Andromeda s04e20 Episode Script

Time Out of Mind

Transport passengers Welcome to the Eureka Maru, where the party never ends.
Of course, that's because it never begins either, but that's another story.
the pre-defined area.
Thank you.
Look, happy hour doesn't start until one of you actually smiles, okay? Attention, arriving passengers, please stay clear of ladders, storage areas, and portals.
Please stay within the pre-defined area.
Thank you.
Ah, my two rays of sunshine have revealed themselves at last.
After 25 years of tracking you through a galaxy, it was here all along.
The voice of darkness never left.
I can understand how upset you must be after all that wasted time.
Where is it? Uh, uh, uh, uh, uh i see you people still wear those abysmal necklaces.
You know, the fun of accessorizing is variety.
We'll rip this ship apart, and we'll find it.
We don't need you anymore.
Hey, what are you two doing? Hey, hey, hey! Leave it or die.
Maybe you should have said "please.
" Beka north star.
The great thing about theMaru is we've got cargo loads oof! Hey! Shut the air lock! What kind of wayists were they? The suicidal kind.
They sure found the way now.
Watch them.
I'm fine.
Um don't talk.
Don't talk.
How's he doing? He's in bad shape.
I told him to try not talking, but i think he's delirious.
Maybe he's trying to tell us who those guys were.
Well, they weren't wayists, that's for sure.
Beka how do you know my name? Your present don't let them find your past.
Who are you? He's not a wayist either.
He's a collector.
The universe is a dangerous place, but in our future, my crew and i fight to make it safe.
I am Dylan Hunt, captain of theAndromeda ascendant, and these are our adventures.
What the hell were they? Pretending to be wayists, jumping straight out of our air lock into deep space i mean, my jokes weren't that bad.
What kind of freaks do that? Non-organic freaks.
Analysis indicates particles were composed of 38.
5% hyper-synthetics, and 5% muelanium.
A radical isotope.
Surprise, surprise.
The abyss.
Before their sudden departure, they transmitted high-frequency sound waves.
He didn't have much.
Disguised as a wayist, his possessions were few.
He'd been living among them for 25 years.
Yet he knew Beka's name.
Well, now we know his theocrattus.
Theocrattus? I do know him.
Henri theocrattus wezlow.
Ponk i got your nose.
When i knew him, he just went by "wezlow.
" He and his wife, nema, used to work on theMaru when i was a little kid.
I can't believe i wouldn't recognize him.
I can't believe he was a collector.
He was always such a great guy.
That never changed.
He he had a tattoo.
He was a true collector.
The kind that seek knowledge for its own sake, not power.
I didn't think there were any left.
That's because they went into hiding.
But wezlow came out of hiding to find Beka.
Rommie, enhance and replay wezlow's last words.
Enhancing and replaying.
Beka Beka your present don't let them find your past.
And in the future, leave better messages.
It means nothing to me.
Maybe this will help.
I found the flexi sewn into his robes.
A map.
A treasure map.
Maybe your future just got brighter, Beka.
Maybe my future just got brighter.
Dedalus five, Rommie.
Dedalus five was destroyed by an asteroid 300 years ago.
I told you not to get your hopes up.
Well, this looks like it's our only hope.
The abyss is after what wezlow wanted to tell you.
A man came out of my past and died right in front of me.
I can't let this pass.
All right, then.
Let's go.
It's still here, and it's intact.
Yes, and surface scans indicate hospitable atmospheric conditions.
The interior of the planet is composed of highly compressed matter Dylan, the moons on the holo-flexi have moved from their original position.
I'll realign them.
The underground coordinates of the planet.
I'm detecting a catacomb environment composed of 5,000 hallways within 500 main galleries.
The walls are made up of silica and copper.
Computers! A library.
Of course.
I think that qualifies as buried treasure.
Yeah, for impractical nerds.
Some actually value wealth of knowledge over material wealth, Harper.
And some already have all the knowledge we need.
We value silence over stupid opinions.
So why are you still talking? Are you two finished? The map indicates a specific gallery, and that is where we start.
Look, it's not that i can't see the value of knowledge.
It's just that for once, i'd like to see the value of treasure in my own two hands.
For the last time, Harper, we're not looking for treasure.
All right, so if this is a library, where are all the flexis? Dylan.
Uh, we've got company.
Hey, it's just like thebev-o-tron.
I press a button, and out comes a cool drink of love.
She's a person, Harper, not asparky-cola.
You're captain Dylan Hunt.
We weren't sure of the reception we'd get if we announced ourselves.
I'm collector Amira.
I can't imagine how you found our special collection, or what brings you here.
Just doing a little research.
In our archive, there is nothing but stored recordings of historical events, popular culture, and literature collected over centuries by our field operatives.
What makes the archives unique is that you experience them instead of simply reading them.
Sounds like the montrosian archives the knowledge of three universes.
Hey, wait a minute.
These are the montrosian archives, aren't they? That's why records say dedalus five was obliterated.
Yes, in order to protect the library, we led people to believe it was destroyed.
Well, if knowledge is power, this much knowledge is a super nova.
In the wrong hands.
Excuse me.
Go ahead.
Dylan, i'm unable to upload the archives without risking irreparable damage to my systems.
The collection has over You came to take them? No, just to make a copy, but looks like we'll have to search the old-fashioned way by hand.
The library contains Thank you.
That's only 53,333 between us plus one.
It might help if you tell me what you're looking for.
Something from my past.
This belongs to a collector.
Field operatives don't let these out of their sight.
It's the only way to find their way back to us.
How did you get this? It was in wezlow's belongings.
He's dead.
Wezlow? He was just here a week ago updating an archive.
I'm sorry.
I think you should leave.
I can't help you.
You aren't in any danger from us.
In fact, we may be your only hope of avoiding the same fate as wezlow's.
What in three galaxies is that? It wasn't there a moment ago.
She doesn't know whether to trust us or send us packing.
Well, we need her help, so whatever gets that trust, we do.
Go ahead.
Dylan, i'm detecting a mass at the far end of the library.
Plasma-based, 800 cubic meters, and it's moving.
And so are you.
Rhade? We're on it.
Andromeda, analyze.
Hunt out.
Please tell me we haven't walked into a trap.
You tell me.
You're the one that knew wezlow.
Not in a million years.
We're not the only ones that want what he had.
So these are trl-keys.
They enable access to the archives.
I'm not going to break them.
There we go.
Let's see.
Sintl: Language and development, cy 5204.
Squorms: A brief history.
Here we go.
Prides and prejudice, a novel in three acts.
A story too big to be contained in a flexi.
You've got to live it to believe it.
Come aboard theprogenitor's pride for a passionate nietzschean tale of love and betrayal that will thrill you right down to your bone blades.
The plot of the nietzschean drama queen.
Uh, no, thank you.
Been there, done that.
This one, however, is calledAndromeda unleashed.
I'll bet i look great.
You know, i've never even heard of a library like this.
That's 'cause they don't carry dirk sprocket, drift detective.
Actually, we do.
We have an extensive fiction collection.
Really? So does Harper, only it's called his love life.
Ha ha.
Focus, Harper.
We're not going to find what we're looking for in a pulp novel.
I'm going to keep this one.
I checked your map's coordinates.
These are the trl-keys that correspond to the archives they reference.
When you enter and close the door, the trl-key locates the archive, and your synapses are connected to it.
Like slipstreaming without a ship.
Sounds dangerous.
It is.
If the physical connection is broken before the archive has completed its cycle, the visitor's synapses will be shredded, their mind permanently crippled.
There's also a danger to the body.
Any physical trauma experienced in an archive can trick the mind into replicating the damage in the body.
Hey, okay, we didn't just fall off the virtual turnip truck, okay? What mr.
Harper is so eloquently trying to say is that we are familiar with virtual systems.
Amira you can trust us.
That we won't harm these records.
I do trust you, captain Hunt.
This trl-key is the one wezlow updated when he was last here.
It covers a six-month period on a vessel called theEureka Maru.
Follow me.
Located Hunt.
There's nothing here, Trance, at least not visible to the naked eye.
The sensors are picking up movement.
It should be right in front of you.
Yeah, there it is.
Whatever it is, it's reading the library's data.
Trance, target the mass now.
And it's moving again, faster this time.
Again, Trance, full power.
Never mind, Trance! It's continuing towards us.
Are you all right? It read my programs.
Its mass is increasing as it progresses, and when it held Rommie, its mass tripled.
A data net it's reading, absorbing, and erasing everything in its wake.
Rommie activated safe mode to prevent further damage, but, Dylan, without Andromeda's systems, we can't even slow it down.
Yeah, well, it won't stop until it has what it's looking for.
Enough knowledge of three galaxies to destroy them instantly.
It has a weakness, Trance.
Find it.
Ha! Finally.
The knowledge of three universes, and yet the wise and powerful Harper has done it again.
I think i've got them all.
reference Beka and wezlow.
That narrows your search enough to begin.
You must select a character from the history whose point of view you will take.
You can also take the point of view of an observer.
So we only experience what others say and do? No, you experience your own character as well, first hand.
The archive will lead you.
All you have to do is follow it.
Don't resist.
If you pause the program, you'll revert to yourself and will be able to speak freely until you resume.
Say "eject" to be disconnected from the program.
Piece of cake.
We'll start with you.
Piece of cake, huh? Since you experienced the original event, i will assign you the same character.
You'll be reliving your past, Beka.
Don't let it throw you.
Don't worry.
I've seen it all before.
Pause program.
Resume program.
What are you doing out of bed? You're going to get in trouble.
I had to get a drink.
Well, the drinks are that way.
What are you really up to? I'm looking for my birthday presents.
That's a good idea.
What did you ask for? Pause program.
That's weird.
Resume program.
Well, who wouldn't want one of those, eh, rocket? Henri theocrattus wezlow, are you bringing me that flexi or not? Theocrattus? Yeah.
I'll be right there.
Okay, well, you go ahead and look, but just don't go that way, okay, because your dad's pretty busy in there.
Oh, and, um there's something else.
Oh yeah.
Ponk i've got your nose.
But i can still smell you.
Wezlow, take over here.
All right.
I finally got a hold of Beka's mom.
It's about time you got back to me.
Beka's birthday is tomorrow, and the doll's not here.
Talia, she is your daughter.
Beka is everything to me.
She's my life.
Pause program.
Dad? Resume program.
Sweet little Beka.
All right, make me anyone but Beka.
Nobody with a beard is kissing these lips good night.
Harper, this isn't an amusement park, and we don't have all day.
I'd like to check out your archives.
You don't have any, do you? Go.
First date, maybe? So? He'll be sorry.
Go ahead.
Trance, give me some good news.
We were able to partition enough power to keep the density systems operational.
Well, that's kind of good news.
We've ascertained that the data net is receiving an ultrasonic signal from somewhere on the planet.
Although i can't assure accuracy, i estimate the data net will reach you in 36 minutes.
So it's being controlled from someone or something down here.
And it appears they're sending it your way.
That's not good news at all.
Beka? It doesn't look like it went well.
No, it was fine.
One thing, though at one point, i couldn't hear myself speak.
That's unusual.
We take great care to preserve the quality of these recordings.
Amira, i don't want you to be alarmed, but we believe our enemies are already here.
The new collectors? No, it's worse.
A data net has begun to consume this library.
A data net.
It may have affected the archive you were in.
Damaged archives can't function properly.
We have to stop and shut down.
I don't think we should stop.
Um, it's probably got its own power source anyway.
Where are you going? Uh, back in.
Be careful? Eject at any sign of trouble.
Trouble, eject.
My turn.
It's it's going to be okay.
I have to come with you to assess the damage that's happening.
It's your library.
I'll key you in as wezlow and take his wife, nema's, point of view.
Lead the way.
Husband and wife, huh? I found the library with the wezlow archives.
Hurry with the redirection of the data net.
Which part of "don't make me Beka" don't you understand? What the the data net is still receiving ultrasonic signals, but the source remains unknown.
Amplify those signals.
It's moving closer to Dylan.
Open a comm link.
Outgoing communication has failed.
We have to warn them.
Ready a drop pod.
I'm going down.
I'm going with you.
Pause program.
Don't fight the program.
Yeah, but Beka said they were married.
And? Ah, got it.
Resume program.
I heard you were helping shasia with her little flexi problem again.
Did you do anything you were supposed to while i was gone? Of course i did.
I helped load captain valentine's stolen than nesting burrows, and i beat Beka atbattlestar three times.
And? What? Oh, i repaired one of the archive recorders.
Get ready for your close-up, darling.
One of these days, you're going to have to take something seriously.
Yeah? Not today.
Pause program.
I was a nano-shrimp.
Resume program.
If i get my doll, i swear, i swear, i swear that this time, i'll keep my quarters clean.
Pause program.
Oh, what the hell? Anywhere's better than here.
You must relax.
Your shoulders are like iron bars.
The commonwealth will wait until you complete your breathing exercises, ja? Breathing is for the other guys, mate.
I've got the fate of three galaxies in my hands.
ow! You're right, mr.
We need action, and plenty of it.
Speaking of action i was hoping you could join me later this evening for some nice korret bird steaks.
After you've quashed the trl-galaxy rebellion, of course.
Let's say at about six? Well, actually, it's more like 12, but i'll be there in five.
Pause program.
Eureka, that's what i say.
Aah! I don't look like that.
Ow! Resume program.
Identify yourself.
Collector field operative lisset.
Just making a drop-off.
Where's your insignia? Captain! Stop! Captain, perhaps this isn't the right time or place, but if i may make a suggestion, what this ship really needs is a damn good cobbler.
Captain, a pride of killer nietzscheans is advancing on us, and i am very sure that we will die in three hours, seven minutes, and one second.
Oh, no! The mega-balega tufis equalizer needs equalizing.
Pause program.
Who writes this crap? What am i, a goof? Pause program.
End program.
I said eject.
Why won't it end? The data net is getting closer.
Do you think she was an agent of the abyss? I know she was.
Her strength was enormous, and now she's gone into the archives.
Dylan doesn't know that she's there.
She could get to the information before Dylan or worse.
Locked out.
Rommie says we have 20 minutes.
Fine, i like being under pressure.
Well, then, you'll like this.
The trl-key is missing from this archive, but it's in progress.
Harper either she took it or it's one of those.
Holy, what's this? I ran into a little trouble retrieving the package.
Well, it looks like more than a little trouble.
What do you care? Hey, hey, hey, hey.
What? I care because i love you.
Huh? I just wish i was better at telling you.
Okay? Pause program.
Isn't this touching? I don't think she's part of the archive.
Apparently the abyss would also like to direct.
Tell me where the voice of darkness is, and i'll stop the data net from destroying the archives.
Tell me what the voice of darkness is, and we'll stop the abyss from killing you.
You fools! Well, i felt that.
This is good.
Resume program.
Resume program! Your medallion's like your boss it's on its way out.
They've come for the bell.
After i take the voice of darkness, i want to hear you scream.
Nema, no.
Nema! Pause program.
Targott, the abyss shall know that one day, this bell will bring about its downfall.
I will see to it myself, but for now, it leaves with me and remains hidden until the time is right to destroy it a time you will never see.
So this is what you've been using to control the data net.
Stop it now.
You can't stop what the abyss has started.
That only guides its direction.
Then i guess this is useless to me.
You okay? I am now.
We've just left her in a continual loop.
Yeah? What a shame.
We think she did the same thing to Harper, but we don't know which key he was using, so we can't get him out.
And we're running out of time.
Soon we won't be able to enter the archives at all.
Keep trying keys.
Beka? We figured out what wezlow wanted you to find.
It was some kind of bell.
If that's supposed to ring a bell, it doesn't.
He must have left a clue.
I mean, anything out of the ordinary? Well, this whole thing is out of the ordinary.
Wait that faulty archive, it was all about my birthday presents.
A present from your past.
Just what wezlow said before he died.
We'll have to go back in.
We'll fast-forward to that point.
And go as observers.
Stay safe.
Pause program.
See? There i'm telling wezlow what i want for my birthday, but you can't hear it.
Well, come on, Beka.
You can remember what you said.
Yeah, a clarinthian angel doll.
It's what i wanted more than anything.
A clarinthian angel doll.
Uh-oh, the program's disintegrating.
No, this is different.
It's a passcode, and wezlow knew only you could say it.
Hey, wezlow, look what i got for my birthday.
It's cute.
Have a seat there, sweetie pie.
Now, listen to me, rocket.
I don't want you to get sad, but i've got to go away, okay? Now, i need you to promise me something.
I need you to promise me that you're going to take care of her no matter what.
When the boys come, when you're flying theMaru all by yourself, it's very important that you take care of her.
L i promise.
What's that sound she's making? That is her angel's voice.
See, she has greatness inside her.
So do you.
Wezlow, wait.
What's up, sweetie? What's up? I've got your nose.
But i can still smell you.
Trance! The doll.
Where is it? Uh, on theMaru, in my foot locker.
We need it.
Pause program? I thought "eject" was supposed to be the magic word.
The program is breaking down.
So how do we get out? That's a good question.
Something that worked in a similar situation.
Oh, no.
That was different.
That wasn't really me.
You're not throwing me against a wall.
No, no, no, no, of course not.
We're going to jump through it together.
It worked.
I've never been so happy to see the inside of a library.
What happened? We've got the key to the archive Harper's stuck in.
It may be too late, and it's too dangerous for anyone to go in after him with the state the archive is in.
But it's Harper.
I'm going in.
Come here.
Get her back to theMaru.
Beka, you know what we need.
Thank god i keep my promises.
Pause program.
Harper, it's time to go.
Yes, sir, yes, sir.
I'm fizzing the popun yetsits on the holy bobber as fast as i can.
It'll just take a jiffy to clean up the fitzny gutzen poppers Harper, i really need to check you out of this program.
No more weissbrau? No.
Oh, thank you.
Thank you.
Harper, stay with me.
Let me tell you, the data port works much better.
Thank god i'm myself again.
Yeah, but not for long.
We'd better hurry.
I see what you mean.
We've got to stop that thing.
That's the plan.
I've got it.
You know, i used to wonder why people would hang on to things like this.
Okay, i know i've been in a loop, which means i've been out of the loop, but is this a time to be playing with dolls? I mean, really, boss, you look silly.
The abyss wants this bell.
Its agents are afraid of it.
Maybe sound is the language of the abyss.
It's a bell.
Ring it.
Nothing's happening.
There's a reason why wezlow wanted you to have this back.
He said, "greatness within me.
" Well, i believe he meant for you to have this honor.
Saved by the bell.
I just wanted to thank you, Dylan.
I've decided that instead of watching history, i'm going to make it, so to speak.
My next assignment will be as a field operative.
There may be fewer of us true collectors left, and we hope for the return of the commonwealth.
Perhaps one day, we will meet again.
Um, i wish you luck in restoring the archives.
I regret so many of them were destroyed.
At least the abyss didn't get the data.
And besides, what kind of library doesn't keep a backup somewhere? Hey.
Well, i'm no Trance, but i think that'll do the trick.
I haven't looked at this doll in ages.
And yet you kept it safe all these years.
Well, i didn't realize it until today, but it's a big part of me.
I am who i am because of having people like wezlow and my dad in my life, people who believed in me people like you.
Our paths came together for a reason.
Now, because of you, we have a weapon to use against the abyss The voice of an angel.

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