would you do that? Well, because I want us to have a baby.
That's great! What? Doug? If you're not sure about this What? you need to say something to me right now.
Hold on a second-- you didn't even tell me.
I I mean Which is fine.
I'm just I mean, how long have you been, um I mean, have we, have we done it, uh, uh I Doesn't matter.
That's fine.
Hey, it's great! I said that-- it's great.
So, I have no problem with it.
You know, because what's not to love about fucking babies? I love them.
Why are you acting so weird, then? I'm not.
I'm not.
You are.
So just say it, if you don't want to do it, say no.
Say yes or no.
It's more complicated than that.
I think, if I'm being honest, that if you're projecting this onto me that I don't want a baby, which is ridiculous, because I'm clearly thrilled about it I I think you need to have a look at your own feelings.
Me? No, I mean really look at them, Sarah.
Because if you're feeling fear or insecurity around this, well, then that's a problem.
Okay, forget it.
And we'll talk about this later.
Oh, my God.
Don't ask.
Jeannie, Sarah wants to have a baby.
So She just told me.
She's already trying.
Oh, bless! With you? What? Yeah, of course with me! God, I love her, you know that.
I do, I love her, I love her, I love her, but a baby? Oh, my God, I don't know.
That is just so absolute.
Well, that is a sacred gift is what that is.
Time to man up, buddy.
Fuck you.
What do I do? Jeannie, honestly.
Not a rhetorical question.
What do I do? You need to be the cock of the walk and deliver that baby batter to your special lady.
Oh, my God.
You must never talk about my sperm ever again.
If you put the plan B in a smoothie or something? Can we can we.
please, get this meeting started, okay? Yeah.
Yeah, Jeannie, I took a look at those DOD models like you asked.
Well, it looks like Gil has been using a statistical methodology that's been outmoded for years.
I mean, if you run industry standard data mining applications, you could lower headcount and bill a lot more.
I'm gonna say twice, three times as much.
Are you sure about that methodology? We'd have to run a beta.
I will be right back.
Oh, so that's how we gonna be getting down, huh? Now, you know we're actually playing basketball, it's not a dance contest, right? Check up.
Uh, uh-oh, uh-oh.
Got to go with the ball.
Come on Hey, Lex.
What's up? Hey, Lex, um I'm Marty.
Nice to meet you.
Yeah? So, Lex, my dad, he thinks he can take us two on two.
For real? For real.
All right.
Let's do this.
Let's do it.
Hey, Ethan, you want to go two on two? You and my dad versus me and Lex? Yeah.
You any good? Are you any good? What? Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! Come on! Are you kidding me? Are you kidding me? Come on, that's your side.
That's your side! If you can't "D" him, say switch.
You switch.
Come on, let's go.
Ready? Check.
Hands up! Okay.
Wow, again.
This is crazy.
Yeah! That's like two.
What you want, Dad? That's like two points.
What you want, Dad? Lex, plant your feet.
Off your hand, Lex.
You took one in the face! Your man's fouling me.
You're my baby, man.
Whoa, whoa, whoa! Foul, foul.
Our ball! Foul.
Our ball.
Jeannie? Hmm? Oh, hey, Gil.
Good luck with that DOD account.
I'll let all my friends at the Pentagon know it's in your hands now.
I don't know what you're talking about.
Jeannie, don't give me your little girl lost act.
You just watch that sweet little ass of yours, okay? Brick.
Oh, no, he didn't.
Go, pick him up, pick him up.
No shot.
Oh, I Play him.
God! Goddamn it! Lex.
Hey, so, Lex? Boy or girl? What? What's the deal? Lex is a boy spelled B-O-I.
Or a girl spelled G-R-R-L.
But yes.
Lex was born a girl.
Oh, born a girl.
Okay, that's you know, it doesn't matter, that's cool.
What? Mr.
Marty Kaan, all tongue-tied.
Never thought I would see that.
So, what are you, then? I'm I'm Roscoe dumb shit.
Now you're Dead Roscoe.
Don't run-- it just makes it worse for you.
It just makes it worse You and Marty working on some top secret project together? Perhaps.
Aw, 18-year-old Aberlour.
You are generous.
I would not waste this on me if I came to you came to Never mind.
Why is that? I was just joking.
Maybe because, even though I spend the majority of my time telling people how great I am, I don't buy it for a second.
What does that feel like? Pretty fucking not great.
Is that what you heard when you were growing up? That you were not great? What I heard growing up is not even You don't even want to know.
Oh, but I do, I do.
I heard growing up that my father was not really a criminal, uh, my brother was an all-star athlete, and I was roadkill.
Well, I'm really glad you're alive.
Thanks, Jeremiah.
You just shrunk me, didn't you? Is that okay? Yeah, I kind of liked it.
Hey, sorry we're late.
We got caught up.
Jeannie! R-Dog! What is up? Your grandfather is feeding me scotch.
Way to go, Grandpa! You look butch.
What are you doing? Well, me and my friend Lex just kicked my dad's ass at basketball.
Lex, huh? Yeah, he's a baller.
Yeah, I guess she's got a little game.
Hey, let's get washed up, buddy.
All right.
Yeah, me again.
Um, I'm-I'm gonna leave.
And I mean it this time, because, you know, I have other things to do.
Not just to wait around for you.
For real? You can't leave your wallet just out in the middle of nowhere.
Ignore this message.
You just turned up.
Was that for me? No.
Yes! You're an hour and a half late.
I'm sorry.
That's not okay.
Calm down.
I'm sorry.
It's my bad.
Your bad? That's all you have to say? Let me get a hangover martini, and my friend here will have a very fruity cocktail with as many of these tiny little umbrellas.
I won't.
Just throw 'em all in.
Beer's fine.
Don't Please don't tell him to do that.
He'll make the drink.
He's not gonna make that drink.
It's a waste.
Dude, you're fine.
As opposed to me, who's getting anally violated by fucking Marty's ex-wife.
Dude, she's 100% shithouse-fucking-rat-crazy.
I'm right here! I Are you okay? I'd be better if I wasn't living with a fucking coked-out time bomb.
Speaking of which, how is Sarah? That's not funny, man.
You can't say that.
That's my wife.
That's my wife.
It's kind of funny.
I'm kidding.
How is your wife? She's good, she's good.
You know, she wants a baby? They all want babies.
No-no-no, I mean But where's the drink? You know what I mean? Hey, Beard.
Beardio! Beard.
Where's the drink? Hey.
Do you know what I need to do? I gotta get the fuck out of that job.
And I have an interview with Booz Allen next week.
If that goes well, I'm fucking on it.
Hey, beardy! Honestly, just a fucking beverage.
He just put it down in front of you.
Clyde, there it is.
Oh, this? That's funny, Yeah.
because I ordered a fucking martini.
Do you remember when I came in here? I said I'd like a martini? Easy mistake.
No, no, no, don't go for one second.
Just wait one second.
In what world He said he's sorry.
is a martini the same thing as a fucking margarita? Clyde.
Just tell me where you come from.
From Williamsburg? You come down here, just throw some shit in a fucking cup Clyde, what the hell? Is he serious? He's fine.
Man the bar.
Want me to come around? Do something! Come on now, you fucking idiot! Oh, no, no.
Wait, wait, wait.
Oh, I dare you.
He served at Fallujah.
He's got that PSD.
Jesus Christ.
Yes, I can Yes, I can be there in ten.
Are you serious? You're leaving? You just got here.
I know it.
She's gonna cut off my cock and stick it down my mouth cartel style.
Would you rather I do that? No, or course not.
I wouldn't want to deal with an irrational monster who has temper tantrums all the time.
Just be grateful you only have to deal with Jeannie.
You have no idea what this feels like.
And we're gonna hang out soon, okay? We'll catch up.
No, we won't.
I miss you.
Say it to me.
I miss you.
I miss you.
All right.
Fucking slow! Don't try to hide from me, 'cause I can I will find you.
I will fucking search across the fucking world to find you! What the fuck is going on? What is this? Thought I asked you not to speak to me.
Oh, my God, are you still listening to this lunatic? Hey, I'm not gonna rape you.
Definitely not now! I will hunt you down like a prey and pee on your dead carcass! Let's go.
I just decided as I was watching each one of you pack up your shit to go home like we aren't in crisis mode: we're pulling an all-nighter.
All fucking night! No.
You know what? Make the junior analysts do an all-nighter.
You think that I don't remember what an all-nighter is for a junior analyst? Take-out food and blow jobs.
I'm talking about an all-nighter where we actually figure some shit out and bill some fucking hours.
So we're gonna break up into two groups, we're gonna bill some after-work hours on existing accounts and we're gonna write some spec proposals for businesses that we've been analyzing, and by 10:00 a.
tomorrow, we're gonna have at least one new account.
Is that good for you? Good? Good.
Ah! 'Cause I feel so much better already.
Monica, we've been here since 8:00 in the morning.
You can't expect us to stay the whole fucking night, okay? Says the guy who left for drinks.
I was gone for 15 fucking minutes, and you saw me leave, do you remember? Why don't the three of you look at this like an opportunity Strong.
to learn something for once I am strong.
instead of acting like the pathetic millennials that you are? Do you need Mommy to tell you that you're special? We're not gonna do this, okay? So we're gonna leave.
- Let's go.
- I am strong Let's go.
Let's leave.
and in charge.
Guys, we're fucking going home.
I am strong and in charge.
What? I am strong and in charge.
I am strong and in charge.
We don't do affirmations in my pod, sweetie.
I am strong and in charge.
We close shit.
We do whatever we have to do to close shit.
I am strong Do you understand what I'm saying to you? and in charge.
I am strong and in charge.
Monica, I don't think she's here right now.
Why don't you reach deep into that tight Methodist snatch of yours and pull out some goddamn business for once in your life? Sic semper tyrannis! We did it.
No, we did not.
We did not do it.
Security! Oh, you little whore! Excuse me.
Is this Dilaudid? Do you have Dilaudid? 'Cause I'm allergic to everything else.
Oh, I saw you guys.
No, no, no, I had nothing to do with this.
I saw you conspiring.
Monica, I had nothing to do with this, okay? I am gonna fuck your ass with razor blades for this one.
You know what? Just fucking fire me.
Just fucking fire me, please.
Just fucking get me out of here.
No, I see what you're doing.
I know exactly what you're doing.
No way, bitch.
I am gonna keep you here, right here, for the rest of your mediocre career.
This better be Dilaudid! All I'm saying is that we we can't do too much of a scare tactic, because then Colossal is gonna think that I'm not doing my job, and we gotta just just stay out in front of them.
I know that, but I'm saying we can't be so far out in front of them that it looks like, you know, you got magical powers or something.
Yeah, this is he.
She was stabbed? Where? No, I mean, what part of her body? No, that's terrible.
Okay, bye.
Somebody finally stabbed Monica.
Nicked an artery or something.
Is she? Oh, no, she's okay.
You can't kill that.
No, you cannot.
DOD contract, wow.
You know, I always wanted to get this.
You-You were pretty ballsy on that one.
Yeah Old Gil wasn't too happy about it.
Old Gil.
So if I wind up at Gitmo, you will know why.
And I will send cookies.
What about you, Marty? Are you glad you did it? Out on your own? Is it worth it? Yeah.
Stole my heart, you took and threw it Yeah, I mean it-it would be worth it.
If what? And I kinda like it, yeah, I kinda like it If what? How did I ever get to where I'm at? Somehow I woke up in the palm of your hand And I kinda like it Yeah, I kinda like it How could I want you, want you so bad? And I just let you How could I have let you? It took me over It happened so fast
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