Bad Girls (1999) s05e09 Episode Script

Series 5, Episode 9

This baby's yours.
lt couldn't be anyone else's.
Looks like cocaine to me.
Soon find out.
You bastard.
You planted that shit.
Trying to set me up.
l want a divorce.
You want Area Management told that Governor Grayling dumped his pregnant wife to shack up with a rent boy? Out and proud, that's me.
Why don't you help me get Fenner busted? lf you wanna get anywhere with me.
You have a 3 by 5cm tumour in the right breast.
He saying it's cancer, miss? Yes.
(Julie) There's no point saying they're just a piece of flesh.
They're what l fed my baby with.
What l flashed about all cocky when l was a girl.
The shit of it is, l spent my best years flogging them to bastard punters.
You can get a fake one put in, still look normal.
Ain't gonna feel like me, is it? Some bit of bloody plastic.
You gotta wanna hang on to your life the most, Ju.
(Neil) Don't worry about her.
Chuck your stuff in the car and get over here.
(Laughs) Yeah, l know, l know.
Look, l'll see you then.
l don't know what you expect me to do.
l've got tenants, l can't just evict them.
You can't just stay here.
Tony's moving in, like it or not.
l'm taking the day off to help him.
We don't need to get a divorce.
l mean, we've never been exactly conventional.
Jesus, Di, it's over.
Look, we'll keep it to ourselves until you get yourself sorted, OK? Everyone knows we're having a baby.
You were responsible for it, you can't make me feel guilty, whatever you do with it.
But if you breathe a word of this to Tony, you'll be on the streets and looking for another job.
- You can't do that.
- l'll find a way.
l'm brighter than you, remember? Better not be late for work.
Strike one on your record.
Know what l mean? (Doors clanging, locks clunking) Thought you were changing jobs.
lf l lose this job, how am l gonna see you? Bottled out, then? You're driving me nuts, Yvonne.
What can l do? Fenner's got a mint on me.
lf you go to Betts in confidence she won't dob you in.
She'll do what she has to, by the book.
l'm trying to stay clean here.
lf l lose you and this job, all l've got is the smack.
You sit back and watch Fenner dish the dirt on me when you ballsed up.
l don't want to see you anyway.
How long does it take you to unlock a door, Hedges? She's back on basic, remember? Not allowed any extras.
You're a gent, Fenner.
And you're on borrowed time, love.
- Don't you think you should call David? - l don't want him worried.
Not yet.
He's your son, Ju, he'll wanna support ya.
l'll tell him when l know what's what.
Till then, l got you to support me.
Yeah, course.
What's going on? l know something's wrong.
Nothing, love, just feeling a bit shitty, that's all.
l'm Julie, aren't l? l thought us three shared everything.
Can't you take a hint and back off? Ju, don't take it out on her.
She's gonna be all you've got left when l'm gone.
Just stop it, will ya? We're gonna get through this.
(Women cheering) Thank you! Nae autographs, please.
Miss Barker.
How come she's back and Denny ain't? - She's been acting up, l'm afraid.
- ls she OK? She's fine, if you count throwing food and yelling at officers fine.
She'll be down the block a couple of days yet.
Shitting system.
(Knock on door) (Vacuum cleaner off) (Knock on door) - Welcome home.
- You sure about this? Not too late to change your mind.
Very sure.
No outdoor shoes indoors, then? Sorry.
At least you care.
Di's as house-proud as a farm animal.
Has she done something to piss you off? - Don't start me.
- You do give her a hard time.
Seems to me she really cares about you and what you want.
Di's a bloody nutter.
The sooner she moves out the better.
Then it's divorce and hallelujah we're free of the mad cow.
For your cocktail bar.
Fantastic, l'll get shaking.
What do you fancy? You - right here, then in the hall, then on the stairs That's one way of taking me to bed.
You're scheduled in theatre tomorrow evening.
Bleedin' 'ell.
l wanted to give you some warning.
On Miss Betts' head be it if you turn this to criminal advantage.
Lucky l know your patient better than you do.
Nil by mouth for the whole day, so make the most of tonight's rations.
Miss, l don't want none of the girls knowing.
We'll respect your confidentiality.
- Or the screws.
- The screws.
l'm afraid they'll have to know the basic facts because some of them will be escorting you.
l'll go with you tomorrow, as will Julie J, if you want.
- Oh, yes, please, miss.
- See, Ju? l'll be with ya.
Right up until you're ready for your operation.
( Dance music) Move your body to the beat Move your body to the beat (Music pounding) Make yourself at home, why don't you? Sorry, l was unpacking.
Neil's nipped to the shops.
Playing the hausfrau already? Di, l don't know what the score is yet but me and Neil love each other.
lt's not my fault the baby didn't work out but the way you two get on maybe it's no bad thing.
But it did.
l'm eight weeks gone, or didn't he tell ya? No, l suppose not.
l got it wrong.
Neil doesn't want me or the baby.
Does he know how it happened? l told him we had it off when he was pissed.
l don't know if he believes it's his but one thing's for sure - if he finds out how we really got that sperm it won't be just me looking for somewhere else to live.
You said it was what he wanted.
All Neil wants is to catch up on all the gay fun and frolics - he thinks he's been missing.
- lt's not like that.
We'll see.
All l know is he used me.
Let's just hope you have better luck.
l've got to phone some friends, see if they're prepared to put up with a pregnant mug.
(Door opens) Don't let me interrupt the nuptials.
l've got to get back to work.
- (Door slams) - What did she want? - Erm, an address book.
- What's she been saying? Nothing.
lt's just You do want me here, don't you? l ain't just a fling? Far as l'm concerned, this is the beginning of my real life and you are a big part of it.
So no more lying, eh? Thanks.
Miss Betts.
l need a word.
lt's important.
Come in.
Well? There's something l need to tell you but l need you to guarantee you won't use my name.
l can't do that until l know what you're on about.
l'm putting myself on the line here, my job's at stake.
ln that case, l insist you tell me everything.
lt's Jim Fenner.
He planted that gear on Yvonne Atkins.
That's an extremely serious allegation, Colin.
l saw him do it.
Why should l believe that Jim Fenner would do such a thing? lt's like some personal vendetta.
He reckons he can stitch her up and get her sent back through the system.
l know it sounds nuts but l swear.
He's on a mission.
He's trying to ruin her just like he did Shell Dockley.
lf l recall, it was you who filed that report about Dockley.
He worked me like a bloody puppet.
Are you prepared to tell this to Mr Grayling? No.
l mean that's why l want you to keep shtoom about me.
lf it's my word against Fenner's, he'll go for me and he'll win.
And why would that be? You should be charged for sexual assault! l know l've been a shit but Fenner will stop at nothing.
That's why l'm telling you.
Well, l hope you'll sign an affidavit for future evidence.
lf you're as sorry as you say you are, you will do it.
Look, l won't use it until l know l've got him.
- OK.
- Good.
l hate what l done.
l just wanna make things right.
Oh, rest assured, l will hold you to that.
Why've l got the spazzer on my team? - Cos it takes one to know one.
- Come on, girls, play nicely.
Tell them, they're the ones who are picking on me.
Ah, is little baby gonna cry? Why don't you just piss off? (Buki) Yvonne, fancy standing in? Doubles.
Not now, Buki.
Come on, Babs.
Fatso's let us down, we're in a bet here.
Oh, why not? l think l'm in the mood to whack a few balls with a stick.
(Balls crack) (Sobbing) (Door bangs) Don't tell me you're taking that lot seriously.
Why not? lt's true, innit? l am a spazzer.
(Sniffs) Come on.
Julies don't think so.
(Sniffs) Yeah, right.
Now what is all this about? Nothing.
Just seems like l'm only a Julie when it suits.
Otherwise l'm just stupid, fat Tina O'Kane.
You are on a downer, aren't you? (Sniffs) Well for one, you are a very pretty girl.
So let's have less of the fat stuff.
Blokes don't like 'em anorexic.
Look, l'm your personal officer.
l'm not allowed to lie to you.
That's better.
You know what? l know something else that might cheer you up.
How about l get you moved? A cell of your own.
- Seriously? - Mm.
lt might do you good to get away from those idiots out there.
And the Julies.
You leave it to me.
(Exhales sharply) Feels good, coming clean.
She's gonna keep it quiet till she's got enough on Fenner.
At least you'll be able to keep your job now.
Oh, sod the job.
l want you to trust me.
What's up with you? Nothing.
What do you mean? Shit.
Come on, l just spilled my guts for you.
You stupid bastard.
You went in there smacked up, didn't ya? l needed something.
lt's a big thing l done.
Give me a sodding break.
You promised.
Jesus, you don't ever give up, do ya? And there was me thinking you'd be grateful.
(Sizzling) - When do you go back to the club? - l've only got two nights off.
Here's a thought - why don't you quit? - l'm not being a kept man.
- l'm not asking you to.
Just, well, maybe a change of direction.
We'll never see each other, me working days and you nights.
l'm not interested in other guys.
l just wanna settle down, be normal, maybe even start a family.
(Door shuts) You OK? Actually no, not really.
You know what l said earlier about no more lying? l've got to tell you something and it may change everything.
l should've told you before you moved in but l didn't know how, and l was hoping it would get resolved, but maybe it'll help explain why l'm so angry with Di.
She's pregnant and she says it's mine.
(Object hits floor) Look, l'm so sorry.
l don't know how it happened.
She says l was legless, l've absolutely no recollection.
- She must've engineered it.
- lt's OK.
l've told her she's got to get rid of it.
Wait a sec, l mean, why? Don't you want kids? - Not with her.
- What about with me? l love kids, l always have.
Does she wanna have it on her own? Well, God knows.
We could look after it.
Be a proper family.
(Neil) Stop it.
(Giggling) No! No, no, no.
(Giggling) (Laughter) (Neil) No! No! (Laughter) (Water splashing) (Knock on door) l thought l'd let you know l've told Tony you're up the spout.
- What's that? - Last night.
He's forgiven me.
So get along to the doctor's, have it scraped out, and get packing.
You've nothing left to threaten me with, Di.
lt's finished.
This is the breast.
So we're going to make an incision here, and here, take out all the breast tissue and remove the lymph nodes from under your arm, which will help us ascertain whether the cancer has spread.
- And if it has? - lf it has, there are various courses of action - chemotherapy, radiotherapy - but we'll take it one step at a time, OK? l see you've decided not to have reconstructive surgery.
Be better if she did, though.
lt's common for women to decide against it.
lf you change your mind later there are plenty of options available.
- lt's your choice.
- So what now? What we need from you today is a blood test, check your health, kidney function, a chest X-ray and an ECG to make sure your heart's in top condition for the operation.
Take it from me, no one's got a heart like Julie.
The anaesthetist will be along to explain what to expect and you'll be required to sign a consent form.
lt means you understand what's happening.
What's to understand? You're gonna chop my boob off.
We will be doing our best to treat your cancer.
Try to think of it like that.
Look, l don't mean to be offensive but l have my other patients to consider.
l'm not asking for details but l do need to feel that they will be safe.
My colleague and l will be here all day and there'll always be an officer in attendance.
You understand, l have to ask.
After all, they are convicted criminals.
At the moment, Mrs Williams, they're just a couple of frightened women.
Ah, yes, hello, it's Mrs Diane Grayling here, Dr Khan's patient.
l'd like to make an appointment.
lt's urgent.
She's fine.
She just talked to the anaesthetist.
- Here.
- Oh, ta.
- Are you all right? - Me? Miss, tell me straight.
ls she gonna be OK? l'm not a doctor, Julie.
They'll know what's what once they've done the operation.
Yeah, but you must've nursed women with breast cancer.
lt's a really big lump she's got there.
Well, as a nurse what l do know is a positive attitude is all-important.
lf you're a fighter, the body seems to know it.
She's in the best place.
Just Just try and be strong for her.
There's a problem, guv.
Julie, be reasonable.
She won't sign the consent form.
- What are you doing? - l can't go through with it.
You'll be fine, we'll give you something to relax.
How do you know how l'll be? Ain't your body.
Julie, you're scared but you have to calm down.
What the hell do any of you know, eh? Get me shoes, Ju.
(Door opens) - All right, mate? - Yeah.
Afraid you won't measure up? Yeah, right.
- Must've had a bad pint in the club.
- Again? The stuff you spun from Atkins' cell? Quality control, is it? What? Oh, piss off.
Look Look, l'm dead embarrassed about this.
l'm diabetic.
lf Grayling finds out, l'm out of a job.
What are you talking about? lf you fail your medical - automatic.
All right? This isn't going to go away.
The longer you leave it, the worse it will get.
Ain't there something else you can do that's less? - Well, you know.
- lt's her decision but l wouldn't advise changing the procedure to a lumpectomy at this late stage.
You have a very large tumour right behind your nipple, Julie.
A lumpectomy simply isn't sufficient.
lf you cancel, you'll lose your place in the queue.
lt could take weeks to get you back on the list.
Listen, can l just talk to her alone for a minute, please? Now you listen to me, Ju, till l finish.
Cos if it was my boob had this cancer you know what you'd be telling me to do about it.
So you take a deep breath and say bollocks to bloody rubbish, and you sign that form.
Will you please, please do that for me, Ju? l've been a total prick.
What you telling me for? What do you think matters to me, Yvonne? You've made it clear what matters.
Christ's sake, don't make me grovel.
l've got a big problem but l know what matters most to me.
Now l'm gonna do the three-day hell routine again but this time l'm gonna stay clean till l get out the other side.
l can't be with a junkie.
Are you saying you could be with me if l kick it? (Snoring) All right, Malcolm? Jim! Heh What, are you not feeling well? No, no, no, l'm just after a bit of advice, that's all.
A mate's thinking of joining the service but he's diabetic.
Yeah? He reckons he won't get in if he declares it at the medical.
Who told him that? He'd get kicked out for not declaring it.
What type is he? Do you know? lf he's type one, he's on daily insulin injections.
Female officer on D wing manages well enough.
But you can tell him he's in trouble if he brings unsanctioned sharps into prison.
That's just as l thought.
l'll put him straight.
(Alternating) Row, row, row your boat Gently down the stream Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily Life is but Life Life is but What is it, Ju? Bleedin' brain tumour - l'm falling to pieces.
No, you're nervous, that's all.
lt's time for your premed.
- We'll need to leave you to it.
- Already? l'm sorry.
Don't worry, Mel's here till six, then another officer will take her place.
- You won't be on your own.
- Please, miss.
Hey, there's no point, Ju.
Gonna be out of it, ain't l? You'd best go back, tell the girls, yeah? lt's time they knew.
Just in case.
You'll be fine.
l promise.
And l'll be with you.
ln there.
(Laughter and giggling) (Footsteps on stairs) Looks like you beat me to it.
lt wouldn't be the first time.
Thought we'd have a bit of an early one.
Make the most of it.
You won't be here any longer than me.
What are you on about? l think my husband should know that the man he's shacked up with stole his sperm.
What? You wanted to keep it quiet.
l've change my mind.
l don't see why l should suffer alone.
- You really are a bitch.
- Wouldn't you be, in my situation? Give me some time.
l'll talk to him.
He listens to me.
l'll make sure he pays you child support, looks after you.
lt's only right.
Fat chance.
lt's history with you and him whatever.
lf you keep shut about what we did, l'll make sure he does right by you.
He might even start to show some interest.
You don't get a bloody thing otherwise.
He'll probably get you sacked.
He'll hate you even more for conning us both.
Think about it.
Screw things up for me, you'll screw 'em up for yourself worse.
How was your day out, you jammy bitch? (Al) ls your pal still at the restaurant? She's in hospital, as it happens.
- She's got cancer.
- (Women gasp) She's about to have an op to have her breast removed.
- ls that jammy enough for you? - (Low chatter) - Bloody 'ell.
- Poor Julie.
l didn't realise she was sick.
Sorry, man.
No need to be sorry.
She's gonna be fine.
She's gonna be as good as new, l know it.
Why didn't you tell me? - lt all makes sense now.
- Does it? Course it does.
l know what you must've been going through now, innit.
No, you don't.
You got no bloody idea.
(Porter) OK.
Julie? Soon be over.
Oh, late again.
Your record's starting to look very shabby.
l've got the day off, actually.
What about your timekeeping? Oh, l'm working from home today and l hope you're off looking for another one to live in.
l've booked in for an abortion.
That's the future you want for your unborn child, isn't it? Well, well.
Neil, she's serious.
She's doing the right thing for once.
(Jim) 'She's gone downhill since McKenzie came off the block.
'Her and Lester are picking on her for fun.
' With the older Julies got more to worry about, as her personal officer, l'm concerned for her mental health.
l'm obviously concerned to hear that, Jim.
l'll look into it.
Right, Julie Saunders is recuperating well from her mastectomy last Friday.
Mel, you'll escort Julie Johnston to visit her.
- OK.
- On your own, l'm afraid.
Di's off sick, which means extra duties all round, especially since Snowball Merriman's back today.
- Great.
- She won't last two minutes with Atkins on her back.
You leave Atkins to me.
lt's our job to make it work.
She'll be on CC and 15-minute suicide watch.
OK, then.
Careful, mate.
All that sugar.
So this diabetes What is it, then? Type one? Type two? Or, er - type bollocks? - What do you know? - Probably more than you, mate.
- Look, l've not let on cos it's not worth the hassle.
l was called all sorts at school.
All right.
lf you are diabetic, l apologise.
But you say you're not a smack head, so you won't mind taking a piss test.
That all you can manage? You're taking the piss out of me, what more do you want? We'll see what the lab says.
They owe me a favour.
Don't worry, soon get a quick result.
- What did they say? - Not a lot.
The operation went well.
They still wanna do tests on the tissue they removed, so l'll be here for another few days, then wait till they call me back in for the verdict.
Oh, you'll be all right, you'll see.
l know l shouldn't be thinking about this right now but l can't help it.
You know when l have the chemo You worried your hair's gonna fall out? Don't you worry about it.
We're gonna knock up a whole range of designer headgear.
- Turbans, wigs - Made out of what? A bleedin' mop? No, the one you get off the NHS.
We'll glam it up for ya.
Used to wear them dolly wigs for the punters, didn't we? Turned 'em on, not off.
But l had me own barnet underneath, not a bleedin' Ping-Pong ball.
Sorry, it's time for the off.
You won't be on your own, Ju.
l promise.
Oh l'll just dump these, then l'll be over.
All right there, Tina? Julie.
l don't know why you prefer Julie.
There's too many of them for my liking.
Tina's a much nicer name.
Oh, thanks, Mr Fenner.
l put in a word about moving you up to the twos.
Miss Betts is considering it but it's looking pretty hopeful.
Oh, Mr Fenner, that's brilliant.
Always look after my girls.
Don't you forget that.
Oh, you've been dead nice to me, sir.
You deserve it.
No trouble, you.
Unlike some.
Yvonne Atkins, for instance.
Yvonne's all right, you've just got to Depends what you think about drug pushers.
Don't you believe her story she was fitted up.
l'd just love to suss the bent screw she's got working for her.
- Really? - Oh, yeah.
There's one been tipping her off, covering her back.
Just have to keep my eyes peeled.
That's when l'm not chatting up pretty little girls.
- How's she doing, Julie? - Did you give her our love? Yeah, brilliant.
Yeah, she was chatting and smiling and Operation went fine.
Ju? l'm really sorry l wasn't here to do the teas, only the screws let me stay on with Julie.
lt's Tina.
l'm Tina O'Kane from now on.
Oh? No point calling myself Julie when l ain't one, is there? You hear that, you lot? Spread the word.
Tina's the name.
Tina O'Kane.
- What was all that about? - l dunno.
l got more important things to worry about.
(Tannoy) 'Lock-up in two minutes.
' Come on, ladies, let's be having you.
(Woman) Well, well.
(Al) The bitch is back.
- You cow! - (Women shouting) - (Shouting continues) - Evil cow.
You're mine, Merriman.
See me care.
Take to the threes, double-check her cell for sharps.
(Woman) We'll have you, Snowball! (2nd woman) By the time we're finished with you, you'll wish you had topped yourself! (Taunts continue) There's nothing to do yourself in with.
You don't even get toilet paper more than a square at a time.
Steer clear of winding up Yvonne Atkins.
She's lost her son, she don't need you reminding her of why he did it every minute of every day.
(Woman) You hear that? She's mine! (Taunting shouts and shrieks) Just got the result of your piss test, Hedges.
Looks like you're full of shit.
( Caron Nightingale: l Might Just Fall ln Love) - Been feeling so lonely - (Door shuts) Restless and blue Been heading for nowhere and l'm going there too soon Searching for something (Sobbing) .
when l look in your eyes Sit down, love.
l just might fall in love (Sobbing) .
living all my time l've taken my chances (Sobbing) Oh, God.
what l've missed Strange as it seems (Sobbing continues) l know l just might fall in love l could be happy with you by my side You make me tingle inside Knowing that someone feels the same way l do Makes me wanna be with you You walked into my life unexpectedly But l'll take Try and rest.
Do you want aspirin or something? l'll be fine.
l just need a bit of time.
Neil l'll try and find somewhere to go as soon as l can but the clinic want to monitor me for a few weeks, just in case of infection.
Um, yeah, of course.
Look l know l've been a bit of a pig about the whole thing but l was angry.
l'm not a total bastard, though.
You know, stay until you're better.
And Dithanks.
Brandy and ginger.
At least now you can have a drink.
God, what am l saying? l'm sorry.
l'll tell you what, l think l'll go to my room.
- l need a lie-down.
- OK.
Just shout if you need anything.
Oh, and l shoved your post in your bedroom.
At least it's over.
Hello, Dr Khan.
l'm sorry to be such a nuisance but the truth is l've had a change of heart.
l don't wanna go through with the abortion.
Yes, certain.
l want this baby.
Sorry? Yes, it's here, l believe you've got my blood test results.
Why, what's wrong? ls there a problem? What? Fenner piss-tested me today.
Oh, Christ.
Came out clean.
He even accused me of fixing it which he knew l never cos he was there when l took it.
- Thank God for that.
- Thank you.
Like l said, you gotta do it for yourself, ain't ya? Sometimes it helps to have another incentive.
(Charlie Dimmock) 'So nice, not horrid or anything.
'Just all the children and grandparents want to meet me!' Took a lot to do what you done.
And it means a lot to me.
(Woman on TV) 'You're renowned for your water features.
'What do you think of the standard?' (Dimmock) 'Very good.
'l know it's only the fourth year of the show' Got it.
Arrived this morning.
- What, for real? - Yeah, Lennox's interview.
lf you can bear to miss an episode of the Street.
- Wicked, man, bring it on.
- Nice one.
That's my baby! We'll wait till everybody's down.
(Women gasping) (Woman whispering) She looks so different.
Ready to be thrown to the pack, then? Just hope they're ready for me.
On you go, then.
No way, man.
(Mugs banging) (lndistinct taunts) (Woman) Bitch.
(Angry chatter) Back off now! Or you're all on report.
(Hush descends)
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