Stargate SG-1 s10e10 Episode Script

The Quest (1)

NARRA TOR: Previously on Stargate SG-1.
TEAL 'C: According to those who witnessed the battle, the enemy is led by a young woman of extraordinary powers.
You want Merlin's weapon for yourselves.
A weapon capable of destroying not only the Ori, but the Ancients as well.
I did find one reference in that library that might prove to be useful, Atlantis.
You think the location of Merlin's weapon is hidden in their database? I think it's worth checking out.
We're looking for the names of two planets known on Earth in ancient times in the dialect of Old English as Castiana and Sahal.
Satisfied? Taoth Vaclarush and Valos Cor.
Hey, Jackson, what are you doing? Oh, just trying to figure out the location of Merlin's weapon, so we can find it in time to defeat the Ori, hopefully save our galaxy.
You? We're going for Szechwan.
You want to come? No, I'll pass.
How is your search coming, Daniel Jackson? Slowly, but I think I'm onto something.
Here, take a look at this.
These are the locations of the planets that Arthur and his knights set off to in their quest for the Sangraal, Castiana, Sahal and Vagon Brei.
Now, we searched all three and came up empty, so I thought it was a dead end, until I noticed this.
Their coordinates form an equilateral triangle.
Now, add their departure point, the Camelot planet, and you get a tetrahedron.
A perfect pyramid.
Well, that's a hell of a coincidence.
Exactly, and it means something.
I'm just not sure what.
(VALA PANTING) I have the answer.
I've figured it out.
- Those three planets are part of a puzzle.
- This much I already know.
The pyramid is a visual representation of "three into one.
" Three addresses into one.
That's what Morgan was trying to tell you, that the Sangraal is located on a planet the address of which is made up of symbols from each of those three worlds, Castiana, Sahal, Vagon Brei.
It just came to me in a dream.
Okay, this program will cross-reference the addresses in the database with those of Castiana, Sahal and Vagon Brei, searching out planetary designations made up of symbols from all three addresses.
Given the number of symbols and the amount of addresses in the database, we could be looking at dozens, maybe hundreds, of permutations.
(SIGHS) (BEEPING) Or maybe just the one.
JACKSON: The culture and level of technology looks similar to what we found on the Camelot planet.
MITCHELL: Yeah, I'm going to assume that's a good thing.
I think some of these folks have figured out we're not from around here.
Excuse me? I was wondering if we could get some help.
A little information? We've come in search of the Sangraal.
It's a red thing, about yea big.
We know what the Sangraal looks like.
It's been many generations since anyone has come in search of it, and now you're the second group of adventurers in less than a week to take up the quest.
The second group? A number of Jaffa passed through here three days ago.
Were they accompanied by anyone? Yes.
They were led by a man who clearly commanded their fear and respect.
Ba'al has been here.
And he's got a three-day head start on us.
If you truly seek the Sangraal, you must consult with the Parchment of Virtues in the village library.
It will prepare you for the journey to come.
Over there? Thank you.
But I should warn you, no one has ever returned from the quest alive.
If you value your lives, you would do well to reconsider.
We appreciate that, but that is quitter talk.
Hello! Right, Parchment of Virtues.
Do we look under "P" for "parchment" or "V" for "virtues"? I'd say look for any and all materials related to the Sangraal.
Or you could simply ask me.
I am Osric, keeper of the village archives.
We're looking for something called the Parchment of Virtues.
Another band of stalwart heroes come to tempt fate in the hopes of claiming the legendary prize.
- What do you know of the Sangraal? - Only what I have heard from legend.
That it is located in a cave beyond the outlying forest, but that the journey there is fraught with peril.
Ages ago, Morgan Le Fay enchanted the area with a terrible curse.
Since then, it has claimed countless lives.
Well, we don't put much stock in curses.
Yeah, well, neither did Phaedra, the cobbler's wife.
Several weeks ago, she set off in search of her son who had strayed too far from the village.
Neither have been seen nor heard from since.
This parchment was purportedly left behind by Morgan herself as a guide for knights of noble spirit, since it is said that only the most virtuous will succeed in claiming the Sangraal.
"Only those of virtue true may win the prize concealed.
"Beyond the reach of the flawed and tainted, "the Sangraal shall instead belong to he who speaks the guardian's name.
" The guardian's name? They say that the Sangraal is protected by the most powerful of magical beasts.
A dragon.
Dragon? You doubt the legend? Well, I'm sure the Sangraal is protected by something very powerful, but I don't think it's an actual dragon.
OSRIC: (SCOFFING) Believe what you will.
With luck, you may have the opportunity to prove the truth for yourselves.
"Prudence, wisdom, charity, kindness and faith.
"Let these be your guide on this perilous quest.
" Well, I'm sorry, but I think we're going to need a little bit more than that to go on.
No, all Morgan left behind was this parchment and the map.
- There's a map? - Yes.
- May we see it? - No.
Why not? I showed it to the last group of adventurers who came in search of the Sangraal, and they rewarded my trust by trying to take it.
Yeah, we know the guy that runs that operation.
We're not like him.
Well, I'm sorry.
It's not for public view.
Hey! We wouldn't dream of trying to steal it.
(OSRIC CHUCKLES) - We have to steal it.
- We are not stealing the map.
- We have to steal it.
- We are not stealing the map.
Nightfall, sneak in under cover of darkness.
Maybe I can just talk to Osric and convince him that our cause is virtuous.
That's brilliant, and while you're distracting him, the rest of us can steal it.
For the last time, we are not Are you certain I cannot tempt you with a final meal? What is it with this town and the "no-can-do" attitude? Every time we turn around, someone's trying to write us off or scare us away.
I apologize.
I should have said, "A final meal before you set off on your journey.
" Well, that's better.
Although, it need be said, in the many thousands of years that adventurers have been seeking the Sangraal, not one has succeeded.
(PEOPLE CLAMORING OUTSIDE) What is this? What do you want here? We are soldiers of the Ori, and we have taken this village as part of their holy crusade to rid this galaxy of evil.
Cooperate, and you won't be harmed.
Go through the buildings.
Bring everyone out.
Who are these men? Well, that is a long story.
Look, I know you have no reason to trust us any more than you do those guys I have not seen you shoot anyone.
That's an excellent point.
We're going to need your help.
They've got a dozen men guarding the gate, another 50 or so in and around the village.
- Is that what I think it is? - The contents of the library.
You have spent your time ignorant to the truth, stumbling aimlessly through the darkness cast upon your world by the trappings of the past, but now, the path to fulfillment stands revealed, and the time has come to embrace a new faith.
Let the light of Origin show you the way.
You've encountered them before.
Many times and on many different worlds.
And how did the inhabitants of those other worlds resist them? They didn't.
They either surrendered or they were slaughtered.
What are you saying, there's nothing we can do? We are doomed? No, no, not necessarily.
We believe they can be defeated.
That's why we're here.
We think that's why they're here as well, to destroy the one thing capable of stopping them.
The Sangraal.
(BANGING ON DOOR) OSRIC: Please, I know they're here.
Please I must speak with you.
The soldiers are looking for me.
Why? Because they believe I can lead them to the Sangraal.
- Can you? - Well, of course! What You saved the map? No, they unwittingly burned it with the rest of the village archives, but a copy still exists.
Where? Here.
I will lead you to Merlin's treasure.
(BANGING ON DOOR) We want the old man.
He has information we seek.
Not today, fellows.
Wow, this is awkward.
Our army has taken this village.
If you resist, there will be no escape.
Now, stand aside.
Oh, I think somebody must have heard that.
This way.
Come quickly.
You should come with us.
My place is here.
I'll be fine.
I'll blame everything on you.
Good plan.
This way.
What the hell? (BEEPING) What's the matter with them? I don't know.
I'm picking up varying anomalous readings.
Stronger here.
Weaker here.
Stronger here.
Weaker here.
And then rising again.
Well, this is weird.
They're temporal fluctuations.
Meaning? Meaning these people are trapped in a time distortion field.
Are you sure? If it's a time distortion field, why are the leaves moving in the trees? CARTER: It could be an illusion designed to reproduce the standing weather pattern.
These readings indicate the time within the field is extremely decelerated.
I mean, these people may look like they're standing perfectly still, but, in fact, they're moving, imperceptibly slowly.
Are they aware of what is happening to them? Doubtful.
Several years may pass on our side of the field in the one or two seconds it takes them to take even one step.
Why don't we just go around it? Well, the outer edge of the field extends as far as I can tell in either direction, and it has a slight curve to it.
I mean, for all I know, it could form a complete circle.
We could walk for miles and never find a way through.
Sam, if you've got another idea, I'd love to hear it.
Well, I'm definitely picking up varied readings.
It's almost as if I think I may have found a way in.
There's a circuitous path of real time winding through the temporal field.
- It's a maze.
- Yeah.
It's a maze.
These readings are unmistakable.
I can use them to guide us through.
Follow my lead.
If you stray off the path, you could wind up trapped in the distortion field.
- What do you mean, "Uh-oh"? "Uh-oh," you left your stove on, right? The temporal distortions are affecting these readings.
We're blind.
MITCHELL: Okay, here's a stupid question.
You did check the batteries in that thing before you left Stargate Command, right? It's not the batteries.
We could just retrace our steps and try our luck with the Ori soldiers.
Do you know the way back? That way.
We have to be exact.
Any deviation from the path of real time, and we could wind up frozen like the rest of these people.
If Morgan Le Fay left clues as to the whereabouts of the Sangraal, then it is safe to assume that she believed that someone would eventually reach it.
It also stands to reason that our task, though challenging, is far from impossible.
Teal'c's right.
She set this trap to weed out those she deemed unworthy.
There is a way out.
We just have to be resourceful and carefully think it through.
Well, Arthur and his knights wouldn't have had access to this advanced technology to guide them through, so, presumably, the answer could be deceptively simple.
Follow me.
Dead end.
You're right.
Deceptively simple.
All right, we're through.
We'd better pick up the pace if we want to cut into Ba'al's lead.
OSRIC: You say that these Ori are possessed of god-like abilities, OSRIC: You say that these Ori are possessed of god-like abilities, and yet they are not gods? JACKSON: No, they're very powerful beings who would have their followers believe as much because faith is the source of their power.
Faith is something that cannot be won through intimidation and fear.
If their followers have faith, then they must truly believe.
No, they only believe because they've been misled.
You see, to many less-developed civilizations, certain advanced technologies would strike them as supernatural in nature.
Merlin wasn't a wizard, and Morgan Le Fay was not a sorceress.
- Ridiculous.
- They simply used their advanced abilities to fashion seemingly magical creations, like the Sangraal, or that time dilation field we encountered.
So you would have me believe that you are possessed of a complete understanding of these amazing feats? No, but just because I don't know how the trick is done doesn't make it magic.
And I would argue that your inability to comprehend such feats does, in fact, prove their supernatural nature.
Their army just ran roughshod over your village, forced you into hiding, - now you're defending them? - Hardly.
I condemn the actions of their soldiers, but I'm in no position to judge the Ori or their message.
Not yet.
Truth is elusive to those who refuse to see with both eyes.
What? (MALE VOICE SPEAKING INDISTINCTLY) BA'AL: I don't believe they abandoned me.
They're going to pay.
All of them are going to pay.
Wait! (SIGHS) Well, make yourselves comfortable.
We're going to be here a while.
It won't do you any good.
Believe me, I've tried.
It's a one-way door.
How long have you been trapped in here? Three agonizingly tedious days.
Which reminds me, I don't suppose you have any food? What's that? That's bait.
When I approached to investigate, I unwittingly triggered the trap.
CARTER: You've had the Ancient database for months.
Why did it take you so long to get here? I can't think clearly on an empty stomach.
(CHUCKLES) I only possessed two of the three addresses needed to complete the puzzle.
As a result, I had significantly more possibilities to investigate.
By a process of elimination, I was left with one prospect, and when I went in search of the planet, it wasn't there.
What do you mean it wasn't there? It wasn't where it was supposed to be.
I calculated its position, I sent my ships to its approximate location, but they couldn't find it.
In the end, my only recourse was to access it via the stargate and secure the device with a handful of my Jaffa, and when I became trapped in here, they set off in search of a means of freeing me.
They have yet to return.
Something must have come up.
Obviously, Morgan must have rendered this planet inaccessible to ships to ensure that enemies such as the Ori could not destroy the Sangraal from orbit.
You're wasting your time.
I've had three days to search for a way out of here.
There's nothing inside.
Well, that's the point, isn't it? The Parchment of Virtues told us that we'd have to rely on five things in order to reach the Sangraal.
Prudence, wisdom, charity, kindness and faith.
You're saying the parchment was intended to be interpreted literally? Why not? We were able to make our way through the time dilation field by patiently and carefully negotiating the maze.
In other words, we demonstrated prudence, as opposed to recklessness, which would have stranded us.
So ask yourselves, "What does this trap exploit?" - Curiosity.
- Greed.
A person approaches a chest expecting to find treasure inside, but instead finds nothing and gets trapped for his trouble.
So in order to reverse the trap, you have to reverse the impetus.
The opposite of greed is charity, one of the virtues mentioned in the parchment.
Instead of taking something, something must be sacrificed.
(CHUCKLES) Well, that was an interesting theory.
Well, we're all trapped, so we all have to contribute something.
No, wait! (CLEARS THROAT) I have nothing to donate.
That particular item holds great sentimental value.
Well done.
Another day in there, I would have gone mad.
Guess that makes it time to say goodbye.
- It would be foolish of you to kill me.
- How so? Amongst the information I obtained regarding the Sangraal is the name of the protector.
- Protector? - The dragon.
You see? I told you there was a dragon.
I'm sure there's something guarding the device.
Maybe it's a hologram.
Holograms can be dangerous, you know.
It could be a ship.
Flies, breathes fire, has armored skin.
It's a mistake a medieval storyteller could easily make.
Then if it's based on technology, the name is no doubt a password or a command code.
Either way, if you want it, you'll have to take me with you.
You know, I hate to say this, but he could prove useful.
MITCHELL: Come on.
Yet again, we find ourselves the unlikeliest of allies joined together in common purpose.
You know, the word "allies" implies some sort of partnership, and that just isn't the case here.
You see, we are going after the Sangraal, while you are tagging along for the ride.
According to the map, the Sangraal is hidden in a cave beneath a lone mountain.
We're getting warm.
This is it.
The cave entrance.
The Sangraal is located within.
It's too bad you won't be coming with us.
I thought I made it clear.
You need me.
I wasn't talking to you.
Well, allow me to get out of your line of fire.
Have you lost your senses? "Truth eludes he who does not seek it with both eyes wide.
" It's a quote from the Book of Origin.
You paraphrased it earlier today.
Now, I might not have noticed, but I spent the past year studying the good book, so Surely, you're not basing your suspicions on this mere coincidence? And when it came time to give up a possession to free ourselves from the force field trap, I noticed the designs on your ring, not Celtic as one might expect given the cultural background of this planet, but distinctly Ori.
The ring was a gift from a traveling merchant.
You're making a mistake.
You're the one who screwed up.
Now drop the act.
It would have been so much easier if you had remained oblivious.
But now, things will be much more difficult.
Especially for you.
You're doing something new with your eyes.
So the troops in the village, the shoot-out in the tavern, that was all a set-up.
More than you know.
I grew impatient waiting for you to discover the location of the weapon, so I gave you a little help.
The dream I had, "three into one.
" That was you? - Yes.
- So you planted the solution in Vala knowing it would lead us right to you.
Apparently, Morgan put safeguards in place to ensure the weapon could only be secured by What was the term again? "Those possessing truth of spirit.
" What was the term again? "Those possessing truth of spirit.
" I can't think of anyone more appropriate than a former Ascended.
With your help, I'll secure the device.
Hate to disappoint.
You've seen a demonstration of my powers.
You know what I'm capable of.
So I'm offering you a choice, either we work together to reach the device, or I'll start killing off members of your team.
- Starting with her.
- All right! We'll work together.
For now.
ADRIA: We thwarted all efforts against us, crippled your fleet, met with little, if any resistance, on the worlds that we redeemed.
Opposition to the Ori is clearly hopeless, but you continue to struggle against the inevitable.
JACKSON: Yeah, well, what can I tell you? We're optimists.
Your only hope lies with Merlin's weapon.
Once I take that away from you, your defeat will be complete.
Now look who's the optimist.
You disappoint me, Mother.
I would have expected you to see reason by now, but it doesn't matter.
Eventually, you'll have no choice but to accept the truth.
And when you do, I'll accompany you on your path to enlightenment.
You know, the second we find that thing, she's going to kill us.
- Not if we kill her first.
- That could be a bit of a problem.
I don't know, we're pretty resourceful.
I'm sure we'll think of something.
Yeah? Just don't do it too soon.
She may not be true of spirit and all that jazz, but she has done her homework.
I hate to say it, but - She could prove useful.
- For the moment.
"Choose the way that is just and true.
" It's a riddle.
I'm good at these.
"The way that is just and true.
" Just and true It's telling us to go that way.
"The way that is just and true," that is, the "right" way.
What - The writing's in Ancient.
- So? So in Ancient, the word meaning "Just and true" is very different from the word meaning "right," as in, "opposite of left.
" (CHILD CRYING) Did you hear that? It sounds like a child.
- This way.
- VALA: A child in here? - It's obviously a trap.
- Or quite possibly a test.
A test of what? Our stupidity? (WHIMPERING) Hey, kid.
Kid, wait up.
Hey, slow down, little guy.
ADRIA: We're walking right into a trap.
JACKSON: No, we're not.
The parchment provided us with clues to reaching the Sangraal.
It mentioned kindness as one of the virtues that would guide us.
So if we show kindness by helping this child, it should bring us one step closer to the device.
The parchment also mentioned wisdom, which we would be demonstrating by avoiding this trap.
We'll get you out of there.
Little help here.
He's tiny.
Have him squeeze through the bars.
Assist us, or I will squeeze you through these bars.
JACKSON: Want to use your powers to lift it? We're wasting our time.
Let's go back.
Well, how's about that.
We did pick the right way.
- It's a dead end.
- We have to go back.
No, it doesn't make any sense that we would have progressed this far only to come up empty.
It's another riddle.
Oh, goody.
"I'm struck and cut, shaped and cooled, "then bound by rings to release what's stored.
" (RUMBLING) You might want to pick things up a little bit here.
All right, well, we have to think it through.
What's struck and cut and shaped and cooled and then bound by rings? - Bound by rings - Key! The answer is key.
Clavia! (RUMBLING) "I shake the earth with booming thunder, fell forest whole and homes complete.
"I influence ships, topple kings, sweep down swift, yet remain unseen.
" Oh, wait, I've got this.
Suggesting a strong yet invisible force Wind.
Ventio! MITCHELL: Oh, for crying out loud! "Battle-scarred in times of strife, resistant to Resistant to" - VALA: To what? - I don't know.
I can't translate this section of the text.
Nevertheless, "battle-scarred" would suggest Contegia! (RUMBLING STOPS) Looks like that's done it.
You know, come to think of it, riddles never really were my strong point.
Visual puzzles, like, "Which of these symbols does not belong with the others," or, "Reconfigure the tiles to make the hidden picture.
" MITCHELL: Is it just me, or is it getting hot in here? VALA: Well, now that you mention it It is a tad toasty.
- Hey, you got anything? - No.
You? No, but I'm getting a good tan.
- Let's take a break.
- Okay.
There's no hidden triggers or secret passages.
If there's a way through, we didn't find it.
Then I suppose we should head back.
Not an option.
The passageways have re-sealed behind us.
Then I was right.
We walked into a trap.
We made all the right choices to lead us to this point.
I know the Sangraal lies beyond that wall of fire.
We just have to find a way through.
Why don't you do something? You're the Orici.
You're supposedly possessed of significant powers.
So snuff out the flame and get us on our way.
My abilities don't work that way.
Of course.
How does the saying go? All flash, no photo.
Actually, it's "All flash, no substance.
" I prefer my version.
Would you care for a demonstration? Taking your life would be a waste of my time.
Which I suppose would be put to better use complaining.
Oh, jeez, why don't you two just get a room? It's the only one left.
Daniel? The parchment told us that five virtues would guide us in our quest for the Sangraal.
Prudence, kindness, charity, wisdom and faith.
Now, we displayed prudence in finding a way out of the temporal maze, charity, in escaping the force field trap, kindness, by helping the child and finding the hidden passageway, and wisdom, in solving the riddles.
The only virtue left is faith.
- Daniel! - Jackson! Well, after you, Muscles.
There it is.
We've found it.
Ours for the taking.
Hang on.
Yeah, that's pretty deep.
- I'll go.
- We'll both go.
I think I'll stay here and support you from a distance.
We should all go.
No, only Daniel and I will go.
The rest of you will stay.
It's all right.
Take it.
- After you.
- I told you.
Morgan put safeguards in place to ensure that someone such as myself couldn't claim the device.
Is that why you didn't just use your powers from back there? What are you talking about? Well, you have telekinetic abilities.
I've seen you use them.
You should have just snatched the Sangraal off the dais without taking a step, but you didn't.
Probably for the same reason you didn't use your powers to lift the portcullis or kill Ba'al the second he stepped out of line.
- You can't.
- Of course I can.
My guess is Morgan did put safeguards in place, and that those safeguards are neutralizing your Ori-given powers.
You saw me withstand the bullets fired against me.
Yeah, thanks to your personal shield.
The only powers you can manifest originate from that pendant, and they're purely defensive in nature.
Do you really want to test me? Yep.
You know what? I changed my mind about helping you.
Knock yourself out.
What's the holdup? Thought so.
Well, I guess I'm not as true of spirit as you thought I was.
(RUMBLING) Jackson, move it! What the hell is that? We agreed there's no such thing as a dragon, right? Yeah.
(WINGS FLAPPING) (SCREECHING) Because that looks pretty real to me.

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