Hightown (2020) s03e07 Episode Script

Big Fish

Previously on Hightown
I fucked up.
I'm sorry.
Owen Frawley was found dead.
Lady Castro, have you heard
of a place called Cape Cod?
I got a new connect.
Figured me and you
could wipe the slate clean.
I just brought in Chanice Bailly.
Who killed Jorge?
It was Renee.
You disappeared her once,
you can disappear her again.
Look, if she's not here,
there's no case.
Now, where's your stash?
It's just not fair
how Renee treated you.
I'll take care of her.
An old soldier like yourself,
you'll be very useful to us.
Let me get my house in order,
and I'll get back to you.
Swayzee's alibi checks out
for the Petey murder.
And Tom Dolan over at Fall Brook
says they don't have much else.
What is it about this case?
I think Veronica
stole something from a John.
She traded it to Petey for drugs,
and that's what got him killed.
Is that a bayonet?
- Back!
- Put the fucking phone down.
Put the fucking phone
Put the fucking phone down.
Put the fucking phone down!
Fucking cunt.
Oh, no, no. Come on.
Fuck! Let go!
Fuck you!
No, no, no. Come here.
- What are you doing?
- Let go of me.
Where are you going, hmm? Hmm?
Crazy fucking bitch.
Come here.
No, no, no. Get up.
Get up.
I hope that thieving
fucking whore was worth this.
Aah, fuck!
You fucking cut me.
I got you, asshole.
Fuck, fuck, fuck.
Jesus Christ.
I'm okay. I'm fine.
It's not all mine.
Yeah, well, whose is it?
Tom Dolan.
- What the actual fuck?
- Yeah.
He's the client Veronica robbed.
He had this fucking Civil War bayonet.
She took it, she traded it to Petey,
and I guess when he-he
went to get it back, it got ugly.
He was gonna kill me, Al.
He was gonna fucking kill me.
It's all right. It's okay now.
It's over.
Hell of a way to make a case, though.
- What the hell?
- What the fuck?
He's not even cuffed.
We got it from here.
We got it. He's one of ours.
Hey, this fucking crazy bitch
came into my house.
- She drew down on me.
- Yeah, fuck you!
We're gonna we're gonna take him in.
We'll get it all sorted out.
Fuck that, all right?
I don't know what happened in there.
We'll figure it out later.
Staties got it from here.
It's our pinch.
Step away from the subject.
You know this is fucking crazy, right?
It's bullshit. She's fucking nuts.
Let's go. Come on, fellas.
Step away.
You fucking kidding me?
- Let's go. Let's go.
- Lippman, What the fuck?
- Cuff him.
- You motherfucker.
Get him in the car.
Cry me a fuckin' river.
Get him in the goddamn car.
Hey, fucking take it easy, will ya?
Piece of shit.
Hey, tough guy, slow down, will ya?
Get him in there.
you wanna tell me about it?
Yeah, yeah, sure. Just uh,
you want something else to eat?
Nah, I'm good.
Why don't you come sit down?
I'm just gonna put these dishes away.
This can wait.
Are you okay?
I just kept thinking, "Really?
"This is how I die?
In a garage in Fall Brook?"
And I just thought,
"This is so sad," you know?
'Cause there's just
So much shit I wanna do.
Hey, come here.
Let it out.
It's okay.
It's okay. I'm fine.
It was just really, really scary.
It's okay to be scared. It's normal.
It's human.
I hate being human.
Yeah, I know you do.
You know, maybe you really
should take a couple days off.
We can take the boat out,
go fish, get some fresh air.
Yeah, that does sound nice.
Hey, Jackie, it's Ray!
Be good.
Oh, my God. I heard.
I tried to make it over
as quickly as possible.
It's okay, Ray.
I know this wasn't on you.
No, this bonehead went ahead
and got herself in trouble
all by her lonesome.
I'm gonna head out.
- Yeah.
- Call me?
You steal these from someone's lawn?
You okay?
I mean, I got the craziest
fucking phone call.
You wanna tell me what happened?
Uh, nah, just a ton of bad shit.
I really don't wanna talk about it.
Tell me about you.
How's the Frawley case?
How's Sarah?
She's doing okay.
She's gonna get out
of the hospital soon.
But as far as the Frawley
organization goes, she's burned.
So we're reassessing.
You gonna tell me
what happened last night?
Just didn't see it coming.
I mean, he's a cop.
He's a fucking piece of shit.
That's what he is.
Asshole makes a bad name for all of us.
Yeah, and he's in with this pimp,
and he's fucking these girls,
and Ray, I am going after him,
not just for the Petey murder,
but for all of it.
You know, it's hard to go after a cop.
But I got your back.
100%, okay?
- Thanks.
- Listen.
I gotta go do some stuff for Renee.
I'm gonna come back later
and check on you.
- Yeah.
- I'm glad you're okay.
Thanks, Ray.
Get out of here.
I got a bad guy to catch.
Veronica, yeah.
It's Jackie Quinones. I need to see you.
Tom Dolan tried to kill me last night.
Does that change anything?
'Sup, 'Ne?
Got business for you.
You lookin' for a new whip?
I've got product.
Frankie's product?
You don't need to know its life story.
All you need to know is that
I have 2 1/2 kilos of uncut coke
and 1,000 real OC 30s,
and they can all be yours for 100 grand.
Get the fuck outta here.
What, are you wearing a wire
or some shit?
I know you can appreciate
a good deal when you hear one.
Yeah, too good.
What about your man?
It's not a problem.
I wanna hear that from him.
I can make that happen.
Later. But I need the money now.
You know, I can't help but wonder
if this has something to do
with Frankie getting out of jail.
You in a jam, 'Ne?
Fuck off.
We have a deal or not?
I'll tell you what I'm gonna do,
'cause we're old friends.
I'm gonna give you the money.
But I want Ray to bring me the package.
Swing your car around to Bay 2.
Lucky'll hook you up.
And this one
And this one
And this one.
This dress is really tight.
Show me.
I feel stupid.
I said, "Show me."
That's the one.
You like it?
Why don't you go back there
and look for more dresses?
Hey, Lieutenant, got a minute?
So I interrogated Chanice Bailly,
one of the cleaning ladies at Xavier's,
and she confessed to aiding and abetting
in the murder of Jorge Cuevas.
Aiding and abetting who?
Renee Segna.
Abruzzo's wife?
Girlfriend, but yeah.
Why the fuck would you
bring this to me and not IA?
Well, he's your guy,
so I brought him to you first.
Listen, you need to tread lightly.
Everyone knows
you have beef with Abruzzo.
Are you suggesting I don't pursue this?
Did I say that?
Well, look, I
I came to you first,
'cause I need a friend in this thing,
and I thought you and I saw
eye-to-eye on Abruzzo.
Take it to IA or don't,
but we never had this conversation.
Glad you came back.
I got a new package comin' in.
I could use an extra pair of hands.
I'm not looking to pick up a shift.
I'm looking for a partner.
Oh, yeah?
Everyone on the Cape
knows you lost your muscle,
and that leaves you vulnerable.
You need an army,
and that's where I come in.
This package is from Osito.
- Is that a problem?
- Yeah, it's a fucking problem.
Motherfucker tried to kill me.
- It's business.
- It's my life.
Well, beggars can't be choosers.
Think about it.
We're leaving.
What's what's the matter?
Motherfucker wants me
to work with my enemy.
Club is gone. Jorge's gone.
My son is gone. I've lost everything!
That's not true.
You have your son, and you have me.
They think they can make
a fool out of me.
They think I'm weak.
You could never be made a fool of.
You are the strongest man I know.
You, out of all people,
know that's not true.
So show them.
Show them what I see.
I owe you an amends.
I don't remember hurting you, but
I know that when I drink,
I do bad things
And I'm sorry.
So you're, like
on that 12-step bullshit now?
Too bad it doesn't work.
Well, I I don't know
if it works for other people,
but I know that it's working for me.
if there's anything I can do
to lighten your load, I'll do it.
That's not the reason I disappeared.
You didn't hit me that hard.
I split because of him.
He was always bragging
about this fucking gun,
so one night
he passed out after we
and I took it.
And you sold it to Petey?
And Dolan was pissed.
And Dolan being pissed
made Swayzee really pissed.
And those are some guys
who can hit hard.
Yeah, I hear that.
How did you meet him?
Him and Swayzee had a deal.
They protected him
in exchange for pussy.
"They" who?
The cops.
Who do you think?
Half of Fall Brook's PD
is in bed with Swayzee.
I know a girl who sucked off a patrolman
in the police station.
You know anything about Maxine McClean?
I heard Dolan and two beat cops
took her to a construction site
to fool around,
and, uh, it went bad.
Do you know how many people
have to know that
if I know that?
Nobody gives a fuck.
I promise you I give a fuck.
And if you testify against Dolan,
it shows you do too.
So you want me to trust a cop?
I want you to trust me.
So you really don't remember
any of our time together?
'Cause it wasn't all bad, you know.
No, I bet it was great.
Listen, you got my number
if you need anything, okay?
Hey, Alan. It's not just Dolan.
It's the whole fucking department.
We need to bring in Swayzee.
Thank you, Emelia.
Sure thing.
Oh, it's Trooper Cooper. How you doin'?
Hey, Sergeant.
That's funny running into you here.
- Oh, yeah?
- Yeah.
That looks good, by the way.
Did Emilia make that for you special?
Oh, no. I'm lactose intolerant, so
It's for my partner.
Ah, yeah. Dairy'll kill you.
Yeah, almost did.
Hey, I've been hearing a lot of
good things about you, by the way.
- You have?
- Oh, yeah.
You found that special witness
for Sergeant Saintille.
I could use a guy like you
on the Narcotics Unit.
Wow, that's a great post.
- Oh, it is. It's the best post.
- Yeah.
I I'd love to talk you up to the LT.
So tell me what else
you've been working on.
Oh, well, they got me doing
drive-bys now.
I'm keeping eyes on the witness.
Kind of a kind of a big deal, so
We gotta find something good for you.
Yeah! I mean, cool.
- Cool.
- Yeah.
So where's that witness
staying at, by the way?
Everybody love this.
Hand me that butter.
Make another one like that.
Hey, you.
What you doin' here?
I gave you $30,000 to go away.
I have the same question for you.
$30,000 doesn't last forever.
I need to work.
All right. Let's cut the shit.
I know you spoke with the police.
I told them everything.
Now your narrow ass want to kill me too?
I'm gonna give you 50 grand
to disappear for good.
100, final offer. Take it or leave it.
Let me see the money.
Just to be clear, this is the carrot.
You come back here again,
it'll be the stick.
There's no more money after this, okay?
You come back here, you're dead.
Drop the bag.
Get your hands up.
Are we good?
We're good when my man says we're good.
We good.
Give me my piece back.
You scared of me, Ray?
After I just did you a favor?
No, no, this is a business deal
between you and Renee.
You love that girl, don't you?
We done here?
I just wanted to look you in the eye.
But just so we're clear,
you owe me a favor now.
But it's a two-way street.
We're friends now.
You need anything, you just ask.
We're not friends.
But if you want to know the truth
The answer's yes, I love her.
So if Frankie has plans,
or you know where
he's laying his head at
Let me know.
You got my number
Tell us about Tom Dolan.
Suck my dick.
Why don't you suck my dick?
We know about your deal with the police,
and those days are fucking over
for you, Swayzee.
All those assholes are going down.
The only question is if you're
gonna go down with them,
and you're the only one
who can answer that.
So tell us about Tom Dolan.
So if I if I, like, talk,
do I get, like, immunity, or
Ask her.
Read the room, dude.
You don't get to ask for favors.
We have those guys,
and they're saying all kinds of shit
they're gonna pin on you.
- Mm.
- This is just your chance
to tell your side of the story.
Or possibly,
we could speak with the DA
if you're willing to talk to us
about your relationship
with Fall Brook PD.
He means tell us everything.
Names, numbers, all right?
There's no deal
unless you have the receipts.
About four years ago
cops raided my place
on some 94C bullshit,
but I had a girl with me,
and one of the dudes liked her.
I worked something out with a guy named,
um, Walt Hampton.
Lieutenant Hampton?
Yeah, but
Yeah, he was a sergeant
back then, though.
Then it all just kind of
trickled down from there.
So that's how you were able
to keep your record clean
for the last four years?
What about Maxine?
Oh, shit. Man.
Those motherfuckers.
Those motherfuckers did her
so fucking dirty.
Dolan and two uniform guys,
Lippman and Ramirez.
I man, I had nothing to do with that.
I take care of my girls. For reals.
It's those dirty fucking cops, man.
What's good, Lil' G?
I'm up by you.
Thought you was
a fugitive in these parts.
Nah, I'm a fugitive everywhere.
So what?
I'm the only one Lady Castro trusts
to oversee her shipment.
Movin' on up.
That's another thing.
She wants me to meet your boy Shane.
I don't know
how he gon' feel about that.
I don't care how he feels about that.
He wants the package, I gotta meet him.
A'ight. I'll come pick you up.
You ever rode in a Maserati before?
That's what's up.
Yo, Shane.
Who's the kid?
I'm Charmaine.
You wanna take a spin?
I'll have the girls bring out
some tickets.
Nah, I'm good.
I don't like talking
in front of strangers.
I'm not a stranger.
I'm your bitch in Florida.
But look, if you don't wanna talk to me,
I can just go home and tell my boss
you want out, yeah?
Well, where are my fucking manners?
How you doin', Charmaine?
Are you gonna be in town long?
Lady Castro is very particular
about who she does business with.
I'm here to tell her what I see.
And what do you see?
An old white dude
with dirty fingernails.
- Yeah.
- And from what I hear,
you just lost your top soldier.
That's true.
But I think I might've found
somebody else.
Oh, yeah?
Who's that?
Oh, I think you know him, actually.
Frankie Cuevas.
Yeah, I know him.
He tried to kill me.
Oh, that's what he said.
Yeah. And you tried to kill me too.
And look at us.
We're doing business just fine.
How's this?
Me, you, and Frankie sit down tonight.
We'll work it all out.
Now, honey, let me take you
to the snack shack.
We got the best ice cream on the Cape.
Yes, sir, I'll
have the DA return your call
as soon as possible.
Deb, I'm gonna need
my half-caf in a minute.
- Okay, you got it.
- Hello.
Hi. Jackie Quinones,
Fishery Service Liaison, Narcotics Unit.
I remember you.
And I heard what happened. Awful.
Yeah. Thanks.
It was.
Of course, we'll be prosecuting
Detective Dolan for the assault,
and we're looking closely at him
for the murder of Peter D'Angelo.
It's a PR nightmare,
but better to face it head-on.
Uh, yeah.
There's there's
there's something else, though.
I got two witnesses
who are willing to testify
to police corruption in Fall Brook.
A pimp was trading sexual
favors for police protection,
and worse,
three cops murdered a sex
worker named Maxine McClean,
and I got names.
Well, I feel good
about the Peter D'Angelo case.
You did excellent work there,
and you rooted out
a bad apple in Tom Dolan.
A bad apple?
A bad department.
Uh, do you you
do you understand what I'm saying?
We need to set up a task force.
I appreciate your dedication,
but I'm afraid there's
little institutional will
to start an investigation
into wild and sweeping
allegations of corruption
Wild and sweeping?
On the word of a pimp.
But I'll look into it.
Have a good day, Agent.
They're not gonna do shit about it.
They're covering it up.
Whoa, whoa, slow your roll.
What is going on?
You're not supposed to be here
for a few days.
Fall Brook PD is fucking dirty,
and I can prove it,
but the DA's office
doesn't wanna hear it,
which means the DA's office
is just as corrupt as the cops.
Well, we all walk a line, Jackie, okay?
There's a gray area.
Murder isn't gray.
Taking advantage of sex workers
isn't gray.
Okay, yeah, you know what? You're right.
You're right. But here's the thing.
No one wants to go after
a bunch of cops, right?
I mean, that's gonna be
way too much paperwork.
Sorry. Was that a bad joke?
It's just ever since I got sober,
I have tried so hard to just show up,
keep my head down,
not make it all about me.
But, like, I wanna save people,
you know? I do wanna help.
Yeah, I know.
I know. We all do.
I don't know.
I mean, I thought everybody did.
I guess cops are just people,
and some people are shitty.
You're not wrong about that.
But you don't quit when shit gets hard.
You dig right in,
and you try to make it better.
So, glad you're here.
Why don't you grab some desk?
You can help me out with these reports.
Can you get that for me, baby?
Please? I got I got your sister.
What are you doing here?
We're going to the park.
Hey, buddy,
go to your room, please, okay?
I need to talk to your daddy alone.
Get out of my house.
I have a right to see my son.
Ray will be here any minute.
No, he won't.
Cute kid.
Don't touch her.
Stay away from me,
and stay away from my family.
Since when do you care about family?
Stop it.
Jorge was family, no?
Fuck off.
You can't hurt me.
I don't need to hurt you.
You're gonna rot in prison
till your tits hit your ankles.
But don't worry about Frankie Jr.
I'll take care of him.
Can't promise the same
about the little one, though.
If anything happens to me,
you'll never see your son again.
- And Ray will make
- He's my son!
And I'd rather have him dead
than be raised by a fucking cop.
Trooper Cooper. How you doing?
Hey, Abruzzo!
You did it.
I don't know how,
but you got rid of her.
- What's up?
- Chanice Bailly.
She's gone! Nowhere to be found!
Okay, I-I don't know
what you're talking about, Alan.
Motherfucker, you know and I know
that your girl killed Jorge Cuevas!
Okay, hold on. Hold on right now.
You gotta watch your fuckin' mouth.
Don't come in here
talkin' to me like that.
- You're way out of line.
- Out of line?
Motherfucker, she couldn't
even do this shit by herself!
She had to pay someone
to help her bury the body.
And then she pinned it
on Frankie Cuevas.
That's some bullshit right there.
That was a good arrest. You know it.
Frankie Cuevas killed Jorge.
No, he didn't!
And he'll probably sue us all.
But you know what?
Hope he brings it all down.
This department,
the corruption, your ass.
Hope he burns this shit
to the fuckin' ground!
You've gone way off now.
You're making this
some self-righteous bullshit.
I don't know what you're talking about,
corruption, but let's just be honest.
This is about you and me.
This is fuckin' personal, isn't it?
Just admit it.
You're right.
It is about you.
But you know what?
I'm not playin'
the Abruzzo game anymore.
You want it,
you fuckin' got it.
Good luck, Ray.
Is that it? You're just gonna walk away?
You gonna give up after all these years?
Fuck you, Ray!
Fuck you too.
Man, what the fuck was that?
Dude, come on. Come on.
I fuckin' heard you.
Renee killed Jorge.
Ray knows, and he's covering it up.
Ray is dirty as fuck.
Ray's the reason I'm here.
The reason I'm a cop.
I don't care if you believe me or not.
And if you're honest with yourself,
you probably already know.
You need to think long and hard
about what side of this thing
you're gonna be on.
Hey, Renee?
In here.
What happened?
He's never gonna leave us alone, Ray.
It's okay.
Everything's gonna be all right.
He was here.
He had his hands on our baby.
I'm here.
I'm right here now.
I promise I'm gonna protect you.
So what did he do now?
Mm, trust me. You do not want to know.
Hey, I'm retired.
Nothing can hurt me now.
- This stays between us.
- Of course.
This motherfucker's
covering up a murder.
- And you can prove it?
- Probably.
But to what end?
Damned if you do, damned if you don't.
Believe it.
It's career suicide.
On the other hand
There's a lot of talk
about reform these days.
That's it.
Could you imagine, ten years ago,
hearing the words
"defund the police" on TV?
Don't go talkin' that nonsense, man.
Just sayin'.
It's a whole new world.
Maybe you find yourself the right ally
and ride the reform wave
all the way to the top.
You know, there's never been
a Black colonel.
No, look, man.
I-I'm not talkin' about me.
I'm talkin' about Ray, all right?
I'm trying to do the right thing.
Of course.
Thanks, Bill.
Okay. Who'd like to share first?
Hi. Jackie. Alcoholic.
Hi, Jackie.
So I'm on day 36.
But it's going good.
I mean, except there's this-
there's this situation at work
that's kind of fucking me up.
Um, when I got sober this time,
I was really determined
to do my job differently, you know?
Keep my head down.
Be a worker among workers.
And, like
That is not how I used to roll.
Like, I was impulsive as fuck.
Doing crazy shit.
Trying to save the world.
But I mean, even then,
there was always a line.
And I guess what's-what's bothering me
is that I thought
we all had the same line.
But it seems like someone I really
care about maybe doesn't, and
I don't know if that's 'cause he changed
or I changed, you know?
Like, do I try to fix the situation
or-or is that just me being
Captain Save-a-Ho again?
You know, I don't know.
I don't fuckin' know.
But maybe I don't need to know.
Maybe I just
maybe I just need
to take a fuckin' minute
and let the universe give me the answer.
Eh, who knows.
Leslie. Hi.
What-what-what are you doing here?
Um, if you must know,
I'm going to the Al-Anon meeting.
I was so bad,
I sent you to Al-Anon, huh?
Uh, believe it or not,
it's not all about you.
There's some stuff with my mom.
But, uh yeah, you helped.
I'm really sorry.
Um, I don't want
to get into all this right now,
but I'm sorry, too, about
just how everything went down,
you know, with Charmaine
and-and with us.
Yeah, it was pretty rough.
But I realize now
that I'm not the massive victim
that I thought I was.
Like, you're the one
who had to leave the unit.
Thank you for that.
Actually, getting out of CCINU
has been really good for me.
You know, I'm taking the sergeants exam.
- No shit?
- Yeah.
- That's great.
- Yeah.
- Wow.
- How are you?
Uh, yeah. I'm-I'm okay. Work is
Well, honestly, work is kind of fucked.
What, situation normal fucked
or more than that?
Uh, I think more.
Has to do with Ray.
Look, I know you're friends with him,
but he's not a good guy.
I know some things.
you should call me.
Yeah, thanks. I will.
- I should probably go.
- Yeah.
It was good to see you.
You too.
Oh, I messed up.
I need to do the collar again.
It's perfect.
I hate when you act like this.
I'm sorry, Frankie.
I've been very bad and annoying.
Yes, you have.
Well, aren't you gonna punish me?
Ooh! Oh.
Oh, God.
I want you to strip naked, lay down,
and wait in bed until I get back.
Okay, Frankie.
There we are.
Now our meeting can begin.
You know, we got a good situation,
the three of us.
He provides the package.
I provide the finances.
You manage the crew.
So you think you two can sack up?
Play nice?
I appreciate the offer, but I, uh
I'm not gonna partner it up
with this fuckin' rata.
Come on.
Haven't we all suffered enough?
Haven't we all lost enough blood, money,
and loved ones?
He ratted me out, put me away,
and tried to kill me.
You're asking for a lot.
What, you think a lot
hasn't been asked of me?
My nephew was shot
Fuck this.
He's trying to play us off
against each other.
You and me going toe to toe
just leaves Whitey here
at the head of the table.
You and me gotta get past our bullshit.
Tonight. Right now.
Or finish this thing.
But if it goes down that way,
only one of us is leaving
this restaurant tonight.
We had a good thing once.
We did.
Three-way partnership.
No bullshit.
Get rich.
Stay rich.
Fuck it. Aah.
To bygones.
To we three kings.
You've become a true fuckin' soldier.
You always were one.
It's done.
I love you, Ray.
I love you too.
- Is it true?
- Yeah.
- Any leads?
- Maybe.
He was having dinner
with Osito and Shane Frawley.
Shit. Could have been either one.
Could be.
But it seems like a waste
to have dinner with a guy
and kill him right after.
Anyone else know he would be here?
Detective, Detective!
Can you confirm that this is the body
of Frankie Cuevas?
Is this drug related?
Sir, could you please confirm
the identity of the suspect?
Is that Frankie Cuevas?
- Hey, Rob.
- Hey, sir.
Mind openin' him up?
It's pretty nasty.
Frankie fuckin' Cuevas.
Had to see him with my own two eyes.
It's the end of an era.
Sherry, Krista, Daisy
Looks like someone did our job for us.
Jackie, I'm not gonna shed
tears over this.
Oh, yeah, sure.
But we're still gonna work it
hard, right?
Of course.
Why wouldn't we?
You pick a side yet?
Good. It's good.
I know why you asked
where Frankie was gonna be at
the other night.
And I know what you did.
Now, all of that is worth
a lot more than one favor.
Don't you think?
And I know you want to be a good friend.
It's time to get to work, Ray.
So, how you doing?
- Really?
- Yeah, really.
I'm good. Work's about to get busy.
Whoa, whoa, whoa. I got something.
I got something.
All right. Just take your time.
There you go, there you go.
Come on. Come here, buddy. Come here!
I can't even see it. He's deep.
Oh, shit. It's something big.
Keep going.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. That's it.
Stay with it. You're doing great, Jack.
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