Power Book II: Ghost (2020) s03e09 Episode Script

A Last Gift


[MONET] Previously on Ghost
- We'll break into his crib.
- Pardon me?
[MONET] I need every
document he has on me.
Effie Morales, you are under arrest.
- What the fuck?
- Hey, y'all got a fucking warrant?
Are you her lawyer?
You're not being arrested
for drug dealing, Effie.
- Then what fucking for?
- [BLANCA] Attempted murder.
[LAUREN] That's the bitch
that tried to kill me.
[LUCAS] You think Weston Holdings
is a giant Ponzi scheme you're right.
You guys are fucking criminals.
Remember I know about
your drug business.
You met with Lucas Weston?
I also accepted a campaign donation.
It was him. He killed papi.
- Take a look at this.
- Now he's gone, and I ain't got nothing.
If Davis or Cane Tejada
or Tariq St. Patrick
find out that I'm informing on them,
we both know I'm dead.
The feds are building a RICO case
against you and the Tejadas.
Saxe is a fucking mole. Shit.
I found out last night that
Saxe is working with the Feds.
And you just let him
walk on out of here?
I'm worried it'll
fuck with your release.
I have a target on my back.
I'm sorry, but I can't ask
for protection for you now.
Theo, put the fucking gun down!
- It's over.
- Please, for me.
You'll be fine, brother.
We both free now.
[JOE] They say this
is a big, rich town ♪
I just come from the poorest part ♪
Bright lights, city life ♪
I gotta make it ♪
This is where it goes down ♪
I just happen to come up hard ♪
Legal or illegal,
baby I gotta make it ♪
[50 CENT] I never took
a straight path nowhere ♪
Life's full of twists and
turns, bumps and bruises ♪
I live, I learn ♪
I'm from that city full of
yellow cabs and skyscrapers ♪
It's hard to get a start in
these parts without paper ♪
Homey, I grew up in hell ♪
A block away from heaven ♪
That corner every 15 minutes ♪
They moving seven ♪
Pure snow, bag it ♪
Then watch it go ♪
Occupational options ♪
Get some blow or some hos ♪
Shoot the ball or the strap ♪
Learn to rap or to jack ♪
Fuck it, man in the meantime ♪
Go head and pump a pack ♪
This my regal, royal flow ♪
My James Bond bounce ♪
That 007 ♪
That's 62 on my count ♪
I'm an undercover liar ♪
I lie under the covers ♪
Look a bitch in the eyes ♪
And tell her ♪
Baby, I love ya ♪
You're my inspiration ♪
You're my motivation ♪
You're the reason that I'm
moving with no hesitation ♪
[JOE] They say this
is a big, rich town ♪
Yeah, I just come
from the poorest part ♪
Bright lights, city life ♪
I gotta make it ♪
This is where it goes down ♪
Oh, yeah, yeah ♪
I just happen to come up hard ♪
Legal or illegal,
baby I gotta make it ♪

[SAXE] I know where Tasha and Yas are.
And if I die, that
information does, too.
[DAVIS] This is Davis MacLean.
- Please leave a message.
Yo, what the fuck?
I called you, like, 1,000 times.
Effie just got roped up.
I'm headed to the office now.

Why the fuck would Saxe have this?

- What the fuck you doing here?
- [CANE] Your ex-bitch, Lauren,
- that bitch still alive.
- Hell, no, nigga, that can't be.
I just saw her snitch-ass
mean mugging Effie
while they put cuffs on her.
- You set her up.
- Nigga, why the fuck would I set up Effie
knowing that shit'll
come back on me, Cane?
Because you like acting
like you fucking T'Challa.
But you'll always be the punk
who let pussy get in the way
of what needed to be done.
Listen, my nigga, Lauren wasn't
gonna say shit, all right?
Everything was fine until your dumb ass
started doing stupid shit.
Effie wouldn't have got arrested,
and we wouldn't have a
fucking RICO right now.
This is all your dumb-ass fault.
- Dumb-ass fault?
- Yes.
Okay. Fuck you, because every bad thing
that's happened in my family's
been your dumb-ass fault.
You know, since I met your family,
you've been obsessed
with me, and I peep that.
- Okay.
- That's why you fucking
with Effie to try to get back at me.
You wanna be me, my
nigga. I understand that.
Listen, you left shorty
in pieces, all right?
I had to pick up those pieces,
so you can't be mad at her
for fucking with a real
nigga, but I appreciate you.
Thank you so much, 'cause you
sure did leave shorty thirsty.
[DAVIS] Hey, hey, hey, hey.
Fuck y'all doing?
- What the hell is this about?
- It's about Effie.
- Fuck.
- [CANE] She got arrested.
The girl we used as bait for the Feds?
Yeah, I need you to help her out.
Yeah, she could burn all of us.
All right, I'll take care of it.
You do that.
[DAVIS] Come on.
- You okay, Money Mayweather?
- Yeah, I'm fine.
Sure it's the last thing you
wanna see after last night, though.
Mm, yeah, that's for sure.
Yeah. Appreciate you
letting me get out of there
before the cops came, too.
Hey, I answered all their questions.
They know Theo acted on his own.
I don't think there'll
be any legal fallout
for either of us.
My brother
stupid motherfucker.
Saxe deserved a bullet, no doubt.
But that should have been
my bullet, not Theo's.
I mean, losing your brother
like that, there's no fucking words.
Any luck finding Tasha's address?
Saxe probably never even had it.
That rat knew that we were
onto his double-crossing ass.
He probably left that voice mail
as a-a Hail Mary to save his ass.
Yeah, he probably did.
I did come across some shit, though.
Looked like a
like a photo of a police
report signed by Whitman.

Did it look like this?
Yeah, that's exactly how it looked.
This is Whitman's case file on Monet.
Wait. So you stole it or something?
It was procured on Monet's behalf.
I, uh, kept a copy as leverage
against her unpredictable,
murdering ass.
It proves Monet had motive to do dirt.
You don't want to know what.
Now, if Saxe knew I had
this, the Feds know, too.
This could fuck us.
Okay, what are you doing?
Hiding this shit so it doesn't fuck us.
The Feds ask about Saxe, you
don't know nothing about him, a'ight?
Ain't that the fucking truth.
I better get on this Effie thing
before the next fucking crisis.
Yeah. Yeah, that's true.


Attorney, attorney,
attorney, attorney, attorney.
I need a fucking attorney.
Can y'all hear me now?
Please escort Miss Morales to holding.
You can call an attorney when
it's your turn in the phone line.
You're too kind.
this isn't working.
I know. I thought we'd
get through to her by now.
It's been hours.
Oh, it's Medina.
[BLANCA] Yeah, me too.

[SINGER] In all honesty ♪
It's a lot for me ♪
To subconsciously ♪
Forget everything ♪
Where we ought to be ♪
Where we used to be ♪
It's not enough for me ♪
We just need anything ♪
But you're not there ♪
The sun don't shine the same ♪
If you're not here ♪
[SINGER] I don't
know if I'm to blame ♪
If you're not there ♪

Love don't look the same ♪
If you're not here ♪

A little more love ♪
A little more faith ♪

[MEDINA] All right, thanks.
NYPD checked their security cameras.
Theo Rollins intercepted
Cooper in the parking lot.
All all while Davis was in his office
with a rock-solid alibi.
[IN SPANISH] That's bullshit.
could have planned it that way.
And if they knew Saxe was here,
they probably made him before
we raided the warehouse.
[MEDINA] Fuck, that
timeline makes sense.
That's why we came up empty.
He was feeding Saxe bullshit.
I fucking warned him,
the stupid asshole Saxe.
Back the fuck off, Blanca.
Blanca, show some respect.
Saxe was one of us.
to his eyeballs in dirt.
Let's not pretend that
he's some kind of hero.
I mean, how does catching a
bullet wipe his slate clean?
Saxe sacrificed his life for us.
Without him, there would be no case.
Without his testimony, we lose
a vital link to St. Patrick.
Then give Effie Morales
everything you got.
Recomb through the St. Patrick
and Tejada files for connections.
If she doesn't flip, we're fucked.


- You a narc?
- What the fuck are you talking about?
You know Lauren was alive?
- Are you fucking kidding me?
- Shut the up, my nigga!
Effie covered for your incompetent ass.
- You was there.
- No, I wasn't.
You really think I'm stupid, huh?
Okay, when Effie showed up,
she knocked Lauren out
and drove off without me.
Whatever the fuck happened that
night is between them, not me!
The Feds roped up Effie last night.
- Oh, my God.
- Lauren ID'd her.
You got to be fucking kidding me!
What are we gonna do?
I think I need to go
to the hospital first.
Yeah, you do that.
[GROANS] Fucking psycho.
Ma, it's me.
What's that?
A letter from that lawyer Saxe.
Why would he send you something?
[SAXE] "Monet, If you're reading
this, that means I'm dead.
No matter who pulled the trigger,
the person I hold
responsible is Tariq St. Patrick.
Ever since Tariq came into your life,
your family's been falling apart.
Want to know why?
Tariq has been working with the Feds."
- Man, fuck outta here.
- Wait.
- This is some lying bullshit, Diana.
- You don't know that.
Right here Saxe says, "Tariq
set me up to get arrested."
Do you even think that's possible?
Tariq told me to have my
product in the lockers on the roof.
That's why they came after me.
Well, shit, we better not do
anything till we know for sure.
This could be a fucking setup, D.
Go do what you do.
Find out what you need to find out.
A'ight, bet.
What the fuck happened to you?
Cane went fucking Suge Knight on my ass
'cause he found out Lauren was
alive and Effie got arrested.
- He thinks I'm up to it.
- Yeah, me and him was just throwing hands
at Davis' office about the same shit.
But why? I get why he
came for me, but you?
Look, I don't know man.
You know Cane. That nigga's crazy.
You knew.
You knew about Lauren.
That's how you knew Effie
and I were behind it.
[TARIQ] I mean, yeah, I knew
about fucking Lauren, bro.
But why the fuck would
I tell the motherfuckers
that just tried to take her
out that she's still alive?
'Riq, I tried to save Lauren.
How many times do I
have to tell you that?
[SIGHS] Now Effie got
arrested, and you know her.
She only cares about number one.
Yeah, that's why we need to
be careful with our next move.
'Riq, there is no fucking next move.
After that shit you pulled
with CrashCoin and the Feds?
Bye-bye, Weston Holdings.
Bro, the shit needed
to be done, all right?
Stop bitching about it.
Tell Obi that we're not
gonna make the quota for now
so he doesn't merc our ass.
Okay. How?
All right, fine, I'll do it,
but do something, bro.
Keep your eyes on Weston
Holdings. Do something.
'Riq, can I please
just have one day off?
Just one, okay?
Me, my Xbox, and some Twitch
babes in a hot tub, just once.
Listen, I understand
you're in pain, bro.
But what the fuck happens
when your shady-ass uncle
pulls a moves to back
us out of our deal?
What the fuck do we do then?
[SIGHS] Fine.
When I'm discharged, I'll go see him.
You are discharged.
Just a little scratch. You'll be fine.
Lauren, why you ghosting me?
Effie got roped up.
Are the Feds coming for the rest of us?
I need you to let me
know. Hit me back ASAP.
Where's Dru?
Hello to you, too, Evelyn.
Dru ain't here. What
do you wanna talk about?
There's a video of Dru floating around.
Know anything about that?
- Do I look like I'm on YouTube?
- Stop lying, bitch.
Have you lost your fucking mind?
Cut the bullshit. I saw the video.
It was a confession.
Look, Dru already told you
he don't know what happened to Gordo.
I know you took Frank from me.
- You admitted that.
- I didn't admit shit.
I told you what Lorenzo wanted.
And now Lorenzo's dead.
Yes, he is.
You saying you had
something to do with that?
You know I didn't.
I told you I didn't want
a war with the Tejadas.
I told you that!
But you don't even
seem to be grieving him.
Why the fuck are you here, Evelyn?
I'm coming to you as a mother.
My Gordo is missing.

I don't know whether he's dead or alive,
somewhere needing my help.
Can you imagine that?
I don't know what to tell you.
[EVELYN] Stop. Just stop.
Forget the rules of this
fucking game for one second.
What if this was your son?

I just wanna know what happened.
- I just Can you help me?
- Look

I had no beef with Gordo.
Last time I checked,
him and Dru were good.
I granted you grace for Frank.
But I promise you will not get away
- with taking my son from me.
"Get away"?
Sounds like a fucking
threat to me, Evelyn.
And I'm sure you don't wanna do that.
[CANE] Evelyn.

Fuck. They know Dru killed Gordo.
That's the last fucking thing we need.
They're not gonna stop
till they find you.
This is my mess.
I'ma handle it.
We gotta take 'em out.
All of them.
Whatever you do, just make sure
this doesn't come back on us.
Look, we just we got heat
on us right now, all right?
We gotta stop the Wall
Street operation for now.
- But our other distro
What the fuck?
Our other distros are solid, all right?
For now.
It is not your first misstep, Tariq.
Ajebutter playing at gangster.
Look, I don't want you at my neck.
I just need some extra time,
and I promise the quota will be met.
Why would I deny myself the pleasure
of watching Noma kill you?
I'm hoping she makes it
slow, really takes her time.
Listen, man, whatever
it is that you need,
I can get it for you, a'ight?
I promise.
What I need only Noma can get me.
What makes you so sure?
You know how of much of a
resourceful motherfucker I am.
- Shh, shh, shh.
Let me go! [GRUNTING]
Her influence is the only
way my family in Nigeria
can get green cards.
Why would I betray her to help you?
Because I know what it's like
to want your family so fucking bad
that you'll do whatever it takes
to get to them, all right?
Look, if I get you these green cards,
will you please stall Noma out for me?
You have 72 hours.
Thank you.

[TARIQ] So them green cards
is payment for boosting your numbers.
Yeah, yeah, the boost helped,
but the raid on the Russians
didn't put me over AVH.
Sounds like a you problem.
Not if my continued association with you
puts my campaign at risk.
So I'm gonna need a
bigger bite of the apple,
- my young brother.
- What do you mean?
I'm giving you five
bands a week, come on.
Yet you're still fucking
holding out on me, Tariq.
- Come on, man.
There's rumors that Weston
Holdings is doing dirt.
You know anything about that?
I mean, they on the up-and-up.
Who told you that?
You know, you hear
things here and there.
Look, man, the Westons
wanna put me on a payroll,
and I need to know what I'm working with
before I can agree to anything.
Do you understand what I'm dealing with?
- Yeah.
- Okay.
Well, if you know something,
then fucking tell me.
Look, trust me, Weston
Holdings is legit.
All right?
You gonna give me these
green cards or what?
I'll see what I can do.
Thank you.
Lying motherfucker.
- [HARPER] Hello?
Hey, Harp, you finally
answered thank you.
Listen, I know you've
been avoiding me, babe,
but please just hear me out.
So I told Rashad about
what you do, Herb,
and he did some digging.
I have a contact at Weston Holdings
I've known for a long time.
The kid is a lying liar who
lies just like his father.
I can read him like a book.
Now, he insists they're
on the up-and-up.
So I have a hunch there's
something wrong there.
I'd say you have good instincts.
I've been watching Weston
Holdings for a while now.
The numbers just don't add up.
Well, how have their activities
gone unnoticed by the SEC?
Powerful lobbying.
Frankly, I'd say that
they paid the right person
to look the other way.
Like Congressman Rick fucking Sweeney.
That would explain why my many letters
have gone completely unanswered.
Look, I have the evidence,
and no one will listen
to what I have to say.
Until now.
With me behind you,
they'll have to listen.
I'd be a fool if I didn't recognize
your motivations here, Councilman.
You think this might be a
winning issue for your campaign.
Taking down Wall Street on
behalf of Main Street ain't a bad look,
but it's also the right thing to do.
This could be dangerous, Rashad.
Are you sure?
Of course.

[SIGHS] I don't need Tariq's help, okay?
You're wasting your time.
Cane asked me to come as well.
Given the circumstances, hear me out.
If they charge you, you'll
be facing attempted murder.
Most likely lose and get time.
Question is, how much?
Normally I avoid no-win cases,
but we're all on the line here.
"No-win"? That's your pitch?
You'd rather I sugarcoat it?
I'd rather someone go to bat for me.
Smelling like the bottom of a bottle,
I'm not so sure you're it.
If you don't like a gift horse,
I can give you a referral.
I have someone, but some bitch
keeps cutting in front of me
in the phone line. Can't contact them.
And the, uh, deputies let it happen?
They say they don't see
it, but they're lying.
Then they're in on it
a tactic they use to, uh,
pressure you into cooperating.
That's not illegal?
It's unethical but legal as fuck.
Tell you what I'll have a word
with the captain on my way out.
[SIGHS] My, uh, parting gift.
- Does Tariq

Never mind.
[MAN] Stay calm. Stay calm.
It's all gonna work out. Stay calm.
- What's going on?
- Not here.
Not here.
Everyone, let's give
the agents some space.
Conference room, now.

Why are we being accused
of running a Ponzi scheme?
- It's not possible.
- [TRACE] I don't know.
All I know is that when
the agents showed up,
Uncle Lucas just dipped.
Which one of you snitched to the SEC?
Nobody snitched, all right?
We made a deal with Lucas.
Where is he anyway?
God, he slipped out.
Left me to hang.
You're not gonna turn me in, right?
That depends.
Did you have an escape plan with
Lucas in case shit went sideways?
If we did, trust me, this isn't
the way it was supposed to go.
- I wanna know.
- Dad, they don't know shit.
Keke, where the hell is Lucas?
I-I don't know, Robert.
I'm in the dark just as much as you are.
Oh, bullshit. I know
you two were fucking.
You don't know what the
fuck you're talking about.
Trace is an idiot. This is Lucas' fault.
I know because I saw
something off in the books.
So these accusations are real?
When I asked Uncle Lucas
about the discrepancy,
he said that he would handle it,
but he made me swear not to
tell anyone, not even Keke.
She's telling the truth.

Oh, dear God.
We're gonna have to call the
lawyers and the board of directors.
We need to find Lucas.

Fuck you.
Agent Young reported back.
He thinks if we use the
interview surveillance,
it might spook him.
That's dicey territory.
I'm nervous to play our hand that way.
It's from Saxe.
What? How?

[SAXE] "Dear Jenny, so that happened.
Tough break, huh?
This isn't your fault.
I knew what I was getting
into when I agreed to help you.
I arranged for this in case
something like this happened.
There's so many things I
wish I could have said to you.
I realized pretty late in my life
how much I wanted my
own family with you.
It wasn't just the sex,
but it wasn't not the sex.
I also had feelings.
And as much as you tried to
deny it, I know you did, too.
So my last gift to you is freedom.
Let the white whale go.
I won't let it take
you down like it did me,
because from where I am now,
I can play just as dirty as they do."
So you two really were

But I'm not letting this fucking go.
I'm gonna bury Davis,
the Tejadas, and Tariq,
every single one of those fuckers.
- Shit.
- [BLANCA] Davis.
I'm busy.
[JENNY] We have an
offer for your client.
Ms. Morales declined my services.
[BLANCA] Smart, since you
would've conflicted out.
You should really think
about making a deal with us.
We know you asked Saxe to pay
off a member of the parole board
to get Theo Rollins released early.
I had no knowledge of a payoff, okay?
But getting Saxe to help my brother
certainly didn't work out for Theo.
Saxe would still be here without Theo.
And whose fucking fault is that, huh?
I don't know why Theo did what he did.
Talk to the NYPD. They
know I'm not responsible.
See, I'm not so sure about that.
We reviewed the surveillance footage
of you and Saxe meeting
with Diana Tejada.
From the attorney's room?
That violates privilege.
[BLANCA] Not if you don't record audio.
Do you recall the meeting?
We talked to our client and left.
How about when you
spilled coffee on Saxe?
'Cause it looked like
you slipped Diana a note.

I don't recall.
See, we think you made Saxe as our CI,
and you fed Diana false
information to give Saxe.
Then you had Theo, who already
took the weight once for you,
kill Saxe.
What'd he have to lose, right?
He was dying anyway.
- Fuck you!
- No, fuck you!
You may not have pulled the trigger,
but Saxe's blood is on your hands.
I dare you to take that to a grand jury
after I sue the fuck out
of you for harassment.
If you're looking for someone
to blame Saxe's death on,
look in the fucking mirror.

[BRAYDEN] You think
RSJ blew the whistle?
[TARIQ] I don't know. I think
he just wanted his money.
But we only got one option, B.
Gotta find Uncle Lucas and take him out.
- He gotta go.
- [BRAYDEN] Okay, wait. What?
- We're not killing my uncle, 'Riq.
- [TARIQ] It's the only way.
Didn't you say that family was more
important than drugs and money?
I can't do that to my family.
All right, but what
about my family, huh?
My trust fund would've covered
them when they got out of WITSEC.
Now that shit is gone
'cause of your fucking uncle.
So now what?
Listen, he has nothing left
to lose, Brayden, all right?
And you know he'll rat on our fucking
operation to cover his dirty ass.
Now you freezing up. Listen,
bro, you chose to live this life!
Now live by the fucking rules one time!
- [BRAYDEN] Here we go.
- Please, bro!
Here we go with that "one
foot in one foot out" bullshit.
So what the fuck is it?
What is it, bro? What is it?
I don't want to end up like you.
What the fuck do you mean by that?
Listen, 'Riq, I saw you change, okay?
That person that I met
at Choate a few years ago,
that's not who you are anymore.
All right. I went through life.
I grew up, bro. I had no fucking choice.
Yeah, I know it's not your fault,
but I-I just don't want
to be able to knife Bash
- and act like it's no big
- Listen, I kill because I fucking have to!
To protect us!
You hear that? Us, bro!
I don't want to be someone who
could kill their own father.
I never said I fucking
did that shit, all right?
Shut the fuck up saying that.
[BRAYDEN] You didn't have to.
I'm just being real with you, 'Riq.
There's no being real with you,
my nigga. You a hypocrite.
I need to know one thing
from you, and that's it.
Are you gonna step up for this family?
Because that's what you called it.
So what are you gonna
do for this family?
Even if I wanted to,
I don't even know where the
fuck Lucas is he's AWOL.
You got access to your
family's properties,
the money, and all
of the a-fucking-bove.
Find him and take him out,
because it's either
him or us, all right?

Our assets are frozen?
Whoa, how the fuck do
our personal finances
fall under SEC's purview?
There's talk of criminal charges.
- Against who?
- Us.
If they did it to the Madoffs,
they can do it to the Westons.
Robert, if there was ever
a time to let Lucas hang,
it's now.
You've been willfully blind long enough.
You said everyone loves Lucas.
You act like you wanna fuck him.
- Come on.
- [BECCA] That's disgusting.
That was the Klonopin talking.
Oh, just Klonopin, Mom?
- Not now.
- No, Dad. Mom's right.
Fuck Uncle Lucas. He
left us holding the bag.
- Yeah, and we have no idea where he is?
- Nope.
Mom sent me to his apartment,
thinking Uncle Lucas would open the door
with some emotional blackmail
from his favorite niece.
You mean his only niece?
Okay, the place was empty
like he planned on leaving for a while.
I mean, can't we track his spending?
His accounts are linked to
Weston Holdings anyways, right?
Nope. No, that's the best part.
Our dear Uncle Lucas has
been moving money for weeks.
You know, small transactions,
so undetected, but totaling several mil.
He's probably partying it up in the
fucking Maldives, for all we know.
- Nothing's been proven against him.
- Wake the fuck up, Robert!
He's running because he's guilty!
He's still my brother!
I can't just throw him under the bus!
- Well, I'd do it to Skids in a heartbeat.
- Ah! Trace, I swear to fucking God.
- [ROBERT] Hey!
- [TRACE] Who the fuck is that?
[ROBERT] What now?
Can I help you?
Yeah, we're looking for Robert Weston.
Sir, we'd like to ask
you a few questions.
We have an escort.
I'll have my attorney meet us there.
Lead the way.
Dad, you don't have to do this.
If not me, then who?

Brayden, sometimes doing the
hard thing is the only thing we can do.


You're all gonna want to hear this.
Hello, you still there, Mr. Weston?
[LUCAS] Yeah, I'm still
here, Agent Medina.
Please call me Lucas.
All right, I've looped
my team in. Go ahead.
Well, my attorneys have informed me
that the SEC is
investigating a Ponzi scheme
at Weston Holdings.
They seem to think I've gone on the run
because I had something
to do with the Ponzi,
but that's not it at all.
So you went into hiding
because you're afraid
the person responsible
is gonna come after you?
Well, not just them.
You see, the thing is
not only do I know
who's behind the Ponzi,
but I-I also have intel on a drug ring
operating within Weston Holdings.
And when I reached out to
the DEA, they they told me
you were the agents I
should be in touch with.
[MEDINA] We are. What'd
you have in mind?
Protection and immunity
from these false Ponzi
scheme allegations.
- This fucking scumbag's lying.
Lucas and Robert Weston are
at the top of the food chain.
He's involved.
Even so, his intel could be the evidence
we need for your RICO case.
Lucas, this is. Assistant
District Attorney Jenny Sullivan.
If you want me to cut
through red tape for immunity,
I'm gonna need a taste before
we can agree to anything.
Look into CrashCoin.
I'll be in touch.
If Lucas' intel pans out, we
get the whole drug network.
Now we just need someone
to flip on the bodies.
If we tell Effie that we're
taking down the drug ring
and offer her a lifeline
if she flips on the murders.

What's with the luggage?
Unlike you, I don't
have lawyers, liquid,
or white privilege to protect
me, so I just I have to go.
Running is my best option.
For how long? A year?
Is this what you want?
Yes, Brayden.
All the sacrifices that my parents made
to send me to school, what,
so I can go hide in Toronto,
work at a McDonald's with a
fucking bull's-eye on my back?
- I'm serious, Keke.
- I am too.
Look, my parents are good people.
- You're a good person.
- I'm not.
I'm literally a part of a fucking Ponzi.
[SCOFFS] I'll be crucified
once this gets out.
Okay, then why get
involved in the first place?
[SIGHS] Look, when I started, Lucas,
he he's the only one
that believed in me, okay?
He he listened. He
treated me like an equal.
But he was just fucking using me.
Okay, so then why protect him?
If you don't turn him in,
he's gonna turn you in first.
Look, even if I knew where he
was, I'd have to come forward.
I can't fucking do that to my parents.
If I make this all go away
without letting anyone
know you were a part of it,
will you tell me?
I promise I won't
betray you like he did.
How are you gonna do that?
You just trust me.



Mami, ¿qué te pasa?
What the fuck?
- Guillermo, watch her.
- [IN SPANISH] Oh, my God!
Open the door!
Hurry up!



I'm so sorry.
- Gordo
I'm sorry. I didn't have a choice.
It was your mother.
She wanted Lorenzo dead.
It was Monet.


All good?

She say anything?

- [TARIQ] Yo.
- I've been texting and calling.
Haven't heard from you since I got out.
Yeah, I know. I've
been dealing with a lot.
- What's up?
- You tell me.
I got arrested because you
told me to use the lockers.
Ah, look, I ain't know
there was cameras up there.
I ain't been up there in,
like, a whole semester.
Then why the fuck would
you send me up there, Tariq?
Because you needed help.
You know Stansfield is hot.
You gotta do your due
diligence come on, now.
That ain't fair.
Noma has a photo of
me. My family needed me.
Listen, Noma had a picture of
me and my family as well, D.
That's why when I
figured out Saxe was a CI,
I put together a plan,
and I protected you.
So you're not working with the Feds?
Did you just ask if I was
working with the fucking Feds, D?
After what they did to me and my mother,
you really think I would
fucking work with the Feds?
You're bugging.
- I'm sorry.
- What the fuck, yo?
I said I'm sorry.
Look, Monet just got
my head all fucked up.
I need to get away from
her and get out the life.
[STAMMERS] 'Riq, can you
just slow down for a second?
If I transfer outta state,
where would that leave us?
Look, just put yourself
first, all right?
- After this Effie shit
- I'm not Effie.
I know that, but it doesn't matter.
I just I don't have it in me no more,
and I really need to take this call, D.
[SCOFFS] Okay.

- Yo.
- When were you gonna tell me
that Rashad Tate blew
the whistle to the SEC?
Wait. Tate did what?
Fuck. All right, I'ma fix it, I promise.
- You better.
- ♪


[SIGHS] Come on.

"Lorenzo Tejada"?

Why would papi's prints be
at the scene of Zeke's murder?
Papi told Monet IG killed Zeke.
Uh, hello? I'm talking to you, Dru.
Could papi have had something
to do with Zeke's murder?
What? No, absolutely not.
But it would explain the prints.
And if Monet found out about it, then
How, Dru? From who?
Fucking Tariq.
Why else would he have that file?
Yo, Tariq told Monet about papi,
and then she gets Gordo all wound up
and convinces him that papi is
responsible for Uncle Frank's murder.
Evelyn said Monet wanted Lorenzo dead.
[SCOFFS] Monet is fucked up, okay?
But that's a lot even for her.
Dru, you said it yourself.
Papi told Monet IG killed Zeke.
[CANE] She didn't believe him.
She knew it was a lie.
- [SCOFFS] What the fuck, Cane?
- You fucking knew.
That's why papi let you call the shots,
'cause you knew he killed Zeke.
But why the fuck would papi kill Zeke?
- That doesn't make sense.
- It was a mistake, all right?
He thought he was shooting Mecca.

And you think Monet had papi killed?
I thought it was a real
fucking possibility.
When I brought it up to her,
she threatened to kill me.
And if she'd kill Cane
Dru, what's stopping
her from killing us, too?

Hey, I knew y'all was coming,
I'd have ordered more food.
- What's up?
- We know about papi's fingerprints.
What fingerprints?
See, that's that lying bullshit again.
What the fuck is wrong with you, Dru?
I fucking killed Gordo for you.
I killed the entire
Castillo family for you,
all so you can lie to my
face about who killed papi.
- It was Kai and Gordo.
- Shut the fuck up!
I'm so done with your
lying bullshit, Monet!
Uh-uh, Dru. You shut the fuck up.
This is my fucking house.
- What the fuck, Cane?
- Don't, okay?
'Cause part of me
never wanted to believe
you was evil enough to kill our father.
But why not?
You're fucked up.
I've lied, stole, dropped
bodies for you, Monet.
I've done everything you wanted
me to do, and what you do, huh?
Turn your back on me
for this nigga Tariq?
You really let this nigga walk
in here and ruin our fuckin' life?
That's what this is all about Tariq?
- He feeding you all these lies?
- Ma, this ain't about Tariq.
You know it's the truth.
Well, so, if this is the truth
that means y'all giving
Lorenzo a pass for killing Zeke?
It was an accident.
You should know that
How the fuck you know it was a accident?
Your papi ain't even
want you in the house
because he knew you was a nosy bitch.
And he didn't send you to
Stansfield because he loved you.
And the minute he could,
he fucking had your dumb
ass out there slinging.
- And look where that got you.
- Don't listen to her lying-ass mouth, Di.
Yo, y'all fucking making Lorenzo
to be some kind of saint,
when he set you up, too, Dru.
He wanted me to believe
that the Guaps killed Zeke,
and that's why he had IG jump you.
All this fucking family-first bullshit,
and this motherfucker ain't
care nothing about Zeke.
All his memorial bullshit was
only lies to cover his ass,
even though he saw how losing
Zeke was fucking killing me!
I would've did the same
thing for any of you!
Are you even listening to yourself?
Do you hear yourself?
Ma, you took our father from us.
You killed him. Did
you even think about us?
Fuck, no, you didn't,
because you only think
about your damn self as usual.
- Shut the fuck up, Diana!
- No, you shut up!
You need to hear this!
You need to hear this!
Let the bitch go. Let her go, Dru.
Let her go. Let that bitch go.
This whole time you made
no, this whole time you
made me feel worthless,
saying what happened to Zeke
was my fault, but it's you.
It's you that kill everything
good in this family
first Zeke, now Papi.
You know what?
If anybody should be dead,
it's your ass, not them.
- I should be dead?
- [DIANA] Yes.
Get the fuck off her.
Don't you ever put your
fucking hands on me again.
Get the fuck out of my house!
I don't need y'all motherfuckers.

[TARIQ] It's all there.
I've had eyes on him all day.
Your boy Brayden went into
that building a few minutes ago.
All right, bet.
Thanks, Pinky.
Sure. You boys play nice now.

[LUCAS] Keke fell for you.
Guess I underestimated your charm.
[BRAYDEN] Leave Keke out of this.
Look, I can help you.
Just sign this letter taking
legal liability of the Ponzi,
and then we get you out of the country.
Spare me the "knight in
shining armor" bullshit.
You're no better than I am.
In fact, you might be worse.
This isn't about me.
You have the fucking resources, Lucas.
Just sign the letter clearing
the rest of the family
and then set yourself up in
a non-extradition country,
where you'll be protected from the Feds
and anyone else who come after you?
What if I get bored?
Are you fucking kidding me?
Why would I give all this up
to go live in some Third World shithole?
Because despite everything,
my dad still thinks
you're worth protecting.
Your dad. Oh, what a nice guy.
I think that's why I
dislike him so much.
Look, I stole a few mil from some pigs
fattening their already-fat
wallets big fucking deal.
Some would call that justice.
Uncle Lucas, can you
please just listen to me?
I-I am listening to you.
I am not scared of
your ghetto-ass friends.
When are you gonna
fucking get it, Brayden?
I hold all the cards.
White collar is a nuisance.
Drug dealing, that's a
whole different story, B.
Okay, but even if you
turn Tariq and I in,
the Feds are still gonna fucking
come after you. What's the point?
Not if I pin the Ponzi
on Robert and Keke.
They go down with you and Tariq.
See, that's the difference
between me and you.
I'm never gonna take the blame
for something I can
easily pin on someone else.
- [PERSON SCREAMS] Oh, my God!

Number 40.
- [EFFIE] Are you fucking crazy?
You can get in serious
trouble for this shit.
Relax, okay?
These motherfuckers don't record audio.
We good.
Plus, Davis said we can chop it up.
If you start acting funny,
you gonna blow my cover.
What's up, baby? I thought
you'd be excited to see me.
Why? Because we fucked once?
Wow. Don't do that, all right?
'Cause I remember it
being a whole lot of times.
It doesn't matter.
Why are you here?
Listen, they won't go easy on you
- if Lauren points you out in a lineup.
- You think I don't know that already?
So flip on Tariq.
Put the blame on him, Effie, 'cause
they don't want you. They want him.
Now, I've already figured out
exactly what you can tell 'em,
so he takes all the weight.
I ain't even built like that.
So you gonna go to prison?
You risk us all going
away for this nigga Tariq,
and I'm the one right here
I'm the one that's got your back?
I didn't ask you to have my back.
It ain't about you.
It ain't about Tariq.
It's about me making
a choice for myself.
What the fuck, Effie?
This ain't the time to play hard, okay?
Now, this can work out for
both of us if you just listen.
There's no us, Cane, and
I'm not playing anything.
Get the fuck out of here.
My real lawyer will be here in a minute.

Fuck you.

Fucking finally.
What the fuck you gonna do?
Pop me in the wide open, 2-BIT?
I should
since you still owe me, nigga.
But as my man Warren Buffet says,
sell when a competitive
advantage changes.
I got a letter from that white lawyer.
- From Saxe?
- Yep.
He knew I had beef with your pop,
so he sent me some valuable information.
I'm thinking 100 bands
- on top of what you already owed on your tab.
- What the fuck?
Listen, I ran through a lot of
my liquid already, all right?
I could give you some weapons
and some some some
product on top of that.
But I don't know. There's
not much I can do right now.
The plug got us diversifying
the fucking portfolio.

And I want the keys to your ride.
Nigga, what?
You can take mine.
That's gotta be worth knowing
where Tasha's holed up.
It's a offer you can't refuse
unless you want somebody
to shoot your moms.
What the fuck are you talking


Tameika, somebody
knows Tasha's location.
Tariq, that's impossible.
Your mother's whereabouts are sealed.
Look, even if it wasn't true,
sending some extra protection
over there wouldn't hurt, right?
If it gives you peace of mind,
I'll call the Marshals'
office in the morning.
Tameika, I need it to happen now.
Okay. Okay.
I'll put the call in now.
All right, thank you.

[ESTELLE] Where is that child?
You know it's not safe
for you to be letting her
run around like you do.
Yes, I know, Mama.
I just want her to have as
normal of a childhood as possible.
Oh, girl, please.
That ship has sailed, young lady.
[TASHA] You know, I
don't always like to hear
- your criticism.
It's you.
- I missed you so much.
- Shh.
Just wait till Big
Mama and Mama see you.
Shit. All right, just stay
down and be quiet, all right?
Just turn around.
- [PERSON] Hey, ya, fellas.

Well, Mama, if you are
so worried about it,
please go ahead and get Yasmine, then.
Yes, I will do just that,
because it seems like
I'm the only one around
here who gives a damn.
Okay, Mama.

Hey, Tasha.
[TARIQ] Yas, wait right here.
[TASHA] Tommy, what the
fuck are you gonna do
shoot me with Yas and
Big Mama right outside?
Don't worry. I got a silencer.
They ain't gonna hear nothing.

Look, I-I don't I-I mean,
how did you even find me?
Your buddy Monet Tejada
she dropped me a message.
Maybe she trying to get on my good side,
or maybe she finally figured out
that your son is the
fucking seed of the Devil.
[TASHA] Please, don't do this, Tommy.
- [TOMMY] Too late, Tasha.
- You don't wanna do this.
Don't do this. Tommy, please.
- [TARIQ] Tommy!
- [TASHA] 'Riq?
Tariq, what the fuck is you doing?
Okay, look, stop.
This battle between us has gotta end.
Put the guns down. Tommy, look at me.
We're the only family we got left.
Fuck out of here with
that family bullshit.
Family don't snitch on each other.
They don't kill each other.
They don't turn on each other.
None of us wanted that
shit, all right, Uncle Tommy?
Now, I love you, but
I'll put a bullet in you
to stop you from killing my mother.
You think you finally
gonna kill me, huh?
Well, you killed your father,
so pulling the trigger on me
ain't gonna be nothing to you.

Easy, Tariq.
- You have a head injury.
Looks like someone hit you
on the back of the head.
Estelle called the Marshals.
They found their people dead
and you lying on the floor unconscious.
Estelle said a man broke in.
She heard him threatening Tasha.
- Did you know the man?
- What?
Tameika, where's my mom?
What happened to my mother, Tameika?
I'm sorry, Tariq, but Tasha is missing.
But your sister and
grandmother are safe.
- The authorities are searching,
but they don't have any
leads to her whereabouts.
It's possible whoever was
threatening her took her.
I'm so sorry, Tariq.

[SINGER] I'm out for revenge ♪
I'm out for the ends ♪
I'm out for respect ♪
I'm out for the crown ♪
I'm out for the reign ♪
They startin' to aim ♪
I hopped in a plane ♪
I'm not going down ♪
I'm dodging the flames ♪
They callin' my name ♪
I wanna be saved ♪
But I don't know how ♪
I thought it was safe ♪
But I got a plan ♪
Let's load up the chopper ♪
And ride it around, whoo ♪
I roll up on him ♪
While he sleep, you gon' see ♪
It's a fuckin' murder spree ♪
You gon' see ♪
Won't nobody say a peep ♪
You gon' see ♪
Don't you turn your
back on me, you gon' see ♪
Roll up on him while he sleep ♪
Catch a nigga slippin' ♪
I might hit him with the ♪
They gon' miss him ♪
'Cause revenge feels sweet ♪
You gon' see ♪
Won't nobody say a peep ♪
You gon' see ♪
It's N-O-T ♪
Don't you flex on me ♪
I do not get no sleep ♪
I'm barely up ♪
Hope you ante up ♪
Word to M.O.P. ♪
You don't know me ♪
I need my revenge ♪
It ain't no more peace ♪
I'm rollin' deep, and
I'm finna turn your block ♪
Up into World War III ♪
Whoa ♪
I roll up on him ♪
While he sleep, you gon' see ♪
It's a fuckin' murder spree ♪
You gon' see ♪
Won't nobody say a peep ♪
You gon' see ♪
Don't you turn your
back on me, you gon' see ♪
Roll up on him while he sleep ♪
Catch a nigga slippin' ♪
I might hit him with the ♪
They gon' miss him ♪
'Cause revenge feels sweet ♪
You gon' see ♪
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