Nip/Tuck s06e15 Episode Script

Virginia Hayes

NARRATOR: Previously on Nip/Tuck: CHRISTIAN: Kimber is missing.
Coast Guard thinks she's dead.
I don't know what to do.
Senor Perez.
I'm Escobar Gallardo, the former boss of Silvio Perez.
Silvio stole my daughter's innocence.
Brother said he was with the boss's girl.
- How old was she? ALEJANDRO: She was 6.
Tell me what you don't - Honey, how old are you? - Fifteen.
That's what I thought.
I'm sorry, but any surgical procedure would require a parent present.
- Will your mother be joining us today? - Not unless you can bring back the dead.
I am sorry.
You're exactly as my father described you.
And your father is? In hell with her if there's any truth to what the nuns taught me in Catholic school.
They say I look like him.
I'm Aurelia Gallardo Escobar Gallardo's daughter.
The devil's child.
Monsters never consider the shame they leave their children.
Becomes part of their identity.
Are you sure you're only 15? Fifteen.
Old enough to understand all the suffering my family has inflicted on so many innocent people.
Well, ahem, Aurelia I really don't know how we can help you.
- You can help me figure out who I am.
- I don't think Silvio Perez.
He was one of my father's business associates.
I also seem to recall he was a patient of yours at one time.
Am I correct? Well, he I'm sorry.
That name doesn't ring any bells.
Well, it was a long time ago.
I was 8 when Uncle Silvio disappeared.
I started therapy a few years ago that it might help with the nightmares.
Of course, it's not surprising I had nightmares considering my life was one.
I remember something about a surgery Silvio had when you practiced in Florida? Sorry.
Unfortunately l, ahem, remember your father, but Silvio Perez? Sean? No, it doesn't sound familiar.
There is so much violence I can't forget no matter how hard I try yet the truth of who I am, why I feel the way I feel that's still a mystery.
I wish I could help you, but I can't.
I understand.
Maybe it's right that I never know.
I suppose it's only just that I suffer for the sins of my father.
- Are you insane? - I thought you'd be more sympathetic.
You know what it's like to be abused and want answers and closure.
- You're gonna get us closure in a cell.
- Stop being dramatic.
Stop using my past to manipulate me into agreeing with you.
What are you two guys arguing about today? You tell her.
Our morning consult turned out to be Escobar's daughter.
But don't worry, she's just a kid.
He's dead, Gala's dead, and she's all alone.
In Roman times your enemies would kill your children after they killed you to make sure there was no one left to grow up to take revenge.
Anyone who shares the blood of that animal is not to be trusted.
She doesn't want revenge.
She wants to know what happened to the man who molested her.
Oh, and you're considering telling her.
Look, I know in theory telling her what happened could somehow implicate us in a crime, but A number of crimes.
Accessory to murder, obstruction of justice.
I mean, hell, they could nail us on a EPA violation for feeding alligators.
But there isn't any evidence of any of that.
And no one's ever going to find it.
Screw the evidence.
It's done.
We got away with it.
You don't screw with that kind of luck.
Okay, no.
We're not even gonna discuss it.
I am not gonna let you bring even a piece of that man back into our lives to relieve some Irish Catholic guilt that all of a sudden you're feeling.
- Liz.
- No.
Two against one, buddy boy.
You lose.
Tell me what you don't like about yourself.
This town, Dr.
Troy, is an impossible place for a girl to be herself.
Don't tell me you are an actress.
Like everybody else you meet on the street, right? Chicks like me are a dime a dozen in Hollywood.
Back in Michigan where I'm from, I was hot shit.
I'd go to the clubs and the bouncers would say: "Right this way, 10.
" Right this way, 10.
Right this way, 10.
Really? Is that what they say? I'm not a 10, am I? Out here I barely register as a six, maybe a seven.
And here that makes me a nobody.
You shouldn't be so rough on yourself.
You're a very pretty girl.
You really think so? Yes, I do.
Would you bang me on that desk, right now? Unfortunately, that's not much of a barometer.
I'm a horny devil.
Then let's do it.
Just hold on a second.
Playing "Hide the Tree Trunk" with me might boost your ego for a little while but then eventually you have to go back to your real life as a six.
- Or maybe a seven.
- Maybe a seven.
You know, it's not as easy to sleep your way to the top as it used to be.
Sexual harassment ruined everything.
I'm sorry.
I just don't know how to get people to notice me.
I'm actually not that bad of an actress, you know not that acting has anything to do with getting roles here.
Then why stay? Why put yourself through constant humiliation when you could go back to your hometown and be homecoming queen again, be a 10? Because I told everybody back home I was gonna make something of myself that someday they'd be able to say, "I knew her when" If I return now, I return a failure.
Then let's try this again, shall we? Tell me what you don't like about yourself, Miss Hayes.
LIZ: I am so happy that we are doing a simple mammoplasty today and nothing is going to go wrong.
Right, Christian? CHRISTIAN: Why would it? - I don't know.
Maybe because our surgical suite is directly over the gates of hell.
CHRISTIAN: I promise you nothing will go wrong today.
LIZ: That sounds so good.
We're just gonna listen to the music, do our job, go home.
- Sounds good? CHRISTIAN: Sounds good to me.
LIZ: All right.
- Let's do it.
LIZ: She looks a lot like Kimber under the mask, doesn't she? CHRISTIAN: She's definitely not as hot, but she's got the same color hair same color of skin tone same breast implants.
Remember? I gave Kimmy low C's for her first surgery.
LIZ: They're our top seller.
- Yeah.
There are a lot of girls in the world who have bad self-image problems, huh? CHRISTIAN: Mm-hm.
Ten blade.
: Here in my car I feel safest of all I can lock all my doors it's the only way to live in cars Here in my car I can only receive I can listen to you it keeps me stable for days in cars Some serious shit right here, Dr.
What the hell am I supposed to do with this? Kill the rabbit, asshole.
I mean, you could try to shoot me but I'm already dead.
Come on, Sean, kill it.
Goddamn it, you're still such a pussy.
Fifty years of school and you still don't get it.
I dropped out in second grade and I even know.
This is a metaphor.
- For what? - For that prick Christian and all the shit he made you do.
Silvio Perez, his brother.
And that's just the big-ticket items, man.
You've been feeding him your soul since the day you met him and then asking him, "Would you like seconds, please?" I knew what I was doing.
I made my choices.
Like choosing to keep your mouth shut while my little girl needs a daddy to talk to.
Come on, man.
Shoot him.
Kill the douche bag once and for all.
Be a man for once in your waste of a life.
Okay, doctor, let's cut this bad boy open and see what's inside of him.
Have you ever seen Peter Pan? That's you, dude, taking people to Neverland so they never grow old.
Hey, didn't he get eaten by an alligator too? Will you shut up? [SEAN GRUNTING.]
- It's Silvio's.
- Maybe.
My daughter has no one, Sean.
Her whole family is gone.
But she has the guts to come to you look you in the eyes, ask you for the truth an innocent.
She needs your help.
You're the one who got her into this, you and my partner.
Alligator boy? You're right, we did.
We got both of you into it.
You are both innocents.
And now I'm all taking care of, but what are you going to do about him? What am I supposed to do? He's my best friend.
You've got two choices: Eat or be eaten.
Hey, I'm looking for Virginia Hayes.
Troy, Miss Hayes' surgeon.
Can I help you? Is she still here? - Where do you keep them? - Are you a family member? Could be.
Not sure exactly.
I'll tell you when I see her.
Why don't you just tell me right now? I'm the one getting all of her bills.
What the hell does that mean? I'm Virginia Hayes.
The woman you gave new tits to stole my identity.
I'm sure it's a misunderstanding.
- She tried to bang you, didn't she? - No.
The last time, the watch salesman had screwed her in his Rolex display.
So, of course, he took her side.
Must be a pretty good lay.
Virginia, dear, you have a visitor.
Where are you? She can't have gone too far, trust me.
Linda, get your ass in here.
Damn it.
Thought I had her this time.
The credit-card company won't stick you with the bill.
No, but they will stick you with it.
Yeah, the merchant's the one who pays in fraud not the victim and not the creditor.
Her Lexus, it's not on the structure.
She drives a Lexus.
A $600-a-month Lexus while I drive a piece of shit '87 Corolla.
How did you find out she had the operation? Oh, I got a guy, a private dick.
He's been searching for her for three years now.
I mean, that is how long I have known about this bitch.
And you don't know her real name? No.
No, no, no.
No, she's that good.
She just uses my name every once in a while.
So it's almost like I forget about her and then something pops up again.
Three weeks ago, I get my first bill from that Lexus dealer.
So I call my PI.
He starts keeping an eye out for everything with my Social Security number on it calls me this morning and says: "She got a new card and it was used here yesterday.
" Can't you just cancel your credit cards and move on? No.
You can't just go on with your life.
My life is totally screwed.
I can't get a job, okay, because she got caught shoplifting two years ago when she used my name.
Me and my husband divorced so we could keep his assets separate.
Then the asshole realizes he's got a free pass to screwing around.
So now he's gone, not that I blame him because I'm in this pissy mood all the time because I spend most of my time on hold trying to clear my name with one credit bureau or another.
Well, Miss Hayes I don't know how we can help but if there's anything, anything we can do You can stop being enamored with every little ingénue that walks through your doors.
Okay, I have heard her story.
She plays the victim and guys fall on her feet.
So here's what you can do, Dr.
Troy: Stop being such a chump.
My daughter used to love the swing.
And the higher I pushed her, the more she'd beg me not to stop.
My father and I could never play outside.
Too dangerous.
It was years before I realized he was worried about his safety, not mine.
Thank you, Dr.
McNamara, for calling me.
I was surprised, actually, to hear from you.
Your visit took us a bit by surprise too.
Your instinct was right about your uncle.
He did He molested you when you were young.
How young? Six.
Silvio offered us a lot of money to do a facial reconstruction.
We had no idea why he wanted it, what So you did his surgery? Yeah.
And then he wanted another one.
And your father tracked him down.
He wanted vengeance for what Silvio had done to you.
So he killed this man.
One monster killed another.
No, actually no.
He would have, but Silvio's brother, Alejandro, got there first broke into our surgical suite and he held him down while he turned up the anesthesia.
- They were enemies? - No, I think Alejandro loved his brother but he was frightened.
He knew what Silvio had done to you.
When he found out his wife was about to have a baby girl he didn't want to take any chances.
By the time your father got there, Silvio was dead.
And you never went to the police? He died on our table.
If we had reported it, we would have lost our medical license.
We had no choice but to dispose of Silvio's body.
You had a choice.
You made it.
Alejandro followed us to the swamp where we dumped him and soon after your father killed him to get rid of the evidence for our sake, he said.
Thank you, Dr.
McNamara for telling me the truth.
I was born into the world of Escobar Gallardo.
Evil and violence was all I knew.
Maybe now I can put it behind me start fresh.
Me too.
That's some kid.
Takes after the old man, don't she, Sean? Thank you.
- That's taking a really long time.
- Takes longer if you keep interrupting.
Look I am in a lot of pain.
Is there anything you can do to hurry it up? CHRISTIAN: Try these.
That should ease the pain, at least until the cops get here.
Thanks, Mort.
How did you find me? I called every pharmacy in the area, asked them to contact me if a new C cup tried to fill out the prescription I wrote.
I'm serious about the pills.
Who knows what they'll give you in jail.
Please, don't call the police.
Why? You have a check for me? I don't have anything anymore.
I'm really sorry.
I never imagined that this would happen.
You stole a woman's Social Security, her credit cards skipped out in a $5000 procedure.
- What did you think would happen? - I meant I never imagined that my life could end up to be such a failure.
What do you think, Mort, huh? Surprised she doesn't get more jobs.
She's one hell of an actress.
I'm not an actress.
It was all a lie.
I'm just Marcy Hamels from Des Moines.
I came out here to get my real-estate license, but I failed the exam.
I have dyslexia.
And then I had this problem with my job where I got these headaches and I couldn't focus.
Then the temp agency fired me and everything just went to shit.
I didn't know what else to do.
You didn't know what else to do so you get implants? Yes.
I thought a new body might give me a new life.
And everyone out here who's anyone has them.
I was just trying to fit in.
You do realize what you did to the real Virginia, don't you? I feel horrible.
I always told myself that I'd find a way to pay her back.
- You don't have to do that.
- No, no, I want to.
No, you don't have to do that because you don't have to pay for the procedure.
If you had told me your story, we could have worked something out.
- Really? - Of course.
Matter of fact, if you come back in, I'll lipo away few pounds for free.
Why would you do that? I became a surgeon to change people's lives and well you look like you could use a little help.
LIZ: What are you doing? I thought she was having lipo.
CHRISTIAN: So did she.
Thank God she's desperate enough to fall for the Grade A bullshit I fed her.
She thought I cared about her.
These C cups right here, they're the property of McNamara/Troy.
I'm repossessing them.
LIZ: You can't foreclose implants.
CHRISTIAN: Watch me.
LIZ: Why don't you just go to the police? CHRISTIAN: What, and lose all the personal satisfaction? I'm tired of being taken advantage of.
This bitch is just the last in a long line of gold diggers who've tried to milk me dry.
You don't know what it's like to be taken advantage of.
I feel like a goddamn Chinese buffet.
LIZ: I get it.
I do.
You dealt with the pain of Kimber's death with her mother but you haven't dealt with your rage.
And it's normal to be angry especially when you didn't get a warning, a note.
You have no closure but I'm telling you, this is not gonna give you closure.
CHRISTIAN: I don't give a damn why I'm doing it.
All I know is that I feel much better.
Linda, close this bitch up for me, would you? [GROANS.]
Looking for these? - You took them out? - I took them back.
But you told me that you wanted to help.
You lied to me.
That makes us even then, doesn't it? How could you be so cruel? Cruel would be calling the police.
Face it, you'd qualify for Social Security by the time you got out of jail.
Given the grief and financial hardship you caused me and the real Virginia what I did was generous.
You should feel lucky.
You're welcome to stay the recommended I'll make sure you're treated well, not in any pain.
In light of what happened, I think it's fair.
You're right.
I also got you some pamphlets for some women shelters.
You're welcome to use the phone here if you like.
They'll help you get back on your feet in an honest way.
If you feel any pain at all, just go ahead and press that button.
But be careful.
It's morphine, so don't overdo it.
Hang in there.
Troy could I ask you for one more favor? Are you kidding me? Could you give me Virginia's number? I wanted to call her myself and tell her I'm sorry.
She's only gonna call the police.
Well that's what she does.
There's probably already a warrant for my arrest, right? And if I'm gonna start a new life I can't stay on the run.
Who knows, maybe she'll be nice like you were and we'll work something out.
I'll leave her number right here.
I'd get some rest first, though.
You look like you need it.
Christian, this is Special Agent Reynolds and Agent Ryan from the FBI.
What are the feds doing here? We're not pressing any charges against Miss Hamels.
I'm sorry? There must be some sort of confusion.
We're here to talk to you about Silvio Perez.
She's an interesting girl.
Wise beyond her years.
Makes sense, growing up in a family like that.
Did she say why she would make up a story like this? She wanted to change her identity.
Says she was raised by killers, surrounded by evil.
She kept going on about how her braces were paid for with blood of innocents.
REYNOLDS: She said she couldn't be a good person and let a bad deed go unpunished.
We are going to ask you the same question, though.
Well, I have no idea.
She came in for a consult the other day asked us about this Silvio Perez.
- We didn't know anything and she left.
- The kid's loco.
- We're plastic surgeons.
- Who have connections to Escobar Gallardo.
Let's not forget that he was last seen in your offices and that he left a trail of dead peace officers as payment for services rendered.
Which is probably why she's fixated on us.
We were very transparent in our dealings with Escobar.
What about Silvio Perez? First time we heard the name was when she mentioned it in the consult.
That true for all of you? Yes, that is.
Well, we're sorry to have taken up your time.
You should know we've started an active investigation.
Probably won't go anywhere but anything related to the War on Drugs gives our bosses hard-ons.
I would like copies of all your records.
Oh, that's okay.
I mean, it will take a few days because, you know, things got mixed up when we moved here from Miami.
Well, just call my office.
We'll send a courier.
Be sure to keep this quiet.
And remember, we offer 20 percent off to law enforcement.
Am I dreaming? - Tell me I'm dreaming.
- I never thought she'd go to the police.
Are you out of your mind? How could you be so stupid? I'm checking the files and see if there's anything.
You get the shredder humming.
When in doubt, chuck it out.
I'm sorry, Christian.
I honestly thought that girl deserves someone in her life who was willing to tell her the truth.
ESCOBAR: Don't you apologize to him.
You don't owe him jack shit.
Holier-Than-Thou, I don't intend to spend the rest of my life in prison.
Shut your mouth or have your moral crisis at some other time.
ESCOBAR: Do you hear the way he talks to you? It's only going to get worse.
He has absolutely no respect for you, Sean.
I never wanted anything to do with that case, if you recall.
- Your shit doesn't stink as bad as mine? - After all these years, I'm sure it does.
I don't know how much longer I can live with it.
That's a start.
Now get up in his face.
Say, "I ain't gonna pay for your shit, Christian.
Your ass is the only one that's gonna fry.
I'm the badass now and I'm gonna take care of Sean.
And there ain't nothing you can do about it, lizard man.
" Now all you have to do is drop a dime on it, baby.
You know it's his fault.
Your word against his.
Who do you think they're gonna believe? We're gonna get through this.
It's her word against ours.
Who do you think they're gonna believe it? You need to find a better way to deal with your stinking shit.
Hello, Marcy.
Virginia? I finally found you.
You got my message.
I didn't realize you'd be stopping by tonight.
I had to.
I mean, things like this just can't be done over the phone.
You're right.
And I'm glad you're here.
I hope you can find some way to forgive me.
Never! You hear me? [GRUNTING.]
CHRISTIAN: Knock, knock.
You sleep okay last night? Yeah, well, me neither.
Not to make excuses but I've had a really tough couple of weeks lately.
I lost somebody very close to me and Well, the point is I haven't been myself.
You were right, I was cruel and I'm sorry.
I just Right or wrong you were just trying to make yourself feel better and I understand that impulse.
We're lucky.
We never backed up our files online in Miami.
All we have are these hard copies.
They're incomplete.
- We have a problem.
- I doubt it.
I don't think Silvio Perez even put his name on the patient Not Silvio.
It's Marcy Hamels.
- The ID thief? - She's dead in the recovery suite.
- She what? - She's dead in the recovery room.
I tricked her into going under so that I could repossess her breasts.
- Are you insane? Maybe she had an adverse reaction to the anesthesia or OD'd on the morphine drip.
Or she was struck by a bolt of lightning.
It doesn't matter.
She's dead in our offices.
When the police come, they're gonna find out you operated against her will.
- Why do the police have to know? - No way.
We're not going down that road again.
This time we do it by the book.
We have a code blue.
Marcy Hamels flatlined in recovery.
- We know.
- Well, why aren't you doing anything? What's going on in here? What happened to Marcy? Maybe your numbers were off.
Are you trying to pin this on me? Did you know he was operating against her will? No, I did not know.
I did not know at first.
But it's not like you tried to bring her out once you found out, right? - What are you saying? - That we're all in this together.
Together? What did I do? You? You're McNamara/Troy.
Every little piece of every little thing is gonna have your name on it as well.
You try rebuilding your business after that kind of press if we don't go to jail.
What are you suggesting? I'm suggesting that we take care of this ourselves.
And we've done it before.
Who is this Marcy Hamels, anyway? She's got no family, no friends No, not again.
We've had Silvio Perez on our backs for 10 years.
- We don't have a choice.
- You don't have a choice.
I do.
And I can do the right thing here.
Call them, be a big man.
You'll make your kids proud when you can't afford their education.
Connor, he'll only remember you as the unemployed asshole you'll become but you would have done the right thing.
That's good.
Fix this.
This is your mess.
We should have brought your car.
Yeah, nobody would notice that Maserati out in the middle of the desert.
Yeah, that wouldn't draw any attention.
All right.
It's deep enough.
Let's get it over with.
Come on.
Put these on.
Maybe it will keep us from going in the chair.
CHRISTIAN: All right.
- I got it.
Ready? One, two, three.
SEAN: This is not good.
- Easy.
Come on, we can't waste any time.
Come on, let's do it.
: Who's gonna tell you when it's too late Who's gonna tell you things Aren't so great ESCOBAR [SINGING.]
: You can't go on Thinking nothing's wrong Who's gonna drive you home tonight? Man, I love this shit.
They just don't make them like they used to.
Do they, Sean? SINGER [OVER RADIO.]
: You can't go on Man, I love this shit.
They don't make them like they used to.
: Who's gonna drive you home tonight?
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