Stargate SG-1 s06e22 Episode Script

Full Circle

Skaara, join us.
- You know why you're here? - Then it is true.
There's not much time.
Kasuf will take the women and children to safety.
No one will be safe anywhere.
How can we defend ourselves against a Goa'uld as powerful as Anubis? Our lives are meaningless if we don't stop him finding what he seeks.
You must rally all those capable of fighting.
All those willing to die.
All those who must not fail.
Daniel You won't be alone.
Hello, this is C Hello? Jack? Jack? Hi, Jack.
Jack, Abydos is in trouble.
Anubis is on his way.
He's after the Eye of Ra.
I have that replica Catherine gave me.
It looks like this.
The real one is in a secret chamber in Ra's pyramid in Abydos but I'm not sure where exactly.
According to legend, there were six Eyes, including those held by Apophis and Osiris.
Each is powerful alone, but together that power increases tenfold.
Anubis has tracked down five of the Eyes and only needs Ra's to complete the set.
He's looked everywhere except Abydos.
Now he's on his way there.
I was sure that was an aspirin I took.
Jack, it's really me.
You have to find the Eye of Ra before Anubis.
Keep it, hide it, destroy it, whatever.
We don't have much time.
Hey, Daniel.
How ya doin'? Long time.
How are things in the higher planes? - Hey, Jack.
How you doin'? - Fine, just fine.
- The knees, the back? - Kind of weather-contingent.
So, what's new? Actually, a funny thing happened to me today.
I'm in an elevator and an old friend, someone who never calls, never writes, just shows up and tells me about this very important, urgent mission that needs my attention.
- Are you gonna help or? - Let me tell it.
It's good.
You see, this buddy of mine, this pal, this chum, has ascended to a whole new level of existence.
Do you see the irony? He's asking for my help, and he's this great and powerful being.
Jack, I can't actually do anything.
I'm still not clear on that.
The Others have rules.
Talking to you is a violation.
Like jaywalking, double-parking? Taking action that changes human existence, that's a big one.
Let me ask you this.
Have you met any of these other guys? No.
- Then how do you know they're a threat? - Oh, that's a good one.
Oma's an outcast because she believes helping people ascend is our duty.
And that's OK? Technically, no.
But those of us that follow her are walking a very fine line.
- Why don't they try to stop her? - I don't know.
- You don't know? - No.
I know what Oma has taught me.
Ascension doesn't make you all-knowing.
It is just the beginning of the journey.
The point is, if I were to take any action to help you, Oma would stop me herself to avoid drawing the wrath of the Others.
They could stop everything she's been trying to do for a long time.
I can't jeopardise that.
We can't match forces with Anubis but the Abydonians are willing to back us on this one.
Colonel, how'd you come by this intel? - I didn't say? - No, you didn't.
Daniel told me.
- You saw Dr Jackson? - Actually, it's not the first time.
- Is he all right? - What else did he say? Whoa, wait You guys don't think I'm nuts or anything like that? - I too have recently seen Daniel Jackson.
- Really? - Why didn't you say something? - Why did you not? To be honest, I wasn't sure it was happening the first time.
Neither was I.
Did he tell you where we could find the Eye? Uh he doesn't know.
- He doesn't know? - I know I think this whole ascension thing is overrated.
It's good enough for me.
If Dr Jackson is right, we have to find that Eye before Anubis does.
- It is good to see you.
- You too.
- I'm Jonas.
- Good to meet you.
- We are prepared to do whatever you ask.
- Appreciate that.
Teal'c, set up a perimeter.
I want to know the second we have company.
- Any idea where this Eye thing is? - I will show you.
This is as far as the catacombs go.
Daniel and I have spent much time here.
No Eyes? The Eye of Ra is mentioned many times on these walls.
Just so we're clear, it's not a real eye.
It's a kind of jewel or something.
Well, we have never been able to find it.
So, you seeing anybody? Maybe.
Really? Is it serious? We are betrothed.
Trust me, that's serious.
- Congratulations.
- Thank you.
I assume my invitation got lost in the mail or I wanted to ask you to shaloke.
- To stand beside me.
- Just during the ceremony, right? Yes, yes.
I'd be honoured.
Will you be coming to my wedding alone? Um - I assume Carter's invited too? - Of course.
Will you be coming together? - As in? - Friends going to a wedding.
Ah Yes.
Jonas? Is there something you wish to ask me? - You are a friend of Daniel Jackson? - Indeed I was.
Skaara says he's not dead.
He's now a god.
A god he is not.
- Is he not powerful? - That remains unclear.
Daniel once brought freedom to my people from the false god Ra.
He has asked us to fight, we will fight in his name.
Die for his cause if we must.
Skaara says Daniel will protect us, watch over our families.
I am unsure as to what you have been promised.
But if you are not prepared to die, you should not be here.
- How ya doin'? We don't have all day.
- I know, believe me.
But there's nothing.
Just a lot of talk about the power of Ra, the size of his domain.
Big domain? No mention of a secret chamber where he keeps his most valued possessions.
O'Neill, we're under attack.
Ground forces have landed.
We will not be able to hold them off for long.
- Roger.
You heard him.
- I don't know what to say.
- If Dr Jackson was here - Oh, he's here.
Trust me, he's here.
Son of a bitch Hey Where are ya? We're only doin' this because of you.
It's here.
I know it is.
- Daniel - Sam.
Dr Jackson.
You hear that? I can't do anything about that.
I don't care.
Do something or we walk, right now.
Remember that fine line we were talking about? Cross it.
I always thought there might be a secret chamber here.
This section talks about how Ra draws his power from the sun.
O'Neill, we cannot hold our position.
Fall back to the pyramid.
You do your stuff.
I'm gonna help Teal'c.
I will come with you.
Fall back Fall back Um can't you just zip into the wall and see if there's something on the other side? It's complicated.
Some kind of trigger for a secret door.
"Rays of the sun reveal all.
" Rays of the sun.
There's no sunlight.
- Do you think any light will do? - It's possible.
Maybe you need to focus it a little.
Is that my stuff? You weren't using it any more.
- How many? - Many.
- Carter? - Sir, we're working on it.
Work faster.
Yes, sir.
I thought we were onto something, but - You were.
- It's not working.
- It's red.
- What is? The rays of the sun on the fresco are red.
- Sam? - Yeah.
Daniel, what is it? - I'm an Ancient.
- What? Not me, but the Others like me, they're the Ancients.
This is one of their oldest dialects.
I always suspected but never knew for sure.
What does it say? The Ancients evolved from a human race long ago.
They were wiped out by a plague.
Many learned to ascend and the rest died out.
- I have to go.
- Where? I'll be back.
Don't lose that tablet.
It talks of a lost city.
It's invaluable.
Daniel Teal'c - What if it's not here? - Maybe there's a secret compartment.
- Inside a secret chamber? - Why not? Why not? Right here.
I can't see a latch or a jewel like with the other door, - but there's gotta be a way to open this.
- Yeah.
Stand back.
- Sir, we got it.
- It's too late.
We did not hold the gate room.
Anubis dialled the Stargate, - preventing our escape.
- Got Jaffa on our ass.
- Where's that Eye? - Right here.
- What are you gonna do with that? - See how much Anubis wants that thing.
Surrender or die.
What? Surrender or die.
I was just gonna say the exact same thing.
O'Neill of SG-1.
Hey, how ya doin'? You'll have to forgive me, I'm terrible with names.
What was Jeez I am Herak.
Baling upwards, I see.
- You have no choice.
- Actually, I do.
I've got the Eye, and a pound of very powerful explosive stuck to it.
Give us clear access to the gate or I'll blow it up.
Yourself along with it? What's your point? - I will speak with my master.
- Yes.
You do that.
Don't forget to tell him you screwed up again.
- Is it necessary to antagonise him? - Yes.
Would you really do it? Sure.
Why not? O'Neill.
Skaara is in need of medical attention.
I've failed you.
Now stop it.
My lord.
Humans from Earth and the one named O'Neill have found the Eye of Ra.
We have them trapped, but he says if we do not grant them free passage he will destroy the Eye.
He will give you the Eye of Ra, or I will destroy Abydos.
Yes, my lord.
You won't touch Abydos.
- And how will you stop me? - I can, and I will if one more person down there is hurt.
You can only stand there and utter empty threats, because I know what you are.
If you know what I am, you know I can wipe you from existence.
I know who you are, Daniel Jackson, but you know not who I am.
O'Neill, can you hear me? Yeah.
Anubis commands you to turn over the Eye of Ra or he will destroy all of Abydos.
Tell him to go ahead.
He's not getting the Eye.
He's bluffing.
We won't have much choice.
If we blow up the Eye he'll destroy Abydos anyway.
He's just as likely to attack after we give it to him.
Maybe not.
He's a Goa'uld.
O'Neill? In didea varsukay yanuk.
- What's he saying? - He speaks of a bright light.
Nat zee gougah.
Of giving up.
Of releasing something.
With a wave of my hand, I will bombard the surface.
Try and stop me if you choose.
What makes you think I won't? Your words mean nothing.
Take action if you dare.
Maybe I won't have to.
I command the collective forces of the System Lords.
You managed to rally them against me.
You hand over the Eye of Ra or face destruction.
I will consider your most generous offer.
You won't survive that many motherships.
They're not attacking because they fear me.
Maybe I'll tell them you don't have the Eye.
And they can beat you if they strike now.
- Do you know that for a fact? - Maybe I'll deliver the Eye of Ra to you, if you give me your word you won't harm the people of Abydos - ever.
So be it.
That's a promise I'll hold you to no matter what.
Sir, you're not considering shooting our way out? No.
Anubis must really want that thing in one piece - if his boys have held off this long.
- He does.
- Where were you? - Busy busy.
Hey Thanks for Skaara.
I assume he's OK.
What are you talking about? - He has ascended.
- What? That wasn't you? Oma's here watching me.
- And? - And I don't care any more.
- Anubis is one of us.
- What? At least partly, in some bastardised way.
What are you talking about? The Goa'uld Anubis used to be learned how to ascend.
He was believed dead for some time.
- The Others didn't want him.
- Understandable.
- They sent him back.
At least they tried.
- And what is he now? He's still some form of energy.
That black mask is a shield, keeping his form intact.
He's stuck between human existence and ascension.
Why have the Others allowed him to remain that way? - Maybe they couldn't exile him.
- Maybe they don't care.
Either way he's still very powerful.
That explains his mastery of Ancient technology.
- How's that? - Jack, the Others are the Ancients.
The original creators of the Stargates.
- You didn't tell him? - Uh, no.
All right, look, just bottom-line this for me, will ya? System Lord motherships are surrounding Anubis.
I warned them about the Eye.
Nice - Turn it over.
- What? I made a deal with Anubis.
You turn the Eye over, you go free, and Abydos will remain unharmed.
- You made a deal with Anubis? - I'll make sure he keeps it.
The Goa'uld will fight over the Eye and destroy each other.
But even if they don't, you're gonna find the lost city of the Ancients.
Lost city? Didn't tell him about that either? Daniel found a tablet talking of a lost city.
Where there are Ancient weapons capable of giving you an advantage over Anubis.
- Do you know where it is? - No, but I'll help you find it.
Nothing will happen to the Abydonians.
You've got to get away with that tablet.
If Anubis gets it and finds the lost city before you do, it's all over.
He already has a huge advantage over you because of what the Others failed to do.
- You gonna kick his ass? - If I have to.
- Can you? - We'll see.
Nothing will happen to the people of Abydos.
Coming out I assume you know about the part where you don't kill us? As much as I would like to.
Jaffa Kree Well, spank me rosy.
Let's book.
My lord.
The Eye of Ra.
The ship's weapons are now fully powered.
Your time is up.
Of that you are gravely mistaken.
Sounds like a hell of a battle going on up there.
They are retreating.
What now, my lord? Now I will destroy Abydos.
Stop Stop me if you can.
Strike me down.
Do it now or I will destroy Abydos.
Don't do this You are indeed all-powerful, my lord.
What you just saw was not my doing.
However, this is.
What was that? - What just happened? - Abydos was hit.
- You saw it? - I felt it.
Just before I came through.
Sergeant, call up a full gate diagnostic - What have you got? - I'm workin' on it.
A large burst of energy was transmitted just after Colonel O'Neill came through.
Carter? Lucky they closed the iris when they did.
An energy wave followed you through.
- Redial.
- Yes, sir.
Welcome back, SG-1.
What's happened? There was an explosion on the planet after we left, sir.
- Is that possible? - Unfortunately, sir.
We're dialling Abydos to see what happened.
Chevron six encoded.
Chevron seven will not lock.
- Briefing room.
- Yes, sir.
The only thing we can assume is that Anubis didn't keep his deal with Daniel.
That's a shock, eh? And that he was unable to prevent Anubis from destroying Abydos.
Now Anubis has a weapon that has given him superiority over the System Lords.
We don't know any of that for sure, sir.
We need to find the city that's described on that tablet.
Can you translate this? Yeah.
It'll take some time but Dr Jackson did offer his assistance.
I'm not sure we can count on Daniel any more.
He would have done everything in his power to protect the Abydonians.
If he was prevented from doing that, then Chevron five encoded.
Major, how many times are we gonna dial Abydos before you give up? Until a Tok'ra ship flies over the planet and tells me there's no one left alive.
Chevron six encoded.
Chevron seven locked.
The MALP shows the pyramid is intact.
No evident damage.
- What about the explosion? - I can't explain it, sir.
I'd like to go, sir.
Make sure the people are OK.
I guess everybody's all right.
Skaara? O'Neill.
What's going on here? Anubis destroyed the pyramid.
Everyone was killed in the blast.
They don't look dead to me.
But then neither do you.
Death is only the beginning of one's journey.
That sounds familiar.
- What of Daniel Jackson? - I've not seen Daniel.
- Do you know if he's OK? - I do not know.
One named Oma did this.
All of you? I wish you well, O'Neill.
You will not see me again.
At least not for a while.
- Take care.
- Do not fear.
You will find your way.
What do you mean by that? The Chaapa-ai will remain until you leave.
Let's go home.
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