Stargate SG-1 s05e01 Episode Script


Previously on "Stargate SG-1": - This is the sun that Vorash is orbiting.
|- We wanna blow it up.
- What the hell was that?|- We're under attack.
Hyperdrive is down.
We're sitting ducks.
(Apophis) We must not|allow Tanith to escape.
Teal'c, pull up! (O'Neill) Mayday, mayday! - We are so goin' in!|- Jack, can you hear me? So? Now what? Four minutes before the sun|begins to supernova.
Daniel, just get me the hell outta here! Engaging hyperdrive.
Where's Teal'c? I think he's dead.
We've travelled|over four million light years.
- That's impossible.
|- It's gonna take us 125 years to get back.
It's Apophis.
(narrator) And now, the conclusion.
- He's arming weapons.
|- Shields? Not responding.
Not that|they'd do much good anyway.
That ship has weapons powerful enough|to penetrate shields at full power.
Hyperdrive? Not responding.
The blast wave that|propelled us here did some damage.
Can we communicate with them? - And say what?|- I don't know.
"Don't shoot"? (distorted) Kree, Lord Apophis.
I am Selmak of the Tok'ra,|commander of this ship.
"Commander"? You wanna bicker about rank now? Onak rak, shel Apophis! - He's looking a little pissed.
|- We did just destroy his fleet.
Rak lo najaquna, shel re hara kek! He says it's time for us to die.
I don't know if you checked your|dashboard, but we're both way off course.
Harek rel kree lo mak! He's saying he knows everything.
Onak rak shel na! He's also saying|there's nothing we can do to help him.
He's going to destroy us.
- We surrender.
|- What? Daniel? He'll blow us to pieces.
|I'm trying to buy time.
Kla mel ha rak.
What'd he say? "Too late.
" I can't stand it.
What's he waitin' for? - What happened?|- I'm picking up another ship on sensors.
It's coming in fast.
They're firing on Apophis.
- What are you doing?|- Getting the hell outta here.
That ship is unlike anything|in the computer records.
We are in an uncharted part|of the universe.
I'm enjoying their style -|shoot first, send flowers later.
- Works.
|- But it only fired at Apophis.
Well, his ship's a much bigger threat.
- Think they were trying to save us?|- It's possible.
We may still find out.
We won't|get far on sublight engines.
And whoever wins the fight|will probably come looking for us.
- Now what are you doing?|- This system is centred on a blue giant.
If we can move close enough|to the coronasphere, the radiation should|keep us off their sensors.
Excuse me? Radiation? Well, the ship's hull will protect us.
For a while.
We're entering the coronasphere.
The good news is that we won't show up|on anyone else's sensors.
The bad news is|our sensors will be blocked as well.
So when we're ready to go, we won't|know if someone's waiting for us.
- How long do we have?|- About an hour without full shields.
Ten hours with them.
Sam, you wanna give me a hand? - I'd fix the shields first.
|- (Jacob) Right, Jack.
Just a suggestion.
- Are you OK?|- Just thinking about Teal'c.
Five minutes.
And nine hours.
|The shields are back on line.
- Oh, boy.
|- How bad is it? It's bad.
The hyperdrive control crystals|are all completely shot.
We already used the backups.
I don't suppose you wanna|talk about what happened on Vorash? Not really.
Didn't think so.
We were ambushed at the rings.
Teal'c took one in the back.
I should have seen it comin'.
I thought the key to a good ambush was|to make sure that you don't see it comin'.
My point is that I'm|I'm sure that you did your best.
Apparently it wasn't good enough.
(Stargate alarm) - Receiving Tok'ra IDC, sir.
|- Open the iris.
Stand down.
Welcome to Earth.
I'm General Hammond.
I am Councilwoman Ren'al of the Tok'ra.
Would you please come this way? - I assume you have news.
|- Yes.
We had two scout ships as close|to the region as safety permitted.
Sensors confirmed the star|did go supernova as planned.
As far as we can tell, Apophis' fleet|was in close proximity as it happened.
As far as you can tell? Our data only covers|the time prior to the blast wave.
An energy burst of that magnitude|blacks out sensor readings for some time.
However, I can assure you there's no way|for a mothership to have survived.
And there's been|no communication from SG-1? No.
A one-man pod was launched|from Apophis' mothership - minutes prior to the explosion.
|- Apophis? It is possible.
But that would mean|he had anticipated the explosion, - and his fleet should have escaped.
|- Then who was it? We tracked the pod into Goa'uld-occupied|territory, but could not follow further.
There was one, possibly two subspace|distortions during the explosion that could be explained by ships|attempting to enter hyperspace.
However, we're fairly confident they did|not make it out prior to the blast wave.
- So you're saying SG-1 did not survive?|- The possibility is extremely remote.
If they had, they should|have contacted us by now.
You can rest assured,|whether or not SG-1 survived, their action has thrown|the Goa'uld into chaos.
The resultant void in dominant power will have the remaining System Lords|fighting each other for years to come.
Thank you.
The Tok'ra are officially considering|Selmak a fallen war hero.
You'll forgive me for|holding out hope a little longer.
SG-1 has a surprisingly|good habit of beating the odds.
This is not gonna work.
(O'Neill) Hey, it's gettin'|a little hot up here, kids.
We're running out of time.
- The hyperdrive is history.
|- Retrofitting other crystals didn't work.
But it'd take 100 years to get home|even with the hyperdrive.
- Yeah.
|- So, long term, what's the difference? Well, in the short term, it'll be|hard to avoid enemy ships.
- Weapons and shields?|- Good for now.
- Good enough to cover our butts?|- We'll see.
Moving out of the coronasphere.
The sensors are coming back on line.
I'm picking up one ship.
- It's Apophis.
|- What about the other one? - It's not out there.
|- Can Apophis see us yet? He should be able to, but he's not moving.
Maybe his ship|was damaged in the battle.
That's impossible.
- Care to share?|- It says there's no life signs on board.
What if the other ship|comes back while we're there? We're sitting ducks|no matter where we are.
If Apophis' ship is damaged|and we can repair it, we should.
It's faster, has more advanced weaponry,|and superior shields.
- It still got its fanny whupped.
|- We won't know why until we get there.
At the very least, we need|hyperdrive control crystals.
(computer) Kree, arak ushtrak.
|Oona karak.
Kree, arak ushtrak.
Oona karak.
- What's he saying?|- The self-destruct is set.
We have four minutes.
I'll try|and shut it off from the peltak.
- Sam, you know where the crystals are?|- We'll get 'em.
This way, sir.
It's not far.
Carter, how do you know|where to go in a place like this? I studied the Tok'ra specs of this ship|while we were on Vorash.
- You know how to have a good time.
|- I'm havin' a good time now, sir.
You go, girl.
(Carter) Clear.
(scurrying) - What was it?|- I don't know.
But it sounds eerily familiar.
Jacob, do you read? - Yeah.
|- Uh, we should get outta here.
Yeah, I figured that.
- Guys, what's goin' on?|- (Sam) It's crawling with replicators.
(Jacob) Sam, I can't|shut down the auto-destruct.
- I'll meet you in the ring room.
|- We'll try to get the crystals.
You have three minutes.
Daniel, you'll have to fly that ship|as soon as we ring back aboard.
And you'll have to tell me how to do that.
Sam, Jack.
One minute.
Sam! Jack! Do you read? (gunfire) Activate the rings! - We got 'em.
|- Go, Daniel! No time to fix the hyperdrive.
Let's hope the sublight engines|get us far enough away.
It won't matter if the replicators|stop the auto-destruct.
They'd have to learn to reprogram|a Goa'uld computer awfully quick.
- If they get control of that ship|- Hey! You guys are being too negative! - We're not gonna make it!|- We're going as fast as we can.
Shut down engines!|Divert power to the shields! Be my guest.
That was close.
I believe someone said|"We're not gonna make it.
" Sam, let's get the hyperdrive running.
Excuse me.
I distinctly remember someone saying "We're not gonna make it!" - I think we made it.
|- I'm sorry.
I overreacted.
It looked very much|like we weren't going to make it.
Yes, well, maybe next time|you'll just wait and see.
And blow the last chance|I might ever have to be right? What? Welcome to my life.
What? We're good to go.
(Daniel) Engine room, this is peltak.
|Come in immediately.
- We've left him in charge once too often.
|- What is it, Daniel? I'm picking up a ship on the sensors.
Now what? Someone must have escaped|Apophis' ship before the bugs took over.
- Who?|- It's a Goa'uld cargo ship.
I'm sending a hailing signal.
(distorted) I am Selmak of the Tok'ra,|commander of this ship.
You know, we really should talk|about this "commander" thing.
Identify yourself.
- Teal'c!|- O'Neill.
- You made it!|- Apophis revived me in his sarcophagus.
We fled his ship|when the replicators attacked.
- "We"?|- There are other life signs on the ship.
Who ya got with ya, Teal'c? A few Jaffa who supported our cause.
|They helped me escape.
Opening the cargo bay doors.
- Welcome back.
|- Thank you, O'Neill.
Hey! Buddy! What ya got goin' here, Teal'c? Well done, Teal'c.
Finally you have resumed|your rightful position as my first prime.
All right, this is feeling|like a strange plan, but just let me know what to do|and when.
Come on, Teal'c.
You don't really think|that you're still first prime of Apophis? I have never ceased|to be in the service of my god.
All right, that's sounding|a little brainwashy.
You don't believe that guy's a god|any more than I do.
What the hell's that supposed to mean? Come on, we're friends.
Are you|tryin' to tell me you don't remember - what's happened these past four years?|- I remember everything.
It makes me ill to think I was forced|to pretend to be your friend.
So many times I saved your life|when I wished I could watch you die.
It hurts me that you would say that, but that's OK, because I know it's not true.
- Your belief is not necessary.
|- It doesn't make any sense.
Come on! You and I have|taken down half a dozen Goa'ulds.
- Enemies of Apophis.
|- And we kicked his ass twice! - Hell, you watched him die once.
|- I knew he would be reborn - more powerful than ever.
|- I'm talkin' to a wall.
Anybody? Teal'c, you remember when Apophis|brainwashed your son, Rya'c? Consider the possibility.
Or don't.
Unload the sarcophagus|and the crates from the cargo ship.
Gotta wonder why|they didn't put us in the brig.
It's on one of the lower levels.
It was|probably damaged in the firefight.
Think you can hot-wire this thing? I'd assume there's some safety|mechanism to ensure against that.
Otherwise it'd be pretty stupid|to lock us in here, wouldn't it? Of course, I could give it a shot sir.
Thank you.
- Disgusting decoration.
|- Course has been plotted for Delmak.
Diverting all power from shields and|weapons, and entering hyperspeed.
The Tok'ra Selmak|has thus far eluded capture.
I will see to it personally, my lord.
I am sure you will not fail me, Teal'c.
I really have no idea what I'm doing here.
- Keep tryin'.
You might get lucky.
|- Sir, I hate to sound negative, but I think without a little more insight|into how these things actually work, I've got pretty much|zero chance of hitting OK, maybe not zero.
Come on.
Come on, Teal'c.
|A part of you has to know the truth.
The truth is, you are|a prisoner of Apophis.
When the symbiote that I carry matures,|you will become its host.
OK, l I meant the other truth.
(O'Neill) Look out! We shall die long before we reach Delmak|without new symbiotes! Apophis will live on, and we shall serve him well|until we die with honour in his name.
My lord, the internal sensors|have shut down.
Power is being diverted|from the hyperdrive.
We're out of hyperspeed.
My lord, the ship's systems are failing.
I am unable to bring|the engines back on line.
Harak, kla mel.
Uh, excuse me.
- This could be a problem.
|- Sir, if they've got control - of the primary systems|- This could be a problem.
It won't attack unless you threaten it.
Still, maybe we should, um (Teal'c) My lord, the ship|is infested with replicators.
- How?|- I am unsure.
- They control the engine room.
|- Destroy them! We cannot.
There are too many ofthem|and too few ofus.
We must Kree, Jaffa! Kree hak! (agonised screams) (Daniel) Hello.
It's been, what, 10, 1 1 hours|since we picked up the cargo ship? The replicators have had time to|reach unmanageably large numbers.
Let's just hope they left|the cargo ship alone.
Chances are they have.
They'd focus|on controlling the mothership.
Brainwashed or not,|we can't leave Teal'c.
I know.
You and Jacob secure|the cargo ship.
Carter, you're with me.
You know how to use one of these? Sure.
We must ensure that Apophis|reaches the cargo bay.
He is a god.
Is he powerless|against these demons? What you say is blasphemy.
|If I hear it again, I will kill you.
If our weapons have no effect,|what can we do? Human weapons will work.
|There are crates of them in storage.
(scurrying) Jaffa.
Teal'c! We've got to get off this ship! Now! (Jacob) Atmospheric shield is on line!|Cargo bay is pressurised.
Looks clear.
I have what may seem|like a dumb question.
Don't we need to open|those cargo bay doors to fly out? This ship has remote access|to the door controls.
- Hopefully, the bugs haven't overridden it.
|- You you don't want to check? I don't wanna tip 'em off|before we have to.
Sir, we gotta move! He's alive.
Hope Junior keeps him that way.
Yeah, here you go.
- He's been shot!|- He resisted a little.
- I thought you weren't gonna make it.
|- I didn't say it, though.
Better tie him up.
- What was that?|- The mothership jumped to hyperspeed.
- Now what?|- Now nothin'.
We can't open the cargo bay doors|and fly out while we're in hyperspace.
According to this, the ship is headed|towards the last coordinates entered: Sokar's old planet, Apophis' new base.
- Uh, Dad.
|- I see.
The ship is travelling at ten times|its capable hyperspeed? And the speed's still increasing.
|20 times 30 This is incredible.
The bugs|must have modified the engines.
- They can do that?|- They can do almost anything.
Blocks come together to form whatever|pattern they need to achieve their goals.
- But they don't care about travelling fast.
|- Only while multiplying.
Once they reach a critical number, they|look for new technology to consume.
Then our data about Apophis' base|must make it look pretty appetising.
This is great news.
We'll be back|in our own galaxy in no time.
When they exit hyperspeed,|we can fly home.
I wouldn't exactly call that great news.
We can't let the bugs|get a foothold in our galaxy.
They're relentless.
|Even the Asgard can't stop them.
- What about self-destruct?|- Right.
Once it was set on Apophis' ship,|the bugs couldn't shut it off.
Looks like the bugs|figured out Goa'uld computers.
I can't get into the main system.
Let's figure this out.
|We got 'em on Thor's ship.
- How?|- We destroyed the deceleration drive before the ship|entered Earth's atmosphere.
It couldn't withstand|an uncontrolled re-entry.
Goa'uld ships use sublight engines|to slow down after exiting hyperspace.
- If we destroy the engine controls|- The ship won't be able to stop.
And it'll crash right into Apophis' planet.
We'd have to wait until just after|the ship came out of hyperspace so the bugs have no time|to change trajectory.
How do we destroy these engines? All we have to do|is eliminate the control crystals.
- In the engine room.
|- Which is Bug Central, probably.
So we plant C4.
The bugs could disable the detonator|by the time we leave and set it off.
What are you saying? We would have to physically|destroy the crystals ourselves.
- A P90 at close range should do the job.
|- That doesn't sound You got a better idea, Mr Positive? The ship's reached over 800 times|its previous maximum speed.
One of us should get the cargo ship|charged up and ready to go.
That would be you.
|Carter, Daniel, with me.
It's gonna be tight, guys.
|You only have about 30 seconds to get from the engine room|back to the cargo bay.
- Just keep it runnin'.
|- All right.
Good luck.
Oh, crap.
What the hell is that? That is a big bug.
I guess that explains the extra power.
Uh, listen Let's not wake it up.
OK, the control panel - Ready?|- Wait for it, sir.
Go, go, go, go, go! That's the way we have to go.
Let's go! Guys, we gotta go now! Jack! Sam! Daniel! Dad! We're cut offfrom the cargo bay.
We've made it to the ring room on|level ten.
Can you ring us up remotely? - I'll try.
|- Hurry! - Thanks.
|- Let's get outta here! - The doors are closing.
|- They've overridden our controls.
- Are we gonna make it?|- I don't wanna say.
- I'm gonna check on Teal'c.
|- Jack You got his body back.
Getting|his mind back may not be as easy.
You may torture me all you wish.
|I will tell you nothing.
I'm sorry I had to shoot you.
You didn't give me much choice, though.
Apophis is dead.
I do not believe you.
Trust me.
Gods cannot be killed.

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