Nip/Tuck s06e16 Episode Script

Dr. Griffin

NARRATOR: Previously on Nip/Tuck: Hey, do you still need that loan? I'm late what, two payments? I always wanted to screw the IRS.
WOMAN: That was not a 457,000-dollar screw.
I will get the money.
Jail is always an option.
I wanna take out a loan.
No, no, no.
No way.
Don't need the loan anymore, buddy boy.
Got an extension.
KIMBER: This is really bad.
- How come I don't feel guilty? KIMBER: We need to stop.
- You're not going back to him, are you? - He is my husband, Sean.
- You deserve better.
You'll never make me happy.
We've hit a rough patch, you don't break up because of it.
He's done with me now.
He's doing you a favor, Kimber.
It's a gift.
Marcy Hamels flatlined in recovery.
Why do the police have to know? Christian, you're not going down that road again.
This time we do it by the book.
DAHLIA: It's not like these are things that I don't like about you.
It's just that, you know I mean, there comes a point where the lack of attention you know, doesn't feel like just some sort of benign neglect.
I know all about that.
My mother was an expert.
But it begins to feel intentional, like he Like you want to hurt me.
But we have talked about this 50 times.
Didn't we have the same conversation two weeks ago? For God's sake, talk, Ron.
Because you know that I'll fill the silences if you don't.
And it's usually with some stupid crap.
And this is exactly what the doctor and I are talking about.
You need to start generating this relationship.
Ron? Anything? I'm done.
Done talking about this? Done talking about anything.
What is that? Divorce papers.
I had Eddie draw them up.
I've also separated our bank accounts.
I'm renting a place down in the marina for the time being and Tonya is at our place now, packing up my things.
Dahlia, this is obviously very painful to hear.
I think we should take this slow.
You asshole.
You goddamn asshole.
This is why I did this here.
I knew you couldn't handle it.
She's unstable.
Handle it? We have been married for 20 years.
What did you expect me to do? Thank you? [SOBBING.]
It's Tonya.
You're screwing your secretary.
It's not Tonya.
It's you.
It's all about you, Dahlia.
You're passive aggressive and cruel and diminishing.
But this therapy We came here to save our relationship, our 20-year marriage.
Stop with the 20 years as if it's some endurance sport.
Therapy didn't save us, Dahlia.
It only made me realize how little there is for me here with you.
You prick.
I'm gonna take everything.
He has a little dick.
It's about the size of a goddamn grain of rice.
We're both to blame for this.
- Where are you going? - Wherever I want.
Troy, Dr.
McNamara, I'm ready for you now.
So, what's their story? Oh, I can't really talk about that.
We understand.
We're doctors too.
Plastic surgeons.
It's not like we're a couple or anything.
My practice specializes in couple and group therapy.
That can mean husbands and wives, lovers, brothers and sisters or people in a professional relationship.
You'd be surprised how many business partners I see.
So how long have you two been working together? Twenty years.
Is that long? I mean, compared to your other clients? Why did you decide you suddenly needed therapy? You must know each other very well.
Probably become pretty adept at self-solving.
We've had our fights just like anybody else, but we manage to work them out.
Frankly, I think we could fix this with a week in Cabo but he thinks our money is better spent on you.
And why did you think that, Dr.
McNamara? - Are things the worst they've ever been? - No.
He was married to this woman, Julia.
They had a son together, Matt.
Few years ago, we found out that Matt was actually my son and he decided to beat the shit out of me in the scrub room.
I think that was the worst.
Usually when couples seek therapy it's when things are at their bleakest, when all hope seems lost.
Is that the way you feel, Dr.
McNamara? - Sometimes.
- I don't.
I want things to go back to exactly the way they were before.
I love him.
I miss him.
Do you love Dr.
Troy? I do.
He's like the brother I never had.
Sometimes family can be very difficult.
When we describe a friend as a family member sometimes we're saying we love them in spite of themselves.
That we have no choice but to love them.
Do you feel you have a choice to love Dr.
Troy? Of course I do.
I want to try an exercise with you.
I want you to draw your families.
Doesn't have to be a Degas.
Just draw whatever you feel.
Thank you.
Christian? That's Sean and that's me.
- That's it.
Where are your kids? - I don't know.
Sleeping in another room.
- Well, that's not your family.
- Don't judge my picture.
Let's see yours.
GRIFFIN: Is that your wife and children? - Yes.
They don't live with you? No, they live with her in New York.
How did you know that? Everyone's hands are touching except yours.
Put your ex-wife in but you didn't put me in.
- Now you're judging my picture.
- I'm just saying.
It is interesting that a few minutes ago, you described Dr.
Troy as your brother then you neglected to include him in your family portrait.
Well, a few months ago, I probably would have included him.
What's happened? Certainly nothing worse than discovering he fathered your first-born.
No, it's nothing big or specific like that.
I just feel worn down by him.
He sucks all the air out of the room.
He's How do I put this delicately? - Christian is not a good person.
- Very delicate.
You have your moral code, but let's face it.
You're willing to do horrible things in the name of self-interest.
You were right alongside me.
I'm just not ashamed of them.
I never would have done those things if you weren't in my life.
We have this joke that our offices are built over the mouth of hell.
If that's true, he's the devil.
You have any idea how boring your life would be? This is what you do.
You diminish me so that I need you.
This why we're giving this guy 250? So you can play victim? Talk about sucking the life out of somebody.
How long are you gonna keep blaming me? Let's slow down No, no, no.
Why didn't you put me in your picture? - I told you.
- No, you didn't.
- What happened a few months ago? - Nothing.
That's the point.
This relationship never changes.
I'm waking up to the fact that it doesn't work.
That maybe it never worked.
You guys up for another exercise? What is this? Preschool? You're both highly intelligent, educated men.
Sometimes I have to trick people like you No, check that.
You have to trick yourselves into getting past your really good bullshit.
You have 15 seconds.
Right down every word you can think of to describe your partner.
Okay, time's up.
McNamara, this time you go first.
"Tall, arrogant, peacock womanizer, clotheshorse, surgeon damaged, dangerous, asshole.
Troy, any thoughts? Hard to argue with any of those.
GRIFFIN: What about yours? What? You think Dr.
McNamara has a drinking problem? - No, he's an alcoholic.
- What's the difference? People with drinking problems can't stop drinking.
You abuse it, you self-medicate.
When was the last time you had a drink? Before he came here.
I could smell it on his breath.
He keeps a bottle of vodka under his fish tank.
- You accusing me of drinking before surgery? - No, but after.
We deal in micro-millimeters over the course of six to eight hours.
It's very hard to let go after something like that.
- Not all surgeons drink.
- No, some take pills.
Some screw the girls who water the ficus plant.
You know, it's not just the drinking.
You behave like an alcoholic.
Okay, you act out and then you apologize and you expect everybody to forgive you.
And he doesn't take responsibility for anything in his life.
Julia is a crazy dyke.
Matt's got my genes.
I'm the devil, as you just heard.
The one common thread in all of this is you.
- You need me.
- No, I don't.
I'm a hell of a surgeon myself.
The only reason I'm with him is because I choose to be with him.
Why? Sometimes the fastest way to get to the truth is to ask the simplest questions.
Why do you stay together? Is it money, loyalty, habit? No, no, that's not my style.
I know when a party is over an hour before everybody does.
Then, why? We're a good team.
Sean's a hell of a surgeon, you know.
I'm inspired by him.
- Are you inspired by Dr.
Troy? - Not really.
You know, sometimes there are things that I envy about him: All the women.
But whenever I try those things, I see how empty they are and he's just searching for something I already have.
And what's that? Well, a center, a purpose.
- And what purpose is that? - Yeah, I want to hear this.
To help people, to be a doctor, to heal.
That is such bullshit.
He wants the babes and the booze just as much, if not more than I do.
It is kind of interesting that you would have that purpose and yet you choose to be a cosmetic surgeon.
Believe me.
I've had some serious doubts about that decision - He's been singing the tune for 20 years.
- This time's different.
- It isn't.
- This is what he does.
He says he accepts me for who I am.
The second I try to set some boundaries between us he yanks me right back in.
Do you have boundary issues, Dr.
Troy? When we lived together, he thought nothing of coming into my room at any hour.
Is it wrong to shoot the shit with your friend? My door was closed.
You were invading my private space.
I checked to make sure he's not jerking off or whatever.
All his homes have very few walls.
He needs to see you all the time to make sure you're there.
I assume it's because he was brought up in foster care but it's exhausting.
But you must have liked being needed in that way, Dr.
I mean, to be in a relationship with someone so specifically needy? You keep asking about the past but can't people change? Can't I wake up one day and realize I don't wanna be that person anymore.
- I'm just done.
- What do you mean, done? - Aren't we here to save this? - Well, you might be.
I'm here to end it.
I know what this is about.
"The Princess and the Pea.
" Remember the story about the chick who could feel a pea under all those mattresses? - You're saying I'm the princess? - No.
We are.
Our relationship is.
The one thing that screws us up is secrets.
That's our pea.
I don't have a secret.
CHRISTIAN: No, but I do.
And it's kind of been I hate lying to you.
What did you do? It's funny because at the end of the day, it's really no big deal but you remember when I was having some tax problems and I wanted to take a loan? - And I said no.
- Well, I did it anyway.
I was desperate.
How? You needed my signature on the forms.
I forged it.
You risked everything.
Twenty years of my hard work.
We could've lost it all.
Look, I know it was wrong and I shouldn't Thank you, doctor.
I wanted out of this, but now I can leave with a clear conscience.
Any contact you want with me should be through my lawyer.
LIZ: Relax, okay? He's gonna show up.
He's probably having fun jerking off imagining all the ways I screwed him.
Look, I wouldn't have agreed to come here if he had objected, which he didn't.
You left him a message.
He texted you back saying, "Whatever.
" He could've said no.
I love you but you might not be as huge a draw as you think.
The guy's been missing for a week.
I had to reschedule nine surgeries.
Ortiz, you'll have to live another week with that schnoz because Dr.
McNamara is at home, festering.
- And what are you doing now? - I'm expressing my anger.
I'm not some baby pouting in his shit.
You're having a tantrum and you're throwing it all against the walls.
Hey, thanks for doing this.
Back at you.
I'm glad you came too.
I figure if I'm gonna sue you, I should tell you in person.
So last week ended on quite a note.
- Here.
- I'm not interested in what you have to say.
- Save it for your lawyer.
- Just take it.
- $256,000? - I told you I was temporarily cash poor.
It was an emergency.
I'm paying you back with interest.
- What about this strikes you as funny? - It's just so classic, you know? He totals your life and then offers to pay for the repairs.
Money fixes everything.
It saves him the trouble of having a conscience.
He's a prick.
Was this check intended to fix everything? What I did was wrong.
I know that.
And I understand if he's pissed or upset or Wait, he could cry real tears too.
Okay? Everything he does.
Everything he says is about getting what he needs power and money, and it doesn't matter who he hurts or cheats or kills.
So you think Christian is capable of killing you.
Jesus, Sean.
You really do need help.
- Are you really that paranoid? - Look, I'm just saying he takes no responsibility for anything he does because there's always an easy way out.
He married Liz when he thought he was dying and needed a babysitter for his kids.
Then when he was suddenly healthy, he dumped her and tried to pay her off as if money would somehow take away the pain.
Go ahead, you tell him, Liz.
I didn't agree to let Dr.
Cruz join us so that you two could play her against each other.
I won't allow you to put her in the middle.
Thank you.
Cruz, is there something you'd like to say? I guess, I just I'm not used to feeling so protected.
I was forced to take sides growing up and it was a constant battlefield.
It was just You don't feel protected at work? - Of course she does.
- I'm very protective of Liz.
I was asking Dr.
In the beginning I felt that Sean and Christian were family, you know.
But they have been so busy hating each other the rest of us don't even exist unless it's to take sides.
It's never about what we need, about what we want about what we deserve for putting up with your bullshit.
That's unfair, Liz.
You know what's unfair, Sean? That I've been working at McNamara/Troy for years and neither of you have ever come to me and said: "We'd like to make you a partner.
We would like for you to have parity with us because you work hard, because you deserve it.
" And you know what? It's time, now.
I mean, maybe it's the only way you two will survive shaking up this dysfunctional duo and making it McNamara/Troy and Cruz.
- Lizzy? - Oh, don't patronize me.
You're right, Liz.
We should have done that a long time ago.
When there still was a McNamara/Troy for Cruz to join.
I always considered you a partner, in spirit.
- Screw you.
- Come on.
You're the only one who can help us figure out how we got here.
- How two brothers SEAN: Who want to kill each other.
Have you read the Bible? Believe me, we're not the first.
Cruz, why did you agree to come here today? Because I figured that this would be a safe space to open up and be honest with them about how I felt and that maybe with a professional present I could tell them what self-centered, egotistical assholes they are and and just, and also that, um And what? That, uh That I am pregnant.
So? Congratulations.
You want my permission? It's Sean's sperm.
You know what they say: You're as sick as your secrets.
And I'm up-to-my-ass tired of keeping everybody else's goddamn secrets.
So I asked Sean and he was kind enough to oblige.
You think that you have a better chance of avoiding birth defects with his splooge? I don't have to be worried that he's gonna ask to get rid of the child if it isn't perfect.
- That wasn't the reason.
- No matter what this child is or isn't l'm gonna love it because I have that capacity.
That's how you and I are different.
I can love a thing for itself, imperfections and all.
They would be lost without each other, doctor.
Jesus, Liz, I thought you would at least be objective.
You know I'd be better off on my own.
You don't even believe that you exist without Christian.
You can't tell who you are, how you're doing what you're worth, without comparing yourself to him.
The rest of us, what are we? We're just elevator music.
You both deserve each other.
But I'll tell you what you don't deserve.
You don't deserve me.
How do you guys feel about everything she just said? You give Liz your sperm without telling me.
Why would you? She asked.
She wants a family.
She is my family.
I thought I could help her and we I've You've hurt her so much, I thought it was the least I could do.
- You're gonna raise another child? - I signed papers.
I have no legal rights and I am fine with that.
I'm not fine with it.
I screwed up.
I gave it to I thought because of her age, it would never take.
But the drugs and that Oh, Jesus.
What am I gonna do? I don't want another kid.
I just want her to be happy.
Anything else you're hiding? At least I paid back what I borrowed.
Stole, embezzled, not borrowed.
But I'm squeaky clean now, aren't I? Anything else you're keeping from me? I'm afraid we'll have to stop.
That's all we have time for today.
You're shitting me.
For a double session.
Keep the change.
I have another patient.
I'll pay for their makeup session too.
- You can keep that change as well.
- Maybe Dr.
Griffin will like a prostitute.
Works so well with me.
Remember when you got Matt one? I'm sure you have patients who need extra time so you figure things out so they can continue.
I'm a doctor.
I know how this works.
Your hour is over, Dr.
I can see you and Dr.
McNamara next week at the same time if you'd like.
If I'd like? What I'd like to do is stick my shiny, pointy shoe up your smug, enlightened ass.
That's what I'd like to do.
And you, buddy boy, you can sue me as much as you want.
You hurt me, you hurt yourself.
And remember I know where all the bodies are buried.
Thank you, doctor.
Now that you've seen Christian Troy in action is there really any point in another session? GRIFFIN: I'll be with you in a minute.
- It's going straight to voicemail.
- You didn't leave a message? He's 20 minutes late, what am I gonna say to him? Hurry up? I'll call.
Sometimes he sees your number and he doesn't answer.
- Now it's my fault? SEAN: I don't know.
Maybe you gave him the wrong address, the wrong time.
- Is this typical behavior? CHRISTIAN: For Matt, yes.
He's made a career out of being irresponsible.
I mean, for the two of you? You're very divided on how to deal with your son right now.
Is that usually the case? Usually Christian will berate him or put him down.
If he could do something I could be proud of then it would be different.
This is good.
This is important.
The main reason we invited your son here is to observe how your co-parenting has become one of your core issues.
It's a chance to work on it.
Sean, is there anything that Christian has done for Matt as a father that you do appreciate? How about you, Christian? Have you ever thanked Sean for raising your son all those years? Perhaps you should.
A lot of times when we focus on what's good instead of what's wrong we can change our response to the situation and then to each other.
- Can we try that? - Sure.
I appreciate the way that you raised Matt over all those years and I think you did a great job.
And I think you do the best you can with him when you want to.
Hey, Mattie, come on in.
You're only a half-hour late.
I tried calling.
Why didn't you answer? - Matt, I'm Dr.
Thanks for coming.
- Pleasure.
- And this is? - Ramona.
It's nice to meet you.
This wasn't a lunch date.
Why did you bring a girlfriend? Well, because she's not my girlfriend anymore.
She's my fiancée.
I guess the next question is how far along are you, sweetie pie? You must be Christian.
Matt said you'd be the first to say something inappropriate.
- Ramona, I'm Sean.
It's nice to meet you.
- It's nice to meet you too.
But why didn't you let us know about this earlier? Why, did I need to get your approval first? - It would've been better if we met before.
- Yeah, now you have.
What are you doing, Matt? You knew this session was important to us.
You had to spring this on us here now? Unfortunately, there wasn't gonna be a better time.
We've been packing since last week and we make the move tomorrow.
You're moving.
Let me guess.
Skid row has a vacancy? Matt, since Sean and Christian invited only you to join the session l'll have to ask Ramona to wait outside.
I'd like her to stay, especially since it might be the last time they ever see us.
What are you talking about? [LAUGHS.]
- Just like we talked about, baby.
- Yeah.
You know what? Let's sit first.
Yeah? Look, I know this is sudden, but I've actually been thinking about it for a while.
Um After Ramona and I are married, we're gonna move out to Victorville.
I'm gonna work for her father in his carpet business and take over payments on their house.
Jenna already has a room there.
And, well Matt doesn't want either of you in his life anymore.
And once we leave, he'd no longer like to stay in contact.
- Okay, fine by me.
- Hold on a second He'll be back within six months, tail between his legs and begging for handouts.
You'd like to think that.
Isn't this exactly what you said before you became addicted to meth? Got married to Kimber, dressed up as a mime and started robbing delis.
Your husband has quite a past, in case you haven't heard.
Matt's actually told me all about his past.
You're not scaring me, if you're trying to.
Really? Sweetie pie, has he told you everything? Mostly about how, despite the fact he has two fathers he's been made to feel worthless all the time.
And then even when he tries his hardest to do good you both make him feel like shit.
Is that how you really feel about us? You don't want us in your life at all? - Matt, we love you.
You're our son.
- I'm your punching bag.
Nothing's ever gone right for me.
I've always been looking for stability and I finally found it now and I don't want to screw that up.
And leaving is the only way that's gonna work.
I need to be around people who support me.
Hey, don't let the door hit you on the way out.
Thank you.
You just made this whole thing so much easier for me.
Come on, baby.
Let's go.
- Matt, wait.
- Let him go.
SEAN: We can talk about this.
Why are you being so nonchalant? You should be trying to stop him.
That's what he wants you to do.
Can't you see that? Sean, if you'd like to What I'd like is for him to stop being so smug and show that he gives a shit about his son.
There you go again.
Why don't you take responsibility for your own failures instead of blaming me? Matt wants to leave us both.
Hold on.
Let's stop arguing about who's at fault here.
I'd like to help you work together so we can see some progress.
There's no progress to be made.
Matt's never gonna change, Sean certainly is not gonna change.
And neither am I.
The whole therapy thing is bullshit.
- You really believe that? - Yes, I do.
Are you willing to try if it means keeping your relationship with Sean together? I'm willing to accept who I am and stop pretending to be somebody else.
Maybe if you tried that once in a while, you might not be so miserable.
- Like what? Accept that you're an asshole? - Accept who you are.
That you can't change.
You're right.
We should stop working at this.
- We should just end it.
End us.
- You don't want to end this relationship.
I'm the only one who's been able to put up with your shit all these years.
- No, I do.
- No, you don't.
Then why did I have an affair with Kimber? Why did you? What? We were sleeping together for almost a month.
You slept with Kimber while we were together? Hoping you'd find out, then you'd have a reason to leave me.
You realize how pathetic you are? Hm? Using her to get rid of me.
Why can't you be a man and ask for what you want? You want me to tell you now? Sure, go ahead.
You want to leave, just like Matt.
There's the door, my friend.
Nobody is stopping you.
Dahlia, I'm sorry.
We're running a little late.
Could you wait outside for a few minutes? No, this can't wait.
LIZ: It's really a miracle.
The bullet didn't even chip any of his teeth.
SEAN: No, went through both cheeks, in and out.
He was very lucky.
LIZ: You were both very lucky.
Neither of you got hit.
SEAN: Well, like a lot of things, it wasn't meant to be, I guess.
CHRISTIAN: What's that supposed to mean? SEAN: Great job on your side, by the way.
He won't even see a scar when it heals.
CHRISTIAN: What? SEAN: I'm saying I'm impressed.
CHRISTIAN: Why? SEAN: I'm focusing on the good, like he said.
I'm trying to change my response to the situation.
I figured it would be better to pay you a compliment right now.
CHRISTIAN: I'm not interested in your compliments.
What I want is a decision.
SEAN: About what? CHRISTIAN: Either you're staying or going.
All right? After all that talk, after all that therapeutic exercise I want to know where we stand.
SEAN: Maybe we should talk about this CHRISTIAN: No more.
There's been so much talking, I'm exhausted.
You need to make a decision.
And you need to make it soon.
I'll tell you what.
You make a decision by 5:00 this afternoon.
Otherwise, I'll make one for you.
Huh? How's that for clarity? Hi.
Okay, so just let me ask.
Am I gonna have to look for a new job? I can't see why.
Sean's gonna have to work somewhere.
I'm sure he'll take you with him.
Maybe even give you that partnership you're looking for.
So who's to say if you two were to split up, I would go with Sean? I think you made that clear when you chose to use his man juice in your turkey baster.
You don't get it.
No, I get it and I get it fine, okay? After all these years, after the crap that I put you through the divorce, everything else.
He's stable, you know? At least he pretends to be a good guy.
I don't have to defend my choice to you.
If it hurts that I don't like you best or I didn't pick you yet again, sorry.
I picked Sean because unlike you, he won't try to own me and my baby.
I mean, he did this for me.
He doesn't want anything back.
He knows it's mine and he has nothing to do with it.
Selfless old Sean.
And that's it? That's the whole reason that you picked him? Yes.
The whole reason I picked him.
I think it's bullshit.
It's your way of holding on.
You can pretend all you want it's about you but you without us, who are you? Maybe.
But I never have to worry about you disappearing out of my life.
You need me too much to bolster up that fragile ego of yours.
But Sean is different.
Maybe this connection will help us to stay connected.
So what? Is that so wrong? RON: Oh.
Your receptionist said I could see him.
It'll be a while before he wakes up.
And you are? I'm the husband of the woman who shot him, Ron Mark.
I am Sean McNamara.
My partner and I did the surgery.
I'll take this.
Thank you.
I'm sure you can imagine I feel pretty terrible.
Griffin is a decent man, you know.
He was just trying to help.
Where is your wife, by the way? Nowhere near here, I hope.
She is in custody.
I was always telling her how crazy she was.
Made her furious.
I'm wondering if I was actually making it come true, you know? I mean, could I have driven her crazy? Well, it's a chicken and egg kind of question.
You know, I think you'll make yourself crazy trying to get to the bottom of that.
You know the real irony of it all? She'll probably use insanity as her defense.
Oh, man If I could just turn the clock back and do that last session over again.
What would you do differently? I'd try to see myself through her eyes.
You know, I went in there with an agenda.
I wasn't being open.
I wasn't being honest.
I was playing the same old games, talking in sports metaphors which make her crazy, playing the wounded party making her feel like a monster and then, bam, I throw divorce papers at her.
She took a gun and she tried to kill her therapist.
That's not within any reasonable range of human behavior I'm aware of.
- Well, I'll tell him you stopped by.
- Thank you.
You know, no one's ever totally without blame.
No one.
I'd like to kill him.
I'd like to take a gun and I'd like to shoot him in the head.
No, scratch that.
I'd like to take a knife and slice his balls off.
That's what I'd like to do.
You're a therapist.
You're not gonna go to the police.
You know what I'm talking about.
I'm just angry, that's all.
I think I know the difference between feelings and fact.
Ten minutes late at this point in the game? He's so passive aggressive, it makes me sick.
Is it a pattern? Do you feel like he's always keeping you waiting? It's kind of become that way, I must say.
I mean, he doesn't know what he's doing.
So it sounds like you're more certain of wanting the relationship to continue whereas you see - Sean.
- Sean, sorry.
Whereas you see Sean as having issues, so to speak.
- Have I got that right? - Kind of.
- Speak of the devil.
- Sorry, big mess on Wilshire.
- It's always something, ain't it, pal? - Hello, doctor.
I'm Sean McNamara.
Karen Singer, nice to meet you.
So has he been filling you in on what a screwed-up, passive-aggressive wimp I am? Is that your perception of how he views you? Oh, I don't know.
I don't know what's real about anything anymore.
You don't? Why doesn't that surprise me? Are we gonna spend the whole session taking potshots at each other? I don't know.
Are we? So, doctors, let's start at the beginning.
Tell me what you don't like about your relationship.

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