Franklin and Bash (2011) s03e09 Episode Script

Shoot to Thrill

It just happened so fast.
Charlie's in San Francisco, not Sydney.
It's just an hour flight.
You're right.
Thanks, man.
Well, well.
The Habanero salsa challenge? Really? We both took spoonfuls.
Two minutes and counting, no water.
- I don't need any water.
- I don't need anything.
- You? - Do you need it? I'm cool as ice.
In fact Whoa! Oh, God! That was stupid! - You win.
You win.
- I win?! I win! Ohh.
and yet, still, somehow, you act like 8-year-olds.
- What'd you want to talk to us about? - Oh, man.
The ex-wife is taking me to court.
I missed a couple of alimony payments.
She wants sole custody of the girls.
Brooke and Alexa? She can't do that.
I made a bad investment.
I'm waiting for this guy.
Is that why we met you down here? Are you on a stakeout? Hey.
Hey, man.
Hey, whoa! Hey! Whoa! Holy crap! You see that? I saw everything! You were hiding behind the tree! No, no, no, no! I was I was taking a defensive position in case I had to facilitate a takedown.
Yeah, but - I'm going in.
- Dude, no! That's the salsa talking! It's cool.
Harley Walls, bounty hunter.
This man is a wanted felon.
- Everybody be cool.
- Whoa.
Is that is that your bad investment? No, it's not, but he works for him.
The bad investment is named Paul Fitzgerald.
He's a white-collar criminal.
He does stock fraud, Ponzi schemes.
When Fitzgerald got arrested, all of his assets got frozen.
I bailed him out.
Then Fitzgerald bailed on you? Exactly.
But I am this close to catching him.
And guess what.
Tony here is gonna tell me where he is.
Isn't he? Thanks for coming out.
I couldn't have risked missing him.
- Call you later, okay? - Yeah, yeah.
Oh, wow, dude! That's intense.
I cannot believe that you hid behind a tree like that.
I'm sorry.
I I can't hear you, 'cause I'm deaf from your screaming! - Okay, that that is standard bounty-hunter protocol.
- You screamed! What is standard? What's standard, this? You make yourself as loud as could be.
This is standard? Yeah.
It's like when you fight a grizzly bear.
- Okay.
- When you fight a grizzly bear, you make yourself as big - I'm a grizzly bear.
- Right! Like, aah! - And then that's it.
- What is that?! Yeah, you were scared just then.
Ooh, what a mixture such a vivid picture ooh, what a mixture if I must say so myself Shoot to Thrill Oh, wow.
I didn't realize you had a green thumb.
Getting ready for the Winterford capital pitch tomorrow.
Derek Winterford apparently loves iris Whoa.
What's going on? - What do you mean? - Let's try again.
What is this? You know, in the last two months, I realized, obviously, I'm never gonna run the firm, I'll never be a judge and, well, I killed a guy.
Which was ruled accidental.
I've played by the rules my whole life.
What's it gotten me? A 6-figure salary and a partnership at a major law firm.
- Mmm.
- Hmm.
What are you thinking? I don't know.
I've always wanted to do that since we met.
And you do whatever you want? Mm-hmm.
I do now.
I want to go for a walk.
Do you want to come? - You just got here! - I know.
I'll see ya.
Oh, I got us a double date.
Talk to me.
Not until you promise no guitar.
- Yes, guitar.
- No, guitar.
- Why don't you like the guitar? - You're not a mariachi! It's weird to bring it on a date! - You have no idea.
- You're not a romantic.
I am a romantic.
I'm just not cr There's someone in the house.
- Who? - Did you call the cops? He is the cops.
Ah! Probation department, actually.
Allen Slayton.
I'm your new P.
- Hi.
- Great.
What are you doing here? You're pretty famous in our probation office forcing an emergency landing of a commercial jet plane for excessive partying? - Thanks.
- That's nice of you to say.
Still doesn't answer our question, though.
Oh, I've been assigned your cases.
So you decided to drop by and go through our stuff? You're on probation.
You don't have any rights.
I own your asses.
These are a violation of your probation.
Uh, uh, those are mine.
I left them in Peter's room because I wanted to work the 'Chucks in the full-length mirror.
Sorry, Peter.
No I get that.
Yeah, totally.
- No problem, Pindy.
- They're his.
If these are yours, you won't mind giving me a little demonstration? He's not on probation, so he doesn't have to put on a show for you.
- Is this, uh - Drone.
Now, that really is mine.
Just like the nunchucks, that are also actually mine.
We done here? Almost.
You guys have a probation-violation hearing set for Friday.
- What? - On what grounds? Rachel King has refused to sign off on your paperwork this month.
She say why? You have to take it up with her.
Oh, and bring some toothbrushes to court.
You boys may be going away for a few days.
When we get in there, you leave your game face on.
- She's gonna have hers on.
- She always does.
Whoa! Check this out.
Hey, guys.
Wow, you look stressed.
You don't.
What's going on? Not much.
You know, it's a beautiful day.
Gonna stretch my legs, maybe try one of those hot dogs with the bacon on them.
So you've lost your mind? Mnh-mnh.
I found it my friend.
What the hell are you doing to us? This is about the meteorite case, isn't it? That was unconscionable.
But I heard from a friend in the D.
's office this morning.
Really? He told me you two were involved in an assault.
An assault? Wh well, did your friend mention that Harley's a bounty hunter who had every right to take that guy in? Yeah, and that the "victim" is a wanted felon who jumped bail? We didn't get into details.
I've got work to do.
Sounds like you do, too.
Ohh, I am so sorry for getting you guys in trouble with your boss.
Oh, come on.
You've bailed us out plenty of times, literally.
All right.
So, what happened, Harley? Okay.
I took off after Ventriss, I shot him with my beanbag gun in the tunnel, but I must have missed 'cause he just kept going.
Ventriss said the assault happened after you drove off.
That is insane.
You also said that you were gonna get him to tell you where Fitzgerald was hiding.
- In front of witnesses.
- In front of witnesses.
Guys, you know me! I don't use any force if I don't have to.
It's how I keep this face this pretty.
We have Swatello looking into how serious the investigation is.
We'll see.
Swatello's in the D.
's office.
It's also his ex.
- She she's not my ex.
- She's not your ex? Okay, she's just a woman that I she's a there's no word for it.
She's Swatello, okay? Whoa! Oh.
What is that? This is Ventriss' booking photo taken 20 minutes after you dropped him off.
His face ain't that pretty, either.
Guys, I swear I did not beat him up.
I've never met an actual bounty hunter before.
He's so cool.
Do you think he wants to see my drone? Is that a euphemism? Yes.
Oh, no, no.
What happened? The licensing board just pulled my ticket pending the outcome of the investigation.
- Bastards.
- What? We can get that back.
Oh, guys, I don't know.
I already changed careers once.
I I don't know if I've got a third act in me.
Harley, the D.
hasn't even filed charges yet.
Swatello's coming over tomorrow.
We'll talk to her, see where we're at.
Ooh, Swatello, Malibu house call.
That's interesting.
So, you've been tracking down Ventriss' boss, Fitzgerald, for three years? Exactly.
It's his son's high-school graduation on Friday, and I know that Fitzgerald is in town.
I know that Ventriss could have told me where he was hiding out.
So you could take him down before the graduation? Exactly.
It's tough to take somebody down in a public place like that.
It's just too many variables.
It's too many variables.
I just said that.
All right.
So, we'll check around, see if we can find any witnesses.
Uh, Carmen's in Chicago.
We don't have an investigator.
Guys, just 'cause I got my ticket pulled doesn't mean I can't poke around a little bit.
Harley, no.
It's just just it's not it's nothing.
We'll go back to the park and poke around a little.
Just two guys poking around with each other.
Not that at all! Just while this is going on - Lay low.
- Chill out.
Guys, what choice do we have? Plus, Pindar will keep me in line.
Yeah, it'll be like "Training Day.
" Minus the PCP.
No bounty hunting.
In the meantime, we have figure out how to explain why Ventriss looks like someone drove over him with a car.
Stanton, you are undermining me.
Ooh, uh, I don't see it that way.
You're saying I can't pursue this probation violation.
I know, but I I allowed it against my better judgment.
Well, what about my judgment? You told me you were gonna step back, and I was gonna run things.
Yes, but I have friends in the D.
's office, too.
Now, Peter and Jared were never considered anything but witnesses in that assault, certainly not accomplices.
Look, the probation-violation hearing is off.
I'm going to be signing their reports from now on.
If I have no power, what am I doing here, Stanton? My name is on the firm, too.
Yes, but mine comes first.
No, sir.
No, he's he's fine.
I swear.
You, too.
What was that all about? Rob Lowe called Infeld complaining that Pindar was flying a drone near his house.
Where is he? Last I saw, flying a drone near Rob Lowe's house.
About our date.
Oh, dude.
I've been working on a playlist for tonight - in case we come back here.
- Yeah.
Do you think three Maroon By three.
Planning a double date? That's so cute.
- Hey, Ellen.
- Welcome to our home.
You wanted to talk to me about the Harley Walls case? Yes, I did.
And you needed me to drive all the way out here for that? Is your phone broken? Phone's fine.
I just asked, and you came.
All right.
You kids have fun.
See you at the office, honey.
Unless you want me to stay.
I can stay.
I probably should stay.
No? All right.
I'll, uh, see you there.
See you there.
Cocoa puffs? One bowl.
And I'll take it out there.
This is nice.
I saw you trying to get rid of Peter back there.
You wanted to be alone with me, didn't you? No.
Why? Have you ever had sex on this deck before? You mean with another person? No, but, I totally will.
Oh, whoa, whoa.
What are you doing? What did you think, I meant you and me? You were just Hey! Okay.
Well, this is a supplemental statement from the victim, Ventriss.
He's remembered a little more about the beating.
He's saying Harley hit him with a hockey stick in the back of the car? Yeah, hard enough to crack the stick.
And witnesses saw the stick in your client's car when he put Ventriss in the back.
And so did Ventriss, which is why he's using it to back up his fake story.
This didn't happen.
More paper? It's a subpoena for your client to produce the stick in court.
Come on.
If there's no crack, you'll be in good shape.
No problem.
Thanks for the cereal.
You know, I would have had sex with you just then, if you had asked just one more time.
Can I ask now? Uh, I'm asking now.
I'll see you in court, Franklin.
Make sure you bring your stick.
I talked to Harley.
He keeps his stick in his car 'cause he coaches his kid's league.
But he has it.
There's no crack.
- He's gonna bring it to court.
- Great.
Well, here we go.
Ohh! Ohh! - Look at that.
- Tony, it looks like it's painful.
But it really enhances your jawbone.
The screamer and the hiding guy.
What do you guys want? How about the truth? You saying I did this to myself? Well, maybe you mouthed off to the wrong guy in the holding cell after Harley brought you in.
I can't imagine you pissing anybody off.
Got yourself smacked around, you figure, might as well go after the guy who's closing in on your boss.
Bottom line you're lying.
Guard! You're facing robbery charges.
That's why you jumped bail.
You back off this story, we'll take a look at your case.
I got a lawyer.
Randy Brooks.
Randy Brooks?! How does a guy who gets booked with $2.
08 afford a high-price guy like Randy Brooks? You must have made someone very rich very happy, huh? All right, Tony.
Last chance.
When Harley brings that stick to court, we're coming after you and your boss.
I'll take my chances.
Franklin, Mr.
Bash, your client has one minute before I issue a bench warrant.
Yeah, yeah.
Your Honor, he he should have been here.
Um, any any minute.
In the meantime, are those new glasses, Your Honor? 'Cause I got to say, they're framing your face in a magical way.
One minute.
And we'll wait in silence.
- Yeah.
- So lame.
So twisted.
I got that text you sent me.
Here Your Honor, here he is.
He's here.
Yes empty-handed.
Uh, could you give us a minute, Your Honor? - Where's the stick? - I can't find it.
What do you mean, you can't find it? I looked everywhere.
It's gone.
Gentlemen? Uh, Your Honor, it seems that, uh, our client has misplaced the stick.
It happens.
Right, Your Honor? You know, you think you lose your keys, but then a couple days later, you find 'em under that cushion.
My keys aren't alleged to have beaten a man's face in, nor were they ordered to be here today.
Your honor, the people have no choice but to request assault charges be filed.
And at trial, I'll instruct the jury that not producing the stick can be viewed as consciousness of guilt by your client.
We're in recess.
How do you lose a hockey stick? I've had it for two years, and I've always known where it was in my car.
- How bad is this? - It's not good.
Ventriss remember, he didn't seem too worried when we told him about Harley and the stick.
'Cause he had someone steal it - so it looks like you got rid of it.
- Stolen.
Ventriss isn't that smart, but Fitzgerald definitely is.
Shh! Swatello.
I want you to know, I'm not completely unsympathetic to Eyes on the lawyers? Not unsympathetic at all.
Hello, there.
But you can't go around using people like hockey pucks.
and his bounty-hunting days are over for good.
No, I can't.
I can't.
No, uh we'll get back to you.
Please, Harley.
Or red.
- Red? - You've never been called what? It's new.
Go ahead.
Just go with it.
Stick to "Mr.
" Is that my imagination, or is she? - Oh-ho-ho.
- She was totally hitting on you.
She was not hitting on you.
She wants to send you to jail.
No, no.
It's the mustache.
Women are drawn to it.
Men, too.
- It is a good 'stache.
- Maybe.
But if we don't come up with a new theory now, it's not gonna keep you out of jail.
You see anyone who was here when you took down Ventriss? No.
Is that a new jacket? No, I've had it for years.
Tag was still in it.
- It's the cool new thing.
- No, I get it.
Uh, I don't like the way that guy's eyeballing us right there.
That guy over there is named Beck Layton.
There's a $20,000 bounty on him.
But since my ticket is pulled, I can't touch him.
Morning, Beck! How did you see him? You're you're facing your phone the entire time.
The secret to a good canvass is seeing people without them knowing that you're seeing them.
I've clocked this entire park.
- Really? - Mm-hmm.
- I can do it, too.
- Try.
Milf at 2:00 P.
Is that is that on your schedule, or is that something that oh, 2:00.
We agree, sir.
- Very good.
This is fun.
- Yeah.
I haven't worked with a partner in a long time.
Makes me feel like a cop again, kind of.
And I almost don't mind being in the second most germ-infested place in Los Angeles.
Really? What's one? - Grauman's Chinese theatre.
- Really? Tourists with their filthy hands in those imprints.
It's like an epidemic waiting to happen.
- Come on, man.
- Hey.
Peter and Jared are gonna make this okay.
Grauman's Chinese? Really? Worse than a porno theater? Yeah, well, at a porn theater, the only hands on you are your own.
It's so cool all the things that the bounty hunters get to carry.
Hyah! Hyah! Hyah! Man.
That hockey stick hurt us today.
You see how happy Swatello was when she got to bring those charges on us? Yeah, I saw how happy Swatello was happy talking to Harley.
She was being friendly, I'm sure.
Yeah, Swatello friendly.
She was.
I can see my ass.
What do you think of new Karp? - I don't like it.
- I don't, either.
It's like the whole universe is out of balance.
We need the old, bad Karp back.
Well, he's our Hans Gruber.
You can't just boil everything down to a "Die Hard" analogy.
We're John McClane.
Where would we be without Hans Gruber? We'd be sitting in Nakatomi Plaza just waiting for our wife to bitch us out.
Every hero needs a Nemesis.
- That's not bad.
I'll accept it.
- Yep.
Okay, so, we got no bounty-hunter protection.
Oh! Whoa! Dude, oh, come on! Dude! It just went off! It just went off! Oh, come on! Look at this! Hey, by the way, this is a national treasure.
This is like Tom Hanks.
Do you have any idea what would've happened if you would've hit me with that? Actually, I think I do.
I have an idea, but I think it's gonna hurt.
'Cause it's not a matter of how it happened, it's a matter of when.
Rock, paper, scissors? I'm thinking about not shaving for the date, maybe growing a 'stache.
Works for Harley.
What do you think? I don't care.
- This is a bad idea.
- Oh, come on.
Come on, we're Franklin and Bash.
We go the extra mile for our clients.
You're not going the extra mile.
I am.
Well, you lost four out of seven.
That's 'cause you changed it from rock to scissors 'cause you knew I had paper down! Your Honor, at this time, we are raising the affirmative defense of self-defense.
What, after the victim was handcuffed and in Harley's car? Mnh-mnh-mnh.
Not after.
" You don't look so good.
I'm not.
At all.
In the alley, Your Honor, right after Ventriss pulled a knife on Mr.
Walls, our client defended himself with this.
Now, as a demonstration will prove Whoa, whoa, wait.
Bash, wh is is that a weapon? Non-lethal, Your Honor.
Well, h how did you get that past security? We said it was a trial exhibit, and they bought it.
I don't.
Get it out of my court, or I'll have you both held in contempt.
Well, Your Honor, this is our defense.
Well, you heard her, Peter.
You can't - I don't want to get held in contempt.
- No, no.
So, Your Honor, we'll take care of this right now.
- Oh, no, no, no, no.
- You're chickening out.
I'm not.
Just like in the park.
Give me the gun.
Give me the gun, Peter! Big, furry chicken! - I'm not a big, furry chicken, so shut the - Bailiff?! Oh, my God! Peter! Peter! Peter, you okay?! Buddy? Peter? You okay? Peter? Peter? Peter? Hey, buddy.
We thought we lost you there for a second.
You were supposed to take the Peter.
We're in the judge's chambers.
Swa Swatello? Ellen, is is that you? Hello, Peter.
I can't see you.
Come closer.
I have something to tell you.
Jared, he loves you so much.
All right.
All right.
- He just doesn't know how - I never said that.
I don't love you.
I don't love her.
Bash, do you remember what just happened in court? I remember you yelling at me.
How are you feeling? Yeah, not bad.
Still, if you'd like a mistrial gather your thoughts No, I I think we're good.
I think we have faith in this jury, and, uh, I'll handle the heavy lifting until he shakes the cobwebs off.
Okay, then.
Trial to continue.
Thank you.
You want to get up? You love me.
I don't.
I never said thank you.
Come on.
There you go, big guy.
Come on.
Okay, well, left, right, left, right.
You screwed me.
You were supposed to take this to the face! I know! All right? I'm sorry.
I I chickened out.
That's all right.
I I was scared in the park, too.
See? Well, doesn't matter who took the beanbag to the face, all right? It works the same for our case, right? Now I'm the one with brain damage.
Well, you were halfway there already.
How many other firms care about anything other than getting your business? You don't care about my business? Yes, we do.
- Uh, if you turn to page five of the document - Oh, you know what? Just, to hell with page five, all right? Throw that document away.
Now, I care about the employees of this firm just like you care about yours.
I find the bottom line rarely helps the people on the bottom.
I'd like to change all that.
And I'm thinking you would, too.
Well that was the most refreshing pitch I have heard in a long time.
Thank you.
None of it made a bit of sense, and there's no way in hell I'm giving my business to a guy in a puka-shell necklace but thank you.
Derek, wait.
I still think if you look at page five I didn't see it going like that.
I was feeling What? Full of crap? I was gonna say invincible, but This life change, I want you to know I support it.
But I'd like to know whether it's real, or is this just a protest against me and your place in our firm? Does it matter? Hmm, it might.
I mean, somehow, you killing Dinsdale has raised your profile.
I'm getting calls from the judicial committee.
Of course, they're not going to offer you poor Judge Dinsdale's position.
I did kill him.
- But, another appointment may be imminent.
- Right.
So, that begs the question do you want to be a judge? Or do you want to be yourself? You work for Paul Fitzgerald, don't you? I'm on probation, and I can't associate with former colleagues.
- I'm gonna take that as a "yes.
" - O objection.
It's not a "yes.
" It's not a "no," either.
Isn't it true that you're lying just to set up my client? O objection! I don't love you, all right? Uh, or your objection.
Which was That counsel is testifying, badly.
If Mr.
Franklin is suggesting that the victim did this to himself I'm suggesting that the injuries that occurred to Tony here happened before he got to the police station.
I'm not sure how that's possible, but you've got my attention.
How can someone sustain an injury that doesn't show up until an hour later? Hmm? This is my partner, Peter Bash.
This was taken one hour ago, right after I accidentally and tragically shot him in the face with a beanbag gun.
As you can see, no visible injuries.
I miss him.
Uh, uh, objection, inflammatory.
Aside from that looking painful and really ugly, what does this have to do with the I'll tell you what it has to do with the case, Ellen.
Not a chance.
Isn't it just as reasonable that Harley Walls, acting in self-defense, shot you with his beanbag gun? Um no.
And when the injuries started to show up, you made up this story about a beating, didn't you? I'm sorry.
It's just your face.
What did you say? I was just in the middle of calling you a liar and a perjurer.
Do you deny it? No.
I mean, yes.
We know what you mean.
Objection, argumentative.
No further questions.
That's amazing.
I can't imagine how much it must have hurt.
It's just who I am.
It's what I do, you know? - It's like whatever it takes.
- I'd have done it.
I think messed-up faces are hot.
- Like Brad in "Fight Club.
" - Oh, totally.
Adds character.
I should shoot you in the face more often.
So, you admit you shot me in the face? It was an accident.
It wasn't accident, 'cause you just said.
It was an accident.
I didn't - You think it's funny.
- Let's not argue in front of the - really, 'cause somebody - Peter, stop it! You guys are crazy good crazy.
They just put out happy-hour appetizers.
Order us some more drinks? Mm, yeah.
Mountain dew and vodka? Be right back.
It's Charlie.
It's Ch Ch Charlie.
What's she doing here? Charlie.
Charlie, wait! You're on a double date.
I'm sorry, I actually have no right to say that to you.
What happened to your face? Can I tell you later, like later tonight? You want to see me tonight while you're on a date? Well, when you say it like that, that sounds really bad! And in in spite of this double date that Jared totally set up Oh, that's nice.
You just threw your best friend under the bus.
Well, that's what he's there for.
This is where we had our first kiss.
I know.
This is where you practically attacked me.
I should get going.
Tess will kill me if her Linguini is cold.
It's your face it's Well, my 22-year-old date thinks it's hot, so - Oh, well, you should get back to her.
- Yeah.
I probably would have drooled all over you anyway, so Okay.
Oh, hey, guys.
Do you um, oh, whoa.
Oh, Peter, that is quite the contusion.
What happened? Karp, we're in kind of a rush.
What do you need? Um, I was curious if you had any idea why everyone is dressed this way.
Well, it could be the fact that we sent out an e-mail saying it was beach Wednesday.
There is no such thing as beach Wednesday.
There's no such thing as this.
Maybe you should shut it down.
T hat's not alcohol in those red cups in our office? Is it? Yeah.
You think this is casual, you should see what we have planned for next Wednesday.
What? No, that's not no! - No! No! No! No! - Oh, come on, Karp.
Go back to being you.
We need our Hans Gruber.
Light needs dark, dark needs light.
Don't rush.
No court today.
- Why not? - Sick juror.
We tried calling you.
Guys, I was just with the licensing board.
Turns out even if we win this thing, I don't get my license back.
That's ridiculous.
They say that reasonable doubt is the court's standard, not theirs.
So unless I can prove that I didn't do it and somebody else did, I'm done.
Well, you want us to talk to them? No, no, no.
It's okay.
You guys you guys have been great.
You guys have been really great.
I'm only doing this so I can support my girls.
That's the only reason I fought this thing.
But, God, I can do the 30 days in jail.
I can do it standing on my head, easy.
Call Swatello and just get the best deal you can.
I'll plead guilty in the morning.
I left some stuff at your house.
I'm gonna say goodbye to Pindar, so, thanks, guys.
This blows.
Guess I'll call Swatello.
Or? We can find this guy, Fitzgerald, and prove that he's behind this.
- I like that idea better.
- Yeah.
Come on.
Let's go.
What the hell? I've figured it out.
Not that I can't tell from what looks like a big cat toy, but figured out what? How to find Fitzgerald! When was the last time you slept? - I don't know.
- Okay, buddy.
I have been over this from every possible angle.
But have you looked at it through the eyes of a germophobic, agoraphobic, ornithophobe? - Fitzgerald will not risk going to the ceremony.
- Right.
But his brother is in town and is staying at the Orsini hotel.
Which is right across the street from the ceremony, which his brother will be at.
And Fitzgerald will watch from the roof.
- Pindar? - Mm-hmm? - You're a genius.
- No.
- Germophobe.
- Of course.
I'm gonna call the cops, tell them where he is.
You're not calling anyone.
We call the cops, and no one gets the bounty for Fitzgerald.
You deserve that money.
Not to mention Fitzgerald will just lawyer up and you'll still be looking at charges.
We're gonna take him down.
Guys, you forgot.
- My bounty-hunting license is suspended.
- Suspended.
You didn't hear him.
We're gonna take him down.
Our bounty-hunter license isn't suspended.
Because you don't have one.
That is the Orsini hotel right there, and it's got a perfect view for the graduation ceremony right here.
Fitzgerald will be up on the roof.
Is he gonna be strapped? "Strapped"? Is he gonna be it means is he gonna have a gat, like, armed? No, I know I know what it means.
We're not going after Ice Cube here.
Well guys, guys.
Do you think there's any chance I would let you go after him if I thought he was going to be armed? No, I would not.
Of course not.
The guy's a bean counter.
But he's very fast.
I've seen him run.
If he does, keep in mind there's two of you.
Use that to your advantage.
- Always do.
- All right.
All right.
Taking a guy down is all about angles and geometry, you know? All right.
Full disclosure I got a "C" in geometry.
" All right.
Well, let's weapon up.
I know we're both gonna have tasers, probably, but I'd like to get in there with something serious right off the bat, just "freeze!" Wait.
Who said I was gonna let you use any of this stuff? Why does this smell like hummus? I don't know.
It's Alexa.
I'm sorry.
I got to yeah, honey? - I wanted to use the grenade.
- What's wrong? You know what? Fitzgerald may lock the roof.
You know what that means.
We get to bust down the door.
Yeah, we do.
How do you think we do it? Do we just kick it down? What are you talking about? - Kick the door down.
- What are you talking about? You know, you get up to that door, and you're like, "freeze!" What are you, Riggs? No, we can't do tha you're gonna hurt your leg.
You got to bum rush it, like I said.
- Got to bum when we get there, I'll do it.
- No, no.
You already took a beanbag to the face.
I want to do this.
My face is already messed up.
We'll do it together.
- Same time? - Yeah.
We break down the door together.
You lean forward, put your shoulder out, and you go 1, 2, 3! Freeze! We've got the place surrounded.
You're cops? - No.
- No.
What happened to your face? Hey, don't worry about what happened to my I meant him.
I think you're gonna want to listen to us.
No, thanks.
It's about your son.
About whether he makes it through this ceremony.
What are you talking about? We know you've been talking with your son, so that makes him an accomplice to a wanted fugitive.
We got a guy by the podium ready to pull him before his name's even called.
You're good at gambling with other people's money.
You you ready to gamble with your son? Better hurry up, Mr.
- They're already up to the C's.
- Chase What do you want? We want you to admit that you set up Harley Walls.
And you'll let my kid graduate? We'll even walk away.
Walls was getting close.
I had to jump out a window in Riverside to get away last month.
I'm not a "jump out the window" guy.
What'd you do? Ventriss called me after he was booked, said his face looked like hamburger meat.
Guess he took a beanbag to the face.
Seemed like an opportunity.
Hold on.
Anthony's up.
I got it.
Fitzgerald, Anthony Congratulations.
You were gonna walk away.
We are.
I can't say the same for them, though.
Paul Fitzgerald, you're under arrest.
Son of a bitch! You're gonna leave my kid alone, though, right? No idea what you're talking about.
We're not interested in your kid.
That's sweet sort of, but not necessary.
I already dismissed the charges against your friend Harley.
He's not a defendant anymore.
I can call him anything I want.
Maybe I'll call him tonight.
You know, you still have never beat us in court.
I might not have to.
Your boss, Infeld, came to see me this morning.
Apparently, he's a fan.
Well, no accounting for taste.
- We can account for yours.
- What do you mean? - Because you love me.
- I don't.
Well, you can try to take it back all you want to, but I don't need to take it back, because I never said it.
I What did Infeld want? He told me one of the partners is gonna be leaving soon.
Did he say which one? Nope.
But he did offer me a job.
Really?! You gonna take it? I haven't decided.
What do you think? I think we should discuss it tonight.
My place, 11:00? See you there.
Peter? Jared? Rob Lowe? Ah, Pindar.
There you are.
You scared me.
Sorry, Jared and Peter are not here.
Ah, I just came over to pick up some jodhpurs.
I've got a polo match.
I'm sorry to pop in unannounced.
- It's your house, sir.
- Yeah.
The coffee smells good.
Kopi luwak.
Well, would you care to join me? Unless you're planning, of course, on using those things.
No, I'm sorry.
There you go.
Now, mm-hmm.
You'll love that.
It's $60 a sip.
- What?! - Hmm.
So, I heard you cracked the bounty-hunter case.
That's very impressive.
Thank you.
This coffee is amazing.
Mm, isn't it? I know.
You know, Pindy, you're far too valuable to this firm than to be on the sidelines.
Change is coming, Pindar.
Here, a little more? Oh, yeah.
- It's delicious, isn't it? - Mm-hmm.
So, you came to see me? Ooh, and the kopi luwak.
You know, actually, it's a fascinating story.
The coffee beans are eaten by a civet.
That's a a rodent-like cat.
You know, of course, they can't digest the beans, so out they come.
Out they come? Yes.
They're gathered, roasted, and then, uh, ground up.
And that's what we're drinking.
Um, just excuse me for one second, yeah? I'll be right back.
Pindar? Pindy? Maybe he's not quite ready.
Oh, Rachel.
Come on in.
So you're back.
Franklin and Bash were right.
That wasn't really me.
Speaking of which, I've made a list of everyone who was drinking in the office yesterday.
I think we should give them a one-time pass, don't you? No.
Did you hear? I've got a shot at a judicial appointment.
Whoever you're replacing, try not to kill them.
Here, go ahead, sit down.
About the kiss Forget about it.
Well, that's the problem.
I can't.
I can't stop thinking about it.
Um I got involved with a co-worker this was before you got here and we had to keep the whole thing secret because it would have been an H.
And I can't do that to you.
Spoken like a judge.
So, what'd you want to see me about? Um, just to say good luck.
Thank you.
Guess who got his bounty-hunter license back and the $50,000 bounty.
You guys really kicked ass up there.
Oh, by the way, talked to your ex's lawyer.
She's gonna back off.
Ohh! Guys, thank you so much.
Where's Pindar? - Flying his drone.
- I'm gonna go check on him.
- Best bounty hunter ever go.
- Boba Fett.
Yeah, see, I'm thinking of that dude from "Django Unchained.
" - Ah, he's no Boba.
- He won an Academy Award.
I'm pretty sure Boba Fett did, too.
Here's to us busting down doors.
Harley said we can keep the beanbag gun.
Mmm, that's good, 'cause I owe you one.
Charlie's gone, man.
No, she's in town.
I called her.
She may she may come.
I'm sure she will.
The eagle is down! I repeat, the eagle is down! What are you talking about? Come with me.
What's with the yelling? I don't know.
Why'd he have to say it twice? I don't know.
Why are we going this way? So, I was flying too low because I thought he'd stolen my package.
What package? It doesn't matter.
Suddenly, I lost control of the bird.
- That's slang for the drone.
- We got that.
Pindy, we will buy you a new drone.
Where did it land? What are we looking at? Oh.
Pindar? That's me.
I know it's you.
I have a message for you and Franklin and Bash.
He looks perfect even through a drone camera.
You started this, but I'm going to finish it.
And when I'm done, none of you will be left standing.
Rob Lowe just threatened us.
Rob? Who are you talking to? Nobody.
Of course there's a woman there.
- A foreign girl.
- Wait, wait, wait.
- I bet she's gorgeous.
- Wait.
I'm talking to nobodys.
Could be a different Charlie.

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