SEAL Team (2017) s03e15 Episode Script

Rules of Engagement

- Previously on SEAL Team - You are a house divided.
Until you realize you need to fight for a life for Jason Hayes, we haven't even begun the work.
It feels to me like you don't really want me to know who you are.
If I focus on what happened between me and Alana and how that ended, how is that gonna help me with Natalie? If it keeps you from ever opening yourself up to somebody again, brother, that's a damn tragedy.
Uh-uh, no.
- No.
What? No, no.
- No, he's terrifying.
- He's not terrifying.
- He's terrifying.
And all he wants is to be in front of the camera.
- He just he wants attention all the time.
- He wants attention.
What's wrong with that? I mean, you cannot criticize Gritty.
You understand me? There is nobody who can criticize Gritty - except the people in Philadelphia.
- Why is that? - Oh, oh, okay.
- And even the people in Philadelphia - that criticize him they get a pie in the face.
- Oh, of course.
Because the people from Philadelphia are the people who brought us the big green Phanatic.
- What's wrong with him? - I mean, there's some sort of, like, Muppet fetish with people from Philly.
- What is it? - Ah, the Muppets fetish.
Lot of hair, it's a lot of fuzz.
All right, don't even talk.
I don't want to hear about you and, what, your Wisconsin Badgers? What is that guy? Bucky the Badger? He's like a four-year-old with bad teeth.
- "Oh, okay, I'm Bucky Badger".
- Don't go there.
- Do not go there.
Bucky is sacred.
- "Oh, oh, oh, oh".
- Oh, okay.
- That hurts.
Okay, tell you what.
You know what? You keep hitting me with all these little remarks, I'm not gonna take you camping this weekend, so Oh, is that a promise? - Yeah, it is a promise.
Come on.
- Hmm? Aren't you looking forward to the great outdoors? We could go to a great bed-and-breakfast instead and have I don't know - plumbing and mattresses.
- Ah, feel that? You feel that? California's getting you soft, like, soft as a grape.
Soft as a grape.
My kids they love this camping spot I went to.
Well, I'm sure that I will love it, too.
Move that, hey! You pulled out right in front of me! What are you talking about? - You cut me off! - What, are you blind? You cut me off! Get back in your car! - Watch where you're going.
- You okay? - Watch where you're going, man.
- Yeah.
Let's go.
Come on.
Thank you for saving me from that guy.
He was, like, droning on and on about the tax benefits of investing in gigabyte opportunity zones.
Hey, isn't Senator Walters attending your, uh, dog-and-pony show tomorrow? Yeah.
Yeah, he chairs the Appropriations Committee.
Controls DEVGRU's allowance.
That's his aide over by the bar.
Might not hurt to grease the wheels before tomorrow.
What the hell is this? Marsden died fighting for peace.
Why's it say she's under investigation? You kidding me? No, this story was planted.
Tribal war's getting worse, Capitol Hill's playing pin-the-blame.
Yeah, but it's a lie.
I mean, and-and blaming someone who can't even defend their own honor? I mean, come on.
I-I knew that politics were dirty, but this is just pathetic.
I didn't know that you invited the boys.
I didn't.
Then why are they here? I'm afraid to find out.
Come talk to the senator's aide, then you can go play with your teammates.
Hey, uh - Hey, can I get a beer, please? - Excuse me.
Coming up.
Oh, look at that.
Look at that.
That is that is a beautiful choice.
Yeah, let me guess.
Let me guess.
I have a nose for it.
People call me "The Bloodhound".
A single malt, uh Okay, missed opportunity.
What's going on, man? Oh, hey.
What are you doing here? What are you doing? Mm.
Don't worry, man.
Ain't come all this way up here to ruin this, uh what you call it fancy little evening.
- Oh, no? - No.
I mean, kind of feels like you did.
Yeah, right.
Actually, you know, I did have a reason to come up here.
The big dog-and-pony show it got moved up to, uh, 0700.
- Mm.
- Gotcha.
I just want you to hear it from me.
- Oh, appreciate that.
- Yeah.
Although, you know, I-I got the same message you did, man.
That's kind of how mass texts work, you know? Some jackass at the bar is talking his time up as a frogman.
- Really? - Guy at the end? This guy's been here all night, man.
He's a total fraud, but he's harmless.
Been telling a bunch of stories and B.
- And you still let him breathe? - Yeah, why wouldn't I? We run into clowns like this all the time, Sonny.
Excuse me.
Scared? When the bullets are flying, you don't think about yourself.
You don't even think about dying.
You're just worried about the brother next to you.
I'm-I'm sorry.
Excuse me, sir.
Sir, I-I just I've heard, um Are you a real SEAL? - Yeah.
- Seriously? That-that's Oh, yeah, you got the hat and everything.
What is this? This like a ? - Call it a trident? - Yeah.
Have you seen, uh, like, serious action? I've seen my share of hot combat.
That sounds dangerous.
Oh, yeah.
Nothing I can't handle.
Well, I'm sure, uh I'm sure BUD/S prepared you for anything, huh? - Yeah.
- Yeah.
What class were you in? Mm.
See, I was in 252.
My buddy, Full Metal here you were in what, uh ? - 234.
- 234.
Do you know that Metal likes two things? Drinking whiskey and crushing skulls.
And I'm fresh out of sauce, Tinker Bell.
I'm just having a little fun.
- A little fun? - Yeah.
Is that what it is fun to you? Really? Fun? What you're doing here, pal, is dishonoring the memory of our brothers who died doing the things you claimed to do.
- Man, what the hell is your problem? - Hey, Sonny.
- You are, buddy! - Hey.
Come here.
Hey, hey, look at me.
Calm down.
Look, this isn't some bar in Vah Beach where you can just come in here looking for a fight, okay? Yeah, well, you know, that guy he was stealing valor all night, and what, now you're, uh, turning your sights on me? - Sonny, that guy's a wannabe.
- Mm.
- Who cares? - Every team guy ever.
- Really? - Yeah.
Except you, Clay.
Hey, sleep it off, buddy.
Jason, you're okay.
You're okay.
I'm-I'm here.
Uh, fine.
I'm fine.
I'm good.
It's just Just had a nightmare.
That's all.
Do you want to talk about it? No, I said I'm fine, okay? I'm okay.
I just need a little time, that's all.
Come back to bed.
Just give me a little time, okay? Last man! End ex! Three minutes, 18 seconds.
Not bad.
As the Committee is aware, Development Group's mission includes counterterrorism operations, counterproliferation, and the elimination or recovery of high-value targets.
But since the beginning of the war on terror, Hostage Rescue has become an increasingly common and vital DEVGRU operation.
Expanding our mission has necessitated additional training.
Means more hours, more facilities, more equipment.
Which translates into more money.
Indeed, Senator, but as you know, Bravo has successfully extracted hostages from all over the globe.
Though not in Venezuela.
That's true, sir.
Venezuela definitely was a failure, but we are the best in the world because of our advanced training, so you can almost guarantee mission success next time.
Maybe the, uh, maybe the senators would like a little interactive demonstration? Maybe the best way to understand hostage rescue is by being the hostage.
That's a good point, Petty Officer.
Senator Walters, what do you think? You, uh, come on down here and be our guinea pig? And if you want to, you can probably even, you know, snap a little photo op, as long as we're not in the frame.
Petty Officer Spenser here is the prime example of our new generation of SEALS who are ready to lead this nation into the next decade.
And those who don't evolve will be left behind.
Hold up.
Wait a minute.
How can you say they won't like you? You haven't even met the kids at your new school yet.
But what if I meet them and they don't like me? Well, you've got to give 'em a chance to get to know you first.
Just like they're gonna give you a chance.
Once they see how nice you are, they're gonna be nice to you.
in response to Marsden taking sides with the Hashid.
The surprising allegations that the late ambassador may have not only mishandled the peace talks but that she may also have been responsible - for the recent attack - Daddy? Yeah, babe? What's the matter? Oh, well, I worked with that lady, the ambassador, before she died.
She was a real good person, but somebody's trying to say she failed at her job.
That's just not true.
How do you know? I was there.
Is that what your job's like? Do people shoot at you? Daddy's a sailor, baby girl.
Now, go wash up before your mom gets home, starts yelling at me.
So, what is it that you're afraid of, Jason? What makes you think I'm afraid? I'm not afraid of anything.
Well, the fact that you're sitting across from me for the first time in months.
I'm fine.
Actually, I'm doing really good.
Me and Natalie, we're going camping this weekend, - and it's gonna be smooth, Doc.
- That's great.
- Yeah.
- Yeah, so you-you two are making progress.
I-I'm trying to, uh do what you told me to do, and that's, um, break down my inner wall.
But, uh, it's, uh - You know.
- It's-it's scary letting someone in.
Are you are you feeling exposed? Yeah, I feel exposed.
Yeah, like I'm in the crosshairs.
Tell you, sometimes, I wish I was on the other end of the scope.
- S-See? - Hmm.
You know, Natalie helped put you back together after your injury.
- Yeah.
- She saw you at your lowest and still got involved with you.
She told me, "Fix the body, and the mind will follow".
Well, you know what? Body's 100%.
But the mind? She still, uh She's still seeing the cracks in your invincible persona.
You know, opening up means revealing the impact of all the trauma that you've endured, Jason.
- All of it.
- Yeah.
So, is that is that maybe what has you worried? It's a lot.
It's a lot for her to handle.
Look, you know what? My team's deploying next month.
We're deploying, so I got to focus on them.
But-but Natalie, she works with SEALs, right? Yeah, she works with SEALs.
So saying her position would give her intimate knowledge of both the physical and mental damage that combat causes.
Right? Well, working together and dating - are two separate things, Doc.
- You know, I don't think it's like she thought she was getting into a relationship with an accountant.
- Natalie had the goods on you.
- Yes.
- Warts and all, and she still took the plunge.
- Took the plunge.
So I don't think you should tell me that you're shielding her from anything, 'cause you and I both know that she is strong enough to handle it.
- Hmm? - She's strong enough to handle it.
So, what is it really - that has you putting your walls back up? - Stop with the walls.
- Stop with the walls.
- Faced with some adversity, and you're choosing flight over fight.
Why? Do you think that there's choice in duty? Yeah? My men and my mission come first.
My men and my mission come first.
I think that's a great recipe for a mature relationship.
It's how I keep my team safe, Doc, okay? It's how I keep them safe.
What is it that you want, Jason? - I want? What I want.
- What is it that you want? I want to bring my men home.
I want to make sure that my men come home.
I think that's what Bravo 1 wants.
Stop with the Bravo 1 crap already, all right? All right.
Intimacy, both emotional and physical, it requires a deeper, better understanding of the self before it can be shared with somebody else.
I don't even know what the hell that means.
I don't know what that means.
I don't know what you're talking about.
I really don't.
I'm just saying that Bravo 1, the great protector, knows what's best for everyone but himself.
You know what? Time's up.
Niger is a developing country, but it ranks last on the UN's Human Development list despite being ripe with natural resources.
Those resources make it an important piece on the global chessboard.
The entire region is a strategic hotbed.
Local forces and international powers like Russia and China are all vying for control.
Well, last I heard, China had boots on the ground.
Yeah, they built a, uh, naval base - in 2017 in Djibouti, right? - Correct.
And Russia wants to get in on the fun, too.
Russian private military companies are arming, training and supporting local forces.
With the Russians arming everyone, how does the U.
compete in Niger? World power expresses itself in military might or infrastructure.
The U.
is helping rebuild Niger's outdated infrastructure.
The Army Corps of Engineers is already working on several projects, including a dam and major thoroughfare.
Bravo has been tasked with surveilling a Boko Haram camp in the area.
This particular BH faction has executed aide workers, orchestrated suicide bombings and just last month abducted 110 schoolgirls.
Well, Boko's been acting out for years.
Why are we surveilling them when we have plenty of reason to strike here? You're looking for a former Spetsnaz commander, Vadik Petrov.
He's now working with a Russian contracting firm suspected of supplying local forces against American interests.
Intel says that Petrov is set to arrive at the Boko camp in the next two days.
Bravo's job is to confirm Petrov's association with Boko Haram and see what other groups in the area he is working with.
Special recon.
So, we're gonna trek into this death jungle and track down this Commie contractor? What are the rules of engagement? Niger's a semi-permissive environment.
No firing unless fired upon.
Oh, it's always fun heading into the battlefield handcuffed, isn't it, boys? Hmm? Hey.
- Hey, hey.
- Hey, hey.
- Hey, everything all right? - Yeah.
You blew out so fast this morning, - I didn't have a chance to check on you.
- Oh, you know, I just really wasn't myself last night.
That's all.
You were until you weren't.
Look, I've seen a lot in my time with the teams, if there's anything you want to talk about.
Didn't get much sleep last night.
That's all.
Well, hopefully, you'll sleep better this weekend - under the stars.
- Right.
Well, you know what? We're spinning up now, and, uh, you know, with deployment, uh, coming up, I just, uh, I think the camping thing just has to wait.
Got to put it on hold for now.
- You know, I got to focus on Bravo.
- Really? I was really looking forward to some away time.
Me, too.
Yeah, I'm sorry.
I'm really sorry.
But I got a plane to catch, you know? Be safe.
Aah! Ah.
Ensign Davis.
To what do I owe this pleasure? Hmm.
Well, heard about the bar.
Little, uh, "stolen valor" altercation.
"Altercation"? Come on, man.
It was more like a little dustup.
Okay, well, I've seen you with those guys plenty of times when there wasn't even a little dustup, so what made you decide to throw hands this time? Okay.
Well, fellow just needed to be reminded his place on the food chain.
Sonny, you know better than I do that the toughest guy at the bar doesn't worry about proving it.
Well, I wouldn't have had to if Clay had, uh, you know, stood up to him in the first place.
Yeah, but I guess us door kickers don't really mean much anymore to him since he's rubbing elbows with you movers and shakers.
Okay, okay, okay.
Davis, I promise not to get in any more dustups or altercations, and I will keep my hands to myself in the future.
Unless Unless I'm sticking dollar bills in a G-string.
- Okay, all right.
Good talk.
- 'Cause I'm badass.
Bam! Good talk, friend.
12 mikes out.
- Should be a gravel road in about a mile.
- Copy.
Y'all see the news? About Marsden? Straight-up ugly, man.
State Department's throwing her under the bus.
It's a straight-up snow job, I mean But that's the risk you run in that line of work.
Doesn't get any lower than assassinating the character of a dead woman.
I can count the number of straight arrows like Marsden I met in the State Department on one hand.
Well, you know, it's a shame that she won't be remembered for who she really was.
What's up? New Intel just came through.
Boko Haram is moving on the dam where ACE Team is working.
Yeah, how many Americans at the dam? Petrov is the op.
Well, he could be with them.
No way Petrov is going on an assault.
Bravo needs to continue with the special recon.
There's a larger ODA unit three hours away.
They can help reinforce the dam.
I don't think ACE Team has that time.
Taking the local roads, Boko Haram's forces will reach the dam in two hours.
But Bravo's vehicles are faster, so if they cut cross-country, they can be there in 40 minutes.
Keeping that dam from Russian control and securing the ACE Team, that's their new priorities.
All right, send them the GPS way points.
Bravo 1, this is Havoc.
You have new actions on target.
Solid, Havoc.
Inbound on new target.
Boko's moving on the dam.
We got to haul ass if we're gonna try and lay out the red carpet.
- Master Chief Hayes? - Yeah.
Sergeant First Class Krause.
How's it going? Happy to see you guys.
Well, glad we were close enough to help you guys.
Wait a second.
One man.
That's your force? Not much against 30 enemy.
So, what are you thinking? Should we make a stand or fall back? You can't abandon this dam.
Oh, meet Dick Gordon, head engineer.
There are locals working with us.
If we leave, their families and this infrastructure will fall under Russian control within a week.
Don't worry about that, Dick, all right? You're not gonna lose control of this dam.
We're not leaving.
Looks like we'll be seeing some trigger time, then.
Should we hit 'em before they get near the dam? We can meet 'em on the road.
Be a pretty quick fight.
Yeah, but here we got two things they don't: high ground and the element of surprise.
Gonna need some help from your crew.
Just let me know what we can do.
Start by taking us to the top of that dam, Dick.
All right.
Those the only two access roads leading up here? Only the upper one runs straight to the dam, though.
Well, that's the route they're gonna take.
These overwatch positions are gonna give us interlocking fields of fire to cover 'em on their way in.
That's assuming they don't just rush straight through, though.
What kind of demo you have? No explosives, but I do have eight cylinders of acetylene we use for tunneling.
Well, we can make that go boom.
What are you thinking, boss dog? Let's position your vehicles in a serpentine running down the upper road.
- Mark the first and the last.
- Roger that.
We'll rig 'em hot.
What are you guys packing for firepower? Just our M4s and a few extra mags, couple frags.
Okay, when we channelize the enemy, you two will join my team, and we'll chew up the Boko.
Gonna cut 'em off, stick 'em in the shooting gallery.
That's right.
You grunts catch on quick.
Don't let the good looks fool you.
You know, we could use some barricades to fight from.
You got tools? W-We're engineers.
Come on, Ray.
Let's get to work.
Get the shovel.
Trent, you could have brought the car closer.
What have we got? The, uh, the bridge is a klick.
And, then that bend in the road down there is that little scrubby tree 600 meters.
And then come back towards us a little more, and there's a little rock outcropping.
That's four.
I see it.
Good copy.
You gonna dial it in, or are you just gonna use holds? I'm gonna hold.
Mean a quicker target acquisition, you know? Yeah, that's a good call.
Still thinking about Ambassador Marsden, aren't you? She has a family.
You know, and for the rest of their lives, they're gonna think that she died because of her incompetence, not knowing that she was a hero or gave her life to save others.
And everyone that they know is gonna think the same thing, too, man.
It's just it's not right.
Look, I I get it, Clay.
I I feel the same way, but it's not our lane.
We're called "quiet professionals" for a reason, brother.
Someone should set things straight, man.
Look, man, you caught hell for pushing that TBI issue.
And that was nothing compared to this.
Marsden story is radioactive.
We all got to stay away from it.
Just wish our pull in the world went further than our bullets.
Why are you only loading the vehicles on the ends? Creating a choke point.
Once enough enemy funnel in, we blow it, split their forces.
Turns into a game of Whac-A-Mole.
That's not how I remember Whac-A-Mole working.
No, no.
Metal's right.
Except the enemy won't have holes to hide in, and instead of a hammer, we're using explosives.
- Like I said.
- Barricades are built, vehicles are in position, and the explosives are loaded.
The, uh, engineers, they're gonna hide in the control room, take shelter in the damn control room.
Yep, we're dialed in.
All that's left is waiting.
You good? Great.
Got to be these MREs.
Chocolate chip.
Try that out.
- Eh.
- You love those.
- I do.
- Yeah.
Never understood what made these things taste so good downrange.
- Right? - Damn right.
Then the minute you get back home, they start to taste like glue and cardboard again.
Everything out in the field makes sense.
Back home, not so much, Ray.
Bravo 1, this is Havoc Base.
Enemy convoy is now ten mikes out from your position.
Copy that, Havoc.
All right, boys, let's go.
Time to get real.
You, get somewhere safe.
Get out of here.
Good luck.
Watch the cars.
Stay left.
All Bravo elements, be aware enemy's inbound.
Bravo 1, this is 4.
Acetylene's primed.
Standing by.
That's good copy.
Wait for my execute command to engage.
Come on, Rambo.
Time to stretch those legs.
Havoc, this is 1.
Enemy's inbound on our position.
Permission to engage.
Negative, Bravo 1.
You're in a semi-permissive environment.
's stand.
You cannot fire unless fired upon.
Well, a couple dozen true believers with AKs that don't look very semi-permissive to me.
Bravo 4, this is 1.
Hold what you got.
Copy, Bravo 1.
Bravo 6, hold what you got.
Bravo 6 copies.
These fighters aren't gonna be in the optimal choke position much longer.
We're about to lose our advantage, J.
Havoc, this is 1.
Enemy is on top of us.
Again, request permission to engage.
Negative, Bravo 1.
's still stand.
You cannot fire unless fired upon.
The music's about to stop, Jace, and we ain't gonna have a chair to sit on.
Brock, give me the flag.
Hey! Come out and play! Execute, execute, execute! Bravo 6, I need some cover fire! I don't have a shot.
Push them left.
Bravo 6, I need an assist! Bravo 6, I need an assist! Negative.
I don't have a shot.
Bravo 2, check in.
Bravo 2, check in.
Bravo 2, check in.
Not dead yet! Good copy.
What the hell was that? Get that drone up higher.
El Camino 1, climb.
I need another 3,000 feet elevation.
What is that? Bravo 1, this is Havoc.
You have what appears to be a tank inbound to your position.
That's a good copy, Havoc.
All right, boys, keep your heads down.
We're about to get torn up.
Bravo 1, I got eyes on.
It's definitely a tank.
We got anything that'll take out a tank? You mean penetrate six inches of armor? No, Sonny, we don't.
Havoc, this is 1.
Requesting immediate close air support.
Yeah, copy, Bravo 1.
Scrambling it to you now.
That's good copy, Havoc.
I've got an F-15 inbound from Niamey, three mikes out.
Roger that.
They're gonna need all the help they can get.
What about the Dishka? I'll cover both of you.
On you.
Sonny, give me the 48! Brock, take your pick.
Light 'em up, Sonny.
Let's dance, Iron Giant.
You got some smoke for the Forty-Mike? Check.
All right, all stations, smoke 'em if you got 'em.
Winchester, Winchester! Let's go, Sonny! Havoc, this is 1.
How close is our air support? Bravo 1, this is Havoc.
Air support is Jaguar 1-9, coming on station now.
That's a good copy, Havoc.
4, call it in.
Jaguar 1-9, this is Bravo 4, requesting emergency close air support.
Roger, Bravo 4.
Good copy.
Target, enemy tank in the open.
120 meters, zero-nine-zero bearing from my position.
Target is marked by blue and orange smoke.
Danger close.
How copy? Copy all, Bravo 4.
Target is marked with blue and orange smoke.
Chicken's in the pot, Jag.
Cook it.
Here it comes.
Let the official record show that the tank was softened up by yours truly.
Texas, one.
Boko Haram, zero.
That's a good call, 4.
Okay, let's pick up the scraps and head home.
Refueling complete.
Yeah, bring it over, buddy.
I just can't remember the last time we came up against a tank.
You know? That was some quick thinking, drawing their fire.
- Old Glory always comes through, right? - Yeah, let me cheers that.
- Boom.
- That's right.
Fearless stuff.
Also reckless as hell.
Yeah, reckless.
That's for sure.
Tell you what, they get any closer, I'm not sure any one of us is coming home.
I appreciate that.
Especially now that, uh, Jameelah's starting to ask questions.
You know, the kind wondering if I'm always gonna make the flight home from the battlefield.
That age, huh? She's asking questions.
- It's tough.
- Yeah.
How'd you tell Emma and Mikey? I didn't.
Uh, Alana, she took care of all that.
You know, I definitely understand the desire not to want to get that real with them.
'Cause, at this point best answer I got for Jameelah is, "Daddy's a sailor, honey".
My kids, they knew that I was a SEAL.
I just didn't tell 'em the details.
'Cause I just didn't want them to think bad of me, you know? You know what? Just leave out the details with your little girl.
That's all.
Maybe you're right.
Still, the people we love deserve to to know us, right? - Hmm? - Just got to trust that they'll, uh understand.
Come on in.
You wanted to see me, sir? Some fine work with the senators the other day.
Relax, Spenser.
Your, uh, interactive demonstration kept the tour from being a bust.
So, you, uh Well, you continue to impress me, Spenser.
Your suggestion the other morning, the BV for your actions in Yemen.
So, when I first got here, you were making waves.
I told you to stand down on the TBI issue, in part to keep you from tanking your own career.
Well, I've since come to learn that making waves is your strength.
I mean, thank you, sir.
You given any thought to our talk the other day? What kind of career path you'd like to take? I've always just figured I'd lead my own team one day.
You ever considered anything beyond kicking doors? You'd be an outstanding candidate for STA-21.
Seaman to Admiral? Yeah, we need good people at the top, Spenser.
And being an admiral would give you the kind of influence it takes to make a real difference in a lot of areas.
I never really thought about it before.
Well, you should.
That's all.
Who in my house? Ah.
- Hello.
- Hey, babe.
- Mm.
- Everyone make it back? Yeah, babe.
All good.
How's everything here? Hello? Jameelah's been full of questions about you and that ambassador killed in Yemen.
Leave it to our daughter to betray national security.
Daddy's back! Hey.
That's, uh, much more of a welcome committee than I'm used to.
She's been asking when you'd be home every five minutes since you left.
Will you go to work one day and never come home like the lady? Told you.
Now, I said not to worry about that.
Right? Look, Daddy's here now.
But can you die at your job? Honey, Daddy's tired.
Let him rest.
Come here, baby.
Come to Dad.
I will always do everything in my power to make it back home to you, your mother and your brother.
But yes Daddy could die at work.
I don't want that to happen.
Jameelah No matter what, I will always be with you, baby girl.
Okay? Hey.
Jason, you can't just barge in here.
You-you need to make an appointment.
Yeah, well, you know what? I left early the other day, so there's some time left.
Aren't you, uh, supposed to be away with Natalie? Well, you know, change of plans, so I see.
So you are, uh, running away, - taking the easy way out.
- No, I'm not I'm not running away! - Right.
- Right, you know what? You have no understanding of the things that I have seen and I have done.
For 18 years, I've marched into hell and I have brought it back with me.
That sound like taking the easy way out? Does it? Does that sound like taking the easy way out to you, Doc? - It doesn't, Jason.
- No.
And I can't possibly comprehend the horrors that you've experienced.
And yet, here you are.
And I can try to understand the cost I mean, seeing your your brothers killed, not-not knowing if you'll ever kiss your children again, watching a once-happy marriage slowly decay? And then your wife dies.
I mean, not even Jason Hayes could handle all that, all that pain, you know, all that all that loss.
You asked me the other day what I was afraid of.
Right? You asked me the other day what I was afraid of, and that's what I'm afraid of loss.
How could you not be afraid, Jason? Loss is the constant in your life.
It's what drives you to to be Bravo 1, so that you can protect your teammates, keep from adding another name to that list in your phone.
But that same fear is why Bravo 1 created his three-foot world.
He pushed your past, your future and everyone close to you away.
All the sacrifices you made, ceding your soul to Bravo 1 was the biggest one.
Ceding my soul? What, are we gonna start chanting? Burn the incense, Doc, huh? You can deflect all you want.
But after years of combat took its toll, Alana knew that she lost you to Bravo 1, and now you're afraid that Natalie will find out, too.
So you're you're pulling away so that you don't lose someone else close to you.
You're grasping.
"I'm dead inside.
I look to the future, and I don't see anything.
It all looks so empty to me".
Those were your words, your words, Jason, the first time you came here.
I was lost then.
I'm good now, so Bravo Team is my future now.
Look, it's not for me to say whether Natalie's the right woman for you or not, right? But I can tell you that you need to be open for a relationship to work, and putting Bravo 1 first will never allow that to happen with Natalie or-or anyone else.
Now, all that you've endured, I can't fault you for wanting to protect yourself, but if you want to look into the future and see anything but loneliness, then you have to raise the white flag on your fear, because right now you are on a path to emptiness.
Bravo 1 has poisoned your hope of a life with purpose after operating.
But Natalie? Jason, she she might be the antidote.
Right? You push her away now, you continue to look only three feet ahead, you're gonna find that you're dead inside the minute you put down your rifle.
Years of war have given Bravo 1 the upper hand, Jason, but remember: you are never out of the fight.
We almost to the campsite? Not much longer.

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