Robin of Sherwood (1984) s03e09 Episode Script

Adam Bell

Behind him.
This direction.
Let him not escape.
You play well for your age.
How old are you tomorrow? - Elf, Uncle.
Elf? Then you will be soon a man.
Perhaps the next sheriff.
You cross me to the crown.
But you should still learn a lot, Martin.
Perhaps this is a good lesson for you.
Found by chance, but caught by cunning.
Happiness and craftiness make both part of the game.
This man is Much.
He is a of the men of Robin Hood.
Only he is worthless.
A moron.
But with a little craftiness he may still be useful.
You'll be eleven tomorrow? - Yes, Uncle.
Have you ever seen that someone is hanged? Seems you like that? - Yes.
I asked me what I ask you for your birthday would.
We hung him tomorrow.
- No, please.
I think you have to move.
He should be back this morning.
- Maybe he wanted to continue.
I had him not to go.
- His grandfather is sick.
You had him stopped.
- I had to succeed.
Do not worry.
Much to save it.
The soldiers are busy enough Now Adam Bell is back.
Adam Bell? - Yes.
This Saturday is in the north? - That's right, but he is now.
He remains committed not.
They say that he 20 years ago was just as if you now.
Another Robin Hood.
What do you know about Adam Bell? - Not much.
They say he is extremely strong and very smart.
They never caught him.
He was declared outlawed.
- Just like you.
He is here.
Adam Bell wants me to him three days pay 100 gold marks.
Otherwise the boy dies.
It is unbelievable.
He wants me to him personal ga pay.
You obviously do not.
- What? To pay him.
- I will pay.
I have to.
That boy is my nephew.
- Yes, but that is Think Martin leaves me cold? I let him die? Have I ever told you about my younger brother Edward? Even as a boy he was different than I: Honest, trusting, generous.
I despised him, of course.
- Of course.
He married a woman just as pious as he was.
Then I heard nothing more of him until he died during a crusade.
You know what he had done? What he me will have left? His son.
He appointed me to Martins guardian.
And the guardian Martins 600 hectares of land.
And they want you.
- I got them all, Gisburne.
But only as long as I have the boy.
On our guest.
Tell me boy How much do you weigh? - I do not know.
You are perhaps your weight in gold.
How do you know that the sheriff will pay? - Sure do.
Nobody ever done something earlier.
There is sometimes ransom demanded but never for a boy.
And never here.
No, please.
I will also live in history.
And it does not stop here.
King John I will personally pay.
If we target the right have determined.
I'm too long in the wilderness.
This is my country.
Here I have established my reputation.
And now I'm back.
You know it is still not certain.
I'm sure.
Why do you always yourself to blame if something is? I had him by the ancients.
If the sheriff Much has than he in the castle.
If the sheriff Much has to address, he is probably dead.
I go to Nottingham.
- No, the city is full of soldiers.
She is right.
I ga do.
I will be careful.
Ga to Matthew.
They know what it is.
I'm back.
Before sunset.
Adam Bell, but I got it.
- How, sir? I need someone that it can detect.
Someone outside the law.
Someone Sherwood through and through.
I need Robin Hood.
What are you doing to chortling? Are you me sometimes to laugh? No, but I thought - That is exactly the problem.
You thought.
You think never.
I can use it.
He can find the boy.
It is brilliant.
Why would he do that? - I have something he wants.
The moron? This is packed with his grandfather? Ga for him.
He knows Robin Hood how he can achieve.
Give him a message from me.
It stinks here.
It is time for a little fresh air.
Perhaps a walk in Sherwood.
I got a job for you.
Listen carefully.
The life of the boy depends on it.
Will and I disguise our as wounded soldiers.
They bring us to the room of the guard.
These are above the cells.
Nasir and Little John, you lead them.
And meanwhile Much we liberate.
That never works.
- It has already been achieved.
How often do you think your castle can walk in and out? Enter perhaps, but outside Never.
- Got a better idea then? Yes, I think we should wait.
- Then it might be too late.
I'm it.
- Here is water.
Water? Have you seen Matthew? - Yes, Gisburne has been with him.
The sheriff wants to meet you.
Gisburne said the sheriff tomorrow in the ruins of St Margaret's will be.
He wants you only will.
- Of course he wants that.
No, he is also alone.
Unarmed? - If you are not, it depends on Much.
What do you think? It's a trap.
- Of course it is a trap.
We do not know.
I do.
It's a chance.
We intervene Much or let die? We seize him.
- It then.
I ga there.
It is the sheriff.
Yes, but is he alone? I think so.
- If this' n ambush is Look to rogue.
You're so come.
What do you want from me? - You help.
You ask me for help? I ask not.
I demand it.
And this time you will obey me.
I knew what they said.
As we come back quickly enough.
I know nothing of.
So you do it? I have a choice then? - No.
Your moron for my snot.
We share them here two days.
At sunrise.
Understood? - Yes.
I do not want failures.
I want the boy alive.
What did he say? - Where is Much? Much alive.
- Good.
But we must do something for the sheriff.
For him? - He needs our help.
And you agreed? - Yes.
Robin Hood works for the sheriff? Now I have heard everything.
Where is he? - Lady Isabel.
I had expected you much earlier.
- Where is my son? My men search him.
We will find Martin.
How many men? - Enough.
Yes, you do not want to lose now you have something to him.
You forget who you have.
- Forgotten? I would never forget.
God, how could Edward a man as you ever trust? I immediately had already when I first saw you.
He would not listen to me.
You were his brother and that was the most important thing for him.
He wanted to his death even nothing to hear what you said.
Are you ready? Edward was everything you are not.
That he is still there.
He is dead.
If he was alive my son would still be here.
Your husband appointed me guardian.
- It was stupid to trust you.
I care for him.
- He ensured? You have money for his care.
You have him to your image made.
He has changed in two years that he is here.
Martin was a nice, sweet boy.
Now I recognize him hardly.
He laughs no more.
Except for things that normal boys are sick.
He's a bully.
A tyrant.
Like his favorite uncle.
You flatters me.
Remember one thing, Robert de Rainault.
You have no legal right to Martin.
Not as long as I live.
Martin is here because he wants to.
One day he will wake up.
Then he will see you as you are.
And then you'll never see him.
Is it here? - He comes here sometimes.
If he is, I believe him.
You know what to do.
I know this man.
I know him.
I go inside.
I ga with you.
- It is better if I just ga.
I need help.
- Then you are wrong.
I am looking for someone.
- I do not think I know him.
His name is Adam Bell.
I have heard that he is here.
- Who wants to know? Moth.
I want him to finish.
He hit me.
- I said no.
I make him.
You do what I say, damn.
Get the horses.
We leave the case.
Our friend here wants to talk to me.
I know that man really.
It makes me crazy.
I knew it was you when I saw you fight.
It put me 30 years back in time.
It was fate that we met came across.
That had to be done.
I was looking for you.
- I'm glad you've found me.
Even when I was in the far north Saturday they had about you.
The outlaw.
Robin Hood and the Sheriff of Nottingham.
What a story.
You're a folk hero has become.
I've also heard a lot about you.
- Is that so? Is that really so? You've found me.
I am old and my bones start to feel the cold, but together Together? - Yes.
You give me a new life and I will give you experience.
It is just like old times.
We write history.
Together we are unbeatable.
- No.
But you picked me? I want the boy.
The boy? You are kidding.
What did he have to do? I want him back.
I was wrong in you.
- I can not connect with you.
We are not the same.
- Not the same? I do not use children as a weapon.
- These are the little boy? He makes it great.
He is just a little scared.
Listen to me yet, Robin.
You know not what I say? See you not what we could achieve together? I want the boy.
- This guy does nothing for you.
If you are 100 marks for him to give? - If necessary.
You hypocrite.
You do not want to dirty hands.
You can not redeem me.
You are no better than me.
We are both looking for.
It is not at all.
- It is exactly.
But you dare not admit it.
The legendary Robin Hood.
You're so embroiled in the legend you forget a man to be.
I'm here.
- We will.
I had heard so much about you.
I would really like to meet you.
But you nothing.
I had your throat Moth should be cut.
He wanted me to die.
May he rot in hell.
When the flames were extinguished, he was miles away.
I did not know that you the French had fought.
I do not like talking about.
But if I get Moth, then I him.
What happened here? - Four men.
They have everything included.
He already died of fear before I came in his neighborhood.
You're quiet tonight.
- You're drunk.
So what? I have fun.
Money count? - What is wrong with that? There was no need to murder them.
We had the money not needed.
Not necessary? We always have money necessary.
That's why we outlawed.
Drink and eat something.
Then you will feel much better.
Have you given the boy eat? No.
- I said that you had to do.
I forgot.
Sometimes you forget who is the leader.
We sometimes forget that.
Would you like something to prove? Listen, I was simply forgotten.
The sheriff gave him tomorrow for dinner.
If he comes.
And if not, then the boy does not food needed.
Then he is worm food.
My God, Moth.
Did you not a shred of compassion in you? Please.
Eat it up, okay? What is it, Robin? You are the whole evening away.
- It is nothing.
It only means if you talk about it.
It is because of him.
- Adam Bell? 20 years ago, he was exactly as I said Little John.
I am over 20 years just as he? Do not be silly.
- What is the difference? That I can not explain.
- Whether there is nothing to explain.
Perhaps we are each other's image.
- You are tired.
Ga now but sleep.
It was fate that we met came across.
That had to be done.
I was looking for you.
- Fortunately, you found me.
Listen to me, Robin.
You give me a new life and I will give you experience.
I can not connect with you.
We are not the same.
I do not use children as weapons.
You hypocrite.
You are no better than me.
The legendary Robin Hood.
You're so embroiled in the legend you forget a man to be.
Give me my son back.
Not only my son, but Martin as he once was.
In the past.
You have confidence in a snake and the snake has bitten deep.
The poison flows through the blood From our son.
Let me go.
What are you with me? They never let you go.
Not in 100 years.
Or sometimes, Arthur? - Leave me alone.
Look, we get rotten cabbage for breakfast.
Arthur loves rotten cabbage.
Or sometimes not, Arthur? Where are you, Robin? Who are you? - I go home.
Watch out.
That is really not good enough.
I have found this morning.
I knew you would come.
A nice trick.
That I used 20 years ago al And what now? - Now? The sheriff gives me 100 marks for the boy.
I wonder how much it me you will.
500? I do not think so.
You get the boy not.
- I am not leaving without him.
You know my price.
- I would not trade.
Yesterday three men murdered.
You have money.
Give me the boy and go away.
Would you like to fight him? If necessary.
- You even know who I am? Take a good look, because it is the last thing you'll see.
No, Will.
I would now immediately must finish.
Why not? - Because we do not like it.
I do.
You always fight? He means nothing to me.
Well, Robin? What is your answer? Only you and me.
I have nothing to prove.
- You want the boy.
- The stick.
I have slain men with less.
Create it.
It is finished.
Freed the boy.
Exactly 100 gold marks.
- I had already counted.
I know, but you can never really enough.
Pull my - Honor in doubt? No, only your ability to count.
100 gold marks.
- I do not understand why you do it.
It's easy.
I will sunset to ruin his.
If Adam Bell show, I will have to pay him.
But maybe it 's Robin Hood.
- I hope so.
I hope fervently.
I hope that for once meet my expectations.
Are you up to? When I played against Martin, I said that you can win two ways.
By luck or cunning.
There is of course even third option.
Yes, you can cheat.
You there, come out.
Where are you taking me? - That you will note.
You do not say goodbye taken from Arthur.
You can come with us, if you want.
I can no longer go.
It is raining.
- How do you know? If you have a time in the forest lives you know.
Much as you see, tell him I 'm sorry.
You can tell himself, as he is.
Of course.
My uncle has given you his word.
Oh, yes.
They are but two.
- Is everything okay? Come on.
I'm glad to see you.
Really true.
We are not saying.
- No.
How are you, Martin? - Okay, uncle.
Much, come.
I knew you would come and would not let me fall.
Excuse me, Much.
I wanted t - That is enough, Martin.
And thanks.
I hate you.
Run away, Robin.
Come back.
Not him, idiots.
Grab Robin Hood.
Grab Robin Hood.
Is everything okay? The brother said what you did.
I do not know how I can thank you.
Care for him.
A good man for him died.
We go out of Nottingham.
I have friends in the north.
I would never see my uncle.
- He will not.
A good man? - Adam Bell.
Have you forgotten how he once was? Nothing is forgotten.
Nothing is ever forgotten.

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