Hercules: The Legendary Journeys s05e06 Episode Script

Norse by Norsevest

lolaus? No! - Help me, Hercules! - Who are you? Bad dream? Don't Druids ever knock? When you live in the woods, you get used to life without doors.
You cried out.
I was, uh, in a land north of here.
It was cold.
There was a man in danger.
I thought he was lolaus.
- It was just a dream.
- Not a dream, a vision.
Sometimes, when one's heart opens to the spirit as yours has, illumination brings gifts beyond simple understanding.
Are you saying what I saw was real? What you saw was a vision of what might come to be.
I have to go.
You'll leave Morrigan? Mabon, I have to.
If she's to fulfill her new role as the Spirit of Justice, she still has much to learn.
Not as much as you think.
Tell her I'll be back.
You realize if you leave the Emerald Isle, the lessons you've learned will remain.
The gift of speed will be lost.
I'll get by.
This man you go to save He isn't lolaus, Hercules.
I know.
That doesn't mean I can let him die.
I'll be back.
This is the story of a time long ago, a time of myth and legend, when the ancient gods were petty and cruel, and they plagued mankind with suffering.
Only one man dared to challenge their power Hercules.
Hercules possessed a strength the world had never seen, a strength surpassed only by the power of his heart.
He journeyed the earth, battling the minions of his wicked stepmother, Hera, the all-powerful queen of the gods.
But wherever there was evil, wherever an innocent would suffer, there would be Hercules.
Hail! He comes, the man-god from southern lands, riding the wave of his destiny.
What about my brother? Will Hercules' coming affect Balder's fate? The future is closed to men and gods alike.
So must it remain.
What am I doing here? Chasing dreams everywhere I go.
My turn! And I won't miss! Good.
You wanna hold still? All right.
Have it your way.
I will.
Let go of me! - Only if you play nice.
- Kill him! - Now, that's not nice.
- Huh? Had to hurt.
That's using your head.
You o You okay? I can't believe you did that.
Well, I was just in the neighborhood.
There you go.
So, what was that all about? That's for my brother.
Your brother? Hey! And that's for my dad.
Hmph! Well, you're welcome.
Word of advice, stranger Watch where you pick your fights! Missed.
You're alive? What are you? A spore of the Frost Giants? Spore of what? That girl could've been killed.
That's my concern.
These people are under my protection.
Well, lucky them.
Who are you? Thor, Son of Odin and God of Thunder.
Let go of my hammer! You okay? That's enough, Thor.
But he broke up a trial by ax.
Father doesn't want you fighting mortals anymore.
Remember? What mortal? I hit him with a thunderbolt, and he didn't even blink! Oh, I, uh I blinked, all right.
I know you from a dream.
Help me, Hercules! And I you.
- You're a god.
- My name's Balder.
This is my brother, Thor.
And to take a hit like that, you must be a god too.
Half god.
I'm Hercules.
I come from Greece.
Welcome to Norseland.
Put down your hammer, Thor! Hercules is here to help me.
He's someone I met in a dream.
You and your dreams.
Go home, Greek.
This is none of your business.
Isn't that for your brother to decide? Don't go to strangers for help.
I don't care what you see in your dreams.
Did I come at a bad time? Let me understand.
We had the same dream at the same time? Yeah, but why would we both dream you needed me to save your life? That's a question for the Norns.
The who? They keep a book in which all things are recorded.
Oh, in Greece, we call them the Fates.
I apologize for my brother's bad temper.
Yeah, well, all I did was save a woman's life.
That young woman was accused of stealing somebody else's husband.
Her menfolk were trying to restore her reputation.
What, by chopping off her head? Oh.
Her pigtails.
Losing them would have proved her innocence.
Now she's back to square one.
Viking tradition: trial by ax.
Trial by ax.
Well, I guess it saves on paperwork.
The tradition was Thor's idea.
You know, maybe I should just go back to Eire.
Been looking for you all over.
You're needed.
Hello, I'm Loki.
And you are? This is Hercules.
My brother, Loki.
They're praying to you again.
Hard to tell with mortals, but I think one may be dying.
Excuse me, Hercules.
This you should see.
Balder, beloved of Odin, heal this faithful warrior with the mercy of your spirit.
They can't see him.
Mortals can only see us when we want to be seen.
I'm the shy type, myself.
I haven't known many gods who cared what happened to mortals.
Brother Balder's one in a million.
I assume you've met Thor.
Oh, yeah.
We've met.
He's a nice guy.
Certainly typical of my fellow gods.
He and my father, Odin, live only for war.
If not for my younger brother, this land would have been laid to waste long ago.
Praise Balder, most merciful of the gods! Brother Balder is the only hope these Norsemen have for peace and justice.
That's what makes the prophesy such a shame.
What prophesy? From the Norns' Book of Fate.
All that happens is inscribed upon its pages.
Some say the future is written there.
Gods and men only play the parts they are written.
I believe we make our own fate.
Really? Perhaps that is why you are here to remake Balder's fate.
Look at the time.
I've got to run.
Want to talk about the Norn prophesy? I found this in my room in Asgard.
Torn from the Book of Fate.
Loki thinks it reveals what will come.
You see now why I may need your protection? A funeral pyre.
Yours? Ah, but you're a god.
In these northern lands, Hercules, even the gods can die.
In that way, at least, we're more human than the gods you know.
Hercules has arrived.
All goes as planned.
Approach, Loki.
Don't move.
Take this dart.
And my blood.
What do I do with this? With this, you kill a god.
Oh, here.
Let me help you with that.
Get your own! Okay.
You want some? They're still hot.
Uh, thank you, but no.
I- I was looking for a place to stay tonight.
Head-butting contest.
Last one standing wins.
Why? Old Father Odin honors those who prove their strength and valor with a high seat in Valhalla.
Now it makes sense.
Well done, Eric.
Hmm! You! You're the runt who insulted my little sister.
- "Runt"? - Thanks to him, I almost didn't clear my reputation.
I - I'm sorry if I embarrassed you.
I was just trying to save your life.
He smirched my honor.
Odin's law demands satisfaction.
Butt him, Eric.
Butt me? I-I-I don't think you want to do that, Eric.
Butt him! Butt him! Butt him! Butt him! Butt him! Butt him! Butt him! Butt him! In Odin's name! Like father, like son.
Uh If your god Odin honors head-butting, he's an idiot.
Don't let the gods tell you how to run your lives.
Try thinking for yourselves.
You know, you might like it.
Did he call me an idiot? By Yggdrasil's roots, I'll destroy him.
Who is this pup, Hercules? Hercules is a stranger in our northern lands, Father.
Well meaning, but ignorant in our ways.
For all we know, in his land, "idiot" might be a compliment.
Whoever dishonors Odin dishonors Odin's sons.
- I'll kill him for you, Father.
- No.
Kill him, and you may seal my doom.
Hercules is the one whose coming was foretold in my dream.
How can a son of Odin let himself be frightened by nightmares? - Honor must be served, Father! - I'm not frightened.
These aren't nightmares.
And we both know more than my life may be at stake.
But your life is what matters to me.
My dear, dear boy.
For our son's sake, Husband, if you love me, stay your wrath.
Odin may rule Asgard, but it is Frigga who rules Odin.
Whatever you wish.
No one will harm Hercules.
I'll talk to him.
A mother shouldn't love one son more than the rest.
My youngest always has held a special place in my heart.
Have you bad dreams? And a scrap of paper? Not all prophesies come true.
Some do.
It troubles you so? What if I were to extract an oath from all things living and unliving an oath that no weapon made by gods or man would allow itself to cause our son, Balder, injury.
You could do this? Godhood has its privileges.
Hello? Anybody here? I didn't think so.
Well, looks like this is home tonight.
Come on.
Start! Too wet.
You looked hungry.
Thank you.
Uh, what is it? Boiled wolf.
You know, I-I had that for lunch.
I'll just have some bread.
I hope you won't judge the Norse way of life by the standards of your own homeland.
Head-butting contests and trials by ax Well, you've got to admit there's not much to admire.
Life in a land like this is a war won by the strong.
Strength and brutality don't have to go hand in hand.
I'm trying to help the Vikings see that.
Some do.
That healer you saw and others.
But civilizing a warlike people is slow work.
Even for a god.
It requires patience and compassion.
What about your brother, Thor? Bad weather give him his bad temper? Thor rages against the night.
We each face the darkness in our own way.
What darkness? We northern gods live at the edge of the world and time.
Over an abyss an endless night without fire or light.
- What is this? - Fermented hogs' milk.
Go away.
The way you are feeling now, what brother would do that? Father doesn't really love him best.
Shut up.
No, really.
Balder just has Odin worried, that's all.
All this talk of dying Did you know Father actually ordered all things living and unliving to swear they will never harm our dear brother? Can he do that? Godhood has its privileges.
- You know that this means? - What? If he can't be harmed, Brother Balder has no reason to fear the prophesy.
Father can stop worrying.
We can go back to the way we were: one big, happy family No.
Won't work.
Too bad.
Why won't it work? Balder will never believe he can't be harmed.
Unless someone proves it to him.
Good morning.
I'm sorry.
I didn't realize You aren't, uh Is this your place? It is for now.
- How long have you been here? - Forever.
This is your work.
I paint what I see.
Balder! You've seen this? Where? Where trees meet sea! No! - Balder! - It's all right, Hercules.
I told you, brother.
There isn't a weapon on Asgard or Midgard that can hurt you.
Get down! Not even my hammer.
Dreams are just dreams.
You could have killed him! No! Thor wanted to put my fears to rest.
He has.
I've been haunted by empty fantasies.
You call this an empty fantasy? Odin's power protects me.
I can't be harmed! See for yourself.
Try to strike me dead.
That's as dumb an idea as trial by ax.
- What's dumb about trial by ax? - Patience and compassion.
Remember? - Just do this for me? - No.
This is stupid.
- I can't be harmed.
Choose anything.
- I said no! That-That ax.
That hammer.
If you insist.
How about this? You sure this is what you want? There.
Satisfied? Balder! What's wrong? What happened to him? He's dead.
You killed him.
Wait a minute.
We were tricked! Get away from him! He's mine! Will you listen to me? Do you have to do all your thinking with your fists? All right.
We'll do it your way.
Get off! Get off! Loki, did you do this? Someone has to consider priorities.
Priorities? Hercules killed our brother! And he will pay the proper price at the proper time.
Meanwhile, he'll keep.
Our first duty is to bring beloved Balder back to Asgard.
Our would you rather force Father to come here? This will break Mother's heart.
Stand back.
Odin! Don't worry.
I'm not done with you yet.
Here lies Balder.
He He-He He was the very best of us.
Our dearest son.
Balder the Brave was more than just my brother.
He was my inspiration.
He achieved a level of godliness few amongst us could ever reach.
I know I never will.
Hercules? Hercules! Where are you? Okay.
Now I'm mad.
- What are you doing here? - Thinking for myself, like you said last night.
Know how long it took me to grow these? Not really.
Well, anyway, a long time.
I'm not letting anybody chop my hair again.
I came to tell you that.
Well, good for you.
Next time some bimbo says I stole her man, I'll just knock her head off.
You know, we'll have to talk about that later.
I have to find Loki.
Do you know Do you know any legends about your gods? You know where they're supposed to live? Oh, sure.
In Asgard.
How would I get there? Die in battle.
I was hoping to get there an easier way.
Why do you want to get to Asgard? Usually I couldn't care less what the gods do to each other, but Balder is different.
See, he cared about humankind.
And that's it? No.
Loki used me to kill him, and I'm a little upset about that.
You could try Bifrost.
Bifrost? Bifrost.
The rainbow bridge between Midgard and Asgard.
Hello! Thanks.
Uh, wish me luck.
Oh, and keep thinking for yourself.
Hercules Look.
What happens happens.
The gods tell us we can't escape fate.
The best you can do is face it with honor.
Yeah, well, the gods really don't know what they're talking about.
Hercules! Yes? A- Are you married? Yes.
So the long night falls.
You know the prophesy.
For once, don't do something stupid.
- But, Father, Hercules - After I take your mother to her room, I want to see you in my chambers.
Don't blame yourself.
It wasn't your fault.
It was Hercules'.
Rainbow bridge, huh? This must be the place.
- I am not your enemy! - I should've killed you when I wanted to.
Then Balder'd still be alive! Loki killed your brother! Liar! All right.
This is your last chance.
Can we just talk about this? Where is your brother? Don't be angry, Father.
Where is he? He means well, but, you know, he has a nasty temper.
Now, you knew what was at stake.
Why didn't you stop him? Me? When he has vengeance in his heart and a hammer in his hand, I don't think so.
Is he winning? He had the advantage of surprise at first, but that's long lost now.
Rage makes a poor tactician.
Stand still and fight like a man.
You should listen to your own advice.
Here I am.
Had enough? Never! All right.
Just hit me with your best shot.
My hammer! That would've hurt.
Last chance, Thor.
You're gonna lose.
All right.
Now can we talk? Great.
Why do the gods always have to live up in the clouds? Come on.
Man, you're heavy! All has gone as planned.
Balder is dead; Thor is defeated.
What of Hercules? Still in the dark, so to speak.
Our arrangement still holds? I never betray an ally unless absolutely necessary.
You will remain under my protection regardless.
- I'm looking for Loki.
- He's gone.
Now go away.
You know, ever since I got here, you all made me feel real welcome.
So to thank you for the hospitality, I've brought you gods a little present.
Take a load off.
Now take me to Odin.
I have something to tell him about his sons.
Odin has no sons.
I'm sorry, Father.
Betrayer! Fool! You have doomed us all! Get out of my sight! Was that really necessary? All he did was lose a fight.
He lost far more than that.
The Norn Book of Fate.
No matter where you go, fate finds you.
Turn to the end.
Since before eternity began, the Norns have kept the Book of Fate, recording the acts of gods and men.
The book has grown larger, the story richer, until now.
For us, the story is at an end.
I don't understand.
In an age long gone, the gods of the north received a prophesy.
We were warned to beware three tragedies whose coming would precede the day of Ragnarok, the final war of the gods.
The first tragedy was Balder's death.
The second was Thor's defeat.
At the hands of a half-mortal.
So, we await the third tragedy to befall us.
After that, Ragnarok.
And after Ragnarok? There is no "after.
" Ragnarok is the final nightfall.
The Twilight of the Gods.

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