Hercules: The Legendary Journeys s03e13 Episode Script


Oh, no.
Aaah! Aaah! Aaah! Herc, catch this! No-o-o! Don't! Hey, I'm one of the good guys! You are? I'm Hemnor of Cyrenia.
I've come to ask your help.
Don't mention it.
So, what can we do for you? Uh.
Stop a senseless, tragic death.
My village lives in terror, in fear of a monster that lives in the forest.
A monster? Yeah, we do monsters.
It's not slimy, though, is it? No.
It's not slimy.
It's- It's kind of a doe.
A deer? A female deer? What was that fight all about? Bad manners.
Those guys wanted the landlord to give 'em their food andthe day's receipts.
You actually looked like you were having a good time.
So? Tell us about your monster.
Yeah, your killer deer.
Well, it's not exactly a deer.
She's part woman.
There you go.
That explains it.
Uh, half woman, half deer? Golden horns and hooves.
He's talking about the last Golden Hind.
Yeah, and without your help she'll soon be gone too.
I wanna save her, but I don't know what to do.
My neighbors have petitioned Prince Nestor to come with soldiers and trappers.
You've heard of him? I had some trouble with his brother.
Well, then you know what I'm up against.
The Hind has never had to fight such odds.
She doesn't stand a chance.
We'll see.
Strangers are here in our sacred forest.
They've come for me.
They won't risk offending the God of War.
You're mine, and they know it.
I'll protect you if you need it.
I have no fear, great Ares.
I am what you've made me.
Yes, I do good work.
When Zeus slew the other Hinds, I stood against him and made him spare your life.
You've always made me glad I did that.
What you would you have me do about the strangers? They're only mortals.
They're of no consequence.
But my brother Hercules is also coming.
Now, with him, we may have some fun.
This is the story of a time long ago, a time of myth and legend, when the ancient gods were petty and cruel, and they plagued mankind with suffering.
Only one man dared to challenge their power- Hercules.
Hercules possessed a strength the world had never seen, a strength surpassed only by the power of his heart.
He journeyed the earth, battling the minions of his wicked stepmother, Hera, the all-powerful queen of the gods.
But wherever there was evil, wherever an innocent would suffer, there would be Hercules.
Hail! Ares, Champion of Arms, Sovereign of Battle, give me a sign.
Grant me the blood of the Golden Hind.
Hmm? - Ares? - You know, for someone in your line of work, ya gotta know better.
Strife! Ring a bell? Nephew of Ares.
Yeah, well, you're not as thick as you look.
But then, maybe you are.
You want my uncle, God of War, to let you turn his prize Hind into jerky! Hello! Are ya in there, Prince Nestor? It's said the blood of a Hind can kill a god! Well, I want it to take the head of Hercules.
That is definitely on time.
Yeah, 'cause my Uncle Ares has got a- got a thing for the Hind.
But, uh, you whack Hercules, he'll cut ya some slack.
So, it's okay if I kill the Hind? That's what you're saying.
And your uncle will approve? I'll just say this.
If you're gonna be in the mix, be in it- to win it.
You take the deer- we'll deliver Herc's head.
Be sure you can't see the rope.
Bring it above the ground.
Raise it up now.
Careful! Perfect! Tie it off.
That's the way.
It looks good.
Drop that line.
When we flush the Hind, we'll drive it this way.
I want this whole area to be one big death trap.
We get through here, not even the birds in the trees will be safe.
Just remember.
We take the Hind's blood.
The gold's not what we're after.
That'll come later.
Yah! Come on! Come on! Let's go! Let's go! Let's go! See it? - Yeah.
She's close.
I can feel it! Go get her! Let's go! Come on! Listen.
Nestor's still out there beating the bushes.
It means he hasn't gotten the Hind.
Not yet, but we've gotta move faster.
You know, we're gonna cover more ground if we split up.
Don't move.
You kidding? Interesting.
It is? There's another one, and they're tied together.
I disarm one, the other one shoots whether you move or not.
What do we do now? Give me a minute.
Take your time.
Grab it and hold on.
Is there a better way- Just grab it.
I hope you know what you're- Aaah! You're supposed to hold on.
That was the plan, wasn't it? You still wanna split up? No.
I'll meet ya back here! This way.
There's the Hind! Sound the alarm! Go there! Hey, watch it! What's the matter with you? Get out of the way! Aaah! Aaah! Oh, no.
Lie still.
Don't move.
Nestor! He's only a boy! How badly is he hurt? He's dying.
Is he your son? No.
I don't know him.
But you grieve.
You already mourn his passing.
He's - He's innocent.
He's done nothing to deserve this.
I can help him if you let me.
Don't be frightened.
You're okay! It's- Who are you? I'm Serena.
Who are you? Hercules.
Why would the son of Zeus care for a mortal's life? Don't confuse me with my father.
That boy's life is as important as any innocent.
You're not the angry, warlike man I've always heard about.
I don't know who you've been talking to.
I certainly don't think of myself that way.
How do you think of yourself? As a friend.
Uh, here.
What you did for the boy was a miracle.
I have the gift of healing.
Please don't tell anybody what you saw me do here today.
I mean, if that's what you want, it's- People would come.
More would be hurt.
It's a dangerous place.
Your secret is safe.
I, uh- I found her trail! You shouldn't be here.
This place is- Move! Move! Where can I find you? No.
I'm here to help.
Uhh! Oh, my.
What happened? He was shot by the Hind.
The Hind? Yeah.
He's got a fever.
The arrow was dipped in poison.
This happened to the others too.
None of them made it back to town.
I dressed the wound with herbs as soon as I found him, but it only helped for a while.
Is there anything else we can do? Yes, there is.
I'll be back as soon as I can.
Uh, but wait! What'll I do? Like I said, I'll be back as soon as I can.
Take care of him.
You better hurry.
If I help Nestor kill Hercules and the other gods find out, all of Olympus will come down on my head.
So what? You've got the Golden Hind.
Her blood can kill a god.
Am I right? They can't touch you.
You're large and in charge.
Why can't you talk like a normal god? It's like a generational thing.
You know what I'm sayin'? Usually, no.
I can't use the Hind's blood against the other gods.
They'd join forces, and I would wind up in a place far, far worse than Tartarus.
I have the ultimate weapon and I can't use it, not even against Hercules.
Being brilliant has a downside I never realized.
Well, let me help you, Uncle.
You know, I've got all this potential and nowhere to spend it.
Let me mess up Hercules once and for all.
I told you I can't be a party to that! What do you want from me? Uh, I want a place like this.
I want the perks.
Strife - Don't worry.
I'm not gonna try and take your place.
I appreciate the crumbs you brush my way.
I need more.
I need a reputation.
I need Hercules.
You are like a bothersome itch.
But maybe there is a way to get at Hercules through Nestor without the other gods being any the wiser.
Serena! Serena! Ares.
I've been looking for you.
I- I just wish I hadn't found you here.
Why not? I serve in Ares' temple.
I'm not ashamed of it.
He's your brother.
He's my half brother.
You must know how it is between us.
He's told me.
I'm glad not everything I've heard about you is true.
You're out of place here, Serena.
You're gentle.
You're caring.
You value life.
Ares doesn't.
You said you were looking for me.
My friend lolaus has been hurt.
He was shot by the Hind.
We came here to help her, to save her from Nestor and his trappers.
She probably thought that he was a poacher after her gold.
You say he's hurt.
He's not dead? No.
He's alive, but he's getting worse.
No one shot with the Hind's arrow has ever survived.
He needs your gift.
You can save him.
I can't help you.
I can't go into the village.
My vow to Ares forbids it.
Well, does a good man die because of your vow to a bloodthirsty god? Or was I that wrong about you? No, you weren't wrong, but I can't do as you ask.
I'm sorry.
Wait! Wait! I'm not here to harm you! Uh.
Get her! Now! Now! Get the Hind! Get her! Come on! Grab the Hind! Kill the Hind! Give me that blade! No! Wait! Take her alive! You wait! It's time for venison.
Try pork- the other white meat.
Get the beast! Go after her! We'll deal with Hercules later! - This is wrong, Nestor.
Let her go! - Never! We got the Hind once.
We'll get her again.
When we do, you'redead, Hercules! Hah! Yah! Yah! We've lost her trail! Serena, what are you doing here? Watching.
You saved her.
Of course I did.
I mean, that's why I'm here.
I was hoping she could help lolaus.
Don't go.
Uh, you don't need her.
I'll go with you.
It wasn't your vow to Ares, was it? You're afraid to go into the village.
That's why you want your gift to be a secret.
You're right.
I'm afraid of people.
They are dangerous to anyone that's not exactly like them.
It will be dark by the time we get to the village.
No one will see you.
Even if they do, I promise I'll take care of you.
Hercules, he's still- Uh.
I need to get some water, if you need me.
Not a word that she's here.
Whatever you say, Hercules.
No! I never meant to deceive you.
I suspected the truth.
You were afraid to come to the village, because- Because a mortal's touch causes me to change.
I become as you see me now.
Your touch is different, because your father is a god.
What made you take the risk, to come here to help lolaus? I could feel your pain, your fear of losing him.
It was in my power to help.
That's why I'm here.
I feel like I've never felt before.
I crave your touch.
Ares would definitely not approve.
His approval isn't something I worry about.
Why do you resent my allegiance to him? I know him, and he'll use your loyalty to his own ends.
He'll hurt you if it suits him.
He's always protected me.
I think you can take care of yourself.
I've seen you.
Besides, I'll protect you.
How? You can't be with me all the time.
I mean, where would I live? I can't live with people.
Someone would touch me eventually.
I'm a freak of nature.
This is where I live.
In here, I belong to Ares.
You don't belong to anyone but yourself.
You knew how I felt about losing lolaus.
You know how I'd feel if I had to say good-bye to you.
I never thought you could feel the same way I do.
It only makes this more difficult.
I won't leave you here.
I'll talk to Ares.
No! Please.
Don't make things worse.
What are you doing to me? Get- No! Look.
I feel great.
I feel fine.
You were almost dead last night.
You can't be "fine.
" Ah.
Sit down.
Hemnor, I don't want to rest.
I don't want to lie down.
What I want to do is eat.
So eat.
Just take it easy.
I will! Maybe you can talk some sense into him.
He needs rest! - Well, you look better.
- Yeah.
I feel better.
I feel great! But, boy, those dreams are really weird.
Yeah? I had this vision of a beautiful woman.
And you sound like yourself again too.
No, no, no.
I'm serious.
lolaus, that vision saved your life.
Her name's Serena.
Yeah? Well, in my dream she was reaching out for me, and then- then the Hind was there again.
I thought she was gonna shoot me all over again.
And then nothing.
Yeah, well, uh, a lot has happened since you were hurt.
And I wanna hear about it.
And I wanna meet Serena to thank her.
Wh- You know what? That's a great idea.
The three of us should be together when I tell you.
It'll simplify everything.
I'll work it out with Serena, and we'll meet you back here.
I'll come with you.
You should stay here.
You should rest and just take a nap.
Yeah, but- Herc- I'll be back.
I'll be back! Hey! Stay.
Ares, why have you betrayed me? You captured me for Nestor, giving him my life to take the life of Hercules! How can you do this? You misunderstand.
This is not to imprison, but to protect you.
Nestor caught you once.
I let myself be distracted.
It won't happen again.
Think of this as a sanctuary, a place to stop and think and consider.
Your thoughts are turbulent now.
I fear the guile of Hercules has clouded your judgment.
He is a kind and gentle man.
He cares for me, and I care for him, but that doesn't tarnish my loyalty to you.
Still, your human side has been led astray.
Do you hate him so much? Hate my brother? No.
I have such an affection for him.
He's always been jealous that I am a true god and he is not.
But I would have you remember what you are and that you're mine.
Don't worry.
I'll get ya out.
Thank you.
Something's not right.
That was too easy.
Too easy for you, maybe.
Let's go have a chat with my brother.
No, Hercules.
Ares is upset about us.
He - He means no harm.
Try to look past the things he does and understand why he does them.
I understand him all too well.
The blood of the Hind.
Good-bye, brother.
I've mounted campaigns from Crete to Macedonia - successful campaigns.
I've sacked cities all over the place.
I was the horror of Hellespont.
I was brutal.
And you shall do more.
The Hind was simply out of your league.
After all, I taught her myself.
That's a very good point, a point I made to one of my lieutenants only yesterday.
Which was? Well, that in addition to your generous permission to take the Hind, what we need is your genius.
Y- Y-Your input.
We need your help.
And you were right.
It's yours.
Make arrows out of these thorns.
They're covered with the Hind's blood, and theywillkill Hercules.
As you say, great Ares.
And I can even tell you where to find him.
He's gonna go to my temple.
Even if Ares is responsible for all that's happened, why would he do it? Just to get to me.
It's his military mind.
Any means to an end.
Knowing that we'd meet, how we'd feel about each other? He's counting on it and counting on your loyalty.
He's using you to draw me here, to draw Nestor here.
Well, I guess that's another debt of gratitude I owe him.
Excuse me? I have finally found someone who touches me.
So have I.
We are both of two worlds, not completely belonging to either one.
And I blame Ares for bringing us together.
Hercules! And that would be lolaus.
Herc! lolaus! He's been wanting to meet you.
Boy, she's fast.
I got tired of waiting.
Any luck? Uh, some.
How do you feel? Like a million dinars.
What do you mean "some"? I mean, uh, I want to tell you something.
Yeah? It's about the Hind.
Hey, maybe your friend, Serena, can help us catch it.
Am I missing something here? We do still wanna catch the Hind, don't we? It's not quite that simple anymore.
You're not forgetting what Nestor has in mind, are you? For the Hind and for you? Nestor's not the problem.
Oh, he isn't? Ares is, and I know where to find him.
Hey, Herc! Wait! I don't understand.
What's Ares got to do with the Hind? Come on.
What's going on? Okay.
Serena- Can I tell ya later? Yeah.
Oh, my arm! I can't! Hold your arrows.
Hercules is mine.
Keep the pressure on Hercules.
Prince Nestor! It's- It's the Hind! The Hind is alive and helping Hercules.
Ares has deceived you! Yah! Go home.
Good plan.
Save yourself if you can.
Nestor! Retreat! Nestor! So you'll be leaving soon.
No, not for a while.
lolaus needs time- Uh- That's not true.
lolaus is fine.
I don't want to leave you.
You take my breath away.
I barely know you, but I know you so well.
Me too.
But with everything that separates us can we be together? We feel the same about each other.
That's what's important, not the ways we're different.
He's won.
My big chance, gone.
I could've been a contender.
Stop thinking short-term.
This is workin' out just right.

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