Babylon 5 s01e21 Episode Script

The Quality of Mercy

And so you understand our concern, Mollari.
As well as preventing other races from gaining the upper hand we must continue to forge good relations with possible allies.
I understand.
But it's not an easy process.
Very few here are as trusting as I am.
- Ambassador - But I will see what I can do.
- Thank you.
I'm sure the emperor will be pleased by any progress you make in this area.
I'll be in touch.
"I'll be in touch.
" Touch this.
- Morning, ambassador.
- Lennier.
When did you say Ambassador Delenn was due back from your Homeworld? A few more days.
I'll tell her you inquired.
It occurs to me, we haven't spent much time together, you and I.
I hardly know anything about you.
I was raised in the temple and studied the ways of the religious caste.
Six months ago I came here.
There is nothing else.
Most unfortunate.
Well, good day.
Excuse me, ambassador, why do you say unfortunate? The assistant to an ambassador should know everything about the other species on Babylon 5.
- I've been reading since my arrival - Reading? - Yes.
- Reading can't substitute experience.
Tell you what, it is an imposition on my schedule but I'll take you under my wing and fill gaps in your education.
Starting tomorrow and for the next two days, I will show you the Babylon 5 that I know.
It will be a revelation of the highest order.
I don't know, ambassador.
My good, dear friend trust me.
Will the defendant, Karl Edward Mueller please rise.
You are charged with the calculated and unprovoked murder of two of this station's residents, as well as the brutal slaying of a security officer.
We reviewed your charges and evidence supplied by the Office of Station Security.
In light of that evidence, you are guilty of first-degree murder.
Sentence will be handed down at And may God have mercy upon your soul.
It was the dawn of the Third Age of mankind 10 years after the Earth-Minbari War.
The Babylon Project was a dream given form.
Its goal: to prevent another war by creating a place where humans and aliens could work out their differences.
It's a port of call, home away from home for diplomats, hustlers, entrepreneurs and wanderers.
Humans and aliens, wrapped in 2,500,000 tons of spinning metal, all alone in the night.
It can be a dangerous place.
But it's our last, best hope for peace.
This is the story of the last of the Babylon stations.
The year is 2258.
The name of the place is Babylon 5.
- I'd like to see the doctor.
- The line forms at the rear.
I'm sure it does.
Oh, I'm sorry.
Please, go right in.
I'll buzz the doctor.
There you go.
Take two every 12 hours for the pain.
If it comes back, you come back and see me.
Start by removing your clothes.
Not without dinner and flowers.
Commander, what are you doing here? I was about to ask you the same thing.
Just doing my job.
Your job is chief of staff for the Medlab.
My job is healing people.
Not everyone can afford Medlab.
Especially in Downbelow.
They have my sympathies, but this is an unauthorized clinic.
- A free clinic.
- Same thing.
Taxpayers want us self-supporting and won't approve of diverting resources.
I know.
I don't like hearing about this in the grapevine.
I'm in charge of station operations.
This is a station, and this is certainly for operations.
- Fine.
A dozen people need to see me.
What will you do about that? Nothing.
And there's only six.
I counted.
I don't mind if you bend the rules.
I mean, I bend a few myself.
But I like to be informed.
If I'm gonna share the blame I'd like to share the fun at least.
- Okay.
Start by taking off your jacket.
Wash your hands I'm not a doctor.
But we can find something for you to do.
If you're gonna join the fun, you should go all the way.
Half a dozen? Where's all the rest? I say we space the creep.
A couple hours of hard vacuum will do him good.
Garibaldi, you seem to be taking this very personally.
Damn straight.
He killed two Lurkers and scragged one of my men.
But more than that, he What? This wasn't the first time for this guy.
The way he killed them, cool, methodical.
He's done this before.
I bet he's done this a lot.
But you have no evidence to that effect.
There's nothing I can do.
Spacing's only invoked under conditions of mutiny or treason.
For the crime of murder, there are only three penalties legally open to us.
The first option is sending him to a prison on Earth.
They don't want him, and won't pay to send him elsewhere.
And there isn't room in the brig for him.
Which leaves us only option three.
And that brings us back to you, Ms.
I don't want to do this again.
I was in a killer's mind on the Mars colony.
There's gotta be another way.
If you could get another telepath in here I've tried.
The corps promised to send someone.
But there's a shortage of telepaths trained in criminal cases.
- Seems like there'd be a high demand.
- There's demand, just not motivation.
It's very stressful.
When you're inside his head, see if he's killed before.
Scanning like that violates the right of due process.
Anything the telepath sees while inside a defendant's mind is inadmissible.
- He's been found guilty.
Of this crime, yes.
Not with anything else.
I won't condone a fishing expedition.
Take the guilty verdict and be glad.
Winters I'm prepared to pass sentence and I need help monitoring the process.
Can I count on you? Excuse me.
I'm a little bit turned around here.
I'm looking for Brown 27-G.
Laura Rosen.
She's supposed to be here somewhere.
Over there.
What do you want with her? I've heard about a quack, practicing with no license.
A cross between a faith healer and a sideshow medicine man.
I'm sure it's all a misunderstanding.
Good luck.
A little more.
How's the pain now? Better.
This should begin to decrease the growth.
- How will I know if it worked? - My treatments never fail.
That should do it.
Thank you.
- How much do I? - Whatever you'd like to pay is fine.
Just leave your contribution in the box by the door on your way out.
Thank you.
Hello, doctor.
I wondered how long it would take you to visit me.
One healer to another.
It took me a while to notice the drop in patients.
- This is - Alien.
This writing, what does it say? The specifics? I don't know.
I've only deciphered the most general of meanings.
In other words, you don't know what it is or if it works.
Oh, it works, all right.
It restores, renews, invigorates.
It's good for ailments of the flesh, blood and bone.
Everything from a cold to Stafford's disease.
For a modest contribution.
I leave that detail up to my patients.
Well, you have quite an operation here.
Rosen, does the term "con job" ring a bell? My mother is not a fake or a quack.
- You didn't say she was your mother.
You didn't ask.
She isn't hurting anyone.
- She discourages proper treatment.
- Don't like the competition? I have a problem with frauds.
- And this - I'm going to have to ask you to leave.
She's very tired after her sessions.
As a doctor, I'm sure you can understand.
All right.
But as a doctor, I'll be back.
You can count on it.
Karl Edward Mueller, this court has reviewed its findings and is now prepared to render judgment.
Do you have anything to say? Stroke off.
Under Earth Alliance Court authority, I cannot sentence you to death.
A life taken will not balance the loss of another life.
It's the decision that you be sentenced to the death of personality.
You will be conveyed to a Medlab facility where you will be brainwiped.
The personality of Karl Edward Mueller will be totally erased.
You will then be programmed with new memories.
For the rest of your natural life you will serve the community harmed by your actions.
The scan will be this afternoon and sentence will be at midnight tonight.
Erase me? I'll see you in hell first! All of you! You're already dead, and you don't even know it! All of you! You're dead! - Real piece of work.
- When does he get wiped? Midnight tonight.
I'll check the equipment to make sure it's painless.
If there's pain, I won't mind.
- I'll pretend I didn't hear that.
- He iced one of my best men.
- The guy had a family, it's not right.
- This is? - It's the law.
- That's not what I asked.
I assume you will arrange for someone to throw the switch.
I've got volunteers backed up 12 deep.
More is the pity.
One more thing, a favor, in exchange for this.
I need information on Laura Rosen.
She's running a questionable operation.
- Illegal? - I'm trying to find out.
I'll have it for you in an hour.
You are going to enjoy this very much.
You will see.
Lennier, this way.
Ambassador, I'm not sure this is a good idea.
Nonsense, I'm happy to inconvenience myself for your benefit.
Mertana, light of my life two of the usual, please.
- Ambassador, this place - Amazing, yes? Here, my friend, you will see the heart and soul of Babylon 5 also its spleen, its kidneys a veritable parade of internal organs.
The thing you must remember here is Ambassador? It seems I've left my credit chit in my quarters.
I don't suppose you brought yours.
Yes, I did, but my allowance is very small.
- Don't apologize.
We'll make do.
It's just that I don't think Delenn would Thank you.
Give yourself a nice tip.
He's a very generous man.
Here's to our new friendship, Lennier.
- There's no alcohol in here, is there? - Alcohol? No, of course not.
Here, drink up.
Because my people do not react well at all to alcohol.
Even a small quantity causes psychotic impulses and violent, homicidal rages.
My mistake.
Just water for him.
Thank you.
Can I talk to you for a few minutes? I've got a quota to make, or it's taken out of my salary.
That enough? According to the station registry, your mother was a real doctor.
That's right.
- Well, then why? - You wouldn't understand.
Try me.
All her life, the only thing that mattered was being a doctor.
A healer.
She worked day and night.
But she couldn't keep up with it so she started taking stims to stay up nights, working.
Pretty soon she was taking them all the time.
She was addicted.
She wouldn't admit it, and wouldn't listen to anyone until one day she made a mistake.
Someone died.
I'm sorry.
When they took her license, they took her reason for living.
Then she decided that if she could find a new healing technology she could come back, vindicated and they'd give her back her life.
- That was three years ago.
Now - Now she thinks she's found it.
What do you think? I think I think that for the first time in years I see her smiling.
- I see hope in her eyes.
- Her machine doesn't work.
How do you know? Have you tested it? Examined it? No.
If it was real, why are you here? Why aren't you on Earth showing her discovery? - We don't have the money.
- You do.
I checked the logs.
Your account has enough for two tickets back to Earth.
She doesn't know.
You don't want her to.
- You don't want anyone to know.
- My mother is not well.
At most she has a few years left.
I never want to see her as she was before, defeated, lost and hopeless.
She's a healer, and that's all that matters.
Please don't take that from her.
If you do I'll fight you.
And I'll win.
In my eleventy-fifth year in the temple, I studied the 97 dialects and sub-tongues of our Homeworld.
I discovered something amazing.
- Yes? - Yes.
The same word appears in every Minbari dialect and sub-tongue yet it never means the same thing twice.
For instance, it can mean sand, father, boot.
Really? That's astonishing.
Kill me.
After my eleventy-seventh year, I focused my area of inquiry towards math.
And I began to specialize in probability.
Probability? As in determining the odds of something happening? Yes, exactly.
I achieved the rank of master adept.
My dear, good friend Lennier come with me.
They're about to begin another dance.
You said interpreting movements of certain parts would help me understand cultures.
- Later.
Right now I want to introduce you to the ultimate means of interstellar understanding.
The Earthers call it poker.
Mueller, I'm here to perform the scan prior to brainwipe.
I can produce the order if you want to see it.
So you're going to walk around in my head? I'd think twice if I were you.
Something might jump out and bite you.
- Any intimidation will go on record.
- So? It's not like I'm going to remember any of this, right? Take away everything that makes me me so they can put me to work for the rest of my life If you continue this, I'll restrain you.
Is that what you want? Good.
If you'll please sit.
This will only take a minute.
Don't do it! Look, we can work this out.
Another voice for the choir.
Another voice plus the two Lurkers you killed.
And more.
And more.
And more.
And more.
Oh, no.
Oh, God, no.
How many? - How many? - How many worlds are there? How many banquets? How many flowers waiting to be harvested? How many new voices waiting to be recruited into my choir? I add voices until the choir is big enough to sing me into heaven when I die.
It's necessary.
Don't you see? The overture is just beginning, Ms.
Just beginning.
Stay for the symphony.
We'll save a place for you.
I finished the follow-ups on those patients.
Her daughter thinks she's doing the right thing but if we show her people are getting worse because of the lack of proper treatment This can't be right.
These are the same patients Rosen is seeing? Absolutely.
Why? I'll be right back.
Sorry, fellas, but this is I can just feel it, this hand here.
The odds of this combination are 5000-to-1, against.
- Lennier.
- Yes, Londo.
- Stop that.
- Does that mean I've won again? It means you have won a tenth of what you could have won if you had Never mind.
Pick up your chips.
Pay no attention to him.
He's from out of town.
I believe it's my deal.
How is the pain? Less.
It doesn't hurt to move my fingers.
- It feels a little tingling.
- That's natural.
That will pass.
If it isn't completely gone, come back in a week.
- We'll see what we can do.
- I will.
- Thank you.
- All right, dear.
- Laura.
- Yes? It looks as though I was wrong.
This device is more than what it seems.
It does heal.
That's what I said, isn't it? Would you please go away? I am so tired.
I imagine so.
I just monitored your life signs.
They dropped 15% while you were hooked up to this.
It transfers energy from one being to another.
- You give up life for someone else.
- I bought it from a trader 2 years ago.
He had no idea what it was.
Neither did I.
Took me months to figure out how it works.
It was designed as a means of corporal punishment.
Criminals who were sentenced to death on different worlds had their life energy removed, and that energy was used to heal others dying of terminal illness.
It doesn't have to be at full power.
It can be used a little, to do good.
Except for you.
- It's killing you by inches.
- You don't understand.
I'm dying anyway.
It's Lake's Syndrome.
Lake's Syndrome? - My God.
The pain must be - Yes.
I have two, maybe three years left, at the most.
That's time enough.
If I can figure out how this works then I can adjust it so it doesn't hurt the person administering it.
Why did you say you didn't know what it did? - You let me think you were a crank.
- Telling you the truth would mean telling Janice how it affects me.
She wouldn't understand.
She'd stop me.
She loves me very much, it seems.
God knows why.
Let me take a look at it.
I know people that might help.
Oh, no.
Doctor, this has been my life for the last two years.
If there's a discovery to be made, I'll make it on my own.
This is my last chance to do good.
Please, let me finish what I've started.
Thank you.
I'll make a deal with you.
If anything happens to me before I finish the machine can go to you.
You can carry on.
You'll find my notes complete.
On one condition: Janice is to know nothing of this.
Agreed? All right.
If you come to Medlab once a week.
I wanna monitor your condition.
I have the right to intervene if you push yourself too far.
- Done.
- Once a week.
Starting Monday.
Until then, doctor.
Harassing my mother again? No, just checking in.
She's a good woman, Janice.
You should be proud.
I always have been.
It's nice to hear somebody else say it.
Well, goodbye.
Listen if you ever want to take a break I'd love to buy you dinner sometime.
Whatever my mother said must have really been something.
It was.
There you are.
I was looking for you.
- Finished with Mueller? - Yes.
I got a good look.
Enough for a comparison scan after he's blanked.
- You can proceed when you want.
- Thanks.
Are you okay? No, not really.
In the past five years, I've scanned minds that were so different that at times I was afraid I wouldn't find my way back out.
At least those minds held more humanity than what I saw a few hours ago.
The things that live inside us, Mr.
Garibaldi terrible things.
You said, earlier, that you would bet good money he had killed before.
You would not have lost.
Oh, Great Maker.
All right, I'm in.
Bet's to my left.
I'm in for two.
I'll raise you three.
I'll raise another three.
- Oh, is it to me? - Yes.
I'll raise a red.
I have those.
Yes, you do.
It's time.
Let's go.
- Going down, chief? - No, heading up.
Maintenance! Head back to security.
This is a priority override.
Kill number seven, now! All right, I'm in for the two.
Who are we waiting for this time? It's two to you.
You raised three.
And I'll raise three.
Is it cold in here or is it just me? Actually, the temperature appears to be quite moderate.
What the hell? You?! You cheating? There's been a terrible mistake.
- Let's talk about it another time.
- Cheating! - We should leave now.
- Good idea.
- I'll just take my winnings.
- I think not.
We'll go.
This is not good.
What happened to the prisoner? A PPG flashed him before he jumped me.
It went through his arm.
The flash would cauterize the wound, but still cause damage.
He'll need medical attention.
- Lf he comes here, we'll take him.
- Lf he does.
- He got off at a Downbelow sector? - Yeah.
- Yes? - Lf a man shows up with a PPG wound notify me immediately.
- Understood.
He'd be the only patient all day.
Word's out about that quack and her machine.
She's not a Tell Garibaldi I'm going to Brown 27-G.
If he doesn't hear from me, send a team.
Will do.
Laura? Ms.
Rosen, it's Dr.
Laura? Laura? Come in, doctor.
You're just in time.
We're almost finished here.
- You all right, Laura? - I'm fine.
I'm just exhausted.
Her treatment is astonishing.
Only 20 minutes and I've already regained some use of my arm.
Once it's over, it never hurts to have a second opinion, or a second hostage.
You promised you'd let her go if I helped you.
It seems such a waste, does it not? - Then I refuse to continue.
- You will finish, or she dies now! Yes.
Yes, that's better.
Stay or my next shot will not miss.
He's right.
He won't miss.
We have no other choice.
What are you doing?! Stop it, or I'll! You'll do nothing.
That pain you're feeling, that agony that's Lake's Syndrome.
A pain almost too much to imagine.
Your vision is blurred.
Your intestines are on fire.
Your veins are burning with pain.
You threatened me, you murderer.
You threatened my daughter.
You'll never hurt anyone again.
Do you hear me? You'll never hurt anyone again! He's dead.
We have reviewed all evidence from the Office of Station Security.
It is the judgment of the court that Laura Rosen acted in self-defense to protect her life and the lives of others.
No charges will be pressed, and she's free to leave provided that the alien device used in this action is turned over to personnel to be researched more fully and to ensure that it is not misused in the future.
Court is adjourned.
Good luck.
If it helps any, you did the right thing.
Thank you.
Are you all right? I've taken a life in direct violation of my oath as a doctor.
I'm free of pain.
I'm free from Lake's Syndrome.
They say I may live another But I do so at the expense of a man's life.
No, doctor, I'm not all right.
- I may never be all right again.
- You did the right thing.
I did the necessary thing.
That is not always the same as the right thing.
Now if you will excuse me I think I'd like to be alone for a while.
- There you are.
I bring glad tidings.
- Good.
I need some.
Remember that disturbance at the Dark Star where you broke up a riot? You arrested 30 humans and aliens, two unidentified.
- I'm looking into it.
I've been busy.
- We identified them.
Really? Who are they? What?! I'm waiting for an explanation.
I am prepared to give you one as soon as the room stops spinning.
This station never stops spinning.
Well, I begin to see my problem.
Lennier? The incident was completely my responsibility, commander.
I asked Mollari to help me learn about parts of the station I had never seen.
I wasn't familiar with the rules of conduct in these places.
Through error, I created offense and through offense, created the incident.
Ambassador, do you have anything to add? No not at this time.
Diplomatic privilege means you cannot be charged for the events but you must pay for damage to the club.
Yes, I agree.
Thank you, commander.
Thank you, commander.
Why? In Minbari culture, we are taught it is an honor to help another save face.
- But Delenn - Will know better but will not inquire, out of respect.
Good day, ambassador.
Thank you.
If you ever need anything from me There is one thing.
When we were at the gaming table somehow a part of you reached out for the cards.
Yes? What was that? Yes, it's true.
Here, Li goddess of passion.
A synthesis of male and female Centauri.
Did you think these were just decorations? I'm going to take a vow of silence concerning this entire conversation.
- Good day.
- Good day.
They are a strange people but they are okay.
There you are, doctor.
I trust you'll put it to better use than I did.
The first thing is to study it and find out how it works.
It might be able to preserve someone's life when nothing else works.
Volunteers who donate life energy the way people donated blood before synthetics were perfected.
- He's a dreamer.
- What's wrong with that? - Nothing at all.
But try to make sure he doesn't wake up before I get back.
- Get back? - Yes.
Through no desire of my own I have been granted a second lease on life.
Somewhere out there is what I need to redeem myself.
- You don't need to - Yes, I do.
I'm going to find it.
I'm all packed.
My cruiser leaves in half an hour.
I would ask you to look after my daughter but my instincts tell me that won't be a problem.
- Goodbye, doctor.
- Goodbye, Laura.
I hope you find what you're looking for.
Thank you.
- Is that dinner invitation still open? - Yeah.
Yeah, it's still open.
Seven? Zocalo?
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