Full Circle (2013) s03e06 Episode Script

Angela And Medina

1 [Thunder booms.]
Oh, excuse me.
Um, can you help me? I'm kind of lost.
Uh, sure, what do you need? I'm looking for the Biscayne Café.
Yeah, it's around the corner on 17th.
Great restaurant.
Beignets are made fresh every day.
You staying here at the Grand Daymark? No.
I'm just meeting someone.
Oh, I wish I could stay here.
Can't afford it.
Yeah, it's an arm and two legs.
Oh, ma-an! Are you visiting Miami? Where are you from? Athens, Georgia.
Just got here yesterday.
Yeah? You a big Yellow Jackets fan? Oh, through and through.
Nothing like SEC football.
Oh, I live for it.
Say, can you tell me.
I've been hearing all kinds of rumors there was some kind of incident here the other day.
Like what? Well, up on the sixth floor.
The sixth floor? Yeah, where that Senator Faulkner's staying? I heard there's some kind of hullabaloo with him and a call girl or something.
What?! Yeah, he beat a prostitute or something like that.
You know anything about that? I got nothing on it.
Really? What makes you think all that? Well, I saw all the news vans and the reporters all over the place.
But you just got here yesterday.
Well, I'm in and out of Miami on business a lot.
But you don't know where the Biscayne Café is? [Laughs.]
I'll tell you what I know.
Oh, really? That would be great.
I know that the Yellow Jackets play for Georgia Tech, and that Georgia Tech is in Atlanta, not Athens.
And that Tech plays in the ACC Coastal Division, not the pussy SEC.
I also know you're as full of shit as a litter box, and that you're Elena Medina from the Herald, and that you're recording this.
- Hey, give that back! - Go fuck yourself.
Miss Mancarlo.
I need your help.
What? Help you after your shitty Woodward and Bernstein performance? Can I buy you a cup of coffee? I told you, I'm meeting someone here.
Just a few minutes, please.
[Phone buzzes.]
[Thunder rumbling.]
How do you take your coffee? With bourbon.
Why the ambush? It was worth a shot.
I'm swimming upstream personally, professionally, you name it.
How do you know me? I've seen you before.
Where? At the Play Pen, where I used to dance.
You got sloppy one night at the club and came onto me.
Feeling me up, trying to kiss me.
- Really? - I never forget an attempted rape.
You're a fucking pig, lady.
Sorry! Eh, save it.
I lost my partner last year, love of my life, to breast cancer.
I was drinking a lot, drinking every day.
You're a beautiful woman.
I was heartbroken.
Sue me.
Well, this has been a Hallmark moment.
No, wait, wait, wait, wait.
Um, I think we can help each other.
What do I need help with? Well, you were here that night.
You're the woman Faulkner was with.
Negative, dyke.
I haven't called you a slut yet, so let's keep our preferred sexualities off the table.
The night's young.
Hey, can we have two coffees and a shot of bourbon, and we're not gonna eat, so I did my research on you.
I know I know about the drugs, the prostitution, and the connection to your husband's murder.
My connection to my husband's murder is that I was married to him.
That's all.
My source at Miami-Dade P.
said there's still an active file on you.
Yeah, because of all my other sins you mentioned.
Dogs with bones, those guys.
You told the cops you were the last person to see him alive.
Did they also bother to mention I was the last person to see him dead? That I had to identify his body parts? That they cut him into pieces? Okay, I said that we can help each other, and here's my part of the deal.
Thank you.
Attorney sat a grand jury on the case.
You are one of the subjects of inquiry.
No fucking way.
I would have heard.
No, they're sequestered.
They've gone full RICO Act on the case.
And do you know what that means? - No.
- They've gone federal.
There's no parole with a federal sentence.
16 years means 16 years.
- 16 years? - Accessory to murder.
I didn't kill him.
I covered the first inquiry when it was at the state level.
It was the first time I saw you.
I was in court every day.
Going federal is bad news for you.
- I wasn't a part of it.
- They're talking conspiracy.
What do you mean? You didn't kill him, but you set him up that night.
I did not.
State medial examiner was about to release the toxicology on your husband.
He'd been drugged.
But it was too late.
- D.
already dropped the case.
- I didn't drug him.
He was a hard man.
Guys who wanted him dead needed your help.
- This is bullshit.
- Listen.
Jacked on oxycodone, and the only oxycodone in the house was prescribed to you.
And that's what I'll tell a grand jury.
I have the report.
Elena, you're fishing in sand.
No, I won't accept that.
Well, you'll sleep better if you do.
What happened here? What happened between you and Faulkner? Why would I fucking tell you anything with a gun to my head? You can't prove a word of what you just told me.
Because I have an 8-year-old son I'm raising alone, and I can't lose my job.
You're my last shot.
I was fired from the Tampa Daily Register.
I'm on probation at the Herald.
You got to understand how desperate I am.
Still nothing in the national press.
We out of the woods on this yet? Hey, don't.
That's like saying, "There's no traffic, we'll be early," and then slamming into nine hours gridlock.
Four days.
Four days, and the nomination is sealed.
Oh, I hate campaigning while looking over my shoulder.
What do you mean? Is this all some water-treading jerk-off? Are we gonna win Tuesday, only to have the rug pulled out 'cause this bullshit story comes out? Senator, the more minutes and hours that tick by, the better off we are.
Madeline wants me to pull out of the race.
- Well, that's just - That's fucking horseshit, I know, I know.
Listen to me, Senator.
I'm all-in with you.
The balance of my life is the bet I made on the best politician I have ever known or worked for.
So, let's just keep our eyes on the prize.
Her heart's in the right place.
So is mine.
She loves me, Damon.
Yeah, well, so do I.
You are a sexy, promiscuous guy.
That was my inner imbecile talking.
It's true, though, isn't it? Can we just take a knee on this subject? I need to not fuck up this chance.
I have to remember the feeling of almost losing her to make sure that I don't.
I got to quiet those demons.
Keep them on a leash.
I could be the President of the United States this fall.
Admitting you're ill means you're halfway to recovery.
Admitting I'm ill means I'm ill, Damon.
Four days.
Four days.
I know.
I know.
Let's talk possible VP candidates.
Fuckin' A.
Another bourbon, please.
Make it a double.
You really have an 8-year-old son? Yeah.
What's his name? Carlyle.
Carlyle? You trying to make sure he gets his ass kicked on the playground? [Laughs.]
No, he's he's named after my father.
When I told my father I was gay, he beat me till I passed out.
Came to, and all my stuff was on the lawn.
And you named your son after this asshole? Well, I love him no matter what.
You know, I still do.
Calling out my son's name keeps me connected with my dad, even though I don't see him.
- Has he met your kid? - Yeah.
Sued me for custody when I was in rehab.
Kept him for a whole year till the courts gave Carlyle back to me.
That was fun.
You got a picture? He's beautiful.
Thank you.
You let him play football? We live in Florida.
Only way for a boy to earn his citizenship.
I was pregnant once.
- I fucking hated it.
- Why? I felt like I ate 100 steaks and couldn't take a crap.
Did you terminate the pregnancy? No.
No, my husband did.
My partner carried Carlyle.
Sperm bank? University of Miami Donor Clinic.
You know anything about the father? Yeah, he was white and a Rhodes Scholar and an athlete.
You tell your son all this? Yeah.
Does he ever ask about his father? No.
He tells me I'm all he needs.
It would drive me crazy.
Do you mind? Mm, have at it.
Do you like men? [Laughs.]
What? My career is men.
You never feel marginalized or used or cheap? They're the weak-ass dumb shits who hand me credit cards and cash.
For your body.
I'll never understand that moral universe.
Well, it's an amoral universe.
That's why it pays.
Sex, love, and family aren't supposed to be punch lines and dismissed as "so fucking what.
" Yeah, well, I've heard there's a deeper meaning to life, but you know, I don't have the time.
So, you sit there with your corner on the market of what happened here last week, holding your cards tightly like a drunk in Vegas, letting me and the American public twist in the wind? Essentially, yeah.
Yeah, well, that's wrong.
Well, it's my fucking choice.
Okay, forget about how this story could rescue me.
Do you not care about the damage your silence will inflict? What damage? What an unprosecuted crime! A politician seeking the highest office in the land.
A man who preaches piety, honor, family, and integrity, and who possesses none of those attributes.
- You don't know him.
- [Phone buzzes.]
Oh, that's right.
You were supposed to meet someone.
I have to go.
Yeah, you said I don't know Senator Faulkner, and that implies that you do.
Just what I read.
Ah, you know him.
I know you know him.
Based on what? Based on the fact that you don't deny it.
I have denied it.
Yeah, but without rigor.
You know the guy.
You've been with him.
You probably love him.
Are you recording this? Answer the question.
Ask me one, asshole.
Okay, that might have been a clumsy attempt at blackmail earlier, but I am fully at peace with serving you up to the grand jury, and it will not matter if they indict you or not.
The only thing that will matter is that I kept my word.
I will not leave you alone until I get the truth.
I'm kind of at the end of my "treat the prostitute nicely" rope.
You know who I am, right? Why? Because I move in and around some very tough people.
Some truly mean motherfuckers.
People who would protect me.
People who would do damage with one text.
Are you threatening me? [Chuckles.]
With rigor.
Senator Dellahunt, I've been waiting days for this call.
It's good to hear from you.
Damon, you're a fucking liar.
Dellahunt: You've been dreading the sound of my voice.
Not true, not true.
We are in the trenches together, aren't we? In medieval times, trenches were dug so that garbage and shit could be tossed into them.
So, yes, we are in the trenches together, and we're covered in it.
Why'd you call? You know Goddamn well why I'm calling.
Faulkner has to end his campaign, or I'll end it for him.
I'm not understanding all the venom.
I know what happened there.
It rained here, and it's raining again today.
There's no reason for vagaries.
My people are on the ground in Miami.
They're all over this.
That son of a bitch is gonna be exposed, and I'm coming down there to do it myself.
Hey, look, I'll book you a room, but you should know, there's nothing to expose.
Senator Faulkner is untouchable and on his game.
Super Tuesday is gonna be a rout, and you'll be invited to sit behind him at the inauguration.
The best part of my arrival is gonna be when I have the marshals arrest you for conspiracy.
Isaac, Isaac, listen to me.
I'm paraphrasing Dick Cheney, but "Go fuck yourself.
" I know you were here that night.
Oh, your phantom hotel staff contact? Yeah, something like that.
What if I were here? So what? There are 193 rooms here.
This hotel never has vacancies.
That means there are at least 192 other guests for you to interview.
Maybe one of them witnessed your imagined crime.
Is that a yes? A soft yes.
I keep a room here because of the event-planning business I run.
I'm here all the time, as evidenced by my being here today.
- [Lightning cracks.]
- [Gasps.]
You afraid of the storm? Since I was little, yeah.
I was trapped under a couch in two feet of water for 12 hours until the Coast Guard rescued us.
In the dark.
Well, why do you stay? That could happen again any storm season.
There's bad weather everywhere, like at this table.
I think I could get you money for your story.
Save it.
I work in a cash-only business.
I have insurance with dental.
My life is charmed.
Yeah, but what are you working for? Each dollar unlocks my eventual freedom from this bullshit life.
And how much freedom could $1 million buy? [Cellphone buzzes.]
I'm listening.
I think no, I know I could get you $1 million in cash for your story.
And that's just for the rights to publish.
The talk shows would deliver bales more money to your doorstep for the on-camera stuff.
You mean I could profit from my dirty deeds? Like Donna Rice and Monica? [Chuckles.]
They made tip jar money.
You'd be flying first class.
Come on.
You talk about freedom? This is real freedom.
He has a daughter.
I have a son.
Your son wouldn't be shamed and destroyed by his actions.
She would be.
[Cellphone buzzes.]
My word won't mean shit until you get a second set of eyes on this.
- I can do that.
I can do that.
- How? The hotel staff member I keep on the pad.
Okay, well, have you spoken to the FBI? No, why? Are they into this? I was interviewed.
Holy shit.
I knew this was huge.
I'm not saying a word, and I'm not agreeing to anything until I know you have a second source.
Then I'm getting an attorney, and I'm still not saying a fucking word until the money's in my bank on Grand Cayman.
Okay, okay, this is great.
No, it's not.
It's ugly, and it's destructive.
Hey, he did this to himself.
Even the thinnest slice of ham still has two sides.
I don't care about his side.
That's what bothers me about all this.
And about you.
You should be happy you're close to change of life money.
You should stop talking before I change my mind.
I'll be in touch after I corroborate.
Hey, Angela.
Thank you for doing this for me.
I'm not doing this for you.
I'm doing this for your son.
The weather in D.
is holding up traffic at Reagan.
Dellahunt won't be able to get out until tomorrow.
There's a vote on the president's energy bill.
He'll stay for the vote.
Good, then he won't be down here.
Uh, let me know when the fucking airport reopens.
Uh, and get me his flight info.
He won't be down here until Monday, at the earliest.
How'd he sound? Same Dellahunt arrogant, combative, an asshole.
Sound confident? Yes, but he always does.
He's got nothing, Senator.
Don't be so sure.
Having nothing isn't what kept him in the Senate for 30 years.
I got one more debate and three policy speeches to deliver before next Tuesday.
How do we keep him at bay until after the election? I don't know.
Maybe What? Maybe on his way to the airport, I don't know, maybe he gets into an accident.
You're kidding.
I'm not.
Not a bad one, okay? Your garden-variety T-bone through an intersection? You have people who do that? I do.
You'll thank me later.
We're too close, right? Yes, we are.
Angela: She was here about half an hour.
She was relentless.
I didn't say much.
Just what she wanted to hear.
You told me to buy time, right? That's all I did.
I can't believe this is happening.
It's out of control.
So I don't know.
I mean [Sighs.]
I'll do whatever I can.
Woman: Here.
- What's this? - Open it.
What the fuck? Just in case things get out of hand.
I'll call you tomorrow.
[Zipper pulls.]

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