Stargate SG-1 s06e18 Episode Script


- Lots of interesting nebulous things? - Yes, sir.
- I don't see squat.
- Well, you wouldn't, sir, during the day.
When the local sun sets and it gets dark, you can actually see a luminous layer of ionised gas around the dying core expanding.
- Fascinating.
- You don't care.
Hey, I like gas as much as the next guy.
Five hours to darkness, sir.
- Carter? - Yes, sir.
We've never been to this planet before, have we? Meaning humans from Earth.
- No, sir.
Why? - Colonel.
You have to see this.
You'll have to let us know where you are.
Uh, head east.
Incredible, isn't it? That had to hurt.
Teal'c, what have you got here? I am unfamiliar with this type of vessel, O'Neill.
It is not Goa'uld.
It's not Asgard or Tollan, either.
You know, these markings resemble ancient Celtic.
Hello? - Looks like there were no survivors.
- Actually, there were three of us.
- Now what? - You tell me.
We're peaceful explorers.
OK? We didn't come here to harm anybody.
Unless otherwise provoked.
I'm Aden Corso, captain of the Sebrus.
This is my first officer, Tanis Reynard, and Navigator Lyle Pender.
Colonel Jack O'Neill, US Air Force.
Teal'c, Major Carter, Jonas Quinn.
- We're from a planet called Earth.
- Never heard of it.
- It's - Nice.
It's nice.
I'm sure it is.
Sorry for the less-than-warm welcome, but you kind of snuck up on us.
- We didn't hear your ship land.
- No.
You wouldn't.
- How long have you been here? - Too long.
- That's a rough landing.
- It's not as bad as it looks.
We were on our way to relieve a mineral extraction team.
An asteroid storm blew us right off course.
A fuel line got messed up in the crash and all the reserves leaked out.
You wouldn't have extra fuel on your ship, would you? Not exactly.
The engines are OK.
We just don't have enough power to fire them up.
We have access to a few auxiliary systems.
Communications? - First thing to get hit.
- Couldn't even get a distress signal off.
What's frustrating is that our home planet Hebridan must be close.
We could plot a course if you could take us.
- That might be a problem.
- We did not travel to this world by vessel.
- We came through the Stargate.
- Excuse me? Big O, decent walk that way.
- We didn't know what that was.
- A transportation device.
- That explains a few things.
- I take it you don't have one at home.
Not that we know of.
Really no ship? No ship.
How does this Stargate work? Each gate has an address based on its home planet's point in space.
That address is represented by symbols Carter? Teal'c? Excuse us a moment.
Any suggestions? We could offer them sanctuary on Earth.
Or we could fix their ship.
I'm just saying it's possible.
If all they need is fuel maybe we can find an Earth equivalent.
I may be able to recharge their batteries.
I'd have to take a look at the technology.
And why would we do this? So I can take a look at the technology.
They have space-flight capabilities beyond ours.
Maybe they'd be grateful.
Who knows what else they have to offer? OK.
But charge by the hour.
No flat rate for these kids.
The Celts were formidable warriors in their time.
Their descendants may make valuable allies.
You've seen Braveheart too often.
That doesn't mean we're not gonna help you.
Carter needs a closer look at your ship.
Worst-case scenario - you end up on Earth.
Thank you.
We'd like to see your world and learn more about the Stargate.
But if you could get our ship going our first priority would be to get home.
- Let's take a look.
- All right.
T? I do not know, O'Neill.
- Keep me posted.
- Indeed.
- What can you tell me? - Not as much as my chief engineer could.
He's dead.
I'll do my best.
Still? There is something out there, O'Neill.
Move Move Corso Argh Argh Argh - They gone? - Yeah.
Let's go.
He's dead, O'Neill.
What the hell was that about? These guys have been hunting us from the moment we crashed.
With your own weapons? Captain? I'm sorry they didn't warn you about that.
It's been so long since they attacked we thought we were clear.
- Who the heck are they? - We don't know.
But they've killed five of my crew since we crashed, skinned 'em alive and hung 'em up in the trees.
- Whoever they are, they're savages.
- Where are they from? - Don't know.
There's no civilisation here.
- We haven't seen any ships either.
Now that we know that the Stargate is a transportation device, they must be coming through that.
Sir, she's in need of medical attention.
All right.
Let's all get back to Earth, then.
If you can do something to help her, please do it, but I'm staying with my ship.
From what you've said it's still our best chance to get back home.
I'm not giving it up to these things, not after what they did.
- The sonic defence will keep them at bay.
- That was annoying.
We can defend this position until you can fix the ship.
All right.
Carter, Jonas, get her back to the gate.
We'll watch your six.
We'll be back.
Thank you.
Their planet is Hebridan.
By the sound of it, their ancestors might've come from somewhere near the Outer Hebrides islands off the coast of Scotland.
From its position I've determined that it has no gate, at least, not one that we're aware of.
Then how did a society of humans evolve there? It's possible the Goa'uld kept a gate there and took it with them when they left.
The mystery is how the society advanced so far beyond Earth's level of technology.
These engines are way ahead of anything we could build.
They use liquid nitrogen to fuel an ion-propulsion system.
- I can't wait to see how they generate - Your evaluation of these people, Major? Cautiously optimistic, sir.
- Can you fix it? - If I can recharge their batteries using the naqahdah generator, and there are no other problems from the crash - Take whatever you need.
- Thank you, sir.
And SG-15.
Yes, sir.
- Got a name for these guys? - Nothin' polite.
- What weapon did they use before yours? - Don't know.
Nobody survived the first attack.
Since then they use ours.
Must like 'em better.
- How many could they have? - Eight or nine.
- They travel in pairs? - A scouting party.
- Probably trying to test your firepower.
- Which isn't very accurate.
I was trying to wound him.
The one that got away, I'm sure, is reporting to his friends now.
Yeah, so you say.
Believe me, Colonel, when they come back, they'll come back in force.
- Sir, Hammond sent SG-15 as backup.
- We have the gate covered, sir.
We have an unknown number of armed and apparently hostile aliens in the area.
- We've got your back.
- I brought some equipment to fix the ship, but I'll need help to get it here.
- How are ya? - Hey.
Fine, since they stopped the bleeding.
The painkillers aren't bad either.
I should be up and around pretty quick.
I guess I owe you.
Not a bit.
So you looking forward to seeing anybody when you get back? Mm, I hate to sound like a hopeless case, but my parents died when I was young.
I've served with Corso since I graduated flight school ten years ago.
So, he and Pender, they're like my family, especially after what we've been through.
So tell me more about the Stargate.
How does it work, exactly? Basically, it uses a dimension outside of our known time and space that we call subspace, and it creates a wormhole, which is like a tunnel between two connecting gates.
And how many Stargates are there? There's a lot of them.
And there are other humans out there like us? Oh, yeah.
Some primitive, some advanced, some non-humans you're already aware of.
Some are good, some are bad, some are very bad.
But all in all it is pretty amazing.
Sounds like it.
No engine diagnostics, no life-support status.
We run the weapons systems off the battery, but without a computer we don't know how much power is left.
First we need to give you a boost to get your computer back on line, then we can run a full diagnostic.
Know how we can interface our power source with your system? I'll show you the engine room.
You know, my department's more tellin' people what to do - fly this way, fix that don't crash.
Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't.
This is the main power coupling.
Well, this'll do the trick.
We'll have to jerry-rig something, but it should work.
For a supposedly less-advanced human you're comfortable with our technology.
You're in luck.
I'm more experienced with this than most people on my planet.
Besides, all we're really doing is plugging your ship into my battery.
Whatever you say.
I guess that didn't sound very good, did it? So let me get this straight, Major.
You're an officer in your home world's military.
You're a scientist, an explorer, and apparently you're a pretty fair mechanic.
And I make a mean soufflé.
Sorry? It's something you eat.
It's very difficult to make.
Oh, well, add to that list funny, charming and beautiful.
I didn't mean to offend you.
Rule one when you're stranded on an alien planet and someone offers to fix your ship - flatter them profusely.
- Pass me that.
- Yeah.
Thank you.
And continue at will.
Colonel O'Neill doesn't trust us, does he? Trust is something you have to earn with us, and Colonel O'Neill is less concerned with showing his distrust.
- So why are you helping us? - It's the only way you make new friends - take a chance on someone and hope they don't make you regret it.
Don't move.
- Hey Take it easy - We can't let it get away.
- I was thinking of taking it alive.
- Why? - Because that's how you gain intel.
- I know all I need to know, Colonel.
If those things get a hold of you or one of your friends, you will too.
Yes, sir.
We spotted an alien.
We're going after it.
- Roger that, sir.
- You're safe here.
- We're secure inside the ship, sir.
- O'Neill out.
Don't get your hopes up.
This is as far as I'm going.
I've been stuck on this rock with a novice navigator and a grumpy first officer who doesn't like men, but I will attempt to control myself.
Mind if I have a look? - It's not like your other one.
- It's less lethal.
It's not Earth-made.
One shot stuns, two shots kill.
So do you have anyone special back home on Earth? Nothing I'd care to discuss.
All right, now, that's a little too interesting for me to let go.
How about you choose a topic? Colonel we can cover more ground separately.
Teal'c gave me one of these.
We can stay in contact.
All right.
But not too far.
General? I was in the area.
Is there anything more? I was looking for a reference on the name of the ship.
Different spelling, but basically the same.
Is it significant? I'm not sure.
At 0625 hours there was a security breach in the main computer system.
Someone tried to gain access from a terminal in the infirmary.
- You think Reynard tried to hack into it? - Do you believe she's capable? - I don't know.
It's possible.
- I'm on my way to question her about it.
Yes, sir.
General? If you don't mind I got another idea.
A little home away from home here.
If the hunters use the Stargate, why set up camp here? That's a pretty fair question.
You also do not believe the Hebridans' story.
That alien I caught sneaking around was just about to tell me something when Pender shot him.
These appear to have come from the Sebrus.
Colonel, I got him.
Pender Pender I said alive.
- Where is he? - He was right there.
- I thought you said you had him.
- I did.
I had to have hit him.
T, what do you got? I believe it is blood, O'Neill.
Told you.
There's a connection dislodged back here.
You got it? Really? Hah - Only one way to find out.
- Yeah.
- Unbelievable.
Hah - OK, Captain.
- How do we boot up the system? - Call me Aden.
I've been saving this for a special occasion.
We haven't had that many here.
- No, thanks.
- Come on.
No, I can't, really.
I'm on duty.
All right, I'll have one for both of us.
To friendship.
And to you, Major.
You can call me Sam.
That's my first name.
It's pretty.
- Not really.
It's short for Samantha.
- Even prettier.
So what does it mean - "Samantha"? That my father wanted a boy.
What about you? Does your name mean anything? I was named for my Uncle Aden who died swimming drunk across a river on a dare.
Corso, my family name, means "smells like a dead bird" in ancient Hebridian.
- Yeah, we're a real high-class family.
- They'll be overjoyed to see you again.
Probably not.
I've been stuck on this planet for a long time now, dreaming about getting off of it.
Now, suddenly, I don't want to leave.
- Well, we'll stay in touch.
- Oh, I'm sure.
You'll wanna know about all the things that we have that you don't.
- You don't have to make it sound like that.
- Like what? - I don't know.
- That's the only reason you're helping us.
It isn't.
You know, Sam, I've never met anyone like you before.
Aden Right.
Um We should remain professional.
This place is amazing.
You OK? We can go back to the infirmary I'm fine, thanks.
And this is where I do my work.
Sorry about the clutter.
Just cataloguing some artefacts we found on P4X-131.
That's an alphanumeric designation we assign to the different planets we go to.
- They're beautiful.
- The Goa'uld love this stuff.
I'll tell you something - the galaxy is full of it.
It's OK.
I don't think that any of it is broken.
You just caught me off guard.
I thought it was obvious.
Uh Oh.
Uh, what? Huh? How much I've wanted to kiss you since we first met.
That? Oh, right.
That's, uh That was That's not obvious, no.
- I'm sorry.
If you don't find me attractive - No, look, you're attractive.
I just, um I don't know.
I-I We just met, and you're injured, and the thought really never crossed my mind.
I hope you don't think this is some saviour complex - I fall for the guy who saved my life - because I thought you were very cute way before I got shot.
Are you supposed to do something about that? Oh, yeah.
Um Jonas.
Yes, sir.
I'll be right there.
That was General Hammond.
He wants to see me, so if you're gonna be OK alone here for a few minutes - Sure.
My two friends are just in the hall.
- So we'll talk more later.
Let's try a full reboot.
Transport Sebrus requesting assistance.
We've been hit by an asteroid storm and thrown off course.
Repeat, this is prison transport Sebrus requesting assistance.
Repeat, this is prison transport Sebrus Crap.
Pender, this is O'Neill.
I told you to stay in visual range.
Pender, respond.
All right.
Let's not lose our heads here.
I mean you no harm.
You're pointing that thing at my friend's head.
Please, don't shoot me.
Whatever you have been told, it is a lie.
Is that true? I am Warrick.
I am the captain of the Sebrus.
- Hands where I can see 'em.
- Sam Call me Major.
- Sam.
- Hands where I can see them.
- It's not what you think.
- What do I think? - Actually, I don't know.
- This ship is a prison transport.
That's right.
Sit down.
Tie up your legs.
I'm sorry that I lied to you.
- But I just couldn't tell you the truth.
- Why not? Because I'm the reason we're here.
I don't understand.
Hands behind your back.
I allowed the prisoners to gain control of the ship.
When the storm hit us the life support went out in the cells.
- They were gonna die.
- The prisoners? Those aliens - they didn't come through the Stargate.
They came here with us.
They were our prisoners.
Prisoners of war.
- Your planet's at war with them? - I let them go.
We crashed before they could kill us all.
It's the honest-to-goodness truth.
I was just too embarrassed to say that I let that happen.
We might have weathered that storm if I had let them die.
You have to believe me.
Where's my radio? Sam.
Please, hear my side of the story before you kill me.
We're not gonna kill you.
- You shot my first officer.
- I was just trying to wound him.
And, as I recall, you started things.
We thought we had no choice.
We had to stop them from enlisting your help.
- And who are they according to you? - Escaped prisoners.
The Sebrus was a prison transport vessel.
Three years ago, my crew and I were transporting Corso and two accomplices to a prison colony.
We hit a storm and began to lose power.
Our only hope of survival was to set down on this planet.
And then? We had no choice but to take them out of transport stasis.
The ship hadn't the power to sustain their lives.
How many were there of you? My crew was eight, including myself.
We watched them in shifts.
My first officer and I were looking for food and water when they overpowered the men guarding them and killed them in cold blood.
Corso then took over the ship and used its defences against us.
We tried many times to retake the Sebrus, but recently we were just lucky to stay alive.
They hunted us like wild animals.
You must believe me.
They are the worst that Hebridan has to offer.
No matter what, they must not be allowed to go free.
Who's that? My wife.
Your wife.
My kind, the Serrakin, helped liberate the Hebridan from the Goa'uld thousands of years ago.
It was your people that brought them advanced technology.
Since then we have lived in harmony with few exceptions.
- Colonel, this is Carter.
Come in.
- Yeah.
Sir, I've got everything under control but we need to talk, in person.
Tell me about it.
Stay put.
We're on our way.
Carter out.
Ugh My thoughts exactly.
Major Pierce, this is General Hammond.
- Read you loud and clear, sir.
- Hold your fire.
- Jonas Quinn and a guest are en route.
- Roger that.
Colonel O'Neill, come in, sir.
Jonas and Reynard have arrived back from Earth.
- He must be out of range.
- We'll see him at the ship.
- They're onto us.
- Yeah, I'm starting to get that feelin'.
- Reynard and Jonas are on the way back.
- Where's Carter? Outside, unconscious.
She didn't buy your story.
Yeah, she's too smart.
- Gotta keep tryin' anyway, huh? - Yeah, it's in my blood.
She fixed the ship, though.
- It'll fly? - Fire it up.
Carter - We're goin' home.
- Really? - Pender's warmin' up the ship now.
- You might wanna reconsider that.
Our stash is nothing to what's through that Stargate.
- What do you mean? - Going back is not worth the risk when there are riches out there beyond our wildest dreams.
Come on.
I've learned enough to get us a good head start.
- They've got the Stargate covered.
- And we have hostages.
It's a trap.
No doubt they have armed the ship.
We can't leave her down there.
How do we disengage the defences? It can only be done from inside.
- Cover me, Teal'c.
- Indeed.
I know how to disarm the defences.
I will go.
We'll watch your back.
They have Jonas.
They're gonna try to escape through the Stargate.
- You all right? - A little groggy, sir.
- I will stay with her, O'Neill.
- Yeah.
Hey, there, guys.
Why don't you put those weapons down? You'd best do that now or he dies.
All we need to do is dial up the gate and go through.
No one needs to get hurt.
Yeah, sure.
Whatever you say.
That's right.
Whatever I say.
You get that address from my lab? Yeah.
- And everything else you said is, uh - Not everything.
You are cute.
All right, let's go.
All right, that's far enough.
Don't come any closer.
- Back off or I'll kill him.
- Colonel, just let 'em go.
- Nobody's goin' anywhere.
- Really, it'll be fine.
It's not worth the risk.
Let 'em go.
- Sir? - Let 'em go.
Wise choice.
Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Earth.
- You planted the address? - Call it intuition.
Well done.
Thank you, sir.
- Everybody locked up OK? - They're all in transport stasis.
Mr Quinn, I never asked you how you figured out who Reynard really was.
It was just a feeling, really.
Although I did come across something interesting while researching the ship's name.
Another ship was built by the descendants of ancient Celts on Earth - the Ceberus.
It was designed specifically to transport convicts to a penal colony.
The names were so similar, I thought maybe there was some significance in Celtic history, and, uh The meaning of the word never changed.
That, and I've always been suspicious of a girl who kisses on the first date.
What? Colonel, I want to thank you for everything that you have done, but mostly for trusting me.
It's my pleasure.
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