Run the Burbs (2022) s03e08 Episode Script

Stress Releiph

I've got it.
If we forget to pick up our dry cleaning
until tomorrow again,
we've got exactly enough
time to get Khia to art class,
then take Leo to tutoring
before my meeting,
and then you can take Van
Diesel to drop off your orders.
Nope. Remember? We have that
trial taekwondo class today.
- Are you kidding me?
- Can Leo take the bus?
Nope. No buses. We can't
do that to him again.
I can't believe the poor guy
made it all the way to the border
before he realized he
was on the wrong bus.
Argh! This is impossible!
Hey! Snap out of it. We need cool heads.
What are we supposed to do?
My client is fine if we drop off
the deliveries 15 minutes later.
Leo's tutor is going to
meet him at the school
instead of at the
library, and that frees up
20 minutes. Boom.
Mission accomplished!
Beauty and brains.
And there's no time! Let's roll.
Go, go, go!
Guess I'll take the bus again.
No, no. It was more like "huungyh."
Oh, Ma, you should've seen it.
The trial taekwondo class was awesome.
I flipped Dad.
Ah. Green oil, my old friend.
I'm glad to see my community
rec pass program is going well.
- Great turnouts.
- Oh. Good for you, babe.
Hey, thanks. You okay? How was your day?
Uh, bad. Yeah.
The meeting with the
publisher was a bust.
And then, I got cut off on the highway.
And then, I bought a pick-me-up
but didn't realize till now
that it's non-dairy ice cream.
It's just not the same.
Wait. Rewind to the
meeting. Why'd they say no?
I don't know.
But I do know I can't
handle any more rejection.
Dumb publishers.
Probably can't even read.
Yeah. And I haven't heard
from my dream publisher yet.
What if no one thinks it's good enough?
Your cookbook is the bomb.
Anyone who's ever tasted
your incredible cooking
could tell you as much.
Hmm. I love you for saying
that because you have to.
It's all so stressful. Ugh.
Well, maybe you should
join Leo for taekwondo.
Get back to your glory days, you know?
Let out some steam.
Um, or not.
Yeah, no. Remember I
told you I had, like,
the meanest teacher when I was a kid?
Probably dead by now.
New beginnings, then.
Come on. You should give
it a go. It's been a while.
Yeah. I think I'm fine.
I'll just breathe it out.
Shoot. I'll be all alone now.
Yeah. I think I'm hanging
up my high kicks, too.
I'm more interested in my art class.
But it was fun hanging
out with you, dad.
Next time, watch your butt.
You hear that?
She wants to hang out more.
Oh, okay. The green.
Oh. Yeah.
- Hey, you.
- Hey, you back.
How was taekwondo?
Oh, I'm pretty much a prodigy.
I kicked my dad's butt.
Oh. Living the dream.
I'm okay.
Backpack broke my fall.
What are you doing here?
Well, you basically said
you want to hang out more,
so I thought I'd jump on it.
Yeah, but not here.
- Why not? It'll be fun.
- But
Hi. I'm Andrew, and this
is my daughter, Khia.
I'm Valentina.
So, it's, uh, pretty
progressive of you two
to do life drawing together.
Well, thank you.
I love life, and I love
drawing. First time, though.
Oh. So, you don't know
what life drawing is.
I'm sure you'll do great.
Oh. Thank you. You, too.
How do you even have time for this?
Well, I'm evaluating the
community response to my program.
Work and play makes Daddy a happy boy.
Never say "Daddy" again.
Welcome, all.
Since this is an intermediate
class, let's jump right in.
Please, death, take me now.
Leo, there's a road etiquette to follow.
It's what separates us from
those monster truck drivers.
You shouldn't call people those names.
Okay. I'm sorry. I lost my temper.
My old high-kicking grounds.
Wild you're going to
the same one I went to.
- Oh, there's my teacher.
- What?
He's still alive?
- You know Donnytello Jang?
- Do-Jang?
That's the mean old teacher
I was telling you about.
How is he still teaching?
He was just the most, uh
Never mind.
He was just the what?
Nope. Nothing.
- Water under the bridge.
- So, then, tell me.
- I can handle it.
- Okay.
It was 1998.
We were all still reeling
from Rose not letting Jack
on to that floating door.
And low-rise jeans ruled the land.
Me? I was 13.
It was the day of my blue belt test,
and Do-Jang was working
me hard during warmups.
Naniji was there to cheer me on.
- Extend!
- He always picked on me.
Maybe because I was a girl?
Maybe if you spent more time focusing
than on feeding your Giga Pet,
you wouldn't be so bad.
But it needs me.
Maybe he was jealous of my youth.
- What is a Giga Pet?
- Doesn't matter.
Anyways, Do-Jang was brutal.
He had zingers for days.
It's taekwondo, not taekwondon't.
I am doh-ing.
The only blue belt you should get
is one to hold up your pants.
You're okay, beta. Go for the neck!
Are you a helpless little baby
that needs her mommy to save her?
What did you say to me?
Do-Jang's move blew my hamstring,
and my taekwondo
career was over forever.
I still don't know why he
had it in for me like that.
I mean, he teases a little,
but it's kind of funny,
'cause he's old.
Hmm. Nah. Inside there
is a vicious tiger.
This isn't a good place for you.
Come on. Let's go.
I'm sorry he sucked for you,
but he's actually a
really good instructor.
But if you catch a whiff of bullying,
I'll wait in the car.
Camille Devani.
You're finally back in Do-Jang's dojang.
Say hello.
Can you please just focus on his arm,
or his toes or whatever else?
I can't just ignore someone
rocking a birthday suit.
Oh. Speaking of,
I was born with so much hair,
the doctor thought I
was wearing a beanie.
They called me the original beanie baby.
Oh, damn.
You copped a pair? I tried so hard.
Yeah. I won them at a raffle.
Oh. I guess I should
get some tips from you.
New pose, please.
- Going to refill my water.
- Okay.
Wow. She is so cool.
She's got great taste.
I know she's cool.
Can you please stop
messing this up for me?
You're crushing on her?
No. Yes.
Oh, oh
We're kind of already dating.
What? Why didn't you tell me?
Because we're taking it slow,
and I would love to just
spend time with her alone
without you embarrassing
me by laughing at
Sorry. Sorry.
Why, it looks like you're keeping well.
Huh? Yeah.
Weller than ever. Yeah.
I've got a flourishing
catering business,
and my cookbook is basically
about to get published.
And maybe you've seen my
segment on Good Morning Gloria,
the national morning show?
I don't have a television.
Oh. Well, it's online, too.
I'm also married with kids.
He's one.
I presumed.
- That's delightful.
- Huh.
"Delightful." Yeah.
Never known you to find
anything delightful before.
Well, I find many things delightful.
Senior discounts, tea, second chances.
Why don't you join your son
in the class? It's all-ages.
Oh, no. No, no, no. Hard no.
Oh. You will remember your poomsae.
Unless you're afraid.
You aren't staying, are you?
I don't think that's a good idea.
I cannot believe he's acting
like he's not a total bully right now!
Or maybe he's changed.
People don't change that much.
You know what? I will prove it to you.
I don't want you to.
Too late. It's on.
Taekwondo can teach you many things.
Not just physical, but mental strength.
Straight punch.
Back straight. Straighter.
Okay. It feels like I'm doing
it the same as everyone else.
Well, perhaps your vision
is gone with your old age.
Did you hear that?
Oh, my God, Mom. You are old.
Taekwondo teaches integrity.
Low block.
Ha. Aka not bullying people.
Also important is self-control.
But watch out, 'cause some
people can't control themselves
from destroying other people's spirits.
Or maybe you'll destroy your hamstring
thanks to a reckless taekwondo teacher.
No one in particular,
in this room or otherwise.
Back to self-control.
Fighting stance.
I think the proportions are pretty
good for a beginner, don't you?
The shorts are a nice touch.
- Oh.
- Shoot. I got to run.
Uh, I'll walk you out.
- Thanks for the sneaker tips.
- Anytime.
Oh. Hey, man.
Sorry for laughing at your balls
Your body.
Don't worry about it.
My agency's business card.
Dad bods are very in right now.
Oh, wow. Thanks.
Look, okay? I appreciate
the time together,
but please don't come here again.
But I have such promise as
an artist, and a subject.
It was so awkward.
You just kept talking to
Valentina the whole class.
I was just being friendly.
I hardly got a chance to talk to her.
Please. Just don't get all buddy-buddy.
Hard boundary.
Okay. Fine. My bad.
Thank you.
That wasn't cool, Mom.
Okay. Well, I was just defending myself.
He was literally doing
what he was supposed to do.
Well, maybe this is a
normal trauma response
from seeing an old bully.
Ever thought of that?
Why would I? You embarrassed me.
Okay. I'm sorry.
Do-Jang is a very
triggering person for me.
Everything triggers you lately.
Walking behind someone too slow.
Walking in front of
someone who's too fast.
When someone eats chips
with their mouth open.
Okay. Well, that's just rude.
They taste better that way.
Okay, fine. I'm sorry.
I will drop out of your class
and clear the air with him.
Thank God.
So, wait.
Your Donnytello Jang is still alive?
Yeah. And he looks exactly the same.
Ah. Asian don't raisin.
Maybe I have had an edge lately,
but I hate that I can't expose
him for the fraud that he is.
You got to play it cool for now.
The kids will think we're
embarrassing no matter what.
Khia thought me getting along
with her girlfriend was weird.
What? Khia has a new girlfriend?
Yeah. Her name is Valentina.
She's a sneaker head, and super chill.
Yeah. But Khia wasn't happy, though,
so I also told her I'd
butt out and drop the class.
Guess we're twinsies.
Hey. You want to sketch me?
Oh. Way, way, way.
Okay. Here. Does this help?
Oh. Can't unsee that.
- Yeah.
- Okay.
- Uh, Do-Jang?
- Huh?
Hey. Can I talk to you a minute?
Okay, sure. What's up?
Uh, I just wanted to talk to you
'cause last class was
kind of tough for me.
Because, um, seeing you was
Is kind of hard, uh,
because of everything that
went down when I was a kid.
What went down?
Uh, okay. Sure. You've had
a few students since then.
- Um, you made me blow my hamstring.
- I made you?
- Mmm, yep. You did.
- I did?
Yeah. You bullied me pretty hard.
I bullied you?
Okay. Are you going to repeat
everything I say just
back to me, or what?
Ah, I see.
You need to get this out, hmm?
Time for a little light sparring, huh?
- Come here.
- What? No.
I'm not even dressed properly.
Athleisure is fine. Hmm? Come, come.
Okay, fine.
See? I am mature.
Low. Boom.
Whoa. So much anger.
I'm not angry.
It clouds your focus.
My focus is crystal clear, okay?
You're afraid.
Why are you afraid?
I am not afraid.
No. No, Dr. Do-Jang.
What is wrong with you?
Uh, angry.
"The agency for real-life live models."
That's me.
Hey, Khia.
- Hey.
- Whoa!
Hi. Sorry. Khia said it
was cool if I let myself in.
I'm here to pick her up.
Yeah. Hi.
Khia's still at work, but
she should be home soon.
Oh. I tried one of
your raffle tips, and
So, um, am I cool to
hang out inside here?
I don't want to idle
the car for the heater.
For sure. You know what?
Our casa es your casa.
Don't know why I said that.
I don't speak Spanglish.
But you can have a seat.
I'm so sorry for going
beast mode on you.
Ah, thank you. No matter.
- Bad things happen in life.
- Yeah.
It is up to us to be aware
and learn how to handle them properly.
- Can I ask you a question?
- Mm-hmm.
Why were you so hard on me as a kid?
You ruined my chances
of getting a blue belt.
When did you take your test?
Uh, I remember it was
before winter break.
So, December of 1998.
Huh. Wait here.
Quincy, help me up, would you?
- Oh.
- Oh.
Oh, yeah.
- Okay.
- Like that?
- Now, lift your foot clockwise.
- Yeah? You like that?
- You like that?
- Yeah, yeah. So amazing.
Do, like, a dance.
- Getting all bouncy, like this?
- Yeah, yeah, yeah.
- Do a bounce. Do a jig. Yeah!
- Oh, yeah.
- What about a crane pose?
- Mm-hmm.
Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
- Uh, excuse me?
- What?
Valentina said an Instagram
account for my kicks
could lead to some serious dough.
I don't know why I bother
asking you to do things.
I'm just going to go grab my stuff,
and then we can head out.
Looking good, beta.
Was Naniji sick?
I don't remember this at all.
Are you sure this is the right tape?
Well, it's not AI.
Focus, Camille.
You can do this.
- Don't be afraid.
- I'm not afraid.
Okay, okay. Easy.
- It's your leg, yes?
- Ow, ow!
Okay, Camille. Breathe. Breathe.
Huh. I totally remembered that wrong.
I had blocked out that my
mom was already sick by then.
I understand. It was a
lot for a young person.
Memories do funny things
at stressful times.
So, Do-Jang wasn't a total monster?
Well, I hope not.
So, um, what are you fearful
of now that makes you angry?
- Open-mouth chip-eaters.
- Ah.
Anything else?
- My cookbook.
- Hmm.
I'm writing it in honour of my mom,
and I can't find a publisher.
Ah. I see.
I am
afraid that I won't
be able to share it
and give my mom a legacy.
You know, Camille,
you might benefit from what
the Dojang will show you.
Perhaps you can make
up for some lost time.
Hey. Okay. We can go.
Wait, wait, wait. Hey.
Look. I'm really sorry
if I made things weird with your dad.
He's just kind of fun
and easy to talk to.
Really? You weren't
terrified by his enthusiasm?
No, no. I think it's cool how
involved he is with your life.
I wish mine was like that.
Oh. Yeah.
I just didn't want you
to get scared off by him.
And I kind of wanted it to be just us.
We'll have plenty of time for that.
Yeah. Yep, yep, yep. I'm here.
I just, uh, want to
apologize for overstepping.
I didn't mean to, but
that's not what's important.
We I know you didn't mean to, but
you know, I might have
overreacted just a touch.
I get that.
I know I can be extra.
It's because I love love.
But more than that, I love you.
I've missed hanging out with you.
Yeah. Me, too.
And, like, you're a dork.
- But, like, a cool one somehow.
- Oh!
- Don't spoil this.
- Nope. Nope.
- You want to join us?
- Uh
You know what? You two
go ahead and have fun.
And Valentina, the door's always open.
Thanks, Dad.
Whoa. PDA much?
And you spoiled it. Nice.
I was joking.
Get in here.
Hey, Do-Jang.
How close am I to
getting that blue belt?
Not even close.
But even better, this
means more room to grow.
Feels like I can finally
ride this wave of uncertainty
with my book a bit better.
- Double punch.
- Yeah.
What's meant to be will be.
- He's a wise boy.
- Yeah.
- Double punch.
- Proud of you, Mom.
Proud of you, too, bud.
Hey. You know what? Tonight,
when we get home,
you can eat chips with
your mouth wide open.
I'll find my peace with it.
Argh. Argh. Please,
Khia. I can't do this.
You can do it.
Exposure therapy has
been proven to work.
Just focus.
Look at the nudity.
Oh, my God!
Uh, my dream publisher
just got back to me,
and they're publishing my book.
Why are there so many balls?
Who cares? You're going
to be a published author!
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