Stargate SG-1 s09e11 Episode Script

The Fourth Horseman (2)

Previously, on Stargate SG-1.
About 3 hours ago he came in complaining of fatigue.
It's a Prior plague.
- Let Origin show you the way.
|- I vow to spread the word of the Ori to all Jaffa.
- Who are you?|- It's me Orlin.
As far as I can tell|he's a normal human adolescent.
Who claims he's an Ancient|who has descended and taken human form.
Orlin seems to have|hit a dead end with his work on a cure.
What he needs is a blood sample|from the Prior who infected Lt Fisher.
Orlin's attempt to find a cure is|not the only reason to do this.
You want to try and turn this Prior We believe we may be close to developing a|technology that can inhibit a Prior's special abilities.
The Ori do not require blind obedience they will show you their power.
Like you|my judgment was clouded by suspicion and distrust.
But the Ori,|sensed my misgivings, forgave me my weaknesses and showed me their power.
I stand before you today as proof of their divine might.
They have poisoned your mind.
The Ori's promises are hollow.
We have learned from the Ancients|that they are not ascending their followers.
Do you expect us to take your word for this? One of the Ancients returned|to human form to warn us that the Ori gain strength|by sapping the power from their followers.
That is why they seek out support.
The Ori are not some benevolent gods offering the path of enlightenment.
They are but manipulative beings|who will use you and discard you - once you have served their purpose.
|- Enough.
They are no better than the Goa'uld! Enough! The Goa'uld are imposters, but the Ori The Ori are the real Gods.
Behold the gift the Ori have bestowed upon me.
We've had three fatalities this morning We have another 12 base personnel|who are in critical condition and probably|won't make it past the next 24hrs.
That's it? They've been given sedatives|and are resting comfortably.
There's nothing you|or anyone can do for them right now.
- I can go see them.
|- No you can't! You're exhausted,|and you've already got a lot on your plate.
Those people are serving under my command.
What is it Walter? As of 08:00 this morning, the CDC reports confirmed cases|of the virus in both Mexico and Canada.
We could be looking at a global pandemic.
Season 9 - Episode 11|The Fourth Horseman 2 Jolan! Hey! It's good to see a familiar face.
Lord Haikon wishes to see you.
Lets rock and roll.
It was foolish of you to come The others are distrustful of you.
Yeah I kind of got that Is there anything else I need to know? Haikon will have your answers.
Welcome Mitchell.
Thank you Haikon.
Please sit.
I apologize for making you wait but we just came back from a mission of great importance.
We were informed of a world of non-believers,|who were conspiring against the Ori.
The Prior dispatched us to deal with them.
You mean kill them.
Well we were told they posed a considerable threat.
Leave not the smallest pebble to allow|any hindrance that will slow your people's progress - So said the Prior.
|- Yeah the Priors say a lot of things.
Look I'm the last person to criticize someone|for what they believe but If your intention is to convince me|to withdraw support from the Ori - you need not bother.
|- You're making a big mist - I have already decided as much.
|- What? We went to the planet as the Prior instructed.
We were expecting an army What we found were simple farmers too naïve to understand the consequences|they faced for daring to defy the Ori.
The Sodan are proud warriors - We do not kill innocent people.
|- So you didn't follow through.
We left them unharmed.
But before returning here we had to put all doubts|to rest, so we traveled to another world one rumored to have refused the Ori.
The entire civilization was decimated by a mysterious plague.
There was no one left.
Yeah That's what they do In fact, they're doing it on Earth,|right now, as we speak.
And it will probably happen here when the Prior|gets back and finds out you didn't obey his orders.
How can we resist so powerful enemy.
Well, I can tell you but you're probably not gonna like it.
Orlin? Sam.
Are you alright? I'm fine.
It's you I'm worried about We just got your test results back They show significant and progressive|changes in different areas of your brain.
What kind of changes? A degenerative process that has already|started to impair your cognitive functions.
I knew that when I took on human form the memories I brought|with me would eventually fade That's only part of it I mean|it's not so much a result of you losing the memories.
But more a consequence of you|trying to hold on to them.
Orlin by not letting go of the Ancient knowledge You're damaging your brain.
My human mind is failing under the weight of so much information You knew this would happen, didn't you? As an Ancient how could you not have known? Of course I knew Sam.
But I had no choice.
But you have a choice now.
Your brain is fighting a losing battle.
|Stripping away whatever it can in an attempt|to salvage the memories related to the cure.
Give them up and you could stop|this from progressing any further.
I can't do that there's too much at stake.
You have the memories.
Write them down.
Give me the instructions.
|I'll complete the vaccine.
It's too complex|you won't fully understand the process Try me.
Orlin you don't have to sacrifice yourself.
Let go before it's too late.
I can't risk entrusting this job to anyone but myself.
I have to see this through, Sam.
I'm sorry - We're good.
|- Okay.
This device will emit a high ultra sonic frequency|targeting a specific portion of the Priors' brain|temporarily blocking his ability to use his powers.
Now, the good news is it won't have any effect on us.
The bad news is|it may not have any effect on the Prior either.
In order for this thing to work the way we want it to, it has to be broadcasting on the correct frequency|unfortunately we don't know what that frequency is,|so we'll use a trial and error approach.
This remote allows us to adjust the signal.
And sooner or later we'll get the right one.
- Any questions thus far?|- How will we know it is working? Oh we'll know|when the Prior's no longer able to use his powers.
And how will we know|he'll no longer be able to use his powers? Well someone, is just gonna have to test it and find out.
Don't worry fellows that someone is me.
So it's simple we disable the Prior, we take|a sample of his blood, we send it|back to the SGC, they finish the cure we turn the Prior against the Ori and call it a day.
- Jackson you're driving.
|- Oh Yeah.
SG-22, I want you in defensive positions|around the perimeter, there, there, there, and there.
There's one other small problem.
We're not exactly sure what the range|of that device is, so Haikon I need you to get the Prior as close as possible.
Is that a problem? No.
No it is not.
You are confident that this will work? Well if it doesn't work.
We're out of options.
I fear we have lost them.
This battle is far from over.
But clearly, the Council were swayed.
The task before us is daunting but not impossible.
The Jaffa nation has no appetite for war - particularly one that threatens to divide us.
|- Indeed that much is certain.
The Ori on the other hand will not abide opposition, they have already ordered Gerak|to quell the dissention within our ranks.
Then we must retreat into the shadows|and evade their attempts to find us.
We must make a stand.
On Chulak.
Faced with the prospect of|in sighting a civil war that would kill millions|the Council will be left with an impossible choice, but ultimately|they must decide between the Ori and their fellow Jaffa.
It is only by forcing their hand|that they will see reason So I believe.
An enterprise this bold|will require much support.
Then let us gather a fleet to defend Chulak.
It's like catching a glimpse of someone|from the corner of your eye then turning around, and they're gone.
You begin to doubt|whether you really saw them in the first place.
Tell me Sam.
How can you regret|losing a memory you can't even remember? What are you working on? The instruction for assembling the cure.
In the event that|I am too incapacitated to complete it myself.
It's a precaution we have to take.
The most frustrating part in all this is,|that I am unable to control what I can hold on to.
Even for a little while.
Crucial information, I need to finish the cure,|is slipping through my fingers while insignificant minutia of my experiences|as an Ancient are still fresh and clear in my mind.
In time I'll lose it all But for now, it just doesn't seem fair.
Is there anything I can do to help? No.
At this point.
It's best if I work alone.
Despite the best efforts of all those involved|the virus continues to spread at an alarming rate.
The CDC advises anyone who suspects they may have the|virus or may have come in contact with someone who did Sir, just received word that China,|Great Britain and Russia have grounded all air travel and|have closed off their ports to foreign ships.
This is out of control and|it's only gonna get worse.
And according to General Hammond's office|our allies have expressed concern about the cover story specifically how long we can continue to maintain it.
They've requested a meeting with you.
So, it is your estimation that General, that the decision to send SG-6 to that|particular planet was the right one.
As evidenced by this plague we have|no viable defense against the Ori.
The purpose of the mission to 6.
6 was to gather intelligence that|might help us in that respect.
But admittedly the mission was|a failure in the worst possible way.
And as a result millions,|perhaps billions will lose their lives.
The newly appointed liaison between|Stargate Command and the International Committee was informed of and signed off on the mission.
Your representative agreed it was the right call.
There is some concern that Mr.
Woolsey may not have been fully|apprised of all the possible ramifications.
- Now, to his credit he still supports your decision.
|- The Ori were going to strike at us sooner or later, and rather than sit back and wait for it, we were out there looking for a way|to stop them, to stop this from happening.
- And to start pointing fingers|- General!|- at such a crucial General Landry! The purpose of this meeting is not to assign blame, but to arrive at a better understanding of|how this happened and conversely to avoid something like this ever happening again.
That's provided we get a second chance! Presently we have no way of stopping this virus.
People are dying.
And there's not a damn thing we can do about it.
What you propose is madness.
So it may seem.
But if the Council believes that we are mad and|cannot be dissuaded from sacrificing our lives, then all the better.
We must stake everything|on the belief that in the end, the Council will value the lives of their brothers|over the empty promises of the Ori.
Time is short brother.
We must gather our forces, for the bigger our army the more lives|Gerak must choose to take.
We must make this decision|as difficult as we can for him.
Gerak is no longer one of us.
|He is a Prior now.
Gerak may be a Prior, but I have no doubt that part of him remains Jaffa.
And that is the part we must seek out.
I still believe this plan to be madness But then, I once considered the very notion|of defeating the Goa'uld a mere fantasy.
Prove me wrong yet again Teal'c.
You have my support.
Thank you, Brother.
He's on his way.
Jackson? Ready.
Alright, everybody sit tight Wait for my signal,|remember we need this guy alive.
You went to the planet as I asked to? We did.
And yet the nonbelievers still live.
They do.
Why have you disobeyed the will of the Ori? Because We take orders from no-one.
The Ori offer you enlightenment immortality.
Even if that were true, their price is too high.
What they ask of us goes against|the very spirit of the Sodan.
You doubt the power of the Ori? It is not their power that we doubt.
It is their worthiness as Gods.
That's not it.
That's not it either Andreas chose to hunt the|lion and was eaten by his prey.
Come on It was unwise of you to challenge me.
Yeah well, I wouldn't mind another crack at it.
What did you hope to achieve by attacking me? Did you honestly believe it was possible to capture me? Well, that was the plan.
And what purpose would that have served? - George.
|- Hank, how was the grilling? Medium rare.
I just got off the phone with the CDC.
A flight left Salt Lake City, three days|after the contagion was identified.
Made a stop over at O'Hara before continuing|on to its final destination, Charles de Gaulle airport.
You're telling me the virus|has already reached Paris? Three of the people on that flight|have tested positive for the virus.
French authorities are doing all that they can to track down the passengers, flight crew, any ground crew or airport personnel that|may have come into contact with them.
And anyone who came into contact with them,|and anyone who came into contact with those people.
You know at the rate this thing is traveling, in three days it will hit the Middle-East.
|Six days it will be in China.
Stock market has already taken|a dive and people are panicking If this thing spreads far enough and does enough damage, it could|start destabilizing governments.
We're going to have to be prepared|for any and all possibilities.
Yeah, we took the liberty of|borrowing a sample of your blood.
Hope you don't mind.
You looking for this? No it's not gonna work.
That warm, fuzzy feeling you're experiencing|may be the effects of a device that's inhibiting your ability to concentrate|and focus your powers.
Symptoms may include dizziness, irritability Nausea mild nausea,|and a condition known as "hotdog fingers".
It makes no difference what you do to me, but know this.
The Ori are all seeing, they are already aware of this, a front to their eminence and shall strike down those|who dare to defy them.
Nothing yet, and you? Drawing a blank little thirsty.
- That doesn't count.
|- No it doesn't.
Their movements are not so easily defined, their ways unseen and veiled in mystery.
Right right, they have a plan.
I don't suppose|you want to tell us what that is.
Why'd they send you|to this galaxy in the first place? We are beacons on the road to enlightenment.
No you're dark side|intergalactic encyclopedia salesmen, unfortunately|the home office hasn't quite been up front with you.
- Nice work on the metaphor.
|- Thank you.
For starters, did you know that the Ori need people to worship them|because that's how they gain their power? - He didn't know.
|- No he didn't know that.
No it's true.
We're not exactly sure how it works|but from what I've heard, they actually drain power from their followers.
That's why they need worshippers.
You should talk to them about it, next time your home.
Might do a better job|of explaining the process to you.
Ours is not to question but to rejoice|in their service for they are perfection.
No not really.
Because a perfect being wouldn't|need to lie to ensure the loyalty of their followers.
They wouldn't need to promise you ascension|if they had no intention of delivering it.
Those who follow the path of|righteousness shall be raised up high No they won't.
Because the Ori do not share power.
They're using you.
Pity not the blind man for he is hindered not by the visions|of this world but rather pity yourselves for he shall see the light before you.
I'm gonna get something to eat.
Orlin! Damn it! Are you okay? - I'm fine|- No no he is not fine.
|- Colonel.
He has not been fine in two days!|He has demonstrated lapses in judgment|that have put everyone in this room at risk.
Colonel, that is enough.
No he's right Sam I can't help you anymore I'm just in the way here.
Reflecting on your ill spent youth old man? In truth I was thinking of you.
If this gamble succeeds, you will have|once again proven yourself a great leader.
Perhaps the only one capable of|uniting this fractured Jaffa nation.
My heart is indeed with our people but as long as the Ori threaten|this galaxy my place is with SG-1.
I understand.
Even so there is no doubt|we are the poorer for it.
I disagree after our great victory this day,|Gerak's influence over our people shall wane, then our nation will rally|under the command of a great leader that is if he has|the courage to accept the challenge.
- Me?|- Who better? Tell me.
There are many others.
There are many others who cover the position but none who possess the strength|and wisdom only you can offer.
It was not too long ago|we faced a similarly impossible task and yet, on that day, despite the odds we finally ended generations|of oppression and struggle by securing victory over Ba'als fleet.
I remember standing|on the peltak of that mother ship just as I am doing now waiting for the battle to begin yet knowing no matter what the outcome it would be the last time I would have|to take the life of a fellow Jaffa.
No Jaffa blood will be spilled on this day on that you have my word.
We have confirmed cases in Bonn,|Amsterdam, Rome and Madrid.
We have|suspected cases in London and Athens.
The WHO has teams on route, meanwhile there are suspected cases|on the African continent some of the military leaders in the region|have already declared martial law.
Thank you Chief.
- Colonel, how are things progressing?|- They're not Sir as you know the contagions rapidly|mutating nature necessitated our requiring|a specimen of DNA from the original virus.
We finally managed to get a blood sample|from the Prior who started the plague but so far it hasn't helped.
|It looks like we've hit a dead end.
Well let's hope "looks like" is|the operative sentence here.
Yes Sir.
Sorry to disturb you.
Not at all General.
I'd like to thank you for everything you've done.
I wish it could have been more.
Hey, you got as along as far as you could, the rest is gonna have to be up to us.
Orlin I realize, I have no right to ask this of you, but there is something else|you might be able to do for us.
Numerous vessels dropping out of hyperspace.
You're out numbered, retreat is no longer an option.
I do not want to slaughter you, but I will if you give me no choice so what say you Teal'c? I still have hope this situation|can be peacefully resolved Gerak.
Let us meet on the planet surface and discuss.
Very well.
It's a Norwegian cheese I think spelt with a G or a J maybe both Jiggha Gojuha something like that so what you do is you dice up the|cheese you toss it in with the egg whites and you chop up some avocado|throw it all together whoa daddy, you got yourself a wicked omelet.
General we were just exchanging recipes.
I heard.
Has he offered up anything? No Sir the man doesn't|even have a decent pie crust.
The Ori are not going to ascend you.
|They lie to you and anyone else they could take advantage of.
Let not the words of deceivers lead you to doubt.
Nor the enticements they offer cause you to stray.
And the sad fact is you gave it all up for nothing.
The life you had is gone.
|The Ori took it away from you Blessed are the true believers, for only they shall walk the path and they shall be welcomed onto the|realm of Ori and made as one with them.
What did you leave behind a wife? Children? I have a grown daughter, I wasn't around much when she was growing up|and it's something I'll always regret.
You ever think about your kids? The time you spent with them the things you used to do together before you threw it all away? But howhow would I know whether|the Ori are ascending people or not Truth is I don't know for sure but he does.
Hello Demeras.
Who are you? - How did you|- Know? You're entire life was an open book to me|the moment you set foot in this galaxy.
I was once ascended but I took this form because it was the only|way to warn the humans about the Ori.
Since I made that decision I've paid a heavy price|in terms of the effects it's had on my mind.
The memories I've lost.
Life and death.
Light and darkness.
Hope and despair.
The rift was created and on that day the Ori were born.
But every so often|something will stir in me and if I push myself hard enough|I'll remember one more time before it leaves me forever, your name Demeras, your wife Adina, your sons Jaden and Alon but the hatred of those|who stray from the true path festered and bloomed in the dark corners|of the avarices to which they were cast and the fact that the Ori|have never ascended any of theirfollowers, and consumed by this hatred|they poisoned all they touched, bringing death, darkness and despair You know that as an Ancient|I wouldn't lie to you.
and the souls of their victims knew no peace until the Ori came and whispered to them "Sleep for the end draws near" He's overcome the device.
And on that day all will rejoice|when the Ori come and lay them lo General.
I'm fine|What was he saying? He just told you|why the Ori are on their way to this Galaxy.
They're coming to destroy the Ancients.
You have made the right choice.
There is no honor in fighting an unwinable battle.
More peace at the hands of a tyrant.
I assure you the Ori are not the Goa'uld.
Have we truly lived as slaves|for so long that we must fear being free.
It has nothing to do with freedom.
Enlightenment is just within our reach.
Or so the Ori would have us believe.
Why have you led me here? I thought it fitting that on this day when we must|sacrifice our short lived freedom that we do so here at the site of the Battle of Salsacksor where you're father gave|his life for this very cause.
He began to doubt the Goa'uld long before|this rebellion took shape Gerak.
It was your father's death at their hands|that led you to question what god is so deserving of my worship.
You were not one who was chosen.
You did not witness the wonders I beheld.
Did that erase the dead heal the sick and wounded, destroy their enemy|with but a wave of their hand? The Goa'uld deceived us the Ori's powers are pure.
Then what is the measure of a god Gerak is it the scope of their power or|how they choose to wield that power? Would a god who is prepared to|lead us on the path of enlightenment so contradict this divine benevolence by|destroying all those who refuse to believe in him? Those who refuse to believe must die.
I understand|how difficult this must be for you Gerak nearing your final years you so desperately long for|the enlightenment that we all seek.
This is not the way to save yourself.
I only wanted to avoid bloodshed.
Stay this course and you will have not choice but|to spill the blood of your brothers and you may start with me, for if I have a choice between resistance|and return to the life of slavery, then I choose to die free.
I'm telling you I'm fine.
Carolyn can you tell these people I'm fine.
You're not fine.
Your blood work came back positive.
You have the virus.
It's always darkest before the dawn.
My uncle used to say that all the time,|he was a wedding planner.
General Hammond.
At ease.
Sir when did you arrive? Oh I've been here a while Colonel.
But you were busy and I thought|it was best not to disturb you.
Colonel Mitchell.
Congratulations|on getting the band back together.
Thank you Sir.
It wasn't easy.
Ah, but worth it.
You couldn't ask for|three better people watching your back.
I'm sorry I won't get a chance|to see Teal'c before I go.
You're leaving Sir? Oh, I'm off to Peterson.
|I've been called back to Washington.
Well, it's good to see you again Sir.
It's good to see you too.
All of you.
Give my best to Teal'c.
Take care of each other.
Take care of General Landry too.
You're awake.
How are you feeling? After that little nap,|better than I've felt all day.
How's that for irony? How are Mitchell and Dr Jackson? They're clean.
And Orlin? I just run a battery of tests on him I'm afraid the effort of drawing out|all those memories has taken a toll, accelerated the degenerative process.
|So he's in his quarters resting.
You look tired Carolyn.
|You should get some sleep.
I can't.
Not yet.
I can make that an order.
The last time you ordered me to bed,|I think I was six.
You were just as stubborn back then.
I spoke to mum recently.
How is she? Worried.
All those years I was growing up|I resented the fact that you never told us anything, about your work, about why you had to leave us for|days, sometimes weeks at a time.
But now I'm beginning to understand how|hard it must have been for you.
Talking to mum the other|day I wanted to reassure her.
To tell her everything.
But I couldn't.
It was hard.
Unscheduled offworld activation.
It's Teal'c.
Lower your weapons.
This is colonel Carter.
Stand down.
What's going on? Gerak has arrived to assist us.
Why do you hesitate Gerak? If I help you I will die.
But I will die free! Gerak! What the hell just happened? I thought the Ori weren't allowed to take action|in this galaxy without in sighting the Ancients.
They can't.
It must have been some sort physiological failsafe|they put in place when they made him a Prior, in the event he ever turned.
They're normalizing, it worked.
The final death toll of the pandemic has|been estimated at a little over 3000 world wide, but health officials are quick to point|out that it could have been much worse.
As distribution of the vaccine continues many have begun to ask how this|could have happened in the first place, and more to the point|where did this virus originate.
We were lucky.
There might not be someone like|Gerak to help us next time.
It wasn't just Gerak He cured the people in the Base.
From then we were able to isolate|an antibody and manufacture a vaccine using Orlin's formula.
|Thanks to Orlin's work, we should be able to prevent the Priors|from attacking us in this way again.
Oh, I reckon they've got a pretty wide repertoire.
The Ori will undoubtedly view this defeat|as nothing more than a minor set back.
It will not be enough to dissuade them from|continuing their incursion into this galaxy.
Certainly not if their end game|is to destroy the Ancients.
Given the fact that they are personally|threatened do you think the Ancients|will take measure to defends themselves? If it comes to that it's possible but|I think we're a long way from the Ori|posing the Ancients a serious threat.
No they're just a threat|to everyone else in the galaxy.
So how's Orlin? His condition has stabilized|but I'm afraid the damage has already been done.
Who are you? My name is Samantha.
Do you need help with this? Sure.
I finished the outside so you|can help me with the inside.

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