Batman s01e22 Episode Script

Prophecy of Doom

You know me, Bruce.
Staid banker, old conservative stock.
I'm the last person to act impulsively but I'm telling you, this fellow is a revelation.
You should read this.
Dad, you're not gonna proselytize Bruce.
Now you hush, Lisa.
We're raising a generation of cynics.
Yes, I've read about him in the Star Enquirer.
Alfred likes to pick up a copy now and then.
That man saved my life.
He warned me not to go on the gambling cruise.
Two days out to sea, the ship sank.
A coincidence.
What about the cave-in at the Zanza mines? Or the fires at the Karobi oil field? His predictions saved me a fortune.
Make a heck of a stockbroker.
Tomorrow I'm hosting a party in Nostromos' honor.
I want you to be there to see for yourself.
Sounds great.
But I'll have to check my horoscope to be sure.
You don't believe in this guy, do you? Call me crazy, but sometimes I think his predictions come true because he makes them happen.
Only thing I do know is these days Father won't make a move without him.
Daddy's even part of a secret brotherhood.
Secret brotherhood? He won't even tell his family about it thanks to Mr.
All-Wise, All-Wonderful Nostromos.
Peace to all.
Brothers and sisters, the negative plane is aligned with the positive bringing forth astral harmony.
What? The vibrations are right for prophecy.
That which you seek and cannot find is the seeker.
You are merely the eye trying to view itself.
This is awfully deep.
We are but radios for the cosmic transmitter.
Tune your receivers.
Hear the inner voice.
- What is going on? - Brother Ethan, the inner voice speaks.
Someone here is in grave danger.
The messenger of death is searching crying out for you.
But how did the glass break, sir? Psychic vibrations, Alfred.
Though I'd bet on a high-frequency sonic device.
But I have some tricks of my own.
I lifted Nostromos' fingerprints at the party.
There he is.
Alias Carl Fowler, professional actor.
Arrested for petty larceny.
Otherwise no criminal record.
That's his partner.
Special-effects man.
Arrested for fraud.
Never convicted.
So they were both in show business.
Still are.
I just wish I knew where this act was going.
Hi, Mr.
I hear your personal elevator's working great now.
The repair guy was just out.
Really? I didn't know there was anything wrong.
No one could've predicted Batman would spot me.
Not even the great Nostromos.
Besides, how do you know Wayne survived? The news said he got off the elevator right before it fell, you pathetic amateur.
Well, you didn't predict he would die, exactly.
Fool! Can't you see how his death would've affected the Brotherhood? How vulnerable they would have felt? We could've finally hit them for all they're worth! Peace to all.
Nostromos, I must see you at once.
It's about Bruce Wayne.
Bruce Wayne? A miracle has happened.
Bruce has seen the light.
It wasn't until that moment, when I came so close to death that I realized you really did have a divine connection.
To think I ridiculed you.
Can you ever forgive me? Of course.
I rejoice in your soaring consciousness.
Nostromos, I was thinking a man of Bruce's standing, his influence should he not be considered for the Brotherhood? Yes.
It's preordained.
Welcome, Brother Bruce.
No, not Bruce! Lisa, you don't understand.
Oh, I understand, all right.
You're like all the rest, suckered in by this money-grubbing, bogus creep.
Lisa! You know what my inner voice tells me, Nostromos? You've ripped off your last victim.
I'm so sorry.
L Do not apologize.
She will believe.
They will all believe after the Great Fall.
You may have joined us just in time, Bruce.
For months Nostromos has been warning the Brotherhood of an economic collapse in the West.
- "The Great Fall"? - Exactly.
But at Nostromos' direction, we've set up a superfund to protect ourselves.
After the fall, we can use it not only to rebuild fortunes, but society as well.
And I take it Nostromos controls this money.
Oh, no, he can't touch it without my written approval.
Nostromos insisted everything be aboveboard.
Of course.
And though tonight we bask in the radiance of Brother Bruce's conversion, it grieves me to burden your spirits with solemn news as well.
The Great Fall is at hand.
Oh, the Great Fall.
The omens rise and converge with every passing moment.
Yes, my brethren, the inner voice speaks.
I now see a dawn of destruction.
Riots, pillaging, carnage! A society out of control! Oh, the torment, the suffering! The vision becomes clear.
Brothers, beware! I am fine.
Brethren, you must transfer all you can to the Brotherhood's fund by tomorrow.
The stars are in their proper confluence.
Signs and portents abound.
As prophets of old foretold cataclysmic changes so now do I predict a massive social upheaval! This is the end of the old order.
Anarchy and chaos will abound.
The Great Fall has begun.
You gave them $ 10 million, sir? And to think I was fretting over the electric bill.
I had to keep up appearances, Alfred.
There must be over $300 million in that fund.
My word! Well, at least Nostromos can't touch it without Mr.
Clark's authorization.
For now.
But I don't need to be psychic to predict that Ethan Clark is about to undergo a spiritual crisis.
Well, Lucas, our benevolent brothers transferred another 63 million this morning.
I predict you and I are about to become as rich as pigs.
Nostromos! Out.
Out! Nostromos.
I got your message.
I'd have been here sooner, but I was looking for Lisa.
She didn't come home.
The inner voice assures me she is fine.
Do you know where she is? Do not worry.
I see you joining her soon.
Right now, we have urgent business to discuss.
The voice has warned that the Brotherhood's fund is in jeopardy.
What do you mean? We must convert it into gold bullion at once.
I've prepared the papers for your signature.
But, Nostromos, I can't possibly sign until I've notified the brothers.
There's no time! But they must be informed.
It's our obligation.
Perhaps the stars can persuade you.
I see a bad moon rising.
Lisa! Sign! Nostromos, what is this? I don't understand.
Sign! Or she pays.
Why would you do this? I believed in you.
You saved me.
Please, Nostro I have one last prediction for you, Ethan.
The end will be swift.
Brother Lucas has set enough explosives in this place to create a supernova.
I suggest you make your peace quickly.
The control room! Up there.
You go that way.
Your turn to see the light.
Batman? You're about to fall out of orbit, Batman.
I can't believe I was so gullible.
But that's what I get for putting my faith in greed.
You weren't the only one, Daddy.
Guilty as charged.
As the Bard once said: "The fault lies not in the stars, but in ourselves.
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