Stargate SG-1 s10e08 Episode Script

Memento Mori

Hello, and welcome to Sol's Diner.
I'm Val.
I'll be your waitress today.
Have you had a chance to look over the menu? Might I suggest the meatball sandwich? It's the owner's personal favorite.
WOMAN: Sounds good.
- Sir? - Hi.
Two Junior Meals for the kids, and I'll have the club sandwich.
- Okay.
- Oh, can I get some extra pickles on that? - No problem.
- Thank you.
VAL: Waters all around? - Sure.
- Sure.
WOMAN: Okay, once the food comes, that's it for the games.
All right! Wallets and purses on the table in front of you, now! Valuables in here.
Hey! You listening to me? (GROANING) What did you do? I don't know.
Your menu.
WAITRESS: And for you, sir.
Well, I know you don't get off the base much, except for official business, so I thought I'd take you somewhere nice.
Well, I don't mind telling you I've been looking forward to this little date all week.
I wouldn't exactly call it a date.
It's Oh, I've watched enough of your television to know what a date is, Daniel.
It's a romantic event typified by dinner, movie, and/ or karaoke, and usually culminating in a night of Okay, this is definitely not a date.
It's two friends and co-workers out for dinner.
- Oh, well, I - WAITER: Hi.
- Can I start you off with a drink? - Absolutely.
Well, tonight's feature martinis are the chocolate, passion fruit, and shochu plum.
They all sound wonderful.
So one of each, then? Yeah, I think we're going to pace ourselves.
She'll do the passion fruit.
(EX CLAIMS) And I'm going to have the bottled water.
Listen - Let me start.
- Okay.
Look, I know it hasn't been easy for you, adjusting to your new life here, learning to trust other people, and, most importantly, refusing the temptation to fall back on your old ways.
But you have worked hard to make a place for yourself with us and And dinner tonight is my way of saying thank you.
Thank you for proving me right when I said we could take a chance on you.
I don't know what to say.
Just say what you were going to say before I interrupted.
I need to use the bathroom.
It's Okay.
(BOTH CHUCKLING) (GRUNTING) (MOANING) She needs some fresh air.
Your friend has taken ill.
What? Where is she? She was escorted outside by another gentleman.
ATHENA: I apologize for that.
The surgery was performed in a moving car.
They were more concerned about removing the subcutaneous transmitter than being gentle about it.
Do I know you? You did, a long time ago.
Qetesh, the Goa'uld that once occupied your body, was a rival of mine.
She was a very intelligent adversary, which is why I eventually decided to partner with her.
In retrospect, it's also the reason I should have been more careful about trusting her.
VALA: As the host to her Goa'uld, I was an unwilling participant in many of Qetesh's thoughtless actions.
So, if this is a revenge thing, your anger is, well, misplaced.
This isn't a revenge thing.
This is a search for answers.
My position in the Trust has afforded me considerable resources.
(GROANING) Ever since I heard that you joined Stargate Command, I've been watching and waiting for an opportunity, which finally presented itself tonight.
What exactly do you want from me? The code to an Ancient tablet that I helped Qetesh locate long ago.
A treasure map of sorts.
She was supposed to share it with me, but instead decided to keep it for herself.
From what I understand, she was never able to decipher it.
I'd like that opportunity.
To be honest, it doesn't ring a bell, so That's because you've suppressed many of the details from your time as Qetesh.
The full genetic memory of the Goa'uld would drive your inferior human mind insane.
Luckily, we have this device to help us find what we're looking for.
This'll take a while.
I'll leave you to it then.
We've got the local authorities searching the area and conducting interviews with every possible witness.
So far, they've come up empty.
General, there's no question the Trust is behind her disappearance.
I mean, they're the only ones with the resources capable of pulling something like this off.
I've already put a call through to Agent Barrett.
He's got his people working on it.
We'll find her.
KAKALIOS: We're starting to get images from her suppressed memory.
Dial it down.
(GRUNTING) How are you feeling? A little dizzy.
A little tired.
And very, very angry.
Oh, that's because the flashbacks you're experiencing are dredging up some long-buried emotions that may be coloring your conscious mind.
I'm going to kill both of you in the most painful way possible.
Things will go a lot faster if you just relax.
Whenever you're ready.
(GROANING) Jackson, rise and shine.
What is it? What's going on? Barrett, he came through for us.
He just sent over a list of suspected Trust safe houses.
Hopefully our girl's in one of them.
LANDRY: Team One, what's your status? Team One is in position.
Team Two? Team Two in position.
- Team Three? - LEADER: Team Three is in position.
(SHUDDERING) - Do you know what I think the problem is? - That I can't strangle you? You're fighting the process.
In the end, all you're really doing is delaying the inevitable.
Why don't we try and keep an open mind? All five teams are in position.
You have a go.
Who was that? Turn it down.
Maybe they'll have better luck at the other locations.
- Cover the door.
- Right.
(GROANING) (GASPS) It's all right.
We're here to help.
CARTER: Four out of the five safe houses we hit were empty.
Only one, it turned out, was still in play, and that was SG-15's.
We lost them and three members of the local team.
One Trust operative survived the explosion with minor injuries.
He confirmed that the place was rigged to blow in the event it was stormed.
He also confirmed that Vala was being held at that location.
So, it's possible they moved her before the place was raided? Unlikely.
They wouldn't have had the time.
Besides, the guy we caught claims he saw Vala making a run for it.
Then she could've gotten out on her own.
If that were the case, why has she not yet attempted to contact us? JACKSON: So, what did you want with her? I mean, what exactly was going on in that warehouse? Look, I already told you.
I can't say.
It's not that I don't want to help you, but right now, I'm more concerned for my well-being.
We can protect you.
No, you can't.
He's all yours.
Where are you going? I'll be out in the hall.
Just yell loudly if you need me.
Don't bother.
Your Jaffa interrogation tactics won't work.
Believe me, I've seen some pretty horrible things in my life.
You can't break me.
(INAUDIBLE) A member of this facility gets kidnapped unchallenged.
It's no wonder he doesn't think we can protect him.
But we can protect him.
Yeah, by locking him away for the rest of his life.
What can you say? There's a downside to working for super villains.
Well, this is probably going to take a while.
What do you say we grab a bite to eat? You're done? He was surprisingly forthcoming.
Whenever you're ready, honey.
How you doing? - How are you doing? - Terrific.
I'm Sal, the owner.
Sal, the owner of Sol's Diner? Yeah, Sol was the original owner.
I bought the place from him.
- So, how was lunch? - Delicious.
Delicious enough to pay for it? Yes.
If I had the money, I would certainly have paid for that meal and given the lovely waitress a sizeable gratuity.
The service was impeccable.
Look, lady, everybody's got problems.
I got rent on this place, a mortgage, a wife, three kids, and a Shih Tzu with a recurring gastrointestinal condition that requires a very specialized diet, all right? That requires a very specialized diet, all right? Okay.
I'm sorry for trying to cheat you.
All right, look, if I let you leave, can I trust you to come back with the money you owe me? No.
No? What do you mean, no? What, you're telling me you can't be trusted? Truthfully? I don't know.
I I don't remember.
I have no idea who I am, much less what I'm capable of.
All I know for certain is that about an hour ago, I was lost, hungry, and drawn to the delightful aroma of the blue plate special.
Is this a joke? I have absolutely no memory of my life prior to wandering in here.
If that's true, we need to get you to a hospital.
No hospitals! Whoa, whoa, whoa.
Hang on.
- Everything okay here, Sal? - Yeah.
Everything's fine.
Don't worry about it.
- Let me go.
- Go where? Please? - What, you got a home, you got a family? - I don't know.
I would pay you back.
I would.
Just right now, I just don't have the means.
Maybe I can do something to help you.
Jackson, how's it going? Well, from what we learned from the Trust operative and the information provided to us from the Jaffa and the Tok'ra, this is what I've been able to piece together so far.
Athena, the Greek goddess of war, a.
Charlotte Mayfield, a.
The Goa'uld responsible for kidnapping Vala.
Now, according to what I've learned, she was a minor player who rose to mid-tier status by pursuing alliances with more powerful rivals: Cronos, Camulus, Svarog, and even Anubis when he was first on the outs with the System Lords.
So, her partnering up with Ba'al is just her latest power play? No, it's more than that.
You see, we know Athena was once allied with Qetesh, the Goa'uld that formerly inhabited Vala.
See, apparently, Qetesh double-crossed her when they partnered up to search for the Clava Thessara Infinitas, the key to infinite treasure.
Now, according to legend, it will allow he who possesses it entry to a vast storehouse of riches hidden away by the Ancients prior to their ascension.
Wow, that's big.
Yeah, and by all indications, nothing but an elaborate hoax.
- So, they didn't find it? - No, but for some reason, Qetesh wanted Athena to think she had.
Athena believed her, which is why she went after Vala.
And she used Ba'al's resources here on Earth to get her.
Which reminds me, I'm supposed to check in with Major Harper.
He's got people querying hospitals in the area where Vala disappeared.
It's possible she may have been injured and has been unable to contact us.
Hey, listen, I spoke with the medical examiner's office.
They're doing DNA testing on the remains recovered at the blast site, but it's going to take a while.
You know, when Vala first disappeared when the Ori gate was destroyed, I refused to write her off.
Although the odds were against it, I believed somehow she'd found a way to survive, and it turned out I was right.
I want to be right again.
- I just figured you should know.
- Yeah.
Thank you.
Major Harper, please.
I don't care what the so-called experts have to say.
I want you to free up the capital and move it into a company called Beringer Consolidated.
I have it on good authority that they'll be announcing a major breakthrough before week's end.
All right.
The DNA results are in.
They were able to ID 12 victims, none of them our girl.
My guess is there wasn't enough of her left to run tests on.
Or there wasn't anything left because she didn't die in that explosion.
If she got out, she would've gone straight back to Stargate Command.
They wouldn't still be looking for her.
I don't know, maybe you're right.
Maybe she is dead.
But until we have confirmation, I want you to keep looking for her, too.
(CLEARING THROAT) Okay, dead cow on a turban, hold the yellow, extra spud mush.
Listen to you.
You've been practicing.
Very nice.
Val, you okay? Hey.
You all right? Is it that visions thing again? Look, I told you, you should go get yourself checked out, honey.
Sal, what am I doing, working here, sleeping out the back, watching reruns of The X-Files in my spare time? I appreciate everything you've done for me, but I've got to tell you, I've been thinking about leaving.
So, where are you going to go? I don't know, but this isn't my life.
It just doesn't feel right.
Trust me, sweetheart, running away isn't going to make things better for you.
Working tables here may not feel right, but at least you've got a roof over your head and some friends who care about you.
It may not feel like your life right now.
Just give it some time, okay? - Okay.
- Good.
Now, get back to work before I fire your butt.
Hello, and welcome to Sol's Diner.
I'm Val.
I'll be your waitress today.
Have you had a chance to look over the menu? MAN: All right! Wallets and purses on the table in front of you, now! (MAN GROANING) (UTENSILS CLANGING) What did you do? I don't know.
Name? You know my name.
You're a regular at the deli.
So, what, is "Val" short for "Valerie"? Okay.
Last name? Todad.
Valerie Todad.
Look, Val, is there any reason why you don't want me to know your real last name? No, of course not.
I'm just a very private person.
Would you mind if I took a moment to freshen up? Sure.
I need a coffee anyway.
Straight ahead, second door on your left.
Oh, sorry.
I didn't know how long we were going to be, so I was just going out to get us some lunch.
Run it through the channels, see if anything comes up.
I don't understand.
I didn't do anything illegal.
I didn't hurt anyone.
Well, apart from those two fellows who, from what I understand, I was totally within my rights to hurt.
Witnesses say you took them both down without even breaking a sweat.
How did you manage that? - Instinct.
- No.
I think training.
Don't suppose you want to tell me where you learned those moves? That's what I thought.
- Sir.
- What is it, Chief? I thought you should see this.
A THENA: Listen to me.
This is what you're going to do.
You're going to sell all of our remaining stock in Beringer Consolidated.
I have it on good authority that they're about to be rocked by a major accounting scandal that will Nathan, I'm going to have to call you back.
- What is it? - We got a call.
Apparently, some people, they're looking for you.
- Who? - The United States Air Force.
They're sending a Colonel Carter to pick you up.
- What do you mean, no? - I'd rather stay here.
If you need me to commit a crime, I'd be happy to oblige.
Look, Val, I don't pretend to know what you're all about, but when people start throwing around words like "national security," there's not a lot I can do.
All right, I'll be honest with you.
The reason why I can't tell you who I am, is because I don't know.
I don't remember.
I don't know where I'm from.
I'm not even sure if Val is my real name.
My memory only goes as far back as that day, two weeks ago, when I wandered into the deli for a lunch I couldn't pay for.
I don't remember any of my life before that, although I do have flashbacks.
Occasionally, they're terrifying, like something out of a horror movie, but they don't make much sense.
I was hoping that, sooner or later, my memories would just come back, or that something would help remind me of who I really am, but after what happened today, I'm not sure I want to know anymore.
You know, Val, it would be a lot easier if you'd just be honest with me.
I'm Colonel Carter.
I'm here to take custody of the prisoner.
Prisoner? Would you mind telling me what this is all about? The government has been looking for Miss Mal Doran for a while now.
RYAN: Why? What did she do? WOMAN: I'm sorry, Detective.
That's classified.
Don't let them take me away.
We appreciate your cooperation in this matter, sir.
No, no, please.
Ryan Detective Ryan? Hi.
Lieutenant Colonel Samantha Carter, United States Air Force.
We're here for the Jane Doe you've been holding.
Another Colonel Carter just picked her up.
- When? - About a minute ago.
Yeah, there were two of them.
You must have passed them on your way in here.
Black sedan, government plates.
They were headed for the freeway.
CARTER: We need you to move that car! I'm commandeering your bike! Get off! Why won't you tell me where we're going? (TIRES SCREECHING) You all right? Hey, everything's going to be okay.
(SCREAMS) Son of a Mother (GROANING) Is anybody hurt? Throw me the keys.
Run away.
Vala, wait! What did you just call me? Vala.
Get up.
Get up! - Where are we going? - Just drive.
- You know, I'm bleeding here.
- Shut up.
Oh, boy.
What are you doing? Checking to see if I still have both of my kidneys.
Vala, what the hell is going on here? - You know me.
- Yeah, of course.
Why? You don't remember me? I don't remember much of anything, least of all who I am, or why everyone is after me.
That's why I brought you here.
You're going to supply me with some much-needed answers.
You know, maybe we should call the rest of the team.
They're generally better at answers.
Okay, here goes.
Your name is Vala Mal Doran.
You're a member of Stargate Command, a top-secret facility located beneath Cheyenne Mountain.
It's the command center for a military organization responsible for off-world exploration and reconnaissance by means of a device known as a Stargate, a portal which allows near-instantaneous transport between planets.
How am I doing so far? Not good.
I know it sounds crazy, but it's the truth.
So, we're space explorers? Well, technically, me and my team are the explorers.
You're just along for the ride because Well, you're not originally from this planet.
You're an alien.
And I mean that in the nicest possible way.
You know, when you say "alien," people think green skin, four eyes, tentacles, what have you, but the reality is very, very different.
I'm borrowing some more money.
Look, take you, for example.
You're human.
Hell, you're more human than most of my neighbors, especially that guy in 304.
I'll be back.
Look, since you're part of the team, maybe you should think about Won't be long.
trusting me? Or un-cuffing me? Or giving me my pants back? Okay, just wait right here.
I'll be right back.
Well, he's of no help.
All he remembers was the gun, then he was off to the races.
Presumably, you are searching for the missing vehicle.
We've got all available units looking.
In the meantime, it turns out the deceased in that overturned sedan were all carrying phony ID.
The license plate was also bogus.
As for the car itself, it was a company vehicle registered to a Forsythe Chemicals.
But that's a dead end because, apparently, they reported the car missing this morning.
Of course they did.
All right.
Thank you.
We've got a lock on Cam's transmitter.
Thank you, Detective.
Any time.
Okay, I think I've figured out what happened to you, why you don't remember anything.
Oh, good.
Does it involve an alien abduction? Well, in as much as that you're an alien who was abducted, yes.
You were undergoing a procedure which was designed to dig up some of your suppressed memories.
The scientist that we captured told us that during the procedure, the device was destroyed, which allowed you the opportunity to escape.
From the aliens.
No, they weren't aliens.
They're working for an alien, but that's not really important.
Vala isn't a particularly alien name.
So, I'm thinking that this device was in the middle of digging up these suppressed memories when it overloads and fries your brain.
So, instead of helping you remember, it actually made you forget.
Disodium guanylate.
That would make a great alien name, don't you think? I can understand why you might be having difficulty believing what I'm telling you, but there is one thing you cannot deny.
There are some very, very bad people after you.
And how do I know you're not one of them? Because I saved you from them! What if they were trying to save me from you? How am I supposed to know? Let me take you back to Stargate Command.
We have a device that can help you remember.
I thought you said the device was destroyed.
It's a different device.
It's one I brought back from another planet last year.
Oh, good.
Were they having a sale? Understood.
We intercepted a communication from Stargate Command.
They found him.
Turn around.
This isn't what it looks like.
I just think it's funny how you're always losing your pants.
I'm not "always losing my pants.
" It's happened twice.
It's happened twice.
Twice is not always.
DANIEL: Okay, thank you.
We've got something on Vala.
DANIEL: Vala? Vala, it's me, Daniel.
We know you're in here.
There's nowhere else you could've gone.
Vala? DANIEL: Vala? I know you're scared, but we're not here to hurt you.
We can help you remember.
Colonel Carter! (GUNFIRE) (GUNFIRE) Get out of my way.
Get out of my way or I will shoot you.
You don't remember who you are, but I do.
You won't shoot.
(GROANS) If I let you go, I know you're going to make yourself disappear.
You've been running so long, it's almost second nature to you.
You don't remember it, but you made a decision to stop running.
It's over.
Now it's time to come home.
(SIRENS WAILING) You know, I don't mind getting shot, but I pulled a hammy when I took out that last Trust operative.
At least you didn't lose your pants.
You wanted to see me? - Hey, what did Dr.
Lam say? - I've been cleared for active duty.
LANDRY: Glad to hear it.
What's this? Let's just call it a welcome-back present.
- These are - Team badges.
You're now officially a member of SG-1.
You earned it.
Perhaps a celebration is in order.
That's a great idea.
We can check out that new rib joint near my place.
Of course, that means we'll have to wait until next week to complete our date.
It wasn't a date.
(STUTTERING) It was two friends and co-workers out for dinner.
It wasn't a date.

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