Breaking Bad s04e08 Episode Script


-Are we done? -Listen, l-- This attack on my brother-in-law, l don't know what it means.
l fear for my family.
l'm sure they'll be fine.
l'm told the assassin that survived is gravely injured.
lt's doubtful he'll live.
Now, thank me and shake my hand.
-Thank you.
Thank you again.
-You're quite welcome, Mr.
Guys, guys, hurry up.
-Can we go now? -Upstairs, come on.
What's happening? Eight forty-three.
Time of death, 20:43.
Burn in hell, you piece of shit.
One of the gunmen died at the scene.
The second succumbed to his wounds earlier this evening.
Agents with the DEA and FBI in conjunction with APD are working with Mexican law enforcement in an attempt to identify the deceased suspects.
Both-- l can give you the highlights.
Your nephews grew impatient.
They continued to press me for my permission to kill Walter White.
When l wouldn't give it, they settled instead for DEA Agent Schrader.
But a phone call was placed to Agent Schrader moments before the attack.
Thus giving him the upper hand.
Marco was shot in the face and died instantly.
Leonel lingered for several hours.
The warning call to the DEA agent Juan Bolsa may have some insight into who placed it.
Yesterday, federales raided his hacienda.
And in the confusion, Juan was shot dead.
An accident, perhaps.
A mistake made by his own men.
Though we may never know.
At any rate, l thought you should hear it from me.
This is what comes of blood for blood, Hector.
So is this the loud one? What? No.
This is the PET/CT scan.
Positron emission tomography.
They've paired that with computed x-ray tomography.
No magnets.
Right, okay.
Yeah, thanks.
l'm still pretty new at this.
One minute, l'm starting a new business my wife and l are thinking about kids.
Walk into a doctor's office and suddenly.
-l mean, life as l know it-- -Excuse me.
l'm waiting to hear a progress report on the thing we discussed, so call me.
Anyway, so for me, that's been the biggest wake-up call.
Letting go, giving up control.
You know, it's like they say, "Man plans and God laughs.
" That is such bullshit.
Excuse me? Never give up control.
Live life on your own terms.
Yeah, no, l get what you're saying but cancer is cancer, so.
To hell with your cancer.
l've been living with cancer for the better part of a year.
From the start, it's a death sentence.
That's what they keep telling me.
Well, guess what? Every life comes with a death sentence.
So every few months, l come in here for my regular scan knowing full well that one of these times-- Hell, maybe even today.
--l'm gonna hear some bad news.
But until then who's in charge? Me.
That's how l live my life.
This residue here is why we descale with cool water from the walk-in and not water from the tap.
Do it again, please.
Pollos Hermanos, where something delicious is always cooking.
Yes, detective.
-Gustavo, thanks for coming.
-How's Kathi? -Much better, thank you.
-And you know Hank Schrader? -Yes, indeed.
-And Steve Gomez? -How was your meal? Agent Schrader and l had a chance to catch up at one of my restaurants.
l'd eat there every day but l wouldn't fit through the door.
-Well, should we get started? -Yeah.
-l'd like to record this conversation.
-Of course.
The DEA is working on an investigation which may overlap with my own so l've asked them to sit in.
Gus, we all appreciate your coming in here to talk to us but you have the right to have an attorney present.
Oh, well, l can't see how that would be necessary.
But then, l have no idea why l'm here.
So you wish to continue? Please.
l'm very anxious to find out what this is all about.
Sir, your fingerprints were found at a crime scene.
Really? That's surprising.
A drug-related homicide.
Gale Boetticher's apartment.
So you knew the victim? Fifteen years ago, l established a chemistry scholarship at UNM.
l named it after Maximino Arciniega a dear friend of mine who died young.
Gale was a recipient of this scholarship.
He was perhaps one of three dozen.
l see.
And Mr.
Boetticher graduated in.
-1 999.
-That sounds right.
And you kept in contact with him over all this time? Oh, no.
l hadn't seen Gale for years until l ran into him a few weeks ago.
-Ran into him where? -At the restaurant.
Well, "ran into" isn't quite accurate, as l assumed he came by to re-establish contact with me.
We caught up briefly.
He invited me to dinner the following night and l accepted.
lt was perhaps a week later when l read about him in the paper.
-Drug related, you said? -lt's a good possibility.
The paper made no mention of that.
l assumed that it was a random crime.
So after years with no contact, he shows up in your restaurant -and invites you to dinner? -He wanted money.
-Gale Boetticher asked for money? -He didn't say that.
He spoke in terms of a vague investment opportunity.
But it was my suspicion, yes, as to why he invited me into his home.
He was a very, very talented chemist, but for reasons l never understood he was more interested in taking shortcuts than what would or could have been a very promising career.
Personal shortcomings notwithstanding he was a warm, gentle person and l thought a lot of him.
At any rate, l declined his business offer and after what was a very pleasant meal, left.
Can you tell us where you were on the night of wednesday the 23rd at around 8 p.
? -Not an accusation, just a question.
-No, l understand.
Let's see.
l was at a fundraiser at Presbyterian Hospital.
l was there from 7 to about 1 0.
Anyone else? Sorry, yeah.
Just one other thing.
ls Gustavo Fring your real name? ls it my real name? l know you're a Chilean national but there are no records of you ever living there.
Really? l mean, records show that you immigrated to Mexico in 1 986 and years later, you were granted an entry visa to the United States.
But there's no record of Gustavo Fring ever having existed in Chile which l find, l don't know, strange.
Well, no, really, it isn't.
Pinochet's government was guilty of many sins.
First and foremost were human rights abuses.
But it was also notoriously unreliable at keeping records.
l'm sure if you keep digging, you'll find me.
Okay, l think that's it, Gus.
Thank you.
l hope that l was of some small help.
-You were, absolutely.
Thank you.
-You're very welcome.
Good to see you again.
Oh, no.
-No, please, please.
Don't get up.
So are we buying? This thing with his name? What are you thinking? Sure, the record-keeping in South America's hit or miss.
l mean, we run into that all the time, right? But we usually find something.
Before '86 this guy's a ghost.
lf State Department wasn't satisfied, they wouldn't have naturalized him.
Well, maybe, but he emigrated from Mexico in '89.
State just wasn't as tough on background checks pre-9/1 1 .
l don't know what this has to do with the case at hand.
l was curious when his print showed up at Boetticher's apartment.
For me, the scholarship explains it.
l'll admit to a certain degree of bias.
This man has been a longtime friend of DEA.
But that being said, l thought his story was credible.
Well, l agree.
l think it was a good story.
Still, why are we hearing it now? What do you mean? Well, like you said, he's a-- This man is a big law enforcement booster.
He's reading the newspaper and sees that someone he had dinner with someone he thought a lot of was murdered.
He reads this and he doesn't make a phone call? Didn't call you or one of his other cop friends to share his connection with the case or ask about the investigation? We can't predicate a criminal investigation on a person not making phone calls.
What do you think, Tim? Well, l wanna follow up on the scholarship, the alibi but my overall impression? l believed him.
Nice touch.
-Hey, tiger, how's it hanging? -Good.
Yeah, so very nice.
What's the damage? Twelve hundred a month.
l did a lot of research.
-That's a pretty good deal.
-You kidding me? That's a great deal.
Speaking of which that's for the week.
Plus there's a little extra in there for any move-related incidentals.
Thank you.
-Hey, champ, how's the new school? -Good.
l loved school when l was your age.
Seesaws, story time, chasing girls with sticks.
lt wasn't until the fifth grade that l found out she liked me too but by then her family had moved to Scottsdale, so.
-Carpe diem, okay? -Okay.
All right.
Good boy.
So you'll thank Jesse again from both of us? You got it.
-So is he-- How's he doing? -Jesse? He's good.
He's busy.
How is it? Space, lots of light.
lt's-- Little garden out back.
lt's nice.
And Brock? How's he doing? Hey, look, l don't mind dropping checks off every week like Ed McMahon but if you wanna know how they're doing why don't you go see for yourself? l'll catch you later.
-Hey, you gonna need a ride home? -No.
Anyway, l'm proud for not losing my cool.
Plus, it shows our crew that l will support them if a customer's being rude.
You're really taking to this whole be-your-own-boss thing.
l guess l am.
Actually l'm thinking about making the move up to management.
Corporate America, look out.
Excuse me, l would be a vast improvement.
No one in Kleinman's entire front office knows about giving an x-ray which is just.
Hey, Dad, whatever happened with your scan? Did you get the results back? Yeah, l did and l'm still in remission.
So you're all gonna have to be stuck with me for a while longer.
Cheers, buddy.
What about you, Hank? How you feeling these days? You know, getting there.
The other day, he had a big powwow with all the DEA muckety-mucks.
What was that about? Nothing.
Just a dead-end.
He won't tell me, either.
Apparently, it's all very hush-hush.
Hey, Walt, do me a favor? Marie's working tomorrow and there's a gem and mineral show opening at the fairgrounds.
l wondered if you could give me a lift? Yeah.
l had a collection of my own in high school.
l mean, nothing fancy.
Just entry-level beryls and garnets one passable black tourmaline.
-Turn right here.
But l did have one piece of morganite that was very special.
lt'd been heat-treated, so it had that classic cast to it.
That rose, almost salmon hue, you know? Hey, Walt, there's no rock show, okay? l just said that so Marie wouldn't freak.
Take a right here.
Freak about what? Hank, where are we going? Are you hungry? We're not here for the chicken.
Kill the engine.
All right.
You ready for your mind to be blown? Sure.
Gustavo Fring, remember him? He came to the hospital after the shooting.
Put up the reward? He sponsors the DEA Fun Run every year.
You've met him? Yeah, the Fun Run guy.
That guy, yeah.
What about him? Well, l suspect-- l can't prove it, mind you, but l suspect the man's a drug dealer.
l mean, honest to God, l really believe that this guy may be one of the biggest movers in the southwest.
Remember Gale Boetticher? -That sad sack from the karaoke tape? -Yeah.
And you said that he didn't strike you as being the boss-man type? That there was a bigger guy out there.
-Hank, that was just speculation.
-Doesn't matter.
lt made me keep at it.
And guess what l find? Chicken Man's fingerprints at Boetticher's murder scene.
-So we bring him in-- -You think that Gustavo Fring killed Gale Boetticher? Probably not.
These guys usually get a dunce to pull the trigger, right? But his fingerprints being there was enough to bring him in.
So l-- So you brought him in to the police? Right.
He sits down to talk with us, the problem is that-- What did you ask him? What did he say? Walt, will you let me finish my story here? Sorry, l'm just interested, you know? All right.
So we bring him in and he proceeds to kick our asses.
Okay? He's got an explanation for the fingerprints.
He's got an alibi for Gale's murder.
He's got reasons for everything.
This guy is Terms ofEndearment convincing.
So he's not guilty? Yeah.
As far as DEA and APD are concerned, he's not.
Officially, Fring's not a suspect.
But l'm telling you something deep down says he's my guy.
Just gotta prove it.
Hank, why are you telling me this? l need a favor.
What favor? You see that Volvo station wagon over there? The guy drives a 1 0-year-old Volvo.
lt's brilliant.
Anyway, listen what l need for you to do stick this on it.
GPS tracker.
Wifey thinks hubby's screwing around on her but she wants to be sure? Stick this on the car-- This part here, it's a magnet.
--and see where he goes.
Cool, huh? Two eighty-nine from SkyMall.
lt's not live-view, so we gotta come back later and take it off and stick it in the computer.
Still, a pretty amazing time we're living in.
Hank, isn't that illegal? l mean, isn't there some sort of unlawful search and something-- lt's known as extralegal.
But trust me, it's our little secret.
Look, it's easy, okay? Here's what you do.
You untie your shoelace and you head toward the restaurant.
You're walking past the car look down and, "Hey, darn, my shoe's untied.
" Okay? Now, when you bend down to tie your shoe you stick this into the wheel well.
-Then you go inside and l don't know-- -Hank, l don't feel good about this.
l know that this kind of thing is outside your comfort zone-- No, l mean it.
This is a mistake.
Walt, l need you to help me out here, okay? This is really important to me.
Are you gonna make me beg? Come on.
Just stick it in there.
Just act normal.
May l help you? l-- l-- Sir, may l help you? l didn't do it.
See? -l didn't do it.
-Do it.
Do it.
May l help you with your order? What the hell is he? Just made sure it was secure.
Hey, where's my soda? Just kidding.
Let's go.
Let's go.
Yes, that one.
l swear to God, l thought l was driving the man to a gem and mineral show.
All of a sudden he has me pulling into your restaurant and telling me that he's investigating you.
Look, you and l, we've had our differences but l would never-- Look, my brother-in-law, evidence-wise, has nothing.
He's operating on pure conjecture.
And no one, not one person that he works with thinks that you are anyone other than an owner of a fast-food chain.
But if something were to happen to Hank? That would only draw their attention to you and therefore, to me, as well.
We have a mutual interest in resolving this without violence.
l will make sure that he discovers nothing.
Jesse! What? Oh, hey.
Don't wait to be, like, invited.
Are we alone? -So where do we stand? -Where do we stand on what? Where do we stand with the thing that you were supposed to do? l assume you haven't done it.
You didn't lose it, did you? You would tell me if you lost it, right? Oh, Jesus.
You're creaming to get it done, go do it yourself.
lf he didn't see me coming like he's some kind of.
All right, look.
Our timetable has advanced.
You have got to make this meeting happen this week.
Tonight, if possible.
Oh, tonight.
What are you, high? My brother-in-law, my DEA agent brother-in-law? He's onto Gus.
Did you hear what l just said? My brother-in-law is onto Gus.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, l got it, your brother-in-law.
Okay, l'm thinking.
So, what if this is like math or algebra? We add a plus douche bag to a minus douche bag and you get, like, zero douche bags.
l've got some math for you.
Hank catching Gus equals Hank catching us.
Hank, he's relentless, all right? He won't quit.
Yeah, well, he's got nothing, is all l can say.
-How would you know that? -Because he's still above ground.
Think a dude like Gus would let your boy anywhere near him? He'll break out his box cutter on his sorry gimp ass.
So you haven't even seen him since that time at the diner? Okay.
All right.
They've got to be figuring that we've talked.
So you need to tell Mike that you are worried about Hank's investigation.
Okay? Hank already knows who you are, by the way.
And besides, you actually did kill Gale, so there's that.
This is all good fodder for you to request a sit-down with Gus so you can discuss what you would say for questioning.
Okay? Now, you just say that you want to be-- No, that you need to be able to be properly coached.
Then, when you're near him you put this to use.
Mike's just gonna tell me to shut my mouth if l get busted.
-He ain't gonna set up no meeting.
-Well, then insist on it, damn it! Act panicked.
Gus' ass is on the line.
He'll meet with you if he thinks you're a liability.
He will waste me if he thinks l'm a liability.
You know what? Whatever, man.
l'm gonna take a piss.
l think you got a phone call.
Anything important? -Yes? -l did some digging around.
-And? -Neither the DEA nor the APD considers you a person of interest.
Schrader is looking into you totally on his lonesome.
-A voice in the wilderness.
-Does he have resources? Just him, his credit card and his chauffeur Walter.
He'd be committing career suicide if he were to mention you to Merkert again.
-No warrant for that tracking device? -No.
The guy has gone totally maverick.
He's Miss Daisy with binoculars.
We watch our backs, we don't throw him any bones.
He'll never make a case.
-What about Chile? -lf l can't find any trace before '89 l seriously doubt Schrader can.
Seems to me the bigger problem is the cartel.
Now, we can handle them if that's all we've got on our plate.
But dealing with both Schrader and the Mexicans at the same time? lf he happens to be watching when they make a move it could be the perfect storm.
Thank you.
l'll be in touch.
I don't know how many grandmas and grandpas we got.
ls there a couple of them in viewing land? Well, it's "The Grandparent's Polka.
" Hello, Hector.
The cartel has given me its ultimatum.
To which l've said no.
DEA Agent Schrader, he's a concern.
He's looking into my past.
ls today the day, Hector? Gustavo, sit down.
You're making me nervous.
lt's a good plan.
Trust yourself.
Everything is going to be okay.
Are you crazy? The boss is gonna rip your balls off! What, you gonna tell? And you? They ain't gonna say nothing.
They like what they see.
You're not going to offer our guests anything? Who says they're guests? lf the boss wants them to drink they drink.
Sothe Chicken Brothers.
l like your restaurant.
Dark meat and white meat? Don't look like no brothers to me.
At last! The master chefs! You two.
That chicken you cook.
l swear, it has got to be the tastiest chicken in all of Mexico.
Thank you, Don Eladio.
lt's a great honor.
Max is the chef.
The compliments are all his.
Gustavo is too modest.
There'd be no restaurant without him.
Well, however you two do it, keep it up.
Your chicken, it's sozesty.
But it does not taste like a Mexican style.
lt's a recipe l learned in Chile which l've modified a bit for the Mexican palate.
l bet we like a little more chili than you Chileans.
We Mexicans like a good hard kick! Soif your partner is the chef then who are you? Don't tell me you are just the taster! l handle the business operations.
Gustavo is a brilliant businessman.
Es el businessman.
Good, good.
But tell me something.
That chicken, so fabulous so excellent.
Besides that, what else do you have on your menu? We have several side dishes.
Sometimes we prepare a carnitas entrée if we come across fresh beef in the market.
Anything else? Come on, be honest.
There is nothing else you offer? A little taste of something else? Something on the side? Because when l send my men to your restaurant they come back with more than just chicken.
They come back with drugs.
Regresan high.
You are selling them narcotics.
With all due respect, Don Eladio.
l didn't sell it to them.
l gave them samples.
Some businessman.
l gave them samples to give to you.
To introduce you to our product.
Don Eladio, Gustavo meant no offense.
But hethat is to say we could think of no other way to get your attention.
We want to work with you, Don Eladio.
l know all about methamphetamine.
That's poor man's cocaine.
Only bikers and hillbillies use it.
There's no money in it.
May l, Don Eladio.
l am a biochemist by training.
The methamphetamine we make is much superior to the so-called biker crank you know of.
lt is crystallized, like glass.
And the chirality of the molecule its very structure, is different.
The narcotic effect is far more potent.
This product is the drug of the future.
lt'll triple your profits.
Perhaps quadruple.
They're not only good cooks they're great at shoveling manure.
Right now, you deal almost exclusively with cocaine.
But the coca plant can't grow in Mexico.
You are no more than middlemen for the Colombians.
They cut you a percentage for smuggling across the border.
But the lion's share of the profits goes to them despite your assumption of all the risk.
This new crystal methamphetamine.
lt's stronger, more addictive than cocaine which means it will move in higher volume.
But most importantly, it's completely artificial.
We can show you how to manufacture it right here in Mexico.
And you keep all the profits.
My men do like your product.
Hector, what is wrong with you? Why did you not get glasses for our guests? Go on.
You are quite the talent.
l bet you learned cooking from your mama.
lsn't that true? Butwhat about the chemistry? l studied at the University of Santiago.
Gustavo paid for my education.
Oh, really? l have degrees in both biochemistry and chemical engineering.
With minimal capital investment we can set up a factory-grade laboratory for you.
Train your own people to manufacture large quantities of highly pure methamphetamine.
Fantastic! Tell me one thing, though.
lf you're the cook.
Why do l need him? Señor? You.
Why should l negotiate with someone who doesn't respect me? Who insults me by dealing under my nose without my permission? Who manipulates me into a meeting in front of my own men? What do l need you for? Don Eladio.
l didn't sell anything.
l apologize if you are offended by my method of obtaining this meeting.
l merely took the initiative.
l meant no insult.
Don Eladio, Gustavo didn't mean to offend.
l know Gustavo like a brother.
He's an honorable man.
The most loyal man l have ever known.
He rescued me from the Santiago slums.
He made me the man l am today! Gustavo is a genius.
He will make you millions! Just find it in your heart to forgive him this one small mistake.
Please He's my partner.
l need him! l swear to God! Look at him.
You did this to him.
Now, look at him.
Listen to me.
The only reason you are alive and he is not is because l know who you are.
But understand.
You are not in Chile anymore.
My advice.
Stick to chicken.
Look at me, Hector.
Look at me.
Maybe next time.

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