Hercules: The Legendary Journeys s05e07 Episode Script

Somewhere Over the Rainbow Bridge

Previously onHercules.
I haven't known many gods who cared what happened to mortals.
Brother Balder's one in a million.
- Take this dart.
- What do I do with this? With this, you kill a god.
I told you, brother.
There isn't a weapon on Asgard or Midgard that can hurt you.
Get down! - Not even my hammer.
- You could have killed him! Don't! Thor wanted to put my fears to rest.
He has.
I've been haunted by empty fantasies.
I can't be harmed! See for yourself.
Try to strike me dead.
That's as dumb an idea as trial by ax.
- What's dumb about trial by ax? - Patience and compassion.
Just do this for me.
How about this? You sure this is what you want? There.
Satisfied? - Balder! - What happened to him? He's dead.
You killed him.
We await the third tragedy to befall us.
After that, Ragnarok.
And after Ragnarok? There is no "after.
" Ragnarok is the final nightfall.
The Twilight of the Gods.
The storm's coming.
It'll be here before you know it.
- Is it finished? - It needs an hour to cool.
Nasty thing.
What is it for? It's a gift, for my father, Odin.
A small token of my affection.
Before we claimed this land, the Frost Giants ruled Asgard.
And before the Frost Giants, there was the ice.
When Ragnarok falls, the ice will return.
Cold beyond imagining.
Winter without spring.
What about Earth? Earth will live.
But we gods are lost already.
And without gods perhaps humanity too may fall.
You don't know that.
Iknowmy youngest son, Balder, is dead.
I know Thor, my oldest son, is in exile for his disobedience.
And I know, because he is nowhere to be found in our darkest hour, that my middle son, Loki, is a coward.
Worse than that.
He arranged for Balder's murder.
And Thor's exile.
I wish I was surprised.
You told me of a prophecy, predicting three tragedies that had to occur before Ragnarok.
Balder's death, Thor's defeat That's two.
What's the third? A riddle.
"When the light dies, then will Ragnarok begin.
" What does it mean? Nobody knows.
It's a riddle.
If we can prevent this third tragedy, whatever it is, we can stop Ragnarok.
This is our fate.
We can't escape fate.
I believe we make our own fate.
This is the story of a time long ago, a time of myth and legend, when the ancient gods were petty and cruel, and they plagued mankind with suffering.
Only one man dared to challenge their power Hercules.
Hercules possessed a strength the world had never seen, a strength surpassed only by the power of his heart.
He journeyed the earth, battling the minions of his wicked stepmother, Hera, the all-powerful queen of the gods.
But wherever there was evil, wherever an innocent would suffer, there would be Hercules.
Hail! - Hercules.
- Yes, Frigga.
If ever a father needed his son at his side, Odin needs Thor at his.
Is that why Odin banished him from Asgard for disobedience? Surely you've noticed we Norse gods often allow our tempers to overrule our wisdom.
He should call Thor back from exile.
My husband is a proud man.
He thinks it's weak to show remorse.
He's never understood that kind of weakness could be a strength.
My mother once said the same thing to me about my father.
Bring our son home, Hercules.
You want me? Then take me, you dogs of the night! Take me! - What are you doing here? - Looks like I'm saving your life.
Leave me alone.
No, no.
Please don't bother to thank me.
Just the sight of your cheerful face is all the reward I need.
These chains were forged by Odin himself.
No god of Asgard can break them.
Well, looks like a half-god from Greece can.
Let Loki's wolves eat my liver, if that's what Odin wants.
- Your father wants you home.
- I have no home! - I deserve my fate.
- Spoken like a true coward.
- Watch your tongue.
- Or you'll do what, Thor? - Whine at me some more? - I said, watch your tongue! - How did you do that? - There are better ways to fight than by brute force.
And better ways to face fate than by surrender.
- Your brother Balder understood that.
- My brother Balder is dead.
- You can still save what he stood for.
- What are you talking about? Balder hoped the gods would learn to protect humanity someday.
If all of you die, then so does his dream.
Even if you don't care about Asgard, at least think about all of the humans you claim to protect.
Nobody can stop Ragnarok.
Then I guess I'm nobody.
Loki rushes to achieve his destiny.
When light dies, then Ragnarok will fall.
- You know what it means.
- That which fate has not yet written cannot be known.
That's what I keep hearing.
Either tell me what the riddle means or get yourself a new book.
I only paint what I see.
What do you see, Hercules? What does the future bring? Brave warriors all, gods, fallen heroes alike.
If courage were a shield, no doom could defeat us.
Doom may yet be denied, Odin.
Old father.
The half-god Hercules seeks the answer to an ancient riddle.
He hopes that knowledge will give him power over destiny.
- And will it? - The answer lies inside.
For those who have eyes to see.
Ohh! The look on his face! Boing! "My eyes!" Priceless! Absolutely priceless! I love a good practical joke! Oh, Loki, my son! What have you done? "The dying of the light.
" Blinding Odin.
That's the third tragedy.
When death comes, he'll welcome it.
No one should have to lose his eyes in order to see clearly.
What of Thor? He blames himself for Balder's death.
- He told you that? - Not in so many words.
We gods are like humans, Hercules.
We love and long to be loved.
It is our weakness and our strength! Enough! As if you ever loved anybody except your precious little son, Balder! You hypocritical cow! The time nears.
Will you be ready? Oh, yes! I'll be ready.
Gimla's Horn! Torn from the skull of a Frost Giant by Odin's own hand, and lost for an age beneath the spreading ice.
Until I found it! I blow one sweet note on this, and night falls on Asgard forever.
You promise I will be okay? And everything that is left will be mine? As long as you are under my protection, you cannot be harmed.
Which raises an interesting point.
I know why I'm doing this: revenge, power, a few cheap thrills.
But you never said, what's in it for you? Come closer.
Understand this.
You're a tool.
I owe you no answers.
My motives are my own.
What's it going to take to make you go away? I have to show you something.
What? It's a surprise.
What are you doing? Put me down, or I'll tear you apart.
Here we are.
I know this place.
You should.
You told me the Vikings who live here were under your protection.
- Where is everyone? - Where you put them.
- In despair.
- We're all gonna die! Die! Die! Die! Die! You're wrong! The gods will protect us.
Hello? Anybody home? The gods don't care about us.
Balder cares.
He saved my life.
And Thor, the protector of all the Vikings! Thor? He doesn't care! He deserted us! Left us to die, just like all the other gods.
Die! Die! Die! Die! Eric! Eric, stop them! Why? It's the end of the world.
Nothing left to do but drink and die.
- Drink and die! - Drink and die! Drink and die! Stop! Break it up! It's Thor! Bah! Who needs you? You call yourself a god! Jah,he comes after our fate has been sealed! The mighty Thor is a coward! Go back to Asgard! You said you were their protector.
I am.
Really? Balder told these people that the gods cared whether they live or die.
They look to you for protection.
They bought the lie.
Now that they know the truth they've got nothing left.
It wasn't a lie.
Tell them that.
Gimla's Horn.
Loki must have found it.
We're too late.
It's started.
The path is this way.
We'll never reach Asgard in time on foot.
I've got a faster way.
This is where I lost me hammer.
Give me a hand! Unless Loki got to it first, your hammer should still be in here.
I hope you're right! It's all yours! I felt like I'd lost my arm! It now feels whole again! Was I right? Can that thing get us to Asgard? Quick as a thunderbolt! Typical, Thor! You never did have the common sense to come in out of the cold! You! I'll kill you when this is done! Ah! Balder had the heart.
I've got the brains.
He's got the mouth.
Well? All this talk of wanting to protect the Vikings.
Did you mean it, or were you just blowing off, as usual? - He meant it! - Well, then.
My big brother has a nasty choice to make.
A little something I found in the Norn Book of Fate.
Apparently, someone knocked over a torch in the Viking feast hall.
- Clumsy me! - This is happening now.
Well? Thor? Who are you going to save? Your family and fellow gods in Asgard, or the Vikings you claim to protect? Hurry up! Time's running out! Is it just me, or is it getting cold? Your place is in Asgard.
I'll go to the Vikings.
No! My place is with my people.
On second thought, I'll go to Asgard.
Oh, no.
Eric! We have to get out of here! Look at the bright side! At least you won't freeze to death! Vollmar! There's the door! The door! Oh! Too much smoke! We have to try! Come on, quick.
Get up.
Go! Go! Go! Look! The roof! You! Get them out of here! Go! Go! Hurry! This way! Go! Hurry! Go! Faster! Come on! Quickly! Thor, the door is blocked! I'm trapped! Frigga.
Frigga? Frigga! She can't answer.
I'm sorry.
Hercules? Let me start a fire.
No amount of warmth can ease me now.
Is my boy Is he with you? Thor stayed behind.
People were dying.
He wanted to save them.
I told my sons often enough.
Stand with the strong.
But stand for the weak.
Only Balder ever seemed to listen.
You're surprised? These days, all the time.
Take me to Frigga.
Frigga? Oh, my love.
I need a sword.
Thank you, Hercules.
Tell Thor a father was never prouder of a son.
I will.
I'm tired, wife.
So tired.
Time to sleep.
- Go! Get out of here! - Hilda! I've got her.
Go! Hold on! I'm here.
Come on, Hilda! Go on! I'll be back! Take your time.
Come on, this way.
Are you okay? Thor! You'll be okay.
You just took in too much smoke.
I told you.
These people were under my protection.
It wasn't a lie.
You had tried to save my life.
But with this you have saved my heart.
The same dart.
Loki! Here.
It's water.
How are you doing? What's going to happen to us? You'll survive.
How can we survive, without the gods? People don't need gods to live.
Perhaps you don't.
But we do.
You're wrong.
Do you know what it's like when the sun doesn't come up for months? And it's so cold, your teeth ache from chattering? Every day's a fight to stay alive.
Maybe we need something to believe in that's bigger than we are.
Like the gods.
Otherwise, what have we got but the cold? And the night.
Hilda Shh! I'm here.
Every picture tells a story.
No more riddles.
It's time for the truth.
Balder found this page before he was killed.
Loki gave this other one to Thor.
- Did you do these? - I only paint what I see.
And you didn'tseethis.
Both show things that happened in the future.
Your book is about the present.
And the past.
What does that tell you? Loki made them himself.
Come closer, Hercules.
I really hope you're enjoying this.
At least one of us is having a good time.
Somehow this paint affects fate.
You only paint what you see.
But Loki painted what he wanted to see.
And the paint made it happen.
Fate is what we make it.
Uneasy sits the backside on the icy throne, eh? I don't understand, Loki.
Asgard's a wasteland.
- What did you win? - Who cares about Asgard? I'll take Earth.
It's not much, but I'll call it home.
And its people will call me Master! Not for long.
- Where did you get that? - You stole yours from the Norn.
Used it to change fate and bring on Ragnarok.
Maybe I'll use mine to paint you out of the picture permanently.
No! Later.
Hercules and the Norn, they know everything! Where are you? You promised you'd protect me! Right! We'll see who paints who out of the picture.
Why don't I just take that before you make a mess? - You tricked me.
- Uh-huh.
- You never had the paint.
- That's right.
And you only pretended so I would lead you here.
Well, what do you know? You did get the brains in your family.
Hmm? It's mine! Not today! Everything that happened only happened because Loki tricked fate! - Change it back! - That's not for me to do.
Of course not.
We make our own fate.
Who says you can't change the past? How about this? Sure this is what you want? Mm-hmm.
Not this time.
Catch! The dart was poisoned.
Loki just tried to kill you.
Loki? I hate it when a plan falls apart! - You'd kill your own brother? - Don't be jealous.
I would have killed you next.
- Hercules! - Hilda, look out! I've been looking Loki, no! - Thor! Let him go! - Throw that hammer, and you kill her first.
She's a Viking.
You're her protector.
That has to mean something, or what are we? - Another time, Loki.
- Another time.
It's your lucky day.
Are you all right? Whoa! Thanks again for saving my life.
How did you know we'd find the Norn's paint in that ice cave? I must have seen it in a dream.
We owe a lot to our dreams.
Don't give up on yours.
I was wrong about you.
You've got potential, for a god.
Potential? Is that a joke? Was that a joke? - If that was a joke - It wasn't a joke.
Just remember, I can always break you in half.
Another time.
Good-bye, Hercules.
Another time.

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