Footballers' Wives (2002) s05e06 Episode Script

Series 5, Episode 6

(MUTTERING) Oh, my God.
Bitch! SHANNON: Trisha, love, breakfast ready.
You've got to eat as much fruit and veg as you can, Trisha.
This one has got selenium in it.
You know, I read all about it on the net.
You've got to fight the cancer from within.
I know you're trying to help, love.
But to be honest, if I've only got a year left, I'd rather enjoy it, eh? You got to try, Mum, for me.
And for all those people coming to the auction this afternoon.
And Eva de Wolffe is doing the organising.
You know, Elton John was at her last charity bash.
TRISH: Yeah, well, that's another thing I was gonna say.
I ain't comfortable about being some sort of "charity case".
You're not the charity case, Trisha.
You're the charity.
Your name's gonna raise loads of money for people in your position.
You've just got to be there.
Show them there's always hope, yeah? Yeah.
Look, we know you don't like talking about it.
Me and Shan reckon you got to go and get a second opinion.
One of the top consultants, someone in Harley Street or America.
You can try all the hocus-pocus you like.
Throw money at it, whatever.
There ain't no cure for what I've got, I told you.
Well, maybe if you were a bit more specific.
It's It's down there, ain't it? It's personal, right? So just leave it.
I've been there, had the drugs Maybe there's a treatment that could put you in remission, you know, give you longer? Listen, I'm at stage four.
There ain't nothing anybody can do about it.
Stage four? Well, put it this way.
There ain't no stage five.
EVA: No, no, no, no And tell Claudia there's only so much airbrushing we can do.
Maybe she better lay off the pasta next time, okay? Bye.
Oh, dear me.
Not very flattering for your little friend.
You know, you really have to be careful when there are cameras around.
I would have thought she, more than anyone, would have known that by now.
I know, it seems unfair, though.
She's just trying to have a good time and they make her look like some kind of pig.
Hm, yes.
Oh, darling, do I detect a little tiny crush? Oh, no, no, no, not at all.
I just think she's a nice girl, that's all.
Girl? You really are gullible.
That's why I have to take care of you.
I think maybe I should take care of you right now.
Again? Darling, you are insatiable.
But sadly, I've got the caterers arriving in half an hour.
And don't you have to go and kick a little round thing about in the grass? - Oh, yes.
- Mm-hm.
Hurry back after training.
Don't forget we have to greet our guests.
(CHUCKLING) Why didn't you wake me? What for? You got the week off.
Enjoy it.
What's that? Wedding shoot.
Turned out nice.
- Happiest day of our lives, right? - Right.
- So how come you look so sad? - Don't be stupid.
Look, I'm just going to be late for training, that's all.
I could meet you after.
We could get some lunch.
What, a steak for me and a bowl of steam for you? Anyway, I said I'd go over some stuff with the coach.
What, again? I'm skipper, Libs, and Webbsie's out of action.
I've got responsibilities.
What about your responsibility to me? I mean, what am I supposed to do all day? Maybe you should try finding a new PA.
'Cause you've been in a dog's mood ever since you fired the last one.
Me? I'll catch you at the charity do.
Back off, Watson.
You might call it tracking back, but most of us thought you was just mincing around.
Sorry, mate.
I don't know, I was Yeah, well, forget it.
I know you've got stuff in your mind.
I don't know how you're even keeping it together, mate.
I went AWOL when my mum Well, you know.
Yeah, well, that's your speciality, isn't it? What is actually up your arse today, man? Your parents still around, Paulo? Shut up.
He's an orphan, yeah? Oh, sorry.
No, no, it's fine.
My mother, she didn't really look after me, you know? Harsh.
Is that how you ended up with Eva, then? (WHISPERING) Oi.
I'm just saying, older woman, mother figure kind of thing.
What? Yeah, well, I wish my mother looked like that.
BRUNO: Yeah, Eva's one sexy bitch.
How'd you two hook up, anyway? I, uh I met her in Brazil when I was starting out.
Her magazine did an article on me.
It made my name.
Eva's a saint.
She's only ever helped me.
Given me strength.
She's everything to me and I love her.
Yeah, course you do, mate.
- Yeah, sweet.
- Go on, son.
So, everyone still coming to the auction? ALL: Yeah, yeah.
CALLUM: You'd better! Shall I just meet you there? Oh, don't get a strop on.
No one's gonna care if we're a couple of minutes late and I'm not taking any chances this time.
Come on, Tan.
This is an important event for me.
Oh, never mind the dying lady, then, eh? You know what I mean.
Some of my designs are up for grabs and if they do well with all the publicity there Yeah, cancer will be cured and all suffering banished forever.
Oh, shut up.
I feel sorry for Callum's mum, of course.
And don't you go acting so holier-than-thou, anyway.
I know exactly who you're going to such trouble for and it isn't Trisha Watson.
I just want to do my bit for charity, darling.
Yeah, the Tanya Turner Love Life Fund.
You've just got to forget it, babes.
He's taken.
I don't know what you mean.
AUCTIONEER: Come on, they're an absolutely beautiful pair.
As worn on the day of his debut for Sparks.
Surely you can go a little higher? Thank you.
Callum Watson's signed football boots, to the lady with the magnificent taste, for L800.
Thanks for coming, girls.
We really appreciate it.
As if we'd have let you down.
Box tickets for tomorrow night's premiere of La Traviata at the National Opera House.
Who'll start me at L1,000? AUCTIONEER: Ah, we always We were going anyway.
I was born for the opera.
- Panto, more like.
- Shh.
AUCTIONEER: Do I hear 2,500? Come on, these are extremely prestigious tickets.
- Hi.
- Tanya, hi.
I was just gonna get myself a drink.
- Oh, here, take this one.
- Oh, thank you.
So, how have you been? Yeah, good, good.
AUCTIONEER: Sold! TANYA: I don't think I could get another plane for a while, though.
Well, not unless it's with you.
So, we haven't bumped into each other since Tremaine's wedding.
The wedding, right.
Oh, God, I think the photographer had it in for me.
Yes, I'm sorry about that, Tina.
- Tanya.
- Whatever.
My picture editor shall be severely reprimanded, I promise.
I've got a thick skin, me.
Yes, well, maybe you should use a better moisturiser.
And looks like you're quite a tough old bird yourself.
And that spill you took.
Oh, I was convinced you must have broken something, at your age.
(CHUCKLING) Not even a nail, sweetheart.
I bought the tickets for Traviata, L3,000.
- It's actually rather a bargain.
- Excuse me.
- Looking forward to it? - I can't wait.
(AUDIENCE APPLAUDING) AUCTIONEER: Right, next up, bespoke Lucy Lockheart designs.
His and hers, as worn and kindly donated by Tremaine and Liberty Gidigbi.
Let's start at the reserve price of L2,000 for the set.
Thank you, the lady here.
2,750? Wonderful.
Sorry about that, Eva can be a little bit insensitive.
Oh, don't worry about it.
But listen, Paulo, I've got to know if it's just me or not.
I can't stop thinking about you and what happened on the plane.
I'm with Eva, that's how it is.
- That's how it is now but - No, that's how it is.
- So don't you want me? - I can't go behind Eva's back.
Tell me you don't want me.
Just say it and I'll leave you alone.
You can't have everything you want in life.
This I know.
Where are the bogs, mate? (SIGHS) For L6,000 to the gentleman in the grey pinstripe.
Well done, sir.
(AUDIENCE APPLAUDING) AUCTIONEER: You're in possession of two authentic Lucy Lockheart designs, which may well become extremely valuable indeed from what I've read in the press about the interest in this young designer.
Now up for grabs is a diamond necklace, kindly donated by Iman and David, whoever they may be, who apologise for not being able to attend this afternoon.
(AUDIENCE APPLAUDING) Some of us from my church are organising a retreat to Lourdes.
I'm not fussed about cricket, to be honest.
No, it's in France.
It's a very special place.
Filled with God's love, and if you're lucky, you might be touched by the Virgin.
It's where miracles can happen.
I could have a word with Father Hayworth about sorting out an extra place on the coach, if you like.
You're all right, love.
I don't believe in miracles.
Trisha, Women With Cancer Care are desperate for a few words.
No way, Shannon, I told you.
But think of the support you can give the readers.
I don't feel well.
Oh, I swear.
- You all right, Mum? - Yeah.
Just get me a chair, son.
Maybe a little brandy, eh? AUCTIONEER: that I'm sure all the ladies have been waiting for.
And maybe even one or two of the men.
A dinner date, tonight, with Mr Paulo Bardosa.
(AUDIENCE CHEERING) Shall we start the bidding at L1,000? Well, one at a time, ladies, please.
Uh, 1,500.
Any advances on 3,000? Oh, talk about a cheap date.
(PEOPLE SNICKERING) L10,000! Well, it is for charity, and I can assure you he's worth it.
That's L10,000 for a dinner date with her own boyfriend.
Going once Any advances on L30,000? (CROWD MURMURING) I thought you'd be pleased.
No, you didn't.
You thought you'd show everyone you still own me.
Well, you don't, Bruno.
I'm getting places by myself.
I don't need you patronising me.
I'm sorry you took it like that.
I'm proud of you, that's all.
Straight up.
(SIGHS) Can't we be friends? We got a kid, Lucy.
Who's it gonna help if we're at each other's throats all the time? Friends? Friends.
AUCTIONEER: Going once.
Going twice (AUDIENCE GASPING) So, what's going on in there, then? EVA: 200,000! Three.
All right.
One million pounds sterling.
(CROWD GASPING) WOMAN: Is she joking? (WHISPERING) Don't do it, Tanya, you're making a fool of yourself.
Oh, golly.
Looks like someone is taking this a little bit too seriously.
He's all yours.
He always was.
Sold! A dinner date with a large Brazilian male, to Miss Eva de Wolffe for a cool one million pounds! I wanted to up the bidding and get as much money as possible for the Trust, because, let's face it, I get to spend every night with Paulo anyway.
So in which case, I am donating this date to Trisha Watson, the real heroine of the day.
LIBERTY: That is so generous.
Yeah! We have a table booked at the Ivy, when Madam is ready to go.
That's brilliant, mate.
But she's not up for any more excitement tonight.
No! No, I'm fine now.
I've had a rest and that brandy really helped - Sorry, Mum, I'm taking you home.
You're done in.
- What? - Perhaps some other time, then? - When? EVA: Champagne, please.
Do you always have to pay so much for your men? Don't fuck with me, Tanya.
If you do, you'll lose.
Every time.
Is that so? Listen, she's asleep now.
It seems a shame to wake her.
Well, maybe it is a bit late.
Yeah, I'll just pick her up in the morning.
Yeah, well, no rush.
Help yourself to a drink.
I'll get rid of the nanny, yeah? (SIGHING) So, bloody amazing afternoon.
Must have made a shitload.
More money than sense, some people.
- Still, I suppose it's great for the Trust.
- Yeah.
What are you planning to do with them? Eat more spinach and wait for a six-foot girlfriend to turn up? Nah.
I'll save it for Angelica.
They're heirlooms, aren't they? Don't know what was going on with Tanya, though.
She's either a saint or a psycho.
Bidding crazy money for someone else's fella? Don't even go there.
I just hope she's learned her lesson.
Hello? Yeah, concierge, please.
It's Tanya Turner here from the Mountbatten Suite.
Hi, how are you? Yeah, good.
Listen, could you organise me a box for tomorrow night at the National Opera House? Chairs? Oh, just the one.
SHANNON: She's not gonna die tomorrow, Callum.
CALLUM (SOBBING): Yeah, but a year.
What's that? Nothing.
It's like I can hear seconds ticking by and I just can't stand it.
Yes, you can, because you have to.
And I'll help you.
The best thing you can do is make her last year the most amazing she's ever had.
I'll try.
I'll try.
It's like It's like being in some sort of bubble, you know? This is what I have always wanted.
And after Liberty appeared in one of my designs, I got in touch with American Express.
American Express? You know, they've collaborated with Alexander McQueen and Boudicca.
Anyway, they're sending one of their people to come and look at my designs and I've got to submit a business plan.
Shit, Luce, that's amazing.
You've really spread your wings since you've been away from me.
Yeah, well, got to fill my time somehow, haven't I? Do you ever get lonely, Luce? - ANGELICA: Mummy? - Hm? Mummy? Mummy? - Morning, gorgeous.
- Oh, shit! Morning, Mum.
Sleep well? I need to talk to you, son.
- It's about the cancer.
- You feeling bad? Yeah.
I mean, I've been thinking.
And there's something I've got to say.
You know when you was moving out, right, with Shannon? Yeah.
And we we had words.
Forget it.
I don't want that in your head.
It's 'cause I was fed up about you going, right? And I didn't want to be on me own.
So I took it out on you and her and I said some things that Shh, it don't matter.
I know why you were scared now, and it eats me up thinking what you must have felt.
Oh, is everything all right? Yeah, I was just telling Mum she ain't alone.
No way.
Go on, you'll be late for training.
- I don't care.
- Well, I do.
Go on.
Bacon and eggs for you, is it? Yeah, peach.
Lucy, please, just wait a minute, would you? Lucy, just wait! Would you just stop? You go and wait by the car, sweetheart.
Okay? You can't go just like that.
Yeah, I can.
I knew I shouldn't have stayed.
You wanted to, you said you did.
Look, what happened was 'cause of you and all.
No, it was because I had too much to drink, we both did.
I'm sorry, Bruno, but it was a mistake.
It won't happen again.
- Champagne? - Yes, please.
Do you know what it means, darling? - What means? - La Traviata.
- No.
- The woman who strayed, and she comes to a sticky end for her sins.
Watch and learn.
This is London, we sip.
(TENOR SINGING) I'm just going to go and get a beer, Eva.
There's plenty of champagne here.
- I know.
I'd really prefer a beer.
- Okay.
I won't be long.
WOMAN ON TV: Very good.
I You know, I know it's only the fourth year of the show but it seems Hi, love.
Did you have a good time with the lads? Actually, I went out on me own.
I wanted a bit of time to think.
Well, a bloke needs his space, doesn't he? No.
I mean, yeah.
See, I've come to a decision.
I need a break from the game.
That's what I've been thinking about.
What do you mean, break? I'm jacking it in, for the time being, anyway.
It's time we had some fun.
A holiday, cruise.
Whatever you fancy.
Earls Park can swivel, Mum.
I'm all yours.
(PERFORMERS SINGING) What took you so long? What the hell do you think you're doing? Having a night out.
- Are you trying to drive me crazy? - Yeah.
We've got a connection, Paulo.
You know it and I know it.
And I reckon it's worth fighting What good's it gonna do anyone? You worked so hard for what you got.
- And so have I.
- My mind's made up, Mum.
I want to spend the year with you, have good times.
Not just hang about with a bunch of hairy-arsed men who'll still be there Yeah, but you can't just step back into it in a year.
And, I mean, what if I got better? - You'll have chucked it all for nothing.
- Better? - But you said - Yeah.
Right, okay.
I probably ain't gonna get better.
But even worse, you'll have no mum and no career.
- See sense, Callum.
- I am.
I saw everything clearly this morning.
You needed me and I had to get to training.
But I got my priorities right now.
I'm telling Mr Ryan as soon as he gets back from Ireland.
But think about the money, for God's sake.
Don't need money if you got love.
Oh, for Christ's sake, tell him, Shannon.
I don't know, Trisha.
I reckon I'd feel the same if it was my mum.
Eva! Well isn't this interesting? - My God, I'm so sorry.
- No, Paulo.
Maybe it's for the best.
She had to find out one way or another.
Eva, Eva.
I don't want to hurt you, okay? - But - But but oh, well.
I guess every dog needs a lamp post to piss on.
- Come on, we're going.
- He's not a dog, Eva.
He's not your bloody slave.
He's a man.
(SCOFFS) Is he? (SNICKERING) Would a man betray his salvador? Come on, Paulo, you don't need this shit.
Come with me, you can call her tomorrow.
Marcelo, the favela.
(SPEAKING PORTUGUESE) What? What's she saying? Choose.
Paulo? Come, Marcelo.
Marcelo? EVA: Do you remember a time when you were chained up in a kennel like an animal? When your own parents couldn't even bear to look at you? - Eva, please don't do this - When you had to forage in the filthy streets of the favela for a few scraps of food.
Do you remember that time, do you? And then what happened? What happened when you were eight years old, Marcelo? When I was eight years old, I looked up at a big white car.
A beautiful woman in a long fur coat.
And who was that beautiful woman? It was you.
And what did I do? You cut my chains.
- You saved me.
- Yes.
I saved you.
All those years ago, and now I wish I hadn't.
It would have been so easy for me just to have turned my head and driven on by.
Could I ever have imagined that this thing that I rescued would ever humiliate and betray me? Do you realise what you have done to me tonight? Me! The only person who's ever loved you.
You've been a bad boy, Marcelo.
And you know what happens to bad boys, don't you? Favela? Marcelo? You will never see Tanya Turner again.
I forbid it.
If you do, you will go straight back to where you came from.
To hell.
And who will save you then? You know I always take care of you, my darling, but you must do what I say.
You must love me as I love you.
Then Mama won't have to get angry anymore.
Hi, Mum.
We were just working out what holiday to book when I hand in my resignation.
Would you reckon America? Australia? Actually, I've already booked me own holiday.
- Eh? - And you're not handing in your resignation.
Least not till I've come back.
Come back from where? Lourdes.
One of the women was telling me about it at the auction.
It's where you go to meet the Virgin Mary.
Where miracles can happen.
Trisha, love.
- Everyone knows faith healers are losers - It ain't faith healing, Shan.
It's God.
Er, what's the difference? Him.
Up there.
I mean, okay.
Maybe it won't work.
But I reckon it's worth a try.
Medicines can't help me.
Maybe God can.
And as long as I've got something to live for, I reckon it's worth a shot, right? Of course, if it's what you want.
- I'll come with you.
- No.
I got to do this on me own, son.
It's spiritual.
And you got to promise me, you won't say nothing to Ryan.
Not until I got back.
Till we see it's worked.
- Well, if you really think it might work.
- I do.
And you got to promise you won't quit.
'Cause that's the only thing keeping me going.
Making me keep trying things out to get better.
The thought of seeing you out there.
I'd do anything to get you better, Mum.
It's all I want.
It's not that simple, though, is it? I mean, I've heard about Lourdes.
People go there for comfort, not a quick fix.
If it was that easy, there wouldn't be any sick out there.
You just got to believe, though.
Anything can happen if you believe.
- Why won't you answer my calls? - Go away, Tanya.
You've got to talk to me, Paulo.
Look, I know you've got feelings for me.
And what happened the other night was not normal.
Why did you lie to me about how you met Eva? Darling, I know about the plastic surgery.
I don't know what you're talking about.
Look, you've known Eva since you were a kid.
And she's got some weird hold over you.
I know you used to be called Marcelo.
You don't know anything.
There is no Marcelo.
Now, leave me alone.
Look, I really care about you, Paulo, and I want to help you.
And whatever she has done to you, I will find out.
I mean, it's pointless, though, isn't it? But if I say anything, I'm being a wet blanket.
Yeah, at least you get the house to yourselves for a bit, though.
Sounds like you could use it and all.
Oh, it sounds selfish but it's like our relationship has been put on hold.
I know the feeling.
Ever since me and Tre got married, I don't know, he just seems to have lost interest.
- What, in sex? - In me.
All he cares about at the moment is football.
He is the skipper, Liberty.
Yeah, but marriage is funny.
You've got to keep things spicy, you know? Otherwise, he'll start seeing you as a wife instead of a woman.
But it was him who wanted to get married so much.
He used to be crazy about me.
I'm just going to the loo.
Then give him something to stay crazy about.
You know what I mean? Look, I don't care what you say, Dr Matteus.
I know for a fact it was you who did the plastic surgery.
What? And now you're telling me you can't find any of the records? Well, how about this? How about a nice little donation to your retirement fund? Yeah? Good.
Now, why don't you go and have a root round your garage? Oh, and while you're at it, I want the name of the orphanage that little Marcelo grew up in.
- Come on, I'll help you get checked in.
- No.
Best you go now, son.
We don't want all that long goodbye stuff, do we, eh? (CAR HORN BEEPING) - I'm going to the gym now, Eva.
- Fine.
Don't forget.
We're at the Natural History Museum tomorrow night.
Remember to pick up that Westwood suit I ordered for you.
Yes, Eva.
This is beginning to get tedious.
Good heavens.
What manners they teach you in slut school.
- You really are a twisted psycho bitch.
- Well, it takes one to know one.
- Anyone would think you didn't like me.
- Oh, don't act it, grandma.
Put your bifocals on and have a look at this.
It's Paulo.
And don't try to deny it.
Look at his eyes.
It's him and you've known him forever.
I'm not going to deny that I've helped many disadvantaged children over the years.
- What of it? - What of it? You adopted him, Eva.
He's your son! But you're not exactly Angelina Jolie, are you? You're shagging your own son? Do you not think there's anything wrong with that? Oh, don't be so ridiculous.
- There's no bloodline.
- It's sick.
- I created him.
- You brainwashed him.
I will do exactly what I want and you know why? - Because he's mine.
- You are unbelievable.
I'm going to the papers with this.
I am the papers.
Oh, and don't they just love to lynch one of their own? - Oh, bitch! - Don't touch her! Leave her alone, otherwise you know what'll happen.
Look, she's crazy, Paulo.
But we've got to tell someone.
I can help you.
Oh, how noble! But I don't think he's going to thank you for it.
He's a very sensitive boy, you know.
I can almost hear the sounds and the riffraff on the terrace once they find out your little secret.
How do you think you're going to handle that, huh? I don't think you could handle it at all.
You're going to lose everything, including what's left of your mind.
My mind is my own.
You don't control me.
Go to your room! I said go to your room, Marcelo.
Or you know what will happen.
The favela, remember? No, no! No! Just shut up a minute.
I need to think.
This isn't right.
Mama says go to your room! You ungrateful bastard! Paulo? Paulo? Paulo? Shit.
You stupid bitch.
You need to calm down now.
Get your coked-up nose out of my business! I think you've overstayed your welcome.
(GASPING) You think you can just flutter your eyelashes and he'll come running.
There's only one person he cares about and listens to and that's me! Eva, stop.
For God's sake.
Are you okay? You could have killed her! Go to your room, Marcelo.
Now! We need to call the police.
You should be locked up, you nutjob.
Nobody's calling anybody.
Ha! You see? He's my creature and he always will be.
I'm nobody's creature.
Not anymore.
You've gone too far, Eva.
You're not well.
How dare you? Now, I know you've helped me over the years but leave me alone now.
Leave us alone.
It's finished.
Oh, you don't deserve my patronage anymore, you pathetic excuse for a man.
Go on! Get out of my house and don't come back.
Otherwise I'll make you both come crashing down.
You deserve each other.
Both of you are ten a bloody penny.
But there's only one Eva de Wolffe! Don't you forget it.
(WHISTLE BLOWING) Since your mind's always on the game, I thought this might get your attention.
All right, not now, Libs, man.
I'm knackered.
One more of these and you'll be sent off.
Just give me a minute, will you? I'm just through the door.
Right, that's it.
Onto the bed with you.
- Knock it off! - What's wrong with you? I just don't want to play stupid games, that's all.
What about what I want? I mean, there's thousands of men out there who are dying to be in your position.
Yeah, well, lucky for them.
Fat chance they'll stand and all.
- What the hell is that supposed to mean? - You know what it means! You don't want a man, Liberty.
You want a woman.
Preferably Polish! And I can't stand it anymore.
Hi, it's me.
I don't know if you're there or if you're just, you know I was just thinking about you and What the hell.
I know you think it's over but I just wanted you to know I still love you.
That's all.
For what it's worth.
That feels wonderful.
I've had a hell of a day.
Klaus, what are you doing tomorrow night? I have a date.
(CHUCKLING) I'm sure you have.
You've grown into a fine young man since I found you in Duisburg.
But I'd really like you to come with me to the Natural History Museum.
I've an event to go to and I've been rather let down.
But Eva, I can't.
But of course you can.
I insist.
And wear something divine.
Mama wants to be proud of you.
I'll pick you up at eight.
- Let me call you a doctor.
- No, I'm fine, honestly.
It's only a bruise.
Besides, I still think it's the police we should be calling.
Revenge can't change anything.
Besides, she'll only make it her mission to ruin us.
I just want to forget about her.
Never ever see her again.
I hate what she's done to you.
But it's over now, my love.
And I have you, my beautiful Tanya.
And I'm blessed.
I'm so blessed.
And I'm never gonna let you down again.

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