Stargate SG-1 s05e21 Episode Script


We have to get to the infirmary.
|Daniel's been exposed to radiation.
Have a medical team meet us on the way.
Medical team to Alpha 2.
|Repeat, medical team to Alpha 2.
- Colonel, what happened?|- Details are a little sketchy, sir.
We were not present|at the time of the incident.
- Don't touch me!|- He may still be radioactive.
Let's get him scrubbed down.
- Do we know what kind and how much?|- It was a device, housing an unstable radioactive|variation of naqahdah.
We think his right hand was exposed to eight to nine grays of neutron radiation|resulting from direct contact.
Full body exposure of over seven.
- Oh, my God.
|- Doctor? It's a lethal dose, sir.
As you were.
Dr Fraiser tells me there's nothing more|we can do for Dr Jackson at the moment.
In the meantime, tell me what happened.
Well, sir, as you know, Kelowna is|one of three major countries on 4C3.
What we've learned since|our initial contact is they appear to be at a similar stage of development|to that of the United States in the 1940s.
Geopolitically, there is obvious|mounting tension between the nations.
Sort of like a cold war, sir.
The Kelownans discovered their Stargate|approximately 15 years ago, along with a number of Goa'uld artefacts|in what appears to be an ancient temple.
Their knowledge of the gate|is still limited.
But their interest is strong.
|We told them what we could offer, and they were eager to share|any technologies that could potentially|be offered in exchange.
This is incredible.
It is a pleasure|to meet you.
I'm Jonas Quinn.
I'm special adviser to our high minister.
- Security's a little tight around here.
|- As you've undoubtedly been told, this is one of our most secret|and important research operations.
Daniel Jackson.
Colonel Jack O'Neill, Major Sam Carter, and the tall, silent one is Teal'c.
"Teal'c"Well, your arrival on|our planet is an extraordinary event.
It's my honour to show you around|this facility.
Please, follow me.
- He's an adviser to the high minister.
|- Their equivalent to our president.
As we understand it, Jonas was|responsible for overseeing the research - From an ethical perspective.
|- Yeah.
He had several degrees from their|most honoured education institution: - Social studies, Kelownan history|- He was a nerd, sir.
He and Daniel got along great.
If we could have access to the artefacts,|we have a process called carbon dating.
- I could determine the age of the temple.
|- I'm sure that can be arranged.
Our archaeologists believe they've only|begun to uncover what may be buried.
- There were extensive alien writings.
|- Teal'c and I could help with translation.
I understand that your knowledge and|expertise will come at a price, Colonel.
- That is why you are here, right?|- Don't get me wrong.
We wanna help out as much as we can.
It's just that we've been|burned a little in past relations.
We're not questioning|what you offer in return - We want to get to know you better first.
|- That's it.
Still, hopefully we'll have|much of value to offer in exchange.
This way.
We can go in now.
This is Tomis Lee.
He is chief physicist overseeing the|development of our most critical project.
Tomis, this is SG-1 of the planet Earth.
My pleasure.
What is this? The core of this device|was uncovered in an ancient temple of a race of people|we believe were called the Guld.
- Goa'uld.
|- Really? It's a mineral substance found to have|highly unstable radioactive properties.
This experiment seems to indicate|the potential for great bursts of energy.
Our translation of the writings indicate that the alien element|is called naquadria.
Uh, naqahdah.
No We also translated|that word in the same text.
This is definitely naquadria.
So this is some sort of|power-generating device? Not exactly.
They were making a bomb, sir.
They were far from achieving|a deliverable weapon, but, if successful, it would have been as powerful|as a naqahdah-enhanced warhead.
The Kelownans claimed they were|under threat from neighbouring nations, and the weapon would only be used|to ensure their freedom.
It's a situation we'd have to be|careful about getting involved in.
Yes, sir.
I'm not sure we need to|worry about that, General.
How so? I don't think they want|our help any longer.
Something to do with how Dr Jackson|was exposed to that much radiation? We were touring the city.
Daniel|was at the research facility with Jonas.
He was pretty passionate about|trying to convince the Kelownan people that building a bomb|wasn't the answer to their problems.
- Still, we don't know|- Colonel, what do you know? Sir, they're claiming Daniel|tried to sabotage their research.
They're lying, General.
I also do not believe this to be true.
They let us bring him back home|on compassionate grounds.
But the fact is, they just didn't|want us around there any more.
But they are demanding that|he be returned to face the charges, if he survives.
What is Dr Jackson saying happened? The nausea will be followed|by tremors, convulsions, and something called ataxia.
Surface tissue and internal organs|will inflame and degrade.
I believe that's called necrosis.
Based on the dose of radiation I got, that|will happen in the next ten to 15 hours.
If I don't drown in my own blood|and fluids, I'll bleed to death.
There is no medical treatment|to prevent that.
Maybe not that we know of.
We don't go running to our offworld allies|every time an individual's life's at stake.
My life is no more valuable|than anybody else's.
- What happened?|- It doesn't matter.
Yes, it does.
You didn't try to sabotage anything.
There was an accident.
The scientists figured they would be held|responsible.
It was easier to blame me.
- And you're OK with this?|- No.
But there's not much I can do.
Yes, there is.
If they really wanna blame me,|denying it isn't gonna change anything.
they're trying, and he nearly blew|the entire planet to bits.
I tried telling them.
They wouldn't listen.
They're gonna build that bomb,|and nothing we say is gonna stop them.
The Asgard is still not responding.
|We've tried to reach Jacob Carter, but, last we heard, he was on a mission|to recover the last undercover Tok'ra.
General, we do have|intelligence on a sarcophagus.
- SG-3's mission report two months ago.
|- Yes, sir.
We both know the negative effects|of that technology.
But Daniel's been in one of those things a|dozen times.
Once more isn't gonna hurt.
However, SG-3's report clearly indicated|that the sarcophagus is heavily guarded, and likely retrieving it would|result in significant casualties, which is why I did not order|a recovery mission at the time.
- Sir|- Colonel, please don't think you're alone|in your feelings on this matter.
Yes, sir.
- Got anything?|- Well, I've been doing some calculations.
- Anything to help Daniel?|- I wish.
Based on the amount of radiation|they say he was exposed to, I've estimated the energy that would have|been generated by the experiment.
- And?|- The potential's astronomical, sir.
A very small amount of|the unstable element they're working with emitted a pulse of energy far greater|than anything I've ever believed possible - much more than weapons-grade|naqahdah would have.
It would require a massive nuclear|reaction to even approach this level.
So? This could be the missing link|in terms of generating the kind of energy I believe is necessary|to create a hyperspace window, or to generate the kind of shields the|Goa'uld have used to protect their ships.
Sir, we have to get some of this element.
Their government believes Dr Jackson|was trying to sabotage their research.
It's a lie.
They're using Daniel|as a scapegoat.
You said he was vocal in his disapproval|of their project before the accident.
None of it bodes well|for diplomatic relations.
Why are you talking about diplomatic|relations? This is Daniel's life! Sir, I know how you feel|because I feel the same way.
But I cannot stress enough|how valuable this element could be.
I will draft a letter|to the Kelownan leaders.
General, you cannot capitulate to|these people.
They are lying bastards! Their government doesn't know the truth.
They will have little reason to believe us, when what we're forcing them to admit|would be a major embarrassment.
It will put them at too great|a disadvantage in further negotiations.
Sir you cannot admit Daniel is guilty.
Give me some credit, Jack.
I will tell them|that we did not order any such action, and do not condone its obvious|intentions, both of which are true.
Hopefully we can lay the groundwork|for further diplomatic negotiations, which will eventually result in|an amicable trade for the naquadria.
I'm ordering you to deliver the letter.
Fine sir.
Colonel O'Neill.
I'm surprised to see you.
I brought a letter from|my superior to your leaders.
That's, uh an apology.
Yeah, hardly.
You see, we know|you're lying through your teeth.
- How is Dr Jackson?|- Not good.
I'm sorry to hear that.
Two of the scientists are already dead.
|The other two will be shortly.
Their deaths were horrific.
My superior thinks that denying|the allegations against Daniel - Would be a waste of time.
|- He's a wise man.
Why is your government even trying|to maintain a relationship with us? We want some of that stuff|you're experimenting with.
My government still thinks|they can negotiate for it.
The naquadria is very spare|and extremely valuable to us.
I doubt that my government|would ever agree to that.
Yeah, I figured.
- That's why I'm here.
|- I don't understand.
I only agreed to bring that letter|so I could see you.
- Why?|- Because Daniel is dying.
And you're looking|for someone to blame, or? I'm not gonna let you tarnish his name.
See, I don't care what|that stuff is worth to anyone.
My government will admit|Daniel is guilty over my dead body.
- What do you want from me?|- Just tell the truth.
I can't.
Even if I wanted to,|without the support of We're in this mess because you|and your buddies are lying cowards, - Trying to cover your own incompetence.
|- Colonel.
We desperately need|the weapon we're developing.
Without it, the Kelownan people|could fall to our rival nations, who are developing their own|powerful weapons as we speak.
We will do whatever's necessary to|ensure our freedom and a lasting peace.
All right, let me be clear about something.
I think this is the point|Daniel was trying to make.
A weapon of mass destruction|can only be used for one thing.
You might think it'll ensure peace|and freedom, but I guarantee you, it'll never have the effect|you're hoping for until you use it, at least once.
Now, just for the record,|the reason we want that stuff is because we think it could be|used to create defence shields.
But you just go ahead.
Blow yourselves to hell with it.
He looks awful.
It's gonna get a lot worse,|and it's gonna happen fast.
I'm sure you're doing everything you can.
Sedatives and painkillers.
|That's all we can really do.
You have no idea|how painful this is going to get.
I'd not normally say this-it goes against|everything I've been trained to do - but the truth is,|he'd be a lot better off if I Daniel.
I didn't suggest this before because, um Well, the truth is, I'm not really sure|what I'm doing with this thing.
I could make things worse.
He's seizing.
Give me five of Valium.
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.
Help me get him on his side.
Valium's in.
|Stand by with the Ambu bag.
Draw two grams of magnesium sulphate.
|Ease him back.
Your fate is in your hands.
Hey, Jack.
l, uh I just wanted to I'm really bad at this.
Yes, you are.
I hear that Sam thinks, uh naquadria might be|an important discovery.
Yeah apparently.
If we can get some.
For what it's worth, I tried to get your point across to Jonas.
He's in a tough position.
You're not gonna take the fall for this.
|I don't care what's at stake.
Why do you care? Because despite the fact that you've been a terrific pain in the ass|for the last five years, I may have might have, um grown to admire you a little I think.
That's touching.
This will not be|your last act on official record.
Oma What? Oma Desala.
I felt like I knew you, like we had met|before, but you look different.
Lightning flashes, sparks shower.
In one blink of your eyes,|you have missed seeing.
What did you mean when you said|my fate is in my hands? When the mind is enlightened, the spirit|is freed, and the body matters not.
You're talking about ascension, right? The rising to a different|plane of existence.
Are you saying that I could do that?|Become like you? You must complete the journey|you began at Kheb.
Only then will you be able|to find your way to the great path.
- What do I do?|- Release your burden.
Well, consider it released.
|What's step two? A tall man cannot hide in the short grass.
I really don't have time for one|of these kind of conversations.
One cannot reach enlightenment|by running from death.
- Tell me what to do.
|- Many roads lead to the great path.
Only the willing will find their way.
Well, I'm willing.
So let's go.
I mean,|you know, do your thing.
Glow me.
The river tells no lies, though standing on the shore,|the dishonest man still hears them.
I didn't think it was gonna be that easy.
What are you doing here? Your commander was kind enough|to grant my passage.
I brought this.
I took as much as I could.
Why? Data recorded in that accident showed|the potential power of the weapon unlike anything collected previously.
I don't know what was worse, seeing|my colleagues die in that manner, or seeing the looks of utter glee|on our leaders' faces when they were told|the potential power of this weapon.
They wanted to know|when it could be "demonstrated".
I told them the truth|about what happened.
I read that book you gave me.
Already? I just gave it to you last night.
Quick study.
It's how|I got this position at my age.
And? It should prove useful in the translations.
I thought you'd be a little more excited.
No offence.
I'm just more interested in|what's out there, through the Stargate.
Whatever problems there are|between your planet's nations will seem insignificant when you do|find out what's going on "out there".
Until you give us more details,|there's not much else I can do.
Well, you've probably seen the evidence|right here on your own planet.
That temple was obviously occupied by a|powerful, technologically advanced race.
As far as I can tell from your pictures, they were destroyed|by a catastrophic explosion.
Our scientists theorised that an asteroid|impacted our continent 10,000 years ago.
The fallout could have|easily buried the civilisation.
Or the race were experimenting with|the very technology you are today.
If what you say is true about the|potential enemies out there in our galaxy, we may need these advanced|weapons more than ever.
I can't deny that, but some very|wise people have shown me how a sudden leap in weapons|technology by a civilisation can lead to its destruction.
Given the chance,|you would deny us this technology? I can't predict what would happen|with or without the weapon.
I just wish there was another way.
Energy readings are increasing|by a power of ten.
Did you see that? Get down! Stay away from the glass!|The radiation will penetrate the window! - What's happening?|- This device could explode.
We have to remove the core.
Tomis! Dr Jackson! No! Dr Jackson! (device humming) (humming crescendoes) I am ashamed that they would not bring themselves|to recognise Dr Jackson's heroism.
He saved millions of lives.
Millions could still die.
The future's never certain.
You saved|many without regard for your own life.
I could have destroyed the device.
You believe your journey is still not over.
Actually, I'm not entirely sure what|the point of my journey so far has been.
If this is about being honest with yourself, I believe my entire life has been a failure.
Just so you know,|Jonas had a change of heart.
He stole some naquadria for us.
He took a big risk.
He said|it was because of what you did.
I think it could be important,|and I wanted you to know that.
You have an effect on people, Daniel.
The way you look at things It changed me too.
I I see what really matters.
I don't know why we wait|to tell people how we really feel.
I guess I hoped that you always knew.
You can never reach enlightenment|if you do not believe you are worthy.
Then I guess we may have a problem.
You once gave me this.
You said that its spirit would|one day serve its owner in the afterlife.
I'm not dead yet, but|I guess it doesn't look so good right now.
If you are to die, Daniel Jackson, I wish you to know that I believe|that the fight against the Goa'uld will have lost one of its greatest warriors.
And I will have lost|one of my greatest friends.
Because it is so clear,|it takes a long time to realise it.
If you immediately know|the candlelight is fire, the meal was cooked a long time ago.
The monk at Kheb said that to me.
I don't|know what it meant then, and I still don't.
Why do you feel you have|failed on your journey? You've opened the Stargate|for your world.
I cracked a code.
|A lot of other people made it work.
The very next thing you did was|help free the people of Abydos from evil.
Sha're! I had the chance|to live out my life with her.
I couldn't leave it alone.
I was the one that unburied the gate.
|What happened to her was my fault.
I couldn't save Sha're,|I couldn't save Sarah.
Every Goa'uld I helped eliminate,|another one took its place.
Maybe I did some good, but nothing I've|done seems to have changed anything.
These tasks of which you speak|were great challenges, - Perhaps even impossible to achieve.
|- Does that absolve me? You feel your journey must continue|until you have found redemption? No.
Not any more.
Not if I'm dead.
Exactly true.
You said I was the only one|qualified to judge myself.
So no matter how much I want to achieve|enlightenment, or whatever you call it, what happens if I look at my life|and I don't honestly believe I deserve it? The success or failure of your deeds|does not add up to the sum of your life.
Your spirit cannot be weighed.
Judge|yourself by the intention of your actions, and by the strength with which you faced|challenges that have stood in your way.
And what if I can't? People close to you have been trying to|tell you that you have made a difference.
That you did change things for the better.
Not enough.
The universe is vast, and we are so small.
There is really only one thing|we can ever truly control.
What's that? Whether we are good or evil.
Obviously they don't know that I'm here.
I was lucky enough|to be able to access our Stargate.
If I'm caught returning to my planet,|I will be considered a traitor.
- What do you want?|- I don't believe my people will support a war that leads to|any kind of mass destruction.
Our leaders just don't see|any viable alternative right now.
Promise me, if you're able|to develop defence technologies such as these shields that you spoke of,|you'll share them with my government.
- Of course.
|- Unauthorised incoming wormhole.
Wait here.
- Receiving Tok'ra IDC, sir.
|- All defence teams on high alert.
High alert.
Repeat, high alert.
Open the iris.
(Hammond) Stand down.
Sorry, Jacob.
Given what's|been happening with the Tok'ra, - We had to be sure it was you.
|- Understood.
What's going on? It's Daniel.
Hey, Sam.
I'm so sorry.
I tried this, but it didn't work.
We'll do our best.
(distorted) His condition is grave.
|I do not know if I can save him.
And even if I can, I do not believe|I can restore his full healthy state.
Do what you can.
You're leaving?|You can't you can't leave.
The rest is up to you.
Why why me?|Why why give me this chance? Anyone can reach enlightenment - anyone prepared to open their mind|as you did when you first came to Kheb.
They're trying to save me.
They're healing me.
I can feel it.
Then your journey will continue as before.
What if I don't want it to? Not that way.
Walking the great path|brings great responsibility.
You cannot fear it,|nor hesitate in your resolve.
I understand.
- I'm ready to go with you.
|- Then stop them.
How? - Daniel.
|- Yeah.
- Did you want something?|- Yeah.
- Tell Jacob to stop.
|- Why? Because I'm ready to move on.
- You're just giving up?|- No.
No, I'm not giving up, believe me.
You remember Oma? Sure.
I think I can do more this way.
It's what I want.
I have to go now.
Everything's gonna be fine.
Please, Jack.
Tell Jacob to stop.
- Are you serious?|- It's what he wants.
Is someone else|gonna tell me what to do? Just let him go.
Colonel? I'm gonna miss you guys.
Yeah You too.
Thank you.
For everything.
So What? See you around? I don't know.
(O'Neill) Hey.
Where are you going? I don't know.

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