Stargate SG-1 s09e19 Episode Script


Previously on Stargate SG-1 These stones are actually|an ancient form of communication device that links their users psychically,|allowing them to see through each other's eyes.
I think we're in them.
We're from another galaxy.
Great holy armies shall be gathered|and trained to fight all who embrace evil.
In the name of the Gods, ships shall be built|to carry our warriors out amongst the stars.
- Doesn't that look an awful lot like a|- Yeah, it does.
It can't be, cos I was gonna say, Stargate.
Try Supergate.
What are you doing? Trying to help, Daniel.
|Someone had to do something and you wouldn't listen.
The singularity is forming.
Merlin was conducting research|on some kind of new invention.
A weapon capable of destroying ascended beings.
I don't need to know Ancient|to understand what that is.
A Gate address to where he hid the weapon.
Have you seen Colonel Mitchell? Men's locker.
Jackson? Is there something I should know? Season 9, Episode 19|Crusade How is this possible? Oh, my God.
It worked I mean, you know, it's working.
We didn't think we were ever going to make this work.
Make what work? Well, since you disintegrated the Alteran communication|stones and the base terminal in the Kawoosh - We've been|- I'm sorry, the what? The unstable vortex of a forming wormhole Kawoosh.
Don't think I've ever heard you call it that before.
Really? Don't get me wrong, it's good.
- No, I mean, I'm sure I|- Hello? Hi.
My name is Vala, but I'm in Daniel Jackson right now.
Anyway, we've been working on a way of|artificially emulating the Alteran technology.
Lee was able to collect quite a bit of data|from the time that you were unconscious and|communicating with the people from the Ori galaxy.
So using that and this Tok'ra subspace communicator,|we've been trying to mimic the frequencies|sent and received by the stones.
- We just didn't think we were having any luck.
|- Well, I'm really glad you are.
- I was desperately hoping this|- So you're in the Ori galaxy? Yes.
- Are you able to communicate with Daniel?|- No.
Just see and hear you.
See, we've been using the data collected from|the stone that Daniel activated on this end, which is why you're connected to his body.
That's funny, isn't it?|Daniel always wanted to get into my pants,|and now I'm in his.
Oh, that's not funny.
He can't defend himself.
Yeah, okay.
You, Vala, were the only other person|on this end to touch a stone, so Oh, I get it, I get it.
I can't exactly|connect to myself if I'm not here, so You know, last time, we couldn't break the connection.
Well that should be easy, this time|we just shut down the computer.
No! I mean not yet.
I didn't just drop in to say hello.
|I have something very important to tell you.
I remember staggering into the rings.
|There were bolts of energy everywhere.
We suspected that the matterstream|was sucked into the black hole.
We all appreciate the part you played|in destroying the enemy beachhead.
Don't mention it.
By "part," I assume you mean "lead role".
We're happy to hear that you're okay.
Actually, for the record, I never said I was okay.
Actually, the timing of this is a little awkward.
Sir, if we disconnect now, there's no guarantee|that we can reestablish the link.
Jackson was supposed to join me to meet with the Russian and Chinese representatives|of the IOA in about a half an hour.
They requested that he be there.
- Said it was a matter of great importance.
|- Not as important as what I have|to tell you, believe me.
I'll try and be as quick as I can|and then you can have Daniel back, I promise.
So, the next thing I remember was|waking up in a bed in a village like Ver Eger.
That's the one that Harrid and Sallis|lived in.
They're the people that|Daniel and I inhabited for a while.
Anyway, it turns out this village was called Ver Isca.
You know, this water is lovely, but I think Daniel skipped breakfast, and I suddenly have a craving|for pancakes and ice cream double chocolate fudge brownie, if memory serves? Oh, I'll continue while you rustle that up.
So, where was I? In bed.
Ah, yes, in bed.
A man named Tomin had apparently|found me lying unconscious in the rings and had thought the gods had sent me to him Which I let him continue to believe.
Do you feel strong enough to|get up and go for a walk today? Maybe.
I'll be back after prostration.
Have fun.
Thank you.
It was obvious he was smitten.
Who could blame him, right? Thanks.
What? Thanks.
I do realize he was a devout Ori follower and probably would have been standing|on the front line cheering while they burned me to death if|he knew the truth about me, but he was very sweet in his own way, and not bad looking, actually.
I think Tomin had been on his own|before I came along, mostly due to a limp that had left|him crippled since childhood.
He didn't like to talk about it much, but I could see that the other villagers|looked down on him because of it.
In their minds, the Ori must have deemed him unfit|for normalcy, so that's how they chose to see him.
I did my best to blend in.
At first, according to Tomin, and therefore|as far as the villagers were concerned,|I was the woman who fell from the sky, which made me feel kind of special.
I later learned that they always suspected I'd escaped|from another village as a result of some scandal,|and then I started to feel much more like I'm used to.
What worried me most were the Ori.
While no one had actually seen me or|Daniel in person, that didn't mean|that ascended beings couldn't recognize me.
After a while, I started to think and hope that maybe things were going to be okay.
Ultimately, my goal was to try|and find a way back here, or at the very least,|try and communicate with you to let you know what was going on.
So, I figured my best bet was to root out|any of Fannis's gang from the anti-Ori underground, see if they had any technology or any information|about an Ori Stargate I might possibly gain access to, but I had to be very careful.
The village was run by this complete|bear of a man named Seevis, who was both barkeep and administrator, which seemed the oddest contradiction.
He claimed to be the most pious man in the village, and if anyone strayed from the path of|righteousness, it was Seevis who made|sure you were severely punished for it.
But seems to be a lot more leeway for|sin in the religion of Origin than|one would presume from all the preaching.
So, it's just like my grandma used to say no point going to confession|if you ain't got nothing to confess.
- Exactly.
|- By the gods, I do not know what the Ori blessed you with,|because it was not brains, and it was not looks.
What makes you think that something like her would have anything to do with a rodent|like you without reason? I'll pay, I swear.
Oh, I know you will.
Or I will make you wish you were being|burned alive by the fires of Celestis.
I have picked things more precious|out from between my toes.
I soon realized it wasn't a contradiction at all.
Seevis was doing the work of the gods|by making sure this village had every|reason in the world to prostrate, making him a very rich and|very powerful man in the process.
Believe me, I usually applaud|the colorful details of a good story, especially when told with such interesting|intergalactic and body-snatching means, but Daniel and I are late to meet with|the Russian and Chinese representatives.
You stated that you had|information of great importance.
I do, I do, and I'm getting to it.
We got the back story.
Tomin is a nice guy.
Seevis is a butthead.
How about you skip ahead a little? Fine.
Tomin and I got married.
Whoa, married? Stay with me.
I had no choice.
I told you, he was very devout, and there's no|way he would have slept with me out of wedlock.
Okay, maybe we skipped ahead a little too far.
Well, I tried to lay it out in order.
Ooh, that's a bad choice of words.
Why exactly did you have no choice? You know what those people do to you|when you do something wrong?|They burn you alive.
And why would they burn you alive this time? For getting pregnant out of wedlock.
- You're pregnant?|- Yes.
I keep forgetting you can't actually see me.
When I realized why I was feeling sick all the time,|I figured I had to do something.
I decided my only choice was to marry Tomin as quickly|as possible and pray the timing was close enough|so he could be convinced the baby was his.
All right, hold the phone.
And I ask this not 100% sure that I want to know the answer whose baby is it? That's the thing.
I don't know.
As in? I swear.
I did none of the necessary bits.
Between my arrival in the Ori galaxy|and my wedding night, which was definitely after I knew for sure, there is no way humanly possible that I know of that I could have gotten pregnant.
Someone gonna say something? Anybody? You have been impregnated - without copulation?|- Yes.
And I'm absolutely terrified.
|Have any of you ever heard of anything like it? Well, there's one Darth Vader.
Really? How did that turn out? Actually, I was thinking of King Arthur.
You were? Yeah, I've been reading everything|I can find on our Ancient friend, Merlin.
According to some of the legends, he enchanted the queen who bore Arthur.
I have to go.
|I haven't even gotten to the bit you have to hear yet.
Me carrying this child right now is a problem,|a big problem for me, but believe me, there is one which is much, much bigger.
It's a miracle.
Look at me.
The Prior blessed me.
I can walk.
I can run.
I can fight now.
You can what? I've been conscripted.
They are building ships and armies by the tens of thousands.
The village I am living in is one of many|on a world among dozens like it.
As we feared, since the day Daniel met the Ori, they|have been preparing their followers for a crusade.
Are you sure this is what you want? Are you serious? I never dreamed I would one day be|fit to serve the Ori in this way.
By killing people you know nothing about? All I need to know is|that they are enemy of the Ori, that they reject the teachings of Origin|and would have us stray from the path.
These so-called unbelievers they're so far away.
How can they affect us? - Why do you have to go all the way over there|- Evil must not be allowed to fester anywhere.
Our journey towards enlightenment|may take us to many unexpected places.
I cannot imagine you killing anyone.
I'm not afraid to heed the will of the gods.
Nothing I say will change your mind, will it? Fear not.
Once we warriors of Ori have vanquished the wicked, I shall return.
You will not be the same.
He is one of the gentlest, most honest souls I have ever known.
He has been raised since birth to|believe in the Ori, to follow Origin.
This isn't a fight anyone can win not without a tragic amount of bloodshed.
General Landry to the briefing room.
- General Landry, please report to the briefing room.
|- I'd better get down there.
Go ahead.
Since you've been gone, we've learned|a few things about the Ori that|their followers might be interested to know.
It doesn't matter what the truth is about the Ori.
|The people won't hear it, no matter what you say.
Obviously some of them are suspicious enough to form a resistance.
You're talking about a handful of people|compared to millions who wouldn't know|the truth if it was standing right in front of them.
It's all lies and propaganda,|as far as they're concerned.
We're wrong, they're right.
They're good, we're bad.
We must worship the Ori or die, and they|will fight until we are dead or they are.
I'm very sorry to keep you waiting.
Where is Dr.
Jackson? He's otherwise occupied at the moment.
|We're going to have to proceed without him.
Ah, it's no matter, I only asked he be here as a courtesy, seeing as he negotiated the original|treaty between our two countries, resulting in Russia loaning you our Stargate.
Yes, "loaning", in return for full participation in this|program and considerable sums of money.
I am aware of that.
As I said, I only asked for this meeting|out of courtesy to you and Dr.
You have been admirable comrades|in our co-operative efforts.
However, official notification has been|given to your President as we speak.
Of what? Well, as you know, the treaty|renewal comes up in two weeks.
Russia will no longer be participating|under the current structure.
What are you saying? I'm saying we are taking our Stargate back.
So, this girl in the bar, her name was Denya, and we struck up a bit of a friendship.
By the looks on your faces,|I can see you're not surprised I had more in common with a village harlot than I did|with any of the ladies from the local knitting circle.
Don't know what you're talking about.
At least she was honest.
I was pregnant once.
Really? It didn't last long.
Oh, I'm sorry.
Hey, I heard something really weird.
I promise you, I've heard it all.
Well, have you ever heard of someone getting|pregnant without actually doing the deed? - How could that happen?|- I don't know.
Maybe you fell asleep, you know? That's happened to me before.
I've been drunk and not remembered whole days.
I wasn't talking about me.
No, I was just just wondering if you've ever heard of|the Ori giving someone a baby magically.
They perform miracles all the time, right? If you say so.
She's smart, too.
She was testing me.
Are you saying she was part|of the anti-Ori underground? Took a long time to get her to admit it.
She said she was afraid of Seevis,|and that he'd kill her if he found out.
What do you want? Take your hands off me! So what did I do? She is unholy.
She conspires with those who would lead us from the path of Origin.
I don't know who you've been|talking to, but it's a lie.
She is an unbeliever, and she|must be punished for her sins.
Get me Richard Woolsey, now.
Where are the rest of the international|committee representatives? Why aren't they here? This has nothing to do with them.
I think it does.
The Stargate belongs to Russia.
Now, in the past, my government has been unwilling to|establish and support a Stargate program of its own, - but that has changed.
|- Because China is backing you.
Do the rest of the committee members know this? They will be invited to participate in|the program the same as they have in yours.
As will your country.
You really think my government will give up the Gate? I do not see what choice they will have.
- Who else in the village has been corrupted?|- Apart from you? I have no idea what you're talking about.
No one shall look upon, speak to, or aid such evil.
You will tell me who you've conspired with,|and the unbelievers will be found out, and punished for their sins.
- Hallowed are the Ori.
|- Hallowed are the Ori.
I don't know why I expected him|to come rushing over and unchain me.
Just the mother of his unborn child or so he was supposed to think.
She's dying out there.
I know.
Don't you think if she was going to say anything,|she would have told you already? I didn't know why he eventually did it or why Seevis let us go.
I was left out there without food or water for three days.
I can't believe the baby survived that.
Part of me was hoping it didn't.
It's kind of surprising part of you was hoping it did.
I mean given how it was conceived.
It's hard to explain.
Seevis? He won't bother us again, I promise you.
You don't think I'm evil? I'm sorry I left you out there for so long.
Please forgive me.
I will see you this evening.
Fear not.
Despite Tomin's reassurances, the idea of spending a day in the village with|Seevis just a stone throw away made me nervous.
Besides, it was high time I did|some more extensive recon.
I knew what was happening.
I knew where they were going every day,|what they were doing but seeing it was something else entirely.
Impressive, isn't it? General.
You wished to see me? From the sounds of it, the Ori are planning an invasion|of massive proportions in the very near future.
It looks like it may be a very bad time to be arguing|over who gets to use the Stargate, Colonel but I assume you were counting on that.
No sane individual or country|wants to face war at any time.
Telling me about your government's intentions|was more than mere courtesy.
Doing it with the Chinese representative|of the oversight committee present|was meant to point out China's involvement.
That wasn't in the official notification|to terminate the treaty given to the President.
Obviously, it couldn't be.
They offered you a deal to back your own SGC program.
In truth, you don't really know if you like that|scenario any better than the one currently in practice.
You did, however, see|an opportunity to use it as leverage.
But you couldn't very well present a wish list along with the official|notification without it looking like blackmail, or have it on record that|you were merely using the Chinese, so you left it to me to figure out|and ask you the question What is it you really want? Stay back.
I promise you don't want to come any closer.
You can put that down.
It's okay.
We had to put you through that.
To be sure that we could trust you.
He was part of the underground? Seevis is the leader.
The religious pomp and circumstance is a cover.
The rest is for money, power, and influence, the things|you need when you're wanting to mount a rebellion.
Do they not fear being discovered by the Ori? Of course, but the only other choice is to do nothing.
What they were planning|was quite the opposite of nothing.
We have the plans and we have many people down there on the inside.
You really think it can work? It has to.
The ships had to be activated by the Priors, but Seevis said he had found a way to rig enough|of them to start off a massive chain reaction.
From what I could tell, it looked like it might work.
Three days from now, in a grand celebration, each Prior will activate a ship|in a show of the Ori's power.
Everyone will be there.
All those who built the ships,|as well as those who will soon board them and go off and fight in the name of the Ori.
Tens of thousands.
You're going to kill all of them? Gods cannot be gods without those|who stand beneath them gazing upwards.
They were going to try and undermine|the Ori's power by eliminating as many of their|followers as they could in one fell swoop Something I'm not sure|we would have done in their position.
Shut the windows.
They trusted me.
Granted they nearly killed me so I could earn their trust,|but at this point, I felt I had to take a chance.
I told them exactly who I was and how I'd gotten there.
The communication terminal and the stones|had been taken by the Prior to Celestis after|Daniel and I had been caught using them.
How did Seevis get his hands on it? Apparently, he has spies among|the monks in the city of Celestis.
They're humans in training to become Priors.
Every now and then, artifacts which predate the Ori|ascension are found or dug up, deemed heretical, and then brought to the city to be burned in the fires.
When the communication terminal came through,|Seevis's men recognized its significance, and they risked everything to save|it and smuggle it out of the city.
So, it appears that Daniel's crazy little speech|about communication from another galaxy|did not fall entirely on deaf ears.
And the Ori didn't know, they couldn't tell what|was happening right underneath their noses? Can't be sure, but Seevis didn't want me to try and contact|you until after the sabotage plan had gone through.
In case the Ori detected it.
Just to be safe.
Vala? Vala? Blessed are those who follow the path in unison.
Prior? Your wife is not at home, Tomin.
She must be at market.
Must she? To what do I owe the honor of such a visit? Word of your courage has spread.
If you refer to my unchaining of Vala,|I believe Seevis accused her unjustly.
She is not corrupt.
Surely the Ori would not have allowed her|to have survived so long without food or water.
They sent her to me.
She is my wife, the mother of my unborn child.
Is she, now? The injury that crippled you since childhood, the one I have cured you of to make you a strong,|proud warrior Trust I will use the strength I have been given|to fight all unbelievers in the name of the Ori.
But the same wound that made you lame also made you unable to father children.
But then Are you saying she betrayed me? The child is the will of the Ori.
That is all that matters.
Your courage will be rewarded, Tomin.
Fear not.
Hallowed are the children of the Ori.
Hallowed are the Ori.
Don't go.
Today is the day we've been waiting for.
Ten Priors from Celestis come to bless|the starcraft we have been building|these past many months.
- I know.
|- Everyone is going.
Everyone, even the women and children.
|Of course, I did not expect you I know you've been tired, but it is going to be a great day,|if you want to come.
Stay with me today.
I have a bad feeling.
I can't explain it.
Don't you ever just get bad feelings? Of course I do, but then I turn to the Ori for guidance.
Tomin The day of reckoning for all those|who were raised by evil is upon them.
I have spent my whole life waiting|for the chance to walk the path as I do now.
My only hope is that you would walk it with me.
Blessed are those who walk in unison.
When you say "day of reckoning" We've heard numerous reports of the Priors|in this galaxy warning of an impending doomsday.
A day when all who have renounced|the Ori will feel their wrath.
We knew the Priors were just the first wave.
The real crusade is about to begin.
The ships are planning to leave.
But that would mean Somewhere out there,|the Ori have a working Supergate.
Turns out the horrible feeling|I'd lied to Tomin about was completely justified, but for a different reason.
Thousands of men, women and|children did not die that day.
Seevis's plan failed.
It didn't work.
The sabotage had broken down.
Whether the Ori had detected it or the Priors|managed to thwart it on their own, we don't know.
All we know is that the ships came|to life and nothing happened, except the crowd cheered and began prostrating, praying for a swift victory over all unbelievers.
Do you have any other intel we could use? You said this Seevis had access to the specs|on the ships.
What kind of weaponry do they have? And shields.
And anything on the power source they're using.
No, no, I Guys, what's going on? Jackson? How did I get here? The emulator is still running.
Something must have happened on Vala's end.
Tomin You said you did not|think I could kill an unbeliever.
Well, I'm so sorry I was wrong.
You have to listen to me.
No! I am deaf to all but the teachings of Origin! The Prior told me Seevis was corrupt, that he'd tried to sabotage the ceremony|and would have killed thousands.
He sent me here to kill Seevis and here|I found you, with him, conspiring over that device! They made me do it.
They told me they would kill me|if I didn't help them, and after what|they did to me out there, wouldn't you? They thought this device was for communication,|but they were too afraid to use it themselves, so they kidnapped me and|forced me to do it for them.
Did the Prior tell you I was with them? Did he tell you - to kill me?|- No.
Well, there you go, then.
Were you able to communicate|with the unbelievers far away? Yes, and there is much I can tell you about them, if you just put that weapon down.
Tomin, you have to believe me, please.
I overheard your conversation|with the Prior the other day.
I know, I'm sorry.
|I should have told you I was there, but I was so afraid.
What he said shocked me that this child is the will of the Ori? Tomin, I swear I have not betrayed you.
|I have not been with anyone, but you, so if you truly cannot father a child,|then this baby is a miracle.
It's our miracle, and this is a great burden,|which I cannot bear alone, so from this point on,|we must walk the path together.
I must leave soon for war.
Then I must come with you.
So what exactly|did we have to give up in the end? A 304.
Really? I'm surprised the President agreed to that.
Colonel Chekov's had his eye on one for a while.
The latest was just about to roll out.
I thought the next Daedalus-class ship wasn't|due out of the pipeline for over a year.
It was a huge concession, but|we didn't have much choice.
Sir, the Tok'ra and the Asgard are scanning|for any subspace anomalies that|would indicate Supergate activity.
We're monitoring the existing black holes|that we know of, but it's a big galaxy.
And as we know,|the Ori could have built another one.
The interim council have placed Ha'tak-class|vessels in every region on high alert.
This is one needle in a haystack we better find.
|Do whatever you have to do.
If the Ori can send troops and ships here,|we are going to need every advantage we can find.
Merlin was working on a weapon to fight the Ori.
Every ally we have and everyone else|on this base has already devoted|themselves to finding the Supergate.
Sir, it won't take us long to search one planet where there|may be an advanced weapon designed|specifically to fight these guys.
This weapon won't help us against their followers.
I don't think so, no, but it'll be a lot easier|convincing their followers their gods are false if their gods aren't around anymore.
Thank you, Sir.

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