Stargate SG-1 s07e15 Episode Script


Previously on "Stargate SG-1": - Sarah.
- Daniel.
We could have ended it better than we did.
Sarah? Are you happy, Sam? - What? - You deserve to love someone.
Maybe it's not me that's the problem here.
I'm a safe bet.
The tablet talks of a lost city that's more valuable than anything.
Are you saying the Ancients actually lost one of their own cities? No, they didn't lose it.
They made it lost to other people that might try to find it.
So the Lost City is still lost.
Amulet is from the 12th dynastic period.
Inlay suggests the house of Amenemhet.
Possibly a gift from the king's family to commemorate a birth, coming of age, or It's for luck.
Royal goldsmiths made them for the king, hoping floodwaters would rise in the Nile, granting them a bountiful crop.
Good guess.
Dr Jordan sent me a picture a few weeks ago.
I suppose I had a bit of a head start.
I'm Sarah Gardner.
- Is that seat taken? - Well, no.
But there are plenty of other empty tables.
Yeah, but none of them have single, beautiful women sitting at them.
- How do you know I'm single? - There's no ring on your finger.
- I could have a boyfriend.
- You're by yourself at 7.
30 in the morning.
- You're very observant.
- I'm a cop.
Well then, I feel compelled to warn you, most of the guys I've dated recently have died.
- As in - Dead.
- How? - Various circumstances.
I'll risk it.
How about dinner tonight? My motel room.
- Your motel room.
- I'm in town from Denver on a case.
We'll order room service, open a box of wine - A box! - Something with a duck on the front.
- Stop it, Pete.
- I'm on a roll here! I haven't even shown you my badge yet.
And I gotta go.
Come on, Sam, call in sick.
Spend the day with me.
We'll go to the zoo.
There's no zoo in Colorado Springs.
There must be a bowling alley around here somewhere.
- I have to work.
- Can't deep-space telemetry wait a day? Have you seen how much deep space there is out there? I'll see you tonight.
It jams the frequencies the Goa'uld use for communication and remote control of devices like ring transporters.
Right now we're working on making it portable enough to - At least pretend it's interesting.
- It's very interesting.
Please go on.
- Are you tired? - You think? - I had the weirdest dream last night.
- About what? Working with Sarah back in Chicago, before the Stargate programme.
How's that weird? Things were all mixed up, my hair was different Well No offence, but it's not like you don't have some issues to work out.
- Oh, yeah.
- Maybe you should talk to someone.
I thought I was.
- Colonel! - Carter.
- Coffee.
- Talk to you later, OK? (humming "Stargate" theme) Humming? - I am? - You are.
What's his name? Humming.
Pete Shanahan.
He's a cop.
- Speeding again, are we? - From Denver.
A friend of my brother's.
- A setup.
- Pathetic, I know.
No, it's great.
Isn't it? Well, it's not serious or anything.
And yet it is humworthy.
- Sir - It's none of my business.
I'm just happy you're happy about something other than quarks.
- Not bad with the quarks, huh? - Excellent.
- Bit uncomfortable, isn't it? - Yeah, a bit.
- Good luck.
- Thank you, sir.
Good morning.
Hm? Hello.
I'm sorry, I didn't hear you come in.
I mean, how are you? - Fine.
- You settling in? Well, except for want of a decent cup of tea, I'm in heaven.
That's good to hear.
You know, I must have read everything you've ever published.
- Everything? - Yes.
What a waste of time.
Please! Your theories on the Hyksos dynasty are groundbreaking - if a little audacious.
I found them inspiring.
I referenced them in my doctoral thesis at Cambridge.
You must have failed.
I just hope I can live up to such talented company.
No, I'm sure if you're here, you have you are.
The flattery is overwhelming.
- I should let you continue.
- I'm gonna continue.
You know, I know this good place for coffee that No, I mean, I'm sure they serve tea.
- I'd like that, Dr Jackson.
- Daniel.
I can't tell you how much I've looked forward to being here with you, being able to pick your brain and (pants) - That was great.
- Yeah, it was OK.
I mean, the company was fine.
Oh, come on, how can you not like Singin' in the Rain? I've always been more of a Fred Astaire fan.
- It's a classic.
- Whoa! Whoa there, lady.
"Classic" is reserved for the likes of The French Connection, Dirty Harry, Serpico.
- Cop movies.
- What's your point? - This was romantic.
- Watching a man dance in the rain? - Just cos there's no guns or car chases - Or nudity.
Your chances of that are slim to none now, buddy.
Have I ever told you what a good dancer I am? My case down here wraps up tomorrow.
You're heading back to Denver? I called my captain and said "I don't care if crime is running rampant up there, I met this woman, this amazing person, and we got this thing goin' on.
" - And what did he say? - "Get your ass back here or you're fired.
" - Too bad.
- I'm lying.
I told him I'm taking two weeks' vacation.
The truth is, Colorado Springs is very underrated.
- And it was going so well.
- It is.
But? - It's getting late.
- It's seven o'clock.
I have to get up really early.
- To go to work.
- Right.
Which involves long, arduous hours of you looking into a telescope.
Sam have I mentioned I'm a cop? I interrogate people for a living.
Are you saying you don't believe me? Is this all going too fast for you? Cos I could back off.
- Give you five or ten minutes? - (laughs) I'll call you.
- Have I left yet? - (laughs) I can't feel my legs.
- Thank you.
- A little human contact first, if you please.
- Was that so hard? - Mmm.
I'll live.
- You've been here all night, haven't you? - Is it morning already? I've got something for you.
Where'd you get this? It was found during an expedition in Morocco.
An associate sent it to me for analysis.
No one's quite sure what to make of it.
I took the liberty of running a carbon dating.
It's over 10,000 years old.
- That's impossible.
- The lack of writing in the pyramids, the inconclusive dating on several artefacts Are you saying this proves there existed a language that predates all hieroglyphics? I thought you might enjoy the challenge.
Daniel? - I recognise this.
- How could you? Medieval Latin is a derivative.
We can use it as a reference point.
Daniel, how could you possibly know that? I don't know.
I just do.
This makes no sense.
Maybe you should eat something.
In the dream the tablet was written in Ancient, and in the dream I could read Ancient.
That's not so odd, considering you can also do that when you're awake.
Perhaps you want to reveal something to yourself.
- Like? - From when you were ascended.
Your prior vision of Bra'tac and Rya'c in danger.
The tablet sounds a lot like the one you found on Abydos.
- That was to lead to the Lost City.
- But didn't.
You think I know the location of the Lost City and I don't remember? If you have the dream again, perhaps you should translate the tablet.
I thought you might need a break.
That's really nice.
I mean - I don't really deserve you, do I? - No.
- Hungry? - I can't remember the last time I ate.
- How's it going? - I'm so close.
I think I found a basic structure to the whole thing.
It's about guidance.
At first I thought that meant some sort of spiritual guidance, but I was wrong.
Something about a starting point or place of origin.
The steps of a great journey leading to What? Leading to what? A city.
A place of great power.
It's a map, telling us how to find a city where an ancient race of humans lived.
See, I know what the tablet is supposed to say, I just can't seem to finish translating it.
Perhaps the location of the Lost City was not the answer you were searching for.
Since I now require sleep, I have developed an interest in dreams.
There is much research to study on the matter.
OK, Sigmund, what are my dreams about? Since Sarah was taken as a host by Osiris, you have been unable to save her.
Perhaps that is the focus of your subconscious desires.
Something I knew when I was ascended could help? Dreams are the mind's way of dealing with desires that cannot be fulfilled.
So basically I'm destined never to get a good night's sleep again.
Knowing your past experiences, Daniel Jackson, I do not know how you have slept well before now.
Thank you, Teal'c.
This conversation has been disturbing on many levels.
- Up enough? - I, uh What? I'll take that as a yes.
- Are those for me? - Yeah.
It's the other 11.
The one I left before makes a dozen.
I get it.
They're beautiful.
Thank you.
- Can I open them now? - No.
- Now? - No! Will you stop? - How about now? - No.
OK, now.
(* band plays swing) - What do you think? - I think we're gonna get noticed.
(Pete) Come on.
(* slow jazz) This is great.
It's nice to know people still stay together no matter what.
Isn't it? - I can't do this.
- What's the matter? I'm just going round in circles.
I can't find any references that relate to this passage.
- Doorways? - What? The origin of doorways.
- How do you know that? - It makes sense, doesn't it? - Yeah, but how do you know that? - It's all there.
You just need to relax.
- Mm! Oh, no.
- What? We were supposed to have dinner tonight.
Two months, right? I'm so sorry, I forgot.
Why didn't you remind me? - It's all right.
- It's too late now.
I understand.
If it was that important to me, I would have said something.
- You don't mind? - Of course not.
You're supposed to leave.
What are you talking about? I'm not going anywhere.
Your research will change the world.
You're a brilliant mind.
I don't want to stand in the way of that.
I want to be a part of it.
I am, however, going to order us pizza.
Get back to work.
So, do you wanna come in? I don't know.
Seeing the inside of your house, that's a pretty big step.
- Suit yourself.
- Right now, you're pretty much perfect.
What if it turns out you're really messy, or worse, you're a neat-freak weirdo with labelled drawers and an alphabetised bookshelf? Pff.
OK, I'm coming! Wow.
- Just don't look at the bookshelf.
- OK.
So why'd you become a cop? I watched too much TV as a kid.
Adam-12, Starsky and Hutch, Barney Miller.
- Barney Miller? - It was my favourite show.
Those guys never shot anybody, never beat anybody up.
That's it? What do you think? Every cop out there has an inspirational story? It's just a job, Sam.
I don't think so.
Not for you.
And Mark told me you had a story.
Bastard! - Never date your buddy's sister.
- He didn't tell me what it was.
It's no big deal.
I had a bit of a rough time when I was growing up.
Truth is, I probably would have ended up in jail if it wasn't for one cop who took an interest.
He really made a difference in my life, and I admired that.
- It's an admirable job.
- Well, my ex-wife didn't think so.
Did you see the episode where Barney gets home and his stuff is on the lawn, - with divorce papers stapled on top? - No.
I didn't blame her.
I mean, the hours suck and you never know if I didn't have a choice.
It's who I am.
- I can understand that.
- Really? - Deep-space telemetry is who you are? - I wish I could tell you more.
- You don't trust me.
- I'm not allowed.
Where are you going? I gotta drive back to Denver today and file my report.
Pete aside from getting into huge trouble myself, I could be putting you in danger.
Now you're telling me that joke about your boyfriends all ending up dead is true? Pete, please.
The problem is, I feel like I've just scratched the surface with you, Sam.
How can we have a future together if you won't share your life with me? (dialling cellphone) Federal Bureau of Investigation.
How may I direct your call? - Special Agent Farrity, please.
- I'll transfer you now.
Please hold.
(rings) - Farrity.
- Dave, it's Pete.
What's up, buddy? I'm in Colorado Springs on a case right now and I need a favour, man.
Can you do a background check on someone? - Global agency search, the works? - Sure thing.
Who is it? An air-force major.
Samantha Carter.
The only thing I don't have is a gate address, and there are still a few passages I can't translate.
- Do you think you can? - I don't know.
It's like I'm not in control, like I'm just along for the ride, watching the whole thing unfold.
- The strange thing is, none of it's right.
- Please elaborate, Daniel Jackson.
I was an idiot.
Sarah was in love with me and I had feelings for her too, but my obsession with my research destroyed our relationship.
She finally broke it off with me when I worked through our anniversary.
The Sarah I'm dreaming about is different.
She cares about my work as much as I do.
She wants me to find the Lost City as much as I do.
Sounds like a normal male fantasy to me.
Did you not say that Sarah introduced the tablet to you during one of the dreams? And that you feel that you have no control of the dreams? - Yeah.
- Teal'c? The Goa'uld possess the technology to explore one's memory.
You're suggesting Osiris is here on Earth, manipulating Dr Jackson's dreams? - We think it's possible, sir.
- Kinky! She's looking for the location of the Lost City in my subconscious.
She's implanted an image of an Ancient tablet to help me.
Osiris can access Sarah's memories and use them to gain Daniel Jackson's trust.
- How's she doing it? - We're speculating that she's sneaking into Daniel's house at night and using a memory device.
Anubis probed Thor's mind, thus gaining access to Asgard beaming technology.
(Daniel) That'd allow her to come and go undetected.
Why not just snatch up Dr Jackson and use a mind probe on him, like with Thor? It's possible Anubis's mind probe won't work on the subconscious.
It might have something to do with how Oma erased my memories.
It may be a way to get you to unknowingly help them learn what they wish to know.
So what do we do? (Teal'c) The Goa'uld are scavengers of alien technology.
They would interface any Asgard system with their own command device.
We hope the jamming device could prevent Osiris from using the beam technology to escape Daniel's room.
- You want to set up a trap.
- We won't spring it until after she's helped me remember the location of the Lost City.
What?! Look, no one wants to save Sarah more than I do, but I could know.
I mean, it could be there.
Somewhere in my subconscious.
We let her think she's operating without our knowledge until I've had a chance to try to finish this.
And how are we supposed to know when you know, if it's all happening in your head while you're sleeping? - I don't know.
- (Hammond) You'd better figure it out.
We can't risk letting Osiris escape with that kind of information.
(cellphone ringing) - Shanahan.
- It's me.
I got what you wanted.
- Just give me the highlights.
- Well, there's a lot of backstop ID.
Works for the air force, does deep-space telemetry for NORAD.
- Is that all you found? - It's what didn't turn up that says most.
The backstop dead-ends.
- She's been scrubbed? - Yeah.
Someone wiped out every possible trace of her.
Left only what they want others to see.
She's probably connected with some top-level stuff.
- Like? - Black ops, covert units.
Things the government denies all knowledge of, you know? Look, Pete, you ask me, this Major Carter's connected to something big.
You might want to back off from this one, OK, buddy? It's way out of your league.
It's not like I'm dating her or anything.
(ringing tone) - Hello.
- Hi, it's me.
This is Pete.
I'm probably chasing a bad guy.
Leave a message.
So what do we got? Daniel's at his house, setting up video surveillance.
Teal'c's picking out his doughnuts.
He loves a good stakeout.
Jamming device is in the van.
It should prevent Osiris from beaming herself out.
- We take her down with these? - She likely has a shield, but a tranquilliser dart will get through.
Then we hope the Tok'ra can safely remove the symbiote and save Sarah.
- What about this whole Lost City deal? - We watch and see.
Once in his room, Osiris won't be able to leave.
We just have to get to her before she realises she's been made.
- Backup? - Local authorities have been "notified".
But we don't want to do anything to alert Osiris.
How's Pete? You know how it is.
Usually you don't let it bother you, cos they couldn't cope with the truth anyway.
I think he could have.
Hey, Daniel.
Daniel, are you sleeping yet? Yes, Jack, I'm fast asleep.
What do you got there? No.
I'll pass.
Here we go.
Activating frequency jamming.
Let's do it.
- Carter? - She's still there, sir.
- How long do we wait? - Daniel must be getting close.
- Progress? - Not really.
These symbols represent the location of the city.
- Like an address? - Yeah.
Yeah, there's seven of them.
They won't translate into anything specific.
- You're so close.
- No, I am not.
Don't say that, Daniel.
- They mean nothing to me.
- You've worked too hard to give up now.
I don't know.
I never knew.
(Osiris) How unfortunate for you.
Move in! Move in! - Sam.
- Pete, what are you Get down! Holy Agh! - Will you be all right, Daniel Jackson? - Yeah.
Go, go, go.
- It's no use, Pete! - Yeah, why is that? Now that is not normal.
Look out! (dart is fired) (O'Neill) Clear! - Are you OK? - I'm OK.
- Are you OK? - Yeah.
That's good.
Oh, God.
Pete, you've been hit.
Have I? - Carter? - It's Pete.
He needs an ambulance.
Just hang in there, OK? Sam what just happened? I promise, if you make it through this, I will explain everything.
(machines bleeping) It's all right, you're safe.
- Daniel? - I'm here.
It's all over.
You're free.
- I'm so sorry.
- Shh.
It's not your fault.
I couldn't stop it.
We're gonna get you through this.
- Are they treating you OK? - Yeah.
Who'd have thought there was a hospital here? - One of the best anywhere.
- This place is unbelievable.
You have no idea.
I believe I lived up to my end of the bargain.
What I'm about to tell you is classified under section 11-C-9 of the National Security Act.
Chicks with laser-beam rings and glowing eyes are classified under 11-C-9? - Let me talk, will you? - OK.
You're currently in a top-secret military facility known as Stargate Command.
In 1928 in Giza, Egypt, archaeologists unearthed an ancient device capable of transportation to other planets by means of a subspace wormhole.
I knew it! This is way better than a box of wine with a duck on the front.
I'm not kidding.
Other planets.

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