Stargate SG-1 s09e07 Episode Script

Ex Deus Machina

Previously, on Stargate SG-1 Gerak emerged as spokesperson for the more|traditional ways of the Jaffa High Council.
Which he could control.
It's symbiote poison.
The trust launched at least two poison attacks against|Goa'uld occupied worlds, after we took back the Gate.
That means they had to leave|the relatively safe confines of the solar system and head out into the galaxy, where they ran the risk of being killed or captured.
You think they have been taken|as hosts then sent back to Earth? Any Goa'uld who got his hands on them|would have discovered pretty quickly, that they belong to a top secret organization with high level connections to some of the most|powerful Governments and institutions on this planet.
By now, the entire Trust could have been taken over.
Season 9 - Episode 7|Ex Deus Machina He was discovered this morning on a|remote road of interstate 77 in Virginia.
He was spotted by a passing motorist.
|Local authorities say he's been dead about a day or so.
Probably the victim of a hit and run driver.
So what do we figure? This guy got lost|and he was hitching a ride back to Chu'lak? His presence on Earth is a mystery to me.
He was found literally in the middle of nowhere about three miles north of a little|town called Edison.
Population 3012.
The symbol on his forehead indicates|that he was a servant of Lord Yu.
Many of whom now follow Gerak.
And Gerak might be able to shed some light on this.
I will speak to him.
Very well.
Colonel Mitchell, you're with Teal'c.
Dr Jackson, I want you to dig up all|the information you can on Edison, Virginia.
Colonel Carter will join you|as soon as she's settled in.
Sam! Hey! Come on.
Let me,|let me give you a hand.
Thank you.
So, General Landry briefed me on the|circumstances surrounding our mystery Jaffa.
Yeah, I think I got something on that.
Farrow-Marshall? Yeah.
You're familiar with them? They're an aeronautics firm headquartered in Bethesda.
|The Department Of Defence is their biggest client.
Yeah, it turns out that their plant|in Virginia employed about eight hundred residents at Edison, until|it closed down six months ago.
Now, it's located just outside the town, and about a a mile and a half from where our dead Jaffa turned up.
Really? Pardon the mess, I'm still unpacking.
Farrow-Marshall Let's see what they've been up to lately.
Here we go.
Their Chief Financial Officer|went missing yesterday morning.
Interesting timing.
According to his wife, he left for a business|meeting in Richmond, Virginia and never came back.
Make no mistake, brothers.
The Tok'ra only wish to meet|with us because they fear us.
We defeated the Goa'uld and|took their motherships and strongholds.
Now, we are our own masters.
I needn't remind the Council that the Tok'ra did|battle with the Goa'uld for just as many years.
Their efforts were instrumental|in securing our freedom.
Let us all be clear.
The only motivation that the Tok'ra have,|is their own selfish needs.
Not to help any of us! Then what do you suggest, Gerak? That we use our new found strength|to take what we want? That we emulate our former oppressors? Brothers and sisters.
We finally have the opportunity to govern with authority, and respect! Years ago, that seemed unthinkable.
But now we are in a position to help others|who are in need of our support and guidance.
Why should we help them? How about because, it's the right thing to do? Look, whatever your differences with|the Tok'ra in the past, it's time to move on.
Teal'c is right, you kicked ass,|you're sitting pretty.
Don't get hung up on Outsiders are not permitted to address the Council.
Never mind.
I caution you.
We have fought too long and too hard,|to entrust our future to the Tok'ra.
Or the Tau'ri, for that matter.
Brothers and sisters.
|I suggest we bring this assembly to an end.
Let us consider what we've discussed and reconvene in the morning.
Very well.
A word.
Teal'c, welcome back to Dakara.
Your presence is sorely missed.
What draws you away from your Tau'ri home? A Jaffa was discovered on Earth, dead.
Oh, strange.
But, what has that got to do with me? He was a servant of Lord Yu's and|I assumed a follower of yours.
Well that may be, but, I don't seem to recognise him.
Nor do I know what he is doing on Earth.
My obligation to the Council|requires my presence elsewhere.
I'm sure you understand.
He is lying to us.
No kidding.
It was about six months ago,|when he started acting strangely.
What do you mean, strangely? Cold, distant.
You've gotta understand.
Alex has always been incredibly|focused when it comes to his job and at first I just assumed|he had a lot on his plate, but after a couple of weeks|it became clear that it was more than that.
I started to suspect|he might be having an affair.
So I hired a private investigator|and I had him followed.
And what did the investigator find out? I'm not sure exactly, but a couple of days after accepting the job, he quit, returned all of my money and|strongly suggested that I drop the matter.
He didn't offer you any kind of explanation? No.
|But it was obvious he was scared.
He did some surveillance in his first two days.
|These are the photos that he took.
He asked for them back after a couple of days, well after he dropped the case, but I refused.
I offered them to the police, but they didn't think|that the photos were pertinent to their investigation.
My husband wasn't having an affair, but he was clearly involved in something|that he wanted to keep secret.
Do you mind if we hold onto these? No, go ahead.
He still refuses to speak? The prisoner is strong.
Then we must be stronger, Yat'yir.
It was through instruments like this|we were oppressed.
Then how appropriate would it be then, for it to be used to serve our cause.
You will surrender your secrets.
Of that, I am sure.
Colonel Carter? Charlotte Mayfield.
VP here at Farrow-Marshall.
How can I help you? I wanted to ask you a few questions|about your plant in Virginia.
It was shut down six months ago.
Officially, yes.
But we went by to check it out and it looked like it had been|cleaned out very recently.
I'm not sure where you're getting at.
Some of the residents of Edison|claim they saw trucks, travelling to and from the plant,|a couple of nights ago.
They're mistaken.
So you're saying,|no one's been in the area for several months? Well, I can't speak for the locals, but certainly, no one from Farrow-Marshall|would have any reason to go there.
How about Richmond? Anyone from Farrow-Marshall have reason to go there? According to his wife, Alex Jameson was on his way|to Richmond, Virginia when he went missing.
We've cooperated with the local authorities|on Mr Jameson's disappearance.
You may want to consult with them.
Who was Mr Jameson meeting with that day? I'm sorry.
Company policy prevents me|from discussing that with you.
Your CFO is missing.
Now I would think that you would want to do|everything within your power to help find him.
Oh, I do.
As I said, we're cooperating with the authorities.
Now if you'll excuse me, I think we're done here.
These gentlemen will show you out.
If you have any further questions,|feel free to fax them to the head office.
You can be sure that's not the end of it.
Of course not.
We've only just begun.
With Kerry Johnson and the CIA's investigation|into the NID-Trust connection, we've done a little digging and managed to put names to some of the faces from the|photographs Sheila Jameson provided.
Steven Ballard.
Chairman of the Stark Consortium.
This is Mesato Hiro, CEO of Far East Mercantile.
James Lowry and Tony Trand, President and|Chief financial officer, Aleraf Pharmaceuticals.
This one is Michael Northrup,|CEO founder of Hamill Technologies.
Now all the individuals we've|managed to identify so far are major players in the areas of business and high finance.
Very powerful, very influential|and in the case of these two, very missing.
Missing? Terence Evans and William Blalock.
|Founding partners of Persian Media Enterprises.
They went missing about six months ago.
Coincidentally, around the same time|we managed to destroy the Osiris ship.
You see a possible Goa'uld connection here? Well, we already know that sometime last year,|the Goa'uld successfully infiltrated the Trust.
And that the Trust has connections to|Government Agencies and Corporations worldwide.
There's a good chance we didn't get them all.
|If that's the case, Goa'uld are still on Earth and they're gaining strength.
Let me guess.
They didn't know anything either.
As Gerak grows stronger, fewer Jaffa|risk defying him for fear of retribution.
We must leave Dakara and seek our answers elsewhere.
The answers you seek are on Earth.
What do you know of the Jaffa we discovered? He lost his life trying to secure Gerak's prize.
Of what prize do you speak? Ba'al.
Ba'al is on Earth? That is where he sought refuge, immediately|following his defeat in the battle for Dakara.
He has been there ever since.
You're telling me a member of the Jaffa High Council|claims that Ba'al has been here on Earth for the better part of the last nine months? Yes Sir.
Is there any chance she may be right? My information suggests that Ba'al|has been hiding in the Arkeba System.
He has been sighted there as recently as a week ago.
So the Council member is either lying|or she's a victim of bad intelligence.
Not all bad, Sir.
They knew enough, to look for|Ba'al at a Trust operated facility.
If he were on Earth,|that would be the best place to start.
If the Jaffa genuinely believe Ba'al to be on Earth,|they will continue to search for him.
Well that's obviously unacceptable.
Tell the Council we've begun our own|investigation and if he's here, we'll find him.
It would not be in Gerak's best interests|to allow that to happen.
Why? Ba'al's capture would be a big moral victory as well|as a huge political gain for whoever brings him in.
Should Gerak be successful, he would win|the hearts of many undecided Jaffa.
Thereby assuring undisputed influence over the Council.
So all we have to do is find Ba'al before they do.
Yeah, but Gerak has a head start.
The fact that the company CFO went missing|around the same time that the Jaffa was killed.
You think Jameson was at the plant|when they came looking for Ba'al? In which case, he may well have been captured.
He has revealed Ba'al's location.
And the locations of his various shelters on Earth.
You should never have invented|such an effective means of torture.
Come on, come on! Yes! Where is the false God, Ba'al? We've been compromised.
They're five floors above us.
I know.
We're leaving.
Hello? C'mon hurry.
|There's people here!|They're shooting up the all place! So? Those offices were a war zone.
|Staff weapons versus semi automatics.
Who won? Hard to say.
There was no bodies and|all the security footage was missing.
Witnesses? One.
Some guy who was working overtime.
|Spent most of the firefight under his desk, but was able to provide a|description for three individuals.
Big, tattooed, chainmail pants.
So it's either our Jaffa, or Kiss is back on tour.
I have something to show you.
|We've just received this.
Although it's a far cry from some of the|better world's I've conquered in my days,|this planet is not without it's charms.
That's? In retrospect, I'm actually glad we never succeeded in destroying it.
That said, Earth is not without it's drawbacks.
The foremost being, an alarming lack of privacy.
My ships have been seized, my armies vanquished.
I no longer present a threat to this galaxy.
All I ask is to be left alone,|without having to worry about you, the Jaffa, or any of|my former enemies coming after me.
So, I'd like to offer the following deal.
Allow me to live out the rest of my days|here on Earth in peace, without interference.
In exchange for my freedom, I will follow your laws.
You will never have cause to fear me again.
I hope we can put the past behind us.
I certainly have no desire to harm|you or anyone else on this world.
That said, you should know that I've placed|a Naquadah bomb, somewhere in the United States.
Consider it a precautionary measure.
If another attempt is made to capture me,|I promise you the consequences, will me most dire.
Of all the retirement destinations he could choose,|he has to pick our planet? We have teams outfitted with Naquadah detectors|in several major urban centers, but there's|no way we can cover the whole country.
The Prometheus has instruments which can|detect Naquadah from orbit, does it not? Yes, but so far the scans have come up empty.
So it could be a bluff? Or, Ba'al may have found a way to|shield the bomb from our sensors.
Bluffing or not, he's still a threat.
As defacto head of the Trust operations, he has|the resources and capabilities to do a lot of damage.
Naquadah bomb or not.
So, problem number one, how do we find him.
|Problem number two, how do we take him|out without inflicting collateral damage? Good point.
Ba'al is probably surrounded by security.
No doubt, most of them human, with no knowledge|of his true identity.
If we go after him, we risk injuring innocent people.
Not if we use the symbiote poison|the Tok'ra developed.
We already know it won't harm human physiology.
And with the right delivery system,|nothing but that.
I'll contact R and D, see what they can put together.
Which leaves us with problem number one.
The NID's running surveillance on the individuals|identified in the photograph's with Jameson.
Hopefull, eventually,|one of them will lead us to Ba'al.
Of equal concern, are Gerak's Jaffa.
We have no control over them.
If they decide to move on Ba'al,|Earth will face Ba'al's full reprisal.
And I'm guessing, those Jaffa aren't exactly kicking|it back at the local Denny's.
Plus, isn't it a long, stinky ride from Dakara, in a cargo ship? Indeed.
It is more likely that Gerak has a|mothership, somewhere in the vicinity of Earth.
Well if the Prometheus was going to detect the|naquedah from orbit, it would have done it by now.
|I'll send them out to look for the mothership.
Colonel Mitchell? I want you and Teal'c onboard.
Colonel Carter, Dr Jackson,|you coordinate with the NID.
In the event they locate Ba'al, I want you there.
Hey! Wait up! Alright.
That's better.
Gentlemen, welcome aboard.
Thank you Sir.
Any word from NORAD? SSN came up empty.
Could the ship we're looking for be cloaked? Motherships do not possess cloaking capabilities.
Well then, could we be looking|for another type of craft? It is possible.
Whatever the target ship.
|If it's out there, we'll find it.
Agent Barrett! Thanks for the lift.
Well, I couldn't exactly have you guys catching|a cab to the stake-out now, could I? So what's the latest? Well, one of our agents following the Jameson lead, spotted an individual matching Ba'al's description|at the Gilroy Hotel on Fifth Street, about an hour ago.
Looks like we got him.
Picking up anything at all? Unusual variances?|Anomalous energy readings? No Sir.
You know, it's possible what we're|looking for, isn't even out there.
It is possible, but unlikely.
If Gerak believed Ba'al to be on Earth, he would undoubtedly establish|a base of operations in planetary orbit.
Great, so where is it? Hiding in plain sight.
What was that? Right.
Colonel Pendergast.
|Plot a course for the far side of the moon.
Do it.
What's the situation? They're still inside.
In 1602.
All the exits are covered,|we're just waiting for the green light.
Dr Jackson, you go with Williams.
How've you been? Pretty good.
You? Yeah, pretty good.
Can't complain.
What's new? Let's see.
I was leading R and D for a while there.
Well, I never figured you the type|to settle for a desk job.
I needed something with more flexible hours.
Janet's adopted daughter, Cassie,|was going through a hard time.
Oh, I see.
I spent some time on the Prometheus,|away on deep space reconnaissance.
Helped stop a dangerous new enemy|from getting a foothold in the galaxy.
Yeah, I heard about that.
How's Pete? We broke up.
Really? I mean sorry to hear that.
Oh, it's the best thing for both of us.
So you're single again? Not exactly.
Sir, I'm picking up a large energy signature.
- Lock on target.
|- Target locked.
Sir, we're receiving a communication|from the mothership.
Let's see it.
Withdraw! Or we will be forced to defend ourselves.
Sorry, we're not going anywhere.
Come on, where are they? Abort.
All agents, abort! What's going on? He's not inside.
If we move now,|we risk compromising the operation.
Barrett, you'd better be damn sure about this.
We're sure.
Let them go and come to the van.
Sam? It wasn't him.
How do you know? Because he can't be in two places at once.
Ba'al is across town right now, doing|a live television interview.
What? Thank you.
That's a very good question.
My acquisition of Hammel Technologies and|it's subsidiaries is just a first step in a long range venture that|will ultimately see a consolidation and a streamlining of what is|presently a dissolute market.
No doubts, most of you have never|heard of me before today.
Well, I can assure you that over the next few months,|you will all get to know me very well and I look forward to it.
This is Colonel Pendergast of the Earth ship|Prometheus, asking you to stand down.
We have no desire to engage in battle,|but we will not withdraw our forces.
Look, we know why you're here.
Then you also know that I have no choice,|but to maintain my present position.
OK, FYI, we're not going to let you put|anymore men on the planet's surface.
If you fire on our ship, we will defend ourselves.
Yat'yir, hear me.
You and your Jaffa are at a disadvantage.
Knowing neither territory, nor it's inhabitants.
Allow us to assist you in apprehending Ba'al.
We can both lay claim to his capture.
Then all Jaffa can declare freedom|and celebrate as one.
I am afraid we are past the point where are|differences can be settled so readily.
I am sorry Teal'c.
Meanwhile, they've still got boots on the ground.
Nothing we can do about that.
Perhaps we can.
Can how? By forcing Gerak's hand.
Yes Sir.
Our orders are to stay put for the time being.
You've gotta be kidding me? Come on, we know where he is, we've got him.
Yes, Ba'al has made it easier|for us to pinpoint his location, but unfortunately, by going public, he's made it more|difficult for us to take him down quickly and covertly.
We make a move against him now|and we risk a media circus.
Unless of course you feel like giving|the American people a Stargate primary.
There's also the little matter of a Naquadah bomb|sitting somewhere in the continental United States.
Yeah, OK.
OK, we'll stay.
The General's consulting with the Pentagon,|to determine what our next move should be.
If there is one thing a Jaffa values|above all else, it is his pride.
When the other Council members discover that|Gerak has not been completely forthcoming, they|will turn against him and force his hand.
Gerak must be shamed into removing|his forces from Earth.
It is the only way.
Your turf, your rules, brother.
No matter how far we must travel.
|No matter how long it will take, our former enemies must pay for their crimes.
|This I promise you and we will destroy them.
Not only just in memory of those who have fallen, but|in honour of those who survived to enjoy their freedom.
You speak of honour, Gerak.
Yet you disrespect this Council|by dishonouring it with your lies.
I have not lied to this Council.
|It is you that I have purposely misled.
For fear, that your commitment to the cause is suspect.
Even as we speak, Gerak's followers|are hunting Ba'al, on Earth.
Of this we are well aware.
I had wished to inform the Council sooner, but I dared|not, for fear that elements sympathetic to the Tau'ri would learn about Ba'al's whereabouts.
You dare question my loyalty! Your loyalty is not under question, Teal'c.
You have done more than anyone to help secure our|freedom, and for that we are ever grateful.
However, your allegiance to the Tau'ri|presents you with a difficult dilemma.
Even as we speak, the Tau'ri ships|prevent us from pursuing the enemy.
As you have said Ka'lel, I accomplished much in our long struggle|against our former oppressors.
But only because of the|support of the Tau'ri.
Their commitment was as unwavering as my own, and now you would repay them by|surreptisiously stealing upon their world.
Putting their people, to say nothing|of the Stargate program, at risk! They are our allies.
Rather than dishonour them by trespassing onto their|world, respect them enough to tell them the truth! Ask for their assistance in capturing Ba'al!|They will help us! But will they? They are as determined to have Ba'al|answer for his crimes, as are we.
But if they succeed Then he will be brought before this Council,|where he will face his proper punishment! You have my word! What the hell are you thinking? There's no guarantee|that the US government is going to give them Ba'al.
It was only to give Gerak pause before|his next attack against Ba'al on Earth.
Even so, we may have only gained a brief respite.
Satellite tracking has placed Ba'al on a remote|heavily guarded compound, west of the city.
From the site of the press conference, directly to his present location, he took no evasive|maneuvers, made absolutely no attempt to|disguise his movements.
Clearly, he is emboldened by the belief that you|would not dare attack him, now that he has made|himself a public figure.
I've had Walter patch in|Colonel Carter and Doctor Jackson.
Everybody up to date? We have a cruise missile prepped with symbiote|poison and ready to launch on your command.
General, I recommend we launch now.
|It may be the last chance we get.
What if he isn't bluffing about the Naquadah bomb? Then we'll have stopped him before|he has a chance to plant any more.
We'll have to come up with a cover story.
Wouldn't be the first time.
We must strike now, before Ba'al realises|his strategy has backfired.
And the Council? I merely promised he would be delivered if captured.
If he is killed, then there is no difficulty.
Right, good work.
What's the news? Stargate Command intends to attack.
How can you be certain? The humans that set up the Trust were in a|position to infiltrate much of the secure|communications network employed by this government.
How clever of them.
Have you got something else for me, Walter? Yes Sir.
We just got this sent to us.
You have chosen not to heed my warning.
Sort of forced my hand.
There is a bomb in the Helsian tower|in downtown Seattle.
It will detonate at exactly 1:30pm, local time.
Call off your strike at my location|and I will diffuse the device.
Defy me and this will be just the first|of many such demonstrations.
The building's being evacuated.
|Mobile units have been dispatched.
Yes Sir.
Understood, Sir.
Agent Barrett, have your men tighten the|perimeter around the compound.
No one in or out.
Daniel, once the missile hits, you'll have to|go in and make sure we have a confirmed kill.
Why, where are you going to be? Seattle.
How the hell you gonna get there? Prometheus.
Beats, flying coach.
Colonel Carter.
Have you located the bomb? We're unable to get a fix on it's location.
Multiple signals.
Is it possible|there's more than one device? Well, we're not sure.
Wipe the hard drives|and destroy the equipment.
I want nothing left.
The Jaffa, they've found us.
Time to go.
Colonel Carter and her team are still searching.
|No sign of the bomb, yet.
Sir, Dr Jackson reports Jaffa at the target site.
|They've engaged the compound guards.
You must not hesitate General Landry.
Launch the missile.
Yes Sir.
Launching Alpha Two.
It doesn't make any sense.
|It's like there's Naquadah everywhere.
How old is this building? It's brand new.
It just went up last month.
Give me a secure line to Stargate Command, now.
Sir, we've got Colonel Carter.
Colonel, did you find the bomb? Sort of.
What's that supposed to mean? Readings indicate, the entire superstructure|of the building is laced with Naquadah.
It was built that way.
|Ba'al's been planning this for a long time.
I'm not sure I understand, Colonel.
The bomb isn't in the building, Sir.
The bomb is the building.
Target is locked on.
Sir, we have a confirmed hit on the location.
Agent Barrett and his team|are moving in to secure the area.
Sam! That Naquadah ain't gonna go off on it's own.
|There's gotta be a detonator there.
I agree, but it could be anywhere.
Inside a|wall, under a floor.
We'd never find it in time.
How much progress have you made on the evacuation? We've cleared a five block radius, but when this thing|goes off, a five mile radius isn't gonna be enough.
There's not much you can do about that now.
I'll contact Prometheus, have them|beam you and your team outta there.
Wait, that's it.
Sergeant! Sir.
Patch me through to Colonel Pendergast.
Cam, what can I do for ya? I need a little help moving.
It worked.
The building detonated at a safe distance.
Sir, I've got Doctor Jackson.
General? What's happening out there, Doctor? I'm sorry to report Sir, it looks like Ba'al escaped.
The old ways will no longer serve us.
|Gerak's ways are not the ways of the future.
How dare you? How dare you step foot in this Council chamber? Why should I pause to return?|Tell me Teal'c? Because you disregarded my warnings.
Because your rash actions, not only allowed Ba'al|to escape, but cost the lives of many of our brothers! They did not die in vain.
My rash actions were neccessary.
|I'm sure you'll agree.
Yes, you may muse about what might have been.
But the fact remains, it was my men who captured Ba'al.
Enjoy your shortlived taste of freedom.
You were born slaves and slaves you will die! Ba'al did not escape.
|He was captured by Gerak's forces.
Well yes and no.
He was dragged into the Council chamber and|executed before my very eyes.
There is no doubt.
We secured Ba'al's compound|and searched the premises.
In the basement, we discovered a lab containing|equipment and data related to genetic replication.
It's very possible the Ba'al you saw|die in Dakara, was just a clone.
The real Ba'al could still be out there.
Where you going? To take a much needed rest.
Don't you think you should go back to Dakara? Let those Jaffa know the truth? No.
To reveal this at this time would seem little more|than an attempt to tarnish Gerak's hard fought victory.
It's the truth.
They will not listen.
For the time being, their hearts belong to Gerak.
At present, there are more questions|than answers in the events surrounding the gas line explosion that claimed|the Helsian Tower in downtown Seattle.
What we do know so far is that at approximately|12:45 this afternoon, local fire and emergency|crews were dispatched to the scene.
An evacuation order was given and|the building and surrounding areas were evacuated.
Two hours later, when reporters|were permitted to return to the area,|all that remained was a heap of rubble.
Surrounded as it was by taller highrises, there were no eyewitnesses|to the building's destruction.
No one saw or heard the explosion and|as a result, conspiracy theories abound.
Some have pointed out that the amount of|rubble at the site is significantly less than Over six hundred channels and nothing to watch.
Think I'll turn in.
We have a big day ahead of us tomorrow.

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