Alien Nation s01e23 Episode Script

Green Eyes

NARRATOR: That was the scene in California 's Mojave Desert, five years ago.
Our historic first view of the Newcomers' ship.
Theirs was a slave ship, carrying a quarter-million beings bred to adapt and labor in any environment.
But they've washed ashore on Earth with no way to get back to where they came from.
And in the last five years, the Newcomers have become the latest addition to the population of Los Angeles.
[Phone ringing.]
Hello, this is Judge Kaiser.
l'm unable to come to the phone right now.
Please leave a message when you hear the tone and l'll call you back as soon as possible.
Jules, this is Marsha.
We missed you at the Mayor's reception this evening.
l called your house and there was no answer.
l'm at least glad to know you're not working late again.
You drive yourself so hard, it's absolutely terrible for your health.
Don't forget, Doug and l are taking you to the Bolshoi on Saturday.
Don't worry about calling.
-l got it, l got Space Lab.
-Let me see.
Look at it! They're gonna test the communications laser in three minutes.
Come on, a toast.
A real space station, incredible.
Seems like they just put a man on the moon.
You must be proud, too, a Newcomer astronaut.
Must be having a trip up there.
l'm just like every kid in America.
We all want to be astronauts.
''To boldly go where no man has gone before.
'' You're cold.
You should've brought a jacket.
l don't feel like a human woman, do l? No, not really, but that's okay.
So, you liked it? Did you? l think so.
l feel.
-They're gonna test that laser.
l think about her in a sexual way three, four times a day.
Cathy's not a barnyard animal.
lt's legal, Sikes.
-But she's not human.
-And you are? Are we supposed to drink this or eat it? Come on.
No, l mean it.
You work with them every day, you forget.
But you try and get close, real close, you realize they're different.
They're not like us.
You sound just like my dad when l was dating Harris Weinstein.
Forget it, forget l said anything.
Listen, Sikes, you're worried about being normal, okay.
This is a simple thing, date a human.
Get your mind off the alien.
You know, this reminds me exactly of my cousin Raphael.
He was so worried about being gay.
l gave him the same advice, l said, ''Get yourself a nice girl.
'' Yeah, and? He's living with a guy named Steve.
Hey, he's happy.
l hope they didn't notice, l had flies.
-What? -ln my stomach.
l was nervous.
About what? l just had my oral exam for Detective Two.
l don't think l did very well.
No sweat.
l took that test.
Lorraine Clark, please.
-Matt, you flunked that test.
-Like l said, no sweat.
Lorraine, hi.
lt's Matt.
Listen, l was wondering if tomorrow night would you like to go out to a movie, a dinner? Great.
Someplace greasy and carcinogenic.
l'm always up for ribs.
l'll pick you up at 7:00.
Matt? Did you make a date with Lorraine? What about Cathy? -Does this concern you? -l thought you cared for Cathy.
Yeah, but we don't have any kind of agreement or anything.
Besides, don't you think it's normal for me to want to go out with a human once in a while? -l don't know.
lt's just that-- -l got a date.
And a case.
Judge Kaiser's clerk found him this morning.
l'd estimate the time of death between 10:00, 12:00 last night.
-What killed him? -l'm not sure.
The discoloration could indicate asphyxiation or coronary infarctions.
Could it've been from an illness, some kind of natural cause? No.
There is nothing natural that would do this to a Newcomer.
We're considering it a possible homicide.
l'll have a much better idea after l run some toxicological tests.
Did you get anything? Clerk told me that Judge Kaiser received some threatening letters.
He said that he'd ruled in favor of Newcomers in a number of civil rights cases.
Get back to the clerk, we'll need those letters.
And get a subpoena working on his files.
We should talk to everybody he ruled against the last couple of years.
You're both detectives, how come he gives the orders? l don't think he was ordering me.
Hey, George.
What are these? Kaif balls.
Tencto-nip? We rub them between our hands and smell the fragrance.
lt has an endorphin-like effect on Newcomers.
-Oh, yeah.
-Yes, it's soothing, it's like your catnip.
Not my catnip, cats use catnip.
You don't know what you're missing.
l like these designer colors.
Whatever, bag it.
l was at the faculty meeting.
Fisher presented the new reading lists.
Due to parental pressure the department will now no longer be teaching Salinger, Flaubert, Camus.
Camus? You mean we're not gonna be reading L 'etranger? -Not in school.
-l love that book.
You know what's required reading in history right now? My Turn by Nancy Reagan.
Out of school, your time's your own.
l would be very happy to get together informally and read and discuss any book you want.
When can we get together? -Let's just keep the book short, okay? Okay.
How about day after tomorrow? Sounds good, l'll be there.
Buck, l wanted to tell you, your essay on Whitman as the zeitgeist for post-Civil War America, that was very well thought out.
-Very sophisticated.
l know mine's late, but my hard disk crashed.
So l'm gonna have to get it to you tomorrow.
-But it's about the Alamo.
-l shall look forward to reading that, Noah.
Can we start with Flaubert? -l hear Madame Bovary is great.
-That's my favorite book, yes, we can.
-Hey, Zepeda.
What's happening? -Hey, Sikes.
Grazer assigned me and Petrosian to assist on this Kaiser case.
l called in some potential suspects to give statements.
ls George around? He's gonna be late, he had to see the Commissioner.
Commissioner? ls he in trouble? The best kind.
He made Detective Two.
-He passed the test? -Yeah.
He's your boss.
Zep, how did George pass the test? l didn't pass the test.
Maybe he knew more than you.
That's Dr.
Paul Matus.
He's a slumlord in Little Tencton.
Judge Kaiser sentenced him to live in his own building for six months.
l've been a detective for five years.
Walked the beat for ten.
l came here like you wanted.
l need to wash my hands.
Michael Bukowski, Judge Kaiser threw the book at him when he took a shot at a Newcomer delivery man.
He just got out of jail.
l need to wash my hands, he won't let me wash my hands.
Soon as you give your statement.
l didn't know who he was.
How do l know he wasn't a thief? Yeah.
George has only been a detective for a year.
Hell, he's only been on this planet for six.
That's Darlene Bryant, a member of the Human Defense League, a Purist group.
They mounted an unsuccessful campaign to get Judge Kaiser off the bench.
Officer, l have been waiting here for over 45 minutes.
l'd like to leave my written statement and go.
We'll get to you as soon as possible, Miss Bryant.
Listen, l realize that this is your job but doesn't it bother you, that with all the crime in this city you have to waste your time with the death of this parasite? What bothers me, Miss Bryant, is having to listen to crap like that.
Excuse me.
Hey, George, congratulations on Detective Two.
Thank you, Matt.
l guess l had no reason to be nervous.
George, l just heard.
lsn't it wonderful? He's only been on the Earth for six years, and already he's Detective Two.
Could be Captain someday.
He could be mayor.
-Detective Two.
l'm gonna go tell everybody.
Matt, l want you to know that although technically l am now your superior l still consider us equals.
Well, thanks, George.
Among these threatening letters Judge Kaiser received these were anonymous.
Run them upstairs to S.
, would you? Me? ls there a problem? l'll ask someone else.
-George, congratulations.
-Thank you.
Sikes, there is one suspect that wouldn't come in.
l think Petrosian and l should go question him.
-Why? -He lives on a boat.
You know, salt water.
As your George Patton once said: ''l couldn't ask anyone under me to do something l wouldn't do.
'' Thank you, Beatrice.
George, salt water.
You fall in, it's sayonara, Detective Two.
-l'd better do it.
-l don't intend to fall in.
l tell you, George, l love the smell of sea air.
How can you possibly find this stench pleasant? l can hardly breathe.
Excuse me, Mr.
Parris? Police.
How far do l have to go to get away from you creatures? Mind if we come aboard? Permission granted.
Watch your step.
Parris, Judge Jules Kaiser died yesterday.
l won't pretend that l'm sorry.
You worked for Onyx Pesticides as a chemist.
You later brought suit against that company and Judge Kaiser ruled against you.
Listen to this, jazz.
Jazz is a synthesis of Western and African musical forms.
lt's a beautiful example of the process of human creativity.
Makes you proud, doesn't it? Jazz has its roots in human slavery, does that make you proud as well? Guys, may we skip music appreciation? l sued Onyx for stealing my patent.
The judge saw it differently.
We understand you stood up in court and called the judge a, quote: ''Blood-sucking Slag'' and threatened to exterminate him.
lnsecticides are my business.
l was angry.
l used professional jargon.
l'm resigned to the loss.
l lead a quiet life here on the sea enjoying the fruits of human genius.
May l? What's the point? lt doesn't come from a cow.
'82 Mouton.
You're drinking it young.
lt's still tannic, should be drinkable by the turn of the century.
Wine doesn't intoxicate us, but we can appreciate it.
Hello, Dr.
-This came while you were at work.
-Thank you, Martha.
''From an admirer.
'' Let's have a look, shall we? -What are those? -Kaif balls.
Eclairs, napoleons.
l love this cannoli.
How do you think it'll fit on top of the nachos and the gummy bears? l think it'll be a perfect finish to a lovely meal.
Here, l got something to clear the palate.
My hair's a little messy.
Do you have a mirror? -Yeah.
The bathroom's in there.
And don't cheat, l know how many are in there.
[Knocking on door.]
-Hi, Matt.
l know it's late, but l just heard on the news they're having another laser test on Space Lab.
lt'll be visible in five minutes.
No, l'm kind of busy right now.
l'm sorry, l should've called but l was already on my way up to the roof when l thought of you.
Cathy, l thought l heard your voice.
How are you? l'm fine, and you? Great.
Matt and l just saw Back to the Future V.
Wasn't very good.
We've got these really sinful desserts.
You want to join us? They contain cooked animal fat.
l'd probably go into reverse peristalsis.
-You'd vomit? -Yeah, they're kind of rich.
l'd better get up to the roof.
Good night.
Cathy, thanks for asking me.
Next time, huh? l will get these so shiny you'll be able to see yourself.
-That's very kind of you, Albert.
-Albert, how about a doughnut run? l'm sorry, Sergeant Sikes.
l have to polish these for George.
-What's going on here? -Albert wanted to polish my shoes.
He said a man in my position should have shiny shoes.
Excuse me, Albert works for this precinct.
He's not your butler.
And is he your doughnut fetcher? What the hell is this? ''Detective Two Francisco''? -What, you got to advertise? -Susan gave me that.
She said, ''lf you got it, flaunt it.
'' You mean, shove it in their face.
Matt, tell me, do you resent my having passed the test? Heavens, no.
l just think maybe there ought to be different criteria for you guys.
That's all.
Just because you guys got a hard disk up here doesn't mean you know everything.
Here's the work-up on Judge Kaiser.
We are looking at a homicide.
He was poisoned biologically with a bacterium.
lt resulted in constricted airways and asphyxiation.
-What causes that? -Something new, genetically engineered.
lt seems to affect Newcomers like botulism does humans.
lt produces a toxin, which is fatal within 36 hours after introduction.
Are you saying someone has created a bacterium to kill Newcomers? l'm afraid so.
-What about George? He was there.
-You don't need to worry.
The bacterium doesn't seem to be contagious and after six to eight hours, it doesn't live outside of a host.
-How did Judge Kaiser ingest it? -Through the lungs.
He aspirated a large concentration of the bacterium.
Bad news.
We've got another Newcomer corpse.
Symptoms look just like Judge Kaiser's.
George, l don't think you ought to be in here.
You heard Lois, the bacterium is not contagious.
Besides, l'm protected.
We don't know what we're dealing with here.
Matt, as Detective Two, it's incumbent upon me to spearhead this investigation.
Here's the maid.
We'd like to ask you a few questions.
l'm Detective Francisco, l'm in charge of this investigation.
Poor Dr.
Bogg, he was such a lovely man and so brilliant.
When was the last time you saw him alive? Yesterday.
l was off this morning, and when l got here he was already dead.
Hey, George.
Same as Kaiser.
Those came for him in a package yesterday.
''From an admirer.
'' Bag these, carefully.
They may be the murder weapon.
For all Emma's silliness, her bourgeois values she's ultimately a sympathetic character.
-A victim of her own society.
Like everyone else, she was never truly satisfied with what she had.
Her sense of worth comes only from material possessions or social status, not from anything internal.
But you really understood her.
Flaubert's writing is so good.
l read it over in French and the imagery is even stronger.
Noah, what were your thoughts? l haven't read that much, but so far it's kind of boring.
-Nothing's happening.
-That's what's great.
l mean, the detail of Emma's awful everyday life contrasting with her dreams.
Well, you read so fast, of course it doesn't bore you.
''l read it over in French.
'' Come on, l think it's wonderful Buck wanted to read it in the original.
What am l doing this for? Who needs it? -Noah.
-No, l get enough in school.
-l can't get her to stop crying.
-Let me take a look at her.
Her droonal flanges are coming in, it's painful.
George, you've got the magic touch with her, would you? Come on, little spotty head.
My goodness, what is this awful sound coming from you? [Singing a lullaby in alien language.]
Emily, would you get that? Thank you.
-Hi, Emily.
George, we need you down at the station.
We got a letter claiming responsibility for both Judge Kaiser and Dr.
Bogg's murders.
Emily, would you please take little Vessna upstairs? -Why can't l hear? -lt's gonna be on the news, anyway.
The letter is from an organization calling itself the National Purist Front.
Nobody's ever heard of it.
But this so-called NPF says it's gonna continue to execute prominent Newcomers.
l'll try not to be too long.
George, you're just as prominent as any Newcomer.
Chief Amburgey's ordered protection for all Newcomer civil servants above D-6 and their families.
So, Officer Dial will be posted outside.
Don't worry, we will catch them.
You're here early.
Didn't you know that Detective Two's get to sleep in.
-l'm waiting for an analysis from S.
-On what? You heard of that letter from the National Purist Front.
Thank you.
Yeah, Zepeda told me this morning.
l'm having S.
run some tests comparing it to the threatening letters Judge Kaiser received.
That's inspirational, George.
Why didn't you let me know? -l am letting you know.
-l mean, before now, partner.
There's nothing to get worked out about.
l didn't want to wake you.
-Detective Francisco.
-''Detective Francisco.
'' l see.
Thank you, Lois.
That was the medical examiner.
How come she calls you? She confirmed our suspicion.
The kaif balls were dosed.
By sniffing them, the victims aspirated the bacteria.
Someone remembered me.
From S.
Tonight? Yeah, l'd like that.
Okay, bye.
Just like my cousin Raphael.
Matt, this letter from this National Purist Front was printed on the same computer paper by the same printer as one received by Judge Kaiser.
The first letter was signed.
We have a suspect, a Mr.
Michael Bukowski.
He was in here.
What a wacko.
Bukowski works maintenance in Gretsky Park.
Let's pick him up.
-What are you doing? -Hey, come back! -Get out of the car.
-No, get in the car.
-Get out.
l'll drive.
-Matt, get in the car.
l don't believe you, George.
George, will you cut him off? George, what are you doing? Wait.
You did this just to lord it over me, now you've lost him.
We'll see.
You probably killed him.
-Did not.
He's breathing.
Lost him, have l? You're under arrest.
You know your rights? Don't worry.
Detective Two will explain them to you.
l didn't kill them.
l didn't kill anybody.
You wrote this letter threatening Judge Kaiser.
l know.
l know l did.
Then you wrote a letter claiming responsibility for the deaths of both Judge Kaiser and Dr.
He's trying to look me in eye.
Would you tell him not to look me in the eye? Hey.
What about the second letter? l had to do something.
But it wasn't real.
l was just trying to scare people.
You mean Newcomers.
l saw on the news about those guys dying.
lt gave me the idea.
This organization of yours, The National Purist Front -who else is in it? -Nobody.
There is no Purist Front.
l made it up.
lf you're innocent, why did you run from us? You know why.
l was afraid of him.
See, l know what they're trying to do.
And they know that l know.
And just what is that? They're trying to take over.
They're trying to control us.
Trying to make us their slaves.
You see, they got these eyes and they're like radar beams.
And they can get into your brain and they can make you do what they want.
Don't ever look them in the eye.
Put him some place with soft walls.
He's clearly a paranoid schizophrenic.
l don't know.
l thought he made a few good points.
That stuff about you guys wanting to take over.
-This isn't funny, Matthew.
-Who's laughing? By the way, where did you learn to drive? The kamikaze school? No, Sears.
l didn't quite finish the course.
-Never mind.
-You know what's really bothering you? What's really bothering you is that l'm no longer the nice little Slag you can order around.
-That's a load of crap.
-You think l'm uppity.
-Uppity? -Yes.
''l got nothing against them as long as they stays in their place.
'' lt's not the promotion.
That doesn't bug me.
lt's this attitude of yours.
Ever since you made Detective Two, you've been rubbing my face in it.
-l have not.
-You have too.
And l'm not gonna stand here and listen to it.
-You can't walk away.
l'm not finished yet.
-Watch me.
All right.
Go ahead.
Maybe you didn't know, Detective Twos make $100 a week more.
[Soft classical music playing.]
l thought we'd be having raw veggies.
That smells great.
Thank you.
lt's one of Wolfgang Puck's recipes.
l made a few changes.
That's a new look.
Thank you.
You like it? Yeah.
l thought you couldn't have cooked food.
A little won't hurt.
lsn't the cheese animal fat? One way to overcome allergies is to expose yourself to small amounts of the allergen.
That way, you build up an immunity.
Don't forget, we are very adaptable.
Bon appetit! lt's good, interesting.
You said you made some changes in the recipe.
l added some marshmallows, l know how much you like them.
And some mint? Oh, you can tell? Do you like it? Lasagna is a very popular human dish, isn't it? Yes, very.
Bottoms up.
l'm fine.
l kind of had a late lunch.
Phil brought over some pastrami sandwiches.
l had a lot of sauerkraut onion rings.
Cathy, are you okay? Let me get you to the bathroom.
-l'm so embarrassed.
-Don't be.
-l'm sorry, Matt.
-lt's okay.
Cathy? lt was reported to me, by the parents of one of our students that you were seen after school, being intimate with Buck Francisco.
lntimate? What does that mean? Specifically, l understand that you and Buck were what is known as French kissing.
Who told you that? You know l can't divulge that person's name.
l know where this comes from.
Noah Ramsey is jealous of Buck and l would think he told his parents.
-Jealous? -Buck is a better student.
l have not been intimate with him.
l spend time with him because he enjoys learning.
l've heard about your extracurricular reading program.
l've had complaints about that, too.
Fisher, these kids deserve more than what's on the approved reading list.
As always, you know more than anyone.
Miss Houston, this is part of a larger problem.
The radical politics, the activism, always pushing, always testing.
This time you've gone too far.
You're not gonna take this accusation seriously? l think you'd be happier at another school.
l think you should put in for a transfer.
You can forget about that, Mr.
Then l'll be forced to refer this matter of you and Buck Francisco to the school board.
Are you going to blackmail me with this? Any kind of molestation or sexual impropriety charge and the board tends to err on the side of caution.
You might find you won't be teaching anywhere.
He's all yours.
Bukowski's going in for psychiatric evaluation.
Other than that letter, there's nothing to implicate him in the murders.
Bukowski is a loner with no ties to any Purist organization.
He's a high-school dropout with no medical or scientific background.
-l read your report.
-l don't believe he's the killer.
Amazing deduction, Detective Two.
What are you doing? Trying to find some connection between the murders unless you got an idea that's worth $100 a week more.
Matt, l realize you're not very well exposed to me right now but we can't let that affect our case.
Despite your feelings of envy, we still have to work together.
What? Just a hunch.
That's Dr.
Bogg's employment records.
Why? Envy.
Here it is.
Two years ago, Dr.
Bogg worked as a chemist for Onyx Pesticides.
The company our wine connoisseur, Rick Parris, took to court.
He said that they stole his patent.
Five will get you 10, it was Dr.
Bogg Parris blamed for ripping off that patent.
So Parris killed Dr.
Bogg and Judge Kaiser who ruled in Bogg's favor.
Yeah, it was all a personal vendetta.
-Well, it's possible.
-Thanks, boss.
Go get your shoes polished.
-l'm getting a warrant and bringing him in.
-l'm going with you.
George, this could get rough, we'll be on the water.
Do us both a favor, stay here.
-You're just doing this to piss me off.
-l have a responsibility to the case.
l could've handled this alone, and you know it.
You'll just get in my way.
Oh, wonderful.
There goes Parris' boat.
What are we going to do? You're the senior officer, don't you know? -We'll call the Coast Guard.
-Wrong answer.
l need to commandeer your boat.
-We need to commandeer this boat.
-You're not going out there, George.
-l most certainly am.
George, this is the ocean.
Sulfuric acid.
l'm aware of the danger.
Look, l don't need to worry about covering my ass and yours.
l am the superior officer.
l make the decisions.
Damn it! l'm so sick of this.
l'm sick of you! -Maybe you should put in for new partner.
-Maybe that's a good idea.
-After l make the arrest.
-Out of there! -Get your hands off me.
-Stay out of that boat.
You're not going in that boat.
l'm giving you an order.
Look out for the water, George.
Stay away.
lt's salt water.
l know what l'm doing.
l'm in charge.
You'll never make Detective Two.
You dumb Slag.
You're gonna kill yourself.
We ought to know any minute.
Coming in now.
We'll need a couple of back-up units here.
Thank you for your help.
-What did you find? -Most of one body, Parris'.
lt was a hell of a bang.
Until l perform an autopsy, we'll consider that the cause of death.
Any indications? Was it murder, accidental death, suicide? lt's hard to say until S.
determines the cause of the explosion.
lt could have been suicide, but sleeping pills or bullets are a lot easier.
As soon as l have something, l'll let you know.
Thank you.
Well, until the tests come back, there's really not much for us to do.
-Yeah? l was just thinking of the things that we said to each other back there -when we were so angry.
l was wondering.
Yeah? Well, if you didn't want to apologize.
Funny, George, l was thinking the same thing about you.
l don't think l have anything to apologize for.
Me neither.
l guess you'll be putting in for a new partner then.
l guess l will.
l thought l had the wrong day.
-l'm sorry l'm late, Buck.
-That's okay.
l just read this really great book: Catcher in the Rye.
You know it? Yeah.
l loved it when l was your age, too.
l'm gonna read all of Salinger.
We could talk about him in our next session.
Buck, there isn't going to be a next session.
Somebody reported to Mr.
Fisher that you and l are having an affair.
What? l have to transfer schools.
Why? lt's not true.
Fisher will take it to the school board, if l don't transfer.
Let him.
We'll fight it.
Not this time.
l can't.
l don't understand.
Buck, l want you to know it's been a real pleasure having you as a student.
Why are you talking to me like this? ''What a pleasure it's been''? You act as if we hardly know one another.
-l got to go.
Why? Because it could happen.
Because l want it to happen.
Did l give you the tickets? -No, l don't think so.
-Oh, let me check.
-Here they are.
l'll take them.
Thank you.
-Cathy, hi.
-Hello, Matt.
How's it going? Matt, this is Joshua Tree.
Joshua, Matt Sikes.
-Yeah, hi.
Would you get the car? Yeah.
l owe you an explanation.
You and me, Matt it just isn't possible.
What are you talking about? Why? Because l can't be human.
-l never asked you to be human.
-l know.
Not with words, no.
But l always knew that was what you wanted.
Cathy, we are different.
But you can't expect it to be easy.
l care so much for you, Matt.
But when we're together, l sense you looking at me and l feel incomplete like l should have hair and ears and l should eat the food that you do and make love the way you do.
l come away feeling like there's something wrong with me.
But there isn't.
This is what l am.
A Tenctonese an alien.
You're right.
We are different.
And l don't think you can love those differences.
-Cathy, l-- -Don't, Matt, please.
This isn't fair to me.
We are what we are.
Nothing would change.
lt's all right.
[Phone ringing.]
Hi, Lorraine.
What's that? Yeah, l love jerk chicken.
l don't know about tonight, though.
Yeah, well, okay.
That sounds great.
Come on over.
There you are.
-Did you get one? -Yeah.
That's a triple letter score on the click and double word, 35 points.
Right, Dad? ls it my turn? What's the matter? You've been doppelganger all night.
Doppel what? lt's an expression.
lt means you haven't been yourself.
l'm sorry.
lt's this business with Matthew.
[Doorbell ringing.]
l'll get it.
This is for a Mrs.
Mom, look.
Who would send me flowers? -Thanks.
-You're welcome.
Smell them.
They're lovely.
Are these from you, George? No.
-Who are they from? -Let's see.
''You're far lovelier than these flowers.
'' Signed, ''an admirer.
'' No! l'm so full, l'm gonna throw up.
l'm just kidding.
Tell me something.
Would you rather that l didn't show up tonight? Why? l don't know.
lt's sort of like you're not really here.
l'm sorry.
lt's been a hell of a day.
No, l'm glad you came over.
-Oh, God, l'm sorry.
-lt's okay.
lt's all right.
l should know never to make romantic moves like that.
lt's all right.
l'll change shirts.
-l'm such a klutz.
l'll change shirts.
lt's all right.
Really, it's nothing.
[Knocking on door.]
lt's Cathy.
What is it? Matt, l just got a call from my medical center.
The Francisco family has been taken to intensive care.
lt's that bacteria.
They've been exposed.
l'll get a shirt.
Let me get the door, Miss Bryant.
We have it.
l saw the news.
Why did you blow up his boat? Parris wanted $1,000,000.
He wouldn't negotiate.
We have all the equipment we need.
lt'll take about two weeks to produce enough bacteria to spray L.
lt'll take about two weeks to produce enough bacteria to spray L.
Thirty-six hours after that, they'll all be dead.
You've done a good job, Mark.
For the first time in six years, l feel like there's hope.
Soon, we'll look back on the Newcomers as if they were all just a bad dream.
Good night.

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