Hercules: The Legendary Journeys s05e02 Episode Script


Gods of Sumeria, I've never prayed before.
Not even to my own gods.
But I don't know what else to do.
I don't have the words to tell you what lolaus meant to me.
So I'm asking you to look into my heart.
Hear me.
Hear my prayer.
Nebula! No! lolaus! Please.
Help me.
I need him back.
Hercules? We took down Gilgamesh! lolaus died fighting for you! Show me you have more compassion than the gods that I know and bring him back! You owe him that! Do you hear me? Are you even listening? I won't let you go.
I'm sorry to disturb you, Hercules.
- Get out.
- Please! We must prepare his body for burial.
Don't you touch him! - Hercules! - Get out of here.
What are you doing? Leave us.
Come on.
You've looked better.
It's been three days.
Why don't you eat something? Get some sleep.
Not until this is finished.
You wanna clue me in? The gods are the same everywhere, Nebula.
If they don't want to come to me, then I'll go to them.
I'm getting lolaus back.
I know it hurts.
I think about him all the time too.
But you just can't walk into the underworld and take him back from the dead.
Watch me.
This is the story of a time long ago, a time of myth and legend, when the ancient gods were petty and cruel, and they plagued mankind with suffering.
Only one man dared to challenge their power Hercules.
Hercules possessed a strength the world had never seen, a strength surpassed only by the power of his heart.
He journeyed the earth, battling the minions of his wicked stepmother, Hera, the all-powerful queen of the gods.
But wherever there was evil, wherever an innocent would suffer, there would be Hercules.
Hail! Tell me how to get to the underworld.
No! Listen to me.
You're not thinking straight.
My thinking's never been clearer.
I let my best friend down.
It's my job to make that right.
Stop! Don't you see, this is the last thing in the world he would have wanted? He fought by your side all his life, because he believed in what you stood for.
If you don't make it back, he will have died for nothing.
If lolaus were in my place, he would do the same for me.
Supposedly, the door to the underworld is at the Euphrates.
In the darkest heart of the jungle.
And if you insist on being so stubborn about this, I'm gonna have to come along and babysit you.
No chance.
Can't worry about you too.
Brother, you don't have much of a choice.
- Unless, of course, you stay.
- Stay out of my way, Nebula.
I mean it.
So do I.
If you go, I go.
Hercules? He's gone.
We have to accept that.
I don't know if I can.
Hercules? Thought you might want something to eat.
Damn him.
Sit! Thank you.
- Eat.
- I don't have anything to offer you in return.
Your company will do.
This land can be cruel to strangers.
Then, what are you doing out here alone, in the middle of the night? I might ask you the same question.
If I told you, you'd probably think I was crazy.
You are at the beginning of an extraordinary quest.
And there's doubt in your heart.
That doesn't make you crazy.
Is this the standard fortune-teller routine? - Or did the gods send you? - I'm their servant.
Just like you are.
You shouldn't make assumptions about people you just met.
Don't listen to anyone who tells you not to go on! Only weak men fear the consequences of their actions.
Your eyes have not yet grown accustomed to darkness.
But they will.
They will.
- What are you doing here? - I could ask you the same question.
This is as far as you go.
You lied to me.
I was trying to protect you.
What do you think I was trying to do? I don't want your help! lolaus was my partner, my responsibility.
I'm getting sick and tired of watching you act like you're the only one who lost something! Oh, yeah? And what did you lose, Nebula? A repeat performance of your one-night stand? You listen to me, Hercules.
I may not have known him as long as you did, but I loved him too.
In fact, he's the only man that I probably ever did love.
He gave his life for me.
So don't you dare tell me that I didn'tlosesomething.
I shouldn't have said that.
No, you shouldn't have.
I knew lolaus his whole life.
I saw the way you two looked at each other.
He cared for you a great deal.
I don't know why I said what I said.
I'm sorry.
It's a long hike up the river.
I I brought a crew and some supplies with me.
I figure if we leave now, it'll take us about three days.
Why don't you go on? I'll-I'll catch up.
You're not gonna No.
I don't know what's happening to me.
We keep moving upriver for another day or two.
It'll spit us out into uncharted territory.
From there, we hoof it.
We have only legend and rumor to guide us to the temple of Damuzi.
- Who's that? - The gatekeeper to the underworld.
No living mortal has ever laid eyes on him.
Well, I hope for his sake he's feeling cooperative.
By the gods! I don't like the looks of this.
The eyes are the window to the soul.
Look at the eyes! They have been desecrated.
We risk our souls by traveling further.
It is true.
What's this marking? I've seen it before.
- Where? - On an old woman I met last night.
That was no ordinary old woman.
It was a spirit sent by the gods as a warning.
She appears only to the damned.
We have been warned by the gods not to proceed.
- To go on would be sacrilege.
- Is that right? Where I come from, you make your own destiny.
Anyone who wants to leave can go.
I'm not turning back.
I'm with Hercules.
And you? We have our duty to the throne.
We will stay with our queen.
Even if she is following a damned soul.
You've got it backwards.
I'm damned if Idon'tgo.
So, that's the legendary Hercules, is it? In the flesh.
Gotta say, I'm a little disappointed.
Why? Were you expecting him tofly? I thought he'd be a little more I don't know inspiring.
I mean, he took down the Hydra and the Cyclops.
I was hoping for some action.
If you came looking for a cheap thrill, you got the wrong place, at the wrong time, with the wrong guy.
- I I didn't mean - I don't care what you meant.
I'm not here to entertain you.
Just stay out of my way.
- Screw this! - Danaeus! I Great.
Captain! I was gathering wood, and I found this.
That's Danaeus's shirt.
Danaeus! Danaeus? Turn around, Nebula.
Trust me.
- What happened to him? - I don't know.
I heard a sound, and I came to check it out.
That's when I found him.
Never seen anything like this.
I beg you.
Let us turn back, before Hercules dooms us all.
If you've got something to say, you say it to me.
You'd gladly lead us to our death in your own quest.
This crazy idea of saving your friend.
He's dead! Don't you understand? He's gone! Not until I say so! Stop it! You're choking him! You okay? Hey.
You want to tell me what that was all about? Fine.
Let me tell you this.
Next time you feel like strangling one of my crew members, I won't be so quick to ask why.
Is that a threat? What if it is? You gonna hit me now? Hmm? Is that gonna make you feel better? Have you listened to yourself lately? Since when has it become a crime to disagree with you? I don't know what's happening to me.
I look around, and all I feel is rage.
You're grieving! What? It's more than that.
Like I said, I don't know! I don't know.
You're Hercules.
In case you forgot what that means, I'll remind you.
You're at your best when things are at their worst.
You give people hope when they don't have any of their own.
But if there's one thing that Idoknow, you're gonna be fine.
Because you always are.
Nowwhere are you going? Danaeus deserves a proper burial.
I owe him that much.
Hercules! lolaus? - I knew you'd come and get me, buddy.
- I couldn't give up on you.
You should have.
Whatisthat? It's a ship.
I- It must have crashed.
I doubt it.
This way.
What is this? There was a fight here.
- Look around.
These men were all armed.
- A fight? Against what? That's what I'd like to know.
They all look like Danaeus did.
It's like they've been drained.
Let me guess.
Giant bat? It could happen.
That's what I call a speedy recovery.
Get out of the ship now.
- I said, get out of here! - Let's go! They're not dying! This was definitely not a boating accident.
- Why, I oughta - Must be a spare.
No! I Nebula! Got it! Kill me! - Kill me! - Sorry, Danaeus.
Get off the ship! Now! Let's go! Thanks.
Come on! Let's go! Move! Hurry! Come on! Come on! This way! Go! Go! No.
Stay here.
My queen.
The men would rather live with the shame of desertion than die like the others.
Can't say that I blame them.
I will not be joining them.
My place is by your side.
Not today.
Go with them.
That's an order.
Please come with us.
The people of Sumeria have already lost one leader.
- We cannot afford to lose another.
- You won't.
Let's go.
Back in the boat, it was like Danaeus was fighting himself.
Like he was resisting something.
He was under Damuzi's control.
They all were.
How do you figure? He's the gatekeeper to the underworld, right? Who else could stop souls from crossing over? Well, let's say you're right.
What's in it for him? I don't know.
You all right? Yeah, fine.
Just I'm just tired.
Come here.
Sit over here for a while.
Let me take a look at that arm.
Well, I figure we're all headed for the underworld sooner or later.
Want to race? - You're not gonna die.
- That's what I'm afraid of.
I don't want to end up like Danaeus and the others.
Promise me you won't let that happen.
Promise me you'll kill me first.
It won't come to that.
Promise me.
Or you'll have a lot of cleaning up to do.
I promise.
Good boy.
Help me up.
What is it? Do you hear that? I don't hear anything.
Nebula! Nebula, wait! Wait! Look at me! He's calling me.
It's like a part of me is fading away.
I'm afraid.
Listen to me.
We still have time.
Wait! Wait! He led me here.
I'll be right back.
I hope you're a man that keeps his promises.
Kill me.
Or I'll kill you.
Damuzi's making you do this.
You're not dead yet.
Fight him! I know you can! Do it.
But that's a promise I can't keep.
Don't go anywhere.
Damuzi! Damuzi, show yourself! You can't sneak up on a mirror, Hercules.
Your reflection always stares back at you.
The gods are the same all over.
They take an eternity to say absolutely nothing.
Your ears have grown so accustomed to the sound of your own lies.
You no longer hear the truth.
I didn't come here to talk.
You have something that belongs to me.
- A soul? - My friend.
And why should I give you anything? Because I'll kill you if you don't.
Like you killed the other gods? Yes! Your victory against Dahak came at a heavy price.
The chalice was our only sustenance, and you let Gilgamesh destroy it.
I had no choice but to find a new source of nourishment.
- Human souls.
- You have no right to look upon me with judgment.
My brothers and sisters are dead because of you.
I'm not even gonna pretend I care.
It's bad enough the gods won't let people lead their lives; now you won't even let them die in peace.
The world will be a better place without all of you.
It's easier for you to blame us for human suffering than take responsibility yourself! Surely you must remember the look on your friend's face.
When he took his last breath? I'm gonna remember the look on your face when you take yours.
You knew then.
lolaus paid the price for his loyalty to you! I'm here for his refund.
You can no longer deny what you know in your heart.
You killed him, as surely as if you'd thrown the knife yourself.
lolaus died fighting for what he believed in.
You allowed him to be sacrificed in your name.
And that makes you no different than a god.
I amnothinglike you.
You're worse.
You trick mortals into thinking you're their savior, when you've been their greatest enemy all along.
Your rage betrays your true feelings.
You're everything you most despise.
Your soul will feed a world of gods.
It will sustain me for an eternity! Give me my friend back or eternity ends now.
lolaus crossed over to the underworld before I began collecting souls.
Your friend is lost to you forever.
My deepest sympathies.
lolaus! No! How you feeling? Been better.
You? When do you start back for Greece? I'm not going back.
There's nothing there for me.
You can't let this destroy you, Hercules.
- lolaus - lolaus is dead.
I killed him.
- I killed my best friend.
- Hercules Don't.
I am damned, Nebula.
And so are all the people I love.
All I can do now is learn from my mistakes.
And disappear.
Take my ship.
I won't be needing it for a while.
Besides It's time for me to stay put and, uh, take all this queen business a little more seriously.
It suits you.
I expect my ship back someday.
And you with it.
I don't care what you think of yourself.
You saved my life.
And all those souls finally found peace because of you.
That's worth something, isn't it?
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