Hightown (2020) s03e06 Episode Script

Chekhov's Gun

[RENEE] Previously on Hightown
[JACKIE] Frankie Cuevas was
released from prison this morning.
Chanice Bailly helped bury Jorge.
I didn't kill Jorge. Renee did.
I spoke with Frankie earlier.
He had some wild ideas
about Jorge's death.
I work with Ray, I'm Sarah.
Renee, you're right. I fucked her.
I killed Jorge.
I don't give a fuck what you did.
- Come on, open up.
- Aah!
- Is that a fucking bayonet?
- Got it as payment.
So you just entered the victim's house
- on, like, a hunch?
- [JACKIE] And Swayzee's
still out there hurting girls.
[ALAN] His alibi checks
out for the Petey murder.
And, uh, Tom Dolan
over at Fall Brook says
- they don't have much else.
- Damn.
[RAY] Suddenly Shane's fully exposed
'cause of his idiot nephew?
[OWEN] I'm done layin' low.
The cops don't have shit.
You fucked up spectacularly.
Osito is still alive,
and a civilian is dead.
- What's up, O?
- What's good, little G?
I thought a lot of things about you ♪
I stayed awake just
thinking about you ♪
But now I'm away ♪
You had to stay ♪
Tomorrow's a day of mine ♪
That you won't be in ♪
I tried to say I
was just having fun ♪
But I really knew
that you were the one ♪
And now that I'm gone ♪
I see I was wrong ♪
I should have known all along ♪
That time would tell ♪
A week without you ♪
I should forget ♪
Two weeks without you ♪
And I'm still thinking about
the things that you said ♪
Vacation, just another love-in ♪
Vacation, I hope you love me ♪
Vacation, would you think of me? ♪

I think I'll leave
without saying goodbye ♪
I think that you
know the reason why ♪
What if I was to stay? ♪
Would things turn
out some other way? ♪
I'll never know anyway ♪

[SINGERS] I'm about to
show you what I'm made of ♪
Quit your crying, now
it's time to wake up ♪

Deadbeat sleeping on a bed of lies ♪

I hate to put you down,
but I think it's time ♪
[WAITRESS] And here you go.
That'll do.
[CHARMAINE] It's nice.
Never gets cold out here.
How about heat? You got any of that?
Not now.
I was a straight up
fugitive the last few months,
showering in gas stations and shit.
But Ralphie hooked me up with a fake ID,
set me up with some people in Tampa.
I'm doing a'ight, I guess.
You survivin' or thrivin'?
Running supply to the corners
for this creepy-ass white boy.
White boys is a whole plague
going on I got it too.
Yo, this one Benny, oh, he sucks.
He's clippin' money from me.
He's steppin' on the product.
He's usin' his own shit.
I'm telling you, he get caught up,
he's not gonna stand tall
for anyone believe me.
Who's he moving weight for?
Why you so curious about my work?
We can get to that
later. Who's he work for?
Rowena Castro.
- Lady Castro?
- Mm-hmm.
So you big time now.
I guess.
It's later.
I need a new plug.
I figure you can introduce
me to Lady Castro,
then we set up our own thing.
Nice, steady flow going.
Get you out from under
this Benny motherfucker.
Please. He won't even
let me get close to her.
It's not like you to just
sit back and take orders.
Why don't you make a
move? Go over his head.
Yeah, I thought about it.
He got his thumb on me too good.
He know about my case up north.
He knows it's just one call,
and the cops land on me hard.
- You're scared.
- Hell, yeah, I'm scared.
Look, I was in cuffs once.
On God, that's the last time.
Tss. No.
I hear that.
But it's not even just jail. Like
I got no one.
I got no place, and I got nobody.
And I can't even go back
home, and even if I could,
Aileen's not there.
It's like, what am I even doing?
That's what I'm afraid of.
That all this
all this meant nothin'.
I am really sorry about your sister.
Yeah, I know you are.
Now, how 'bout you and me go
pay this Benny guy a visit?

Can I confess something?
I've never smoked pot before. [GIGGLING]
"Do you wanna end up a drug addict slut
like your Aunt Sandy?" [LAUGHS]
What's the matter?
Don't lie to me, Mr. Man.
I can tell when you're upset.
I'm staying in a motel room,
and I'm driving a fucking rental car.
Well, it-it's it's not forever.
You just got out. Give
yourself some time.
I mean, you are right.
It's you're right.
It just seems so unfair
that you were locked up
like an animal, and
and she was
flouncing around with her
her policeman boyfriend.
Well, don't worry.
I'll take care of her.
I'm going to jail, right?
are not going to jail.
Alan knows I killed
Jorge, and I'm fucked.
[RAY] Doesn't matter what he knows.
Matters what he can prove.
What about the Jamaicans?
What if he finds them?
[RAY] He hasn't found 'em yet.
He's been looking for months.
- [RAY] Come here.
You can't worry about looking guilty.
We're gonna lawyer up.
We're not gonna talk to anybody ever.
Especially, not Alan.
From now on, we're
gonna be squeaky clean.
No more selling drugs at the club.

And you're gonna
take care of your thing
at work today too, right?
I will.

You okay?
Owen's cell phone's
been pinging off a tower
in Osterville all night.
It's 'cause he's been
texting me all night.
Dude's horny as fuck.
- He say where he was at?
- No.
He's been playing it really cautious.
I'm just trying not to spook him.
[JACKIE] Well, keep him talking.
If he moves, then maybe we
can narrow the search a little.
Running outta dirty words, but yeah.
- [JACKIE] Hey.
- [RAY] Hey.
You know, Renee showing up
last night, that was weird.
I'm a good cop.
I know how to do that. I'm good at it.
But as far as being a good
man or a good father, I-I
I mean, I got an 18-year-old son
who doesn't even talk to me.
I'm sitting here now
with this new family,
and I got this chance
to be this type of person
that I haven't been before.
What-what I'm trying
to say is that, uh
let's just let it go.
Yeah, Ray. [LAUGHS]
Obviously, you have shit to work out.
You didn't have to say all that.
Could have just said
it was time to zip up.
- Okay. Yeah, I get that.
But I
Owen texted me again.
Holy shit. He dropped a pin.
"Meet me tonight at ten.
I'll take you to my spot."
[RAY] Great. So where's the meet up?
South side of the
Hyannis Mall parking lot.
Hey, are we we're good, right?
Yeah. So we probably should
go check out the location.
Hey, one more thing.
You know, if you're gonna
get all in your feelings,
you probably shouldn't
fuck 25-year-olds.

[TAFFY] Renee.
Hey, Renee.
Business is booming. Hook me up.
Actually, we're, uh
taking a step back.
- No more dealing at the club.
- Fuck that.
I'm not going back to working for tips.
Find someone else.
- You wanna find a new connect?
You wanna play drug dealer? Go for it.
But you're not doing it here, okay?
Until then, get your ass on
the floor, work your regulars.

Well, is it actual intel this time?
Uh-huh. How do I know
she's really on the Cape?
No, I won't relax, mon,
not till she's in the box.
And you call me back when you find her.
Fuck. Relax my ass.
[FRANKIE] Sergeant Saintille.
Follow up on my lead?
Murder of Jorge? Funny.
We still like you for that.
[SUCKS TEETH] Tch. I'm disappointed.
I handed the case to
you on a silver platter.
Silver platter, my ass.
You gave me hearsay.
Now, get the fuck outta here
before I arrest you for harassment.
Hearsay? I can tell
you where it happened.
At fucking Xavier's.
I can tell you motive.
They hated each other.
I can tell you weapon. The
gun she kept in the office.
Now, what more do you need?
What kind of dealings did you have
with the cleaning staff at the club?
We crossed path a few times.
What about her? Angela Campbell,
AKA Chanice Bailly.
Was she involved in Jorge's murder?
What's wrong? You can't find her?
I can find her. Just
haven't found her yet.
Just got word she's back in town.
Well, how hard can it be? I'll find her.
Just for the record,
I never asked you for a fucking thing.
You sure it was at Xavier's?
Are you sure it wasn't?
[SINGER] Ahh! Me so horny ♪
Ahh! Me so horny ♪
Ahh! Me so horny,
me love you long time ♪
Ahh! Me so horny ♪
Ahh! Me so horny ♪
Me love you long time ♪
The fuck is this?
They call it the Python Palace.
It belongs to some ex-porn
star who paid off the cops,
and Benny supplies the
drugs, so he's always here.
That's why his corners suck.
Hey, Gabe. I'm here to see Benny.
[CHARMAINE] Great fucking security.
[SINGER] Picked up the telephone ♪
Then dialed the seven digits ♪
Said, "Yo, this Marquis, baby!" ♪
Are you down with it? ♪
Whoo, whoo!
Come on. He hangs out upstairs.
A freak without warning
and I have an appetite ♪

[BENNY] But yeah, Buddy was tweaking,
so I had to lay his
ass out, you feel me?
You feel me?
Ask Lady Castro who runs
this shit, all right?
You see the chains. You
see the swagger, baby.
It's all it's all natural, baby.
- You want a introduction?
- Pssh. Fuck no.
This guy's radioactive.
Why does Lady Castro have
a lame like this on payroll?
'Cause she don't know he a lame.
Why don't you tell her?
She don't know me from Eve.
Fuck Eve.
You Charmaine Grasa.
[BENNY] Who wants a
champagne shower, huh?
- You right.
- [WOMAN] I do, I do!
- [POP]
- Ah, let's go. Let's go, baby.
- But we ain't gon' tell her.
Yeah! Fuck the bottle, ladies.
- Come on.
- [BENNY] Ha ha ha ha.
- Yeah, that's beautiful.
[BENNY] You fucking
with a boss, ladies.
[RAY] Hey, look alive.
Owen's gonna be here soon.

- How much time do we have?
- We got time.
[RAY] See if you can get
him to brag a little bit.
You know, if he admits he ghosted you,
'cause he was laying low
after the Osito shooting
think you got him.
We'll be listening the whole time.
If things get hairy,
we'll be right behind you.
- We'll get you out.
- [SARAH] Great.
And, hey, uh
don't jump the gun, yeah?
I can handle myself.
Hey, you good?
- [SARAH] Stop!
- What?
I'm good.

[SINGER] Get wild, get wild ♪
You can never beat this ♪
[ALAN] Mass State
Police. Everybody out.
Let's go! On your feet!
On your feet. You ain't gotta go home,
but you gotta get the
hell up outta here.
Let's go. Run 'em outta here.
Run 'em outta here. Faster.
Yeah, lights up. Outta here.
Run 'em outta here.
We are going to search every
square inch of this place,
and we're gonna take our time,
because results are more
important than speed.
And if you find so
much as a drop of blood,
you let me know.
[DONNA] What the hell's this?
You can't just fucking barge in here.
Do you even have a warrant?
Think that's what this
is. You wanna read it?
Hey, Rob, Rob.
Check the office, all right?
[ROB] Yeah, you got it.
Every corner of it.
We're gonna be here for a while.
Give me.
Daddy gets the big piece of chicken.
Don't move.
[OSITO] What's the combo?
[BENNY] Huh?
To the fucking safe. What's the combo?
Benny, do what he says. He has a gun.
Shut up, Madison.
- Five seconds, motherfucker.
Never mind. Your slack-ass
didn't even lock it.
Now lay down and fuck the bed.
- What?
- I said fuck it.
- Hey, Madison.
Take your ass home.
Quit fuckin' around with these clowns.
[ALAN] Nothin'? Are you sure?
You checked the whole
carpet, each corner?
Yes, sir. VIP lounge lit up like
the fucking aurora
borealis, but no blood.
- And the office?
- Clean. Too clean.
Looks like it was completely
redone in the past six months.
[DONNA] You done yet?
Just packing up.
Did you find what you
were looking for, at least?
Don't know yet.
Got a lot of samples to process.
Thank you ladies for your cooperation.
Yeah, fuck you. You didn't find shit.
'Cause I run a clean operation.
Fuck! Fucking hate this fucking place.
[RENEE] Hey.
I thought I could come in here,
clean up the club, make
a good clean living.
But it's just a sad dirty place.
You're right.
You're too good for this place.
You could get the fuck out.
Yeah, I'm thinking maybe
it's time to get off the Cape.
Thanks. [CHUCKLES]
So, uh, what's going on there?
Ah, chh, nothing.
Oh, come on.
What? You-you're way
off. I wouldn't do that.
What are you talking
about? You fucked Babcock.
I was in a very
different place back then.
Hey, Renee and I, we're
doing really well right now.
And you got no right to talk, okay?
You fell in love with Babcock.
[SIGHS] Yeah.
I was in a different
place then too, I guess.
Told you she was a snake.
Threw you right under
the bus for Charmaine.
Did she? Or did she just tell the truth?
Hey, fuck that. Doesn't matter.
You don't snitch, even if it is true.
Whatever. I know you're
lying about Sarah,
but I'm glad you and Renee are good.
There's Owen.

Jesus he drives like
an asshole. Let's go.
- You look good.
- So do you.
What you been up to?
Hey, you know, this and that.
Yeah, but did ya miss me?
- What you think?
Yeah, it feels like you did.
She's good at this.
[OWEN] Oh, fuck.
I can't wait to get you alone.
's not bad.
[SARAH] Hey, where are we going?
You'll see.
Yeah? We almost there?
- Oh, shit.
- Fuck.
[HUFFS] You gotta be kidding me.
Dispatcher, this is Cruiser
250, Sergeant Ray Abruzzo.
Can you contact Cruiser
84E7 and let them know
they're interfering in an
undercover investigation.
I repeat, Cruiser 84E7.
Tell them to stand down.
- Babe, you gotta pull over.
- Fuck that.
I could out run 'em.
Yeah, but why?
Hey, please don't fuck up our night.
I've waited a long time for this.
Are you aware how fast you were driving?
Everything okay, ma'am?
Uh, I-I'm fine, Officer,
and we won't speed anymore.
I'll keep an eye on him.
License and registration.
Sir, license and registration now.
Yeah, of course. I
got it right over here.
Shit! Fuck! Go, go, code three!
What the fuck was that?
Are you a fucking cop?
You lying fucking bitch.
Why the fuck would you do this to me?
- Fuck!
Get the fuck off.
Get the fuck off, you fuckin' bitch!
- [RAY] Fuck! Sarah!
- Shit.
Fuck! Go!
[JACKIE] I got it, I got it.
Hey. Sarah, Sarah. Sarah.
Hey, come here. No, no, no, okay.
Okay, no, no, it's okay. Don't
move. Don't move. Don't move.
Let me see it.
- You're okay. You hear me?
- He fucking shot me.
Yeah, I know. I know.
- [RAY] My fault.
I should never let you get in that car.
You're all right. Just
stay calm. I'm here.
Jackie, talk to me. How's
he doing over there?
- I got you. I got you.
[WHISPERING] I got you. I got you.

[RAY] Say that again. What do you mean
you're trying to get the
security cam footage?
You want me to tell that to his widow?
Jesus fucking Christ,
asshole. Figure it out.
Hey, I just got off the
phone with the hospital.
Sarah's outta surgery, and
she's gonna be all right.
Okay. Okay. That's good. That's good.
Everybody, listen up.
Sarah's gonna be okay.
- [SMITH] It's good news,
but remember, every passing minute
that piece of shit cop
killer is out there,
our chances of grabbing him go down.
You follow up on every
lead, no matter how small.
You run outta leads,
you come back for more.
Come on. Let's go, all right?
Hey, Jackie. What's up?
I had a hunch based on the cell pings,
and I think I got a
lead on Owen's location.
- And?
- Osterville has a lot of
little places to tie up.
So I asked an old CI if they've seen
any unusual boats big enough
for someone to live on.
[RAY] And?
Turns out there's a sport boat tied up
at a private pier in Cotuit
about a mile from here.
She's been there all summer.
That's a great little place
for a cop killer to hang out.
- You wanna check it out?
- Yeah, on it.
Hey, Jackie, be safe.
- Thanks.
- [BEEP]
We get to raid a motherfucking boat?
We get to raid a motherfucking boat.
[BENNY] Lady Castro, Lady
Castro, I swear to God.
You would not fuckin'
believe this, okay?
They-they fucking came
in the door with a fucking
battering ram, okay? It
was like eight guys, okay?
Like, eight guys at least.
It was fucking crazy.
Oh, my. Fucking crazy.
[BENNY] And then they held
everyone at gunpoint, okay?
We-we couldn't move,
and then they cracked the
safe in under a minute.
It was like a professional
crew or something, you know,
like-like maybe, uh,
like the Ramirez brothers.
[GUARD] Sorry to interrupt, ma'am.
She says you'll want to
hear what she has to say.
[CHARMAINE] He's lyin'.
That's not who robbed you.
Then who did?
Me and him.
You two are the armed thieves?
Not even. It was a fucking squirt gun.
But your boy here was so
whacked out on nitrous,
he ain't even know what was up.
We just strolled in
and helped ourselves.
- Safe wasn't even locked.
- That's bullshit. [LAUGHS]
That's bullshit! It was the Ramirezes.
Then why do I have your
drugs and your money?
[CHARMAINE] He's the weak link.
You need someone better in his position,
someone who won't overstep on product
or leave corners empty handed,
someone who won't flip
like a little bitch
if and when he gets busted.
- [BENNY] Fuck
- Get down!
And why did you bring
an outsider into my home?
He's a friend from up north,
one I trust all the way down.
And he's a connection to a major market
in need of product
one we could supply.
Look, if you don't believe
me, you can ask Benny's girl.
- She's real young though.
- Please.
I hope her parents don't
call the cops on you.
Wait, listen. Listen.
He's getting blood on the marble.
[BENNY] No, no, no. No,
no, no. Lady Castro.
No, no, no! Please
Tell me. How will you make me richer?
Have you ever heard of
a place called Cape Cod?
[SINGER] What's a dance like rave ♪
Everybody outside, hey ♪

You know where I can find the manager?
Thanks. Can I borrow that?
Excuse me. I'm looking for the manager.
That's me. What's up?
I need help finding someone.
Are you a cop?
'Cause I already told that
Sergeant Saltine or whatever
I have no idea who this person is.
No, I'm not a cop.
A cop has to take a no for an answer,
whereas I I do not.
I would have to guess half
of the Jamaicans on the Cape
have worked for you at some point.
Now, you may not know
who this person is,
but I'm pretty sure you
know someone who does.
Take this and find out
where she's staying.
And when you do, I want
you to pick up the phone
and call the Mass State Police tip line.
Can you do that?
Good girl.
You have four hours.
[RON] I don't know.
He could be below deck.
What if he's looking at us right now?
I mean, this whole fucking
thing could be an ambush.
Oh, my God, I fucking feel sick.
It's okay to be scared.
He's armed and dangerous.
We just gotta do this right.
Oh, boy. Armed and dangerous.
This is really happening.
[GAGS] Ohh
Can't wait to get a fucking cop killer.
Oh, fuck.
Ron, you're cool, right?
All right, guys, follow me.
Be quiet, you follow my lead.

NMFS. Come out with your hands up.
Owen Frawley, we got
the boat surrounded.
Drop your weapon and step outside.

[RON] Jesus Christ. It's
just a fuckin' window.
- [WHISPERING] Oh, fuck.
God damn it.
Hold on one second.
Hey, you got anything?
[JACKIE] Nothing. But he was here, Ray.
- He was fucking here!
- Okay. Leave someone
to do surveillance
in case he comes back,
but I want you in the office.
- Yeah, you got it.
- Where the fuck is this kid?
- I'm sorry.
- Shh
- [CRYING] I fucked up.
- It's okay.
- Nothing to cry about.
- I'm fucking sorry, man.
I fucked up!
What's done is done.
[SWALLOWS] I got to
I-I-I gotta get off the Cape,
all right, they're
looking for me everywhere.
So ju-just tell me what to do,
and I'll I'll I'll do it.
I told you what to do,
and you didn't do it.
I was losin' my mind on
that fucking boat, okay?
I was gonna put a bullet in my brain.
And instead, you put one in a cop?
Jesus. I said I was sorry.
Fuck! I could fix this, okay?
I could I could I could fix this.
I just
I just need a little help, Uncle Shane.
I just need a little help. That's all.
I will help you, Owen.
I promise you that, just
like I promised your mother.
I loved her very much, my baby sister.
And boy, did she love you.
The two of you were somethin'.
Even when you were just
tearing the house apart,
she would just laugh and say,
"Give 'em hell, baby boy."
And she was gone.
There's no one to blame for it.
There's no one to fight,
no vengeance to take.
I just had to carry it in here.
But I promised her I
would take care of you,
that I would do what was best for you,
and I did that every day
of my life as best I could.
So you forgive me?
Yes, Owen.
I forgive you. [TRIGGER COCKS]
- [OWEN] Uhh
I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.
So stupid. Why are you so stupid?
[RAY] You understand?
It's gotta be clear.
- All right. Thank you.
- [ALAN] Listen up. Listen up.
Just got word that Owen Frawley
was found dead in Brewster State Forest.
One to the chest
sometime a few hours ago.
- Who got him?
- [ALAN] Wasn't one of us.
He was found lying in
the dirt next to his car.
They didn't even try to hide the body.
Someone wanted him found.
Someone wanted this to fucking end.
Osito's got motive.
Well, the ME's into it right now.
Maybe she'll turn up something.
In the meantime, we're
going through everything.
Car, boat, properties, etcetera.
Wow. That's been a helluva 24 hours.
Just want to thank
everyone for their work.
You got reports, but, uh, just
save 'em for the morning.
Go home to your families, all right?
Jack, you should really go home too.
Yeah, sure.
Full disclosure.
I'm gonna go do some work
on my thing at Fall Brook.
Well, you run into some shit,
you give me a call, all right?
[RAY] He's right.
Don't be a fucking hero.
Thanks. Appreciate it. Really.
Evening, Detective.
This is Agent Quinones,
Fishery Service and State Police.
We met at the Peter
D'Angelo crime scene.
Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah.
I remember. What's up?
[JACKIE] I was wondering
if you had a minute
to talk about the case.
[DOLAN] It's okay,
honey. Keep the change.
Uh, yeah, why don't you come
by the station tomorrow?
Uh, actually, I'm kind of
working this one after hours.
Is there any way you could talk now?
Uh, well, I'm a few drinks in,
but that's when I do my best work,
- so shoot.
- Yeah? Uh-um
all right, do you have
the case files with you?
Uh, at the bar. No, I do
not. They're at my house.
Great. Can we meet
there in an hour or so?
- Okay, see you then.
- Cool. Thanks.
Trooper Cooper. What are you doing here?
Hey, Sarge. Didn't you get my voicemail?
I just brought in Chanice
Bailly, the real one.
- What?
- Yeah, we picked her up
about an hour ago off
of an anonymous tip.
She's waiting in interrogation.
Hot damn! Trooper Cooper.
Frankie Cuevas, you crafty motherfucker.
Angela Campbell
Chanice Bailly,
or whatever your name is,
you are one tough girl to catch.
- What am I here for?
- Don't play that.
We have you on conspiracy
to commit murder
and the actual murder.
Around here, we call that murder one.
I don't know nothin' about nothin'.
I just come here to clean the rooms
and send money back home to me kids.
Illegal disposal of a body
in conjunction with a crime.
But I didn't do none of that. I just
Now listen, I know you
didn't kill Jorge Cuevas,
but if you don't give me something
you'll go down for all of it.
Let's say someone ask
you to do something
and you felt like you had no choice.
Is that still murder one?
I'll make you a deal.
You tell me who killed
Jorge right here, right now,
I'll give you full immunity.
It was the boss, Renee.
Just came to pay my
respects. Heard about Owen.
Of all the people I thought
would visit me tonight,
wasn't expecting you. Drink?
Nah, I'm good.
Just wanted you to know
it wasn't me or mine.
I know it wasn't,
but you didn't come
here to tell me that.
- I got a new connect.
- Ah.
And I need some capital.
Figure me and you could
wipe the slate clean.
What happened between
us, it wasn't personal.
It was just business.
There's no bigger lie.
There's no bigger lie we tell ourselves
than it's just business.
It's always personal.
Give a man money, take
it away, or kill him.
What could be more personal than that?
But you and me are good. An
eye for an eye, as it were.
I am sorry about your nephew.
Yeah, me too.
Give me a couple of days.
We'll get together and
uh, roll up our sleeves.
[ALAN] Now Trooper Cooper here is gonna
see you home safe, all right?
I'm gonna need you to
keep an eye on her.
- Yes, sir.
- I'm not going anywhere.
I just want to put all this behind me.
[ALAN] Yes, ma'am.
Well, thank you, Angela.
You're doing the right thing.
[ANGELA] Mm-hmm.
[RENEE] Hey, so get this.
Alan came to the fucking club today
with a bunch of cops,
and they found nothing.
I said nothing like you told me.
They checked the office.
They checked everywhere, nothing.
You wanna you wanna lick the spoon?
- What?
- Alan found one of the Jamaicans.
Fuck! Are you fucking kidding me?
We gotta make a plan.
Okay. What's the plan, Ray?
You gotta get rid of the cleaning lady.
Like, kill her?
- [SMALL LAUGH] No, no, no.
- God.
[RAY] Renee, come here.
You disappeared her once.
You can disappear her again.
We're gonna buy her off.
She probably already
told Alan everything.
It doesn't [SIGHS] It's too late.
Hey, no, no, no. That doesn't matter.
It doesn't matter what
a witness tells police.
What matters is they have to go to court
and face cross examination.
So if she's not here, there's no case.
You understand?
All right. Now, where's your stash?
The cabinet. Top left.
Brought it back from work like you said.
Jesus, Renee. This is a lot.
- Are these real Oxies or pressies?
- Yeah. No, they're real.
And this coke,
do you know how many
times it's been stepped on?
Not not much.
Hardly at all, I think.
I think you're looking at a
couple hundred grand right here.
You told me that I
couldn't sell anymore.
You told me that yesterday.
I spent half my life
putting away people who sell this shit.
I hate it and everything it stands for.
But if it's between this and you,
fuck it.
You're not gonna sell it.
We are.
[DOLAN] Roberts. Gallagher.
Ah, Peter D'Angelo.
Here it is.
- Thanks again for doing this.
- Yeah.
You know, every now and then
a case gets under your skin, you know?
[CHUCKLES] Believe you me,
I know of what you speak.
But what is it about this case?
Um I was looking for this girl
and sort of spiraled
into something else.
Mm. Ain't that always the way?
Oh, that reminds me.
Do you know anything about a
dead girl named Maxine McClean?
I know the name, of
course. It's not my case.
Why? You think that's connected to this?
I don't know. I don't know.
There's something with
these sex workers and Petey,
but I don't I don't
know what the connection is.
Yeah, I mean, hooking is not
exactly a-a hotbed for
workplace safety, right?
Yeah, right. But what I
think is that this girl,
she stole something from a john,
she traded it to Petey for drugs,
and-and that's what got him killed.
And I think whoever killed him
was tied into Maxine McClean
and some other missing women.
But that-that's I don't
know. It's more of a hunch,
Huh. Well, I'll tell
you, far be it for me
to ever tell a cop to ignore a hunch.
Yours tracks, actually.
Tracks with what?
We've got a guy we like for D'Angelo.
It's a rival dealer.
Maybe we'll take a look at
him for uh, what's her name?
Ms. McClean. Yeah.
Kenneth Cammie Cameron, 37.
Domestic assault, resisting
arrest, possession with intent.
I mean, this guy's a real shit bag.
Can I see that?
Knock yourself out.
I'm going to get myself another beer,
which gives you the chance
to have a drink with me.
Uh, no, I'm good. I don't drink.
[DOLAN] Your loss.
Um, yo, you got a bathroom I could use?
[DOLAN] Yeah. Straight down the hall.

You're a Civil War buff?
Yeah, no. No, not really.
You got a good eye,
because that bayonet
is the most valuable piece in here.
It's beautiful.
Come on. Come have a drink.
I'll tell you a funny
story about that piece.
Yeah. Cool, I'm just gonna
text this to my friend.
Your friend, huh?
I'm actually supposed to meet him later.
Put the fucking phone down.
[SHOUTING] Put the fucking phone
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