Stargate SG-1 s05e15 Episode Script


Previously on "Stargate SG-1": I promise you his death will ultimately|prove to be a noble sacrifice.
- Sarah.
|- It's good to see you.
I found traces of a foreign chemical on|Teal'c's uniform and I've analysed it.
I believe that Lieutenant Tyler, or the idea|of him, is nothing but a chemical implant.
Apparently the one he serves|has no name.
Oh, he has a name.
The likes of you are simply|forbidden to know it.
Your guest has arrived.
(distorted) You're to be congratulated.
My sources have told me that you have|managed to amass an impressive army, in a relatively short amount of time.
(distorted) I merely took advantage|of favourable conditions.
The old order has fallen.
|The System Lords are in disarray.
Opportunities exist, but only for those|who are bold enough to seize them.
What are you proposing? An alliance? No.
But I am offering you a position of power|in exchange for your support.
Osiris serves no one.
You least of all.
You once served lsis.
She was my queen.
She served me.
Interesting that you now|choose a female host.
A most attractive one at that.
- You waste my time.
|- You misunderstand.
I'm not asking that you serve me.
I must admit that I'm merely an emissary|for a much more powerful Goa'uld.
One whom you once knew well.
Of whom do you speak? Anubis.
(technician)|Unauthorised offworld activation.
Receiving IDC transmission, sir.
|It's the Tok'ra.
- Open the iris.
|- Oh, here we go.
- Ren'al.
|- General Hammond.
- This is SG-1 .
|- I am familiar with all your exploits.
- Your father Jacob sends his regards.
|- How is he? On a mission at the moment,|which is the reason I am here.
There is a serious situation developing|regarding the System Lords.
Briefing room.
It's always suicide-mission this,|save-the-planet that.
No one ever just stops by|to say hi any more.
The deaths of Cronus and Apophis|created a power vacuum that the other System Lords|have tried to exploit.
Recently they've suffered heavy losses and expended an enormous amount of|resources fighting amongst themselves.
- Let the good times roll.
|- They may be coming to an end.
They've declared a truce and now|they're going to have a meeting to discuss the establishment|of a new order.
- So you want to stop them.
|- Quite the opposite, actually.
We want them to meet.
It'll give us the rare opportunity|to strike against all of them at once.
You're talking about taking out|the entire Goa'uld leadership? - We are.
|- Welcome to the dark side.
This has always been|part of our long-term plan.
We just weren't quite prepared for the|opportunity to present itself so quickly.
Where exactly is|this meeting taking place? At a space station in the Hassara system.
|It's considered neutral territory.
Security will be tight.
|No weapons will be permitted.
Access will be by cargo ship only.
- Defences?|- Impenetrable.
Could we gain entrance|on one of the cargo ships? They'll be scanned|at their approach to the station.
Let's hear it.
Every System Lord in attendance will be|permitted to bring one human slave.
You want one of us to do it.
Specifically we need someone|who speaks fluent Goa'uld.
Someone who is not Jaffa.
If you agree to participate, we ask|that you come to our base tomorrow.
Jacob will be there.
He will tell you|all you will need to know.
It is up to you, Dr Jackson.
- Daniel Jackson.
|- Yeah.
Have you considered|the Tok'ra proposal? Yeah.
If successful, it would deal|the Goa'uld a mortal blow.
I realise what's at stake.
Daniel Jackson, you have stated many|times that in circumstances such as this you would avoid using such action|if given a better option.
You think there's a better way|of overthrowing the Goa'uld? I currently have no plan that would|accomplish as much as that of the Tok'ra.
That's why I'm gonna do it.
- Ten hut!|- At ease.
- Major.
|- Colonel.
I see you drew the short straw.
- Lieutenant Elliot, your first assignment.
|- Yes, ma'am.
Be nice to see a little action for a change.
It's just your basic offworld orientation,|Lieutenant.
There is no action.
Maybe not, sir, but I am|looking forward to meeting the Tok'ra.
You'll get over it.
Welcome to Revanna.
- Hi, Dad.
|- It's good to see you, Sam.
- Jack, how are you?|- Kinda curious.
Some of you know Aldwin.
He'll conduct|the orientation for your new officers.
First, a tour of the facilities.
After that, a lecture on Tok'ra|insurgency techniques since the collapse of|the second Goa'uld dynasty.
I take it all back, Lieutenant.
|This could be hot.
So how are you gonna get me in? Yu will be among the System Lords|attending the meeting.
I thought you said|he was going in as a slave.
The System Lord Yu.
Little joke there.
Yu knows my face.
He'll recognise me.
He will not.
Ren'al has been working on a version|of the chemical obtained from the Reol.
If you can get close enough to inject him, you'll be able to convince him that|you are in fact his most trusted Io'taur.
His what? Lo'taur is the highest rank among|the human slaves of the System Lords.
They're like personal attendants.
It's|considered a position of great honour.
I spent the last two months establishing|myself as a minor Goa'uld in Yu's service.
I'll be able to get Daniel on board his|mothership and deal with the loose ends.
What if Nirrti shows up? She's still a renegade and persona|non grata among the System Lords.
None of the other remaining|System Lords have seen Daniel's face.
Assuming I make it on the space station,|what happens next? You will wait until all the System Lords|have arrived and then you will use this.
These two liquids mixed together|form a most virulent poison.
Press the button to open the valve|between the two containers.
The liquid will be vaporised.
Within seconds the pressure|will break the seal on the container and the gas will be released.
- Am I supposed to hold my breath?|- The poison is only deadly to symbiotes.
- Isn't that dangerous?|- More than you know.
There's enough material in that vial to kill|every Tok'ra on this base twice over.
(Ren'al) This formula is our|most closely guarded secret.
- And it doesn't kill the host?|- Not the chemical itself.
But, as you know, the dying symbiote|releases its own toxin, which is just as deadly.
Daniel, the human host of a System Lord has been through the sarcophagus|countless times.
We know the toll that takes.
They're|hundreds, maybe thousands of years old.
Never mind the psychological damage, physically, without the Goa'uld|sustaining them, they die anyway.
- So we're doing them a favour.
|- In many ways, yes.
- How many targets?|- Seven System Lords at the meeting.
That's all the major players.
If we pull|this off, the Goa'uld may never recover.
- What can we do?|- Wait here.
I'll communicate when the mission|has been accomplished.
Jacob! Jacob, wait up.
Why do I think there's something|you're not telling us? Now, come on! You're always saying that every time|we knock off a System Lord a worse one shows up.
|Why should this be any different? Others would eventually rise up, but by taking them all out at once|we create a power vacuum Ieading to a galaxywide war as the|remaining Goa'uld jockey for position.
That'll last long enough for us|to make a final, decisive move.
Which is? A wide-scale attack on the entire Goa'uld|population, using the symbiote poison.
We're gonna wipe them out, Jack.
|All of 'em.
Why have I been enlisted for this task? Politics have always been|one of your greater skills.
And am I to go alone? I have my own mission|upon which I must embark.
Apparently, the Tok'ra have developed|a formidable new weapon.
- How do you know?|- I captured a Tok'ra spy in my midst.
I doubt very much a Tok'ra|would reveal this information, no matter how you tortured him.
You are correct.
But Anubis has methods|that would impress you.
What are you going to do? I am going to take this weapon|from the Tok'ra and destroy them.
So why do the System Lords|need human attendants? Well, the Jaffa serve|a strictly military function.
Besides, if a System Lord's host is injured|beyond their symbiote's capacity to heal, it can be pretty useful|to have a human close at hand.
Well, let's hope it doesn't come to that.
- Are you clear on all the System Lords?|- Oh, yeah.
I'm fine.
We'll be at Yu's home world|in a little over an hour.
- Are you all right, Daniel?|- Oh, yeah.
I'm fine.
I just think some of your details|are a little, uh sketchy.
Like what? - We'll use poison to wipe out the Goa'uld.
|- Eventually.
- What about the Jaffa?|- Well, that's still a bit of a wrinkle.
Unless we can reverse their biological|dependency on immature symbiotes, they'll all die as well.
A bit of a wrinkle.
Daniel, the Goa'uld have been spreading|across the galaxy for thousands of years.
Now they're showing zero population|growth.
We're not sure why.
But we intend to take|advantage of the situation.
We may never get|a chance like this again.
Are we good to go? Yeah.
When the Tok'ra arrive on a planet, we|go underground as quickly as possible.
And you actually grow these tunnels|from crystals? Correct.
Crystals are programmed with|the specific layout of a given passageway, allowing us to structure|the tunnel system as we see fit.
- What about ventilation shafts?|- There are none.
If we tunnel through suitable rock such as|calcium carbonate, oxygen is produced.
This gives us enough time to enter the|tunnels and set up life-support systems.
- Colonel.
|- Sir.
How goes the orientation? It's very interesting, sir,|just as you predicted.
Are you interested in Tok'ra engineering? Oh, "interested" doesn't|quite describe how I truly feel.
You're welcome to join us.
Thank you, Aldwin, but I have to|go help Teal'c wait for Daniel.
Excuse me.
I can get you into Yu's quarters.
Your job|is to get close enough to use this.
All you have to do is prick him once.
The effect will be immediate.
He'll believe|you to be his loyal slave Jarren.
- Jarren?|- Just don't jab yourself with it.
- Why?|- Actually I don't know exactly.
That in itself should scare you.
As you know, we kept the body|in stasis for several months as we tried to find a way|to repair the damage.
But in the end we were unsuccessful.
All that is left of Martouf|now lives on in Lantash.
What's its condition? The symbiote is still recuperating, but|the search has begun to find a new host.
- I wanna see the research.
|- I'm sorry, Major.
All information about Zatarc technology Can only be released on the authority|of the Council.
I know.
They've been stonewalling me|for months.
I assure you Martouf was in no pain.
- That's not the problem.
|- What then? If the symbiote was alive|when Martouf came out of stasis, couldn't it have healed his injuries? - The possibility was remote.
|- How remote? The host was too weak.
In all likelihood|the symbiote would have died.
- You don't know that.
|- We had to choose.
- And naturally you chose the symbiote.
|- Your bias toward the host is only natural.
It is better that one should live|than that they both die.
Isn't this really about|your Zatarc research? - I don't understand.
|- If Martouf had lived, you couldn't have examined his brain|tissue.
You'd have learned nothing.
Would you have preferred|his sacrifice to be for nothing? I would have preferred another way.
- You knew Martouf well?|- Yes.
Well, knowing him as you did, what|choice do you think he would have made? Martouf is not entirely gone, Major.
His thoughts and his memories|live on in Lantash.
My lord does not wish|to be disturbed at this time.
- I don't look a thing like this guy.
|- For this work you don't have to.
You'll be fine.
Just remember|to pour from the right.
Kel shak Jarren? Aric kree Onak.
Nis trah Jarren.
I am your loyal servant Jarren.
I will have my tea.
(alarm) - What's goin' on?|- We've received a transmission.
Our sensors have detected a fleet|of motherships bound for Revanna.
You must leave immediately.
An incoming wormhole's blocking|our escape through the Stargate.
The Goa'uld can only sustain|a wormhole for 38 minutes.
The ships will be here before then.
There is no other escape.
Identify yourselves.
I represent the Jade Emperor,|the exulted Lord Yu Huang Shang-Ti.
Two life signs scanned.
|No weapons detected.
Lowering shields.
Our fellow System Lords|are not to be trusted.
- Neither are their slaves.
|- Understood, my lord.
Do you have any ships available? A few unarmed cargo ships,|but they're on other missions.
- We have begun making new tunnels.
|- What good is that gonna do? Spread out the risk of|getting hit by an air attack.
You could lend us a hand moving|life-support equipment and supplies.
- Major, lend him a hand.
|- Yes, sir.
- What are you doing?|- I'm cutting power to the base.
The energy signature would|give away our position.
- They must use random bombardment.
|- That's encouraging.
Colonel, the Tok'ra have never had|the military resources of the Goa'uld.
We use disguise and subterfuge.
|Our bases are designed to be hidden.
We are just not equipped to repulse|such a large enemy force.
Well, they're not just gonna go away.
I can assure you, Major,|if this base is compromised, we will fight until|the last of us has fallen.
With what? Zats? - What else is there?|- Well, you've got that poison.
If it's half as good as you say it is, it could|wipe out any potential ground assault.
And risk killing every Tok'ra as well? Hey! We're all gonna die|if we sit around and wait for the attack.
Believe me.
If it came down to it,|we would sacrifice ourselves, and use the poison on our enemy|if we had some.
Unfortunately the only quantity in|existence is in Selmak's possession.
It would take weeks to synthesise more.
Lord Yu Huang Shang-Ti.
Note them, Jarren.
My future allies.
(Daniel) Bastet, Kali the Destroyer.
They made a treaty with Sobek, then|attacked him in the celebratory feast.
Sobek let his guard down.
Rumour has it his head still decorates|Bastet's palace in Bubastis.
You have a good memory.
|They are still worthy of my allegiance.
Do not accept gifts from Baal.
They have a habit of exploding, especially|when he feels he has been slighted.
He wiped out two star systems,|60 million lives, rather than lose them to Sokar|in a territorial dispute.
Poor loser.
Do not consort with Morrigan's servant.
He will attempt to draw out strategic|information in idle conversation.
I know your last servant gave away|the location of one of your secret bases.
He was killed in the surprise attack.
It is what has given me|the honour to serve you, my lord.
Olokun is still seething over|a recent loss to my forces.
He may try to kill you out of spite.
Do not make me look foolish|by allowing yourself to be murdered.
Yes, my lord.
I am pleased you were able to join us,|given recent events.
I understand your fleet|suffered some heavy losses.
I am not the only one.
Did I not hear your new flagship|was destroyed? I lost 2,000 Jaffa.
- Such is war.
|- No! This is different.
|This enemy attacks like a coward.
Bastet and Kali have suffered|similar setbacks.
They are more frequent, while the identity|of our antagonist continues to elude us.
I'm certain you have your suspicions.
We're all suffering at the hands|of this unknown adversary.
By shrouding himself,|he sows discord amongst us.
Mansfield, it's O'Neill.
A section of the structure collapsed.
We have some injured Tok'ra here.
- Sir, we got another one.
|- Get 'em outta there.
Roger that.
Let's go.
We gotta move.
- Elliot, let's go.
|- He's still alive, sir.
Major, what's your situation? Mansfield, report! The al-kesh continue to bomb|the area around the gate.
No Tok'ra have surfaced|and attempted escape.
Escape? There's no escape.
They hide in their tunnels like rats.
|Continue the bombardment.
Prepare your ground troops|for infiltration.
- Elliot.
|- Direct hit, sir.
- Where's the rest of your team?|- They're dead.
Sir, we need to get him to the infirmary.
- The infirmary has been destroyed.
|- We'll take them to the lab.
Follow me.
I'm transferring the formula|for the poison to this crystal.
And I'm erasing|the memory of the computer.
We'll die before we give up our secrets.
You know, we really should|come up with a new strategy.
One that does not include us dying.
We must know what is|happening on the surface.
We're cut off from the surface sensors.
|You must use the secondary ring room.
Show them.
Jacob, are you there? It's Daniel.
- Daniel, how's it goin'?|- It's kinda like Goa'uldan Mardi Gras.
A shipjust docked,|so by my count you got all seven.
- It's time to release the poison.
|- We may wanna hold off a while.
- They're expecting someone else.
|- Who? I don't know.
It seems they've got|some mysterious new adversary.
That's strange.
It's not like|a Goa'uld to play it so coy.
I'll see what I can find out.
|I'll contact you later.
We have to get him out of here.
- He needs medical attention.
|- We've done what we can.
- What about the symbiote?|- Out of the question.
It could save Major Mansfield's life.
The symbiote's life is being sustained|by the chamber.
It can't help your friend.
- We can't just let him die.
|- If we implant the symbiote, we kill them both.
They appear to be amassing a few troops.
Once the air bombardment exposes|the tunnels, they will infiltrate them.
Carter, come in.
Carter, respond.
Let's get back.
This has gone on long enough.
We must determine who is|responsible for these attacks.
The coward refuses to show himself.
He only strikes with his ships,|never with ground troops.
Have none of you seen|the faces of the enemy Jaffa? I have.
When my outpost at Cerador|came under assault, my first prime managed to disable|and board one of the enemy ships.
- Did you take any prisoners?|- They fought to the death.
Most had been in the service|of Cronus and Sokar, but one bore the mark of Olokun.
How do you explain this? One of my motherships|was surrounded by the enemy.
Instead of dying with honour,|the cowards surrendered and were taken.
- They may well have switched allegiance.
|- And you expect us to believe this? I too have suffered|at the hands of this unseen foe.
How dare you accuse me! My lords, the final guest has arrived.
I hope I'm not missing all the fun.
- Welcome, Osiris.
|- I thank you for honouring my request.
Normally your petition for a seat here|would not have been considered.
Of course, the current situation|is far from normal.
I think you'll find I have much to offer.
Shall we proceed? - (bleeping)|- What's that? A warning.
The Jaffa|have breached the tunnels.
O'Neill! He is dead.
Lieutenant? Oh, my God.
- Lantash.
|- (distorted) I had no choice.
Elliot? I'm afraid his injuries are severe.
|He has serious internal damage.
It's going to take all my strength|just to keep him alive.
He will have to speak for both of us.
- Major.
|- Elliot.
- It's gonna be OK.
|- If you say so.
Believe me, I know.
The symbiote's|trying to heal you, OK? OK.
Carter? The ceiling collapsed, sir.
|Ren'al and Major Mansfield are dead.
As is Aldwin.
Elliot's in rough shape.
|There's a Tok'ra symbiote in him.
- What?|- It feels very weird, sir.
He's keeping him alive.
(bombardment) Let's take our chances on the surface.
What's the delay?|They should all be there now.
Yeah, we got a full house,|but there's a complication.
Daniel? - Sarah's here.
|- Sarah You mean Osiris?|Did she recognise you? I don't know.
I think so, but she didn't|tip her hand and I don't know why.
Daniel Jackson.
You're a rather long way|from home, aren't you? The tunnel's blocked.
Does Lantash know if there's|another way to the secondary ring room? There isn't.
Then indeed we are trapped.

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