Rush (2008) s04e11 Episode Script

Season 4, Episode 11

Josh, this is the last two hours of a very big operation.
He can handle this.
It's my call, Josh.
Get in.
(FIRES GUN) Why didn't you stop Michael from getting in that car? Why didn't you do something about it? I'm sorry, Stell.
If you want to honour Michael, the best thing that you can do is to keep it together.
You think you can do that? demanding information about who shot Michael.
What's the problem? Just find Josh and bring him in.
Forensics have completed their report on Josh's car.
They found some blood in the back and it's a match with Josh's blood type.
How is she? How do you think? What - did something happen with you and Tash? It did, didn't it? Say it.
I'm pretty certain there's a dirty bomb.
We need to act.
The body in the car - they've got an ID.
It's not him.
What? It's not Josh.
(MOTOR CHUGS) MAN: We need to get him in a drift that will take him right out to sea.
MAN 2: Put enough weight on him, he won't come up.
MAN: What about an anchor? That will work.
Has this thing got an anchor? (CHUCKLES) This'll do.
That will work.
I will do it.
It's my mess.
I'll clean it up.
See ya, gorgeous.
(PHONE RINGS) (WEARILY) Get stuffed.
Yello! Meet me at the car park on the Strand in 10 minutes.
Always with the charm.
How far gone are you, Stell? 26 years.
(LAUGHS) Charlie, I'm totally fine.
What's the problem? Josh.
A woman made a call about a shooting.
She mentioned a cop with a scar on his face.
Josh has been shot? That's all I have, Stell.
Well, what about the guy we picked up - the Cuckoo? Yeah, he's being interviewed but there's nothing yet.
(CHARLIE SIGHS) (STARTS CAR) You smell like sex.
Yeah, it'scologne.
Vagina cologne? (SIGHS) Come on! I can say the word, Charlie, because I have one.
Hey? Is there anyone else here? It's clear.
Can you tell me your name? Piss off.
OK, Piss Off, let me check your wound.
Come on.
Don't touch me.
Single gunshot wound.
There's a lot of blood.
I need you to keep pressure on that.
Can you tell me what you're doing here? (PANTS) Hey, I know you didn't shoot yourself.
Look at me.
Maybe I did.
(PANTS) Not our usual Sunday morning, then.
(FOOTSTEPS APPROACH) Get outta here.
(GROANS) Just relax, Minka.
Mum?! Mum?! (PHONE RINGS) Give me the phone.
You're a sicko.
You slut.
Minka What? Yeah, yeah.
I'm on my way.
Did you kill him so you could root her? Minka, I slept on the couch, OK? 'Cause I was worried about you and your mother.
That's all.
How do you do this? Go to your room.
CHARLIE: Whoever you were with, they don't give a shit about you.
They left you for dead.
So, why protect 'em? Just tell me who they are.
We know who he is? Nup.
No ID, not talking.
Right, just face me.
Big smile.
(CAMERA CLICKS) Wasn't so hard.
Leon? KERRY: He's not in yet, Lawson.
How long? Well, I can't get hold of him.
I've just sent a photo.
We need to ID a guy we've got down here.
Yeah, sure.
Also .
need to check if there's any surveillance cameras in the area.
I want to know how he got here, if he's with anyone, et cetera.
Well, is that a 'yes'? Uh, that's a "Just leave it with me.
" (COMPUTER BEEPS) Hey, hey.
Yeah, hi, Naomi.
Can you send me that triple-0 call that came this morning? Yeah, I'll hold.
Leon, I know you're dropping my calls.
You cannot hide.
Call me back immediately.
No, you don't.
You're too slow, sucker.
Uh, another one, please.
There's a freshie there.
Yeah, I know.
Another one.
You want to eat something? Nah.
You know when we say, "Free wireless," there's a limit.
With jam.
And some wedges! What about a fruit salad? For me.
I'm off in five.
Uh, do you play 'Civilization V' by any chance? (MUSICAL RINGTONE PLAYS) Hello? Oh, hey.
Areare you alright? Yeah, sure.
Do you want me to call Lawson? Everyone's really worried about you.
Yeah, yeah, sure.
I can do that from here.
Hit me up.
Guys? You need to see this.
(AMBULANCE DOORS SLAM) One shot there.
Phew! Jesus.
Did you drive? No, Charlie did.
This is how you keep your issues under control, is it? I wasn't with her.
Lawson, check this out.
It's rope.
There's a big cut.
It's cut rope.
Alright, let's not jump to any conclusions here.
We've got a phone call and a piece of rope.
That's all.
With me, Stell.
What is it? I've got blood on my shoe.
You can get changed back at base.
Leon? He's OK.
LAWSON: What? Josh.
Have you spoken to him? UmI can't go into details.
Well, what'd he say? Uh, he asked for an hour.
No, that's not your call to make.
I gotta go.
Well, it Yeah.
Josh? Hey.
He keeps dropping my calls, the little shit.
You right? He just took a rifle.
From the cage.
Josh? Josh was here? Yeah.
Why didn't you stop him? I didn't know I was supposed to.
Oh, Christian! Lawson? (MUSICAL RINGTONE PLAYS) Hey.
Uh, yeah, listen.
I've almost got it for you.
I think you should call in.
Hey? Two minutes.
Then I'm all yours again.
I promise.
(COMPUTER BEEPS) OK, I've got a location for you.
I'm a cop.
What the hell? You Get out.
Give me your phone.
(TYRES SCREECH) STELLA: Josh just going postal I don't even want to think about it.
Alright, look.
There is no evidence of that, Stell.
Well, what's your gut say? Oh, my gut says .
"Feed me and take a crap," alright? What? Well, why did he call you? I dunno.
Is something going on between you two? (GROANS) No, I'm serious.
You don't trust a guy like that.
Lawson, there's He's senior to you.
OK? You'll be the one who ends up paying for it.
Did you give Shannon that speech? I don't think I can do this.
Yes, you can.
You're just hung-over.
Josh is alive? Uh, yeah.
Dunno yet.
You better tell Tash.
Well, someone needs to.
Well, let's just find him first.
Got an Intell guy coming in.
Just gotta make do at the moment.
Uh, there's no match on your boat guy.
WOMAN: (ON RECORDING) There's been a shooting.
WOMAN 2: (ON RECORDING) Can I have your name, please? WOMAN: Go to the shed near Hampton Pier.
Can you tell me? You need to get the cop.
Scar on his face.
Where did this call come from? Mobile.
Got the main board looking it up.
Jeez, they're taking their time.
Well, I can do that.
Let's put a KALOF out on him.
Heyno KALOF.
Do it, Christian.
Christian, put the phone down.
Guys, can I speak to you out the back? What good is a KALOF on Josh gonna do for us? Might help us find him.
He's already shot one person.
Charlie, you don't know that.
Have you been speaking to Josh? No.
So, you don't know what's going on in his head.
Look, he wouldn't have taken a weapon from here unless he was on a job.
Then why hasn't he called it in? Maybe he thinks you'll stuff it up.
So, you agree that he's working on his own? We've chased crook after crook for weeks.
What is there to show for it? A coffin for Michael.
This Russian guy - the Cuckoo How's that going for you? Talking every hour, on the hour, is he? He'll talk.
He's not gonna talk.
That's got nothing to do with Josh! Would you guys shut up?! Now, we've got nothing that's gonna lead us to this bomb, right? No, not right this second.
Let the task force deal with that.
In the meantime, let's just find out where Josh is.
But no KALOF.
Hey, Lawson? Aren't you worried that Josh hasn't contacted you? I mean, he wouldn't do that.
Not if he was in the right frame of mind.
It'd be nice if you'd back him.
Kerry?I've located the phone.
Oh, God.
What are you doin'? Putting my boots on.
Well, we're leaving.
Do you think Josh has lost it? No.
Well, he's our target.
No, he's not our target.
We're after whoever he's after, like always.
I mean, why does everyone automatically assume that, suddenly, Josh is some kind of nut case? Well, I wouldn't say it's sudden.
So, where were you? (SIGHS) Were you with Josh? You were at Tash's place.
(TYRES SCREECH) Hands where I can see 'em! Slowly.
How'd you find me? Your phone - give it to me.
Get out.
Hurry up.
On your knees.
Face the car.
Put these on.
Hands behind your back.
Get in.
(TYRES SCREECH) LAWSON: Alright, Shann, run the reg, yeah? The signal hasn't died, so the phone must be around here somewhere.
Well, where's the number? On the laptop.
(DIALS) So, what do you think Josh is up to? Well, according to Charlie, mass murder, and according to Lawson, I'm Charlie's little receptacle.
(PHONE RINGING TONE) I thought he was dead.
SHANNON: Eh? Josh.
I mean, that's where we're headed today, right? What do you mean? Don't you get that feeling, when the shit storm's about to hit? Yeah, but you don't know that We're on the path now.
It's done.
(MOBILE PHONE CONTINUES RINGING) Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait.
Stell, wait, wait.
(PHONE CONTINUES RINGING) Oh! It's so dark in here.
You got me? Yes, yes.
OK, get me up.
Get me up.
One stinky phone for madam.
(MELANIE LAUGHS) Maybe I should get the bill.
Really? Noactually.
I'm safer here.
(PHONE CONTINUES RINGING) Shouldn't you answer it? and leave you all by yourself, so, no.
What do you do? Uh, it's nothing important.
Actually, I'm helping a mate track a guy who killed another mate.
And there's a bomb.
But we don't know where it is.
Which game is this? Let's play.
Found the phone.
Look at the diary.
There's dates, times.
That's a log.
There's a bag of clothes in the boot.
CHARLIE: Making a break for it? Surveillance shots.
Whoever she is, she's looking into the same people as us.
And Josh is looking at her.
Let's split up, cover some ground.
No, hang on.
Josh will be way ahead of us.
He's on his own.
He doesn't have any support.
He knew her phone was being tracked.
That's why he dumped it.
Someone's helping him.
Kerry, we need to triangulate another phone.
KERRY: Uh, maybe Shannon can talk me through it.
They know you're on this.
Who? Your friends.
I told them to come and get you out of the way.
Who do you work for? You know I can't tell you that.
Then tell me where Nick's gone.
You should let it go .
for all our sakes.
Look, I'm not gonna blow your cover.
You're going to make a mistake.
That's not your concern.
Someone has to stop you.
Is that your job, is it? Why are you following them? You don't want to know that.
You just want to know which one killed your friend.
I know which one.
But you don't know where he's gone.
I can't let you kill him.
MAN: The cops want coffee.
It was really nice meeting you.
Stay where you are.
Hey, Lawson.
Whoa! Hey, whoa! Just chill! Chill! My stuff! My stuff! LAWSON: Get it.
Just Whoa! Christ.
Relax, man.
MAN: What's he done? MAN 2: Probably illegal downloads.
MAN: Yeah, right.
(GROANS) Would you like me to look at that? Stay there.
What - are you a doctor? Why do you want to kill Nick? Because he killed my friend.
Your friend was always going to die.
I can't accept that.
Katya .
why did you help me? Well, if you're supposed to be focused on the big picture, whatever the fuck that is, why didn't you let them kill me? You're right.
I should have.
But I didn't.
Well, I'm not doing you any favours until you tell me where Nick is.
Oh, good morning.
Work out who she is.
Start by pulling down the street cams.
Yeah, I know what to do.
The abandoned car was in Monroe Street car park.
Yeah, I've got it.
Well, start doing it, then.
Alright, I've got it.
Oh, perfect.
Grab the reg from the car.
LEON: Yep.
I still want to know who she is.
Yeah, can I can I have a moment, please? The car took off to the north.
Right, I want every available police officer looking for that car.
What are we gonna do? About Josh? We'll make sure he's safe.
Well, today, he might.
From himself? I've got a bad feeling Oh, that's the problem with you.
Too much attention on how everyone feels! So, you reckon Josh is operating as Tactical Response? Yeah, I do.
Those two things don't go together.
You can't have it both ways.
We're a Tactical Response Squad.
We don't project our ideas onto a situation.
We don't draw a picture inside our head and then fill it out.
Forget it's Josh.
Respond to and with action.
LEON: Kerry? Yeah.
She doesn't exist.
Oh, come on! There's gotta be something.
She's got a passport.
The one thing I can tell you is the phone that she used to dial triple-0 on, she made another call to a separate mobile.
I traced that call to Flinders Wharf, South Melbourne.
I checked the street cams in the area.
Look at this.
Michael's shooter.
Entered the building 20 minutes ago.
Oh, shit.
Any sign of Josh? Nah.
Alright, Lawson, we've got a location for Michael's shooter.
It's, uh, Flinders Wharf, South Melbourne.
LEON: Siddeley Street.
Siddeley Street.
Yeah, he entered the building 20 minutes ago.
(SIGHS) Look, don't read anything into it, OK? You think I'll do whatever you want? No, not at all.
Everyone was hanging on, hoping for something.
Why didn't you call the whole team in? (SIGHS) Look, I wanted to check things out first, OK? I had very little intell I didn't know what I was gonna find, Stella.
I'm the one who's tried to get you, Charlie.
(SIGHS) I know that.
Look, if Lawson has an issue with me calling you first, then I'll deal with it, OK? You don't have to be involved.
You shouldn't play mind games with him.
There's nothing wrong with being smart, right? I'm not playing games, Stella.
I'm the one that's tried to stop all this 'me versus them' bullshit.
Yeah, but you've never really got those two.
You know what? Their loyalty to one another is dangerous.
Oh, so End of story.
Alright, if you see Josh, don't approach him.
You call me.
Hey? He's not our target.
We've got two targets.
Let's just concentrate on the one who put two bullets into Michael.
Of course.
STELLA: I'll take the stairs.
Shann? CHARLIE: Christian, go left.
(LIFT BELL DINGS) Whoa! Stell Josh? He's the shooter.
Yeah, yeah, we know.
The others are inside, heading towards him now.
I'm not letting it happen again.
I don't want anyone going near him.
Josh, listen.
It's not gonna happen, alright? Come back over and head down with me.
No, just leave it with me! Listen We don't go one out.
You know that.
Josh is here.
There he is.
(GROANS) Josh? Just focus on the offender, Charlie.
Kerry, now is not the time to be playing favourites.
Charlie, just do as I say.
You'll be getting one too, don't you worry, when all this is finished.
I'm helping here.
You have been working with Josh outside the bounds of this office.
Would you say no to Josh? I'd say no to anyone.
Stop! Who are you with? The police.
I want you to lie face down (GUNSHOTS) (DOOR SLAMS) (PHONE RINGS) Yep? Yeah, it is.
Yes, yes.
We did run a check on that passport.
LEON: Shannon, Stell, he's heading towards you.
Can I ask? STELLA: Police! Don't move! (FIRES GUN) SHANNON: Shots fired.
Come on! He's on the 11th floor.
Get here now, Stell.
LEON: He's on the western stairwell, heading down.
Well, I'd do that under advisement.
They want us to get rid of all that stuff we've got on Josh's girl.
Who wants us to lose it? It's funny how THEY never ring just to say hi, isn't it? Just lose it.
Lose it, Leon.
He's made it to the level one corridor, CHRISTIAN: Ooh Stell Put it down.
Don't be a dickhead, Charlie.
Joshback off.
They don't need to see you like this.
What was that? SHANNON: Get out here, Lawson.
Is there a camera on the wharf? Uh, yep.
We need it.
Come on.
Where's Stella? She's not responding.
Stell? CHARLIE: Shit.
Oh, shit.
CHARLIE: Stella? Stell, talk to me.
It's better if you all leave.
No, no, no.
We're not gonna do that, Stell.
Please Stell? CHARLIE: Stella? Yeah.
I think I do.
Look, Josh doesn't want you to do it.
(CRIES) Do you, Josh? Josh, what about? JOSH: Stell (QUIETLY) What about Michael? Stella, put the weapon down now.
What did you say to me this morning? I-I don't remember.
Yes, you do.
Hey? You said, "You can't have it both ways.
" Your words, not mine.
Alright, now, Josh is gonna come to you now.
And you're going to make the arrest.
(CRIES) I'm with ya.
(SOBS) She needs a break.
Yeah, maybe.
Well, maybe that's something you should have picked up, as her senior officer.
Look, the fact is she did her job, she made the arrest.
Yeah, after a bit of coaching.
Well, we all need a hand some time, don't we? She needs to be assessed, and Josh too.
OK, fine, but do you really think any sane human being could do all of this without occasionally flipping out? Only a sociopath never worries, Charlie.
You're the one not worrying.
(SCOFFS) Yeah.
Well, then, maybe you need to get me assessed as well.
How's Stell? I mean, she's OKconsidering.
Been hitting the grog pretty hard since Michael, you know? I'll kick her arse in training.
You know you may have some explaining to do.
Just doin' a job.
(CHUCKLES) Yeah, right.
Well, if you can make that fly, I'll buy the beer for the next month.
I punched in.
What? This morning at base, I signed on for my shift, got my weapons and my gear.
You know who's gonna check that? Alright.
Who was the woman? She wouldn't say.
But she gave me a lead on the shooter.
He knows the guy you've got in custody.
She's messy.
Yeah, she's, um .
she's pretty messy.
You know we all thought you were dead? I'm sorry, mate.
Go ahead.
I deserve it.
Rip me a new one.
Go on.
I really like you, Leon.
You're a good guy.
And you've made yourself part of this team.
I mean, it says a lot about you and your ability that you can sit in that chair and you can have a real impact on the outcomes of what those guys do out there.
We have really all really come to rely on you.
Oh, well .
thank you.
Too much.
Well, Itry my best.

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