Stargate SG-1 s07e01 Episode Script

Fallen (1)

The new animal took a look around and immediately chose a place next to the laziest, greediest beast in the stable.
The master saw this, put a yoke on him and took him back to the merchant.
- We've heard this one already.
- Has it lost its meaning? You told it just now on the way down to the water hole.
(thunder) Who are you? I don't know.
I got it.
I got it.
Teal'c! Teal'c! I got it.
I got it.
Sorry, Tyler.
Master Sergeant Siler.
Three, please.
It's not the Lost City.
There's a subtle difference in meaning in Asgard translations of early Ancient.
Excuse me.
Watch it, watch it.
Hey, where's Major Carter? She's in Hammond's office.
(Carter) According to the Tok'ra, Anubis is decimating the forces of the remaining System Lords.
I got it.
- Hopefully it's not contagious.
- Ha, ha.
The Lost City.
- On the tablet.
- You found it? Yeah, only it's not the Lost City.
That never made sense.
The tablet is written in Ancient.
How could they lose their own city? And why call it the Lost City? They'd call it by its name.
- Mr Quinn - It's the City of the Lost.
- Do you have a gate address? - There's a reference in some translations that Dr Jackson was working on to a city of the Ancients called Vis Uban as a place where plague began.
This was gonna be the crown jewel in the entire Ancient domain.
It was still under construction when the plague broke out.
Two words: gate address.
Four years ago when Ancient knowledge was downloaded to Colonel O'Neill's mind he put a bunch of new gate addresses into the SGC computer.
How many did he put in there? We've been sending probes and cataloguing them.
Any relevant planet goes on the mission list.
- How many have been sent probes? - Less than a quarter.
Do you think he got these gate addresses randomly, or could there be an order? Yeah, I suppose.
If Vis Uban wasn't finished at the time the Ancient civilisation fell You're saying the city we're looking for is the last on the list.
We've been going in order from first to last, right? - Send a probe.
- Yes, sir.
We're not talking about a common cold, Carter.
It was the plague.
Sir, we don't wear a HazMat every time we step through the gate.
There's always a chance we could be exposed to something dangerous.
- The place is called the City of the Dead.
- City of the Lost, actually, sir.
Not for lack of a sense of direction.
Well, these folks don't look lost, nor dead.
I don't think that these are the Ancients.
I mean, anything's possible, but they look like some sort of a nomadic tribe that's just taken up residence.
We're travellers from a planet called Earth.
- You came through the Chaapa-ai? - The Stargate.
He is Jaffa.
No, but he plays one on TV.
This is Teal'c.
He's no longer allied with the Goa'uld.
He's a friend.
As are we.
We too are travellers.
This place is not our original home, but we have been here for some time now.
- If you wish to lay claim - No.
No, no, nothing like that.
We just want the opportunity to learn more about your people and to take a really good look around these ruins.
We did a sweep of the area, sir.
Maintain a secure perimeter.
Sir? They are travellers, like us.
They say they are friends.
No one can be a friend if you know not whether to trust them.
Don't judge a book by its cover.
Enemies' promises were made to be broken.
And yet honesty is the best policy.
He that has too many friends has none.
Ah, but birds of a feather I'm unfamiliar with that story.
What lesson does it teach? It has to do with flocking, and togetherness and, to be honest, I'm not that familiar with the particulars myself.
The point is, we're not your enemy.
Give us a chance to prove it.
We found something you might want to see.
Daniel? (traveller) Arrom.
- Arrom? - That's what we call him.
It means "Naked One".
That's how we found him in the forest two moons ago.
Seems he doesn't remember who he is.
Daniel? It's OK.
It's me, S Do you not recognise us, Daniel Jackson? I'm sorry.
Not even me? Please leave me alone.
I'm Jack O'Neill.
And, barring some freakish similarity, you are Doctor Daniel Jackson.
This tent is all I know.
And these people, they're all I know.
Before I woke up in the forest, I don't remember anything.
I've tried.
I've tried to remember who I was before.
Sometimes I think it's floating in front of me, and all I have to do is reach out and grab it.
I try and it's gone.
You were a member of my team, SG-1 .
You're a friend of mine.
- Last year, you died.
- I'm dead? Obviously not.
You just sort of died.
Actually, you ascended to a higher plane of existence.
Last time I saw you, you were helping us fight Anubis.
Anubis? Yeah, kind of an over-the-top, cliché bad guy.
Black cloak, oily skin, kind of spooky.
Anyway, obviously, since then, you've retaken human form somehow.
Actually, I can see how this might sound a bit unusual.
A bit? - Why am I here? - Hey, why are any of us here? Honestly, I don't know.
But you gotta trust me: you are Daniel Jackson.
Think of it this way.
Out of all the planets in the galaxy, why this one, if not for us to find you? So you're saying a higher power put me here? I don't know.
That was generally your department.
- Thanks very much.
- You're welcome.
Jonas and Teal'c are helping SG-3 and 5 begin the preliminary sweep.
Remember when I said it was like talking to a wall? We know someone who's ascended can choose to retake human form.
You think he also chose to forget everything? Maybe the part about his memory isn't voluntary.
Maybe it's punishment for trying to help us.
He did say he was breaking some big rules.
So? What? It's gonna take time to search all the ruins.
There could be weapons or a power source hidden anywhere.
In the meantime, we try to help Daniel remember if that's even possible.
You're it.
Can I come in? Sure.
What did you say your name was again? Samantha Carter.
You used to call me Sam.
- Yeah, well, like I already told Jim - Uh, Jack.
Jack? Yeah.
I told him.
I don't understand why you aren't dying to know all about who you are.
I am.
And I'm not.
- See, it's the "not" part - What if I don't like who I was? What if I don't want to be that person? What if I don't have it in me to make up for something I've done wrong? I have to admit, that never occurred to me.
Look, we all thought we'd lost you at one point.
It was one of the hardest things I have ever been through.
You were - you are brilliant.
One of the most caring, passionate You're the type of person who'd give his life for someone he doesn't even know.
That doesn't sound so bad.
If you had one fault, it was that you wanted to save people so badly, to help people so much, that it tore you apart when you couldn't make a difference.
That actually sounds kind of hard to live up to.
All I know is that, if I were you, I would definitely want to get to know me you.
- I get it.
- Come back with us.
Let us show you who you are, instead of just telling you.
I'll think about it.
Samantha Carter? Yeah? Was there ever anything between us? Us? No.
No, not in that way.
We were really, really good friends.
Shamda here was just telling me a story about a dog and some dancing monkeys.
The moral is: appearances can be deceptive.
I got that.
Very good story.
Full of nuances.
I like that.
- We sent up a UAV.
- The ruins are quite extensive.
It's gonna take us weeks to scour this place properly.
- What of Daniel Jackson? - He's going home.
- Welcome back, Dr Jackson.
- Thank you.
Thank you very much.
- You have no memory of who I am? - None whatsoever.
Neither do l, sir.
That way.
Did I mention you owe me 50 bucks? I'm happy to say, sir, that he's in perfect health, except for one small exception.
That's different.
You recognise me now? - Has your hair always been that way? - What way? Never mind.
(buzzer, lock disengages) Not exactly home, but we unpacked some of your stuff.
You kept all this even though you thought I was dead? To be honest, we tossed out a ton of junk.
A lot of which seemed to be very valuable.
I kept a few of your personal things alive there.
- I know her.
- Really? I mean, I must, right? Yeah - Who is she? What's her name? - You tell me.
(knock at door) - Sorry.
Am I interrupting? - You are not.
I am unable to kelno'reem as I once did, since I began using tretonin.
- Well, that sounds complicated.
- Indeed.
Her name is Sha're.
No one told me that.
I remembered that by myself.
I dreamed about her and when I woke up I knew her name.
- That is good news, Daniel Jackson.
- Yeah, I believe I might have a chance.
If I can remember a name, there's a chance it's all in there somewhere, right? Indeed.
So, where is she? She's dead.
I loved her very much.
This being, Oma Desala, is very powerful, right? - That is correct.
- Why would she do this? If she wanted me to forget You spoke of the rules to which you were subjugated as one of the ascended.
Perhaps she was required to erase your memories by laws of the Others, but, as your friend and mentor, she wished you one day to regain it.
You think she cheated? Found a way around the rules? You do not agree? Tell me about this Anubis.
Why did I break the rules to fight him? Is it not wise to remember on your own accord? No.
I need to know why this is happening to me.
At this point, we believe that we've mapped the full extent of the ruins.
No fancy guns, or anything cool? We've only completed a preliminary investigation.
(footsteps) Sorry I'm late.
I forgot what time the meeting was.
That's a little joke there.
It's the memory thing.
Dr Jackson, this briefing is classified.
Yeah, Jonas mentioned that, but you all said that I used to be part of this, so Look, I can't really give you a good reason.
I just feel like I should be here.
Good enough.
Besides, who will I tell? I don't remember anybody, right? - Good one.
- Thanks, Jim.
Oh, so, there are extensive writings, all in the oldest known Ancient dialects, all yet to be translated.
But so far we haven't found any signs of any advanced weapons or power sources.
The original name of the city, Vis Uban, does translate as "place of great power", but it doesn't mean we'll find a way to defeat Anubis there.
You won't.
- It's not the Lost City.
- How do you know? Because Jonas translated "lacun" to mean "of the lost".
- But that's - The wrong place.
- But the translations in your notes - Also wrong.
I was way off.
- How do you know that? - I don't know.
I know what the tablet says.
How? I don't know.
I just looked at it and understood it.
Are you saying the Ancients actually lost one of their own cities? No, they didn't lose it.
They made it lost to other people that might try to find it.
I'm guessing that they camouflaged it and removed all reference to it from the written history.
So the Lost City is still lost.
I'm pretty sure.
You told me to give Anubis that Eye.
According to our allies, Anubis is quickly conquering the other System Lords.
He will dominate the galaxy very soon.
I did it cos you said we could whup his ass with what we'd find in this Lost City.
If I said that, then I hope it's true, but Look, all I know is that the place you're searching right now is not it.
Then where is "it"? Did I just say "all I know"? Everyone turn away.
I want no witnesses.
Yeah? Hey.
Sorry to bother you.
You're not.
I was just reading about us, actually.
You said that Anubis was part-ascended, that the Ancients tried to send him back to our level of existence but failed, and now he's trapped somewhere in between.
So I've heard.
Anubis wouldn't know everything there is to know about the Ancients, right? - Or he'd have already found the Lost City.
- I know I read that tablet but I'm just thinking out loud here.
If Anubis were to accidentally find the tablet, he's not gonna make the same mistake I did.
I don't know.
But if we were to make a replica of the tablet, change what it says Why? As you all know, we've had little success using naquadria to power the F-302's hyperspace generator for any length of time.
However, if our calculations are correct, we believe a short, controlled burst would send the 302 into subspace long enough to bypass the mother ship's shields.
And if your calculations are incorrect? The 302 would bypass the mother ship altogether - or worse, re-emerge inside it.
- But let's not go there right now.
- Of course.
Let's not dwell.
(clears throat) According to intelligence provided by the Tok'ra, the power core of Anubis's new weapon must be cooled by a ventilation shaft on the exterior of the ship.
If that can be targeted and destroyed just as the weapon is powering up, the crystals will overheat and be destroyed.
Where is this shaft, exactly? As Colonel O'Neill is well aware, we don't know exactly where the shaft is.
Our operative in Anubis's ranks has been unable to get aboard the new ship and has only a very limited working knowledge of it.
Anubis's computer systems use elaborate ciphers in the oldest Ancient dialect.
We are unable to translate them.
Jonas and Daniel will sneak aboard Anubis's ship and access the computer.
We have devised an injectable radioactive isotope that will allow them to move freely, undetected by sensors for eight hours.
They'll decode and relay the target's location to Colonel O'Neill and me, who will be flying the F-302.
- No problem, right? - Hey, sounds easy to me.
Anubis's ship is destroyed, and we all live to save another day.
Again, as the Colonel is well aware, we have reason to believe that eliminating the crystal power core of the ship's main weapon won't destroy the entire ship.
Its defences and auxiliary weapons will remain intact.
Why don't we dwell on that for just a minute? Our goal is to take out Anubis's new superweapon.
It gives him a clear advantage over the other Goa'uld mother ships.
We've heard from Teal'c that Yu will bring the System Lords' fleet down on Anubis once we've succeeded.
Everyone who thinks this is an insane idea, raise your hand.
Come on, be honest.
Let's go.
Get 'em up there.
Keep your hands up, people, because the next question is: who is going to make this happen? It's going to take us at least a week to relocate the inhabitants of the ruins.
Which will give us time to build a makeshift runway and get the 302 through the gate and reassembled.
And once everything is established, the Tok'ra will plant our fake tablet, and, with any luck, we'll lure Anubis to the planet.
Let's move.
Look, I realise I wasn't the most positive voice in the room.
We all know it's an extreme long shot, sir.
My big problem is that all this depends on us trusting a Goa'uld to back us up.
This is our only chance to take Anubis out of the picture, and Yu has helped us in the past.
All I'm saying, just for the record, this is the wackiest plan we've ever come up with.
Wackier than strapping an active Stargate onto the X-302? Oh, yeah.
Wackier than blowing up a sun? Yep.
He's probably right.
My lord, the fleet is ready.
- I say when the fleet is ready.
- Of course, my lord.
It is time we moved them into position to prepare for the ambush of Anubis, as you agreed, my lord.
Speak to me as if I am a fool again and you will not take another breath.
Yes, my lord.
(distorted) Move the fleet into position.
That's your son.
- Yeah.
- Charlie, right? He's why I know you.
You took that first mission to Abydos thinking it'd be suicide.
- Things change.
- Yeah.
You sure you're ready for this? Despite what you say, I don't think you'd be doing this if it wasn't worth doing.
You obviously don't remember everything.
You never used to follow my lead.
I didn't? Hey.
I may not remember everything but I remember enough.
- Sir, welcome to base camp.
- Thank you, Major.
I have to admit, it's strange to see you offworld.
This is not your usual alien-planet operation, is it, Major? No, sir.
- What's our status? - We're ready to go, sir.
- You'd better get yourself out to the F-302.
- Yes, sir.
We just received word.
Anubis's ship will be arriving in the system momentarily.
Air Strike, this is Command Base.
You are a go for take-off.
I thought we were going with Red Leader on this one.
(Carter) All systems go, sir.
Uh Command? There is one more thing.
Colonel, Major Godspeed.
All right, that's better.
Thank you, sir.
- Thanks, guys.
- Good luck.
Holy crap! Look at that thing.
It's huge! I think they know we're coming, sir.
Tally four gliders, nose, 400 kilometres.
Max burn.
- You're heading right for them.
- I want to see what this is made of.
- I could tell you exactly, sir.
- Another time maybe please? Fox 4-2.
Pitching back, left, 1-3-5.
(Carter) Daniel, Jonas, we are under attack.
We need that intel.
- We're close.
- We can't hold these guys off for long.
(banging at door, men shouting) Great.
We got company.
- My lord.
- Take the fleet to Chodawa.
My lord, that is across the galaxy.
We are in position to ambush Anubis Do not question me.
I am your god.
Do as I say.
- You cannot.
- I have no choice.
Take him to a holding cell.
If you do not eliminate Anubis, you are dooming yourself and your master.
I must do as my god commands.
My lord.
Our ground troops confirm that there is a human base on the planet.
- (distorted) The search of the city? - No energy signatures.
(thumping at door) That'll hold 'em off for a while.
- (men shouting) - A little while.
That's it.
I'm in.
This may take more than a little while.
Can't you do some kind of a keyword search? For what? "Achilles"? I'm glad to see your memory's coming back, not to mention your razor-sharp wit.
But why don't we try something like "power-core venting"? That's it, that's it.
Jack, Sam, we got it.
Transmitting data.
We gotta go, Carter.
Sir, I've got the data, but we need Anubis to power the weapon.
Airborne, we have not heard from Teal'c.
The Goa'uld fleet is long overdue.
(O'Neill) See? I had a problem with this plan.
My lord, the attack vessel continues to elude our gliders.
(Anubis, distorted) Send in another squadron.
I do not believe what you are searching for is here.
- I agree.
- Shall I target their base, my lord? No.
Recall the ground troops.
Yes, my lord.
I don't think we're gonna get back to the ring room that way.
- What's that? - They're targeting the planet.
- Base camp, this is Jonas.
Come in.
- Go ahead.
Your position's been compromised.
The Stargate is being targeted.
The naqahdah will amplify the blast.
Roger that.
Evacuate all personnel.
We go at it now, right? We need the Goa'uld mother ships here to finish the job.
- Sir, four more gliders headed this way.
- Can we go at it now? Activating hyperdrive.
Extending, straight up.
Damn, that was close.
Transferring target data to your terminal, sir.
The human attack vessel has breached our shields.
Shoot it down.
- Let's get outta here.
- Yeah.
(men shouting) Target is locked.
Fox 4-2.
- Nice shot, sir.
- Well, thank you, ma'am.
The core is overloading.
We must power down the weapon.
(roars) (Carter) Daniel, come in.
Do you read? Yeah.
I'm still on the ship.
- Hey, congratulations.
You hit the mark.
- Thanks.
It was fun.
We'll wait until Anubis's ship goes and rendezvous with you at the Stargate.
As far as that goes, we may have a little problem.
You will suffer gravely.
Yeah, I figured as much.
Although I am consoled by the fact that we succeeded in destroying the power source for your new weapon.
You are in no position to gloat.
We just wiped out your single advantage you had over the Goa'uld.
I would say that's about as good a reason as any.
- I won't tell you anything.
- Oh, yes, you will.

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