Stargate SG-1 s08e19 Episode Script

Moebius (1)

The Daedalus.
It has a few advantages over the Prometheus.
The more advanced alien technologies were integrated into the original design, rather than tacked on after the fact.
When's it gonna be ready? Well, they're already testing the Asgard hyperdrive.
As soon as that checks out, she'll be good to go.
Hopefully, we'll all get to go this time.
Last time, they were worried about spreading our resources too thin.
Yeah, now that Anubis is gone, the Replicators are gone.
There's still a few System Lords out there, but without their Jaffa Armies, they've lost most of their power.
Yeah, hold on.
It's for you.
Hello? Yep, hi! What? No, I was just talking to her last week.
Yeah, I'll be there, thank you.
What is it? Catherine Langford died last night.
Catherine Langford was more than just kind and generous.
She had a gift, of an endless, open minded, childlike curiosity.
She saw the world, not for what it was, but for what it could be, and she saw a potential in people, that others failed to recognize.
Like her father before her, her contributions to science have changed the world more than most people know.
I, for one, have no idea where I'd be today, if I'd never met her.
She changed my life in more ways than I ever could have imagined.
Doctor Jackson? - Hi.
- Hi.
I'm Sabrina Gosling.
I'm Catherine's niece.
Oh yes, of course.
I just wanted to thank you for coming, and for speaking.
I know she would have really appreciated it.
No, it was an honour.
You know, my Aunt used to talk about you all the time.
It's funny, I always used to picture some Indiana Jones type, with a bullwhip and a pistol, chasing bad guys through some ancient temple.
Well, I generally leave the whip at home, so Right, me too.
She uh, wanted you to have this.
No, you're family.
You should keep that.
She thought of you, like a son.
Thank you.
There are a few other odds and ends, she wanted me to give you, but I wasn't able to bring them today.
Is there an address where I could send them? Yes, of course.
- Jack? - Daniel? What's going on? - Have you been shopping online, lately? - What you talking about? - Well, you've got a little delivery here.
- It's from Catherine's estate.
Look's like she sent the whole thing.
Holy! Look's like her entire collection.
I prefer stamps.
Now in addition, we discovered several grains of trilight, and a messel stasis-phase which contained micrometer crystals.
Now it's undergoing further testing, but we hope to have the results on your desk, first thing tomorrow morning.
Don't you keep me waiting! No sir.
Now here's where things get really interesting, because you will notice, in this Jack! We need to talk! Oh! Sorry for interrupting.
No! It's ok! If it's important, you must interrupt! You must.
I think we may have found a ZPM.
Yes! Great stuff, with the rocks.
Let's go.
Among the items Catherine left me, this one in particular caught my attention.
It's an original 1889 edition of 'The Eye Of The Sun'.
It's the only one in known existence.
It details the customs and rituals observed by the ancient worshippers of the Sun God, Ra.
Now, while I was flipping through the pages, I noticed this.
It appears to be a Zero Point Module.
The worshippers of Ra referred to it as the heart of light.
This is a reproduction of a wall painting, discovered by a German archaeologist in 1885.
It was destroyed in a museum fire, ten years later.
But the ZPM was never found? No.
We did an extensive sattellite sweep of the Giza Plateau, searching for an energy signature, like the one given off by the ZPM we found near Taonas.
Even if it's buried under dirt and rock, we should have been able to detect it.
We found nothing.
I'm sorry Daniel, but if it's there, it's probably been depleted.
No, I don't think so.
According to the text, it was a religious artifact, an icon.
It was never used as a power source.
It is possible Ra simply took the device with him, when he left Earth.
In which case, it could be anywhere by now.
We don't know where it is now, but we do know where it was.
Giza 3,000 BC.
You can't be serious.
- What? - It's the only way.
- What? - No, we agreed.
If I have to say 'What' one more time, heads are gonna roll! We have a time machine.
We can go back and get the ZPM.
She wouldn't let me go back and watch the Cubs win the world series.
Jack, this is a unique opportunity.
Ra never knew what he had, which means we can go back and take it, without adversely affecting the timeline.
Actually sir, he may be right about that.
You're onboard with this? I'm not happy about it, but we don't have any historical evidence to show that any Goa'uld has ever used a ZPM.
In which case, it wouldn't be missed.
We would have to be extremely careful to minimise our interaction with the people of the period.
Yeah, there's that, but I thought you said you couldn't get it to work? No-one at Area 51 has been able to engage the time device.
In fact, they've barely gotten the ship off the ground, but you were able to fly it without too much difficulty.
You have demonstrated an exceptional ability to control Ancient devices.
Jack, think about it.
With a fully functional ZPM, we could power Earth's defences and open up a wormhole to the Pegasus Galaxy.
Now remember Jack, 3,000 BC.
When Sam diverts power to the time device, think about that date and nothing else This thing's Ancient.
How's it gonna know from BC? Your mind is controlling it.
The Ancient computer should be able to extrapolate from your concept of time.
Well, shouldn't we test it on a slightly smaller leap? Like say, to 1908? Actually sir, we were able to determine from the data log, that the technology only works in time jumps longer than a couple of hundred years.
I think that's it.
Any particular day of the century, for ya? - What happened? - I didnt feel anything.
The time machine pulsed.
Try the radio.
Stargate Command this is Daniel Jackson.
Do you read? Stargate Command this is Daniel Jackson, come in please.
The stars are different.
Earth was in a different orbit around the sun, 5,000 years ago.
I think we did it.
I can't believe that I'm finally gonna get proof, that the great pyramids pre-date the fourth dynasty.
So what are you gonna do? Stand in the picture, holding a newspaper with today's date? This is an archaeologists dream.
I'm gonna get as much footage as I can.
Just be careful.
We're here for the ZPM.
In and out.
Minimal interaction, minimal impact.
No problem.
I mean it! All of you.
I got it.
I got it.
We're gonna need this.
We've determined, it remotely activates the ship's cloak Nice.
Well, my Ancient Egyptian's a little rusty, but I think I got the gist of what they were saying.
That's Khetep and his brother, Salatis.
Hey guys! They're on a pilgrimage to the Temple of Ra, to make an offering.
- Oh, there's timing.
- Tomorrow.
I told them we were travellers from the East, and they offered to put us up for the night.
I was kind of hoping we wouldn't have to stay that long.
I'm sorry, I keep thinking I'm gonna step on a bug and change the future.
Well we can't just walk into the temple, unannounced.
A public audience is a perfect way to get inside.
We just have to keep a low profile.
Yes, but more importantly, did they say what was for dinner? I don't think he was too impressed with the offering.
He says he will not tolerate such disrespect from his followers.
Let me do it now, and I won't have to do it in 5,000 years.
You can't do that.
There's no telling what effect it might have.
There gotta be some sort of treasure room.
If the ZPM is anywhere, it'll be in there.
You really think they're gonna let him just waltz in and take it? Like I said, they don't even know what a ZPM is.
To them, it's like any number of dozens of ritualistic objects they pull out for any number of occasions.
Besides, he's wearing the shiny suit.
Good luck.
Come on, T.
We would have heard something, if he was in trouble.
Nice! Oh my God! Alright, we've got a little problem here.
There must have been a sandstorm during the night.
The Jaffa will soon call for reinforcements if they have not already done so.
We must move quickly.
Sir, we can't! We've taken on more Jaffa than that.
You know what I mean.
This is exactly the sort of high impact event we're supposed to avoid.
They have the ship.
Will that not alter the future more than anything we can do? Not necessarily.
They don't know what it is, and even if they did, they can't use it.
None of them have the gene.
Even Ra won't be able to make it work.
So what are we supposed to do? Nothing.
Nothing? - Well, close to it.
- No, here's a better idea.
We take back our ship! Sir, we kill those Jaffa, or worse, get captured, and we could alter the future, immeasurably.
If you're thinking we could go forward and then back again Just a couple of days! Then we park that thing where nobody can find it.
We alter this timeline, and the future is already different.
We could set into motion a spiral of changes, that we could never fix.
We've already done too much.
I'm sorry sir, I should never have allowed us to do this.
So what? We live out the rest of our lives here? Well, we know there's going to be a rebellion eventually.
The Human slaves rise up and Ra abandons Earth.
Daniel learnt that on Abydos, nine years ago.
When it happens, there is a chance that we could get the Jumper back, without creating too big a ripple in the events of this timeline.
When does that happen? Well, I don't know the exact date.
It could be years.
What? Years? Sir, we don't have a choice.
Carter, what about the ZPM? If we wait, we lose any chance of getting it back to our time.
Preserving the timeline is more important.
For all you know, things could get better! Or they could be worse! We can't take that chance.
Well I know a way we can get the ZPM back to our time, even if we don't.
A month before we left, there was an archaeological dig that uncovered a first dynasty tomb near Giza.
All we have to do is bury the ZPM in that tomb, let them find it, and maybe our future selves won't have to take on this mission.
That's bizarre, but it just might work.
Carter, a lot of good people died when Anubis attacked Earth.
I don't think their families would mind if we fussed with the timeline a little bit.
Sir, I know this is hard for you.
Your instinct is to change things, make things better, but for once, that's exactly what we can't do.
We have to let things play out, exactly the way they're meant to.
English is a complex language.
A hybrid of many different influences, much like the culture it represents.
To understand it, is to gain an insight into that culture, and the process of integration that created it.
Ok! Let's start with a simple greeting.
Often, the best way to begin interacting with someone is to find a topic of common interest.
Everyone can relate to the weather, so let's start with that, shall we? Introduce yourself and talk about the weather.
Hello, my name is Carlos.
You make me so hot.
Not quite right, but the introduction part was good.
Daniel? Sorry to bother you, but there are some people here to see you.
Excuse me for just one second.
What kind of people? Air Force people? This is totally unbelievable! You are a small and pathetic man! Those were my theories on spin wave technology and the effects of anti-gravity on electromagnetism, and you know it! And just because my reproductive organs are on the inside instead of the outside, doesn't God! That's horrible! Who would ever say that? Carter! Who were you talking to? No-one.
Are you talking to yourself? No.
Have you proof-read my review of the solid fuel rocket ship? I'm almost done.
Good job! Thank you.
Keep up the good work Carter and you'll be moving up around here.
Excuse me.
Major Davis, United States Air Force.
Dr Hirschfield.
I know who you are.
What's this all about? It's a matter of National Security.
I'm afraid I'm not at liberty to discuss that here.
Oh, of course, by all means.
We can talk privately in my office.
Oh no, I'm not here to talk to you.
I'd like to speak to Doctor Carter.
Me? Colonel O'Neill.
Samuels! You and the boys looking to charter a boat for the day? No sir.
I've been sent by the Pentagon, to escort you back to Washington.
I could give a rat's butt.
It's a matter of National Security sir.
Find someone else.
We can't! It has to be you.
Now if you'll allow me, I'll try and explain it on the way.
Sammy, it just doesn't sound like fun.
Oh God! If you'll just wait here Ma'am, General Hammond will be with you in a moment.
Doctor Daniel Jackson.
Doctor Samantha Carter.
- Uh, PhD - Oh, me too.
- Astrophysics.
- Oh, Egyptology! You wouldn't happen to know why we're here? - I was kinda hoping you did.
- Sorry.
- I teach English as a second language.
- Department of Aerospace.
Not as an Astronaut! No, I I check other people' scientific reports for factual errors or omissions, before they get sent up to the Director.
Yeah, not really.
Dr Jackson, Dr Carter, I'm General George Hammond.
- What's this? - Non-disclosure agreement.
What we're about to discuss has been classified top secret by the United States' government.
What if we don't want to sign it? Well, then you're free to leave.
You have a background in archaeology, isn't that right Doctor Jackson? That's right.
But your theories failed to gain much acceptance among your colleagues.
Well, you could say that.
Egyptian pyramids as landing pads for alien spacecraft.
I did not say that unequivocally.
I simply put forward the possibility, that based on the knowledge that - It's alright Doctor, you don't have to defend your theories here.
A month ago, a team of archaeologists from the University of Chicago uncovered an Ancient Egyptian tomb near Giza.
Inside they found artifacts typical of the period, plus one or two objects that have yet to be identified.
And a video camera.
A video camera? It was perfectly preserved in a vacuum sealed canopic jar.
The technology is somewhat different of what is commercially available today, but we managed to charge the battery.
However, we didn't bring you here because we found the camera.
We brought you here because of what had been recorded on the tape inside that camera.
Ok, my name is Dr Daniel Jackson.
I'm part of a team called SG-1, and we have just travelled back in time 5,000 years.
You see, the thing is, we're not sure we're gonna make it back.
The chamber where you discovered this tape should be discovered shortly before we're set to leave.
Hopefully the timeline hasn't changed at all.
Let's see, what are some recent major events? Communism recently failed in Eastern Europe.
They should be well on their way to democracy by now.
Henry Hayes is President.
What else.
- Henry Hayes? - Secretary of the Interior.
President Kinsey was less than amused, when he saw that portion of the tape.
Sam, help me out here.
Um, Samantha Carter, Lt Colonel United States Air Force, and a member of SG1.
But, I suppose we should tell them about the Stargate - Oh my god! - What's "SG-1"? Watch.
Colonel Carter and I work for an organisation known as Stargate Command.
It is located under Cheyenne Mountain.
Now, for the past eight years, we've been regularly travelling through a large, ring-shaped device, known as the Stargate.
It should have been discovered in 1928, somewhere near where this tape was found.
Now, by means of these offworld missions, we've managed to acquire a lot of advanced technology, which has helped us defend Earth against several alien attacks.
If, for whatever reason, the things we're talking about, are not true, then it is possible that we have somehow, inadvertantly, changed the future.
Now the purpose of this tape is to provide you with the tools you'll need, to go back in time and set things right.
If, for whatever reason, the Stargate has not been discovered, you will have to find it and get it up and running.
Uh, Jack, you should say something.
No, I'm fine.
We should all appear on the tape.
We have no way of knowing how things could have changed.
General Jack O'Neill, United States Air Force.
How you doing? Tell them about the future.
College football is played on Saturday's, pro on Sunday's, and there are no fish in my pond.
at all.
We're out of fish.
I think that covers it.
Did he say "Stargate"? "Time travel"? What else did the tape say? Details of the Stargate.
SG1, including a fourth member, who appears to be some kind of humanoid alien.
Are you telling us that.
in some alternate timeline, we're part of a team that travels to other planets and defends Earth against alien invasions? I know It seems difficult to believe.
Wait, what about this Stargate? Did you look for it? We searched the co-ordinates provided on the tape, but we didn't find anything.
The area had already been excavated previously in 1934, by Doctor Langford.
We found nothing but a tablet inscribed with hieroglyphics, that no-one has ever been able to translate.
We were wondering if you'd like to take a crack at it.
Are you kidding? Hey! Hi.
What do you think to all this? To be honest, I don't know what to think.
It was pretty overwhelming.
Time travel is, theoretically, possible.
There's been a lot of research into the area of quantum gravity, which suggests that time flows like rotating fluid within our galaxy.
Technically allowing the traveller to journey backward and forward at will.
But there's a huge amount of energy required.
Actually, I was talking about us.
The other "us".
I guess you could call it, the "us we're supposed to be".
I mean, seriously, didn't you always think that you were destined for something more? I mean.
Something a hell of a lot more fulfilling than a nine to five desk job.
I suppose.
I don't know.
I just always felt like my life was wrong.
Well, life is what you make it.
You know, for better or worse.
Well, look at this as a way to change everything.
If we help them find this Stargate.
What do you think they're gonna do? Ask us to join an elite team of intergalactic space heroes? Look at us! The only reason that they showed us the tape, is because we're on it.
Ok, that about covers the gate dialling system, the point of origin the others to Chulak and the home address, what else? Ah right, um This is very important.
It's called a ZPM.
- Daniel Jackson.
- What? I believe the battery is about to expire.
Ok, this is very important.
This is called a Zero Point Module and it's purpose is to How's that for timing? This ZPM was recovered along with the tape? Yes, we have a team of scientists studying it, as we speak.
How's the translation coming? Ah, it's an obscure dialect, I can see why your experts had trouble.
But? But it's almost as if the person who chiselled this tablet knew my research.
See, in 2995 B.
, about five years after the team in this tape arrived in the past, there was an uprising.
The Ancient Egyptians rebelled against the Sun God Ra, or at least, someone they believed to be an imposter.
Now apparently, whoever this imposter was, he left in a great flying ship, and took the Stargate with him.
That is unfortunate.
Yeah, but the tablet makes reference to a location where there might be a second Stargate, here on Earth.
Where? I'm still working on that.
Thank you Doctor.
I look forward to your report.
Uh, General? If it's alright with you, I'd like to join the expedition to find the second gate.
You're right! They're gonna shut us out! I can't say I'm surprised.
I still haven't finished the entire translation yet, which means we still have some leverage.
What else does it say? It says the second Stargate is somewhere in Antarctica.
Somewhere in Antarctica? Well, it doesn't even say that.
It says "the land of the cold, to the south", which I'm guessing means Antarctica.
It's a big place.
Lots of ice.
Yeah, I'm guessing whoever wrote the tablet, didn't have a way of explaining latitude and longtitude in Ancient Egyptian hierogyphs.
Well at least you're still useful to them.
I don't know why they're keeping me around.
I'm not gonna let them shut you out either.
I mean, we're supposed to be a team.
We have to stick together.
That's nice.
We need someone who's willing to go to bat for us.
Someone they can't say no to.
- You folks looking for a little tour? - Jack O'Neill? Yeah.
Uh, I'm Daniel Jackson, this is Samantha Carter.
You two, a couple? No, no, no, we just met.
What do you want? Well uh, we were recently approached by the military about a matter of national security.
Don't care! This is really important.
All we're asking, is a little bit of your time.
We don't wanna go anywhere.
It's your money.
So ultimately what we have to do is this.
We have to find this Stargate and then get hold of this time travel device.
Locate this alien named Teal'c.
Right, get Teal'c first, then go back in time to change the past, fix the future.
- Are you listening? - I was trying not to.
Yeah, I suppose it does sound a little crazy.
Really? Which part? I'd have to say, the moment I let you onboard.
You don't have to believe us.
All we ask, is that you watch the tape and decide for yourself.
You know, I have decided, and hey look, your time's up! Aren't you in the least bit intrigued that there might be something else out there, somewhere? Something more than this! No! We're supposed to be a team.
We saved the world.
Several times.
I'll buy that.
Uh huh.
The three of us.
The world, we save it, right? Ok.
I can't believe I wasted my frequent flyer miles on this.
Sorry to bother you.
Not a problem.
No worries, eh? Do you have any idea what's going on? Dr Carter, Dr Jackson - Major, what's this about? - Did you find the second Stargate? No we didn't.
But we decided to show you something else.
Airmen? We think this was the ship SG-1 used to travel back in time.
Where did you find it? It was uncovered during an excavation of the area around the tomb, where the tape was found.
This is incredible.
Is it operational? Not yet.
According to the tape, Jack O'Neill has a special gene that makes him able to fly this thing.
These are constellations.
The tape said that this was able to go through the Stargate, as well as time travel.
So this must be what dials the gate.
Don't touch anything, please! Leave the touching to the experts.
Dr Rodney McKay's the lead scientist on the project.
- Hi.
- This is Dr Carter, Dr Jackson.
Please to meet you.
We were hoping they may be of assistance to you.
Yes, well, thank you.
I'll leave you to it then.
So, did you try dialling the Stargate address, that the Daniel Jackson on the tape mentions? No, why would we do that? - Well, just to see - Of course we tried! It's called sarcasm.
We tried the address numerous times, nothing happened.
Did you try any other combinations? I'm sorry, what are your areas of expertise? - Astrophysics.
- Archaeology.
And I would listen to you, because? We're on the tape.
No you, you I would listen to, if you were reading the phone book.
Oh brother.
You see, I love this whole, sexy librarian thing.
Look, why don't I take you to lunch, get you up to speed.
I hear it's lemon chicken today, my favourite, hmmm? A lot to talk about.
Daniel! Is he behind me? Who? McKay.
Oh, thank God! I think I lost him.
The guy is driving me nuts! Any progress with the ship? Well the technology is way beyond us, but I do have something that could be big.
What? Remember how McKay said, they tried dialling the Stargate address several times and nothing happened? Yeah.
I started thinking.
Nothing happened here.
- What have you got? - We're waiting to see General Hammond.
He's busy.
Why don't you tell me and I'll decide if it's worth interrupting him.
I cross referenced our previous attempts to dial the Gate, with some recent seismic activity in Antarctica.
They're a perfect match.
The epicentre in all eight cases, was exactly the same.
Approximately 50 miles outside of McMurdo.
That is where you'll find your second Gate.
Worth it? Excuse me.
General, you wanted to see us? It was exactly where you said it would be.
Good work.
Thank you, sir.
I want you both to know, that your help on this project, was most appreciated.
Your country owes you a debt of gratitude.
But we're not done yet.
Actually, we're not.
You two however, have a plane waiting to take you home.
I'm sure I don't need to remind you of the details of the non disclosure agreement.
Wait a minute.
You are going to send a team through the Gate, aren't you? We're assembling a team, as we speak.
You saw the tape! We are that team, I mean, if anybody should be going, it's us! I'm sorry Dr Jackson.
But neither you nor Dr.
Carter possess the training or qualifications for a mission like this.
That's just the way it is.

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