A Million Little Things (2018) s05e02 Episode Script

Think Twice

Tyrell thought maybe you would like
to take his place on the food truck.
I'm interested.
Previously on
"A Million Little Things"
Mr. Cutler fired me.
He said if I couldn't control my talent,
then he would hire someone who could.
You were the only good thing
about this last year.
You were for me, too.
Hey, maybe we could do dinner
sometime with Theo,
whenever you're ready to
introduce him to Anna.
I don't think that's gonna be
happening anytime soon.
You guys have a great dinner.
Eddie, wait.
Dr. Jessica said I have to let go
of the things I can't control
and try to forgive myself.
She also said that I have
to stop being the person
that starts every sentence
with "Dr. Jessica said."
Your dad has been having
some memory problems.
I might have maybe forgotten
it was her birthday.
I think you need
to get your dad checked out.
See that curb over there?
That's where I picked you up
after you were born.
In my Continental Coupe.
Worked my butt off to make sure
I brought you home in style.
'Course we didn't have
baby seats in those days.
Your mom just sat in the back
and held you in her arms
the whole way home.
It's a wonder Generation X even exists.
January 17, 1978.
Dad, my birthday's January 15th.
And we took you home from the
hospital exactly two days later.
I get it. I get it.
You remember all the details.
Which is why I didn't need
to pass that cognitive test
to tell me I am perfectly fine.
You passed with a 7 out of 10.
If I brought home 70%
on a test in high school
you would have grounded me for a week.
Besides, the doctor says
we won't know anything for sure
until we get the MRI.
I'm telling you right now,
I'm not getting an MRI.
- But, Pop
- Just give me the parking ticket.
I thought I had it.
Maybe we need to be worried
about your memory issues.
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, buddy.
Back it up.
Sorry, my son seems to have forgotten
where he put our ticket.
If you don't have your ticket,
you gotta pay for the full day.
We were only here for 45 minutes.
That's $2, and even that's robbery.
I'm sorry, sir, but if you
don't have your ticket
Call my doctor. He'll tell you.
it'll be $20.
Let me speak to your supervisor.
Okay, I'll go get him.
20 bucks.
Hey, I got it, Pop.
Don't you dare give him that money.
I'm telling you,
if you don't open your
stupid gate right now
I'm gonna drive right through it.
Oh, no.
Dad, what are you doing?!
Hey, good thing you saved us
20 bucks, Pop.
We can put it towards
$500 worth of tires.
Here it is.
Hey, beautiful. I'm home.
What took you so long?
Uh, traffic on Beacon was terrible.
Mm. God, you were killing me
with your texts today.
Meetra kept asking me
why I was blushing.
Are we Are we
- Are we good?
- Yeah.
It's Wednesday. Eddie and
Theo left for dinner 10 minutes ago.
You know how Theo loves his
all-you-can-eat breadsticks.
What about the couch?
We do some of our best work there.
Yeah, we sure do.
We're back!
Ah, T. Hey!
That Th Th That was fast.
Yeah, we decided to just get takeout
and keep working on
our miniature skate park.
Hey, I'll be right back.
I can't build on a full bladder.
Greta, I got you extra spicy.
That's your favorite, right?
Sure is.
Well, prepare to get messy.
Already was.
I'm interrupting.
We just thought we had
a little more time.
I am so sorry.
Should we go?
- Yes.
- No.
No, it's it's fine.
I have been coming over here
a lot lately, haven't I?
Just the last five nights.
Oh, God.
I'm the house guest that never leaves.
You're going through
a tough time with Anna,
and the breakup
Look, you're welcome here anytime.
Right, Greta?
Of course, yeah. Right.
Just maybe not all the time.
So are we using the instructions,
or are we going rogue this time?
Actually, I am gonna take
my mac 'n cheese to go.
Are you sure?
Mov'n is going into surge
pricing, I gotta take advantage.
- Love you, pal.
- Okay.
Tomorrow night, then?
Uh, actually, you know what?
Let's just play that by ear.
Okay. Bye, Dad.
So, how are you at Legos?
I'll get us set up.
Oh. Ah.
Morning sickness is back, huh?
I mean, um, uh, hyperemesis gravidarum,
which is strangely
not a Harry Potter spell.
No, but it is a curse.
I totally duped myself into
thinking I was getting better
over the last few weeks,
and then this morning?
- Boom.
- I'm so sorry.
I tell you what I'll go to the store,
I'll get you whatever you want
as soon as I get some of this
gravidarum cleaned up
off the floor here.
Oh, boy! Never mind.
Colin he's gonna do the job for us,
and that's gonna give me
some hyperemesis gravidarum.
Oh, you poor thing.
Maybe that's something
you can discuss today
in your therapy session with Dr. Jessica
and not with me
right now.
Know your audience. Got it. Check.
I'm sorry.
All I can keep down
is bubbly water and Ensure,
and of course this is happening
when I'm trying to bank as
many episodes as I can at work.
How many episodes does your boss
expect you to bank?
I don't know, but based on the fact
that Mr. Cutler's golden boy,
"Colton Cutler,"
hasn't even acknowledged my pregnancy,
I'm guessing he and his dad
want me to be off the air
for as short a time as possible.
Aaand rather than ask him outright,
you're just gonna wing it?
I'm happy to avoid
talking to him altogether.
And not just because his
natural musk makes me ill.
You know I love it when you
make fun of anybody, really,
so I hesitate to put this out there, but
I did meet him,
and he seemed harmless enough.
Don't fall for it.
He acts all nice, but he has had
it in for me ever since he said
that he thinks that "cancel
culture is ruining our country,"
and I said, "That is
grossly oversimplifying
a complex issue."
If I remember correctly, you
actually called him a simpleton.
Oh, yeah.
I gotta go.
- Oh, road dog.
- Oh, God, yes.
Thank you. You're the best.
Please tell Dr. Jessica I said that
to make up for all the horrible
things that I've done to you.
- Will do.
- Okay.
Mm Ooh.
Did you brush your teeth today?
Which is bad? That's bad?
It's just I can smell
your toothpaste from here,
so I'm gonna go.
Love you, too.
Wow. If she had smelled
the everything bagel I had
before I brushed,
you would've gotten seconds.
That's on me.
Oh, what do we have here?
Those are dog biscuits!
Not bad.
It comes free with any sandwich.
Andyou get a sandwich?
Well, Sophie and I
have been parking the truck
down by this new dog park in Roxbury.
Baby, business has been crazy.
That's a rough neighborhood, isn't it?
Yeah, it's rough, and now "ruff"!
Never been more in love with you.
You better be talking to your wife.
Don't worry, Pop. She's right here.
When's my car gonna be ready?
It's been three days.
You're talking about
vintage white wall tires.
It might take a minute
to track 'em down.
Oh. I forgot to tell you.
The The garage called.
His tires are in.
What'd you say?
No, no, no. That That was Gina.
She was just Just letting me know
that she had heard
from the garage today.
They were saying that your tires
were on backorder.
Could take a couple of weeks.
A couple of weeks?!
I don't have any food in the house.
I'll tell you what,
I'm gonna come by in a bit,
take you to the store.
Fine. Don't keep me waiting.
Okay, bye.
You wanna tell me why
you're lying to your father?
I don't think it's safe for him
to be driving right now.
At least not until he's had that MRI
and we know exactly
what's going on with him.
You know, I-I was talking to Delilah,
and she was saying with her
dad's dementia, she waited too long,
until he accidentally ran a red light,
came this close to hitting a school bus.
God forbid that my dad
hurt himself or anybody else.
No, I get it.
And I think you need to have
an honest conversation with him
- about that.
- I can't.
You You know how some kids
find their dad's Playboys
hidden under his bed?
My dad hid his own magazines, too,
except they were called Car and Driver.
He didn't want me and Omar
bending the pages.
I'm gonna need some hardcore proof
before I even think
about dropping that bomb.
My compliments to the chef, though.
Who's married to a man
who eats dog biscuits.
Regina's making pastrami sammies ♪
They're my all-time favorite kind ♪
All that salty cured meat! ♪
Ooh, it's sublime!
Regina's pastramiiii!
Don't know what rhymes
with pastrami! ♪
Gotta get some pastramiiii! ♪
It's just diviiiine!
Thank you.
All right, I hate to break up
the jam sesh,
but these people gotta eat.
Coming, boss!
Thank you.
All right.
No, no.
Half's yours.
No, not
Just take it.
Thank you.
- I'll see you again tomorrow?
- You know it.
Thanks, Soph.
Good morning.
So, our favorite person,
"Colton Cutler,"
wants to see you. It seems serious.
He's wearing even
more cologne than usual.
Oh, great.
I guess he wanted to be extra fragrant
for the maternity leave talk
we've been avoiding. Ohh.
Right. Okay, um, keep me posted?
Maggie, come on in.
How you feeling?
Good. Great.
How far along are you now,
uh, seven months?
more like, um, seven and a half.
Well, I wanted to
Yeah, finally discuss
the baby elephant in the room.
give you this.
You didn't have to do that.
This is so
Is this a soda machine?
I heard you telling Claudia
you can only keep down bubbly water.
So, more a gift for you than baby.
That is so nice.
Yeah, what is it you wanted to discuss?
Uh, the baby elephant?
Oh, right. Um
yeah, I wanted to find out
how many episodes
you wanted me to bank
before you-know-who arrives.
Yeah, uh, let me think about
that and I'll get back to you.
Okay. Wow.
- You got that?
- Yeah.
Oh, there's little flavor packets
in case you want some citrus essence.
I-I read that that can help
with the nausea.
Yeah, it really does.
Thank you, Colton Cutler.
Have a good show! Yeah.
Hey, uh, is Sophie around?
She went to the store.
Can I help you with something?
I figured out what rhymes
with pastrami
The second best deli meat, salami.
And origami.
But those lyrics would be
a bit weird without context.
Uh, yeah, I'll
I'll be sure to tell her.
- Okay. Thanks.
- Yeah.
Uh, she's been there for me
in such an amazing way
through my final rounds of chemo
and losing my dad,
and I'm trying to help Maggie
through this pregnancy,
but it just feels like
I'm stepping on booby traps.
There's a lactation joke
in there somewhere,
I just I-I can't summon it.
Haha! 10 points for me.
Okay, Gary, we do not keep score.
We don't.
I do.
Pregnancy, especially first pregnancies,
can be a huge identity shift.
I can't believe I don't know this.
Are you a parent?
You pay me way too much per hour
to talk about myself.
- You're good.
- Mm-hmm.
Okay, well, it sounds like
Maggie's spiraling a bit
and maybe taking it out
on her safe person?
And supporting her might look
less like trying to make it okay
and more like encouraging her
through the rough parts.
How do I do that?
One way could be
reminding her of who she is.
Her strength, her power.
Oh. Hm. Mm-hmm.
Okay, well, looks like
my next client is here.
What do you think Should I tell them?
Tell them what?
That I'm your favorite.
Hey, bro.
Hey. Greta. Come on in.
What are you doing here?
Oh, I-I do house calls now.
I heard somebody at this residence
would like a dolphin tattooed
on their lower back?
I think that might clash
with my monarch butterfly,
but, uh, since you came all this way,
the least I can do
is offer you a lemonade.
And while I drink it,
I will apologize for last night.
Oh, it's okay.
You know, I'm always happy to take Theo
for more than my allotted time
if you two ever want to be alone.
Thanks, but what I said,
it it wasn't cool.
Did Katherine guilt-trip you
into coming over here?
Oh, my God, she totally
guilt-tripped me.
The key in that situation
is to avoid all eye contact.
The second you look her
in the eye, she owns you.
Excellent tip.
It doesn't change the fact
that she's right.
I think I've been hiding out
over at you guys' place
because, well, I'm not
very good at being alone.
Well, who says you have to be alone?
I mean, Bex down at Strobe Lights
is a huge Red Ferns fan.
No fans.
No, I want someone to like me
for who I am now.
Not some guy I used to be.
But check this out.
Oh, I'm intrigued.
What do you think?
A dating profile.
Too soon?
Uh, I don't know.
I'm the wrong person to ask.
I mean, Julia and I
were separated for like
five minutes when Katherine
walked into my gin joint.
And that got a little sticky.
Yeah, but you guys make it
look so easy now.
That's what I want Something simple.
Without all the drama
and involuntary manslaughter.
But I just don't really know
what I'm doing here.
I mean, "Recently divorced Mov'n driver
with a substance abuse problem."
Hey. "Five star recently divorced"
Mov'n driver with a substance
abuse problem."
I just don't know if I'm really
what women are looking for.
Well, lucky for you,
your ex-wife's girlfriend
knows exactly what
women are looking for.
All right, give me this.
Did you make a grocery list?
I don't need one.
I'm on the seafood diet.
I see food and I eat it.
Glad you still remembered that joke.
- Hmm?
- Hmm?
Hey, son, I'm gonna need you
to make a right at the next corner.
I thought we were going
to the grocery store.
We are, but first I gotta
talk to my guy, Larry.
Larry? Who's Larry?
He's a Lexus dealer.
He's about to sell me my new car.
A new car?
Wh What are you talking about, Dad?
I'm tired of waiting on that old
junker to come out of the shop.
I got a credit score in the 800s,
a pension I can barely spend,
and exactly zero grandkids.
I'm buying a car.
Do you know that Joseph
once met Joni Mitchell?
Oh, yeah?
Yeah, she was at some outdoor cafe
and he played one of her songs
for her on his harmonica.
Wow, cool.
Almost too cool.
What do you mean?
Just, maybe take what he says
with a grain of salt.
You've been spending a lot
of time with him,
but we don't really
know him all that well.
So, do you want
What, you want me
to stop playing with him?
I know I said you guys
could busk that first day,
but now I need you to focus
on working on the truck.
Yeah, okay.
Yeah, of course. You're right.
Thank you.
Who would play you
in the biopic of your life?
Jake Gyllenhaal.
Wow, you had that at the ready.
"Read the Book" or "Seen the Movie"?
"Read the Book."
I've never seen you read anything
besides the back of a cereal box.
"Seen the Movie."
All right, questions are done,
now we just need a profile pic.
I actually got a couple of cute ones
of you and Theo the other night.
What about this?
I mean, it's nice. It's handsome.
But you can't see the chair.
I mean, I don't want her
showing up to our first date
seeing that I'm in a chair
and thinking I'm, like,
catfishing her or something.
Oh, wow.
I-I-I never thought of that.
Well, I have to.
Anyone who shows up and has
a problem with your chair,
they'll have canceled themselves
in the first five seconds.
I am pretty comfortable
with myself in this thing,
but waiting to see if she is, too
it sort of sounds like torture.
On the other hand, you know,
say I do put the chair in the picture
and no one even gives me a chance.
Everyone on this app
is hiding who they really are.
I mean, that's why
they make padded bras.
But you can do whatever you want here.
I mean, it's totally your call.
Do you have one with me in the chair?
Right here.
Let's go with that one.
If it's a dealbreaker,
they swipe left and move on.
You got it.
I love her, but it's
starting to feel like
maybe I'm more committed
to us than she is.
It's so bad, I'm too embarrassed
to talk to my friends about it,
but she still doesn't seem to care
What took you so long?
I had to go to the pharmacy to get them.
I thought you said
they didn't work anyway?
They don't, but it's worse without them.
Well, Roger, I think the question here
is not why your girlfriend
is bringing home
she knows that it could send you
into anaphylactic shock,
but how you'll respond when
she arrives home with the
With the
Well, how do you think I should respond?
- You're okay.
- Ugh.
Dr. Bloom?
A-Are you there?
Uh, h-hi Uh. Hi. Sorry.
Sorry Dr. Bloom had to, uh,
step out for just a A moment.
My name is is Gary.
Maybe I-I can help you. Maybe.
At this point, I'm at a total loss.
I have so much invested.
I don't know what to do.
Whoa. Uh, okay, Roger,
well, remember, I'm just a guy
I am not a therapist,
but if she is knowingly
bringing something
that can kill you into the home?
Rodge. Ya gotta bounce.
Ugh. Bounce?
You really think so?
Without question, my dude.
Oh, man. Thank you, Gary.
And you're so right.
I-I gotta break up with her,
'cause it's insane, right?
Absolutely. Certifiably cray.
Oh, no.
- All right. Uh. Good luck to Roger.
- I gotta get back.
Uh, now what do we do?
We take, like, a break?
Oh You know what?
Let's take Let's take one more call.
Who Who do we got waiting?
We have Sarah from Bayview.
Sarah from Bayview.
Hope this isn't about peanuts.
So much bare skin.
I'm like da Vinci looking
at a blank canvas.
Oh, look at this. I have a match.
Ooh, very pretty.
Oh, and judging by the
Nat King Cole poster,
she's got good taste in music,
so she's probably never heard
of the Red Ferns.
Hey, we had a few hits, okay?
She liked the photo of me
in the wheelchair.
- There you go.
- Okay.
So what do I do now?
You send her a picture
of what you're packing.
- Seriously?
- No.
No one needs to see what you're packing,
unless your name is Marie Kondo,
and in that case,
like, congratulations
on sparking a movement.
Oh, she wants to meet this afternoon.
Ooh. Well, my work here is done.
What's going on under the hood?
416 horsepower,
with a twin turbo V6 engine.
Look at the sunroof.
More like a moon-stars-and-sun-roof
with everything you can see out of it.
And because of the glass roof's
unique design,
it provides a larger opening
and more interior headroom
than a conventional roof.
Well, I'm sold.
That's great.
Let's go get started on the paperwork.
Hey, Larry. Larry?
You mind giving my dad and I a minute?
Of course.
Dad, you are not buying a car today.
Oh, really?
And why is that?
'Cause the truth is
My car's been ready since 9:00 a.m.?
You knew?
After I got off the phone with you,
I called the garage to complain
about why it was taking so long.
Yeah, of course you did.
You wanna tell me why you lied to me?
'Cause I don't want you driving.
Not until we get that MRI.
I'm telling you, there's
nothing wrong with me.
Yeah, tell that to the parking lot guy
who watched you blow not one,
not two, but all four tires.
The only reason I forgot
my car was in reverse
was because that guy
was being a complete ass.
I've been driving for 60 years
and haven't had so much
as a speeding ticket.
I'm sorry, Pop.
It is too risky. What if you hurt
yourself Or someone else?
Tell you what Give me a road test.
What? You mean, like
Let's go get my car
and we'll do a road test.
If I so much as roll a stop sign,
I'll give you my keys,
but if I don't make any mistakes,
you cease and desist.
So, do we have a deal?
We have a deal.
I don't know, Janet.
I mean, maybe this is him
taking it out on his safe person,
which is what my therapist would say
Shout out Dr. Jessica Bruno! 'Sup?
But I feel like this is something else.
So, uh, I'm gonna say ya gotta bounce.
And I'm proud to announce that,
uh, it is my turn to bounce,
because we are all back in the room
with an actual professional, Dr. Bloom!
Okay. Sorry, everyone.
I had to step away, but I am back.
We have Allison from Newton.
- Hi, Dr. Bloom. Big fan.
- Aww, thank you.
But this is actually
more of a Gary question.
Dr. Bloom?
Here he comes.
Uh hi.
It's Gare on the Air.
The zucchinis were iffy,
so we're just sticking with bell pepper.
Uh, Soph, did you empty the cash
into the safe already?
Uh, no. I didn't think I was
supposed to until after the dinner rush.
Yeah, that's right. You're not.
Oh, my God. We've been robbed.
So, I just counted
it, so I know there's $1,236.
And was the drawer locked?
No, but one of us was on
the truck the entire time.
Uh, actually, I did leave.
You did?
Morgan was dropping off flyers
for our show,
and I put them in my car.
Unfortunately, it doesn't take long,
especially if you have
someone casing your truck.
Any idea who could've taken it?
Actually, there was someone
hanging around here earlier.
Well, yeah, but that was this morning.
I mean, it could've been anybody.
Okay. Do you have security video?
Look, the truth is, without video,
we're probably not gonna catch
whoever took your money.
But if I were you
I'd find another neighborhood
to park your truck.
Will do.
I'll bring the report by later
for your insurance company.
Thank you.
So, how'd you get to Boston?
Uh, my boyfriend and I had a
very mature and boring breakup.
Mm. I wanted a change,
and my company has offices
in Boston and Lebanon.
I'm allergic to pistachios,
so here I am.
First move since college.
Wow. And where did you go to school?
The Bay Area.
So, Stanford or Berkeley?
Well, both, actually.
I-I got my undergrad and masters
at Stanford,
and then my PhD at Berkeley.
Wow. That is impressive.
Which is why I say "The Bay Area."
It actually freaks a lot of guys out.
And by guys, I obviously
mean little bitches.
Well, in their defense,
I can see how meeting
someone beautiful and smart
could be a little terrifying.
Where did you go to school?
Uh, I did a few semesters
at Sanborn College,
then my band hit it kind of big.
Oh. We went on tour,
and then for the next decade,
I studied the effects
of alcohol on brain chemistry.
- Mm.
- Got an honorary PhD in that.
And what do you do now?
I'm a driver for Mov'n.
And how does that work with your chair?
Oh, well, I have a retrofitted mini van.
It has room for four passengers.
My ex-boyfriend actually had one
of those big conversion vans,
you know, with the
chair lift on the side.
Oh, yeah?
Yeah, got surprisingly
great gas mileage.
Yeah. I need to look into that.
Two flavor cartridges?
Now, this this thing's got
all the bells and whistles.
Yeah, well, it's probably
gonna be a parting gift
once Colton Cutler's Daddy
hears about that show.
Listen, that was, uh, awesome.
Gare on the Air?
Loved it.
Huh. Thanks.
Well, that's that's gotta be
good, right?
- Gare on the Air
- No.
That is not good. That is so annoying.
I mean, you take over my show
and make a total joke out of
it, and what? Now he likes it?
That guy has never said
one complimentary thing
about my show before, ever.
Hey, I'm so sorry.
I-I didn't mean to
make a joke of your show.
- No.
- I-I just I didn't know what to do.
No, I know I know you didn't,
and I know that I am being,
as you said, "certifiably cray,"
what if I never get back to myself?
What if What if I'm sick
all the way until I give birth?
What if I can't bank enough episodes?
I-I just feel
I feel so out of control.
What if I have to step away
and I lose everything that
I've worked so hard for?
Why don't you take a look
at that poster out there?
Not only are you smoking hot
but, uh, that's
That's "In the Room with Dr. Bloom."
Guess who built that.
You did.
Please, don't forget
how much power you have.
- Yeah?
- Oh, yeah.
Or, maybe, instead of
worrying about Colton Cutler
and his dad want you to do, you just
You just go tell him
exactly what youwant to do.
That's not bad, Dr. Mendez.
- Thank you.
- Yeah.
Oh. Aww.
Um, did you have
an everything bagel today?
I did.
Okay, Mario Andretti,
we can hit the road whenever you like.
I'm not even starting this car
until you buckle your seat belt.
No. I understand.
Okay. Thank you.
So, insurance can't reimburse us
because the truck was left
unattended and unlocked.
Oh. I am so sorry.
I'm a little frustrated
because I just told you
I needed you to focus
on this job while you're here.
I know you're right. You're right.
Look, I promise,
no more busking, no more flyers.
You can even dock my pay
to make up for it.
No. That's That's not necessary.
We'll just do better
moving forward, okay?
It is creepy that someone was in here.
I know.
Which I have to say,
Joseph wouldn't do that.
I've been trying to give him
the tips from busking all week,
and he won't take more than half.
Yeah, well
people in desperate situations
do desperate things.
Okay, no, you're way off base.
Honestly, Gina, the way you and that cop
were just automatically
assuming it was him
It's upsetting.
Listen, my heart breaks for him,
but I also need to look out for you,
and the sad truth is that many
of the unhoused are on drugs
including Joseph.
I saw track marks on his arm.
No. That
Okay, and and even then,
that doesn't mean that he was
the one that stole from us.
And you know it also doesn't
make him a bad person.
If anything, we need to help him.
That is exactly why
I didn't want to tell you.
I hope he gets the help that he needs,
but the last thing I want
is for you to get more involved
- Oh, my God. They're tearing it down.
- Wait, Soph.
Uh, excuse me, why are
Why are you doing this?
I-I don't understand.
There's been a lot of complaints
about this encampment.
Some theft, drug activity.
Okay, well, I think I was
one of those complaints,
but I definitely
didn't want this to happen.
It's okay. It happens all the time.
You can't just do this.
I mean, these are people's things.
I mean, my friend isn't even
here to get what he needs.
Look, I'm just doing my job.
Uh, excuse me.
Do you know where Joseph is?
He does dialysis on Fridays,
usually gone all day.
He's at dialysis?
Oh, my God.
Oh, my God, those track marks
weren't from drugs.
They're from dialysis.
Which also means that
he couldn't have been here
when the money went missing.
Yeah, I can't watch this.
Do you think you're giving
this guy enough room?
He's like a mile in front of you.
His brake lights are out.
He may get rear-ended by somebody today,
but it's not gonna be me.
Oh. It's Omar. Could be important.
Your brother can wait.
Hey, you want to take
a right turn up here, Pop?
Nice try.
It's a one-way street.
Not gonna get me that easily.
I mean, obviously, they're brave,
but when you see these guys
competing in the Paralympics,
it really blows your mind.
Yeah, I should check that out.
Want another coffee?
I'm sorry. What is this?
What is what?
I mean, I think it's kinda weird
that your ex was in a wheelchair
and now you're matching with me.
You have a PhD. I drive for Mov'n.
Is this some kind
of fetish or something?
No. Whoa.
No. That's not what this is at all.
I met my last boyfriend because
he was on a basketball team
with my brother,
who was in a chair
since he was 4 years old.
So, I saw your photo
and I thought you were cute,
and, you know, the chair just
isn't that big a deal to me.
But it seems like maybe
it is a big deal to you.
Can I get you guys anything else?
I think we're good.
My God. I am so sorry.
Listen, you seem like a really nice guy,
but I'm just looking for someone
who's a little more confident
in what they have to offer.
Hit me up if you ever end up
figuring that out.
Hi, Maggie.
- You wanted to see me?
- Yeah.
Um, I wanted to talk
about my maternity leave.
I know that I asked
what you were expecting,
but today, I realized what Iwant,
and that is to take some time
off after my baby is born.
Okay. Uh, how much?
Uh, 10 weeks.
Well, actually
corporate policy says you get 12,
so I think you should take all 12.
Uh, wow.
Colton, that's
I Between the thoughtful gift
and this, that's really
Sorry, your support means a lot.
Well, a baby is an exciting thing.
Yeah, it is.
Okay. Well, yeah, great.
All right. Then it's settled.
- Thank you.
- Okay.
Uh, so, 12 weeks
What are you gonna put in my slot?
Oh, no, no. We're gonna get
a replacement therapist
to take over your show.
You know, I wasn't so sure about it,
but then hearing Gary today,
it just got me excited.
I-I think the audience is gonna love
having a new voice in the mix.
Wait, a-a replacement?
Oh, guest host.
No, you know, just temporarily,
while while you're out.
Although, you know,
a lot of women decide
they want to stay at home
rather than come back to work,
which is, of course,
a perfectly viable choice.
- But I'm coming back.
- Oh, yeah. No.
Of course Of course you are.
I'm just saying, whatever you
want is is fine with us.
Uh, enjoy that soda machine.
So, did I pass?
Then if you'll excuse me,
I'm going inside to watch golf.
But, Dad, this isn't your house.
This This is the apartment
you and mom lived in
when I was first born.
Of course. I
We were just talking about
bringing you home
from the hospital, and I think
I got confused.
Easy mistake.
I mean, especially with all
the adrenaline, right?
And me trying to trick you earlier.
I'm I'm sorry about that.
It's okay, Pop.
You just just give yourself a second.
Maybe I've just been making excuses.
Telling myself it's not about forgetting
where you left your car keys
it's it's about forgetting
what the car keys are for.
I got you, Pop.
No matter what.
I'm gonna take care of you.
You know that, right?
So, then, I basically accused her
of being a "chair chaser."
I'm just lucky she didn't
throw her drink at me.
I mean, it's not the strangest
fetish I've ever heard of.
Are you familiar with Smurf Parties?
Too familiar, sadly.
Theo's asleep.
I'm gonna be in the shower,
and I want you to join me there.
- Who are you talking to?
- Uh, hang on a second.
It's Eddie.
My Eddie?
I'm invested.
And why is he your Eddie?
Look, hot water's
not gonna last forever.
I will be there in a moment.
Okay, then what happened?
She said she thought that
I needed to be more confident
in what I have to offer.
Ugh. I officially hate anyone
who went to college in "The Bay Area."
No, she's right.
The truth is,
I don't think I'm gonna find
what I'm looking for on a dating app.
Okay, where are you gonna find it?
Your father did an incredible job today
of being exactly what I needed,
when I needed it.
I'm gonna need you to say that again.
I just want to
Just want to get it on record.
And, uh, I may send it to Dr. Jessica,
but that's that's really
more for her than for me.
He even came up
with his own catch phrase.
Ooh. True story. "Ya gotta bounce."
I think someone else
liked your catch phrase.
- Try it again.
- Okay.
Ya gotta bounce.
Hey, buddy.
It's your dad here.
Well, your
qualifications are exceptional,
and we'll want to give you
an on-air audition,
but I can already tell
you've got a great voice for radio.
Well, I really appreciate
the opportunity.
It's only for 12 weeks,
but you never know.
You never do.
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