Stargate SG-1 s03e20 Episode Script

Maternal Instinct

- (man) Unauthorised incoming wormhole.
|- Move! Move! Receiving GDO transmission,|special code two.
Open the iris.
Please Help.
He's bleeding internally.
I'm gonna have|to open him up.
Operating Room one! Go, go, go! Tek matte, Bra'tac.
|Are you in need of medical assistance? - The blood is not mine.
|- What has transpired? Chulak was attacked.
By Apophis.
Son of a bitch! Apophis left Sokar's ship|before it exploded.
Somebody's gotta|teach that guy how to die.
He controls the army of Sokar.
|A most powerful force.
- I will return with you at once.
|- The fight is over, Teal'c.
The attack was swift.
|There was nothing left to do .
but try to save the life|of young Moac, my newest apprentice.
But attacking Chulak doesn't make sense.
All the Jaffa weren't willing|to oppose the Goa'uld, were they? - No.
|- It's quicker to wipe them all out .
rather than try to weed out traitors.
(phone rings) Hammond.
I understand.
Bra'tac, you better get down|to the OR right away.
We've done everything we can.
I have failed you.
It is I who have failed you.
You are the bravest Jaffa|I have ever trained.
I'm scared.
Kla mel kalak.
- His body is to be burned.
|- I will see to it personally.
I am an old man, Teal'c.
One day I wish to spread Moac's ashes|on the grave of Apophis.
But I do not know if I have|the strength to fight any more.
Many have died, old friend.
But their deaths must not go in vain.
Word of this must spread to all Jaffa.
But maybe it is for someone younger|and stronger than I to spread that word.
You are the strongest Jaffa|I have ever known.
In my 1 35 years, .
l have never seen a Goa'uld turn|on those that carry its kind this way.
He massacred so many that have|worshipped him for so long.
Perhaps he has done this to show the|System Lords how truly powerful he is.
You know well Apophis has weapons|that could have been used from space.
There had to be some other purpose.
His army swept through Chulak as if They were searching for something.
The Harsesis.
Apophis fathered a child with Sha're,|the host of his mate Amaunet.
- He hoped to create a host for himself.
|- It is forbidden.
The child would have all the knowledge|of the Goa'uld.
Amaunet hid the boy.
Of course.
The boy would be hunted.
|He could be the undoing of the Goa'uld.
But Apophis doesn't know|where Amaunet hid him.
- Which is why they searched Chulak.
|- Do you know where this child is? Uh All I know is|that it's a place called Kheb.
You have heard of such a place? It is an ancient legend.
|I did not believe it really existed.
- It has to.
|- The Goa'uld fear and despise Kheb.
They forbade anyone|from speaking of it long ago.
It is something|my father once spoke of to me.
An old tale about a place|discovered long ago by a few Jaffa, .
and kept secret from the Goa'uld.
When they could no longer carry|a Prim'ta, they would journey to Kheb.
There, their kalak would learn the path|through the darkness into the next life.
- Kalak.
That means "soul", right?|- Yes.
When some of the Goa'uld found out|about Kheb, they made their way there.
They did not return.
|It was forbidden to speak of ever again.
My father enjoyed telling me this story.
"If the Goa'uld are truly|all-powerful gods," he would say, .
"how is it that they fear anything?" It sounds like the perfect place|to hide someone.
I don't suppose you happen to know|the Stargate address.
- No.
|- All I have is obscure Earth mythology .
that indicates|Osiris once hid there from Seth.
That story, as told among Jaffa, .
is that Osiris hid|on one of the planets of the Loc'na Ko.
- What's that?|- A group of planets depleted by mining.
I don't suppose you happen to know|the addresses of any of those planets.
Those are|the planets of the Loc'na Ko.
- What's the red one?|- We basically have two reference maps.
Yellow represents the cartouche|that the Goa'uld left on Abydos.
The Ancients' original map|of the Stargates is in red.
You don't recognise this address here? - No.
|- If the legend is true, .
the Goa'uld|never would have included Kheb.
This is the only planet in the system|the Goa'uld didn't include on their map.
We've found it.
How do we know for sure|that this is Kheb? I have heard|Kheb is an untouched wilderness .
with great mountains and a temple|in a valley distant from the Stargate.
If the Goa'uld fear Kheb, that would|explain why they never mined this planet.
If Amaunet thought to hide the Harsesis|on Kheb Apophis would presume so.
Well, scary stories or not,|Apophis is just nuts enough to go.
- I'd like some backup on this one, sir.
|- SG-2 will accompany you.
As will l.
Let's just hope we're first.
- We'll check in every 30 minutes.
|- Yes, sir.
- Hold the fort, Major.
|- Yes, sir.
What you got? A group of Jaffa|passed through here recently.
- Six.
|- Eight.
So Not the first.
You have been unusually silent, Bra'tac.
There is not much time left|before I can no longer carry a Prim'ta.
When that time comes,|I will have to decide what to do.
If this truly is Kheb,|that time may be upon us both.
- What is it?|- Six of the Jaffa stopped here.
Two went on ahead.
|They returned with another.
A woman.
How do you know that? Here.
The third of the prints|are small and light, .
the shoe, an open-toed sandal|worn by Jaffa women.
When they met up again|there was a struggle.
Then they headed into the forest.
Each print is spread wide.
They were running.
- He's good.
|- Extremely.
The woman may be the priestess|entrusted with the child.
- Smell that?|- Yeah.
(O'Neill) Carter? It's OK, sir.
It's just a bird.
No Look.
This is really weird.
They're burnt to a crisp,|yet nothing around them's been touched.
- As if lightning struck them.
|- Or some kind of I have never before seen|a weapon that could do such a thing.
Weapon (Bra'tac) Over here! She was shot in the back as she fled.
I counted eight bodies total.
So, what happened here? The priestess was being escorted|back to the Stargate by two of the Jaffa.
When they met the others, realising|she was in danger, she attempted to flee.
They chased her and shot her.
Then someone or something|attacked them.
- You can't know that for sure.
|- I am quite certain.
- What about the child?|- She carried the child.
- How can you know that?|- Her hands are not bound.
And they shot low.
And what happened to the boy? That I cannot guess.
The priestess died|more than two days ago.
But when his Jaffa did not return the|Harsesis, Apophis should have sent more.
Perhaps many more.
Kheb? Kheb.
No welcoming party.
Well, someone's|been reading Martha Stewart.
Probably inside.
Daniel? - Jack?|- What ya doin'? Something about this place says|we shouldn't rush in waving guns around.
He is right.
This is sacred ground.
Ayee Wait here.
I have dreamed of finding this place|twice as long as you have been alive.
I will accompany you.
Hey! Whoa! - Where'd you come from?|- I have been here for some time.
You weren't here|when we just came in.
- Here is everywhere you are.
|- Excuse me? Um Hello.
I'm, uh, I'm Daniel Jackson.
This is Jack O'Neill, and this is Bra'tac.
We're peaceful explorers|from a place called Earth.
Do you seek oneness with Desala? "Desala" I know that word.
|It sounds tribal.
African, maybe.
Desala is everything, everywhere.
It, uh - It means "nature".
|- Ah.
Put no barriers|between you and where you are.
Don't look at me.
I believe he wishes us|to take off our boots.
Yeah, look.
Uh - We've been walkin' a ways today|- Your journey has only begun.
I just think I'm doin' us all a big favour|by keepin' these babies on.
When the mind is enlightened,|the spirit is freed.
The body matters not.
Whew! Here's an idea.
Why don't we just|ask the man if the boy's here? We've come looking for a boy A baby.
Lightning flashes, sparks shower.
In one blink of your eyes,|you have missed seeing.
Lightning, you say? I only know a snowflake|cannot exist in a storm of fire.
- What?!|- Jack No, l You know me.
|I'm a huge fan of subtlety.
- But that's downright encryptic.
|- Sorry.
Don't, uh, don't worry about him.
The sun is warm, wind is wild,|grass is green along the shores.
- Here no bull can hide.
|- Oh, I don't know about that.
Jack, he's speaking in Zen koans.
Whatever theology he follows may be|an original basis for Buddhism on Earth.
Well, that's very nice.
I'll be sure|to call the Dalai Lama when I get home.
But, for now,|how about why we came here? Um, he's right.
This is very important.
|Is there a child here? - There is a child in all of us.
|- Oh, come on.
He seeks a real human boy.
|Of flesh and bones.
Those who seek oneness|find all that they seek.
I think this is gonna take a while.
Really? What gives you that idea? (gust of wind) Everything OK? It is nothing.
I do not have|a good feeling about this place.
- What of the Harsesis child, O'Neill?|- I don't know.
There's a monk guy|Daniel thinks might know something, .
so he's gonna play along for a while.
"Play along"? Something about enlightenment? - Sir|- I know.
I know.
Within you is a being|whose heart knows only darkness.
- Yes.
|- You must renounce such evil .
to achieve oneness with Oma Desala.
"Oma" - what does that mean? Words cannot express things.
Speech cannot convey the spirit.
Swayed by words, one is lost.
One|cannot carry darkness on the great path.
If I removed the symbiote in me,|I would die.
You cannot start the journey|with it inside you.
So a Jaffa cannot seek oneness|before he is willing to die? When the mind is freed,|the body is no longer required.
I sense you are not ready|to meet Oma Desala.
I am not ready to die.
But I take solace in the fact|that journey is ahead of me.
So I don't, uh, I don't have to die, right? - You do not have the same evil in you.
|- Good.
But you have your own burdens|of which to rid yourself.
I am not yet ready to give up.
I feel alive, Teal'c.
|Like a young man of 80.
We still have false gods to slay.
She goes into the lake|without making a ripple.
She goes into the forest|without disturbing a blade of grass.
Who is she? The mother.
Mother Nature.
We're We're|We're talking about Mother Nature.
Why do you seek this child|of flesh and bones? He is the son of my wife.
- But not your son?|- No.
But my wife is dead now, and I promised|I would make sure the boy is safe.
And you are sure|he will be safe with you? Yes.
Because it is so clear,|it takes a longer time to realise it.
If you immediately know|the candlelight is fire, .
then the meal was cooked|a long time ago.
Um I, uh I have no idea what you're talking about.
I can't do it.
You say you seek this child|to fulfil a promise.
- Yes.
|- Is there another reason? The child has knowledge.
He can help|my people defend themselves .
against an evil enemy, the Goa'uld.
You hate the Goa'uld.
The Goa'uld are responsible|for the death of my wife, .
among millions|and millions of other people.
How can I not hate them? - Your hate will lead to the child's death.
|- How do you know that? You must trust.
You must believe.
Well, maybe I don't believe|I can light a candle with my mind.
I find it a lot easier to use a lighter|or a match.
It's much more practic - Wow.
|- Now you blow it out.
- With your mind.
|- Oh.
I'm sorry.
Could you, uh|Could you light that again? This isn't a trick candle or anything, is it? - Put your hand in the flame.
|- What? Place your hand in the flame.
Agh! - Why tell me to do that?|- Why do it? - Because you told me to.
|- Because you trusted.
- Yes.
|- Within you is the capacity for trust.
Trust Oma Desala.
Do not believe you can light the candle.
Believe she can light the candle.
Time's up.
Jack, the markings on the wall|are a language.
It's a bible.
No, more of an instruction book on how|to reach this ethereal plane of existence.
Naturally the Jaffa would interpret it|as a passage to the afterlife.
Whoa! Slow down there, Grasshopper.
I'm pretty sure this place|was built by an alien race millennia ago.
They may have even visited Earth and|inspired the concept of Mother Nature.
So this guy's an alien? No.
The aliens discovered a means to|ascend to a higher plane of existence .
and went there, wherever "there" is.
They left the writings as a map|for others who wanted to follow them.
The monk is just someone who's|sort of taken up a curatorship.
- A janitor?|- A guide.
- An usher?|- It doesn't matter.
Just watch.
Am I supposed to believe you did that? Yes.
Daniel A word? We didn't come to learn parlour tricks.
- Is the boy here or not?|- I think so.
Because every minute we stay here,|we're risking our necks.
I'm on the verge of ordering|a complete search of this place.
- You can't do that.
|- You're confused, Daniel.
I can.
- I am gaining his trust.
|- How long is that gonna take? - Jack, you don't understand.
|- I think I do.
Hey! Hey, hey, hey.
All right, that's dangerous.
Put it down.
That was a little more impressive.
- How'd you do that?|- Actually, I did that.
- What?|- That's what I've been tryin' to tell you.
This is incredible.
- He taught you|- How to do things with my mind.
You could do it, too.
He could teach me how to light candles|and move stuff around by thinking? I cannot teach you|what you already know.
Oh, I don't think I know|as much as you think I know.
You must come to know Oma Desala.
- Become her friend.
|- (whoosh) That your friend? Oh, great(!) Teal'c, Bra'tac,|you wanna check that out? - Major Coburn? This is O'Neill.
|- Read you, sir.
We've got Jaffa activity.
|How's your position? - Clear, sir.
|- Good.
Stand by.
I want claymores|from the entrance to here.
- I thought we were leaving.
|- Me, too.
- So, is the kid here or not?|- Jack Daniel! That was a glider.
|We're out of time.
- Time means nothing to the|- Uh-uh! Don't say it.
(voices from below) - The claymores are set, sir.
|- Good.
- Daniel thinks we should stay.
|- Why? Well, watch.
What? - You did that?|- Yes.
- That's impossible.
|- You'd think.
- Why?|- You learned the power to control fire? It's not just fire.
All the instructions are here, on the walls.
All you have to do|is be willing to learn and believe.
I'm sorry, but something else|has to be going on here.
Why? Well I don't know,|but under different circumstances .
l would bring in equipment and|check for concealed technology before l Doesn't a part of you want to believe|a person can reach a higher level? - Yes, of course, but|- Don't you see? - I have that power.
|- To do what? To protect the child.
I think|she doesn't want me to leave .
until she knows|I understand how to protect him.
Who's "she"? A Goa'uld mother ship has landed.
|As many as 2,000 troops approach.
Love to stay and chat Wait! Wait a minute! What about Down.
(baby gurgles) We must elude them through the forest.
Where's Daniel? Daniel? Daniel, we gotta go! For cryin' out loud - I don't know where he is.
|- So what do we do? - Coburn? O'Neill.
|- Read you, sir.
Hightail it back through the gate.
|Tell Hammond we're pinned down.
- Request backup.
|- Yes, sir.
Lots of backup.
Damn! All right, here they come.
Defensive positions.
Hold off|on the claymores as long as we can.
I don't want to get into this|unless we have to.
And if we make it out of this in one piece,|remind me to harm Daniel severely.
Thank you.
He'll be safe with me.
I didn't do any of it, did l? It was you.
I was wrong.
I don't|I don't have any powers at all.
You do.
You were showing them to me.
That's how you communicate with us.
You were tryin' to tell me the boy|is better off here with you, and l I wasn't listening.
I made a promise.
I promised he would be safe.
Kree shak! Lo koma.
Assak! Joma, sakoon.
(primes weapon) - You are not welcome here.
|- In the name of the god Apophis, .
we have come for a young boy.
- You will leave now.
|- We will not.
Stand aside.
(Daniel) No! Drop your weapons! - Do it!|- Kree, lo assak.
- Drop your weapons.
|- You heard him! - I was talking to you, Jack.
|- Wh What? - Do it now, all of you.
|- Daniel? Jack, I was wrong.
I was very wrong.
|One of those aliens is still here.
- Sir, we put our guns down, we're dead.
|- You will die if you do not.
Jack, if you're ever gonna trust me|on anything, now is the time.
The alien is the one with the powers,|and she is not someone to fool with.
(whispers) You must do it! Kill them.
(screaming) Well, that was cool.
Wow! You're leaving.
You know that more of them will come|as long as they know the boy is here.
I'll see both of you again someday, right? I take it that was|the Harsesis child she was holding.
I thought we needed that kid.
You're just gonna let her? No choice, huh? Colonel O'Neill, Major Coburn.
Come in.
- Yeah, go ahead, Major.
|- Reinforcements are on the way, sir.
Take your time.
We're secure.
Good to hear it, sir.
Uh, sir, the Stargate just came on.
There's a strange bright light|headed this way.
Do not engage.
Repeat:|get out of the way and do not engage.
In fact, I'm ordering you all to put down|your weapons until that light is gone.
Yes, sir.
(Major Coburn) It's gone, sir.
- You all right?|- Yeah.
Let's go home.
Daniel? Shoes.

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