Bionic Woman s01e03 Episode Script


why can't I el my legs? Your legs had to be replaced.
Aah! Jaime, tell everyone sarah corvus says hello.
You live with me.
That's the way it is.
You're never gonna live with dad.
I just feel like i hold you back sometimes.
You're the only thing in my life that makes any sense right now.
Sarah corvus is still alive.
And you came all the way here to tell me that? Good - bye, jae.
Please give my regards to will.
Tell him daddy says hello.
Will! we are gathered here today to honor william anthros.
This is hard.
- Listen, I'm gonna go back to my life, and my job, and pretend none of this ever happened.
Why did will have a file on me this thick? I found it in his apartment, and it started two years before I met him.
What are you people? We're a private clandestine group dedicated to stopping rogue organizations from ending civilization as we know it.
Who are you? - I'm sarah corvus.
The first bionic woman.
Ta - da.
Push it, jaime.
I CANT DO I I guess I'm not used to thinking of myself as artificially intelligent.
That's not what I said.
I said part of your programming includes artificial intelligence , the ability to learn.
More importantly, to unlearn.
Here we go.
you see how you always defend the same way every time? One more time.
you can't be too predictable, jaime.
you can circumvent the programming, go way beyond what it intended.
you're telling me I can hack into myself, change the information? All it takes is practice.
how's your salad? It's great.
It's a salad.
You want to split a sundae? Go to the movies later? What are you doing? I'm trying to buy back your love because I've been working so much.
It's gonna cost you a lot more than lunch.
Okay, you know what I want.
IM NOT HOW JIAM THEY MAKE ME YOU CAN What about your new job? I mean, shouldn't consultant pay more than bartender? Okay, if you can't buy those jeans, I think you need to renegotiate.
That's not the point.
The pois, you're 15 years old.
I'm not buying you $170 jeans.
I need you to do something for me.
I'm out with my sister.
Who is it? - It's work.
Ask for more money.
I know where you are.
That's why I have something for you to do.
You know where I am? $50 million, you didn't think we'd throw in a gps? Wait a minute, you have a tracker on me? No one said anything about a tracker.
What tracker? - Nothing, it's nothing.
a block up the street, a guy with blond hair, green jacket, and glasses.
He's eating a falafel.
who is he? Suffice it to say, he's a very bad man.
He's a bad man? - Who's a bad man? Somebody's sleeping with somebody else at work.
This is not a good time.
It never is.
You want to have lunch with your sister or save the free world? Didn't you just give me a big speech about how I'm not ready for any of this? You're not, but you're the closest operative I have.
All you have to do is make sure he doesn't leave.
Sit on him if you have to.
We'll be there in five minutes flat.
What happens if he gets away? Ask for more money.
mass casualties.
Listen, in the future, we really can't stop to chit - chat like this.
Here's how it works.
I say do something, and you do it.
No, don't tell me you have to go back to work.
No, I don'T.
You know what? I think you should get those jeans.
Early christmas present.
I'm not gonna have to, like, clean the bathroom for the next year, am I? Just go.
I'll wait for you here.
- Bye.
Hi, I'm new in town, and I'm a little lost.
Can you tell me where the museum of modern art is? Sorry.
Oh, because there's supposbe this incredible basquiat exhibit.
Okay, listen.
I've been asked to make sure you don't go anywhere, okay? So is there any way we can wait here for five minutes until backup gets here? Feel free to turn the radio on.
Plan B.
proudly presents BONIC WOMAN Season 01 Episode 03 You were supposed to get one pair of jeans.
I know, but they had all these shirts on sale.
I got you one.
And you were supposed to be here when I got back.
Where'd you go? Bathroom.
What the hell.
Let's go catch that movie.
I love you, I honestly do.
You're what gives my life meaning.
You're the only thing worth living for.
Without you, I think I'd die.
No flutters, nothing.
We've got to find a way to teach this.
How do you do it, anyway? I've been married.
What time does sommers come online? Not my department.
I was never into voyeurism, remember? Can you explain the obsession people have typing little messages to each other with their thumbs, as if it's somehow more convenient than just talking? You've got some bad ideas in your head these days, don't you, sarah? Feelings you don't understand.
Impulses to do things that frighten you.
It's the bionics, isn't it? They've changed me, turned me into this thing.
I can't help you until I have more information.
What information? Meanwhile, I want you to take this.
It's for your nerves.
It'll calm you.
Is the same thing going to start ho her? I don't know.
The only way to be sure is to evaluate jaime sommers in person.
If you found differences, could you help me? Unlikely.
But not impossible.
You gotta trust me, sarah.
I can make you feel better.
At least for the time being.
Just bring jaime sommers to me.
Jonas, we need to talk about this tracker thing.
How do you feel about canadians? Don't change the subject.
So you thought it was okay to put a tracker inside my head? Well, since we're on the subject, we're also streaming video from your head.
Streaming what- - what? So there's a video camera in my eye? It's in your brain.
I don't know where to start.
I want it out.
I want it all out of my head.
Well, you see, the whole thing's grafted onto your cerebral cortex.
We could take it out, but then you wouldn't be able to move the left side of your body.
This is an invasion of my privacy.
It's stripping me of my dignity, and it's a little pervy.
Pervy? - It's perverted.
It's for your own safety.
- That is crap.
It's so you can watch me and watch your investment.
 That's also true.
This conversation is not over.
So why are you asking me about canadians? This is heaven von fleet.
She's the daughter of a major canadian defense contractor.
She's gonna be visiting the U.
For three days.
Canada? Do they even have an army? Of course they do.
They're a country.
Okay, so what's it got to do with me? Heaven's father sells arms to the bosnians, which pissed off the serbs.
There's been a threat made on his life, and he's insisting his daughter get 24 - hour protection while he's here.
So what are the chances of the serb militants coming over here and taking out this little, rich canadian girl? Zero, but we do business with the guy, and he's pulling a favor.
And this involves me how? Just make sure nothing happens to her.
Nothing is gonna happen to her.
- Exactly.
So what? I'm a bionic babysitter? That's right.
Come on, jaime, sometimes you get a softball.
Instead of complaining about it, just enjoy it.
I'm glad you could come by and meet heaven.
Tomorrow, I'll need you here at 9:00 to pick her up.
Oh, and one more thing.
I should probably mention that my daughter is a little spirited.
That's great.
What I mean to say is, while she's under your watch, she is not to get a new tattoo, a new body piercing, consume any alcohol, or take any drugs.
Uh, you know, my understanding was my job was just to keep her safe.
Yes, well, I've provided millions of dollars in revenue to berkut.
I don't think that's a relationship you want to screw around with.
Young lady, there is to be no smoking in this house.
Shut up, dad.
Get out.
Get out! Get out of my space! I merely want to introduce- - the goon? I see her.
This whole thing is stupid, dad.
It's just a way of you trying to control me.
I hate you.
Hi, I'm jaime sommers.
I don't need to know your name.
Don't talk to me.
Walk five steps behind me at all times.
I'll see you tomorrow then.
I don't know who you think I am wow, I cannot believe you've never had a lesson.
I don't know who you think I am what's up? it's nothing.
It's nothing.
Everyone's already there.
You always do this.
We always miss the fun stuff because you're too slow.
Don't tempt me.
give me a sip.
Oh, one sip, for god's sake, come on.
hey, one.
Come on, anne, don't bogart.
There's only one gulp left.
There's at least two.
You're not really gonna drink the rest of it, are you? You don't know me very well, do you, sarah? I can't believe you let mom get rid of kurt.
First of all, what kind of name was that for a pet? Oh, he was adorable.
Second, he was by far the stupidest animal i've ever seen.
All he did was lick himself all day.
Yeah, well, you know what they say.
Becca, don'T.
If people coulddo it- - becca.
They'd never leave the house.
- You're- - My god, becca.
Like, how long did it take you to do all this? Oh, I'm not finished yet.
Mom kept all the really cool stuff from that year we spent in D.
Before she died.
You really are the family packrat, aren't you? Think about it, jaime.
It's our family we're talking about here.
I mean, if there weren't pictures, no one would ever know we existed.
Oh, here, let me show you something.
Check this out.
Wow, that's mom's grandma, right? Yep.
It was just before she found out she was dying.
Oh, well, she made it to 92 eventually.
And later they discovered it was some kind of genetic disorder.
She was 25.
Just a year older than you are now.
Tick - tock.
Not funny.
How do you know all this stuff? I mean, why is it important to you, digging around, learning all this stuff about our family? I guess I just want to know the truth about everything.
I don't like secrets, jaime.
We are the only two people with sub-retinal charged coupling devices implanted in our optic nerves.
But our human brain still filters out things it doesn't want us to see.
Don't let it! See everything, jaime.
We know what each other's thinking if we want.
wake up, jaime.
Don't even try it, honey.
I know how you think.
Having only one bionic arm shouldn't be such a predictable weakness, jaime.
the metal tip on that comb.
The phone cord.
Ooh, there's an idea.
The scissors in the desk.
I know your instincts, jaime.
We have the same baseline programming.
I know you better than you know yourself, but not well enough.
What is it this time, sarah? I see they have you lojacked.
So that gives me, what? A coupledred seconds before they show up? I can talk fast, but not that fast.
Sir, there's been a breach.
Bathroom apartment window.
This is why I said we needed 24 - hour surveillance.
Well, sir, you also said to hold off on that.
Something about her right to privacy.
Situation one, now.
I need you to help me.
I need you to come with me so that- - you tried to kill me.
You killed the only man i've ever loved.
Did you know I was pregnant? Did you know you murdered my unborn child? Glad to see there are still some things that can shut you up after all.
And now you break into my house, threaten my family? Tell me again how much you need me, you psychopathic freak.
I need you to believe me.
This wasn't ever about you.
Oh, just collateral damage, huh? Do me a favor, sarah.
Try not to make it worse by apologizing, okay? I am not here to hurt you or your sister, and I promise I won't, but in exchange, I need you to trust me this once.
Meet me tomorrow, noon, sulfur plant.
It's by the ocean.
It's the only place we can talk where they can't corner me.
I need you to come alone.
No back - up.
Whether you know it or not, you need me too, jaime.
Let's see if the trust works both ways.
I want her under lockdown now.
I want this entire organization on full alert.
I want corvus found and brought in, dead if necessary.
Roger that.
I want her streaming optical interface tracked permanently.
I don't want her to make a move unless we know when, where, and why.
Jonas! - What?! I'm not doing any of that.
I'm not hiding, and I'm not running away.
And you talking about me like I'm not even in the room, like my opinion doesn't matter, not exactly the attitude adjustment we talked about.
It's true, sir.
We did talk about you chang- - all right.
All right.
I'm sorry.
Then here's what I think we should do.
I'll draw sarah corvus out.
But you've got to promise to let me talk to her before you bring her in.
Let me get close to her, find out what it is she wants.
No, no.
We have experts in that category.
I'm sure your experts have a lot to talk about.
Fine, fine.
It's a deal.
You keep your appointment with sarah.
We'll be close, but we'll stay back until you give us the signal to move in, okay, dirty harry? Look, I think she's in pain.
You need to promise me if you bring her in, we're gonna help her.
Don't make a liar out of me.
Consider it a promise.
She lost a sister.
You know that, right? Car accident.
Sarah was driving.
She pretty much went scorched earth after that.
If sarah corvus wants something, she'll tear through a wall to get it.
Just make sure that wall isn't you.
Size 0.
I told you size 0.
Now! I think it's outrageous that in spite of the sarah corvus situation, I'm still expected to babysit this little monster.
Hey, you're bionic, babe.
Nathan, what I'm looking for here is a little sympathy, okay? I just want you to agree with me.
I'm trying to be your friend, dummy.
Okay, um, you're right.
They're wrong.
Um, would it be, uh, inappropriate of me to ask you out for drinks? Yes, completely inappropriate.
God! Oh, so you want me to be, like, one of your girlfriends.
I have an idea.
Why don't you put me in a dress and a wig and call me stephanie , and we'll have- oh, this is great.
Just great.
I gotta go.
Why aren't you on your way in? You're supposed to meet sarah in two hours.
I'm on my way.
so how's it going with the girl? Great.
I'm all over it.
Really? 'Cause it looks to me like you lost her.
Okay, you know what? This camera in my eye, it sucks.
It's not a camera, it's- - a total violation of privacy.
You know what? I'm gonna call somebody.
The justice department or hillary clinton- - she'll get to the bottom of this.
Jaime, just go find heaven so we don't have to go to war with canada.
I want it on my back.
I'm thinking between my shoulder blades.
Somewhere my father will see it.
What? Come on.
Is this punishment? Is that what you're doing? Yeah, it's punishment.
Ooh, I'm really scared.
Oh, you should be.
what is she doing here? This is a top secret facility.
Am I supposed to be impressed? I'm going out for a few hours.
This is ruth.
She's gonna run a few tests on you.
Is she a lesbian? Have fun.
- Hey.
I'm going to see sarah corvus soon.
I'm feeling a little in the dark.
What does she want with me? We think sarah corvus might be working with anthony anthros.
Will's father? He escaped from prison.
He tried to sell bionics to the highest bidder.
Apparently, you and will didn't talk very much.
Apparently, I'm the most gullible person on earth.
So what does he want with sarah? He created her.
He designed her.
He and will.
So what do they want? If I had to guess, I would say you.
So I'm here.
I'm sick.
And I think you're the only person who can help get me well.
What do you mean, sick? I don't know what they told you, but I've done some bad things.
A few years ago, I- - I know, sarah.
Jae shot me, and as far as the world was concerned, I was dead.
But will revived me, surgically.
He raised you from the dead? How did he- - I don't know, but whatever he did changed something in me.
But it's like my emotions were gone with it.
I felt like a pure machine, like I could do anything, and I loved it.
So why do you need me, sarah? I'm losing control again.
Just take your medicine, sarah.
You know it'll make you feel better.
Whatever will did to save me was temporary, but your implants, the way the anthrocytes interface with your body, it's more advanced.
If we can isolate those properties, we can make those adjustments in me.
You can save my life, jaime.
Let me ask you something.
How well did you really know will? How sure are you that the only reason you became a bionic candidate was because of the accident? Will didn't have any way of knowing you were gonna slam that truck into me, okay? So your conspiracy theories don't have any weight.
How do you know I didn't just expedite things? How do you know you weren't being primed anyway? Used by a man looking for the next candidate to serve up.
We're finished talking.
I don't need you, sarah.
You need me.
I expected more from you, jaime.
Shame on you.
Run! Move! Move! See anything? I have no visual on her, sir.
We lost her.
Didn't we have a deal? Is this the way things work around here? You were listening to everything big - brother style, right? So what was sarah about to tell me that you didn't want me to hear? Am I a ticking time bomb too? I'm going after her, and if we can, we're gonna help her.
She killed 14 of my men, jaime.
You know that.
Good men.
And that was a tragic thing.
But that wasn't her, and you know it.
Oh, so you're a supporter of the insanity defense? No, I just think there's a difference between going crazy and having your identity stolen from you.
Which reminds me, your little video tap, I want it turned off.
Nice move.
Interesting things start happening once you learn to let go.
You think sarah corvus is gonna bring gloves to a fight? No.
Something tells me that she's gonna leave her little pads at home, and what we need to find now is the animal.
Now we all know that if your training is worth a damn, by now, I should be able to take this crowbar and swing it as hard and as fast as humanly possible and never get within an inch of you.
That's right, boys and girls.
I'm about to get analog on your ass.
So what do you say, sommers? Are we ready to find the animal? Bring it on, bitch.
Are you insane? You're not finished! jaime! Enough.
There's the animal.
Now she thinks i betrayed her.
You did betray her.
So what now? You know her.
What's she gonna do next? I don't know.
What I do know, she holds grudges.
That's great.
That's awesome.
That's super helpful, jae.
Listen, you're on the grid now.
You have 24 - hour security.
You're not in this alone, okay? I guess that helps.
I gotta go.
I'm on an assignment.
Heaven needs a pedicure.
Now, let's move on to your mother.
Does she infantilize you also? I'd really like to stop now.
That door is locked.
How was it? I'm really sorry about ditching you at the store.
I'd really like to leave now.
Thank you, ruth.
That's the second time.
You suck! I'm sorry.
What was that? What are you doing here, sarah? Getting a pedicure.
Red, please.
Can I have a water? Of course.
You're looking better.
It comes in waves, honey.
Today is a good day.
Who's that? They got you on baby detail? Look, sarah, I'm sorry I brought berkut with me before, okay? You killed 14 people.
You were lurking outside my window.
Can't you see this from my side? Yes, I can.
I see everything from your side.
That's the point.
We need each other.
I don't think i need you, sarah.
Are you sure about that? Because there's four serbian gangsters coming up to the salon right now, and I don't think they're here to get their nails done.
Better watch out for the little princess over there.
everybody out.
- Heaven! everybody out.
- Get up! Now! I don't suppose we could talk about this.
I don't think so.
How about a little help over here? I thought you said you didn't need me.
Okay, okay, I need you.
I need you! What's the magic word? Please.
Bionics are great and all, but nothin' beats a little firepower.
Rock, paper, scissors for the last guy? I'm not sorry will's dead.
But I didn't know you were pregnant, and I am sorry about that.
But I need your help, jaime.
I'm dying.
Your bionics are the only thing that can save me.
What just happened? A bunch of serbian dudes walked into a nail salon and tried toake you out.
Look, you're gonna be okay.
Berkut is gonna follow us.
It won't make any fference if we move.
I have this tracker in my eye.
What are you talking about? You're starting to scare me.
Get in the car and shut up.
Sarah! You haven't figured out how to disable their gps yet? You can do that? - You have to.
Those berkut guys look at you in the shower, you know.
Oh, my god.
Yeah, don't even get me started on how objectifying this whole bionic woman thing is.
They don't tell you anything.
That's why you and me, we need to stick together, maybe form a union.
Sarah, I have a lot of reasons not to trust you, and that's not gonna change just because you say it should.
Here's how you do it.
It's like hacking into your own computer.
You need to concentrate really hard, and visualize it.
We should get out of here now.
Adults are talking.
And visualize.
That sounds awfully new - agey.
Look, jaime, you can do this.
They don't want you to know how powerful you are.
Just trust me.
Hack into your ocular tracking device in your cerebral cortex.
Visualize the tracker.
Disable it with your thoughts.
I just did it.
And you just got back a little dignity.
How's it feel? Why is your nose bleeding? Why don't you hang yourself or something? Look, let me cut to the chase.
I want something from you.
I want you to come with me to see anthros so they can study your technology and update me.
When they put the bionics in me, the system, it wasn't perfected.
What is she talking about? Shut up! I will die within the year if you do not come with me and help me.
Save my life, jaime.
You're a good girl.
You like to help people.
Help me.
Help me save my life.
I can'T.
I can't go to anthros.
I will not get cut up by will's father.
Besides, if I go with you, jonas will wipe out the compound with you and I in it long before your health improves.
Come to berkut.
We'll do it there.
And who's gonna do the surgery? Jonas? Antonio? The janitor? Will's dead.
There's not a surgeon there.
You have to come with me.
I can'T.
I'm sorry.
I wish I could, but I can't risk it.
It's not just about me, sarah.
I have a sister.
I'm her guardian.
You know, our dad's a flake.
Our mom's dead.
We have no one.
Yada, yada, yada, whatever.
So you're saying no? I have no choice.
Okay, then.
Good luck.
Where are you going, sarah? I'm gonna go lay down on the sidewalk andie.
You don't have to be so dramatic.
Don't I? 'Cause I thought i was just told by the one person who could save my life that she's got better things to do.
That feels pretty dramatic to me.
Not that I can actually feel anything, but I can intellectually imagine that that feels pretty dramatic.
She's scary.
Yeah, I know.
Daddy, I love you.
Thank you.
I'm so gonna take up karate.
Take care.
Hey, becca, it's me.
Hey, okay, these jeans are, like, life - altering.
I'm on my way home.
How about I pick up some chinese? Yeah, sounds good.
You're losing control, sarah.
Your denial will work with the others.
It won't work with me.
I see you.
You don't see me.
No? What am I missing? That you had a history of sick behavior even before you became a bionic candidate? Before you killed your sister? Stop saying that! Okay.
Maybe it's true.
Maybe jaime sommers really can help you get better.
But you're never gonna be able to trust her until she can truly relate to you.
She's never going to trust me.
I can't reach her.
She'll trust you when she can connect with who you are.
When she gets to feel what you felt.
You don't know me very well, do you, sarah? Grab your chopsticks, woman.
Kung pao is in the house.
Jaime, this is our new neighbor sarah.
She's moving in downstairs.
It's so nice to meet you, jaime.
I love your sister.
What a sweetheart.
Welcome to the building, sarah.
I love the building, and the apartments are great.
And these windows are awesome.
Yeah, yeah, I mean, you don't see moldings like this everywhere.
Great moldings, great moldings.
Do you love the moldings? I do.
And the best thing is, is the neighborhood seems really safe.
I like to think that it is.
Becca! It's okay.
Just a little something i put in the tea.
Don't worry.
She's not dead yet as long as you come with me to anthros.
Otherwise, I may have to take her out of the picture so you don't feel so torn.
Please don't do this.
I know what it feels like to lose a sister.
I killed mine.
It sucks.
But I feel like there's a silver lining.
You'll lose a sister, but you'll gain more of me.
You and I will be even more connected.
It'll be fun.
We could even wear matching outfits.
How do you look in capris? You don't want to do this.
You don't want to kill her.
I know you think you're this pure, aggressive animal, but that is not all of you.
I know you loved jae and he loved you.
I know you loved your sister.
There is some humanity left in you.
I can see it.
I'm sorry.
You bitch.
They're gonna be here any minute.
Get the hell out of here.
You chose berkut over me.
You're going to have to live with that.
They will destroy you! If you ever come near my sister again, I will kill you.
You know will? The guy you were in love with? Did you know that he studied you like a lab rat? That he cased you, worked you, set you up? There was never any reality to any moment you ever thought you shared with him.
Every look, every kiss, every word, every night.
It was nothing.
So remember that the next time you feel like you're trusting someone.
You meant nothing to him.
It's gonna be okay.
I promise, it's gonna be okay.

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